StatusWidget::StatusWidget(QWidget *parent) : QLabel(parent) { hide(); connect(StatusMenu::i(), SIGNAL(updated()), SLOT(reload())); if (!ChatCore::isReady()) connect(ChatCore::i(), SIGNAL(ready()), SLOT(onReady())); else onReady(); }
TabWidget::TabWidget(QWidget *parent) : QTabWidget(parent) , m_serverTab(0) , m_tray(0) { m_self = this; m_tabBar = new TabBar(this); setTabBar(m_tabBar); setDocumentMode(true); # if !defined(Q_OS_MAC) setStyleSheet(LS("QToolBar { margin:0px; border:0px; }")); # endif int fontSize = ChatCore::settings()->value(ChatSettings::kChatViewFontSize).toInt(); if (fontSize == -1) fontSize = fontInfo().pixelSize(); QString fontFamily = ChatCore::settings()->value(ChatSettings::kChatViewFontFamily).toString(); if (fontFamily.isEmpty() || fontFamily == LS("\"\"")) fontFamily = fontInfo().family(); QWebSettings::globalSettings()->setFontSize(QWebSettings::DefaultFontSize, fontSize); QWebSettings::globalSettings()->setFontSize(QWebSettings::DefaultFixedFontSize, fontSize); QWebSettings::globalSettings()->setFontFamily(QWebSettings::StandardFont, fontFamily); QWebSettings::globalSettings()->setFontFamily(QWebSettings::SerifFont, fontFamily); QWebSettings::globalSettings()->setFontFamily(QWebSettings::SansSerifFont, fontFamily); QWebSettings::globalSettings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::LocalStorageEnabled, true); QWebSettings::globalSettings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled, ChatCore::settings()->value(SETTINGS_LABS_DEVELOPER_EXTRAS).toBool()); m_authIcon = new AuthIcon(); add(new AboutTabCreator()); add(new SettingsTabCreator()); add(new WelcomeTabCreator()); add(new ProgressTabCreator()); tab(PROGRESS_TAB); createToolBars(); if (!ChatCore::isReady()) connect(ChatCore::i(), SIGNAL(ready()), SLOT(onReady())); else onReady(); connect(this, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), SLOT(closeTab(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), SLOT(currentChanged(int))); connect(ChatNotify::i(), SIGNAL(notify(Notify)), SLOT(notify(Notify))); }
void Model::create(const bgfx::VertexDecl& def, Material* material, const int* indices_data, int indices_size, const void* attributes_data, int attributes_size) { m_geometry_buffer_object.setAttributesData( attributes_data, attributes_size, def); m_geometry_buffer_object.setIndicesData(indices_data, indices_size); m_meshes.emplace(def, material, 0, attributes_size, 0, indices_size / sizeof(int), "default", m_allocator); Model::LOD lod; lod.m_distance = FLT_MAX; lod.m_from_mesh = 0; lod.m_to_mesh = 0; m_lods.push(lod); m_indices.resize(indices_size / sizeof(m_indices[0])); memcpy(&m_indices[0], indices_data, indices_size); m_vertices.resize(attributes_size / def.getStride()); computeRuntimeData((const uint8_t*)attributes_data); onReady(); }
void AsyncDriver::stopNow(){ _targetPos = _currentPos; stepInterval = 0; _speed = 0.0; lastStepTime = 0; _n = 0; onReady(); }
void AsyncDriver::computeNewSpeed( boolean sync ){ volatile long distanceTo = _targetPos - _currentPos; volatile long stepsToStop = (long)((_speed * _speed) / (2.0 * _acceleration)); // Equation 16 if (distanceTo == 0 && stepsToStop <= 1){ // We are at the target and its time to stop stepInterval = 0; _speed = 0.0; _n = 0; onReady(); return; } if (distanceTo > 0){ // We are anticlockwise from the target // Need to go clockwise from here, maybe decelerate now if (_n > 0){ // Currently accelerating, need to decel now? Or maybe going the wrong way? if ((stepsToStop >= distanceTo) || _direction == DIR_ACW) _n = -stepsToStop; // Start deceleration }else if (_n < 0){ // Currently decelerating, need to accel again? if ((stepsToStop < distanceTo) && _direction == DIR_CW) _n = -_n; // Start accceleration } }else if (distanceTo < 0){ // We are clockwise from the target // Need to go anticlockwise from here, maybe decelerate if (_n > 0){ // Currently accelerating, need to decel now? Or maybe going the wrong way? if ((stepsToStop >= -distanceTo) || _direction == DIR_CW) _n = -stepsToStop; // Start deceleration }else if (_n < 0){ // Currently decelerating, need to accel again? if ((stepsToStop < -distanceTo) && _direction == DIR_ACW) _n = -_n; // Start accceleration } } // Need to accelerate or decelerate if (_n == 0){ // First step from stopped _cn = _c0; _direction = (distanceTo > 0) ? DIR_CW : DIR_ACW; }else{ // Subsequent step. Works for accel (n is +_ve) and decel (n is -ve). _cn = _cn - ((2.0 * _cn) / ((4.0 * _n) + 1)); // Equation 13 _cn = max(_cn, _cmin); } _n++; stepInterval = _cn; _speed = 1000000.0 / _cn; if (_direction == DIR_ACW){ _speed = -_speed; } if(sync){ // debug(); //# if 0 //# endif } }
ServiceThread::ServiceThread(QObject *parent) : QThread(parent) , m_ready(false) , m_counter(-1) { qRegisterMetaType<IServiceTask*>("IServiceTask*"); qRegisterMetaType<QQueue<IServiceTask*> >("QQueue<IServiceTask*>"); connect(this, SIGNAL(ready()), SLOT(onReady())); }
bool ControllerInterface::connectToDataSource(const QString &source) { d->mDataSource = PluginLoader::getInstance()->engine(source); if (!d-> return 0; connect(d->, SIGNAL(ready()), this, SLOT(onReady())); return true; }
virtual void onChannelDataReady(Ipc::ChannelRef channel, Ipc::MessageRef message) { switch(Ipc::CommandId cmd = message->get_cmd()) { default: { logger->error() << "Tab: received unknown command '" << cmd << "'" << std::endl; break; } case Ipc::CommandId::onReady: { onReady(); break; } case Ipc::CommandId::onPaint: { onPaint(); break; } } }
void AsyncDriver::moveTo(long absolute){ uint8_t oldSREG = SREG; noInterrupts(); if ( _targetPos == absolute ){ if( _targetPos ==_currentPos){ onReady(); } }else{ if( disable_on_ready && is_disabled ){ enableOutputs(); } _targetPos = absolute; computeNewSpeed(true); } SREG = oldSREG; }
// Called in loading thread void QSample::readSample() { Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread()->objectName() == "QSampleCache::LoadingThread"); QMutexLocker m(&m_mutex); #ifdef QT_SAMPLECACHE_DEBUG qDebug() << "QSample: readSample"; #endif qint64 read = m_waveDecoder->read( + m_sampleReadLength, qMin(m_waveDecoder->bytesAvailable(), qint64(m_waveDecoder->size() - m_sampleReadLength))); if (read > 0) m_sampleReadLength += read; if (m_sampleReadLength < m_waveDecoder->size()) return; Q_ASSERT(m_sampleReadLength == qint64(m_soundData.size())); onReady(); }
// Called in loading thread void QSample::decoderReady() { Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread()->objectName() == "QSampleCache::LoadingThread"); QMutexLocker m(&m_mutex); #ifdef QT_SAMPLECACHE_DEBUG qDebug() << "QSample: decoder ready"; #endif m_parent->refresh(m_waveDecoder->size()); m_soundData.resize(m_waveDecoder->size()); m_sampleReadLength = 0; qint64 read = m_waveDecoder->read(, m_waveDecoder->size()); if (read > 0) m_sampleReadLength += read; if (m_sampleReadLength >= m_waveDecoder->size()) onReady(); }
void *control_main(){ do{ if(rpi_hasReceived && isReady()){ rpi_hasReceived = 0; // printf("-------------------------------\n"); printf("[RPI] Received: %s\n", input); // Split Command int result = splitString(input, "<", inputPtr, 2); if(result == 2){ message_size = strlen(inputPtr[1]); tempCommand = inputPtr[1]; // printf("Target: %s\n", inputPtr[0]); // printf("Target Length: %d\n", strlen(inputPtr[0])); // printf("Target Size: %d\n", sizeof(inputPtr[0])); // printf("Message: %s\n", inputPtr[1]); // printf("Message Length: %d\n", strlen(inputPtr[1])); // printf("Message Size: %d\n", sizeof(inputPtr[1])); // printf("-------------------------------\n"); memset(output, 0, sizeof(output)); strncpy(output, tempCommand, strlen(tempCommand)); for(i = 0; i < strlen(inputPtr[0]); i++){ setTarget((&input[0])[i]); } } // }else{ // memset(output, 0, sizeof(output)); // strncpy(output, "Invalid Command: ", 17); // strcat(output, input); // setTarget(sender); // } //printf("%d:%d:%d\n", arduino_isWriting, bt_isWriting, tcp_isWriting); } if(tcp_isReconnected){ tcp_isReconnected = 0; onReady(); } }while(1); }
/** * @brief downloader::onResult * @param reply */ void downloader::onResult(QNetworkReply *reply) { // Если в процесе получения данных произошла ошибка if(reply->error()){ // Сообщаем об этом и показываем информацию об ошибках qDebug() << "ERROR"; qDebug() << reply->errorString(); } else { // В противном случае создаём объект для работы с файлом QFile *file = new QFile("C:/example/file.xml"); // Создаём файл или открываем его на перезапись ... if(file->open(QFile::WriteOnly)){ file->write(reply->readAll()); // ... и записываем всю информацию со страницы в файл file->close(); // закрываем файл qDebug() << "Downloading is completed"; emit onReady(); // Посылаем сигнал о завершении получения файла } } }
UpdateStateRow::UpdateStateRow(QWidget *parent) : RpWidget(parent) , _check(this, lang(lng_settings_check_now)) , _restart(this, lang(lng_settings_update_now)) { connect(_check, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onCheck())); connect(_restart, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(restart())); _versionText = lng_settings_current_version_label(lt_version, currentVersionText()); Core::UpdateChecker checker; checker.checking() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { onChecking(); }, lifetime()); checker.isLatest() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { onLatest(); }, lifetime()); checker.progress( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Core::UpdateChecker::Progress progress) { onDownloading(progress.already, progress.size); }, lifetime()); checker.failed() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { onFailed(); }, lifetime()); checker.ready() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { onReady(); }, lifetime()); switch (checker.state()) { case Core::UpdateChecker::State::Download: setState(State::Download, true); setDownloadProgress(checker.already(), checker.size()); break; case Core::UpdateChecker::State::Ready: setState(State::Ready, true); break; default: setState(State::None, true); break; } }
UpdateStateRow::UpdateStateRow(QWidget *parent) : TWidget(parent) , _check(this, lang(lng_settings_check_now)) , _restart(this, lang(lng_settings_update_now)) { connect(_check, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onCheck())); connect(_restart, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(restart())); Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateChecking()), this, SLOT(onChecking())); Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateLatest()), this, SLOT(onLatest())); Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateProgress(qint64, qint64)), this, SLOT(onDownloading(qint64, qint64))); Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateFailed()), this, SLOT(onFailed())); Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateReady()), this, SLOT(onReady())); _versionText = lng_settings_current_version_label(lt_version, currentVersionText()); switch (Sandbox::updatingState()) { case Application::UpdatingDownload: setState(State::Download, true); setDownloadProgress(Sandbox::updatingReady(), Sandbox::updatingSize()); break; case Application::UpdatingReady: setState(State::Ready, true); break; default: setState(State::None, true); break; } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Entity::propagateOnReady() { onReady(); for (auto it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it) (*it)->propagateOnReady(); }
const Future<T>& onReady(_Deferred<F>&& deferred) const { return onReady(std::function<void(const T&)>(deferred)); }
int main() { loadResource(IMG_BOSSES); onReady("gameRun"); }