//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::render1DNoiseStrip (float x, float y, float width, float height, float dt, float *data){ float now = ofGetElapsedTimef(); ofPushMatrix(); ofDisableSmoothing(); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); ofTranslate(x, y, 0); // Yes, this is a drop shadow ofFill(); ofSetColor(0,0,0, 10); ofRect(0,0, width+4, height+2); ofRect(0,0, width+2, height+4); // Draw a white box underneath the strip ofFill(); ofSetColor(255,255,255); ofRect(0,0, width, height); // Draw a filled gray noise terrain. ofEnableSmoothing(); ofFill(); ofSetColor(190); ofBeginShape(); ofVertex(width, height); for (int i=0; i<NOISE_DATA_STRIP_LENGTH; i++){ float px = ofMap(i, 0,(NOISE_DATA_STRIP_LENGTH-1), width,0); float py = height * data[i]; ofVertex(px,py); } ofVertex(0, height); ofEndShape(true); // Draw the black line of the noise waveform ofNoFill(); ofSetColor(0,0,0); ofBeginShape(); for (int i=0; i<NOISE_DATA_STRIP_LENGTH; i++){ float px = ofMap(i, 0,(NOISE_DATA_STRIP_LENGTH-1), width,0); float py = height * data[i]; ofVertex(px,py); } ofEndShape(false); // Draw a box outline on top, around everything ofDisableSmoothing(); ofNoFill(); ofSetColor(0,0,0); ofRect(0,0, width, height); // Draw the dt noise-step factor if (dt > 0){ ofSetColor(0,0,0); string label = ofToString(dt); ofDrawBitmapString(label, -46, height/2+6); } ofPopMatrix(); }
void ofTurtle::draw(int _x, int _y) { int ppi=pixPerInch; ofPoint wheel(.25*ppi,(2+3/8)*ppi); ofPoint rWheel(1.125*ppi,1.875*ppi); ofRectangle body(-3.25*ppi/2,-wheel.y/2,ppi*3.25,ppi*4.5); //int body=w-whlWid*2; //int leng=h; ofEnableSmoothing(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<lines.size()-1&&lines.size()>1; i++) { ofSetLineWidth(2); ofLine(lines[i].x, lines[i].y, lines[i+1].x, lines[i+1].y); } ofDisableSmoothing(); ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(pos.x, pos.y, 0); ofRotate(360-bearing.absoluteAngle()); ofEnableSmoothing(); ofSetColor(black.opacity(128)); ofRect(body.x,body.y,body.width,body.height); ofSetColor(white); ofNoFill(); ofRect(body.x,body.y,body.width,body.height); ofFill(); ofSetColor(black); ofRect(body.x-ppi*3/8, body.y, wheel.x, wheel.y); ofRect(body.x+body.width+ppi*3/32, body.y, wheel.x, wheel.y); /*ofSetColor(white*.8); ofRect(body.x+(body.width-ppi*1.375)/2, body.y+body.height, 1.375*ppi, .25*ppi); ofRect(body.x+(body.width-ppi*1.375)/2+1.125*ppi, body.y+body.height, .25*ppi,1.375*ppi); ofSetColor(white*.5); ofRect(body.x+(body.width-ppi*1.375)/2+.125*ppi, body.y+body.height+.5*ppi, .875*ppi, 1.5*ppi); ofSetColor(orange); ofRect(body.x+(body.width-ppi*1.375)/2+.125*ppi, body.y+body.height+.50625*ppi, .375*ppi, .4375*ppi); ofRect(body.x+(body.width-ppi*1.375)/2+.125*ppi, body.y+body.height+(2.-.4375)*ppi, .375*ppi, .4375*ppi); ofRect(body.x+(body.width-ppi*1.375)/2+(1-.375)*ppi, body.y+body.height+(.5+(1.5-.4375)/2)*ppi, .375*ppi, .4375*ppi);*/ ofPopMatrix(); ofDisableSmoothing(); if(!frontIsClear(frontCheckDist)) ofSetColor(255, 0, 0); else ofSetColor(0, 255, 0); ofPoint ps = pointAlongBearing(frontCheckDist+wheel.y/2); ofCircle(ps.x, ps.y, 5); if(!leftIsClear(leftCheckDist)) ofSetColor(255, 0, 0); else ofSetColor(0, 255, 0); ps = pos+bearing.ortho().unit()*w/2-bearing.unit()*w/2+bearing.unit().rotate(270)*leftCheckDist; ofCircle(ps.x, ps.y, 5); for (unsigned int i=0; i<bdy.size(); i++) { ofSetColor(yellow); ofVector t=bdy[i]; ofLine(pos, pos+t.rotate(360-bearing.absoluteAngle())); } }
void testApp :: drawSpeachBubbles () { for( int i=0; i<bubbles.size(); i++ ) { SpeachBubble& bubble = bubbles[ i ]; //-- black outline. ofSetColor( 0x000000 ); ofSetLineWidth( 3 ); ofNoFill(); ofEnableSmoothing(); bubble.drawBubble(); bubble.drawPoint(); ofDisableSmoothing(); //-- white fill. ofFill(); ofSetColor( 0xFFFFFF ); bubble.drawBubble(); bubble.drawPoint(); //-- white smaller border. ofSetColor( 0xFFFFFF ); ofSetLineWidth( 1 ); ofNoFill(); ofEnableSmoothing(); bubble.drawBubble(); bubble.drawPoint(); ofDisableSmoothing(); //-- text. ofSetColor( 0x000000 ); ofSetLineWidth( 1 ); ofFill(); bubble.drawText(); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------ void splashNav::draw() { ofBackground(0, 0, 0); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); ofSetColor(190, 190, 190, 255); layerOne->draw(splashPageOne.pos.x, splashPageOne.pos.y); layerTwoA->draw(splashPageTwo.pos.x, splashPageTwo.pos.y); layerTwoB->draw(locationB.x, locationB.y); layerTwoC->draw(locationC.x, locationC.y); layerTwoD->draw(locationD.x, locationD.y); layerTwoE->draw(locationE.x, locationE.y); layerTwoF->draw(locationF.x, locationF.y); ofEnableSmoothing(); ofNoFill(); ofCircle(storyZeroActive->x, storyZeroActive->y, 8.0); ofCircle(storyOneActive->x, storyOneActive->y, 8.0); ofCircle(storyTwoActive->x, storyTwoActive->y, 8.0); ofCircle(storyThreeActive->x, storyThreeActive->y, 8.0); ofCircle(storyFourActive->x, storyFourActive->y, 8.0); ofCircle(storyFiveActive->x, storyFiveActive->y, 8.0); ofFill(); ofCircle(storyAction->x, storyAction->y, 8.0); ofDisableSmoothing(); ofDisableAlphaBlending(); }
void Subdivision::draw(DrawStrategy drawStrategy) { update(); ofSetCircleResolution(*circleResolution); ofEnableSmoothing(); if (generation == 0) { if (drawStrategy == RECTS) { drawRect(); } else if (drawStrategy == DIAMONDS) { drawDiamond(); } else if (drawStrategy == CIRCLES) { drawCircle(); } } else { child1->draw(drawStrategy); child2->draw(drawStrategy); } ofDisableSmoothing(); }
void Boid::draw() { ofEnableSmoothing(); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); //ofSetColor(255, 0, 0, 100); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); img.draw(0, 0, 200, 200); glPopMatrix(); //ofSetLineWidth(3); float arrow_len = 30; ofxVec3f arrow_end = pos +(vel.normalized() * arrow_len); //ofFill(); //ofEnableSmoothing(); ofLine(pos.x, pos.y, arrow_end.x, arrow_end.y); ofCircle(arrow_end.x, arrow_end.y, 3); ofCircle(pos.x, pos.y, 10); //ofSetLineWidth(20); //ofCircle(pos.x, pos.y, 10); //ofSetColor(0x00); //ofSetLineWidth(3); //ofCircle(pos.x, pos.y, 12); glDisable(GL_BLEND); ofDisableAlphaBlending(); ofDisableSmoothing(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::keyPressed(int key){ if (key == 101){ // if 'e' pressed, export points for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++){ ofLogNotice() << points.at(i); } } else if (key == 99){ // 'c' to generate new colors generateColors(); } else if (key == 357) { // 'up' to move hue clockwise myHue++; ofLogNotice() << myHue; generateColors(); } else if (key == 359) { // 'down' to move hue counterclockwise myHue--; ofLogNotice() << myHue; generateColors(); } else if ( key == 97){ // 'a' to check smoothing disabled ofDisableSmoothing(); } else if (key == 115){ // 's' save pdf saveScreen = true; } else { ofLogNotice() << key; } }
void SingleBrush::selfSetup(){ ofSetCircleResolution(36); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); ofDisableSmoothing(); ofSetFullscreen(true); video.initGrabber(640, 480); colorAddShader.loadFrag(getDataPath()+"shaders/colorAdd.frag"); noiseShader.loadFrag(getDataPath()+"shaders/noise.frag"); absorveShader.loadFrag(getDataPath()+"shaders/absorve.frag"); displaceShader.loadFrag(getDataPath()+"shaders/displace.frag"); edge.loadFrag(getDataPath()+"shaders/edge.frag"); ofDisableArbTex(); ofLoadImage(brushTexture, getDataPath()+"brush.png"); ofEnableArbTex(); int width = ofGetScreenWidth(); int height = ofGetScreenHeight(); colorAdded.allocate(width,height); water.allocate(width, height,GL_RGB); flow.allocate(width, height); noise.allocate(width,height); canvas.allocate(width, height); edgeFbo.allocate(640, 480); bColorSample = true; color.set(0); }
void boid::draw() { ofEnableSmoothing(); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); glPopMatrix(); ofSetLineWidth(2); ofSetColor(red,green,blue,100); // ofCircle(pos.x,pos.y, radius); ofFill(); ofEnableSmoothing(); ofSetColor(red,green,blue,100); ofSetLineWidth(3); //ofCircle(pos.x, pos.y, 6*pos.z*0.015); ofCircle(pos.x, pos.y,radius); ofDisableSmoothing(); }
void ofApp::setup(){ ofSetFrameRate(target_fps); ofSetVerticalSync(true); //ofSetWindowShape(1920, 1080); ofSetWindowPosition(0, 0); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); ofDisableAntiAliasing(); ofDisableSmoothing(); ofSetOrientation( OF_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT ); bStart = true; bLog = true; // sound int nCh = 1; int sampleRate = 48000; int bufferSizeTry = bufferSize = 2048; currentSamplePos = 0; prevSamplePos = 0; sound_stream.setup(this, 0, nCh, sampleRate, bufferSizeTry, 4); // visual int w = ofGetWindowWidth(); int h = ofGetWindowHeight(); bHandy = w<h; float longside = bHandy ? h:w; float shortside = bHandy ? w:h; canvas.set(0, 0, longside, shortside); track_len = longside * 0.9f; track_offset = longside * 0.05; start_point.x = track_offset; start_point.y = shortside/2; indicator.set(0, 0); bNeedSaveImg = false; ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_VERBOSE); #ifdef USE_GRABBER // video grbW = 360; grbH = 240; grabber.listDevices(); grabber.setDeviceID(1); grabber.setUseTexture(false); grabber.setPixelFormat( OF_PIXELS_RGB ); grabber.setDesiredFrameRate( target_fps ); grabber.setPixelFormat(OF_PIXELS_MONO); grabber.setup( grbW, grbH ); colorImg.allocate( grbW, grbH ); grayImg.allocate( grbW, grbH ); #endif }
//---------------------------------------------------- void ofxSimpleSlider::draw(ofEventArgs& event){ ofPushStyle(); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); ofDisableSmoothing(); ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(x,y,0); // Use different alphas if we're actively maniupulating me. float sliderAlpha = (bHasFocus) ? 128:64; float spineAlpha = (bHasFocus) ? 192:128; float thumbAlpha = (bHasFocus) ? 255:160; // draw box outline ofNoFill(); ofSetLineWidth(1.0); ofSetColor(64,64,64, sliderAlpha); ofRect(0,0, width,height); // draw spine ofSetLineWidth(1.0); ofSetColor(0,0,0, spineAlpha); if (bVertical){ ofLine(width/2,0, width/2,height); } else { ofLine(0,height/2, width,height/2); } // draw thumb ofSetLineWidth(5.0); ofSetColor(0,0,0, thumbAlpha); if (bVertical){ float thumbY = ofMap(percent, 0,1, height,0, true); ofLine(0,thumbY, width,thumbY); } else { float thumbX = ofMap(percent, 0,1, 0,width, true); ofLine(thumbX,0, thumbX,height); } // draw numeric value if (bHasFocus){ ofSetColor(0); } else { ofSetColor(128); } if (bVertical){ ofDrawBitmapString( ofToString(getValue(),numberDisplayPrecision), width+5,height); } else { ofDrawBitmapString( ofToString(getValue(),numberDisplayPrecision), width+5,height/2 + 4); //DRAW ABOVE USE TYPE float labelStringWidth = labelString.size(); //ofDrawBitmapString( labelString, 0-labelStringWidth*8-5, height/2 + 4); ofDrawBitmapString(labelString, 0 , height+10); } ofPopMatrix(); ofPopStyle(); }
void ofApp::setupVisual(){ cout << "setting up Visual" << endl; ofSetFrameRate(60); ofSetVerticalSync(true); ofSetCircleResolution(10); ofDisableAlphaBlending(); ofEnableAntiAliasing(); ofDisableSmoothing(); }
void Peg::draw(){ if(!isBody()) return; ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(getPosition().x, getPosition().y, 0); ofRotate(getRotation(), 0, 0, 1); //ofCircle(0, 0, getRadius()); ofNoFill(); ofEnableSmoothing(); ofSetLineWidth(2); ofCircle(0, 0, getRadius()); ofDisableSmoothing(); ofFill(); ofPushStyle(); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); if(hl_alpha > 0){ ofSetColor(highlight_color, hl_alpha); ofCircle(0, 0, getRadius()); ofNoFill(); ofEnableSmoothing(); ofCircle(0, 0, getRadius()+(255-hl_alpha)/2); ofDisableSmoothing(); ofFill(); hl_alpha-=5; } if(isSleeping()) { ofSetColor(255, 100); ofCircle(0, 0, getRadius()); } ofPopStyle(); ofPopMatrix(); }
//---------------------------------------------------------- //Resets openGL parameters back to OF defaults void ofGLRenderer::setupGraphicDefaults(){ glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); ofDisableSmoothing(); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); background(200, 200, 200); }
void Blobs02 :: drawBox2d () { ofSetColor( 255, 255, 255 ); ofFill(); // fill drawBlobs(); ofEnableSmoothing(); // lines smoothed. ofNoFill(); drawBlobs(); ofDisableSmoothing(); for( int i=0; i<blobs.size(); i++ ) { if( bDrawNodes ) { for( int j=0; j<blobs[ i ].nodes.size(); j++) { blobs[ i ].nodes[ j ].draw(); } } if( bDrawJoints ) { for( int j=0; j<blobs[ i ].nodeJoints.size(); j++) { blobs[ i ].nodeJoints[ j ].draw(); } } } ofSetColor( 30, 30, 30 ); ofFill(); // ball fill drawBalls(); ofEnableSmoothing(); // ball lines smoothed. ofNoFill(); drawBalls(); ofDisableSmoothing(); }
void FFTColor::draw(){ for (int i = 0; i < fft_size/3; i++) { magnitudeLow += powf(((testApp*)ofGetAppPtr())->magnitude[i], 0.25); } for (int i = fft_size/3; i < fft_size/3 * 2; i++) { magnitudeMid += powf(((testApp*)ofGetAppPtr())->magnitude[i], 0.25); } for (int i = fft_size/3 * 2; i < fft_size; i++) { magnitudeHigh += powf(((testApp*)ofGetAppPtr())->magnitude[i], 0.25); } float scale = 0.25; ofTranslate(-ofGetWidth()/2, -ofGetHeight()/2); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); //glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); ofEnableBlendMode(OF_BLENDMODE_ALPHA); for (int j = 0; j < ofGetHeight(); j += 40) { for (int i = 0; i < ofGetWidth(); i += 40) { ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(i, j, 0); float add = (((testApp*)ofGetAppPtr())->avg_power); float force = stiffness * -rot[i] + add; float acceleration = force / mass; vec[i] = damping * (vec[i] + acceleration); rot[i] += vec[i]; //ofRotateX(rot[i]); ofRotateX(rot[i] + i * 0.15); ofRotateY(rot[i]*1.5 + j * 0.15); //ofRotateY(rot[i]*(0.2 + i / 500.0)); //ofRotateZ(rot[j]*(0.3 + j / 500.0)); ofSetColor(magnitudeLow * scale, magnitudeMid * scale, magnitudeHigh * scale); ofBox(0, 0, 0, 30 + add * 0.8); if (add > 0) { ofNoFill(); ofEnableSmoothing(); ofSetLineWidth(2); //ofSetColor(63, 63, 63); ofSetColor(magnitudeLow * scale * 1.5, magnitudeMid * scale * 1.5, magnitudeHigh * scale * 1.5); ofBox(0, 0, 0, 30 + add * 2.0); ofFill(); ofSetLineWidth(1); ofDisableSmoothing(); } ofPopMatrix(); } } glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); //glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); ofEnableBlendMode(OF_BLENDMODE_ADD); }
void SchQ_Particle_System :: draw(){ quad_tree.draw(); // Draw the Qtree ofEnableSmoothing(); for (vector<Spring>::iterator i = springs.begin(); i != springs.end(); i++) { // Draw the springs Vec2D<double> p0 = i->a->get_position(), p1 = i->b->get_position(); ofSetColor(0); ofSetLineWidth(2); ofLine(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y); } for (vector<SchQ_Particle*>::iterator i = particles.begin(); i != particles.end(); i++) // Draw the particles (*i)->draw(); ofDisableSmoothing(); }
void testApp :: drawCirclePacker () { ofFill(); circlePacker.draw(); if( !bSmooth ) return; ofNoFill(); ofEnableSmoothing(); circlePacker.draw(); ofDisableSmoothing(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::draw(){ ofBackground(0); if (bTrails){ fbo.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++){ ofSetColor(0); particles[i]->draw(); } fbo.end(); ofSetColor(255); fbo.draw(0, 0); if (bPrintScreen){ ofSaveScreen("screenshot-"+ofGetTimestampString()+".png"); bPrintScreen = false; } } if (bPrintScreen){ ofBeginSaveScreenAsPDF("screenshot-"+ofGetTimestampString()+".pdf", false); } for (int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++){ ofSetColor(0); particles[i]->draw(); } if (bPrintScreen){ ofEndSaveScreenAsPDF(); bPrintScreen = false; } if (bDrawField){ ofSetColor(255,100); normals.draw(0,0,ofGetWidth(),ofGetHeight()); ofDisableSmoothing(); ofSetColor(100); VF.draw(); ofEnableSmoothing(); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::draw(){ ofSetColor(127, 127, 127, 200); ofNoFill(); ofEnableSmoothing(); ofBeginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++){ ofCurveVertex(particles[i].pos.x, particles[i].pos.y); } ofEndShape(); ofDisableSmoothing(); ofSetColor(255, 255, 255); ofFill(); for (int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++){ pimg.draw(particles[i].pos.x - 16, particles[i].pos.y - 16); } }
void testApp :: draw() { ofBackground( 20, 20, 20 ); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); if( smoothing ) ofEnableSmoothing(); else ofDisableSmoothing(); glBlendFunc( blendModes[ blendModeIndex * 2 + 0 ], blendModes[ blendModeIndex * 2 + 1 ] ); tileSaver.begin(); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef( renderArea.x, renderArea.y, 0 ); // drawSquareNoise( &fields[ 0 ] ); // drawTraingleStatic(); // drawTriangleNoise( &fields[ 0 ] ); for( int i=0; i<fieldsTotal; i++ ) drawTriangleNoise( &fields[ i ] ); // for( int i=0; i<fieldsTotal; i++ ) // drawTriangleVideo( &fields[ i ] ); // tfVideo.draw(); glPopMatrix(); tileSaver.end(); if( tileSaver.bGoTiling ) return; if( screenGrabUtil.isRecording() ) screenGrabUtil.save(); glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ZERO ); gui.draw(); if( showDebug ) drawDebug(); }
void ofApp::setup() { //ofDisableArbTex(); //ofEnableArbTex(); ofSetFullscreen(true); ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_SILENT); // ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_ERROR); // ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_VERBOSE); ofSetVerticalSync(true); ofBackground(30); ofDisableSmoothing(); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); ofRegisterURLNotification(this); ofSetCircleResolution(10); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); isKinectAttached = true; gui.setup(); if (isKinectAttached) kinectManager.init(); resourceManager.init(); sceneManager.init(&kinectManager, &resourceManager); sceneManager.cloudTagMan.buildCloudTags(); sceneManager.cloudTagMan.updateTags(); isFirstFrame = false; isPaused = false; frameRate = targetframeRate; ofSetFrameRate(frameRate); #ifdef CHINESE_CELL isLoadingXml = false; isNewIndexXml = false; isNewTagDataXml = false; ofRegisterURLNotification(this); timesLoaded = 0; isFirstIndexLoad = true; #endif }
void MouseCircleFollow::draw(){ float trans; int transInt; int blueRed = 108; int blueGreen = 203; int blueBlue = 218; int orangeRed = 255; int orangeGreen = 110; int orangeBlue = 25; int gridWhite = 235; // draw grid ofDisableSmoothing(); ofSetLineWidth(1); ofSetColor(gridWhite, gridWhite, gridWhite); for (int YY= 0; YY < (ofGetScreenHeight()) ; YY += 50 ) { ofLine (0, YY, ofGetScreenWidth() , YY); } for (int XX = 0; XX < (ofGetScreenWidth()) ; XX += 50 ) { ofLine (XX, 0, XX, ofGetScreenHeight() ); } ofSetLineWidth(2); ofEnableSmoothing(); // draw text ofSetColor(orangeRed, orangeGreen, orangeBlue, 222); verdana30.drawString("EKG Measurements", 20, ofGetHeight()-20); // draw line for(int jj = 0; jj<numOfCircles; jj ++) { ofSetColor(blueRed,blueGreen,blueBlue, 255 * (float(jj)/float(numOfCircles)) ); //having BIG problems with the alpha part...usually won't accept transInt variable, will behave strangely with simple integers too (like "10"!) ofLine ((jj-1), yPos[jj-1], (jj), yPos[jj] ); if ( ((jj-ii) > 0) && ( (jj-ii) <= 255) ) { trans = ceil ((250 * ((jj-ii)/200)) ); transInt = int(trans); } else if ( ((jj-ii) >= 0) && ( (jj-ii) <= 50) ) { } else { ofSetColor(blueRed,blueGreen,blueBlue, 255); ofLine ((jj-1), yPos[jj-1], (jj), yPos[jj] ); } } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::draw() { ofBackgroundGradient(ofColor(240),ofColor(210),OF_GRADIENT_BAR); ofSetColor(170); for(int i=0; i<(ofGetWidth()-rightMargin)/speed.getValue(); i++) { ofDrawLine(i*speed.getValue(),120,i*speed.getValue(),ofGetHeight()); if(showPos) ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(i)+"s",i*speed.getValue(),ofGetHeight()-20); else ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(i*speed.getValue(),0)+"p",i*speed.getValue(),ofGetHeight()-20); } ofSetColor(20); ofDrawLine(ofGetWidth()-rightMargin,0,ofGetWidth()-rightMargin,ofGetHeight()); for(int i=0; i<(int)trail.size(); i++) { ofEnableSmoothing(); ofDrawCircle(x,y[i],radius); trail[i].draw(); ofDisableSmoothing(); ofDrawLine(0,60*(i+2),ofGetWidth(),60*(i+2)); float rectY = 60*(i+2); ofDrawRectangle(ofGetWidth()-rightMargin+10,rectY,10,y[i]-rectY); } ofDrawBitmapString("constant",ofGetWidth()-160,60*2-4); ofDrawBitmapString("ofNoise(t)",ofGetWidth()-160,60*3-4); ofDrawBitmapString("ofSignedNoise(t)",ofGetWidth()-160,60*4-4); ofDrawBitmapString("ofRandom(-1,1)",ofGetWidth()-160,60*5-4); ofDrawBitmapString("sin(TWO_PI*t)",ofGetWidth()-160,60*6-4); ofDrawBitmapString("(sin(TWO_PI*t)+1)/2",ofGetWidth()-160,60*7-4); ofDrawBitmapString("modulo(t,1)",ofGetWidth()-160,60*8-4); ofDrawBitmapString("modulo(t,1)*2-1",ofGetWidth()-160,60*9-4); ofDrawBitmapString("fps:" + ofToString(ofGetFrameRate(),0),ofGetWidth()-80,20); ofDrawBitmapString("t:" + ofToString(t,2),ofGetWidth()-80,35); ofDrawBitmapString("x:" + ofToString(x,2),ofGetWidth()-80,50); }
void testApp :: drawShapes () { ofEnableSmoothing(); for( int i=0; i<shapes.size(); i++ ) { // ofFill(); // ofSetColor( 0xFFFFFF ); // // drawShape( shapes[ i ] ); ofNoFill(); ofSetColor( 0xFF0000 ); drawShape( shapes[ i ] ); } ofDisableSmoothing(); }
void ObjLines::draw() { ofEnableSmoothing(); ofSetHexColor(0xFF00FF); int segmentHeight = height / 21; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++){ ofLine(x,y + (i*3),x + width, y + (i*segmentHeight)); } ofDisableSmoothing(); ofSetColor(255,255,255); ofDrawBitmapString("lines", x + 5, y + 15); AbstractObject::draw(); }
void Mitosis::draw(){ if(!isBody()) return; if(picked) return; ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(getPosition().x, getPosition().y, 0); ofRotate(rot, 0, 0, 1); ofSetCircleResolution(10); ofSetColor(120); ofCircle(-10, -5, 5); ofCircle(10, -5, 5); ofCircle(0, 10, 5); ofNoFill(); ofEnableSmoothing(); ofSetLineWidth(2); ofCircle(-10, -5, 5); ofCircle(10, -5, 5); ofCircle(0, 10, 5); ofSetColor(200); ofSetCircleResolution(30); ofCircle(0, 0, getRadius()); ofDisableSmoothing(); ofFill(); ofPushStyle(); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); if(isSleeping()) { ofSetColor(255, 100); ofCircle(0, 0, getRadius()); } ofPopStyle(); ofPopMatrix(); rot+=0.5; if((ofGetElapsedTimeMillis() - created) > lifespan ) dead = true; }
void StSyncopationMonitorColor::drawGrid() { ofDisableSmoothing(); int div1 = app->tidal->max2; int div2 = app->tidal->max2 / 8; ofSetColor(63); for (int i = 0; i < div1; i++) { float x = ofMap(i, 0, div1, 0, width); ofDrawLine(x, 0, x, height); } ofSetColor(191); for (int i = 0; i < div2; i++) { float x = ofMap(i, 0, div2, 0, width); ofDrawLine(x, 0, x, height); } ofSetColor(220); ofNoFill(); ofDrawRectangle(0, 0, width, height); ofFill(); ofEnableSmoothing(); }
void drawingLayer::drawLayer() { ofSetColor(lineColor); ofNoFill(); ofEnableSmoothing(); ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(ofGetWidth()/2, ofGetHeight()/2); if (vertexArray.size() > 0){ for (int j = 0; j < SLICES; j++){ ofPushMatrix(); ofBeginShape(); float r = ofDegToRad(360/SLICES); ofRotate(360/SLICES*j); for (int i = 0; i < vertexArray.size(); i++){ ofCurveVertex(vertexArray[i]); } ofEndShape(); ofPopMatrix(); } ofPushMatrix(); ofScale(-1,1); for (int j = 0; j < SLICES; j++){ ofPushMatrix(); ofBeginShape(); float r = ofDegToRad(360/SLICES); ofRotate(360/SLICES*j); for (int i = 0; i < vertexArray.size(); i++){ ofCurveVertex(vertexArray[i]); } ofEndShape(); ofPopMatrix(); } ofPopMatrix(); } ofPopMatrix(); ofDisableSmoothing(); }
void ofApp::setup(){ int w = ofGetScreenWidth(); int h = ofGetScreenHeight(); ofSetWindowShape(1400, 500); ofSetFullscreen(false); camW = 1720; camH = 1080; cam.setup(camW,camH,0); vid.setDeviceID(0); vid.initGrabber(camW, camH); artk.setup(camW, camH); artk.setThreshold(0); ofDisableSmoothing(); sound.loadSound("shutter.wav"); scale = 0.4; timeInterval = 5; closeSize = 120; }