    QWidget *parent, const QString& baseKey, const QString& connName, Qt::WFlags fl ):
    QDialog( parent, fl ),
    mBaseKey( baseKey ),
    mOriginalConnName( connName )
    setupUi( this );

    // It would be obviously much better to use mBaseKey also for credentials,
    // but for some strange reason a different hardcoded key was used instead.
    // WFS and WMS credentials were mixed with the same key WMS.
    // Only WMS and WFS providers are using QgsNewHttpConnection at this moment
    // using connection-wms and connection-wfs -> parse credential key fro it.
    mCredentialsBaseKey = mBaseKey.split( '-' ).last().toUpper();

    if ( !connName.isEmpty() )
        // populate the dialog with the information stored for the connection
        // populate the fields with the stored setting parameters

        QSettings settings;

        QString key = mBaseKey + connName;
        QString credentialsKey = "/Qgis/" + mCredentialsBaseKey + "/" + connName;
        txtName->setText( connName );
        txtUrl->setText( settings.value( key + "/url" ).toString() );

        if ( mBaseKey == "/Qgis/connections-wms/" )
            cbxIgnoreGetMapURI->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/ignoreGetMapURI", false ).toBool() );
            cbxIgnoreGetFeatureInfoURI->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/ignoreGetFeatureInfoURI", false ).toBool() );
            cbxIgnoreGetMapURI->setVisible( false );
            cbxIgnoreGetFeatureInfoURI->setVisible( false );

        txtUserName->setText( settings.value( credentialsKey + "/username" ).toString() );
        txtPassword->setText( settings.value( credentialsKey + "/password" ).toString() );

    on_txtName_textChanged( connName );
    QWidget *parent, const QString& baseKey, const QString& connName, Qt::WFlags fl ):
    QDialog( parent, fl ),
    mBaseKey( baseKey ),
    mOriginalConnName( connName )
    setupUi( this );

    QString service = baseKey.mid( 18, 3 ).toUpper();
    setWindowTitle( tr( "Create a new %1 connection" ).arg( service ) );

    // It would be obviously much better to use mBaseKey also for credentials,
    // but for some strange reason a different hardcoded key was used instead.
    // WFS and WMS credentials were mixed with the same key WMS.
    // Only WMS and WFS providers are using QgsNewHttpConnection at this moment
    // using connection-wms and connection-wfs -> parse credential key fro it.
    mCredentialsBaseKey = mBaseKey.split( '-' ).last().toUpper();

    if ( !connName.isEmpty() )
        // populate the dialog with the information stored for the connection
        // populate the fields with the stored setting parameters

        QSettings settings;

        QString key = mBaseKey + connName;
        QString credentialsKey = "/Qgis/" + mCredentialsBaseKey + "/" + connName;
        txtName->setText( connName );
        txtUrl->setText( settings.value( key + "/url" ).toString() );

        cbxIgnoreGetMapURI->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/ignoreGetMapURI", false ).toBool() );
        cbxIgnoreAxisOrientation->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/ignoreAxisOrientation", false ).toBool() );
        cbxInvertAxisOrientation->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/invertAxisOrientation", false ).toBool() );
        cbxIgnoreGetFeatureInfoURI->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/ignoreGetFeatureInfoURI", false ).toBool() );
        cbxSmoothPixmapTransform->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/smoothPixmapTransform", false ).toBool() );

        txtReferer->setText( settings.value( key + "/referer" ).toString() );

        txtUserName->setText( settings.value( credentialsKey + "/username" ).toString() );
        txtPassword->setText( settings.value( credentialsKey + "/password" ).toString() );

    if ( mBaseKey != "/Qgis/connections-wms/" )
        if ( mBaseKey == "/Qgis/connections-wcs/" )
            cbxIgnoreGetMapURI->setText( tr( "Ignore GetCoverage URI reported in capabilities" ) );
            cbxIgnoreAxisOrientation->setText( tr( "Ignore axis orientation" ) );
            cbxIgnoreGetMapURI->setVisible( false );
            cbxIgnoreAxisOrientation->setVisible( false );
            cbxInvertAxisOrientation->setVisible( false );
            mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cbxIgnoreGetMapURI );
            mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cbxIgnoreAxisOrientation );
            mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cbxInvertAxisOrientation );

        cbxIgnoreGetFeatureInfoURI->setVisible( false );
        mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cbxIgnoreGetFeatureInfoURI );

        txtReferer->setVisible( false );
        mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( txtReferer );
        lblReferer->setVisible( false );
        mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( lblReferer );

        // Adjust height
        int w = width();
        resize( w, height() );

    on_txtName_textChanged( connName );
  QWidget *parent, const QString& baseKey, const QString& connName, Qt::WindowFlags fl )
    : QDialog( parent, fl )
    , mBaseKey( baseKey )
    , mOriginalConnName( connName )
    , mAuthConfigSelect( nullptr )
  setupUi( this );

  QString service = baseKey.mid( 18, 3 ).toUpper();
  setWindowTitle( tr( "Create a new %1 connection" ).arg( service ) );

  // It would be obviously much better to use mBaseKey also for credentials,
  // but for some strange reason a different hardcoded key was used instead.
  // WFS and WMS credentials were mixed with the same key WMS.
  // Only WMS and WFS providers are using QgsNewHttpConnection at this moment
  // using connection-wms and connection-wfs -> parse credential key fro it.
  mCredentialsBaseKey = mBaseKey.split( '-' ).last().toUpper();

  txtName->setValidator( new QRegExpValidator( QRegExp( "[^\\/]+" ), txtName ) );

  cmbDpiMode->addItem( tr( "all" ) );
  cmbDpiMode->addItem( tr( "off" ) );
  cmbDpiMode->addItem( tr( "QGIS" ) );
  cmbDpiMode->addItem( tr( "UMN" ) );
  cmbDpiMode->addItem( tr( "GeoServer" ) );

  cmbVersion->addItem( tr( "Auto-detect" ) );
  cmbVersion->addItem( tr( "1.0" ) );
  cmbVersion->addItem( tr( "1.1" ) );
  cmbVersion->addItem( tr( "2.0" ) );

  mAuthConfigSelect = new QgsAuthConfigSelect( this );
  tabAuth->insertTab( 1, mAuthConfigSelect, tr( "Configurations" ) );

  if ( !connName.isEmpty() )
    // populate the dialog with the information stored for the connection
    // populate the fields with the stored setting parameters

    QSettings settings;

    QString key = mBaseKey + connName;
    QString credentialsKey = "/Qgis/" + mCredentialsBaseKey + '/' + connName;
    txtName->setText( connName );
    txtUrl->setText( settings.value( key + "/url" ).toString() );

    cbxIgnoreGetMapURI->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/ignoreGetMapURI", false ).toBool() );
    cbxIgnoreAxisOrientation->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/ignoreAxisOrientation", false ).toBool() );
    cbxInvertAxisOrientation->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/invertAxisOrientation", false ).toBool() );
    cbxIgnoreGetFeatureInfoURI->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/ignoreGetFeatureInfoURI", false ).toBool() );
    cbxSmoothPixmapTransform->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/smoothPixmapTransform", false ).toBool() );

    int dpiIdx;
    switch ( settings.value( key + "/dpiMode", 7 ).toInt() )
      case 0: // off
        dpiIdx = 1;
      case 1: // QGIS
        dpiIdx = 2;
      case 2: // UMN
        dpiIdx = 3;
      case 4: // GeoServer
        dpiIdx = 4;
      default: // other => all
        dpiIdx = 0;
    cmbDpiMode->setCurrentIndex( dpiIdx );

    QString version = settings.value( key + "/version" ).toString();
    int versionIdx = 0; // AUTO
    if ( version == "1.0.0" )
      versionIdx = 1;
    else if ( version == "1.1.0" )
      versionIdx = 2;
    else if ( version == "2.0.0" )
      versionIdx = 3;
    cmbVersion->setCurrentIndex( versionIdx );

    txtReferer->setText( settings.value( key + "/referer" ).toString() );
    txtMaxNumFeatures->setText( settings.value( key + "/maxnumfeatures" ).toString() );

    txtUserName->setText( settings.value( credentialsKey + "/username" ).toString() );
    txtPassword->setText( settings.value( credentialsKey + "/password" ).toString() );

    QString authcfg = settings.value( credentialsKey + "/authcfg" ).toString();
    mAuthConfigSelect->setConfigId( authcfg );
    if ( !authcfg.isEmpty() )
      tabAuth->setCurrentIndex( tabAuth->indexOf( mAuthConfigSelect ) );

  if ( mBaseKey != "/Qgis/connections-wms/" )
    if ( mBaseKey != "/Qgis/connections-wcs/" &&
         mBaseKey != "/Qgis/connections-wfs/" )
      cbxIgnoreAxisOrientation->setVisible( false );
      cbxInvertAxisOrientation->setVisible( false );
      mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cbxIgnoreAxisOrientation );
      mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cbxInvertAxisOrientation );

    if ( mBaseKey == "/Qgis/connections-wfs/" )
      cbxIgnoreAxisOrientation->setText( tr( "Ignore axis orientation (WFS 1.1/WFS 2.0)" ) );

    if ( mBaseKey == "/Qgis/connections-wcs/" )
      cbxIgnoreGetMapURI->setText( tr( "Ignore GetCoverage URI reported in capabilities" ) );
      cbxIgnoreAxisOrientation->setText( tr( "Ignore axis orientation" ) );
      cbxIgnoreGetMapURI->setVisible( false );
      cbxSmoothPixmapTransform->setVisible( false );
      mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cbxIgnoreGetMapURI );
      mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cbxSmoothPixmapTransform );

    cbxIgnoreGetFeatureInfoURI->setVisible( false );
    mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cbxIgnoreGetFeatureInfoURI );

    cmbDpiMode->setVisible( false );
    mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cmbDpiMode );
    lblDpiMode->setVisible( false );
    mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( lblDpiMode );

    txtReferer->setVisible( false );
    mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( txtReferer );
    lblReferer->setVisible( false );
    mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( lblReferer );

  if ( mBaseKey != "/Qgis/connections-wfs/" )
    cmbVersion->setVisible( false );
    mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cmbVersion );
    lblMaxNumFeatures->setVisible( false );
    mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( lblMaxNumFeatures );
    txtMaxNumFeatures->setVisible( false );
    mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( txtMaxNumFeatures );

  // Adjust height
  int w = width();
  resize( w, height() );

  on_txtName_textChanged( connName );