 * Main function. Call several tests and print-out the results. It try to stress the convertor
 * using difficult data-type constructions as well as strange segment sizes for the conversion.
 * Usually, it is able to detect most of the data-type and convertor problems. Any modifications
 * on the data-type engine should first pass all the tests from this file, before going into other
 * tests.
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )

     * By default simulate homogeneous architectures.
    remote_arch = opal_local_arch ^ OPAL_ARCH_ISBIGENDIAN;

    opal_convertor_t * pConv;
    int sbuf[2], rbuf[2];
    size_t max_data;
    struct iovec a;
    uint32_t iov_count;

    sbuf[0] = 0x01000000; sbuf[1] = 0x02000000;

    printf( "\n\n#\n * TEST UNPACKING 1 int out of 1\n#\n\n" );

    pConv = opal_convertor_create( remote_arch, 0 );
    rbuf[0] = -1; rbuf[1] = -1;
    if( OPAL_SUCCESS != opal_convertor_prepare_for_recv( pConv, &opal_datatype_int4, 1, rbuf ) ) {
        printf( "Cannot attach the datatype to a convertor\n" );
        return OPAL_ERROR;
    a.iov_base = sbuf;
    a.iov_len = 4;
    iov_count = 1;
    max_data = 4;
    opal_unpack_general( pConv, &a, &iov_count, &max_data );

    assert(1 == rbuf[0]);
    assert(-1 == rbuf[1]);

    printf( "\n\n#\n * TEST UNPACKING 1 int out of 2\n#\n\n" );
    pConv = opal_convertor_create( remote_arch, 0 );
    rbuf[0] = -1; rbuf[1] = -1;
    if( OPAL_SUCCESS != opal_convertor_prepare_for_recv( pConv, &opal_datatype_int4, 2, rbuf ) ) {
        printf( "Cannot attach the datatype to a convertor\n" );
        return OPAL_ERROR;

    a.iov_base = sbuf;
    a.iov_len = 4;
    iov_count = 1;
    max_data = 4;
    opal_unpack_general( pConv, &a, &iov_count, &max_data );

    assert(1 == rbuf[0]);
    assert(-1 == rbuf[1]);

    /* clean-ups all data allocations */
    return OPAL_SUCCESS;
 * Main function. Call several tests and print-out the results. It try to stress the convertor
 * using difficult data-type constructions as well as strange segment sizes for the conversion.
 * Usually, it is able to detect most of the data-type and convertor problems. Any modifications
 * on the data-type engine should first pass all the tests from this file, before going into other
 * tests.
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    opal_datatype_t *pdt, *pdt1, *pdt2, *pdt3;
    int rc, length = 500;


     * By default simulate homogeneous architectures.
    remote_arch = opal_local_arch;
    printf( "\n\n#\n * TEST CREATE CONTIGUOUS\n #\n\n" );
    pdt = create_contiguous_type( &opal_datatype_int1, 10 );
    if( outputFlags & CHECK_PACK_UNPACK ) {
        local_copy_ddt_count(pdt, 100);
        local_copy_with_convertor(pdt, 100, 956);

    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
    assert( pdt == NULL );
    printf( "\n\n#\n * TEST STRANGE DATATYPE\n #\n\n" );
    pdt = create_strange_dt();
    if( outputFlags & CHECK_PACK_UNPACK ) {
        local_copy_ddt_count(pdt, 1);
        local_copy_with_convertor(pdt, 1, 956);
    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
    assert( pdt == NULL );

    printf( "\n\n#\n * TEST UPPER TRIANGULAR MATRIX (size 100)\n #\n\n" );
    pdt = upper_matrix(100);
    if( outputFlags & CHECK_PACK_UNPACK ) {
        local_copy_ddt_count(pdt, 1);
        local_copy_with_convertor(pdt, 1, 48);
    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
    assert( pdt == NULL );


    printf( "\n\n#\n * TEST UPPER MATRIX\n #\n\n" );
    rc = test_upper( length );
    if( rc == 0 )
        printf( "decode [PASSED]\n" );
        printf( "decode [NOT PASSED]\n" );

    printf( "\n\n#\n * TEST MATRIX BORDERS\n #\n\n" );
    pdt = test_matrix_borders( length, 100 );
    if( outputFlags & DUMP_DATA_AFTER_COMMIT ) {
        opal_datatype_dump( pdt );
    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
    assert( pdt == NULL );

    printf( "\n\n#\n * TEST CONTIGUOUS\n #\n\n" );
    pdt = test_contiguous();
    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
    assert( pdt == NULL );
    printf( "\n\n#\n * TEST STRUCT\n #\n\n" );
    pdt = test_struct();
    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
    assert( pdt == NULL );

    opal_datatype_create_contiguous(0, &opal_datatype_empty, &pdt1);
    opal_datatype_create_contiguous(0, &opal_datatype_empty, &pdt2);
    opal_datatype_create_contiguous(0, &opal_datatype_empty, &pdt3);

    opal_datatype_add( pdt3, &opal_datatype_int4, 10, 0, -1 );
    opal_datatype_add( pdt3, &opal_datatype_float4, 5, 10 * sizeof(int), -1 );

    opal_datatype_add( pdt2, &opal_datatype_float4, 1, 0, -1 );
    opal_datatype_add( pdt2, pdt3, 3, sizeof(int) * 1, -1 );

    opal_datatype_add( pdt1, &opal_datatype_int8, 5, 0, -1 );
    opal_datatype_add( pdt1, &opal_datatype_float16, 2, sizeof(long long) * 5, -1 );

    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    if( outputFlags & DUMP_DATA_AFTER_COMMIT ) {
        opal_datatype_dump( pdt1 );
    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    if( outputFlags & DUMP_DATA_AFTER_COMMIT ) {
        opal_datatype_dump( pdt2 );
    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    if( outputFlags & DUMP_DATA_AFTER_COMMIT ) {
        opal_datatype_dump( pdt3 );

    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt1 );
    assert( pdt1 == NULL );
    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt2 );
    assert( pdt2 == NULL );
    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt3 );
    assert( pdt3 == NULL );

    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    printf( " Contiguous data-type (opal_datatype_float8)\n" );
    if( outputFlags & CHECK_PACK_UNPACK ) {
        const opal_datatype_t const* ddt = &opal_datatype_float8;
        local_copy_ddt_count( ddt, 4500);
        local_copy_with_convertor( ddt, 4500, 12 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( ddt, 4500, ddt, 4500, 12 );
    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );

    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    if( outputFlags & CHECK_PACK_UNPACK ) {
        printf( "Contiguous multiple data-type (4500*1)\n" );
        pdt = create_contiguous_type( &opal_datatype_float8, 4500 );
        local_copy_ddt_count(pdt, 1);
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 1, 12 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 1, pdt, 1, 12 );
        OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
        assert( pdt == NULL );
        printf( "Contiguous multiple data-type (450*10)\n" );
        pdt = create_contiguous_type( &opal_datatype_float8, 450 );
        local_copy_ddt_count(pdt, 10);
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 10, 12 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 10, pdt, 10, 12 );
        OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
        assert( pdt == NULL );
        printf( "Contiguous multiple data-type (45*100)\n" );
        pdt = create_contiguous_type( &opal_datatype_float8, 45 );
        local_copy_ddt_count(pdt, 100);
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 100, 12 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 100, pdt, 100, 12 );
        OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
        assert( pdt == NULL );
        printf( "Contiguous multiple data-type (100*45)\n" );
        pdt = create_contiguous_type( &opal_datatype_float8, 100 );
        local_copy_ddt_count(pdt, 45);
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 45, 12 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 45, pdt, 45, 12 );
        OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
        assert( pdt == NULL );
        printf( "Contiguous multiple data-type (10*450)\n" );
        pdt = create_contiguous_type( &opal_datatype_float8, 10 );
        local_copy_ddt_count(pdt, 450);
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 450, 12 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 450, pdt, 450, 12 );
        OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
        assert( pdt == NULL );
        printf( "Contiguous multiple data-type (1*4500)\n" );
        pdt = create_contiguous_type( &opal_datatype_float8, 1 );
        local_copy_ddt_count(pdt, 4500);
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 4500, 12 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 4500, pdt, 4500, 12 );
        OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
        assert( pdt == NULL );
    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    printf( "Vector data-type (450 times 10 double stride 11)\n" );
    pdt = create_vector_type( &opal_datatype_float8, 450, 10, 11 );
    opal_datatype_dump( pdt );
    if( outputFlags & CHECK_PACK_UNPACK ) {
        local_copy_ddt_count(pdt, 1);
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 1, 12 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 1, pdt, 1, 12 );
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 1, 82 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 1, pdt, 1, 82 );
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 1, 6000 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 1, pdt, 1, 6000 );
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 1, 36000 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 1, pdt, 1, 36000 );
    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
    assert( pdt == NULL );

    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    pdt = test_struct_char_double();
    if( outputFlags & CHECK_PACK_UNPACK ) {
        local_copy_ddt_count(pdt, 4500);
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 4500, 12 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 4500, pdt, 4500, 12 );
    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
    assert( pdt == NULL );

    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    pdt = test_create_twice_two_doubles();
    if( outputFlags & CHECK_PACK_UNPACK ) {
        local_copy_ddt_count(pdt, 4500);
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 4500, 12 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 4500, pdt, 4500, 12 );
    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
    assert( pdt == NULL );

    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    pdt = test_create_blacs_type();
    if( outputFlags & CHECK_PACK_UNPACK ) {
        opal_datatype_dump( pdt );
        local_copy_ddt_count(pdt, 4500);
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 4500, 956 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 4500, pdt, 4500, 956 );
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 4500, 16*1024 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 4500, pdt, 4500, 16*1024 );
        local_copy_with_convertor( pdt, 4500, 64*1024 );
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt, 4500, pdt, 4500, 64*1024 );
    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt );
    assert( pdt == NULL );

    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    pdt1 = test_create_blacs_type1( &opal_datatype_int4 );
    pdt2 = test_create_blacs_type2( &opal_datatype_int4 );
    if( outputFlags & CHECK_PACK_UNPACK ) {
        local_copy_with_convertor_2datatypes( pdt1, 1, pdt2, 1, 100 );
    printf( ">>--------------------------------------------<<\n" );
    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt1 );
    assert( pdt1 == NULL );
    OBJ_RELEASE( pdt2 );
    assert( pdt2 == NULL );

    /* clean-ups all data allocations */

    return OPAL_SUCCESS;
opal_init_util(int* pargc, char*** pargv)
    int ret;
    char *error = NULL;

    if( ++opal_util_initialized != 1 ) {
        if( opal_util_initialized < 1 ) {
            return OPAL_ERROR;
        return OPAL_SUCCESS;

    /* JMS See note in runtime/opal.h -- this is temporary; to be
       replaced with real hwloc information soon (in trunk/v1.5 and
       beyond, only).  This *used* to be a #define, so it's important
       to define it very early.  */
    opal_cache_line_size = 128;

    /* initialize the memory allocator */

    /* initialize the output system */

    /* initialize install dirs code */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_installdirs_base_open())) {
        fprintf(stderr, "opal_installdirs_base_open() failed -- process will likely abort (%s:%d, returned %d instead of OPAL_INIT)\n",
                __FILE__, __LINE__, ret);
        return ret;
    /* initialize the help system */

    /* register handler for errnum -> string converstion */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != 
        (ret = opal_error_register("OPAL",
                                   OPAL_ERR_BASE, OPAL_ERR_MAX, opal_err2str))) {
        error = "opal_error_register";
        goto return_error;

    /* init the trace function */

    /* keyval lex-based parser */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_util_keyval_parse_init())) {
        error = "opal_util_keyval_parse_init";
        goto return_error;

    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_net_init())) {
        error = "opal_net_init";
        goto return_error;

    /* Setup the parameter system */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_param_init())) {
        error = "mca_base_param_init";
        goto return_error;

    /* register params for opal */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_register_params())) {
        error = "opal_register_params";
        goto return_error;

    /* pretty-print stack handlers */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_util_register_stackhandlers())) {
        error = "opal_util_register_stackhandlers";
        goto return_error;

    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_util_init_sys_limits())) {
        error = "opal_util_init_sys_limits";
        goto return_error;

    /* initialize the datatype engine */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_datatype_init ())) {
        error = "opal_datatype_init";
        goto return_error;

    /* Initialize the data storage service. */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_dss_open())) {
        error = "opal_dss_open";
        goto return_error;

    return OPAL_SUCCESS;

    opal_show_help( "help-opal-runtime.txt",
                    "opal_init:startup:internal-failure", true,
                    error, ret );
    return ret;
文件: opal_init.c 项目: orcmuser/orcm
opal_init_util(int* pargc, char*** pargv)
    int ret;
    char *error = NULL;

    if( ++opal_util_initialized != 1 ) {
        if( opal_util_initialized < 1 ) {
            return OPAL_ERROR;
        return OPAL_SUCCESS;

    /* initialize the memory allocator */

    /* initialize the output system */

    /* initialize install dirs code */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_framework_open(&opal_installdirs_base_framework, 0))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "opal_installdirs_base_open() failed -- process will likely abort (%s:%d, returned %d instead of OPAL_SUCCESS)\n",
                __FILE__, __LINE__, ret);
        return ret;
    /* initialize the help system */

    /* register handler for errnum -> string converstion */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != 
        (ret = opal_error_register("OPAL",
                                   OPAL_ERR_BASE, OPAL_ERR_MAX, opal_err2str))) {
        error = "opal_error_register";
        goto return_error;

    /* keyval lex-based parser */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_util_keyval_parse_init())) {
        error = "opal_util_keyval_parse_init";
        goto return_error;

    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_net_init())) {
        error = "opal_net_init";
        goto return_error;

    /* Setup the parameter system */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_var_init())) {
        error = "mca_base_var_init";
        goto return_error;

    /* register params for opal */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_register_params())) {
        error = "opal_register_params";
        goto return_error;

    /* pretty-print stack handlers */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_util_register_stackhandlers())) {
        error = "opal_util_register_stackhandlers";
        goto return_error;

    /* set system resource limits - internally protected against
     * doing so twice in cases where the launch agent did it for us
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_util_init_sys_limits(&error))) {
                        "opal_init:syslimit", false,
        return OPAL_ERR_SILENT;

    /* initialize the arch string */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_arch_init ())) {
        error = "opal_arch_init";
        goto return_error;

    /* initialize the datatype engine */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_datatype_init ())) {
        error = "opal_datatype_init";
        goto return_error;

    /* Initialize the data storage service. */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_dss_open())) {
        error = "opal_dss_open";
        goto return_error;

    return OPAL_SUCCESS;

    if (OPAL_ERR_SILENT != ret) {
        opal_show_help( "help-opal-runtime.txt",
                        "opal_init:startup:internal-failure", true,
                        error, ret );
    return ret;
文件: opal_init.c 项目: Slbomber/ompi
opal_init_util(int* pargc, char*** pargv)
    int ret;
    char *error = NULL;
    char hostname[512];

    if( ++opal_util_initialized != 1 ) {
        if( opal_util_initialized < 1 ) {
            return OPAL_ERROR;
        return OPAL_SUCCESS;

    if (opal_init_called) {
        /* can't use show_help here */
        fprintf (stderr, "opal_init_util: attempted to initialize after finalize without compiler "
                 "support for either __attribute__(destructor) or linker support for -fini -- process "
                 "will likely abort\n");
        return OPAL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;

    opal_init_called = true;

    /* set the nodename right away so anyone who needs it has it. Note
     * that we don't bother with fqdn and prefix issues here - we let
     * the RTE later replace this with a modified name if the user
     * requests it */
    gethostname(hostname, 512);
    opal_process_info.nodename = strdup(hostname);

    /* initialize the memory allocator */

    /* initialize the output system */

    /* initialize install dirs code */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_framework_open(&opal_installdirs_base_framework, 0))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "opal_installdirs_base_open() failed -- process will likely abort (%s:%d, returned %d instead of OPAL_SUCCESS)\n",
                __FILE__, __LINE__, ret);
        return ret;
    /* initialize the help system */

    /* register handler for errnum -> string converstion */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != 
        (ret = opal_error_register("OPAL",
                                   OPAL_ERR_BASE, OPAL_ERR_MAX, opal_err2str))) {
        error = "opal_error_register";
        goto return_error;

    /* keyval lex-based parser */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_util_keyval_parse_init())) {
        error = "opal_util_keyval_parse_init";
        goto return_error;

    /* Setup the parameter system */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_var_init())) {
        error = "mca_base_var_init";
        goto return_error;

    /* register params for opal */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_register_params())) {
        error = "opal_register_params";
        goto return_error;

    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_net_init())) {
        error = "opal_net_init";
        goto return_error;

    /* pretty-print stack handlers */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_util_register_stackhandlers())) {
        error = "opal_util_register_stackhandlers";
        goto return_error;

    /* set system resource limits - internally protected against
     * doing so twice in cases where the launch agent did it for us
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_util_init_sys_limits(&error))) {
                        "opal_init:syslimit", false,
        return OPAL_ERR_SILENT;

    /* initialize the arch string */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_arch_init ())) {
        error = "opal_arch_init";
        goto return_error;

    /* initialize the datatype engine */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_datatype_init ())) {
        error = "opal_datatype_init";
        goto return_error;

    /* Initialize the data storage service. */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_dss_open())) {
        error = "opal_dss_open";
        goto return_error;

    /* initialize the mca */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_open())) {
        error = "mca_base_open";
        goto return_error;

    return OPAL_SUCCESS;

    if (OPAL_ERR_SILENT != ret) {
        opal_show_help( "help-opal-runtime.txt",
                        "opal_init:startup:internal-failure", true,
                        error, ret );
    return ret;
int32_t ompi_datatype_init( void )
    int32_t i;


    /* Create the f2c translation table */
    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ompi_datatype_f_to_c_table, opal_pointer_array_t);
    if( OPAL_SUCCESS != opal_pointer_array_init(&ompi_datatype_f_to_c_table,
                                                0, OMPI_FORTRAN_HANDLE_MAX, 64)) {
        return OMPI_ERROR;
    /* All temporary datatypes created on the following statement will get registered
     * on the f2c table. But as they get destroyed they will (hopefully) get unregistered
     * so later when we start registering the real datatypes they will get the index
     * in mpif.h

    /* Now the predefined MPI2 datatypes (they should last forever!) */
                                     OMPI_DATATYPE_FLAG_DATA_C | OMPI_DATATYPE_FLAG_DATA_INT );
                                     OMPI_DATATYPE_FLAG_DATA_FORTRAN | OMPI_DATATYPE_FLAG_DATA_INT);

                                      float, int,
                                      OMPI_DATATYPE_MPI_FLOAT, OMPI_DATATYPE_MPI_INT,
                                      OMPI_DATATYPE_FLAG_DATA_C );
                                      double, int,
                                      OMPI_DATATYPE_MPI_DOUBLE, OMPI_DATATYPE_MPI_INT,
                                      OMPI_DATATYPE_FLAG_DATA_C );
                                      long, int,
                                      OMPI_DATATYPE_MPI_LONG, OMPI_DATATYPE_MPI_INT,
                                      OMPI_DATATYPE_FLAG_DATA_C | OMPI_DATATYPE_FLAG_DATA_INT );
                                      short, int,
                                      OMPI_DATATYPE_MPI_SHORT, OMPI_DATATYPE_MPI_INT,
                                      OMPI_DATATYPE_FLAG_DATA_C | OMPI_DATATYPE_FLAG_DATA_INT );
                                      long double, int,
                                      OMPI_DATATYPE_MPI_LONG_DOUBLE, OMPI_DATATYPE_MPI_INT,
                                      OMPI_DATATYPE_FLAG_DATA_C );

    /* Copy the desc pointer from the <OMPI_DATATYPE_MPI_MAX_PREDEFINED datatypes to
       the synonym types */

    /* Start to populate the f2c index translation table */

    /* The order of the data registration should be the same as the
     * one in the mpif.h file. Any modification here should be
     * reflected there !!!  Do the Fortran types first so that mpif.h
     * can have consecutive, dense numbers. */ 

    /* This macro makes everything significantly easier to read below.
       All hail the moog!  :-) */

#define MOOG(name, index)                                                            \
    {                                                                                \
        ompi_mpi_##name.dt.d_f_to_c_index =                                          \
            opal_pointer_array_add(&ompi_datatype_f_to_c_table, &ompi_mpi_##name);   \
        if( ompi_datatype_number_of_predefined_data < (ompi_mpi_##name).dt.d_f_to_c_index ) \
            ompi_datatype_number_of_predefined_data = (ompi_mpi_##name).dt.d_f_to_c_index; \
        assert( (index) == ompi_mpi_##name.dt.d_f_to_c_index );                      \

     * This MUST match the order of ompi/include/mpif-common.h
     * Any change will break binary compatibility of Fortran programs.
    MOOG(datatype_null, 0);
    MOOG(byte, 1);
    MOOG(packed, 2);
    MOOG(ub, 3);
    MOOG(lb, 4);
    MOOG(character, 5);
    MOOG(logical, 6);
    MOOG(integer, 7);
    MOOG(integer1, 8);
    MOOG(integer2, 9);
    MOOG(integer4, 10);
    MOOG(integer8, 11);
    MOOG(integer16, 12);
    MOOG(real, 13);
    MOOG(real4, 14);
    MOOG(real8, 15);
    MOOG(real16, 16);
    MOOG(dblprec, 17);
    MOOG(cplex, 18);
    MOOG(complex8, 19);
    MOOG(complex16, 20);
    MOOG(complex32, 21);
    MOOG(dblcplex, 22);
    MOOG(2real, 23);
    MOOG(2dblprec, 24);
    MOOG(2integer, 25);
    MOOG(2cplex, 26);
    MOOG(2dblcplex, 27);
    MOOG(real2, 28);
    MOOG(logical1, 29);
    MOOG(logical2, 30);
    MOOG(logical4, 31);
    MOOG(logical8, 32);

    /* Now the C types */

    MOOG(wchar, 33);
    MOOG(char, 34);
    MOOG(unsigned_char, 35);
    MOOG(signed_char, 36);
    MOOG(short, 37);
    MOOG(unsigned_short, 38);
    MOOG(int, 39);
    MOOG(unsigned, 40);
    MOOG(long, 41);
    MOOG(unsigned_long, 42);
    MOOG(long_long_int, 43);
    MOOG(unsigned_long_long, 44);

    MOOG(float, 45);
    MOOG(double, 46);
    MOOG(long_double, 47);

    MOOG(float_int, 48);
    MOOG(double_int, 49);
    MOOG(longdbl_int, 50);
    MOOG(long_int, 51);
    MOOG(2int, 52);
    MOOG(short_int, 53);

    /* C++ types */

    MOOG(cxx_bool, 54);
    MOOG(cxx_cplex, 55);
    MOOG(cxx_dblcplex, 56);
    MOOG(cxx_ldblcplex, 57);

    /* MPI 2.2 types */
    MOOG(int8_t, 58);
    MOOG(uint8_t, 59);
    MOOG(int16_t, 60);
    MOOG(uint16_t, 61);
    MOOG(int32_t, 62);
    MOOG(uint32_t, 63);
    MOOG(int64_t, 64);
    MOOG(uint64_t, 65);
    MOOG(aint, 66);
    MOOG(offset, 67);
    MOOG(c_complex, 68);
    MOOG(c_float_complex, 69);
    MOOG(c_double_complex, 70);
    MOOG(c_long_double_complex, 71);

    /* MPI 3.0 types */
    MOOG(count, 72);

     * Now make sure all non-contiguous types are marked as such.
    for( i = 0; i < ompi_mpi_count.dt.d_f_to_c_index; i++ ) {
        opal_datatype_t* datatype = (opal_datatype_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(&ompi_datatype_f_to_c_table, i );

        if( (datatype->ub - datatype->lb) == (OPAL_PTRDIFF_TYPE)datatype->size ) {
            datatype->flags |= OPAL_DATATYPE_FLAG_NO_GAPS;
        } else {
            datatype->flags &= ~OPAL_DATATYPE_FLAG_NO_GAPS;
    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    ddt_segment_t* segments;
    ddt_ldi_t *send_buffer, *recv_buffer;
    int i, seg_count, errors;
    int show_only_first_error = 1;
    ompi_datatype_t* datatype = MPI_LONG_DOUBLE_INT;

    send_buffer = malloc( sizeof(ddt_ldi_t) * data_count );
    recv_buffer = malloc( sizeof(ddt_ldi_t) * data_count );

    for( i = 0; i < data_count; i++ ) {
        send_buffer[i].ld = (long double)i + (long double)i / 100000.0;
        send_buffer[i].i  = i;
    memcpy(recv_buffer, send_buffer, sizeof(ddt_ldi_t) * data_count );


    opal_unpack_debug   = false;
    opal_pack_debug     = false;
    opal_position_debug = false;
#endif  /* OPAL_ENABLE_DEBUG */

    create_segments( datatype, data_count, fragment_size,
                     &segments, &seg_count );

    /* shuffle the segments */
    shuffle_segments( segments, seg_count );

    /* pack the data */
    pack_segments( datatype, data_count, fragment_size, segments, seg_count,
                   send_buffer );

    /* unpack the data back in the user space (recv buffer) */
    unpack_segments( datatype, data_count, fragment_size, segments, seg_count,
                     recv_buffer );

    /* And now check the data */
    for( errors = i = 0; i < data_count; i++ ) {
        /*if( !bytes_equal(&send_buffer[i].ld, &recv_buffer[i].ld, sizeof(long double)) ||*/
        if( (send_buffer[i].ld != recv_buffer[i].ld) ||
            (send_buffer[i].i != recv_buffer[i].i) ) {
            if( (show_only_first_error && (0 == errors)) ||
                !show_only_first_error ) {
                printf( "error at %4d [*(%s,%d)\n"
                        "             != (%s,%d)\n", i,
                        bytes_dump( &send_buffer[i].ld, sizeof(long double)), send_buffer[i].i,
                        bytes_dump( &recv_buffer[i].ld, sizeof(long double)), recv_buffer[i].i );
    printf( "Found %d errors\n", errors );
    free(send_buffer); free(recv_buffer);

    for( i = 0; i < seg_count; i++ ) {
        free( segments[i].buffer );


    return (0 == errors ? 0 : -1);
opal_init_util(int* pargc, char*** pargv)
    int ret;
    char *error = NULL;
    char hostname[OPAL_MAXHOSTNAMELEN];

    if( ++opal_util_initialized != 1 ) {
        if( opal_util_initialized < 1 ) {
            return OPAL_ERROR;
        return OPAL_SUCCESS;

    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&opal_init_util_domain, opal_finalize_domain_t);
    (void) opal_finalize_domain_init (&opal_init_util_domain, "opal_init_util");
    opal_finalize_set_domain (&opal_init_util_domain);


    opal_init_called = true;

    /* register for */
    opal_finalize_register_cleanup_arg (mca_base_framework_close_list, opal_init_util_frameworks);

    /* set the nodename right away so anyone who needs it has it. Note
     * that we don't bother with fqdn and prefix issues here - we let
     * the RTE later replace this with a modified name if the user
     * requests it */
    gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname));
    opal_process_info.nodename = strdup(hostname);

    /* initialize the memory allocator */

    OPAL_TIMING_ENV_NEXT(otmng, "opal_malloc_init");

    /* initialize the output system */

    /* initialize install dirs code */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_framework_open(&opal_installdirs_base_framework, 0))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "opal_installdirs_base_open() failed -- process will likely abort (%s:%d, returned %d instead of OPAL_SUCCESS)\n",
                __FILE__, __LINE__, ret);
        return ret;

    /* initialize the help system */

    OPAL_TIMING_ENV_NEXT(otmng, "opal_show_help_init");

    /* register handler for errnum -> string converstion */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS !=
        (ret = opal_error_register("OPAL",
                                   OPAL_ERR_BASE, OPAL_ERR_MAX, opal_err2str))) {
        return opal_init_error ("opal_error_register", ret);

    /* keyval lex-based parser */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_util_keyval_parse_init())) {
        return opal_init_error ("opal_util_keyval_parse_init", ret);

    // Disable PSM signal hijacking (see comment in function for more
    // details)

    OPAL_TIMING_ENV_NEXT(otmng, "opal_init_psm");

    /* Setup the parameter system */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_var_init())) {
        return opal_init_error ("mca_base_var_init", ret);
    OPAL_TIMING_ENV_NEXT(otmng, "opal_var_init");

    /* read any param files that were provided */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_var_cache_files(false))) {
        return opal_init_error ("failed to cache files", ret);

    OPAL_TIMING_ENV_NEXT(otmng, "opal_var_cache");

    /* register params for opal */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_register_params())) {
        return opal_init_error ("opal_register_params", ret);

    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_net_init())) {
        return opal_init_error ("opal_net_init", ret);

    OPAL_TIMING_ENV_NEXT(otmng, "opal_net_init");

    /* pretty-print stack handlers */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_util_register_stackhandlers())) {
        return opal_init_error ("opal_util_register_stackhandlers", ret);

    /* set system resource limits - internally protected against
     * doing so twice in cases where the launch agent did it for us
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_util_init_sys_limits(&error))) {
                        "opal_init:syslimit", false,
        return OPAL_ERR_SILENT;

    /* initialize the arch string */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_arch_init ())) {
        return opal_init_error ("opal_arch_init", ret);

    OPAL_TIMING_ENV_NEXT(otmng, "opal_arch_init");

    /* initialize the datatype engine */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_datatype_init ())) {
        return opal_init_error ("opal_datatype_init", ret);

    OPAL_TIMING_ENV_NEXT(otmng, "opal_datatype_init");

    /* Initialize the data storage service. */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_dss_open())) {
        return opal_init_error ("opal_dss_open", ret);

    OPAL_TIMING_ENV_NEXT(otmng, "opal_dss_open");

    /* initialize the mca */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_open())) {
        return opal_init_error ("mca_base_open", ret);

    OPAL_TIMING_ENV_NEXT(otmng, "mca_base_open");

    /* initialize if framework */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_framework_open(&opal_if_base_framework, 0))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "opal_if_base_open() failed -- process will likely abort (%s:%d, returned %d instead of OPAL_SUCCESS)\n",
                __FILE__, __LINE__, ret);
        return ret;

    OPAL_TIMING_ENV_NEXT(otmng, "opal_if_init");

    return OPAL_SUCCESS;