int  mca_fs_base_get_fstype(char *fname )
    int ompio_type = UFS;
    char *fstype=NULL;
    bool ret = opal_path_nfs ( fname, &fstype );

    if ( false == ret ) {
        char *dir;
        mca_fs_base_get_parent_dir (fname, &dir );
        ret = opal_path_nfs (dir, &fstype);
        if ( false == ret ) {
            return ompio_type;
    if ( 0 == strncasecmp(fstype, "lustre", sizeof("lustre")) ) {
        ompio_type = LUSTRE;
    else if ( 0 == strncasecmp(fstype, "pvfs2", sizeof("pvfs2"))) {
        ompio_type = PVFS2;
    else if ( 0 == strncasecmp(fstype, "ime", sizeof("ime"))) {
        ompio_type = IME;

    free (fstype);
    return ompio_type;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int num_dirs;
    char ** dirs;
    bool * nfs;

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf ("Test usage: ./opal_path_nfs [DIR]\n");
    printf ("On Linux interprets output from mount(8) to check for nfs and verify opal_path_nfs()\n");
    printf ("Additionally, you may specify multiple DIR on the cmd-line, of which you the output\n");

    if (1 < argc) {
        int i;
        for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
            printf ("Is dir[%d]:%s one of the detected network file systems? %s\n",
                    i, argv[i], opal_path_nfs (argv[i], NULL) ? "Yes": "No");

    get_mounts (&num_dirs, &dirs, &nfs);
    while (num_dirs--) {
        test (dirs[num_dirs], nfs[num_dirs]);

    /* All done */
    return test_finalize();
void test(char* file, bool expect)
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf ("test(): file:%s bool:%d\n",
            file, expect);
    if (expect == opal_path_nfs (file, NULL)) {
    } else {
        char * msg;
        opal_asprintf(&msg, "Mismatch: input \"%s\", expected:%d got:%d\n",
                 file, expect, !expect);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    if (argc > 1) {
        int i;

        printf("Interactive opal_path_nfs() test:\n");
        for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
            printf ("Is dir[%d]:%s one of the detected network file systems? %s\n",
                    i, argv[i], opal_path_nfs (argv[i], NULL) ? "Yes": "No");

        return 0;

    printf("No filename was given; nothing to do\n");
    return 77;
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
static int
segment_create(opal_shmem_ds_t *ds_buf,
               const char *file_name,
               size_t size)
    int rc = OPAL_SUCCESS;
    char *real_file_name = NULL;
    pid_t my_pid = getpid();
    bool space_available = false;
    uint64_t amount_space_avail = 0;

    /* the real size of the shared memory segment.  this includes enough space
     * to store our segment header.
    size_t real_size = size + sizeof(opal_shmem_seg_hdr_t);
    opal_shmem_seg_hdr_t *seg_hdrp = MAP_FAILED;

    /* init the contents of opal_shmem_ds_t */

    /* change the path of shmem mmap's backing store? */
    if (0 != opal_shmem_mmap_relocate_backing_file) {
        int err;
        if (path_usable(opal_shmem_mmap_backing_file_base_dir, &err)) {
            if (NULL ==
                (real_file_name =
                                        file_name))) {
                /* out of resources */
                return OPAL_ERROR;
        /* a relocated backing store was requested, but the path specified
         * cannot be used :-(. if the flag is negative, then warn and continue
         * with the default path.  otherwise, fail.
        else if (opal_shmem_mmap_relocate_backing_file < 0) {
            opal_output(0, "shmem: mmap: WARNING: could not relocate "
                        "backing store to \"%s\" (%s).  Continuing with "
                        "default path.\n",
                        opal_shmem_mmap_backing_file_base_dir, strerror(err));
        /* must be positive, so fail */
        else {
            opal_output(0, "shmem: mmap: WARNING: could not relocate "
                        "backing store to \"%s\" (%s).  Cannot continue with "
                        "shmem mmap.\n", opal_shmem_mmap_backing_file_base_dir,
            return OPAL_ERROR;
    /* are we using the default path? */
    if (NULL == real_file_name) {
        /* use the path specified by the caller of this function */
        if (NULL == (real_file_name = strdup(file_name))) {
            /* out of resources */
            return OPAL_ERROR;

        (70, opal_shmem_base_framework.framework_output,
         "%s: %s: backing store base directory: %s\n",

    /* determine whether the specified filename is on a network file system.
     * this is an important check because if the backing store is located on
     * a network filesystem, the user may see a shared memory performance hit.
    if (opal_shmem_mmap_nfs_warning && opal_path_nfs(real_file_name)) {
        char hn[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
        gethostname(hn, MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 1);
        hn[MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 1] = '\0';
        opal_show_help("help-opal-shmem-mmap.txt", "mmap on nfs", 1, hn,
    /* let's make sure we have enough space for the backing file */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = enough_space(real_file_name,
                                           &space_available))) {
        opal_output(0, "shmem: mmap: an error occurred while determining "
                    "whether or not %s could be created.", real_file_name);
        /* rc is set */
        goto out;
    if (!space_available) {
        char hn[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
        gethostname(hn, MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 1);
        hn[MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 1] = '\0';
        opal_show_help("help-opal-shmem-mmap.txt", "target full", 1,
                       real_file_name, hn, (unsigned long)real_size,
                       (unsigned long long)amount_space_avail);
        goto out;
    /* enough space is available, so create the segment */
    if (-1 == (ds_buf->seg_id = open(real_file_name, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0600))) {
        int err = errno;
        char hn[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
        gethostname(hn, MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 1);
        hn[MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 1] = '\0';
        opal_show_help("help-opal-shmem-mmap.txt", "sys call fail", 1, hn,
                       "open(2)", "", strerror(err), err);
        rc = OPAL_ERROR;
        goto out;
    /* size backing file - note the use of real_size here */
    if (0 != ftruncate(ds_buf->seg_id, real_size)) {
        int err = errno;
        char hn[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
        gethostname(hn, MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 1);
        hn[MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 1] = '\0';
        opal_show_help("help-opal-shmem-mmap.txt", "sys call fail", 1, hn,
                       "ftruncate(2)", "", strerror(err), err);
        rc = OPAL_ERROR;
        goto out;
    if (MAP_FAILED == (seg_hdrp = (opal_shmem_seg_hdr_t *)
                                  mmap(NULL, real_size,
                                       PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
                                       ds_buf->seg_id, 0))) {
        int err = errno;
        char hn[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
        gethostname(hn, MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 1);
        hn[MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 1] = '\0';
        opal_show_help("help-opal-shmem-mmap.txt", "sys call fail", 1, hn,
                       "mmap(2)", "", strerror(err), err);
        rc = OPAL_ERROR;
        goto out;
    /* all is well */
    else {
        /* -- initialize the shared memory segment -- */

        /* init segment lock */
        opal_atomic_init(&seg_hdrp->lock, OPAL_ATOMIC_UNLOCKED);
        /* i was the creator of this segment, so note that fact */
        seg_hdrp->cpid = my_pid;


        /* -- initialize the contents of opal_shmem_ds_t -- */
        ds_buf->seg_cpid = my_pid;
        ds_buf->seg_size = real_size;
        ds_buf->seg_base_addr = (unsigned char *)seg_hdrp;
        (void)strncpy(ds_buf->seg_name, real_file_name, OPAL_PATH_MAX - 1);

        /* set "valid" bit because setment creation was successful */

            (70, opal_shmem_base_framework.framework_output,
             "%s: %s: create successful "
             "(id: %d, size: %lu, name: %s)\n",
             ds_buf->seg_id, (unsigned long)ds_buf->seg_size, ds_buf->seg_name)

    /* in this component, the id is the file descriptor returned by open.  this
     * check is here to see if it is safe to call close on the file descriptor.
     * that is, we are making sure that our call to open was successful and
     * we are not not in an error path.
    if (-1 != ds_buf->seg_id) {
        if (0 != close(ds_buf->seg_id)) {
            int err = errno;
            char hn[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
            gethostname(hn, MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 1);
            hn[MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 1] = '\0';
            opal_show_help("help-opal-shmem-mmap.txt", "sys call fail", 1, hn,
                           "close(2)", "", strerror(err), err);
            rc = OPAL_ERROR;
    /* an error occured, so invalidate the shmem object and munmap if needed */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != rc) {
        if (MAP_FAILED != seg_hdrp) {
            munmap((void *)seg_hdrp, real_size);
    /* safe to free now because its contents have already been copied */
    if (NULL != real_file_name) {
    return rc;
 *	file_open_ufs
 *	Function:	- opens a new file
 *	Accepts:	- same arguments as MPI_File_open()
 *	Returns:	- Success if new file handle
mca_fs_ufs_file_open (struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
		      const char* filename,
		      int access_mode,
		      struct opal_info_t *info,
		      mca_io_ompio_file_t *fh)
    int amode;
    int old_mask, perm;
    int rank, ret=OMPI_SUCCESS;

    rank = ompi_comm_rank ( comm );

    if (fh->f_perm == OMPIO_PERM_NULL)  {
        old_mask = umask(022);
        perm = old_mask ^ 0666;
    else {
        perm = fh->f_perm;

    amode = 0;

    if (access_mode & MPI_MODE_RDONLY)
        amode = amode | O_RDONLY;
    if (access_mode & MPI_MODE_WRONLY)
        amode = amode | O_WRONLY;
    if (access_mode & MPI_MODE_RDWR)
        amode = amode | O_RDWR;

    /* Reset errno */
    errno = 0;
    if ( 0 == rank ) {
	/* MODE_CREATE and MODE_EXCL can only be set by one process */
        if ( !(fh->f_flags & OMPIO_SHAREDFP_IS_SET)) {
            if ( access_mode & MPI_MODE_CREATE )
                amode = amode | O_CREAT;
            if (access_mode & MPI_MODE_EXCL)
                amode = amode | O_EXCL;
	fh->fd = open (filename, amode, perm);
	if ( 0 > fh->fd ) {
            if ( EACCES == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_ACCESS;
            else if ( ENAMETOOLONG == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_BAD_FILE;
            else if ( ENOENT == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE;
            else if ( EISDIR == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_BAD_FILE;
            else if ( EROFS == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_READ_ONLY;
            else if ( EEXIST == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_FILE_EXISTS;
            else if ( ENOSPC == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE;
            else if ( EDQUOT == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_QUOTA;
            else if ( ETXTBSY == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_FILE_IN_USE;
            else {
                ret = MPI_ERR_OTHER;

    comm->c_coll->coll_bcast ( &ret, 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm, comm->c_coll->coll_bcast_module);
    if ( OMPI_SUCCESS != ret ) {
	fh->fd = -1;
	return ret;

    if ( 0 != rank ) {
	fh->fd = open (filename, amode, perm);
	if ( 0 > fh->fd) {
            if ( EACCES == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_ACCESS;
            else if ( ENAMETOOLONG == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_BAD_FILE;
            else if ( ENOENT == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE;
            else if ( EISDIR == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_BAD_FILE;
            else if ( EROFS == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_READ_ONLY;
            else if ( EEXIST == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_FILE_EXISTS;
            else if ( ENOSPC == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE;
            else if ( EDQUOT == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_QUOTA;
            else if ( ETXTBSY == errno ) {
                ret = MPI_ERR_FILE_IN_USE;
            else {
                ret = MPI_ERR_OTHER;


    /* Need to check for NFS here. If the file system is not NFS but a regular UFS file system,
       we do not need to enforce locking. A regular XFS or EXT4 file system can only be used 
       within a single node, local environment, and in this case the OS will already ensure correct
       handling of file system blocks;

    if ( FS_UFS_LOCK_AUTO == mca_fs_ufs_lock_algorithm ) {       
        char *fstype=NULL;
        bool bret = opal_path_nfs ( (char *)filename, &fstype );
        if ( false == bret ) {
            char *dir;
            mca_fs_base_get_parent_dir ( (char *)filename, &dir );
            bret = opal_path_nfs (dir, &fstype);
        if ( true == bret ) {
            if ( 0 == strncasecmp(fstype, "nfs", sizeof("nfs")) ) {
                /* Based on my tests, only locking the entire file for all operations
                   guarantueed for the entire teststuite to pass correctly. I would not
                   be surprised, if depending on the NFS configuration that might not always
                   be necessary, and the user can change that with an MCA parameter of this 
                   component. */
                fh->f_flags |= OMPIO_LOCK_ENTIRE_FILE;
            else {
                fh->f_flags |= OMPIO_LOCK_NEVER;
        else {
            fh->f_flags |= OMPIO_LOCK_NEVER;
        free (fstype);
    else if ( FS_UFS_LOCK_NEVER == mca_fs_ufs_lock_algorithm ) {
        fh->f_flags |= OMPIO_LOCK_NEVER;
    else if ( FS_UFS_LOCK_ENTIRE_FILE == mca_fs_ufs_lock_algorithm ) {
        fh->f_flags |= OMPIO_LOCK_ENTIRE_FILE;
    else if ( FS_UFS_LOCK_RANGES == mca_fs_ufs_lock_algorithm ) {
        /* Nothing to be done. This is what the posix fbtl component would do
           anyway without additional information . */
    else {
        opal_output ( 1, "Invalid value for mca_fs_ufs_lock_algorithm %d", mca_fs_ufs_lock_algorithm );

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;