WinMissionWindow::WinMissionWindow(Widget* p, const std::string& newTitle, const std::string& winText, bool mayContinue ) : Window( p, Rect( 0, 0, 540, 240 ), "" ), _d( new Impl ) { setupUI( ":/gui/winmission.gui" ); Logger::warning( "WinMissionWindow: show" ); _d->locker.activate(); setCenter( p->center() ); Label* lbNewTitle; GET_WIDGET_FROM_UI( lbNewTitle ) if( lbNewTitle ) lbNewTitle->setText( _( newTitle ) ); PushButton* btnAccept; GET_WIDGET_FROM_UI( btnAccept ) CONNECT( btnAccept, onClicked(), &_d->onNextMissionSignal, Signal0<>::_emit ); CONNECT( btnAccept, onClicked(), this, WinMissionWindow::deleteLater ); if( !winText.empty() ) { Label* lbWin = new Label( this, Rect( 30, 30, width()-30, height()-30 ), _(winText), false, Label::bgWhiteFrame ); lbWin->setTextAlignment( align::center, align::center ); lbWin->setWordwrap( true ); WidgetDeleter::assignTo( lbWin, 3000 ); } }
ChangeSalary::ChangeSalary(Widget* p, unsigned int salary) : Window( p, Rect(), "" ), __INIT_IMPL(ChangeSalaryWindow) { setupUI( ":/gui/changesalary.gui"); setCenter( parent()->center() ); _dfunc()->newSalary = salary; ListBox* lbxTitles; GET_WIDGET_FROM_UI( lbxTitles ) if( lbxTitles ) { world::GovernorRanks ranks = world::EmpireHelper::ranks(); for( auto rank : ranks ) { std::string salaryStr = _( "##" + rank.rankName + "_salary##" ); ListBoxItem& item = lbxTitles->addItem( salaryStr + " " + utils::i2str( rank.salary ) ); item.setTag( rank.salary ); if( rank.salary == salary ) { lbxTitles->setSelected( lbxTitles->itemsCount() - 1 ); } } } INIT_WIDGET_FROM_UI( PushButton*, btnCancel ) INIT_WIDGET_FROM_UI( PushButton*, btnOk ) CONNECT( btnCancel, onClicked(), this, ChangeSalary::deleteLater ); CONNECT( btnOk, onClicked(), _dfunc().data(), Impl::setNewSalary ); CONNECT( btnOk, onClicked(), this, ChangeSalary::deleteLater ); CONNECT( lbxTitles, onItemSelected(), _dfunc().data(), Impl::resolveSalaryChange ); }
DefaultTableComponent::DefaultTableComponent(const QRectF &a_rect, LayoutType type, QGraphicsItem *parent) : UIKit::TableViewItem(a_rect, parent), m_priv_ptr(new PrivateTableComponent) { m_priv_ptr->m_current_geometry = a_rect; m_priv_ptr->m_current_item_selection = false; m_priv_ptr->m_current_item_visibility = true; m_priv_ptr->m_current_layout_type = type; m_priv_ptr->m_layout_base = new QGraphicsWidget(this); m_priv_ptr->m_layout_base->setGeometry(a_rect); m_priv_ptr->m_linear_layout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(m_priv_ptr->m_layout_base); m_priv_ptr->m_image_view_widget = new UIKit::ImageView(m_priv_ptr->m_layout_base); m_priv_ptr->m_image_view_widget->set_pixmap( UIKit::Theme::instance()->drawable("setup-wizard.png", "hdpi")); m_priv_ptr->m_label_widget = new UIKit::Label(m_priv_ptr->m_layout_base); m_priv_ptr->m_option_button = new UIKit::Button(m_priv_ptr->m_layout_base); connect(m_priv_ptr->m_image_view_widget, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClicked())); connect(m_priv_ptr->m_label_widget, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClicked())); connect(m_priv_ptr->m_option_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClicked())); if (type == kGridLayout) { m_priv_ptr->m_linear_layout->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); m_priv_ptr->m_linear_layout->addItem(m_priv_ptr->m_image_view_widget); m_priv_ptr->m_linear_layout->addItem(m_priv_ptr->m_label_widget); m_priv_ptr->m_linear_layout->addItem(m_priv_ptr->m_option_button); m_priv_ptr->m_label_widget->set_size(QSize(64, a_rect.height())); m_priv_ptr->m_option_button->hide(); } else { m_priv_ptr->m_label_widget->set_size(QSize(150, a_rect.height())); // d->m_image_view_widget->setSize(QSizeF(48.0, 48.0)); m_priv_ptr->m_linear_layout->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); m_priv_ptr->m_linear_layout->addItem(m_priv_ptr->m_image_view_widget); m_priv_ptr->m_linear_layout->addItem(m_priv_ptr->m_label_widget); m_priv_ptr->m_linear_layout->addItem(m_priv_ptr->m_option_button); } setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt::LeftButton | Qt::RightButton); setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, false); setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable, true); setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape, true); setFiltersChildEvents(false); setAcceptTouchEvents(true); setAcceptHoverEvents(true); }
GranarySpecialOrdersWindow::GranarySpecialOrdersWindow( Widget* parent, const Point& pos, GranaryPtr granary ) : BaseSpecialOrdersWindow( parent, pos, defaultHeight ), __INIT_IMPL(GranarySpecialOrdersWindow) { __D_IMPL(d, GranarySpecialOrdersWindow) setupUI( ":/gui/granaryspecial.gui" ); setTitle( _("##granary_orders##") ); int index=0; d->granary = granary; for( auto& goodType : good::foods() ) { const good::Orders::Order rule = granary->store().getOrder( goodType ); if( rule != good::Orders::none ) { OrderGoodWidget::create( index, goodType, _ordersArea(), granary->store() ); index++; } } d->btnToggleDevastation = new PushButton( this, Rect( 80, height() - 45, width() - 80, height() - 25 ), "", -1, false, PushButton::whiteBorderUp ); CONNECT( d->btnToggleDevastation, onClicked(), this, GranarySpecialOrdersWindow::toggleDevastation ); _updateBtnDevastation(); }
/************************************************************************* Handler for mouse button release events *************************************************************************/ void PushButton::onMouseButtonUp(MouseEventArgs& e) { if ((e.button == LeftButton) && isPushed()) { Window* sheet = getGUIContext().getRootWindow(); if (sheet) { // if mouse was released over this widget // (use position from mouse, as e.position has been unprojected) if (this == sheet->getTargetChildAtPosition( getGUIContext().getMouseCursor().getPosition())) { // fire event WindowEventArgs args(this); onClicked(args); } } ++e.handled; } // default handling ButtonBase::onMouseButtonUp(e); }
AdvisorsWindow::AdvisorsWindow( Widget* parent, int id ) : Widget( parent, id, Rect( Point(0, 0), parent->getSize() ) ), _d( new Impl ) { // use some clipping to remove the right and bottom areas _d->background.reset( Picture::create( getSize() ) ); _d->advisorPanel = 0; Picture& backgr = Picture::load( "senate", 1 ); _d->background->draw( backgr, Rect( Point( 0, 0), backgr.getSize() ), Rect( Point( 0,0), getSize() ) ); Point tabButtonPos( (getWidth() - 636) / 2, getHeight() / 2 + 192); _d->background->draw( Picture::load( ResourceGroup::menuMiddleIcons, 14 ), tabButtonPos.getX(), tabButtonPos.getY() ); addButton( ADV_EMPLOYERS, 255 ); addButton( ADV_LEGION, 256 ); addButton( ADV_EMPIRE, 257 ); addButton( ADV_RATINGS, 258 ); addButton( ADV_TRADING, 259 ); addButton( ADV_POPULATION, 260 ); addButton( ADV_HEALTH, 261 ); addButton( ADV_EDUCATION, 262 ); addButton( ADV_ENTERTAINMENT, 263 ); addButton( ADV_RELIGION, 264 ); addButton( ADV_FINANCE, 265 ); addButton( ADV_MAIN, 266 ); PushButton* btn = addButton( ADV_COUNT, 609 ); btn->setIsPushButton( false ); CONNECT( btn, onClicked(), this, AdvisorsWindow::deleteLater ); }
/** * \class ds::ui::LayoutButton */ LayoutButton::LayoutButton(SpriteEngine& eng, const float widdy, const float hiddy) : ds::ui::LayoutSprite(eng) , mDown(*(new ds::ui::LayoutSprite(eng))) , mUp(*(new ds::ui::LayoutSprite(eng))) , mButtonBehaviour(*this) , mAnimDuration(0.1f) { setLayoutType(ds::ui::LayoutSprite::kLayoutNone); mUp.mExportWithXml = false; mUp.mLayoutUserType = ds::ui::LayoutSprite::kFillSize; mUp.setLayoutType(ds::ui::LayoutSprite::kLayoutSize); addChild(mUp); mDown.mExportWithXml = false; mDown.mLayoutUserType = ds::ui::LayoutSprite::kFillSize; mDown.setLayoutType(ds::ui::LayoutSprite::kLayoutSize); mDown.setOpacity(0.0f); addChild(mDown); mButtonBehaviour.setOnClickFn([this](){onClicked(); }); // Purely for visual state mButtonBehaviour.setOnDownFn([this](const ds::ui::TouchInfo&){showDown(); }); mButtonBehaviour.setOnEnterFn([this](){showDown(); }); mButtonBehaviour.setOnExitFn([this](){showUp(); }); mButtonBehaviour.setOnUpFn([this](){showUp(); }); }
WarehouseSpecialOrdersWindow::WarehouseSpecialOrdersWindow( Widget* parent, const Point& pos, WarehousePtr warehouse ) : BaseSpecialOrdersWindow( parent, pos, defaultHeight ), __INIT_IMPL(WarehouseSpecialOrdersWindow) { __D_IMPL(d, WarehouseSpecialOrdersWindow) setupUI( ":/gui/warehousespecial.gui"); setTitle( _("##warehouse_orders##") ); d->warehouse = warehouse; int index=0; for( int goodType=Good::wheat; goodType <= Good::marble; goodType++ ) { const GoodOrders::Order rule = d->warehouse->store().getOrder( (Good::Type)goodType ); if( rule != GoodOrders::none ) { addOrderWidget<WarehousePtr>( index, (Good::Type)goodType, _ordersArea(), d->warehouse ); index++; } } GET_DWIDGET_FROM_UI( d, btnToggleDevastation ) GET_DWIDGET_FROM_UI( d, btnTradeCenter ) CONNECT( d->btnToggleDevastation, onClicked(), this, WarehouseSpecialOrdersWindow::toggleDevastation ); _updateBtnDevastation(); }
PopupMessageBox::PopupMessageBox( Widget* parent, const std::string& title, const std::string& text, const std::string& time, const std::string& receiver, int id ) : Widget( parent, id, Rect( 0, 0, 590, 320 ) ), _d( new Impl ) { setPosition( Point( (parent->getWidth() - getWidth())/2, (parent->getHeight() - getHeight()) / 2 ) ); Label* lbTitle = new Label( this, Rect( 10, 10, getWidth() - 10, 10 + 30), title ); lbTitle->setFont( Font::create( FONT_3 ) ); lbTitle->setTextAlignment( alignCenter, alignCenter ); _d->background.reset( Picture::create( getSize() ) ); //main _d->_d->background PictureDecorator::draw( *_d->background, Rect( Point( 0, 0 ), getSize() ), PictureDecorator::whiteFrame ); PictureDecorator::draw( *_d->background, Rect( Point( 18, 50 ), Size( getWidth() - 34, 220 ) ), PictureDecorator::blackFrame ); _d->btnExit = new TexturedButton( this, Point( getWidth() - 40, getHeight() - 40 ), Size( 24 ), -1, ResourceMenu::exitInfBtnPicId ); _d->btnExit->setTooltipText( _("##infobox_tooltip_exit##") ); CONNECT( _d->btnExit, onClicked(), this, PopupMessageBox::deleteLater ); _d->btnHelp = new TexturedButton( this, Point( 18, getHeight() - 40 ), Size( 24 ), -1, ResourceMenu::helpInfBtnPicId ); _d->btnHelp->setTooltipText( _("##infobox_tooltip_help##") ); Font font2 = Font::create( FONT_2_WHITE ); font2.draw( *_d->background, time, 20, 50 ); font2.draw( *_d->background, receiver, 180, 50 ); _d->lbText = new Label( this, Rect( Point( 20, 100 ), Size( 550, 165 )), text ); }
WarehouseSpecialOrdersWindow::WarehouseSpecialOrdersWindow( Widget* parent, const Point& pos, WarehousePtr warehouse ) : BaseSpecialOrdersWindow( parent, pos ) { setTitle( _("##warehouse_orders##") ); _warehouse = warehouse; int index=0; for( int goodType=G_WHEAT; goodType <= G_MARBLE; goodType++ ) { const GoodOrders::Order rule = _warehouse->getGoodStore().getOrder( (GoodType)goodType ); if( rule != GoodOrders::none ) { _d->addOrderWidget<WarehousePtr>( index, (GoodType)goodType, _warehouse ); index++; } } _btnToggleDevastation = new PushButton( this, Rect( 80, getHeight() - 45, getWidth() - 80, getHeight() - 25 ), "", -1, false, PushButton::whiteBorderUp ); _btnTradeCenter = new PushButton( this, Rect( 80, getHeight() - 70, getWidth() - 80, getHeight() - 50 ), _("##Trace center##"), -1, false, PushButton::whiteBorderUp ); CONNECT( _btnToggleDevastation, onClicked(), this, WarehouseSpecialOrdersWindow::toggleDevastation ); _updateBtnDevastation(); }
Checkbox::Checkbox(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, bool checked, const style::Checkbox &st) : Button(parent) , _st(st) , a_over(0) , a_checked(checked ? 1 : 0) , _a_over(animation(this, &Checkbox::step_over)) , _a_checked(animation(this, &Checkbox::step_checked)) , _text(text) , _fullText(text) , _textWidth(st.font->width(text)) , _checked(checked) { if (_st.width <= 0) { resize(_textWidth - _st.width, _st.height); } else { if (_st.width < _st.textPosition.x() + _textWidth + (_st.textPosition.x() - _st.diameter)) { _text = _st.font->elided(_fullText, qMax(_st.width - (_st.textPosition.x() + (_st.textPosition.x() - _st.diameter)), 1)); _textWidth = _st.font->width(_text); } resize(_st.width, _st.height); } _checkRect = myrtlrect(0, 0, _st.diameter, _st.diameter); connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClicked())); connect(this, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int, ButtonStateChangeSource)), this, SLOT(onStateChange(int, ButtonStateChangeSource))); setCursor(style::cur_pointer); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); }
Radiobutton::Radiobutton(QWidget *parent, const QString &group, int32 value, const QString &text, bool checked, const style::Radiobutton &st) : Button(parent), _st(st), a_over(0), a_checked(checked ? 1 : 0), _a_over(animFunc(this, &Radiobutton::animStep_over)), _a_checked(animFunc(this, &Radiobutton::animStep_checked)), _text(text), _fullText(text), _textWidth(st.font->width(text)), _checked(checked), _group(radiobuttons.reg(group)), _value(value) { if (_st.width <= 0) { resize(_textWidth - _st.width, _st.height); } else { if (_st.width < _st.textPosition.x() + _textWidth + (_st.textPosition.x() - _st.diameter)) { _text = _st.font->elided(_fullText, qMax(_st.width - (_st.textPosition.x() + (_st.textPosition.x() - _st.diameter)), 1.)); _textWidth = _st.font->width(_text); } resize(_st.width, _st.height); } _checkRect = myrtlrect(0, 0, _st.diameter, _st.diameter); connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClicked())); connect(this, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int, ButtonStateChangeSource)), this, SLOT(onStateChange(int, ButtonStateChangeSource))); setCursor(style::cur_pointer); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); reinterpret_cast<RadiobuttonGroup*>(_group)->insert(this, true); if (_checked) onChanged(); }
void TabButton::onCursorActivate(CursorInputEventArgs& e) { if ((e.source == CIS_Left) && isPushed()) { Window* sheet = getGUIContext().getRootWindow(); if (sheet) { // if cursor was released over this widget // (use cursor position, as e.position has been unprojected) if (this == sheet->getTargetChildAtPosition( getGUIContext().getCursor().getPosition())) { // fire event WindowEventArgs args(this); onClicked(args); } } ++e.handled; } else if (e.source == CIS_Middle) { d_dragging = false; releaseInput (); ++e.handled; } // default handling ButtonBase::onCursorActivate(e); }
ColorButton::ColorButton(QWidget *parent, QColor color) : QPushButton(parent) { setColor(color); connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClicked())); }
// MyButton MyButton::MyButton(const QString &text, QWidget *parent) : QPushButton(text, parent) { setFlat(true); setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClicked())); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) { = "Joonhwan"; m_tdc.children << "Seyeon" << "Eunseo"; m_tdc.age = 42; m_tdc.level = 5; QPushButton* button1 = new QPushButton("Test1"); connect(button1, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(onClicked())); QPushButton* button2 = new QPushButton("Test2"); connect(button2, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(onClicked2())); // - 비 포인터형을 받을 때는 반드시 const T& 형으로 signal/slot이 // 되어야 한다. signal/slot에서 Queuedconnection이 된 경우, // 호출측에서 받는 non-const 참조형은 아무런 의미가 // 없다. 호출측이 전달한 객체에 대한 참조가 아니라, 새로이 // 만들어진 객체에 대한 참조를 하기 때문이다. // enum을 전달할 때도 사용자 타입설정과 동일한 느낌으로 하면 된다. qRegisterMetaType<MyEnum::Type>("MyEnum::Type"); connect(this, SIGNAL(testSignal(const MyEnum::Type&)), this, SLOT(testSlot(const MyEnum::Type&)), Qt::QueuedConnection); // 아래의 내용은 qRegisterMetaType()의 호출과는 상관없이 가능하다. // 1. const 참조형. connect(this, SIGNAL(testSignal2(const TestDataClass&)), this, SLOT(testSlot2(const TestDataClass&))); // 2a. non-const 참조형 - Direct connect(this, SIGNAL(testSignal2_NonConst(TestDataClass&)), this, SLOT(testSlot2_NonConst(TestDataClass&))); // 2b. non-const 참조형 - Queueud // ---> 동작하지 않는다. 아래와 같은 경고가 뜬다. 하지만, // qRegisterMetaType<TestDataClass&>("TestDataClass&")는 컴파일이 안된다. // 따라서 쓸 수가 없다. // QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'TestDataClass&' // (Make sure 'TestDataClass&' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().) // // connect(this, SIGNAL(testSignal2_NonConst(TestDataClass&)), // this, SLOT(testSlot2_NonConst(TestDataClass&)), // Qt::QueuedConnection); // 3. 포인터형(const 이 아니어도 동작한다). connect(this, SIGNAL(testSignal3(TestDataClass*)), this, SLOT(testSlot_Pointer_Queued(TestDataClass*)), Qt::QueuedConnection); // 아래의 내용을 처리하지 않으면, testSlot2_Queued()는 동작하지 않는다. qRegisterMetaType<TestDataClass>("TestDataClass"); connect(this, SIGNAL(testSignal2(const TestDataClass&)), this, SLOT(testSlot2_Queued(const TestDataClass&)), Qt::QueuedConnection); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->addWidget(button1); layout->addWidget(button2); }
void pColorButton::init( const QColor& color ) { connect( this, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( onClicked() ) ); mColorNameHidden = false; setColor( color ); }
ImageButton::ImageButton(QWidget* parent) : QPushButton(parent) { setAutoDefault(false); setIconSize(QSize(100, 100)); unsetImage(); connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClicked())); }
OpenFileDlg::OpenFileDlg(QWidget* parent, CR3View* docView, const QString& path, const QString& file) : Dialog(parent) , ui(new Ui::OpenFileDlg) { ui->setupUi(this); QFont f(ui->lblPosition->font()); f.setPointSize(f.pointSize()/2); ui->lblPosition->setFont(f); f = ui->lblTitle->font(); f.setBold(true); ui->lblTitle->setFont(f); iconFile = QIcon(":/icons/book.png"); iconFolder = QIcon(":/icons/folder.png"); model.setIconProvider(this); model.setNameFilterDisables(false); model.setRootPath("/"); ui->fileList->setModel( &model ); ui->fileList->setRootIndex(model.index(path)); if ( !file.isEmpty() ) { ui->fileList->setCurrentIndex(model.index(path + QDir::separator() + file)); } model.setFilter( QDir::AllDirs | QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::Hidden ); model.setNameFilters( QStringList() << "*.zip" << "*.fb2" << "*.epub" << "*.rtf" << "*.txt" << "*.html" << "*.htm" << "*.tcr" << "*.pdb" << "*.chm" << "*.mobi" << "*.doc" << "*.azw" ); QObject::connect( ui->fileList, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(onClicked(QModelIndex))); QObject::connect( ui->fileList, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(onClicked(QModelIndex))); QObject::connect( &model, SIGNAL(layoutChanged()), this, SLOT(onLayoutChanged())); ui->navBar->setControls(ui->fileList, ui->lblPosition, QSize( docView->getOptions()->getIntDef(PROP_APP_UI_SWIPES_X_WEIGHT, 1), docView->getOptions()->getIntDef(PROP_APP_UI_SWIPES_Y_WEIGHT, 1) ) ); ui->fileList->setEditFocus(true); ui->fileList->setTextElideMode(Qt::ElideRight); init(); }
FilmWidget::FilmWidget(Widget* parent, io::FilePath film ) : Widget( parent, -1, Rect( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) ), _d( new Impl ) { _d->lbMessage = 0; setupUI( GameSettings::rcpath( "/gui/filmwidget.gui" ) ); setPosition( Point( parent->getWidth() - getWidth(), parent->getHeight() - getHeight() ) / 2 ); _d->lbTitle = findChild<Label*>( "lbTitle", true ); _d->btnExit = findChild<TexturedButton*>( "btnExit", true ); _d->lbTime = findChild<Label*>( "lbTime", true ); _d->lbReceiver = findChild<Label*>( "lbReceiver", true ); _d->lbMessage = findChild<Label*>( "lbMessage", true ); CONNECT( _d->btnExit, onClicked(), &_d->onCloseSignal, Signal0<>::emit ); CONNECT( _d->btnExit, onClicked(), this, FilmWidget::deleteLater ); }
TabButtonWidget::TabButtonWidget(TabWidget *parent) : PushButton(parent), m_minSize(size()), m_tabWidget(parent) { sizeHint(); this->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClicked())); }
FlatCheckbox::FlatCheckbox(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, bool checked, const style::flatCheckbox &st) : Button(parent), _text(text), _checked(checked), _st(st), _opacity(1), a_over(0, 0) { connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClicked())); connect(this, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int, ButtonStateChangeSource)), this, SLOT(onStateChange(int, ButtonStateChangeSource))); setCursor(_st.cursor); int32 w = _st.width, h = _st.height; if (w <= 0) w = _st.textLeft + _st.font->m.width(_text); if (h <= 0) h = qMax(_st.font->height, _st.imageRect.height()); resize(QSize(w, h)); }
LabelBtn::LabelBtn(const QString& pngFile, const QString& soundFile, QWidget *parent) : QLabel(parent) { m_SoundFile = soundFile; setCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor); this->setPixmap(QPixmap(pngFile)); this->resize(QPixmap(pngFile).size()); this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground,true); connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClicked())); }
void BoardWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton && !mouseDownPoint.isNull()) { int dx = event->pos().x() - mouseDownPoint.x(); int dy = event->pos().y() - mouseDownPoint.y(); if (dx * dx + dy * dy <= 5 * 5) { onClicked(event->pos()); } mouseDownPoint = QPoint(); } }
Trade::Trade(PlayerCityPtr city, Widget* parent, int id ) : Base( parent, city, id ), _d( new Impl ) { setupUI( ":/gui/tradeadv.gui" ); _d->city = city; _d->allgoods = city->statistic().goods.details( false ); GET_DWIDGET_FROM_UI( _d, btnEmpireMap ) GET_DWIDGET_FROM_UI( _d, btnPrices ) GET_DWIDGET_FROM_UI( _d, gbInfo ) CONNECT( _d->btnEmpireMap, onClicked(), this, Trade::deleteLater ); CONNECT( _d->btnPrices, onClicked(),, Impl::showGoodsPriceWindow ); _d->updateGoodsInfo(); TexturedButton* btnHelp = new TexturedButton( this, Point( 12, height() - 39), Size( 24 ), -1, ResourceMenu::helpInfBtnPicId ); CONNECT( btnHelp, onClicked(), this, Trade::_showHelp ); }
void LoadChemStationDataDialog::expandToPath(const QString &path) { const QModelIndex &index = m_fsModel->index(path); if (!index.isValid()) return; qtrv_fileSystem->setCurrentIndex(index); qtrv_fileSystem->scrollTo(index); onClicked(index); }
void FalagardActionButton::onMouseButtonUp(MouseEventArgs& e) { // FalagardButton::onMouseButtonUp(e);下面就是pushbutton中的部分 if ((e.button == LeftButton) && isPushed()) { Window* sheet = System::getSingleton().getGUISheet(); if (sheet != NULL) { // if mouse was released over this widget if (this == sheet->getChildAtPosition(e.position)) { // fire event WindowEventArgs args(this); onClicked(args); } } e.handled = true; } if(e.button == RightButton) { Window* sheet = System::getSingleton().getGUISheet(); if (sheet != NULL) { // if mouse was released over this widget if (this == sheet->getChildAtPosition(e.position)) { // fire event WindowEventArgs args(this); onRBClicked(args); } } } // default handling // ButtonBase::onMouseButtonUp(e);下面就是buttonbase中的部分 Window::onMouseButtonUp(e); if (e.button == LeftButton || e.button == RightButton) { releaseInput(); // event was handled by us. e.handled = true; } d_leftMouseDown = false; }
///////// tid filters void FilterTid::setupModel () { if (!m_model) m_model = new QStandardItemModel; m_ui->view->setModel(m_model); m_ui->view->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); connect(m_ui->view, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(onClicked(QModelIndex))); connect(m_ui->allButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSelectAll())); connect(m_ui->noneButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSelectNone())); }
void CHilitButton::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CMFCButton::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); if (!m_bEnableDoubleClick && onClicked) { onClicked(); } if (m_bEnableDoubleClick) { SetTimer(DelayClickTimer, 150, NULL); } }
bool GUIColor::_mouseEvent(const GUIMouseEvent& ev) { if(ev.getType() == GUIMouseEventType::MouseUp) { if (!_isDisabled()) onClicked(); return true; } return false; }