aodv_route_table_entry_create (AodvT_Route_Table* route_table_ptr, InetT_Address dest_addr, InetT_Subnet_Mask subnet_mask,
	InetT_Address next_hop_addr, IpT_Port_Info out_port_info, int num_hops, int dest_seq_num, double expiry_time)
	AodvT_Route_Entry*			route_entry_ptr;
	AodvT_Global_Stathandles*	global_stathandle_ptr;
	void*						old_contents_ptr;
	/** Adds a new route table entry	**/
	/** in the route table				**/
	FIN (aodv_route_table_entry_create (<args>));

	/* Allocate memory for the route entry	*/
	route_entry_ptr = aodv_route_table_entry_mem_alloc ();
	route_entry_ptr->dest_prefix = ip_cmn_rte_table_dest_prefix_create (dest_addr, subnet_mask);
	route_entry_ptr->dest_seq_num = dest_seq_num;
	if (dest_seq_num != AODVC_DEST_SEQ_NUM_INVALID)
		route_entry_ptr->valid_dest_sequence_number_flag = OPC_TRUE;
		route_entry_ptr->valid_dest_sequence_number_flag = OPC_FALSE;
	route_entry_ptr->route_entry_state = AodvC_Valid_Route;
	route_entry_ptr->next_hop_addr = inet_address_copy (next_hop_addr);
	route_entry_ptr->next_hop_port_info = out_port_info;
	route_entry_ptr->hop_count = num_hops;
	route_entry_ptr->route_expiry_time = op_sim_time () + expiry_time;
	/* This event will be processed by aodv_rte_entry_expiry_handle */
	/* function when the timer expires.								*/
	route_entry_ptr->route_expiry_evhandle = op_intrpt_schedule_call (route_entry_ptr->route_expiry_time,
		AODVC_ROUTE_ENTRY_INVALID,	aodv_rte_entry_expiry_handle, route_entry_ptr);
	/* Set the route entry for this destination	*/
	/* in the route table						*/
	inet_addr_hash_table_item_insert (route_table_ptr->route_table, &dest_addr, route_entry_ptr, &old_contents_ptr);
	/* Insert the route in the IP common route table	*/
	Inet_Cmn_Rte_Table_Entry_Add_Options (route_table_ptr->ip_cmn_rte_table_ptr, OPC_NIL, route_entry_ptr->dest_prefix, 
		route_entry_ptr->next_hop_addr, route_entry_ptr->next_hop_port_info, route_entry_ptr->hop_count, 
		route_table_ptr->aodv_protocol_id, 1, OPC_NIL, IPC_CMN_RTE_TABLE_ENTRY_ADD_INDIRECT_NEXTHOP_OPTION);
	/* Update the size of the route table	*/

	/* Update the route table size statistic	*/
	op_stat_write (route_table_ptr->stat_handles_ptr->route_table_size_shandle, route_table_ptr->active_route_count);
	/* Update the statistic for the number of hops	*/
	op_stat_write (route_table_ptr->stat_handles_ptr->num_hops_shandle, route_entry_ptr->hop_count);	
	/* Get a handle to the global statistics	*/
	global_stathandle_ptr = aodv_support_global_stat_handles_obtain ();
	/* Update the global statistic for the number of hops	*/
	op_stat_write (global_stathandle_ptr->num_hops_global_shandle, route_entry_ptr->hop_count);

	FRET (route_entry_ptr);
static void
aodv_packet_queue_route_discovery_time_stat_update (AodvT_Packet_Queue* pkt_queue_ptr, List* pkt_queue_lptr)
	int							num_pkts, count;
	AodvT_Packet_Entry*			pkt_entry_ptr = OPC_NIL;
	AodvT_Global_Stathandles*	global_stathandle_ptr = OPC_NIL;
	double						first_enqueue_time = OPC_DBL_INFINITY;
	double						route_discovery_time;
	/** Updates the statistic for the route discovery time	**/
	FIN (aodv_packet_queue_route_discovery_time_stat_update (<args>));
	/* Get the number of packets for the	*/
	/* destination whose route has just 	*/
	/* been discovered						*/
	num_pkts = op_prg_list_size (pkt_queue_lptr);
	for (count = 0; count < num_pkts; count++)
		/* Access each packet information	*/
		/* and determine the first packet	*/
		/* that was enqueued.				*/
		pkt_entry_ptr = (AodvT_Packet_Entry*) op_prg_list_access (pkt_queue_lptr, count);
		if (pkt_entry_ptr->insert_time < first_enqueue_time)
			/* This entry is earlier than 	*/
			/* any other so far				*/
			first_enqueue_time = pkt_entry_ptr->insert_time;
	/* The route discovery time is the time	*/
	/* difference between the first packet 	*/
	/* enqueued to this destination and the	*/
	/* current simulation time when the 	*/
	/* route was discovered					*/
	route_discovery_time = op_sim_time () - first_enqueue_time;
	/* Get a handle to the global statistics	*/
	global_stathandle_ptr = aodv_support_global_stat_handles_obtain ();
	/* Update the route discovery time for	*/
	/* a specific destination				*/
	op_stat_write (pkt_queue_ptr->stat_handle_ptr->route_discovery_time_shandle, route_discovery_time);
	/* Update the global route discovery time statistic	*/
	op_stat_write (global_stathandle_ptr->route_discovery_time_global_shandle, route_discovery_time);
aodv_support_routing_traffic_sent_stats_update (AodvT_Local_Stathandles* stat_handle_ptr, AodvT_Global_Stathandles* global_stathandle_ptr, Packet* pkptr)
	OpT_Packet_Size			pkt_size;
	/** Updates the routing traffic sent statistics	**/
	/** in both bits/sec and pkts/sec				**/
	FIN (aodv_support_routing_traffic_sent_stats_update (<args>));
	/* Get the size of the packet	*/
	pkt_size = op_pk_total_size_get (pkptr);
	/* Update the local routing traffic sent stat in bps 	*/
	op_stat_write (stat_handle_ptr->rte_traf_sent_bps_shandle, pkt_size);
	op_stat_write (stat_handle_ptr->rte_traf_sent_bps_shandle, 0.0);
	/* Update the local routing traffic sent stat in pps 	*/
	op_stat_write (stat_handle_ptr->rte_traf_sent_pps_shandle, 1.0);
	op_stat_write (stat_handle_ptr->rte_traf_sent_pps_shandle, 0.0);
	/* Update the global routing traffic sent stat in bps 	*/
	op_stat_write (global_stathandle_ptr->rte_traf_sent_bps_global_shandle, pkt_size);
	op_stat_write (global_stathandle_ptr->rte_traf_sent_bps_global_shandle, 0.0);
	/* Update the global routing traffic sent stat in pps 	*/
	op_stat_write (global_stathandle_ptr->rte_traf_sent_pps_global_shandle, 1.0);
	op_stat_write (global_stathandle_ptr->rte_traf_sent_pps_global_shandle, 0.0);
aodv_packet_queue_all_pkts_to_dest_delete (AodvT_Packet_Queue* pkt_queue_ptr, InetT_Address dest_addr)
	AodvT_Packet_Entry*			pkt_entry_ptr;
	AodvT_Global_Stathandles*	global_stathandle_ptr = OPC_NIL;
	List*						pkt_lptr;
	int							num_pkts;
	/** Deletes all packets to a specific destination	**/
	FIN (aodv_packet_queue_all_pkts_to_dest_delete (<args>));
	/* Remove the packets form the queue	*/
	pkt_lptr = (List *) inet_addr_hash_table_item_remove (pkt_queue_ptr->pkt_queue_table, &dest_addr);
	if (pkt_lptr == OPC_NIL)
	/* Decrement the size of the queue	*/
	num_pkts = op_prg_list_size (pkt_lptr);
	pkt_queue_ptr->current_queue_size -= num_pkts;
	/* Update the packet queue size statistic	*/
	aodv_packet_queue_size_stat_update (pkt_queue_ptr);
	/* Update the number of packets dropped statistic	*/
	op_stat_write (pkt_queue_ptr->stat_handle_ptr->num_pkts_discard_shandle, (double) num_pkts);
	/* Get a handle to the global statistics	*/
	global_stathandle_ptr = aodv_support_global_stat_handles_obtain ();
	/* Update the global statistic for the number of pkts dropped	*/
	op_stat_write (global_stathandle_ptr->num_pkts_discard_global_shandle, (double) num_pkts);
	/* Free each entry in the list	*/
	while (num_pkts > 0)
		pkt_entry_ptr = (AodvT_Packet_Entry*) op_prg_list_remove (pkt_lptr, OPC_LISTPOS_HEAD);
		aodv_packet_queue_entry_mem_free (pkt_entry_ptr);
	/* Free the list	*/
	op_prg_mem_free (pkt_lptr);
 * Function:	wban_up5_traffic_generate
 * Description:	creates a MSDU requiring acknowledge based on the MSDU generation		
 *				 specifications of the source model and sends it to the lower layer.
 * No parameters
static void wban_up5_traffic_generate() {
	Packet*	msdu_ptr;
	Packet*	app_traffic_ptr;

	int	msdu_size; /* size in bits */
	double next_intarr_time;	/*  interarrival time of next MSDU */
	double abs_next_intarr_time; /* absolute interarrival time of next MSDU */

	/* Stack tracing enrty point */
	FIN (wban_up5_traffic_generate);
	/* Generate a MSDU size outcome.		*/
	msdu_size = (int) ceil (oms_dist_outcome (up5_msdu_size_dist_ptr));
	/* 0 <= MAC frame body <= pMaxFrameBodyLength_Bits */
	if (msdu_size > pMaxFrameBodyLength_Bits)
		msdu_size = pMaxFrameBodyLength_Bits;	/* The size of generated MSDU is bigger than the maximum - the size is set to the maximum. */
	if (msdu_size < 0)
		msdu_size = 0;
	/* We produce unformatted packets. Create one.	*/
	msdu_ptr = op_pk_create (msdu_size);
	/* create a App traffic frame that encapsulates the msdu packet */
	app_traffic_ptr = op_pk_create_fmt ("wban_app_traffic_format");
	/* increment the data sequence number by 1 at a time */
	dataSN = (dataSN + 1) % 32768;
	op_pk_nfd_set (app_traffic_ptr, "App Sequence Number", dataSN);
	op_pk_nfd_set (app_traffic_ptr, "User Priority", 5);
	op_pk_nfd_set_pkt (app_traffic_ptr, "MSDU Payload", msdu_ptr); // wrap msdu in app traffic

	/* schedule next MSDU generation */
	next_intarr_time = oms_dist_outcome (up5_msdu_interarrival_dist_ptr);

	/* Make sure that interarrival time is not negative. In that case it will be set to 0. */
	if (next_intarr_time <0)
		next_intarr_time = 0.0;

	abs_next_intarr_time = op_sim_time () + next_intarr_time;
	/* Update the packet generation statistics.			*/
	op_stat_write (up5_msdus_sent_hndl, 1.0);
	op_stat_write (up5_msdus_sent_hndl, 0.0);
	op_stat_write (up5_bits_sent_hndl, (double) msdu_size);
	op_stat_write (up5_bits_sent_hndl, 0.0);
	op_stat_write (up5_bits_sent_hndlG, (double) msdu_size);
	op_stat_write (up5_bits_sent_hndlG, 0.0);
	op_stat_write (up5_msdu_size_hndl, (double) msdu_size);
	op_stat_write (up5_msdu_interarrival_time_hndl, next_intarr_time);
	op_stat_write (up5_msdus_hndl, 1.0);
	op_stat_write (up5_msdus_hndlG, 1.0);		
	// app_sent_msdu_bits = app_sent_msdu_bits + (msdu_size/1000.0);	
	// app_sent_msdu_nbr = app_sent_msdu_nbr + 1;
	// printf(" [Node %s] t = %f, msdu_create_time = %f, app_pkt_create_time = %f\n", \
	// 	node_name, op_sim_time(), op_pk_creation_time_get(msdu_ptr), op_pk_creation_time_get(app_traffic_ptr));
	/* send the App traffic via the stream to the lower layer.	*/
	op_pk_send (app_traffic_ptr, STRM_FROM_UP_TO_MAC);
	// printf (" [Node %s] t= %f -> UP5 MSDU (size = %d bits) \
			// was generated and sent to MAC layer.\n", node_name, op_sim_time(), msdu_size);
	if ((abs_next_intarr_time <= up5_stop_time) || (up5_stop_time == SC_INFINITE_TIME)) {
		up5_next_msdu_evh = op_intrpt_schedule_self (abs_next_intarr_time, SC_GENERATE_UP5);
			// printf ("\t Next UP5 MSDU will be generated at %f\n\n", abs_next_intarr_time);
	/* Stack tracing exit point */

void ra_aloha_ss_intrpt_strm_handler(void)
    Packet* sduptr;
    Packet* pduptr;
    int istrm;
    int ss_id;
    char pk_fmt_str[64];
    static Boolean wait_ack_flag = OPC_FALSE;
    static Evhandle tr_ack;


    istrm = op_intrpt_strm();

    if (istrm == svptr->istrm_hl) {
	sduptr = op_pk_get(istrm);
	if (wait_ack_flag) {
	    //What will happen if the subq overflows?
	    op_subq_pk_insert(0, sduptr, OPC_QPOS_TAIL);

	    if (op_prg_odb_ltrace_active("aloha")) {
		op_prg_odb_print_major("Queueing a data packet.", OPC_NIL);

	    FOUT ;
	buf_pkptr = op_pk_copy(sduptr);
	pduptr = op_pk_create_fmt(Ra_Aloha_Data_Pk_Name );

	op_stat_write(svptr->sh_load_bits, op_pk_total_size_get(sduptr));
	op_stat_write(svptr->sh_load_bits, 0.0);
	op_stat_write(svptr->gsh_load_bits, op_pk_total_size_get(sduptr));
	op_stat_write(svptr->gsh_load_bits, 0.0);

	op_pk_nfd_set_pkt(pduptr, "Data", sduptr);
	op_pk_send(pduptr, svptr->ostrm_ll);

	tr_ack = op_intrpt_schedule_self(Cur_Time + tr_len_ack, TR_ACK_TO);
	wait_ack_flag = OPC_TRUE;

	if (op_prg_odb_ltrace_active("aloha")) {
	    op_prg_odb_print_major("Sending a data packet.", OPC_NIL);
    } else if (istrm == svptr->istrm_ll) {
	pduptr = op_pk_get(istrm);
	op_pk_format(pduptr, pk_fmt_str);

	if (strcmp(pk_fmt_str, Ra_Aloha_Ack_Pk_Name)==0) {

	    op_pk_nfd_get_int32(pduptr, "SS ID", & ss_id);

	    if (ss_id != svptr->ss_id) {

	    wait_ack_flag = OPC_FALSE;
	    //TODO: check whether the timer event is valid

	    op_stat_write(svptr->sh_goodput_bits, op_pk_total_size_get(buf_pkptr));
	    op_stat_write(svptr->sh_goodput_bits, 0.0);


	    //the waiting queue is not empty, scheduing next tx
	    if (!op_subq_empty(0)) {
		sduptr = ra_aloha_ss_dequeue();
		buf_pkptr = op_pk_copy(sduptr);
		pduptr = op_pk_create_fmt(Ra_Aloha_Data_Pk_Name );
		op_pk_nfd_set(pduptr, "Data", sduptr);
		op_pk_send(pduptr, svptr->ostrm_ll);
		op_pk_send(pduptr, svptr->ostrm_ll);
		tr_ack = op_intrpt_schedule_self(Cur_Time + tr_len_ack, TR_ACK_TO);

	//op_pk_send(pduptr, svptr->ostrm_hl);
    } //istrm_ll

aodv_packet_queue_insert (AodvT_Packet_Queue* pkt_queue_ptr, Packet* data_pkptr, InetT_Address dest_addr)
	List*						pkt_lptr;
	AodvT_Packet_Entry*			pkt_entry_ptr;
	void*						old_contents_ptr;
	AodvT_Global_Stathandles*	global_stathandle_ptr = OPC_NIL;
	/** Inserts a new data packet into the packet queue. If the queue is full	**/
	/** the oldest packet in the queue that has the same destination with the	**/
	/** new packet is dropped and the new packet inserted; or the new packet is	**/
	/** dropped if there is no packet to the same destination in the full queue.**/
	FIN (aodv_packet_queue_insert (<args>));
	/* Check if there are already other packets */
	/* waiting for this destination.			*/
	pkt_lptr = (List *) inet_addr_hash_table_item_get (pkt_queue_ptr->pkt_queue_table, &dest_addr);

	/* Is the queue already full?				*/
	if ((pkt_queue_ptr->max_queue_size != AODVC_INFINITE_PACKET_QUEUE) &&
		(pkt_queue_ptr->max_queue_size == pkt_queue_ptr->current_queue_size))
		/* There is no more space in the queue to insert	*/
		/* any other packet. Delete the oldest packet in 	*/
		/* packet queue to the same destination to make		*/
		/* space for the new packet.						*/
		if (pkt_lptr == OPC_NIL)
			/* There is no packet in the queue for the same	*/
			/* destination. Hence drop the new packet.		*/
			manet_rte_ip_pkt_destroy (data_pkptr);

			/* Update the local and global number of		*/
			/* packets dropped statistics.					*/	
			op_stat_write (pkt_queue_ptr->stat_handle_ptr->num_pkts_discard_shandle, 1.0);
			global_stathandle_ptr = aodv_support_global_stat_handles_obtain ();
			op_stat_write (global_stathandle_ptr->num_pkts_discard_global_shandle, 1.0);
			/* Drop the oldest packet to the same			*/
			/* destination, which is at the head of the		*/
			/* queue.										*/
			pkt_entry_ptr = (AodvT_Packet_Entry*) op_prg_list_remove (pkt_lptr, OPC_LISTPOS_HEAD);
			aodv_packet_queue_entry_mem_free (pkt_entry_ptr);

			/* Update the local and global number of		*/
			/* packets dropped statistics.					*/	
			op_stat_write (pkt_queue_ptr->stat_handle_ptr->num_pkts_discard_shandle, 1.0);
			global_stathandle_ptr = aodv_support_global_stat_handles_obtain ();
			op_stat_write (global_stathandle_ptr->num_pkts_discard_global_shandle, 1.0);

			/* Decrement the size of the packet queue.		*/
			/* Update the packet queue size statistic.		*/
			aodv_packet_queue_size_stat_update (pkt_queue_ptr);
	if (pkt_lptr == OPC_NIL)
		/* No entry exists for this destination	*/
		/* Create a queue for the destination.	*/
		pkt_lptr = op_prg_list_create ();
		inet_addr_hash_table_item_insert (pkt_queue_ptr->pkt_queue_table, &dest_addr, pkt_lptr, &old_contents_ptr);
	/* Allocate memory to store the new packet	*/
	pkt_entry_ptr = aodv_packet_queue_entry_mem_alloc ();
	pkt_entry_ptr->pkptr = data_pkptr;
	pkt_entry_ptr->insert_time = op_sim_time ();
	/* Always insert at the tail of the list so	*/
	/* that the oldest packets are at the head 	*/
	/* of the list automatically				*/
	op_prg_list_insert (pkt_lptr, pkt_entry_ptr, OPC_LISTPOS_TAIL);
	/* Update the packet queue size statistic	*/
	aodv_packet_queue_size_stat_update (pkt_queue_ptr);