void	CTraceRecorder::AbortTrace()
	DAEDALUS_PROFILE( "CTraceRecorder::AbortTrace" );

	if( mTracing )
		FILE * fh( fopen( "aborted_traces.txt", "a" ) );
			fprintf( fh, "\n\nTrace: (%d ops)\n", mTraceBuffer.size() );

			u32		last_address( mTraceBuffer.size() > 0 ? mTraceBuffer[ 0 ].Address-4 : 0 );
			for(std::vector< STraceEntry >::const_iterator it = mTraceBuffer.begin(); it != mTraceBuffer.end(); ++it)
				u32		address( it->Address );
				OpCode	op_code( it->OpCode );
				u32		branch_index( it->BranchIdx );

				if( branch_index != INVALID_IDX )
					DAEDALUS_ASSERT( branch_index < mBranchDetails.size(), "The branch index is out of range" );

					const SBranchDetails &	details( mBranchDetails[ branch_index ] );

					fprintf( fh, " BRANCH %d -> %08x\n", branch_index, details.TargetAddress );

				char		buf[100];
				SprintOpCodeInfo( buf, address, op_code );

				bool		is_jump( address != last_address + 4 );

				fprintf( fh, "%08x: %c%s\n", address, is_jump ? '*' : ' ', buf );

				last_address = address;


		//DBGConsole_Msg( 0, "Aborting tracing of     [R%08x]", mStartTraceAddress );
		mTracing = false;
		mStartTraceAddress = 0;
		mExpectedExitTraceAddress = 0;
		mActiveBranchIdx = INVALID_IDX;
		mStopTraceAfterDelaySlot = false;
		mNeedIndirectExitMap = false;

int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
	assert( argc > 2 );
	daw::history::pump_model_t pump_model( argv[1] );
	auto data = read_file( argv[2] );

	std::vector<uint8_t> v;
	for( size_t n = 0; n < data.size( ); n += 2 ) {
		while( std::isspace( data[n] ) ) {
		char tmp[3] = { data[n], data[n + 1], 0 };
		v.push_back( static_cast<uint8_t>(strtol( tmp, nullptr, 16 )) );
	if( v.back( ) == 0 ) {
		v.pop_back( ); // null terminator
	v.pop_back( ); // crc
	v.pop_back( ); // crc
	auto range = daw::range::make_range( v.data( ), v.data( ) + v.size( ) );

	std::vector<std::unique_ptr<daw::history::history_entry_obj>> entries;
	size_t pos = 0;

	auto good_item = []( auto const & i ) {
		if( !i ) {
			return false;
		if( !i->timestamp( ) ) {
			return false;
		return i->timestamp( )->date( ).year( ) == current_year( );

	auto reasonible_year = []( auto const & i ) {
		if( i->timestamp( ) ) {
			auto item_year = i->timestamp( )->date( ).year( );
			auto this_year = current_year( );
			if( item_year < this_year - 2 ) {
				return false;
			if( item_year > this_year + 2 ) {
				return false;
		return true;	// Not all items have timestamps

	while( !range.at_end( ) ) {
		auto item = daw::history::create_history_entry( range, pump_model, pos );

		if( item ) {
			if( item->op_code( ) == 0x0 ) {
			std::cout << std::dec << std::dec << pos+1 << "/" << v.size( ) << ": ";
			if( !reasonible_year( item ) ) {
				std::cerr << "WARNING: The year does not look correct, outside of plus or minute 2 years from current system year\n";
			std::cout << item->encode( );
			entries.push_back( std::move( item ) );
		} else {
			std::cout << std::dec << std::dec << pos+1 << "/" << v.size( ) << ": ";
			std::cout << "ERROR: data( ";
			auto err_start = pos;
			safe_advance( range, 1 );
			while( !range.at_end( ) && (range[0] == 0 || !(item = daw::history::create_history_entry( range, pump_model, pos )) || !good_item( item ) )) {
				safe_advance( range, 1 );
			auto offset = item ? item->size( ) - 1 : 0;
			std::cout << (pos-(err_start+offset)) << " ) { ";
			std::cout << daw::range::make_range( v.data( ) + err_start, v.data( ) + pos - offset ).to_hex_string( ) << " }\n";
			if( !range.at_end( ) ) {
				std::cout << std::dec << std::dec << (pos-offset)+1 << "/" << v.size( ) << ": " << item->encode( );
				entries.push_back( std::move( item ) );
		std::cout << "\n\n";