// this function is called directly by the driver whenever data is ready
// there is an anomaly in the (current version of the) Data Translation driver
// that causes this function to be called unevenly spaced in time
// this only happens under certain circumstances (i.e., number of channels,
// SampleBlockSize, and sampling frequency)
// see corresponding description in BCI2000 documentation
__stdcall BufferDone( UINT uiMsg, unsigned int Dass, LPARAM lParam )
    ECODE   status;
    int     arrays;
    int     i;
    short   *buffer;
    HBUF    hBuf;
    LPHBUF  lphBuf;
    ULNG    samples;
    HDASS   lphDass;

    hBuf= NULL;
    lphBuf= NULL;
    lphDass= (void *)Dass;

    status= olDaGetBuffer(lphDass, &hBuf);

    if ( hBuf != NULL )
        status= olDmGetMaxSamples(hBuf,&samples);
        status= olDmGetBufferPtr( hBuf, (LPVOID FAR*)&lphBuf );
        status= olDaPutBuffer(lphDass, hBuf);

        buffer= (short *)lphBuf;

        ((DTFUN *)(lParam))->data_critsec->Acquire();
        ((DTFUN *)(lParam))->Add_to_data( buffer, samples );  // add data to FIFO
        ((DTFUN *)(lParam))->data_critsec->Release();

// notify ADReadDataBlock() that data is here
    ((DTFUN *)(lParam))->bdone->SetEvent();
void COctopusAOTF::GenerateSignal( void ) 
	u16*      ptr;
	u16     i = 0;

	olDmGetBufferPtr( hBuf_DAC, (LPVOID FAR*)&ptr );

	for( i = 0; i < outbuffersize / 4; i++ ) 
		if ( i < 50 ) 
			*(ptr++) = ConvertVoltToDAC( volts_CH1 ); //CH_1
			*(ptr++) = ConvertVoltToDAC( volts_CH2 ); //CH_2
			*(ptr++) = ConvertVoltToDAC(      10.0 ); //blanking channel?
			*(ptr++) = ConvertVoltToDAC(       4.5 ); //camera start exposure
			*(ptr++) = ConvertVoltToDAC(       0.0 ); //CH_1
			*(ptr++) = ConvertVoltToDAC(       0.0 ); //CH_2
			*(ptr++) = ConvertVoltToDAC(      10.0 ); //blanking channel?
			*(ptr++) = ConvertVoltToDAC(       0.0 ); //camera off