static inline void copy_data (mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *coll_op, rank_properties_t *rank_props, int soffset) {
    bool rcontig = coll_op->fragment_data.message_descriptor->recv_data_continguous;
    size_t total_bytes = coll_op->fragment_data.message_descriptor->n_bytes_total;
    size_t pack_len = coll_op->fragment_data.fragment_size;
    int doffset = rank_props->rank;
    void *dest, *src;

    src = (void *) ((uintptr_t)coll_op->fragment_data.buffer_desc->data_addr +
                    (size_t)coll_op->variable_fn_params.rbuf_offset + soffset * pack_len);

    if (rcontig) {
        dest = (void *) ((uintptr_t) coll_op->full_message.dest_user_addr +
                         (uintptr_t) coll_op->fragment_data.offset_into_user_buffer +
                         doffset * total_bytes);

        memcpy(dest, src, pack_len);
    } else {
        size_t position;
        opal_convertor_t *recv_convertor =

        position = (size_t) coll_op->fragment_data.offset_into_user_buffer +
                   doffset * total_bytes;

        opal_convertor_set_position(recv_convertor, &position);
        mca_coll_ml_convertor_unpack(src, pack_len, recv_convertor);
static size_t mca_pml_yalla_stream_pack(void *buffer, size_t length, size_t offset,
                                        opal_convertor_t *convertor)
    uint32_t iov_count;
    struct iovec iov;

    iov_count    = 1;
    iov.iov_base = buffer;
    iov.iov_len  = length;

    opal_convertor_set_position(convertor, &offset);
    opal_convertor_pack(convertor, &iov, &iov_count, &length);
    return length;
static size_t ompi_mtl_mxm_stream_send(void *buffer, size_t length, size_t offset, void *context)
    struct iovec iov;
    uint32_t iov_count = 1;

    opal_convertor_t *convertor = (opal_convertor_t *) context;

    iov.iov_len = length;
    iov.iov_base = buffer;

    opal_convertor_set_position(convertor, &offset);
    opal_convertor_pack(convertor, &iov, &iov_count, &length);

    return length;
static int
create_segments( ompi_datatype_t* datatype, int count,
                 size_t segment_length,
                 ddt_segment_t** segments, int* seg_count )
    size_t data_size, total_length, position;
    opal_convertor_t* convertor;
    int i;
    ddt_segment_t* segment;

    ompi_datatype_type_size( datatype, &data_size );
    data_size *= count;
    *seg_count = data_size / segment_length;
    if( ((*seg_count) * segment_length) != data_size )
        *seg_count += 1;
    *segments = (ddt_segment_t*)malloc( (*seg_count) * sizeof(ddt_segment_t) );

    convertor = opal_convertor_create( opal_local_arch, 0 );
    opal_convertor_prepare_for_send( convertor, &(datatype->super), count, NULL );

    position = 0;
    total_length = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < (*seg_count); i++ ) {
        segment = &((*segments)[i]);
        segment->buffer = malloc(segment_length);
        segment->position = position;

        /* Find the end of the segment */
        position += segment_length;
        opal_convertor_set_position( convertor, &position );
        segment->size = position - segment->position;
        total_length += segment->size;
    if( total_length != data_size ) {
        for( i = 0; i < (*seg_count); i++ ) {
            segment = &((*segments)[i]);
        free( *segments );
        (*seg_count) += 1;
        goto allocate_segments;
    return 0;
static size_t ompi_mtl_mxm_stream_unpack(void *buffer, size_t length,
                                         size_t offset, void *context)
    struct iovec iov;
    uint32_t iov_count = 1;

   mca_mtl_mxm_request_t *mtl_mxm_request = (mca_mtl_mxm_request_t *) context;
    opal_convertor_t *convertor = mtl_mxm_request->convertor;

    iov.iov_len = length;
    iov.iov_base = buffer;

    opal_convertor_set_position(convertor, &offset);
    opal_convertor_unpack(convertor, &iov, &iov_count, &length);

    return length;
static int
unpack_segments( ompi_datatype_t* datatype, int count,
                 size_t segment_size,
                 ddt_segment_t* segments, int seg_count,
                 void* buffer )
    opal_convertor_t* convertor;
    size_t max_size, position;
    int i;
    uint32_t iov_count;
    struct iovec iov;

    convertor = opal_convertor_create( opal_local_arch, 0 );
    opal_convertor_prepare_for_recv( convertor, &(datatype->super), count, buffer );

    for( i = 0; i < seg_count; i++ ) {
        iov.iov_len = segments[i].size;
        iov.iov_base = segments[i].buffer;
        max_size = iov.iov_len;

        position = segments[i].position;
        opal_convertor_set_position( convertor, &position );
        if( position != segments[i].position ) {
            opal_output( 0, "Setting position failed (%lu != %lu)\n",
                         (unsigned long)segments[i].position, (unsigned long)position );

        iov_count = 1;
        opal_convertor_unpack( convertor, &iov, &iov_count, &max_size );
        if( max_size != segments[i].size ) {
            opal_output( 0, "Amount of unpacked data do not match (%lu != %lu)\n",
                         (unsigned long)max_size, (unsigned long)segments[i].size );
            opal_output( 0, "Segment %d position %lu size %lu\n", i,
                         (unsigned long)segments[i].position, segments[i].size );
    return 0;
static int local_copy_with_convertor( opal_datatype_t const * const pdt, int count, int chunk )
    OPAL_PTRDIFF_TYPE lb, extent;
    void *pdst = NULL, *psrc = NULL, *ptemp = NULL;
    char *odst, *osrc;
    opal_convertor_t *send_convertor = NULL, *recv_convertor = NULL;
    struct iovec iov;
    uint32_t iov_count;
    size_t max_data, length = 0, malloced_size;
    int32_t done1 = 0, done2 = 0, errors = 0;
    TIMER_DATA_TYPE start, end, unpack_start, unpack_end;
    long total_time, unpack_time = 0;

    malloced_size = compute_memory_size(pdt, count);
    opal_datatype_get_extent( pdt, &lb, &extent );

    odst = (char*)malloc( malloced_size );
    osrc = (char*)malloc( malloced_size );
    ptemp = malloc( chunk );

        for( size_t i = 0; i < malloced_size; osrc[i] = i % 128 + 32, i++ );
        memcpy(odst, osrc, malloced_size);
    pdst  = odst - lb;
    psrc  = osrc - lb;

    send_convertor = opal_convertor_create( remote_arch, 0 );
    if( OPAL_SUCCESS != opal_convertor_prepare_for_send( send_convertor, pdt, count, psrc ) ) {
        printf( "Unable to create the send convertor. Is the datatype committed ?\n" );
        goto clean_and_return;

    recv_convertor = opal_convertor_create( remote_arch, 0 );
    if( OPAL_SUCCESS != opal_convertor_prepare_for_recv( recv_convertor, pdt, count, pdst ) ) {
        printf( "Unable to create the recv convertor. Is the datatype committed ?\n" );
        goto clean_and_return;

    cache_trash();  /* make sure the cache is useless */

    GET_TIME( start );
    while( (done1 & done2) != 1 ) {
        /* They are supposed to finish in exactly the same time. */
        if( done1 | done2 ) {
            printf( "WRONG !!! the send is %s but the receive is %s in local_copy_with_convertor\n",
                    (done1 ? "finish" : "not finish"),
                    (done2 ? "finish" : "not finish") );

        max_data = chunk;
        iov_count = 1;
        iov.iov_base = ptemp;
        iov.iov_len = chunk;

        if( done1 == 0 ) {
            done1 = opal_convertor_pack( send_convertor, &iov, &iov_count, &max_data );

        if( done2 == 0 ) {
            GET_TIME( unpack_start );
            done2 = opal_convertor_unpack( recv_convertor, &iov, &iov_count, &max_data );
            GET_TIME( unpack_end );
            unpack_time += ELAPSED_TIME( unpack_start, unpack_end );

        length += max_data;
        if( outputFlags & RESET_CONVERTORS ) {
            struct dt_stack_t stack[1+send_convertor->stack_pos];
            int i, stack_pos = send_convertor->stack_pos;
            size_t pos;

            if( 0 == done1 ) {
                memcpy(stack, send_convertor->pStack, (1+send_convertor->stack_pos) * sizeof(struct dt_stack_t));
                pos = 0;
                opal_convertor_set_position(send_convertor, &pos);
                pos = length;
                opal_convertor_set_position(send_convertor, &pos);
                assert(pos == length);
                for(i = 0; i <= stack_pos; i++ ) {
                    if( stack[i].index != send_convertor->pStack[i].index )
                        {errors = 1; printf("send stack[%d].index differs (orig %d != new %d) (completed %lu/%lu)\n",
                                            i, stack[i].index, send_convertor->pStack[i].index,
                                            length, pdt->size * count);}
                    if( stack[i].count != send_convertor->pStack[i].count ) {
                        if( stack[i].type == send_convertor->pStack[i].type ) {
                            {errors = 1; printf("send stack[%d].count differs (orig %lu != new %lu) (completed %lu/%lu)\n",
                                                    i, stack[i].count, send_convertor->pStack[i].count,
                                                    length, pdt->size * count);}
                        } else {
                            if( (OPAL_DATATYPE_MAX_PREDEFINED <= stack[i].type) || (OPAL_DATATYPE_MAX_PREDEFINED <= send_convertor->pStack[i].type) )
                                {errors = 1; printf("send stack[%d].type wrong (orig %d != new %d) (completed %lu/%lu)\n",
                                                    i, (int)stack[i].type, (int)send_convertor->pStack[i].type,
                                                    length, pdt->size * count);}
                            else if( (stack[i].count * opal_datatype_basicDatatypes[stack[i].type]->size) !=
                                     (send_convertor->pStack[i].count * opal_datatype_basicDatatypes[send_convertor->pStack[i].type]->size) )
                                {errors = 1; printf("send stack[%d].type*count differs (orig (%d,%lu) != new (%d, %lu)) (completed %lu/%lu)\n",
                                                    i, (int)stack[i].type, stack[i].count,
                                                    (int)send_convertor->pStack[i].type, send_convertor->pStack[i].count,
                                                    length, pdt->size * count);}
                    if( stack[i].disp != send_convertor->pStack[i].disp )
                        {errors = 1; printf("send stack[%d].disp differs (orig %p != new %p) (completed %lu/%lu)\n",
                                            i, (void*)stack[i].disp, (void*)send_convertor->pStack[i].disp,
                                            length, pdt->size * count);}
                    if(0 != errors) {assert(0); exit(-1);}
            if( 0 == done2 ) {
                memcpy(stack, recv_convertor->pStack, (1+recv_convertor->stack_pos) * sizeof(struct dt_stack_t));
                pos = 0;
                opal_convertor_set_position(recv_convertor, &pos);
                pos = length;
                opal_convertor_set_position(recv_convertor, &pos);
                assert(pos == length);
                for(i = 0; i <= stack_pos; i++ ) {
                    if( stack[i].index != recv_convertor->pStack[i].index )
                        {errors = 1; printf("recv stack[%d].index differs (orig %d != new %d) (completed %lu/%lu)\n",
                                            i, stack[i].index, recv_convertor->pStack[i].index,
                                            length, pdt->size * count);}
                    if( stack[i].count != recv_convertor->pStack[i].count ) {
                        if( stack[i].type == recv_convertor->pStack[i].type ) {
                            {errors = 1; printf("recv stack[%d].count differs (orig %lu != new %lu) (completed %lu/%lu)\n",
                                                    i, stack[i].count, recv_convertor->pStack[i].count,
                                                    length, pdt->size * count);}
                        } else {
                            if( (OPAL_DATATYPE_MAX_PREDEFINED <= stack[i].type) || (OPAL_DATATYPE_MAX_PREDEFINED <= recv_convertor->pStack[i].type) )
                                {errors = 1; printf("recv stack[%d].type wrong (orig %d != new %d) (completed %lu/%lu)\n",
                                                    i, (int)stack[i].type, (int)recv_convertor->pStack[i].type,
                                                    length, pdt->size * count);}
                            else if( (stack[i].count * opal_datatype_basicDatatypes[stack[i].type]->size) !=
                                     (recv_convertor->pStack[i].count * opal_datatype_basicDatatypes[recv_convertor->pStack[i].type]->size) )
                                {errors = 1; printf("recv stack[%d].type*count differs (orig (%d,%lu) != new (%d, %lu)) (completed %lu/%lu)\n",
                                                    i, (int)stack[i].type, stack[i].count,
                                                    (int)recv_convertor->pStack[i].type, recv_convertor->pStack[i].count,
                                                    length, pdt->size * count);}
                    if( stack[i].disp != recv_convertor->pStack[i].disp )
                        {errors = 1; printf("recv stack[%d].disp differs (orig %p != new %p) (completed %lu/%lu)\n",
                                            i, (void*)stack[i].disp, (void*)recv_convertor->pStack[i].disp,
                                            length, pdt->size * count);}
                    if(0 != errors) {assert(0); exit(-1);}
    GET_TIME( end );
    total_time = ELAPSED_TIME( start, end );
    printf( "copying same data-type using convertors in %ld microsec\n", total_time );
    printf( "\t unpack in %ld microsec [pack in %ld microsec]\n", unpack_time,
            total_time - unpack_time );

    if(outputFlags & VALIDATE_DATA) {
        for( size_t i = errors = 0; i < malloced_size; i++ ) {
            if( odst[i] != osrc[i] ) {
                printf("error at position %lu (%d != %d)\n",
                       (unsigned long)i, (int)(odst[i]), (int)(osrc[i]));
                if(outputFlags & QUIT_ON_FIRST_ERROR) {
                    assert(0); exit(-1);
        if( 0 == errors ) {
            printf("Validation check succesfully passed\n");
        } else {
            printf("Found %d errors. Giving up!\n", errors);
    if( NULL != send_convertor ) OBJ_RELEASE( send_convertor );
    if( NULL != recv_convertor ) OBJ_RELEASE( recv_convertor );

    if( NULL != odst ) free( odst );
    if( NULL != osrc ) free( osrc );
    if( NULL != ptemp ) free( ptemp );
    return (0 == errors ? OPAL_SUCCESS : errors);
static int
local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( opal_datatype_t const * const send_type, int send_count,
                                      opal_datatype_t const * const recv_type, int recv_count,
                                      int chunk )
    OPAL_PTRDIFF_TYPE send_lb, send_extent, recv_lb, recv_extent;
    void *pdst = NULL, *psrc = NULL, *ptemp = NULL;
    char *odst, *osrc;
    opal_convertor_t *send_convertor = NULL, *recv_convertor = NULL;
    struct iovec iov;
    uint32_t iov_count;
    size_t max_data, length = 0, send_malloced_size, recv_malloced_size;;
    int32_t done1 = 0, done2 = 0;
    TIMER_DATA_TYPE start, end, unpack_start, unpack_end;
    long total_time, unpack_time = 0;

    send_malloced_size = compute_memory_size(send_type, send_count);
    recv_malloced_size = compute_memory_size(recv_type, recv_count);

    opal_datatype_get_extent( send_type, &send_lb, &send_extent );
    opal_datatype_get_extent( recv_type, &recv_lb, &recv_extent );

    odst = (char*)malloc( recv_malloced_size );
    osrc = (char*)malloc( send_malloced_size );
    ptemp = malloc( chunk );

    /* fill up the receiver with ZEROS */
        for( size_t i = 0; i < send_malloced_size; i++ )
            osrc[i] = i % 128 + 32;
    memset( odst, 0, recv_malloced_size );
    pdst  = odst - recv_lb;
    psrc  = osrc - send_lb;

    send_convertor = opal_convertor_create( remote_arch, 0 );
    if( OPAL_SUCCESS != opal_convertor_prepare_for_send( send_convertor, send_type, send_count, psrc ) ) {
        printf( "Unable to create the send convertor. Is the datatype committed ?\n" );
        goto clean_and_return;
    recv_convertor = opal_convertor_create( remote_arch, 0 );
    if( OPAL_SUCCESS != opal_convertor_prepare_for_recv( recv_convertor, recv_type, recv_count, pdst ) ) {
        printf( "Unable to create the recv convertor. Is the datatype committed ?\n" );
        goto clean_and_return;

    cache_trash();  /* make sure the cache is useless */

    GET_TIME( start );
    while( (done1 & done2) != 1 ) {
        /* They are supposed to finish in exactly the same time. */
        if( done1 | done2 ) {
            printf( "WRONG !!! the send is %s but the receive is %s in local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes\n",
                    (done1 ? "finish" : "not finish"),
                    (done2 ? "finish" : "not finish") );

        max_data = chunk;
        iov_count = 1;
        iov.iov_base = ptemp;
        iov.iov_len = chunk;

        if( done1 == 0 ) {
            done1 = opal_convertor_pack( send_convertor, &iov, &iov_count, &max_data );

        if( done2 == 0 ) {
            GET_TIME( unpack_start );
            done2 = opal_convertor_unpack( recv_convertor, &iov, &iov_count, &max_data );
            GET_TIME( unpack_end );
            unpack_time += ELAPSED_TIME( unpack_start, unpack_end );

        length += max_data;

        if( outputFlags & RESET_CONVERTORS ) {
            size_t pos = 0;
            opal_convertor_set_position(send_convertor, &pos);
            pos = length;
            opal_convertor_set_position(send_convertor, &pos);
            assert(pos == length);

            pos = 0;
            opal_convertor_set_position(recv_convertor, &pos);
            pos = length;
            opal_convertor_set_position(recv_convertor, &pos);
            assert(pos == length);
    GET_TIME( end );
    total_time = ELAPSED_TIME( start, end );
    printf( "copying different data-types using convertors in %ld microsec\n", total_time );
    printf( "\t unpack in %ld microsec [pack in %ld microsec]\n", unpack_time,
            total_time - unpack_time );
    if( send_convertor != NULL ) {
        OBJ_RELEASE( send_convertor ); assert( send_convertor == NULL );
    if( recv_convertor != NULL ) {
        OBJ_RELEASE( recv_convertor ); assert( recv_convertor == NULL );
    if( NULL != odst ) free( odst );
    if( NULL != osrc ) free( osrc );
    if( NULL != ptemp ) free( ptemp );
    return OPAL_SUCCESS;
int mca_pml_ob1_start(size_t count, ompi_request_t** requests)
    int rc;

    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i) {
        mca_pml_base_request_t *pml_request = (mca_pml_base_request_t*)requests[i];
        if (NULL == pml_request || OMPI_REQUEST_PML != requests[i]->req_type) {

        /* If the persistent request is currently active - verify the status
         * is incomplete. if the pml layer has not completed the request - mark
         * the request as free called - so that it will be freed when the request
         * completes - and create a new request.


        /* start the request */
        switch(pml_request->req_type) {
            case MCA_PML_REQUEST_SEND:
                mca_pml_ob1_send_request_t* sendreq = (mca_pml_ob1_send_request_t*)pml_request;
                                    pml_request->req_addr, pml_request->req_count,

                if (!pml_request->req_pml_complete) {
                    ompi_request_t *request;

                    /* buffered sends can be mpi complete and pml incomplete. to support this
                     * case we need to allocate a new request. */
                    rc = mca_pml_ob1_isend_init (pml_request->req_addr,
                    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != rc)) {
                        return rc;

                    /* copy the callback and callback data to the new requests */
                    request->req_complete_cb = pml_request->req_ompi.req_complete_cb;
                    request->req_complete_cb_data = pml_request->req_ompi.req_complete_cb_data;

                    /* ensure the old request gets released */
                    pml_request->req_free_called = true;

                    sendreq = (mca_pml_ob1_send_request_t *) request;
                    requests[i] = request;
                } else if (sendreq->req_send.req_bytes_packed != 0) {
                    size_t offset = 0;
                     * Reset the convertor in case we're dealing with the original
                     * request, which when completed do not reset the convertor.
                    opal_convertor_set_position (&sendreq->req_send.req_base.req_convertor,

                /* reset the completion flag */
                pml_request->req_pml_complete = false;

                MCA_PML_OB1_SEND_REQUEST_START(sendreq, rc);
                if(rc != OMPI_SUCCESS)
                    return rc;
            case MCA_PML_REQUEST_RECV:
                mca_pml_ob1_recv_request_t* recvreq = (mca_pml_ob1_recv_request_t*)pml_request;
                return OMPI_ERR_REQUEST;
static int testcase(ompi_datatype_t * newtype, size_t arr[10][2]) {
    int i, j, errors = 0;
    struct iovec a;
    unsigned int iov_count;
    size_t max_data;
    size_t pos;
    opal_convertor_t * pConv;

    for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
        pbar[j].i[0] = 123+j;
        pbar[j].i[1] = 789+j;
        pbar[j].d[0] = 123.456+j;
        pbar[j].d[1] = 789.123+j;
        memset(&bar[j].i[0], 0xFF, sizeof(int));
        memset(&bar[j].i[2], 0xFF, sizeof(int));
        bar[j].i[1] = 0;
        memset(&bar[j].d[0], 0xFF, sizeof(double));
        memset(&bar[j].d[2], 0xFF, sizeof(double));
        bar[j].d[1] = 0.0;

    pConv = opal_convertor_create( remote_arch, 0 );
    if( OPAL_SUCCESS != opal_convertor_prepare_for_recv( pConv, &(newtype->super), N, bar ) ) {
        printf( "Cannot attach the datatype to a convertor\n" );
        return OMPI_ERROR;

    for (i=0; arr[i][0] != 0; i++) {
        /* add some garbage before and after the source data */
        a.iov_base = malloc(arr[i][0]+2048);
        if (NULL == a.iov_base) {
            printf("cannot malloc iov_base\n");
            return 1;
        memset(a.iov_base, 0xAA, 1024);
        memcpy((char*)a.iov_base+1024, (char *)pbar + arr[i][1], arr[i][0]);
        memset((char*)a.iov_base+1024+arr[i][0], 0xAA, 1024);
        a.iov_base = (char*)a.iov_base + 1024;
        a.iov_len = arr[i][0];
        iov_count = 1;
        max_data = a.iov_len;
        pos = arr[i][1];
        opal_convertor_set_position(pConv, &pos);
        assert(arr[i][1] == pos);
        opal_convertor_unpack( pConv, &a, &iov_count, &max_data );
        a.iov_base = (char*)a.iov_base - 1024;

    for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
        if (bar[j].i[0] != pbar[j].i[0] ||
            bar[j].i[1] != 0 ||
            bar[j].i[2] != pbar[j].i[1] ||
            bar[j].d[0] != pbar[j].d[0] ||
            bar[j].d[1] != 0.0 ||
            bar[j].d[2] != pbar[j].d[1]) {
            if(0 == errors) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR ! count=%d, position=%d, ptr = %p"
                        " got (%d,%d,%d,%g,%g,%g) expected (%d,%d,%d,%g,%g,%g)\n", 
                        N, j, (void*)&bar[j],
                print_bar_pbar(&bar[j], &pbar[j]);
    OBJ_RELEASE( pConv );
    return errors;
static inline int ompi_osc_rdma_gacc_master (ompi_osc_rdma_sync_t *sync, const void *source_buffer, int source_count,
                                             ompi_datatype_t *source_datatype, void *result_buffer, int result_count,
                                             ompi_datatype_t *result_datatype, ompi_osc_rdma_peer_t *peer, uint64_t target_address,
                                             mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *target_handle, int target_count,
                                             ompi_datatype_t *target_datatype, ompi_op_t *op, ompi_osc_rdma_request_t *request)
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = sync->module;
    struct iovec source_iovec[OMPI_OSC_RDMA_DECODE_MAX], target_iovec[OMPI_OSC_RDMA_DECODE_MAX];
    const size_t acc_limit = (mca_osc_rdma_component.buffer_size >> 3);
    uint32_t source_primitive_count, target_primitive_count;
    opal_convertor_t source_convertor, target_convertor;
    uint32_t source_iov_count, target_iov_count;
    uint32_t source_iov_index, target_iov_index;
    ompi_datatype_t *source_primitive, *target_primitive;
    /* needed for opal_convertor_raw but not used */
    size_t source_size, target_size;
    ompi_osc_rdma_request_t *subreq;
    size_t result_position;
    ptrdiff_t lb, extent;
    int ret, acc_len;
    bool done;

    (void) ompi_datatype_get_extent (target_datatype, &lb, &extent);
    target_address += lb;

    /* fast path for accumulate on built-in types */
    if (OPAL_LIKELY((!source_count || ompi_datatype_is_predefined (source_datatype)) &&
                    ompi_datatype_is_predefined (target_datatype) &&
                    (!result_count || ompi_datatype_is_predefined (result_datatype)) &&
                    (target_datatype->super.size * target_count <= acc_limit))) {
        if (NULL == request) {
            OMPI_OSC_RDMA_REQUEST_ALLOC(module, peer, request);
            request->internal = true;
            request->type = result_datatype ? OMPI_OSC_RDMA_TYPE_GET_ACC : OMPI_OSC_RDMA_TYPE_ACC;

        if (source_datatype) {
            (void) ompi_datatype_get_extent (source_datatype, &lb, &extent);
            source_buffer = (void *)((intptr_t) source_buffer + lb);

        if (result_datatype) {
            (void) ompi_datatype_get_extent (result_datatype, &lb, &extent);
            result_buffer = (void *)((intptr_t) result_buffer + lb);

        ret = ompi_osc_rdma_gacc_contig (sync, source_buffer, source_count, source_datatype, result_buffer,
                                         result_count, result_datatype, peer, target_address,
                                         target_handle, target_count, target_datatype, op,
        if (OPAL_LIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS == ret)) {
            return OMPI_SUCCESS;

        if (source_datatype) {
            /* the convertors will handle the lb */
            (void) ompi_datatype_get_extent (source_datatype, &lb, &extent);
            source_buffer = (void *)((intptr_t) source_buffer - lb);

        if (result_datatype) {
            (void) ompi_datatype_get_extent (result_datatype, &lb, &extent);
            result_buffer = (void *)((intptr_t) result_buffer - lb);

    /* the convertor will handle lb from here */
    (void) ompi_datatype_get_extent (target_datatype, &lb, &extent);
    target_address -= lb;

    /* get the primitive datatype info */
    ret = ompi_osc_base_get_primitive_type_info (target_datatype, &target_primitive, &target_primitive_count);
        /* target datatype is not made up of a single basic datatype */
        return ret;

    if (source_datatype) {
        ret = ompi_osc_base_get_primitive_type_info (source_datatype, &source_primitive, &source_primitive_count);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {
            /* target datatype is not made up of a single basic datatype */
            return ret;

        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(source_primitive != target_primitive)) {
            return MPI_ERR_TYPE;

    /* prepare convertors for the source and target. these convertors will be used to determine the
     * contiguous segments within the source and target. */
    /* the source may be NULL if using MPI_OP_NO_OP with MPI_Get_accumulate */
    if (source_datatype) {
        OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&source_convertor, opal_convertor_t);
        ret = opal_convertor_copy_and_prepare_for_send (ompi_mpi_local_convertor, &source_datatype->super, source_count, source_buffer,
                                                       0, &source_convertor);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {
            return ret;

    /* target_datatype can never be NULL */
    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&target_convertor, opal_convertor_t);
    ret = opal_convertor_copy_and_prepare_for_send (ompi_mpi_local_convertor, &target_datatype->super, target_count,
                                                    (void *) (intptr_t) target_address, 0, &target_convertor);
        return ret;

    if (request) {
        /* keep the request from completing until all the transfers have started */
        request->outstanding_requests = 1;

    target_iov_index = 0;
    target_iov_count = 0;
    result_position = 0;

    do {
        /* decode segments of the source data */
        source_iov_count = OMPI_OSC_RDMA_DECODE_MAX;
        source_iov_index = 0;
        /* opal_convertor_raw returns done when it has reached the end of the data */
        if (!source_datatype) {
            done = true;
            source_iovec[0].iov_len = (size_t) -1;
            source_iovec[0].iov_base = NULL;
            source_iov_count = 1;
        } else {
            done = opal_convertor_raw (&source_convertor, source_iovec, &source_iov_count, &source_size);

        /* loop on the target segments until we have exhaused the decoded source data */
        while (source_iov_index != source_iov_count) {
            if (target_iov_index == target_iov_count) {
                /* decode segments of the target buffer */
                target_iov_count = OMPI_OSC_RDMA_DECODE_MAX;
                target_iov_index = 0;
                (void) opal_convertor_raw (&target_convertor, target_iovec, &target_iov_count, &target_size);

            /* we already checked that the target was large enough. this should be impossible */
            assert (0 != target_iov_count);

            /* determine how much to put in this operation */
            acc_len = min(target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_len, source_iovec[source_iov_index].iov_len);
            acc_len = min((size_t) acc_len, acc_limit);

            /* execute the get */
            OMPI_OSC_RDMA_REQUEST_ALLOC(module, peer, subreq);
            subreq->internal = true;
            subreq->parent_request = request;
            if (request) {
                (void) OPAL_THREAD_ADD32 (&request->outstanding_requests, 1);

            if (result_datatype) {
                /* prepare a convertor for this part of the result */
                opal_convertor_copy_and_prepare_for_recv (ompi_mpi_local_convertor, &result_datatype->super, result_count,
                                                          result_buffer, 0, &subreq->convertor);
                opal_convertor_set_position (&subreq->convertor, &result_position);
                subreq->type = OMPI_OSC_RDMA_TYPE_GET_ACC;
            } else {
                subreq->type = OMPI_OSC_RDMA_TYPE_ACC;

            OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((60, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output,
                                 "target index = %d, target = {%p, %lu}, source_index = %d, source = {%p, %lu}, result = %p, result position = %lu, "
                                 "acc_len = %d, count = %lu",
                                 target_iov_index, target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_base, (unsigned long) target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_len,
                                 source_iov_index, source_iovec[source_iov_index].iov_base, (unsigned long) source_iovec[source_iov_index].iov_len,
                                 result_buffer, (unsigned long) result_position, acc_len, (unsigned long)(acc_len / target_primitive->super.size)));

            ret = ompi_osc_rdma_gacc_contig (sync, source_iovec[source_iov_index].iov_base, acc_len / target_primitive->super.size,
                                             target_primitive, NULL, 0, NULL, peer, (uint64_t) (intptr_t) target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_base,
                                             target_handle, acc_len / target_primitive->super.size, target_primitive, op, subreq);
            if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {
                if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE != ret)) {
                    /* something bad happened. need to figure out how to handle these errors */
                    return ret;

                /* progress and try again */
                ompi_osc_rdma_progress (module);

            /* adjust io vectors */
            target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_len -= acc_len;
            source_iovec[source_iov_index].iov_len -= acc_len;
            target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_base = (void *)((intptr_t) target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_base + acc_len);
            source_iovec[source_iov_index].iov_base = (void *)((intptr_t) source_iovec[source_iov_index].iov_base + acc_len);
            result_position += acc_len;

            source_iov_index += !source_datatype || (0 == source_iovec[source_iov_index].iov_len);
            target_iov_index += (0 == target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_len);
    } while (!done);

    if (request) {
        /* release our reference so the request can complete */
        (void) OPAL_THREAD_ADD32 (&request->outstanding_requests, -1);

    if (source_datatype) {
        opal_convertor_cleanup (&source_convertor);

    opal_convertor_cleanup (&target_convertor);

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;