void test_optparser ()
    MySystem sys;
    optparser (sys, "i=14");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.i, 14);
    optparser (sys, "i=-28");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.i, -28);

    optparser (sys, "f=6.28");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.f, 6.28f);
    optparser (sys, "f=-56.0");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.f, -56.0f);
    optparser (sys, "f=-1.");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.f, -1.0f);

    optparser (sys, "s=foo");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.s, "foo");
    optparser (sys, "s=\"foo, bar\"");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.s, "foo, bar");

    optparser (sys, "f=256.29,s=\"phone call\",i=100");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.i, 100);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.f, 256.29f);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.s, "phone call");
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	//fprintf(stderr,"size of indel element %d \n",sizeof(struct VCF_ALLELE));
	//fprintf(stdout,"%d %d %d\n",sizeof(uint8_t),BAM_PAIRED_READ1,BAM_PAIRED_READ2); return 1;
	int vflag=0;
	time_t now; time(&now);    unsigned int iseed = (unsigned int)time(NULL);  srand48(iseed);
	struct OPTIONS* options = (struct OPTIONS*)malloc(sizeof(struct OPTIONS)); options->POOLSIZE = 2;
	options->targettid =-1; options->targetstart=0; options->targetend=0;
	int flag = optparser(argc,argv,options); if (flag ==0) return 1;

	REFLIST reflist;
	if (read_fastaheader(options->fastafile,&reflist) == -1)  return -1;  strcpy(reflist.fastafile,options->fastafile);
	FILE* fp = fopen(options->fastafile,"r"); 

	if (read_bedfile(options->bedfile,&reflist) != -1) targeted = 1; else  targeted = 0; 

	if (strcmp(options->vcffile,"None") ==0) options->vfile = stdout; else options->vfile = fopen(options->vcffile,"w");

	// open indel file with candidate indels 
	if (strcmp(options->indelfile,"None") !=0) options->fp_indelfile = fopen(options->indelfile,"w"); else options->fp_indelfile = NULL;

	// print VCF to stdout as well if no VCFfile is specified 
	if (options->vfile != NULL && strcmp(options->vcffile,"None") !=0)
		vflag =1; print_crispheader(options);

	if (options->bamfiles >=2) fprintf(stderr,"processing %d bamfiles: %s ..... %s \n\n",options->bamfiles,options->bamfilelist[0],options->bamfilelist[options->bamfiles-1]);
	if (vflag ==1) fclose(options->vfile); 
	fclose(fp); // close pointer to fasta reference file 
	return 1;

csPtr<iDataBuffer> csJNGImageIO::Save (iImage *Image,
	iImageIO::FileFormatDescription *, const char* extraoptions)
  // we need to get a RGB/RGBA version of the image.
  switch (Image->GetFormat() & CS_IMGFMT_MASK)
      //imgRGBA = Image->Clone ();
      //imgRGBA->SetFormat (CS_IMGFMT_TRUECOLOR | (Image->GetFormat() & CS_IMGFMT_ALPHA));
      // act like JPEG plugin; reject paletted image so no
      // unwanted/unnoticed conversions take place.
      return 0;
      imgRGBA = csRef<iImage>(Image);
      // unknown format
      return 0;

  // compression options
  int quality = 80;
  bool progressive = false;
  bool alpha_jpeg = false;
  int alpha_png_compress = 6;
  int alpha_jpeg_quality = -1;

     parse output options.
     options are a comma-separated list and can be either
     'option' or 'option=value'.

     supported options:
       compress=#	  image color compression, 0..100 higher values give smaller files
			  but uglier results.
       progressive	  progressive encoding.
       jng_lossy_alpha	  use lossy JPEG compression for alpha channel (instead of
			  default lossles PNG)
       jng_alpha_compress alpha channel compression, 0..100
			  Impact of higher value depends on alpha channel type.
			  JPEG - smaller files, uglier results.
			  PNG - smaller files, longer time to encode.
			  Note: defaults to value for image color compression if lossy alpha
			  is selected.

  csImageLoaderOptionsParser optparser (extraoptions);
  optparser.GetBool ("progressive", progressive);
  if (optparser.GetInt ("compress", quality))
    quality = 100 - quality;
    if (quality < 0) quality = 0;
    if (quality > 100) quality = 100;
    if (alpha_jpeg_quality == -1) alpha_jpeg_quality = quality;
  if (optparser.GetBool ("jng_lossy_alpha", alpha_jpeg))
    if (alpha_jpeg_quality == -1) alpha_jpeg_quality = quality;
  if (optparser.GetInt ("jng_alpha_compress", alpha_png_compress))
    alpha_jpeg_quality = 100 - alpha_png_compress;
    if (alpha_jpeg_quality < 0) alpha_jpeg_quality = 0;
    if (alpha_jpeg_quality > 100) alpha_jpeg_quality = 100;
    alpha_png_compress /= 10;
    if (alpha_png_compress < 0) alpha_png_compress = 0;
    if (alpha_png_compress > 9) alpha_png_compress = 9;

  mng_handle handle = mng_initialize ( mng_ptr(this), cb_alloc, 
                                      cb_free, MNG_NULL);
  if (!handle)
    Report (object_reg, CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_WARNING,
      "failed to initialize libmng");
    return 0;

  if ((mng_setcb_openstream (handle, cb_openstream) != MNG_NOERROR) ||
      (mng_setcb_closestream (handle, cb_closestream) != MNG_NOERROR) ||
      (mng_setcb_writedata (handle, cb_writedata) != MNG_NOERROR))
    ReportLibmngError (object_reg, handle, "failed to set libmng callbacks");
    mng_cleanup (&handle);
    return 0;

  outfile = new csMemFile ();

  if (mng_create (handle) != MNG_NOERROR)
    ReportLibmngError (object_reg, handle, "failed to create new jng");
    mng_cleanup (&handle);
    delete outfile;
    imgRGBA = 0;
    return 0;

  bool has_alpha = (imgRGBA->GetFormat() & CS_IMGFMT_ALPHA) != 0;

  if (mng_putchunk_jhdr (handle, imgRGBA->GetWidth(), imgRGBA->GetHeight(),
				     has_alpha?8:0, has_alpha?(alpha_jpeg?8:0):0, 
			 0, 0) != MNG_NOERROR)
    ReportLibmngError (object_reg, handle, "failed to put JHDR chunk");
    mng_cleanup (&handle);
    delete outfile;
    imgRGBA = 0;
    return 0;

  // @@@ chunk data generation.
  // lots of stuff needs to be done manually.
  // should be changed as libmng evolves.

  // write out alpha channel
  if (has_alpha)
    // extract the alpha channel from the image
    int pixels = imgRGBA->GetWidth() * imgRGBA->GetHeight();
    uint8 *alpha = new uint8 [pixels];
    uint8 *alphaptr = alpha;
    csRGBpixel *imgdata = (csRGBpixel*)imgRGBA->GetImageData();

    while (pixels>0)
      *alphaptr++ = (imgdata++)->alpha;

    if (alpha_jpeg)
      // compress the alpha data as JPEG and write it out.
      uint8* volatile row = 0;
      struct jpg_datastore ds;
      struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
      struct my_error_mgr jerr;
      cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error (&jerr.pub);
      jerr.pub.error_exit = my_error_exit;

      if (setjmp (jerr.setjmp_buffer))
		"failed to JPEG compress alpha data");
	mng_cleanup (&handle);
	delete outfile;
	delete [] row;
	delete[] alpha;
	jpeg_destroy_compress (&cinfo);
	imgRGBA = 0;
	return 0;

      jpeg_create_compress (&cinfo);
      jpeg_buffer_dest (&cinfo, &ds);

      cinfo.image_width = imgRGBA->GetWidth ();
      cinfo.image_height = imgRGBA->GetHeight ();
      cinfo.input_components = 1;
      cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE;

      row = new uint8[cinfo.image_width];
      jpeg_set_defaults (&cinfo);
      jpeg_set_quality (&cinfo, alpha_jpeg_quality, true);
      jpeg_start_compress (&cinfo, true);

      JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
      uint8 *image = alpha;
      row_pointer[0] = (JSAMPLE*)&row[0];

      while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height)
	for (size_t i=0; i < cinfo.image_width; i++)
	  row[i] = image[cinfo.next_scanline * cinfo.image_width + i];
	jpeg_write_scanlines (&cinfo, row_pointer, 1);

      jpeg_finish_compress (&cinfo);
      jpeg_destroy_compress (&cinfo);

      delete [] row;

      // funny, mng_putchunk_jdaa is missing from libmng
      //if (mng_putchunk_jdaa (handle, ds.len, ds.data) != MNG_NOERROR)
      if (mng_putchunk_unknown (handle, MNG_UINT_JDAA, 
	(mng_uint32)ds.len, ds.data) != MNG_NOERROR)
	ReportLibmngError (object_reg, handle, "failed to put JDAA chunk");
	mng_cleanup (&handle);
	delete outfile;
	delete[] alpha;
	imgRGBA = 0;
	return 0;
      // generate the IDAT chunk data
      // we use the "Up" filter. 
      uint8* chunkdata = new uint8[(imgRGBA->GetWidth() + 1) * imgRGBA->GetHeight()];
      uint8* lastline = new uint8[imgRGBA->GetWidth()];
      uint8* chunkptr = chunkdata;
      alphaptr = alpha;

      memset (lastline, 0, imgRGBA->GetWidth());
      int lines = imgRGBA->GetHeight();
      while (lines > 0) 
	*chunkptr++ = 2;
	int pix = 0;
	while (pix<imgRGBA->GetWidth())
	  *chunkptr++ = *alphaptr - lastline[pix];
	  lastline[pix] = *alphaptr++;
      delete[] lastline;

      // now compress the data
      z_stream zs;

      zs.zalloc = (alloc_func) 0;
      zs.zfree = (free_func) 0;
      zs.next_in = (Byte *) chunkdata;
      zs.avail_in = (imgRGBA->GetWidth() + 1) * imgRGBA->GetHeight();

      if (deflateInit (&zs, alpha_png_compress) != Z_OK)
	  "deflateInit() failed");
	mng_cleanup (&handle);
	delete outfile;
	delete[] chunkdata;
	delete[] alpha;
	imgRGBA = 0;
	return 0;

      char buff[0x8000];

      while (1)
        zs.next_out = (Byte *)buff;
        zs.avail_out = sizeof (buff);

        int rc = deflate (&zs, Z_FINISH);   /* Do actual compression */
        size_t size = sizeof (buff) - zs.avail_out;

	// create a chuk w/compressed data.
	if (mng_putchunk_idat (handle, (mng_uint32)size, &buff) != MNG_NOERROR)
	  ReportLibmngError (object_reg, handle, "failed to put IDAT chunk");
          deflateEnd (&zs);
	  mng_cleanup (&handle);
	  delete outfile;
	  delete[] chunkdata;
	  delete[] alpha;
	  imgRGBA = 0;
	  return 0;
        if (rc == Z_STREAM_END)
          break;            /* finished */
      deflateEnd (&zs);

      delete[] chunkdata;

    delete[] alpha;

  // compress the color data as JPEG and write it out.
  csRGBcolor* volatile row = 0;
  struct jpg_datastore ds;
  struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
  struct my_error_mgr jerr;
  cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error (&jerr.pub);
  jerr.pub.error_exit = my_error_exit;

  if (setjmp (jerr.setjmp_buffer))
    Report (object_reg, CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_WARNING,
	    "failed to JPEG compress color data");
    mng_cleanup (&handle);
    delete outfile;
    delete [] row;
    jpeg_destroy_compress (&cinfo);
    imgRGBA = 0;
    return 0;

  jpeg_create_compress (&cinfo);
  jpeg_buffer_dest (&cinfo, &ds);

  cinfo.image_width = imgRGBA->GetWidth ();
  cinfo.image_height = imgRGBA->GetHeight ();
  cinfo.input_components = 3;
  cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;

  row = new csRGBcolor[cinfo.image_width];
  jpeg_set_defaults (&cinfo);
  jpeg_set_quality (&cinfo, quality, true);
  if (progressive) jpeg_simple_progression (&cinfo);
  jpeg_start_compress (&cinfo, true);

  JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
  JSAMPLE *image = (JSAMPLE*)csPackRGB::PackRGBpixelToRGB
    ((csRGBpixel*)Image->GetImageData (),
    Image->GetWidth () * Image->GetHeight ());
  row_pointer[0] = (JSAMPLE*)&row[0];

  while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height)
    row_pointer[0] = 
      (JSAMPLE*)&image[cinfo.next_scanline * cinfo.image_width * 3];
    jpeg_write_scanlines (&cinfo, row_pointer, 1);

  jpeg_finish_compress (&cinfo);
  jpeg_destroy_compress (&cinfo);

  delete [] row;

  if (mng_putchunk_jdat (handle, (mng_uint32)ds.len, ds.data) != MNG_NOERROR)
    ReportLibmngError (object_reg, handle, "failed to put JDAT chunk");
    mng_cleanup (&handle);
    delete outfile;
    imgRGBA = 0;
    return 0;
  imgRGBA = 0;

  if (mng_putchunk_iend (handle) != MNG_NOERROR)
    ReportLibmngError (object_reg, handle, "failed to put IEND chunk");
    mng_cleanup (&handle);
    delete outfile;
    return 0;

  if (mng_write (handle) != MNG_NOERROR)
    ReportLibmngError (object_reg, handle, "failed to write out JNG data");
    mng_cleanup (&handle);
    delete outfile;
    return 0;

  mng_cleanup (&handle);

  csRef<iDataBuffer> db (outfile->GetAllData ());

  delete outfile;

  return csPtr<iDataBuffer> (db);
文件: jpgimage.cpp 项目: garinh/cs
csPtr<iDataBuffer> csJPGImageIO::Save(iImage *Image,
    iImageIO::FileFormatDescription*, const char* extraoptions)
  int format = Image->GetFormat ();
  switch (format & CS_IMGFMT_MASK)
      // unknown format
      return 0;
  } /* endswitch */

  // compression options
  int quality = 80;
  bool progressive = false;

     parse output options.
     options are a comma-separated list and can be either
     'option' or 'option=value'.

     supported options:
       compress=#   image compression, 0..100 higher values give smaller files
		    but uglier results.
       progressive  progressive encoding.

  csImageLoaderOptionsParser optparser (extraoptions);
  optparser.GetBool ("progressive", progressive);
  if (optparser.GetInt ("compress", quality))
    quality = 100 - quality;
    if (quality < 0) quality = 0;
    if (quality > 100) quality = 100;

  JSAMPLE* volatile row = 0;
  struct jpg_datastore ds;
  struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
  struct my_error_mgr jerr;
  cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error (&jerr.pub);
  jerr.pub.error_exit = my_error_exit;

  if (setjmp (jerr.setjmp_buffer))
    delete [] row;
    char errmsg [256];
    cinfo.err->format_message ((jpeg_common_struct *)&cinfo, errmsg);
    Report (object_reg, CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_WARNING,
      "%s\n", errmsg);
    jpeg_destroy_compress (&cinfo);
    return 0;

  jpeg_create_compress (&cinfo);
  jpeg_buffer_dest (&cinfo, &ds);

  cinfo.image_width = Image->GetWidth ();
  cinfo.image_height = Image->GetHeight ();
  cinfo.input_components = 3;
  cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;

  jpeg_set_defaults (&cinfo);
  jpeg_set_quality (&cinfo, quality, true);
  if (progressive) jpeg_simple_progression (&cinfo);
  jpeg_start_compress (&cinfo, true);

  JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
  JSAMPLE *image = (JSAMPLE*)csPackRGB::PackRGBpixelToRGB
    ((csRGBpixel*)Image->GetImageData (),
     Image->GetWidth () * Image->GetHeight ());
  row_pointer[0] = (JSAMPLE*)&row[0];

  while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height)
    row_pointer[0] = 
      (JSAMPLE*)&image[cinfo.next_scanline * cinfo.image_width * 3];
    jpeg_write_scanlines (&cinfo, row_pointer, 1);

  jpeg_finish_compress (&cinfo);
  jpeg_destroy_compress (&cinfo);

  delete[] image;
  delete [] row;

  /* make the iDataBuffer to return */
  csDataBuffer *db = new csDataBuffer (ds.len);
  memcpy (db->GetData (), ds.data, ds.len);

  return csPtr<iDataBuffer> (db);