int main ( int argc, char **argv )
   int result = 0;
   int i;
   nanos_wd_props_t props = {
     .mandatory_creation = true,
     .tied = false

   int level = omp_get_level();
   int ancestor_num = omp_get_ancestor_thread_num( level );
   int team_size = omp_get_team_size(level);
   int active_level = omp_get_active_level();
   int in_final = omp_in_final();

   printf ( " OpenMP API calls simple test:\n" );
   printf ( "\tomp_get_level() = %d\n", level );
   printf ( "\tomp_get_ancestor_thread_num(%d) = %d\n", level, ancestor_num );
   printf ( "\tomp_get_team_size(%d) = %d\n", level, team_size );
   printf ( "\tomp_get_active_level() = %d\n", active_level );
   printf ( "\tomp_in_final() = %d\n", in_final );

   if ( in_final != 0 )
      result = 1;
   if ( active_level != 0 )
      result = 2;
   if ( level != 0 )
      result = 3;
   if ( ancestor_num != 0 )
      result = 4;

   return result;
omp_in_final_ (void)
  return omp_in_final ();
文件: floorplan.c 项目: 8l/insieme
int add_cell(int id, coor FOOTPRINT, ibrd BOARD, struct cell *CELLS,int level) {
	int  i, j, nn, area, nnc, nnl;

	coor footprint, NWS[DMAX];

	nnc = nnl = 0;

	/* for each possible shape */
	for (i = 0; i < CELLS[id].n; i++) {
		/* compute all possible locations for nw corner */
		nn = starts(id, i, NWS, CELLS);
		nnl += nn;
		/* for all possible locations */
		for (j = 0; j < nn; j++) {
#pragma omp task untied private(footprint,area) \
	firstprivate(NWS,i,j,id,nn,level,bots_cutoff_value) \
	final(level >= bots_cutoff_value) mergeable
				ibrd board;
				struct cell *cells;

				if ( omp_in_final() && level > bots_cutoff_value ) {
					cells = CELLS;
				} else {
					cells = alloca(sizeof(struct cell)*(N+1));
					memcpy(cells,CELLS,sizeof(struct cell)*(N+1));

				/* extent of shape */
				cells[id].top = NWS[j][0];
				cells[id].bot = cells[id].top + cells[id].alt[i][0] - 1;
				cells[id].lhs = NWS[j][1];
				cells[id].rhs = cells[id].lhs + cells[id].alt[i][1] - 1;

				memcpy(board, BOARD, sizeof(ibrd));

				/* if the cell cannot be layed down, prune search */
				if (! lay_down(id, board, cells)) {
					bots_debug("Chip %d, shape %d does not fit\n", id, i);
				} else {

					/* calculate new footprint of board and area of footprint */
					footprint[0] = max(FOOTPRINT[0], cells[id].bot+1);
					footprint[1] = max(FOOTPRINT[1], cells[id].rhs+1);
					area         = footprint[0] * footprint[1];

					/* if last cell */
					if (cells[id].next == 0) {

						/* if area is minimum, update global values */
						if (area < MIN_AREA) {
#pragma omp critical
							if (area < MIN_AREA) {
								MIN_AREA         = area;
								MIN_FOOTPRINT[0] = footprint[0];
								MIN_FOOTPRINT[1] = footprint[1];
								memcpy(BEST_BOARD, board, sizeof(ibrd));
								bots_debug("N  %d\n", MIN_AREA);

						/* if area is less than best area */
					} else if (area < MIN_AREA) {
						int val = add_cell(cells[id].next, footprint, board,cells,level+1);
#pragma omp atomic
						nnc += val;
						/* if area is greater than or equal to best area, prune search */
					} else {

						bots_debug("T  %d, %d\n", area, MIN_AREA);

#pragma omp taskwait
	return nnc+nnl;