TimelineBar::Marker *TimelineBar::findMarker(QVector<Marker> &markers, QRectF markerRect, QPointF pos) { QFontMetrics fm(Formatter::PreferredFont()); for(Marker &m : markers) { QRectF r = markerRect; r.setLeft(qMax(m_markerRect.left() + borderWidth * 2, offsetOf(m.eidStart))); r.setRight(qMin(m_markerRect.right() - borderWidth, offsetOf(m.eidEnd + 1))); r.setHeight(fm.height() + borderWidth * 2); if(r.width() <= borderWidth * 2) continue; if(r.contains(pos)) { return &m; } if(!m.children.isEmpty() && m.expanded) { QRectF childRect = r; childRect.setTop(r.bottom() + borderWidth * 2); childRect.setBottom(markerRect.bottom()); Marker *res = findMarker(m.children, childRect, pos); if(res) return res; } } return NULL; }
QVariant CityModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole) { return int(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); } else if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { if (index.row() == index.column()) return 0; int offset = offsetOf(index.row(), index.column()); return distances[offset]; } return QVariant(); }
bool CityModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (index.isValid() && index.row() != index.column() && role == Qt::EditRole) { int offset = offsetOf(index.row(), index.column()); distances[offset] = value.toInt(); QModelIndex transposedIndex = createIndex(index.column(), index.row()); emit dataChanged(index, index); emit dataChanged(transposedIndex, transposedIndex); return true; } return false; }
void Label::bind(uint32_t address, Bytecode* code) { assert(!isBound()); if (code == 0) { code = _code; } assert(code != 0); _bci = address; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _relocations.size(); i++) { uint32_t relocBci = _relocations[i]; int32_t offset = offsetOf(relocBci); assert((int16_t)offset == offset); assert(code->getInt16(relocBci) == 0x1ead); code->setInt16(relocBci, offset); } _relocations.clear(); }
void XDebugHook::onOpcode(PC pc) { auto server = XDEBUG_GLOBAL(Server); if (server == nullptr) { return; } // Likely case is that there was no break command. auto brk = server->getAndClearBreak(); if (LIKELY(brk == nullptr)) { return; } server->log("Request thread received break command"); VMRegAnchor anchor; auto const unit = vmfp()->func()->unit(); auto const line = unit->getLineNumber(unit->offsetOf(pc)); auto const filepath = const_cast<StringData*>(unit->filepath()); auto const transpath = File::TranslatePath(String(filepath)); // XDebugServer::breakpoint will send the response for the command before the // break command, but we first need to send a response for the break command. auto response = xdebug_xml_node_init("response"); server->addXmlns(*response); auto const& cmd_str = brk->getCommandStr(); auto const& trans_id = brk->getTransactionId(); // Manually add status and reason. XDebugServer still thinks we're running // because we haven't run XDebugServer::breakpoint yet. xdebug_xml_add_attribute(response, "status", "break"); xdebug_xml_add_attribute(response, "reason", "ok"); // Ditto with command, XDebugServer is tracking the command before the break. xdebug_xml_add_attribute_dup(response, "command", cmd_str.data()); xdebug_xml_add_attribute_dup(response, "transaction_id", trans_id.data()); delete brk; server->sendMessage(*response); xdebug_xml_node_dtor(response); // Now we can go into a command loop. server->breakpoint(transpath, init_null(), init_null(), line); }
void compileFunction(Symbol functionDefinitionStatement) { if (functionDefinitionStatement.cache<FunctionDefinitionCache>()-> getCompilingFlag()) { // TODO: Give more details about what's being evaluated and how that came to call this spanOf(functionDefinitionStatement).end().throwError( "Function called during its own compilation"); } functionDefinitionStatement.cache<FunctionDefinitionCache>()-> setCompilingFlag(true); _epilogueStack.push(SymbolLabel()); //Symbol type = typeOf(functionDefinitionStatement); //Symbol returnType = type[1].symbol(); //_returnTypeStack.push(returnType); int stackAdjust = offsetOf(functionDefinitionStatement); if (stackAdjust != 0) addAdjustStackPointer(-stackAdjust); _stackOffset = 0; compileStatementSequence(functionDefinitionStatement[4].array()); Symbol type = typeOf(functionDefinitionStatement); Symbol returnType = type[1].symbol(); int returnTypeSize = (sizeOf(returnType) + 3) & -4; int parametersSize = 0; SymbolArray parameterTypes = type[2].array(); for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.count(); ++i) parametersSize += (sizeOf(parameterTypes[i]) + 3) & -4; if (_reachable && returnType.atom() != atomVoid) { // TODO: Give more details about how it got there spanOf(functionDefinitionStatement).end().throwError( "Control reaches end of non-Void function"); } addLabel(_epilogueStack.pop()); addLoadWordFromStackRelativeAddress(returnTypeSize + stackAdjust); addMoveBlock(0, stackAdjust + 4 + parametersSize, 1 + returnTypeSize/4); if (stackAdjust != 0) addAdjustStackPointer(stackAdjust); add(Symbol(atomReturn)); //_returnTypeStack.pop(); functionDefinitionStatement.cache<FunctionDefinitionCache>()->setCompilingFlag(false); functionDefinitionStatement[5].label().setTarget(_firstBasicBlock.target()); }
void throwable_init(ObjectData* throwable) { assertx(is_throwable(throwable)); assertx(throwable_has_expected_props()); auto trace = HHVM_FN(debug_backtrace)(exception_get_trace_options()); cellMove( make_tv<KindOfArray>(trace.detach()), throwable->propVec()[s_traceIdx]); VMRegAnchor _; auto const fp = vmfp(); if (UNLIKELY(!fp)) return; if (UNLIKELY(fp->func()->isBuiltin())) { throwable_init_file_and_line_from_builtin(throwable); } else { assertx(throwable->propVec()[s_fileIdx].m_type == KindOfNull); assertx(throwable->propVec()[s_lineIdx].m_type == KindOfNull); auto const unit = fp->func()->unit(); auto const file = const_cast<StringData*>(unit->filepath()); auto const line = unit->getLineNumber(unit->offsetOf(vmpc())); cellDup(make_tv<KindOfString>(file), throwable->propVec()[s_fileIdx]); cellDup(make_tv<KindOfInt64>(line), throwable->propVec()[s_lineIdx]); } }
void Unit::prettyPrint(std::ostream &out, size_t startOffset, size_t stopOffset) const { std::map<Offset,const Func*> funcMap; for (FuncRange fr(funcs()); !fr.empty();) { const Func* f = fr.popFront(); funcMap[f->base()] = f; } for (PreClassPtrVec::const_iterator it = m_preClasses.begin(); it != m_preClasses.end(); ++it) { Func* const* methods = (*it)->methods(); size_t const numMethods = (*it)->numMethods(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numMethods; ++i) { funcMap[methods[i]->base()] = methods[i]; } } std::map<Offset,const Func*>::const_iterator funcIt = funcMap.lower_bound(startOffset); const uchar* it = &m_bc[startOffset]; int prevLineNum = -1; MetaHandle metaHand; while (it < &m_bc[stopOffset]) { ASSERT(funcIt == funcMap.end() || funcIt->first >= offsetOf(it)); if (funcIt != funcMap.end() && funcIt->first == offsetOf(it)) { out.put('\n'); funcIt->second->prettyPrint(out); ++funcIt; } int lineNum = getLineNumber(offsetOf(it)); if (lineNum != prevLineNum) { out << " // line " << lineNum << std::endl; prevLineNum = lineNum; } out << " " << std::setw(4) << (it - m_bc) << ": "; out << instrToString((Opcode*)it, (Unit*)this); if (metaHand.findMeta(this, offsetOf(it))) { out << " #"; Unit::MetaInfo info; while (metaHand.nextArg(info)) { int arg = info.m_arg & ~MetaInfo::VectorArg; const char *argKind = info.m_arg & MetaInfo::VectorArg ? "M" : ""; switch (info.m_kind) { case Unit::MetaInfo::DataType: out << " i" << argKind << arg << ":t=" << (int)info.m_data; break; case Unit::MetaInfo::String: { const StringData* sd = this->lookupLitstrId(info.m_data); out << " i" << argKind << arg << ":s=" << std::string(sd->data(), sd->size()); break; } case Unit::MetaInfo::Class: { const StringData* sd = this->lookupLitstrId(info.m_data); out << " i" << argKind << arg << ":c=" << sd->data(); break; } case Unit::MetaInfo::NopOut: out << " Nop"; break; case Unit::MetaInfo::GuardedThis: out << " GuardedThis"; break; case Unit::MetaInfo::None: ASSERT(false); break; } } } out << std::endl; it += instrLen((Opcode*)it); } }
Array createBacktrace(const BacktraceArgs& btArgs) { auto bt = Array::Create(); // If there is a parser frame, put it at the beginning of the backtrace. if (btArgs.m_parserFrame) { bt.append( make_map_array( s_file, btArgs.m_parserFrame->filename, s_line, btArgs.m_parserFrame->lineNumber ) ); } VMRegAnchor _; // If there are no VM frames, we're done. if (!rds::header() || !vmfp()) return bt; int depth = 0; ActRec* fp = nullptr; Offset pc = 0; // Get the fp and pc of the top frame (possibly skipping one frame). if (btArgs.m_skipTop) { fp = getPrevActRec(vmfp(), &pc); // We skipped over the only VM frame, we're done. if (!fp) return bt; } else { fp = vmfp(); auto const unit = fp->func()->unit(); assert(unit); pc = unit->offsetOf(vmpc()); } // Handle the top frame. if (btArgs.m_withSelf) { // Builtins don't have a file and line number. if (!fp->func()->isBuiltin()) { auto const unit = fp->func()->unit(); assert(unit); auto const filename = fp->func()->filename(); ArrayInit frame(btArgs.m_parserFrame ? 4 : 2, ArrayInit::Map{}); frame.set(s_file, Variant{const_cast<StringData*>(filename)}); frame.set(s_line, unit->getLineNumber(pc)); if (btArgs.m_parserFrame) { frame.set(s_function, s_include); frame.set(s_args, Array::Create(btArgs.m_parserFrame->filename)); } bt.append(frame.toVariant()); depth++; } } // Handle the subsequent VM frames. Offset prevPc = 0; for (auto prevFp = getPrevActRec(fp, &prevPc); fp != nullptr && (btArgs.m_limit == 0 || depth < btArgs.m_limit); fp = prevFp, pc = prevPc, prevFp = getPrevActRec(fp, &prevPc)) { // Do not capture frame for HPHP only functions. if (fp->func()->isNoInjection()) continue; ArrayInit frame(7, ArrayInit::Map{}); auto const curUnit = fp->func()->unit(); auto const curOp = *reinterpret_cast<const Op*>(curUnit->at(pc)); auto const isReturning = curOp == Op::RetC || curOp == Op::RetV || curOp == Op::CreateCont || curOp == Op::Await || fp->localsDecRefd(); // Builtins and generators don't have a file and line number if (prevFp && !prevFp->func()->isBuiltin()) { auto const prevUnit = prevFp->func()->unit(); auto prevFile = prevUnit->filepath(); if (prevFp->func()->originalFilename()) { prevFile = prevFp->func()->originalFilename(); } assert(prevFile); frame.set(s_file, Variant{const_cast<StringData*>(prevFile)}); // In the normal method case, the "saved pc" for line number printing is // pointing at the cell conversion (Unbox/Pop) instruction, not the call // itself. For multi-line calls, this instruction is associated with the // subsequent line which results in an off-by-n. We're subtracting one // in order to look up the line associated with the FCall/FCallArray // instruction. Exception handling and the other opcodes (ex. BoxR) // already do the right thing. The emitter associates object access with // the subsequent expression and this would be difficult to modify. auto const opAtPrevPc = *reinterpret_cast<const Op*>(prevUnit->at(prevPc)); Offset pcAdjust = 0; if (opAtPrevPc == Op::PopR || opAtPrevPc == Op::UnboxR || opAtPrevPc == Op::UnboxRNop) { pcAdjust = 1; } frame.set(s_line, prevFp->func()->unit()->getLineNumber(prevPc - pcAdjust)); } // Check for include. String funcname{const_cast<StringData*>(fp->func()->name())}; if (fp->func()->isClosureBody()) { // Strip the file hash from the closure name. String fullName{const_cast<StringData*>(fp->func()->baseCls()->name())}; funcname = fullName.substr(0, fullName.find(';')); } // Check for pseudomain. if (funcname.empty()) { if (!prevFp && !btArgs.m_withPseudoMain) continue; else if (!prevFp) funcname = s_main; else funcname = s_include; } frame.set(s_function, funcname); if (!funcname.same(s_include)) { // Closures have an m_this but they aren't in object context. auto ctx = arGetContextClass(fp); if (ctx != nullptr && !fp->func()->isClosureBody()) { frame.set(s_class, Variant{const_cast<StringData*>(ctx->name())}); if (fp->hasThis() && !isReturning) { if (btArgs.m_withThis) { frame.set(s_object, Object(fp->getThis())); } frame.set(s_type, s_arrow); } else { frame.set(s_type, s_double_colon); } } } bool const mayUseVV = fp->func()->attrs() & AttrMayUseVV; auto const withNames = btArgs.m_withArgNames; auto const withValues = btArgs.m_withArgValues; if (!btArgs.m_withArgNames && !btArgs.m_withArgValues) { // do nothing } else if (funcname.same(s_include)) { if (depth != 0) { auto filepath = const_cast<StringData*>(curUnit->filepath()); frame.set(s_args, make_packed_array(filepath)); } } else if (!RuntimeOption::EnableArgsInBacktraces || isReturning) { // Provide an empty 'args' array to be consistent with hphpc. frame.set(s_args, empty_array()); } else { auto args = Array::Create(); auto const nparams = fp->func()->numNonVariadicParams(); auto const nargs = fp->numArgs(); auto const nformals = std::min<int>(nparams, nargs); if (UNLIKELY(mayUseVV) && UNLIKELY(fp->hasVarEnv() && fp->getVarEnv()->getFP() != fp)) { // VarEnv is attached to eval or debugger frame, other than the current // frame. Access locals thru VarEnv. auto varEnv = fp->getVarEnv(); auto func = fp->func(); for (int i = 0; i < nformals; i++) { auto const argname = func->localVarName(i); auto const tv = varEnv->lookup(argname); Variant val; if (tv != nullptr) { // the variable hasn't been unset val = withValues ? tvAsVariant(tv) : ""; } if (withNames) { args.set(String(const_cast<StringData*>(argname)), val); } else { args.append(val); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < nformals; i++) { Variant val = withValues ? tvAsVariant(frame_local(fp, i)) : ""; if (withNames) { auto const argname = fp->func()->localVarName(i); args.set(String(const_cast<StringData*>(argname)), val); } else { args.append(val); } } } // Builtin extra args are not stored in varenv. if (UNLIKELY(mayUseVV) && nargs > nparams && fp->hasExtraArgs()) { for (int i = nparams; i < nargs; i++) { auto arg = fp->getExtraArg(i - nparams); args.append(tvAsVariant(arg)); } } frame.set(s_args, args); } if (btArgs.m_withMetadata && !isReturning) { if (UNLIKELY(mayUseVV) && UNLIKELY(fp->hasVarEnv())) { auto tv = fp->getVarEnv()->lookup(s_86metadata.get()); if (tv != nullptr && tv->m_type != KindOfUninit) { frame.set(s_metadata, tvAsVariant(tv)); } } else { auto local = fp->func()->lookupVarId(s_86metadata.get()); if (local != kInvalidId) { auto tv = frame_local(fp, local); if (tv->m_type != KindOfUninit) { frame.set(s_metadata, tvAsVariant(tv)); } } } } bt.append(frame.toVariant()); depth++; } return bt; }
static void fixFunctionBasedOnStackMaps( State& state, CodeBlock* codeBlock, JITCode* jitCode, GeneratedFunction generatedFunction, StackMaps::RecordMap& recordMap, bool didSeeUnwindInfo) { Graph& graph = state.graph; VM& vm = graph.m_vm; StackMaps stackmaps = jitCode->stackmaps; int localsOffset = offsetOfStackRegion(recordMap, state.capturedStackmapID) + graph.m_nextMachineLocal; int varargsSpillSlotsOffset; if (state.varargsSpillSlotsStackmapID != UINT_MAX) varargsSpillSlotsOffset = offsetOfStackRegion(recordMap, state.varargsSpillSlotsStackmapID); else varargsSpillSlotsOffset = 0; for (unsigned i = graph.m_inlineVariableData.size(); i--;) { InlineCallFrame* inlineCallFrame = graph.m_inlineVariableData[i].inlineCallFrame; if (inlineCallFrame->argumentsRegister.isValid()) inlineCallFrame->argumentsRegister += localsOffset; if (inlineCallFrame->argumentCountRegister.isValid()) inlineCallFrame->argumentCountRegister += localsOffset; for (unsigned argument = inlineCallFrame->arguments.size(); argument-- > 1;) { inlineCallFrame->arguments[argument] = inlineCallFrame->arguments[argument].withLocalsOffset(localsOffset); } if (inlineCallFrame->isClosureCall) { inlineCallFrame->calleeRecovery = inlineCallFrame->calleeRecovery.withLocalsOffset(localsOffset); } } if (codeBlock->usesArguments()) { codeBlock->setArgumentsRegister( VirtualRegister(codeBlock->argumentsRegister().offset() + localsOffset)); } MacroAssembler::Label stackOverflowException; { CCallHelpers checkJIT(&vm, codeBlock); // At this point it's perfectly fair to just blow away all state and restore the // JS JIT view of the universe. checkJIT.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImmPtr(&vm), GPRInfo::argumentGPR0); checkJIT.move(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, GPRInfo::argumentGPR1); MacroAssembler::Call callLookupExceptionHandler = checkJIT.call(); checkJIT.jumpToExceptionHandler(); stackOverflowException = checkJIT.label(); checkJIT.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImmPtr(&vm), GPRInfo::argumentGPR0); checkJIT.move(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, GPRInfo::argumentGPR1); MacroAssembler::Call callLookupExceptionHandlerFromCallerFrame = checkJIT.call(); checkJIT.jumpToExceptionHandler(); auto linkBuffer = std::make_unique<LinkBuffer>( vm, checkJIT, codeBlock, JITCompilationMustSucceed); linkBuffer->link(callLookupExceptionHandler, FunctionPtr(lookupExceptionHandler)); linkBuffer->link(callLookupExceptionHandlerFromCallerFrame, FunctionPtr(lookupExceptionHandlerFromCallerFrame)); state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer = WTF::move(linkBuffer); } ExitThunkGenerator exitThunkGenerator(state); exitThunkGenerator.emitThunks(); if (exitThunkGenerator.didThings()) { RELEASE_ASSERT(state.finalizer->osrExit.size()); RELEASE_ASSERT(didSeeUnwindInfo); auto linkBuffer = std::make_unique<LinkBuffer>( vm, exitThunkGenerator, codeBlock, JITCompilationMustSucceed); RELEASE_ASSERT(state.finalizer->osrExit.size() == state.jitCode->osrExit.size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < state.jitCode->osrExit.size(); ++i) { OSRExitCompilationInfo& info = state.finalizer->osrExit[i]; OSRExit& exit = jitCode->osrExit[i]; if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) dataLog("Handling OSR stackmap #", exit.m_stackmapID, " for ", exit.m_codeOrigin, "\n"); auto iter = recordMap.find(exit.m_stackmapID); if (iter == recordMap.end()) { // It was optimized out. continue; } info.m_thunkAddress = linkBuffer->locationOf(info.m_thunkLabel); exit.m_patchableCodeOffset = linkBuffer->offsetOf(info.m_thunkJump); for (unsigned j = exit.m_values.size(); j--;) { ExitValue value = exit.m_values[j]; if (!value.isInJSStackSomehow()) continue; if (!value.virtualRegister().isLocal()) continue; exit.m_values[j] = value.withVirtualRegister( VirtualRegister(value.virtualRegister().offset() + localsOffset)); } if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) { DumpContext context; dataLog(" Exit values: ", inContext(exit.m_values, &context), "\n"); } } state.finalizer->exitThunksLinkBuffer = WTF::move(linkBuffer); } if (!state.getByIds.isEmpty() || !state.putByIds.isEmpty() || !state.checkIns.isEmpty()) { CCallHelpers slowPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); CCallHelpers::JumpList exceptionTarget; for (unsigned i = state.getByIds.size(); i--;) { GetByIdDescriptor& getById = state.getByIds[i]; if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) dataLog("Handling GetById stackmap #", getById.stackmapID(), "\n"); auto iter = recordMap.find(getById.stackmapID()); if (iter == recordMap.end()) { // It was optimized out. continue; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < iter->value.size(); ++i) { StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i]; RegisterSet usedRegisters = usedRegistersFor(record); GPRReg result = record.locations[0].directGPR(); GPRReg base = record.locations[1].directGPR(); JITGetByIdGenerator gen( codeBlock, getById.codeOrigin(), usedRegisters, JSValueRegs(base), JSValueRegs(result), NeedToSpill); MacroAssembler::Label begin = slowPathJIT.label(); MacroAssembler::Call call = callOperation( state, usedRegisters, slowPathJIT, getById.codeOrigin(), &exceptionTarget, operationGetByIdOptimize, result, gen.stubInfo(), base, getById.uid()); gen.reportSlowPathCall(begin, call); getById.m_slowPathDone.append(slowPathJIT.jump()); getById.m_generators.append(gen); } } for (unsigned i = state.putByIds.size(); i--;) { PutByIdDescriptor& putById = state.putByIds[i]; if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) dataLog("Handling PutById stackmap #", putById.stackmapID(), "\n"); auto iter = recordMap.find(putById.stackmapID()); if (iter == recordMap.end()) { // It was optimized out. continue; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < iter->value.size(); ++i) { StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i]; RegisterSet usedRegisters = usedRegistersFor(record); GPRReg base = record.locations[0].directGPR(); GPRReg value = record.locations[1].directGPR(); JITPutByIdGenerator gen( codeBlock, putById.codeOrigin(), usedRegisters, JSValueRegs(base), JSValueRegs(value), GPRInfo::patchpointScratchRegister, NeedToSpill, putById.ecmaMode(), putById.putKind()); MacroAssembler::Label begin = slowPathJIT.label(); MacroAssembler::Call call = callOperation( state, usedRegisters, slowPathJIT, putById.codeOrigin(), &exceptionTarget, gen.slowPathFunction(), gen.stubInfo(), value, base, putById.uid()); gen.reportSlowPathCall(begin, call); putById.m_slowPathDone.append(slowPathJIT.jump()); putById.m_generators.append(gen); } } for (unsigned i = state.checkIns.size(); i--;) { CheckInDescriptor& checkIn = state.checkIns[i]; if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) dataLog("Handling checkIn stackmap #", checkIn.stackmapID(), "\n"); auto iter = recordMap.find(checkIn.stackmapID()); if (iter == recordMap.end()) { // It was optimized out. continue; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < iter->value.size(); ++i) { StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i]; RegisterSet usedRegisters = usedRegistersFor(record); GPRReg result = record.locations[0].directGPR(); GPRReg obj = record.locations[1].directGPR(); StructureStubInfo* stubInfo = codeBlock->addStubInfo(); stubInfo->codeOrigin = checkIn.codeOrigin(); stubInfo->patch.baseGPR = static_cast<int8_t>(obj); stubInfo->patch.valueGPR = static_cast<int8_t>(result); stubInfo->patch.usedRegisters = usedRegisters; stubInfo->patch.spillMode = NeedToSpill; MacroAssembler::Label begin = slowPathJIT.label(); MacroAssembler::Call slowCall = callOperation( state, usedRegisters, slowPathJIT, checkIn.codeOrigin(), &exceptionTarget, operationInOptimize, result, stubInfo, obj, checkIn.m_id); checkIn.m_slowPathDone.append(slowPathJIT.jump()); checkIn.m_generators.append(CheckInGenerator(stubInfo, slowCall, begin)); } } exceptionTarget.link(&slowPathJIT); MacroAssembler::Jump exceptionJump = slowPathJIT.jump(); state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer = std::make_unique<LinkBuffer>(vm, slowPathJIT, codeBlock, JITCompilationMustSucceed); state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->link( exceptionJump, state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->entrypoint()); for (unsigned i = state.getByIds.size(); i--;) { generateICFastPath( state, codeBlock, generatedFunction, recordMap, state.getByIds[i], sizeOfGetById()); } for (unsigned i = state.putByIds.size(); i--;) { generateICFastPath( state, codeBlock, generatedFunction, recordMap, state.putByIds[i], sizeOfPutById()); } for (unsigned i = state.checkIns.size(); i--;) { generateCheckInICFastPath( state, codeBlock, generatedFunction, recordMap, state.checkIns[i], sizeOfIn()); } } adjustCallICsForStackmaps(state.jsCalls, recordMap); for (unsigned i = state.jsCalls.size(); i--;) { JSCall& call = state.jsCalls[i]; CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); call.emit(fastPathJIT); char* startOfIC = bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + call.m_instructionOffset; LinkBuffer linkBuffer(vm, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfCall()); if (!linkBuffer.isValid()) { dataLog("Failed to insert inline cache for call because we thought the size would be ", sizeOfCall(), " but it ended up being ", fastPathJIT.m_assembler.codeSize(), " prior to compaction.\n"); RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } MacroAssembler::AssemblerType_T::fillNops( startOfIC + linkBuffer.size(), sizeOfCall() - linkBuffer.size()); call.link(vm, linkBuffer); } adjustCallICsForStackmaps(state.jsCallVarargses, recordMap); for (unsigned i = state.jsCallVarargses.size(); i--;) { JSCallVarargs& call = state.jsCallVarargses[i]; CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); call.emit(fastPathJIT, graph, varargsSpillSlotsOffset); char* startOfIC = bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + call.m_instructionOffset; size_t sizeOfIC = sizeOfICFor(call.node()); LinkBuffer linkBuffer(vm, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfIC); if (!linkBuffer.isValid()) { dataLog("Failed to insert inline cache for varargs call (specifically, ", Graph::opName(call.node()->op()), ") because we thought the size would be ", sizeOfIC, " but it ended up being ", fastPathJIT.m_assembler.codeSize(), " prior to compaction.\n"); RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } MacroAssembler::AssemblerType_T::fillNops( startOfIC + linkBuffer.size(), sizeOfIC - linkBuffer.size()); call.link(vm, linkBuffer, state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->entrypoint()); } RepatchBuffer repatchBuffer(codeBlock); auto iter = recordMap.find(state.handleStackOverflowExceptionStackmapID); // It's sort of remotely possible that we won't have an in-band exception handling // path, for some kinds of functions. if (iter != recordMap.end()) { for (unsigned i = iter->value.size(); i--;) { StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i]; CodeLocationLabel source = CodeLocationLabel( bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset); RELEASE_ASSERT(stackOverflowException.isSet()); repatchBuffer.replaceWithJump(source, state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->locationOf(stackOverflowException)); } } iter = recordMap.find(state.handleExceptionStackmapID); // It's sort of remotely possible that we won't have an in-band exception handling // path, for some kinds of functions. if (iter != recordMap.end()) { for (unsigned i = iter->value.size(); i--;) { StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i]; CodeLocationLabel source = CodeLocationLabel( bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset); repatchBuffer.replaceWithJump(source, state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->entrypoint()); } } for (unsigned exitIndex = 0; exitIndex < jitCode->osrExit.size(); ++exitIndex) { OSRExitCompilationInfo& info = state.finalizer->osrExit[exitIndex]; OSRExit& exit = jitCode->osrExit[exitIndex]; iter = recordMap.find(exit.m_stackmapID); Vector<const void*> codeAddresses; if (iter != recordMap.end()) { for (unsigned i = iter->value.size(); i--;) { StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i]; CodeLocationLabel source = CodeLocationLabel( bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset); codeAddresses.append(bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset + MacroAssembler::maxJumpReplacementSize()); if (info.m_isInvalidationPoint) jitCode->common.jumpReplacements.append(JumpReplacement(source, info.m_thunkAddress)); else repatchBuffer.replaceWithJump(source, info.m_thunkAddress); } } if (graph.compilation()) graph.compilation()->addOSRExitSite(codeAddresses); } }
static void fixFunctionBasedOnStackMaps( State& state, CodeBlock* codeBlock, JITCode* jitCode, GeneratedFunction generatedFunction, StackMaps::RecordMap& recordMap) { Graph& graph = state.graph; VM& vm = graph.m_vm; StackMaps stackmaps = jitCode->stackmaps; int localsOffset = offsetOfStackRegion(recordMap, state.capturedStackmapID) + graph.m_nextMachineLocal; int varargsSpillSlotsOffset = offsetOfStackRegion(recordMap, state.varargsSpillSlotsStackmapID); for (unsigned i = graph.m_inlineVariableData.size(); i--;) { InlineCallFrame* inlineCallFrame = graph.m_inlineVariableData[i].inlineCallFrame; if (inlineCallFrame->argumentCountRegister.isValid()) inlineCallFrame->argumentCountRegister += localsOffset; for (unsigned argument = inlineCallFrame->arguments.size(); argument-- > 1;) { inlineCallFrame->arguments[argument] = inlineCallFrame->arguments[argument].withLocalsOffset(localsOffset); } if (inlineCallFrame->isClosureCall) { inlineCallFrame->calleeRecovery = inlineCallFrame->calleeRecovery.withLocalsOffset(localsOffset); } if (graph.hasDebuggerEnabled()) codeBlock->setScopeRegister(codeBlock->scopeRegister() + localsOffset); } MacroAssembler::Label stackOverflowException; { CCallHelpers checkJIT(&vm, codeBlock); // At this point it's perfectly fair to just blow away all state and restore the // JS JIT view of the universe. checkJIT.copyCalleeSavesToVMCalleeSavesBuffer(); checkJIT.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImmPtr(&vm), GPRInfo::argumentGPR0); checkJIT.move(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, GPRInfo::argumentGPR1); MacroAssembler::Call callLookupExceptionHandler = checkJIT.call(); checkJIT.jumpToExceptionHandler(); stackOverflowException = checkJIT.label(); checkJIT.copyCalleeSavesToVMCalleeSavesBuffer(); checkJIT.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImmPtr(&vm), GPRInfo::argumentGPR0); checkJIT.move(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, GPRInfo::argumentGPR1); MacroAssembler::Call callLookupExceptionHandlerFromCallerFrame = checkJIT.call(); checkJIT.jumpToExceptionHandler(); auto linkBuffer = std::make_unique<LinkBuffer>( vm, checkJIT, codeBlock, JITCompilationCanFail); if (linkBuffer->didFailToAllocate()) { state.allocationFailed = true; return; } linkBuffer->link(callLookupExceptionHandler, FunctionPtr(lookupExceptionHandler)); linkBuffer->link(callLookupExceptionHandlerFromCallerFrame, FunctionPtr(lookupExceptionHandlerFromCallerFrame)); state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer = WTF::move(linkBuffer); } ExitThunkGenerator exitThunkGenerator(state); exitThunkGenerator.emitThunks(); if (exitThunkGenerator.didThings()) { RELEASE_ASSERT(state.finalizer->osrExit.size()); auto linkBuffer = std::make_unique<LinkBuffer>( vm, exitThunkGenerator, codeBlock, JITCompilationCanFail); if (linkBuffer->didFailToAllocate()) { state.allocationFailed = true; return; } RELEASE_ASSERT(state.finalizer->osrExit.size() == state.jitCode->osrExit.size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < state.jitCode->osrExit.size(); ++i) { OSRExitCompilationInfo& info = state.finalizer->osrExit[i]; OSRExit& exit = jitCode->osrExit[i]; if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) dataLog("Handling OSR stackmap #", exit.m_stackmapID, " for ", exit.m_codeOrigin, "\n"); auto iter = recordMap.find(exit.m_stackmapID); if (iter == recordMap.end()) { // It was optimized out. continue; } info.m_thunkAddress = linkBuffer->locationOf(info.m_thunkLabel); exit.m_patchableCodeOffset = linkBuffer->offsetOf(info.m_thunkJump); for (unsigned j = exit.m_values.size(); j--;) exit.m_values[j] = exit.m_values[j].withLocalsOffset(localsOffset); for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : exit.m_materializations) materialization->accountForLocalsOffset(localsOffset); if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) { DumpContext context; dataLog(" Exit values: ", inContext(exit.m_values, &context), "\n"); if (!exit.m_materializations.isEmpty()) { dataLog(" Materializations: \n"); for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : exit.m_materializations) dataLog(" Materialize(", pointerDump(materialization), ")\n"); } } } state.finalizer->exitThunksLinkBuffer = WTF::move(linkBuffer); } if (!state.getByIds.isEmpty() || !state.putByIds.isEmpty() || !state.checkIns.isEmpty()) { CCallHelpers slowPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); CCallHelpers::JumpList exceptionTarget; for (unsigned i = state.getByIds.size(); i--;) { GetByIdDescriptor& getById = state.getByIds[i]; if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) dataLog("Handling GetById stackmap #", getById.stackmapID(), "\n"); auto iter = recordMap.find(getById.stackmapID()); if (iter == recordMap.end()) { // It was optimized out. continue; } CodeOrigin codeOrigin = state.jitCode->common.codeOrigins[getById.callSiteIndex().bits()]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < iter->value.size(); ++i) { StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i]; RegisterSet usedRegisters = usedRegistersFor(record); GPRReg result = record.locations[0].directGPR(); GPRReg base = record.locations[1].directGPR(); JITGetByIdGenerator gen( codeBlock, codeOrigin, getById.callSiteIndex(), usedRegisters, JSValueRegs(base), JSValueRegs(result), NeedToSpill); MacroAssembler::Label begin = slowPathJIT.label(); MacroAssembler::Call call = callOperation( state, usedRegisters, slowPathJIT, codeOrigin, &exceptionTarget, operationGetByIdOptimize, result, gen.stubInfo(), base, getById.uid()); gen.reportSlowPathCall(begin, call); getById.m_slowPathDone.append(slowPathJIT.jump()); getById.m_generators.append(gen); } } for (unsigned i = state.putByIds.size(); i--;) { PutByIdDescriptor& putById = state.putByIds[i]; if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) dataLog("Handling PutById stackmap #", putById.stackmapID(), "\n"); auto iter = recordMap.find(putById.stackmapID()); if (iter == recordMap.end()) { // It was optimized out. continue; } CodeOrigin codeOrigin = state.jitCode->common.codeOrigins[putById.callSiteIndex().bits()]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < iter->value.size(); ++i) { StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i]; RegisterSet usedRegisters = usedRegistersFor(record); GPRReg base = record.locations[0].directGPR(); GPRReg value = record.locations[1].directGPR(); JITPutByIdGenerator gen( codeBlock, codeOrigin, putById.callSiteIndex(), usedRegisters, JSValueRegs(base), JSValueRegs(value), GPRInfo::patchpointScratchRegister, NeedToSpill, putById.ecmaMode(), putById.putKind()); MacroAssembler::Label begin = slowPathJIT.label(); MacroAssembler::Call call = callOperation( state, usedRegisters, slowPathJIT, codeOrigin, &exceptionTarget, gen.slowPathFunction(), gen.stubInfo(), value, base, putById.uid()); gen.reportSlowPathCall(begin, call); putById.m_slowPathDone.append(slowPathJIT.jump()); putById.m_generators.append(gen); } } for (unsigned i = state.checkIns.size(); i--;) { CheckInDescriptor& checkIn = state.checkIns[i]; if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) dataLog("Handling checkIn stackmap #", checkIn.stackmapID(), "\n"); auto iter = recordMap.find(checkIn.stackmapID()); if (iter == recordMap.end()) { // It was optimized out. continue; } CodeOrigin codeOrigin = state.jitCode->common.codeOrigins[checkIn.callSiteIndex().bits()]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < iter->value.size(); ++i) { StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i]; RegisterSet usedRegisters = usedRegistersFor(record); GPRReg result = record.locations[0].directGPR(); GPRReg obj = record.locations[1].directGPR(); StructureStubInfo* stubInfo = codeBlock->addStubInfo(AccessType::In); stubInfo->codeOrigin = codeOrigin; stubInfo->callSiteIndex = checkIn.callSiteIndex(); stubInfo->patch.baseGPR = static_cast<int8_t>(obj); stubInfo->patch.valueGPR = static_cast<int8_t>(result); stubInfo->patch.usedRegisters = usedRegisters; stubInfo->patch.spillMode = NeedToSpill; MacroAssembler::Label begin = slowPathJIT.label(); MacroAssembler::Call slowCall = callOperation( state, usedRegisters, slowPathJIT, codeOrigin, &exceptionTarget, operationInOptimize, result, stubInfo, obj, checkIn.m_uid); checkIn.m_slowPathDone.append(slowPathJIT.jump()); checkIn.m_generators.append(CheckInGenerator(stubInfo, slowCall, begin)); } } exceptionTarget.link(&slowPathJIT); MacroAssembler::Jump exceptionJump = slowPathJIT.jump(); state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer = std::make_unique<LinkBuffer>(vm, slowPathJIT, codeBlock, JITCompilationCanFail); if (state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->didFailToAllocate()) { state.allocationFailed = true; return; } state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->link( exceptionJump, state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->entrypoint()); for (unsigned i = state.getByIds.size(); i--;) { generateICFastPath( state, codeBlock, generatedFunction, recordMap, state.getByIds[i], sizeOfGetById()); } for (unsigned i = state.putByIds.size(); i--;) { generateICFastPath( state, codeBlock, generatedFunction, recordMap, state.putByIds[i], sizeOfPutById()); } for (unsigned i = state.checkIns.size(); i--;) { generateCheckInICFastPath( state, codeBlock, generatedFunction, recordMap, state.checkIns[i], sizeOfIn()); } } adjustCallICsForStackmaps(state.jsCalls, recordMap); for (unsigned i = state.jsCalls.size(); i--;) { JSCall& call = state.jsCalls[i]; CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); call.emit(fastPathJIT, state.jitCode->stackmaps.stackSizeForLocals()); char* startOfIC = bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + call.m_instructionOffset; generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(state, vm, codeBlock, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfCall(), "JSCall inline cache", [&] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer, CCallHelpers&, bool) { call.link(vm, linkBuffer); }); } adjustCallICsForStackmaps(state.jsCallVarargses, recordMap); for (unsigned i = state.jsCallVarargses.size(); i--;) { JSCallVarargs& call = state.jsCallVarargses[i]; CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); call.emit(fastPathJIT, varargsSpillSlotsOffset); char* startOfIC = bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + call.m_instructionOffset; size_t sizeOfIC = sizeOfICFor(call.node()); generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(state, vm, codeBlock, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfIC, "varargs call inline cache", [&] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer, CCallHelpers&, bool) { call.link(vm, linkBuffer, state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->entrypoint()); }); } adjustCallICsForStackmaps(state.jsTailCalls, recordMap); for (unsigned i = state.jsTailCalls.size(); i--;) { JSTailCall& call = state.jsTailCalls[i]; CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); call.emit(*state.jitCode.get(), fastPathJIT); char* startOfIC = bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + call.m_instructionOffset; size_t sizeOfIC = call.estimatedSize(); generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(state, vm, codeBlock, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfIC, "tail call inline cache", [&] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer, CCallHelpers&, bool) { call.link(vm, linkBuffer); }); } auto iter = recordMap.find(state.handleStackOverflowExceptionStackmapID); // It's sort of remotely possible that we won't have an in-band exception handling // path, for some kinds of functions. if (iter != recordMap.end()) { for (unsigned i = iter->value.size(); i--;) { StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i]; CodeLocationLabel source = CodeLocationLabel( bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset); RELEASE_ASSERT(stackOverflowException.isSet()); MacroAssembler::replaceWithJump(source, state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->locationOf(stackOverflowException)); } } iter = recordMap.find(state.handleExceptionStackmapID); // It's sort of remotely possible that we won't have an in-band exception handling // path, for some kinds of functions. if (iter != recordMap.end()) { for (unsigned i = iter->value.size(); i--;) { StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i]; CodeLocationLabel source = CodeLocationLabel( bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset); MacroAssembler::replaceWithJump(source, state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->entrypoint()); } } for (unsigned exitIndex = 0; exitIndex < jitCode->osrExit.size(); ++exitIndex) { OSRExitCompilationInfo& info = state.finalizer->osrExit[exitIndex]; OSRExit& exit = jitCode->osrExit[exitIndex]; iter = recordMap.find(exit.m_stackmapID); Vector<const void*> codeAddresses; if (iter != recordMap.end()) { for (unsigned i = iter->value.size(); i--;) { StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i]; CodeLocationLabel source = CodeLocationLabel( bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset); codeAddresses.append(bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset + MacroAssembler::maxJumpReplacementSize()); if (info.m_isInvalidationPoint) jitCode->common.jumpReplacements.append(JumpReplacement(source, info.m_thunkAddress)); else MacroAssembler::replaceWithJump(source, info.m_thunkAddress); } } if (graph.compilation()) graph.compilation()->addOSRExitSite(codeAddresses); } }
void TimelineBar::paintMarkers(QPainter &p, const QVector<Marker> &markers, const QVector<uint32_t> &draws, QRectF markerRect) { if(markers.isEmpty() && draws.isEmpty()) return; QTextOption to; to.setWrapMode(QTextOption::NoWrap); to.setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); QFontMetrics fm(Formatter::PreferredFont()); // store a reference of what a completely elided string looks like QString tooshort = fm.elidedText(lit("asd"), Qt::ElideRight, fm.height()); for(const Marker &m : markers) { QRectF r = markerRect; r.setLeft(qMax(m_dataArea.left() + borderWidth * 3, offsetOf(m.eidStart))); r.setRight(qMin(m_dataArea.right() - borderWidth, offsetOf(m.eidEnd + 1))); r.setHeight(fm.height() + borderWidth * 2); if(r.width() <= borderWidth * 2) continue; QColor backColor = m.color; if(r.contains(m_lastPos)) backColor.setAlpha(150); p.setPen(QPen(palette().brush(QPalette::Text), 1.0)); p.fillRect(r, QBrush(backColor)); p.drawRect(r); p.setPen(QPen(QBrush(contrastingColor(backColor, palette().color(QPalette::Text))), 1.0)); r.setLeft(r.left() + margin); int plusWidth = fm.width(QLatin1Char('+')); if(r.width() > plusWidth) { QRectF plusRect = r; plusRect.setWidth(plusWidth); QTextOption plusOption = to; plusOption.setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); p.drawText(plusRect, m.expanded ? lit("-") : lit("+"), plusOption); r.setLeft(r.left() + plusWidth + margin); } QString elided = fm.elidedText(m.name, Qt::ElideRight, r.width()); // if everything was elided, just omit the title entirely if(elided == tooshort) elided = QString(); r.setLeft(qRound(r.left() + margin)); p.drawText(r, elided, to); if(m.expanded) { QRectF childRect = r; childRect.setTop(r.bottom() + borderWidth * 2); childRect.setBottom(markerRect.bottom()); paintMarkers(p, m.children, m.draws, childRect); } } p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); for(uint32_t d : draws) { QRectF r = markerRect; r.setLeft(qMax(m_dataArea.left() + borderWidth * 3, offsetOf(d))); r.setRight(qMin(m_dataArea.right() - borderWidth, offsetOf(d + 1))); r.setHeight(fm.height() + borderWidth * 2); QPainterPath path; path.addRoundedRect(r, 5, 5); p.setPen(QPen(palette().brush(QPalette::Text), 1.0)); p.fillPath(path, d == m_Ctx.CurEvent() ? Qt::green : Qt::blue); p.drawPath(path); } p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); }
void TimelineBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter p(viewport()); p.setFont(font()); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing); // draw boundaries and background { QRectF r = viewport()->rect(); p.fillRect(r, palette().brush(QPalette::Window)); r = r.marginsRemoved(QMargins(borderWidth + margin, borderWidth + margin, borderWidth + margin, borderWidth + margin)); p.fillRect(r, palette().brush(QPalette::Base)); p.drawRect(r); } QTextOption to; to.setWrapMode(QTextOption::NoWrap); to.setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); QFontMetrics fm = p.fontMetrics(); { QRectF titleRect = m_eidAxisRect; titleRect.setLeft(titleRect.left() - m_titleWidth); titleRect.setWidth(m_titleWidth); p.setPen(QPen(palette().brush(QPalette::Text), 1.0)); // add an extra margin for the text p.drawText(titleRect.marginsRemoved(QMarginsF(margin, 0, 0, 0)), eidAxisTitle, to); titleRect.setLeft(titleRect.left() - margin); titleRect.setTop(titleRect.top() - margin); p.drawLine(titleRect.bottomLeft(), titleRect.bottomRight()); p.drawLine(titleRect.topRight(), titleRect.bottomRight()); } QRectF eidAxisRect = m_eidAxisRect; p.drawLine(eidAxisRect.bottomLeft(), eidAxisRect.bottomRight() + QPointF(margin, 0)); p.drawLine(m_highlightingRect.topLeft(), m_highlightingRect.topRight()); if(m_Draws.isEmpty()) return; eidAxisRect.setLeft(m_eidAxisRect.left() + m_pan); uint32_t maxEID = m_Draws.isEmpty() ? 0 : m_Draws.back(); to.setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); p.setFont(Formatter::PreferredFont()); QRectF hoverRect = eidAxisRect; // clip labels to the visible section p.setClipRect(m_eidAxisRect.marginsAdded(QMargins(0, margin, margin, 0))); // draw where we're hovering { QPoint pos = viewport()->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); if(m_dataArea.contains(pos)) { uint32_t hoverEID = eventAt(pos.x()); hoverRect.setLeft(offsetOf(hoverEID)); hoverRect.setWidth(m_eidAxisLabelWidth); // recentre hoverRect.moveLeft(hoverRect.left() - m_eidAxisLabelWidth / 2 + m_eidWidth / 2); QColor backCol = palette().color(QPalette::Base); if(getLuminance(backCol) < 0.2f) backCol = backCol.lighter(120); else backCol = backCol.darker(120); QRectF backRect = hoverRect.marginsAdded(QMargins(0, margin - borderWidth, 0, 0)); backRect.setLeft(qMax(backRect.left(), m_eidAxisRect.left() + 1)); p.fillRect(backRect, backCol); p.drawText(hoverRect, QString::number(hoverEID), to); // re-add the top margin so the lines match up with the border around the EID axis hoverRect = hoverRect.marginsAdded(QMargins(0, margin, 0, 0)); if(hoverRect.left() >= m_eidAxisRect.left()) p.drawLine(hoverRect.topLeft(), hoverRect.bottomLeft()); p.drawLine(hoverRect.topRight(), hoverRect.bottomRight()); // shrink the rect a bit for clipping against labels below hoverRect.setX(qRound(hoverRect.x() + 0.5)); hoverRect.setWidth(int(hoverRect.width())); } else { hoverRect = QRectF(); } } QRectF labelRect = eidAxisRect; labelRect.setWidth(m_eidAxisLabelWidth); // iterate through the EIDs from 0, starting from possible a negative offset if the user has // panned to the right. for(uint32_t i = 0; i <= maxEID; i += m_eidAxisLabelStep) { labelRect.moveLeft(offsetOf(i) - labelRect.width() / 2 + m_eidWidth / 2); // check if this label is visible at all, but don't draw labels that intersect with the hovered // number if(labelRect.right() >= 0 && !labelRect.intersects(hoverRect)) p.drawText(labelRect, QString::number(i), to); // check if labelRect is off the edge of the screen if(labelRect.left() >= m_eidAxisRect.right()) break; } // stop clipping p.setClipRect(viewport()->rect()); // clip the markers p.setClipRect(m_markerRect); { QPen pen = p.pen(); paintMarkers(p, m_RootMarkers, m_RootDraws, m_markerRect); p.setPen(pen); } // stop clipping p.setClipRect(viewport()->rect()); QRectF currentRect = eidAxisRect; // draw the current label and line { uint32_t curEID = m_Ctx.CurEvent(); currentRect.setLeft(offsetOf(curEID)); currentRect.setWidth( qMax(m_eidAxisLabelWidth, m_eidAxisLabelTextWidth + dataBarHeight + margin * 2)); // recentre currentRect.moveLeft(currentRect.left() - currentRect.width() / 2 + m_eidWidth / 2); // remember where the middle would have been, without clamping qreal realMiddle = currentRect.center().x(); // clamp the position from the left or right side if(currentRect.left() < eidAxisRect.left()) currentRect.moveLeft(eidAxisRect.left()); else if(currentRect.right() > eidAxisRect.right()) currentRect.moveRight(eidAxisRect.right()); // re-add the top margin so the lines match up with the border around the EID axis QRectF currentBackRect = currentRect.marginsAdded(QMargins(0, margin, 0, 0)); p.fillRect(currentBackRect, palette().brush(QPalette::Base)); p.drawRect(currentBackRect); // draw the 'current marker' pixmap const QPixmap &px = Pixmaps::flag_green(devicePixelRatio()); p.drawPixmap(currentRect.topLeft() + QPointF(margin, 1), px, px.rect()); // move to where the text should be and draw it currentRect.setLeft(currentRect.left() + margin * 2 + dataBarHeight); p.drawText(currentRect, QString::number(curEID), to); // draw a line from the bottom of the shadow downwards QPointF currentTop = currentRect.center(); currentTop.setX(int(qBound(eidAxisRect.left(), realMiddle, eidAxisRect.right() - 2.0)) + 0.5); currentTop.setY(currentRect.bottom()); QPointF currentBottom = currentTop; currentBottom.setY(m_markerRect.bottom()); p.drawLine(currentTop, currentBottom); } to.setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); if(!m_UsageTarget.isEmpty() || !m_HistoryTarget.isEmpty()) { p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); QRectF highlightLabel = m_highlightingRect.marginsRemoved(uniformMargins(margin)); highlightLabel.setX(highlightLabel.x() + margin); QString text; if(!m_HistoryTarget.isEmpty()) text = tr("Pixel history for %1").arg(m_HistoryTarget); else text = tr("Usage for %1:").arg(m_UsageTarget); p.drawText(highlightLabel, text, to); const int triRadius = fm.averageCharWidth(); const int triHeight = fm.ascent(); QPainterPath triangle; triangle.addPolygon( QPolygonF({QPoint(0, triHeight), QPoint(triRadius * 2, triHeight), QPoint(triRadius, 0)})); triangle.closeSubpath(); enum { ReadUsage, WriteUsage, ReadWriteUsage, ClearUsage, BarrierUsage, HistoryPassed, HistoryFailed, UsageCount, }; const QColor colors[UsageCount] = { // read QColor(Qt::red), // write QColor(Qt::green), // read/write QColor(Qt::yellow), // clear QColor(Qt::blue), // barrier QColor(Qt::magenta), // pass QColor(Qt::green), // fail QColor(Qt::red), }; // draw the key if(m_HistoryTarget.isEmpty()) { // advance past the first text to draw the key highlightLabel.setLeft(highlightLabel.left() + fm.width(text)); text = lit(" Reads ( "); p.drawText(highlightLabel, text, to); highlightLabel.setLeft(highlightLabel.left() + fm.width(text)); QPainterPath path = triangle.translated(aliasAlign(highlightLabel.topLeft())); p.fillPath(path, colors[ReadUsage]); p.drawPath(path); highlightLabel.setLeft(highlightLabel.left() + triRadius * 2); text = lit(" ), Writes ( "); p.drawText(highlightLabel, text, to); highlightLabel.setLeft(highlightLabel.left() + fm.width(text)); path = triangle.translated(aliasAlign(highlightLabel.topLeft())); p.fillPath(path, colors[WriteUsage]); p.drawPath(path); highlightLabel.setLeft(highlightLabel.left() + triRadius * 2); text = lit(" ), Read/Write ( "); p.drawText(highlightLabel, text, to); highlightLabel.setLeft(highlightLabel.left() + fm.width(text)); path = triangle.translated(aliasAlign(highlightLabel.topLeft())); p.fillPath(path, colors[ReadWriteUsage]); p.drawPath(path); highlightLabel.setLeft(highlightLabel.left() + triRadius * 2); if(m_Ctx.CurPipelineState().SupportsBarriers()) { text = lit(" ) Barriers ( "); p.drawText(highlightLabel, text, to); highlightLabel.setLeft(highlightLabel.left() + fm.width(text)); path = triangle.translated(aliasAlign(highlightLabel.topLeft())); p.fillPath(path, colors[BarrierUsage]); p.drawPath(path); highlightLabel.setLeft(highlightLabel.left() + triRadius * 2); } text = lit(" ), and Clears ( "); p.drawText(highlightLabel, text, to); highlightLabel.setLeft(highlightLabel.left() + fm.width(text)); path = triangle.translated(aliasAlign(highlightLabel.topLeft())); p.fillPath(path, colors[ClearUsage]); p.drawPath(path); highlightLabel.setLeft(highlightLabel.left() + triRadius * 2); text = lit(" )"); p.drawText(highlightLabel, text, to); } PipRanges pipranges[UsageCount]; QRectF pipsRect = m_highlightingRect.marginsRemoved(uniformMargins(margin)); pipsRect.setX(pipsRect.x() + margin + m_titleWidth); pipsRect.setHeight(triHeight + margin); pipsRect.moveBottom(m_highlightingRect.bottom()); p.setClipRect(pipsRect); qreal leftClip = -triRadius * 2.0; qreal rightClip = pipsRect.width() + triRadius * 10.0; if(!m_HistoryEvents.isEmpty()) { for(const PixelModification &mod : m_HistoryEvents) { qreal pos = offsetOf(mod.eventId) + m_eidWidth / 2 - triRadius; if(pos < leftClip || pos > rightClip) continue; if(mod.Passed()) pipranges[HistoryPassed].push(pos, triRadius); else pipranges[HistoryFailed].push(pos, triRadius); } } else { for(const EventUsage &use : m_UsageEvents) { qreal pos = offsetOf(use.eventId) + m_eidWidth / 2 - triRadius; if(pos < leftClip || pos > rightClip) continue; if(((int)use.usage >= (int)ResourceUsage::VS_RWResource && (int)use.usage <= (int)ResourceUsage::All_RWResource) || use.usage == ResourceUsage::GenMips || use.usage == ResourceUsage::Copy || use.usage == ResourceUsage::Resolve) { pipranges[ReadWriteUsage].push(pos, triRadius); } else if(use.usage == ResourceUsage::StreamOut || use.usage == ResourceUsage::ResolveDst || use.usage == ResourceUsage::ColorTarget || use.usage == ResourceUsage::DepthStencilTarget || use.usage == ResourceUsage::CopyDst) { pipranges[WriteUsage].push(pos, triRadius); } else if(use.usage == ResourceUsage::Clear) { pipranges[ClearUsage].push(pos, triRadius); } else if(use.usage == ResourceUsage::Barrier) { pipranges[BarrierUsage].push(pos, triRadius); } else { pipranges[ReadUsage].push(pos, triRadius); } } } for(int i = 0; i < UsageCount; i++) { QPainterPath path = pipranges[i].makePath(triRadius, triHeight, pipsRect.y()); if(!path.isEmpty()) { p.drawPath(path); p.fillPath(path, colors[i]); } } } else { QRectF highlightLabel = m_highlightingRect; highlightLabel = highlightLabel.marginsRemoved(uniformMargins(margin)); highlightLabel.setX(highlightLabel.x() + margin); p.drawText(highlightLabel, tr("No resource selected for highlighting."), to); } }