void Entity::setName(const std::string &newName) { onNameChange(newName); std::string oldName(std::move(m_name)); m_name = newName; world.entityManager.changeEntityName(*this, oldName, newName); world.event.dispatch(NameChangedEvent(*this, oldName)); }
void PredicateDialog::onRenamePredicate() { Glib::RefPtr < Gtk::TreeView::Selection > ref = mTreePredicateList-> get_selection(); if (ref) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = ref->get_selected(); if (iter) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; std::string oldName(row.get_value(m_viewscolumnrecord.name)); savePreviousPredicate(oldName); SimpleTypeBox box(("Predicate new name?"), ""); std::string name = boost::trim_copy(box.run()); if (box.valid() and checkName(name)) { setSensitivePredicate(false); m_model->erase(iter); Gtk::TreeModel::Children children = m_model->children(); m_iter = children.begin(); iter = m_model->append(); mPredicateNameEntry->set_text(name); Gtk::ListStore::Row row = *iter; row[m_viewscolumnrecord.name] = name; if (mPredicateFunction.find(oldName) != mPredicateFunction.end()) { mTextViewFunction->get_buffer()-> set_text(mPredicateFunction[oldName]); mPredicateFunction[name] = mPredicateFunction[oldName]; mPredicateFunction.erase(oldName); } mPredicateName.push_back(name); // Delete the element in the vector for (std::vector < std::string > ::iterator it = mPredicateName.begin(); it != mPredicateName.end(); ) { if ( *it == oldName ) { it = mPredicateName.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } mTreePredicateList->set_cursor(m_model->get_path(iter)); setSensitivePredicate(true); } else { Gtk::MessageDialog errorDial ("Name error !", false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true); errorDial.set_title("Error !"); errorDial.run(); } } } }
void DocTypeEdit::saveDocTypes() { // removed doctypes // FIXME: Remove unreferenced number cycles for ( QStringList::Iterator it = mRemovedTypes.begin(); it != mRemovedTypes.end(); ++it ) { if ( mOrigDocTypes.contains( *it ) ) { DocType dt = mOrigDocTypes[*it]; removeTypeFromDb( *it ); mOrigDocTypes.remove( *it ); mChangedDocTypes.remove( *it ); emit removedType( *it ); } } // added doctypes for ( QStringList::Iterator it = mAddedTypes.begin(); it != mAddedTypes.end(); ++it ) { QString name = *it; if ( mOrigDocTypes.contains( name ) ) { // just to check DocType dt = mChangedDocTypes[name]; QString numCycleName = dt.numberCycleName(); kDebug() << "Number cycle name for to add doctype " << name << ": " << numCycleName; dt.save(); } } // edited doctypes QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it; for ( it = mTypeNameChanges.begin(); it != mTypeNameChanges.end(); ++it ) { QString oldName( it.key() ); if ( mOrigDocTypes.contains( oldName ) ) { QString newName = it.value(); kDebug() << "Renaming " << oldName << " to " << newName; DocType dt = mOrigDocTypes[oldName]; if ( mChangedDocTypes.contains( newName ) ) { dt = mChangedDocTypes[newName]; } else { dt.setName( newName ); } mOrigDocTypes.remove( oldName ); mOrigDocTypes[newName] = dt; dt.save(); } else { kError() << "Can not find doctype to change named " << oldName; } } // check if numberCycles have changed. QMap<QString, DocType>::Iterator mapit; for ( mapit = mChangedDocTypes.begin(); mapit != mChangedDocTypes.end(); ++mapit ) { DocType dt = mapit.value(); dt.save(); } // now the list of document types should be up to date and reflected into // the database. DocType::clearMap(); }
bool ModelViewer::checkTargetNameLegal(const string& modelName) { bool result = true; for (auto& items : DataHandler::s_AnimFileData){ string newName = modelName; string oldName(items.name); std::transform(newName.begin(), newName.end(), newName.begin(), tolower); std::transform(oldName.begin(), oldName.end(), oldName.begin(), tolower); if (oldName == newName){ result = false; break; } } return result; }
virtual void SetName(IHashString *inName) { if (inName != NULL) { if ((m_Name.GetString() == NULL) || (m_Name.GetUniqueID() != inName->GetUniqueID())) { CHANGEOBJNAME con; // save off temp old name. CHashString oldName(m_Name); CHashString tempNewName(inName); con.oldName = &oldName; con.newName = &tempNewName; con.compType = &m_ClassHashName; static DWORD msgHash_ChangeObjectName = CHashString(_T("ChangeObjectName")).GetUniqueID(); m_ToolBox->SendMessage(msgHash_ChangeObjectName, sizeof(CHANGEOBJNAME), &con); m_Name = tempNewName; } } }
void SpectrumMUCConversation::renameUser(AbstractUser *user, const char *old_name, const char *new_name, const char *new_alias) { std::string oldName(old_name); std::string newName(new_name); Tag *tag = new Tag("presence"); tag->addAttribute("from", m_jid + "/" + oldName); tag->addAttribute("to", user->jid() + m_res); tag->addAttribute("type", "unavailable"); Tag *x = new Tag("x"); x->addAttribute("xmlns", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"); Tag *item = new Tag("item"); item->addAttribute("affiliation", "member"); item->addAttribute("role", "participant"); item->addAttribute("nick", newName); Tag *status = new Tag("status"); status->addAttribute("code","303"); x->addChild(item); x->addChild(status); tag->addChild(x); Transport::instance()->send(tag); tag = new Tag("presence"); tag->addAttribute("from", m_jid + "/" + newName); tag->addAttribute("to", user->jid() + m_res); x = new Tag("x"); x->addAttribute("xmlns", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"); item = new Tag("item"); item->addAttribute("affiliation", "member"); item->addAttribute("role", "participant"); x->addChild(item); tag->addChild(x); Transport::instance()->send(tag); }
void KReportDesignerItemLine::propertyChanged(KPropertySet &s, KProperty &p) { Q_UNUSED(s); if (p.name() == "startposition" || p.name() == "endposition") { QPointF s = scenePosition(m_start->value().toPointF()); QPointF e = scenePosition(m_end->value().toPointF()); setLine ( s.x(), s.y(), e.x(), e.y() ); } else if (p.name() == "name") { //For some reason p.oldValue returns an empty string if (!designer()->isEntityNameUnique(p.value().toString(), this)) { p.setValue(oldName()); } else { setOldName(p.value().toString()); } } if (designer()) designer()->setModified(true); update(); }
TEST_F( NameTests, CopyConstructorWorks ) { Moge::Name oldName( genericName ); Moge::Name newName( oldName ); ASSERT_EQ( newName.GetName(), oldName.GetName() ); }
void wxSTEditorNotebook::SortTabs(int style) { if ((int)GetPageCount() < 2) return; if (STE_HASBIT(style, STN_ALPHABETICAL_TABS)) { int sel = GetSelection(); int new_sel = sel; size_t page_count = GetPageCount(); size_t n; if (page_count < 2) return; wxString curPageName; wxArrayString names; for (n = 0; n < page_count; n++) { wxString name(GetPageText(n)); if ((name.Length() > 0) && (name[0u] == wxT('*'))) name = name.Mid(1); names.Add(name + wxString::Format(wxT("=%d"), (int)n)); } names.Sort(STN_SortNameCompareFunction); bool sel_changed = false; for (n = 0; n < page_count; n++) { long old_page = 0; names[n].AfterLast(wxT('=')).ToLong(&old_page); if (old_page != long(n)) { wxWindow *oldWin = GetPage(old_page); wxString oldName(GetPageText(old_page)); if (oldWin && RemovePage(old_page)) { sel_changed = true; if (old_page == sel) new_sel = (int)n; if (n < page_count - 1) InsertPage((int)(n+1), oldWin, oldName, old_page == sel); else AddPage(oldWin, oldName, old_page == sel); } } } if (sel_changed) { wxNotebookEvent noteEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, GetId(), new_sel, new_sel); noteEvent.SetString(wxT("wxSTEditorNotebook Page Change")); noteEvent.SetExtraLong(new_sel); // FIXME no Clone in wxNotebookEvent // NOTE: this may have to be AddPendingEvent for wx < 2.7 since gtk // can become reentrant GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(noteEvent); } // causes reentrant assert in gtk, even though it's necessary sometimes //SetSelection(new_sel); // force selection for GTK } }
int DBSettingChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // We can't upload changes to NULL contact MCONTACT hContact = wParam; if (hContact == NULL) return 0; DBCONTACTWRITESETTING *cws = (DBCONTACTWRITESETTING *) lParam; if (!mir_strcmp(cws->szModule, "CList")) { int invalidpresent = 0; char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact); if (szProto == NULL || mir_strcmp(szProto, MODULENAME)) return 0; // A contact is renamed if (!mir_strcmp(cws->szSetting, "MyHandle")) { ptrT oldName( db_get_tsa(hContact, MODULENAME, PRESERVE_NAME_KEY)); if (oldName == NULL) return 0; TCHAR nick[100]; ptrT oldnick( db_get_tsa(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle")); if (oldnick != NULL) _tcsncpy_s(nick, oldnick, _TRUNCATE); else nick[0] = 0; for (int i=0; i < _countof(szInvalidChars); i++ ) { TCHAR *p = _tcschr(nick, szInvalidChars[i]); if (p != NULL) { WErrorPopup((UINT_PTR)"ERROR", TranslateT("Invalid symbol present in contact name.")); *p = '_'; invalidpresent =1; } } if (invalidpresent) { srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); TCHAR ranStr[7]; _itot((int)10000 *rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0), ranStr, 10); mir_tstrcat(nick, ranStr); } if ( _tcschr(nick, '(') == 0) { db_set_ts(hContact, MODULENAME, PRESERVE_NAME_KEY, nick); db_set_ts(hContact, MODULENAME, "Nick", nick); db_set_ts(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle", nick); } // TEST GET NAME FOR CACHE TCHAR cachepath[MAX_PATH], cachedirectorypath[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(hInst, cachepath, _countof(cachepath)); TCHAR *cacheend = _tcsrchr(cachepath, '\\'); cacheend++; *cacheend = '\0'; mir_sntprintf(cachedirectorypath, _T("%s")_T(MODULENAME)_T("cache\\"), cachepath); CreateDirectory(cachedirectorypath, NULL); TCHAR newcachepath[MAX_PATH + 50], renamedcachepath[MAX_PATH + 50]; mir_sntprintf(newcachepath, _T("%s")_T(MODULENAME)_T("cache\\%s.txt"), cachepath, oldName); mir_sntprintf(renamedcachepath, _T("%s")_T(MODULENAME)_T("cache\\%s.txt"), cachepath, nick); // file exists? if ( _taccess(newcachepath, 0) != -1) { FILE *pcachefile = _tfopen(newcachepath, _T("r")); if (pcachefile != NULL) { fclose(pcachefile); if (mir_tstrcmp(newcachepath, renamedcachepath)) { MoveFile(newcachepath, renamedcachepath); db_set_ts(hContact, MODULENAME, CACHE_FILE_KEY, renamedcachepath); } } } } } return 0; }
void AckFunctionDialog::onRenameAck() { Glib::RefPtr < Gtk::TreeView::Selection > ref = mTreeAckList-> get_selection(); if (ref) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = ref->get_selected(); if (iter) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; std::string oldName(row.get_value(m_viewscolumnrecord.name)); savePreviousAck(oldName); SimpleTypeBox box(("Acknowledge function new name?"), ""); std::string name = boost::trim_copy(box.run()); if (box.valid()) { if (checkName(name)) { setSensitiveAck(false); m_model->erase(iter); Gtk::TreeModel::Children children = m_model->children(); m_iter = children.begin(); iter = m_model->append(); mAckNameEntry->set_text(name); Gtk::ListStore::Row row = *iter; row[m_viewscolumnrecord.name] = name; if (mAckFunction.find(oldName) != mAckFunction.end()) { mTextViewFunction->get_buffer()-> set_text(mAckFunction[oldName]); mAckFunction[name] = mAckFunction[oldName]; mAckFunction.erase(oldName); } mAckName.push_back(name); mRenameList.push_back(std::make_pair(oldName, name)); mHeaderAck->set_text("void " + name + "(const std::string&"\ "activityname,\n\t"\ "const ved::Activity& activity) {"); // Delete the element in the vector for (std::vector < std::string > ::iterator it = mAckName.begin(); it != mAckName.end(); ) { if ( *it == oldName ) { it = mAckName.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } mTreeAckList->set_cursor(m_model->get_path(iter)); setSensitiveAck(true); } else { Gtk::MessageDialog errorDial ("Name error !", false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true); errorDial.set_title("Error !"); errorDial.run(); } } } } }