    void init()
        helper = (IHThorKeyDiffArg *)queryHelper();
        OwnedRoxieString origName(helper->getOriginalName());
        OwnedRoxieString updatedName(helper->getUpdatedName());
        originalIndexFile.setown(queryThorFileManager().lookup(container.queryJob(), origName));
        newIndexFile.setown(queryThorFileManager().lookup(container.queryJob(), updatedName));
        if (originalIndexFile->numParts() != newIndexFile->numParts())
            throw MakeActivityException(this, TE_KeyDiffIndexSizeMismatch, "Index %s and %s differ in width", origName.get(), updatedName.get());
        if (originalIndexFile->querySuperFile() || newIndexFile->querySuperFile())
            throw MakeActivityException(this, 0, "Diffing super files not supported");  

        width = originalIndexFile->numParts();

        Owned<IPartDescriptor> tlkDesc = originalDesc->getPart(originalDesc->numParts()-1);
        const char *kind = tlkDesc->queryProperties().queryProp("@kind");
        local = NULL == kind || 0 != stricmp("topLevelKey", kind);

        if (!local)
            width--; // 1 part == No n distributed / Monolithic key
        if (width > container.queryJob().querySlaves())
            throw MakeActivityException(this, 0, "Unsupported: keydiff(%s, %s) - Cannot diff a key that's wider(%d) than the target cluster size(%d)", originalIndexFile->queryLogicalName(), newIndexFile->queryLogicalName(), width, container.queryJob().querySlaves());

        queryThorFileManager().noteFileRead(container.queryJob(), originalIndexFile);
        queryThorFileManager().noteFileRead(container.queryJob(), newIndexFile);

        IArrayOf<IGroup> groups;
        OwnedRoxieString outputName(helper->getOutputName());
        fillClusterArray(container.queryJob(), outputName, clusters, groups);
        patchDesc.setown(queryThorFileManager().create(container.queryJob(), outputName, clusters, groups, 0 != (KDPoverwrite & helper->getFlags()), 0, !local, width));
void RestoreFrame::OnBrowseButtonClick(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    wxFileName origName(text_ctrl_filename->GetValue());
    wxString filename = ::wxFileSelector(_("Select Backup File"),
        origName.GetPath(), origName.GetFullName(), "*.fbk",
        _("Backup file (*.fbk, *.gbk)|*.fbk;*.gbk|All files (*.*)|*.*"),
        wxFD_OPEN, this);
    if (!filename.empty())
NotationStrings::getNoteForName(QString name)
    std::string origName(qstrtostr(name));
    int pos = name.indexOf('-');
    int dots = 0;

    if (pos > 0 && pos < 6 && pos < name.length() - 1) {
        dots = name.left(pos).toInt();
        name = name.right(name.length() - pos - 1);
        if (dots < 2) {
            throw MalformedNoteName("Non-numeric or invalid dot count in \"" +
                                    origName + "\"");

    if (name.length() > 7 &&
            (name.left(7) == "dotted " || name.left(7) == "dotted-")) {
        if (dots == 0)
            dots = 1;
        name = name.right(name.length() - 7);
    } else {
        if (dots > 1) {
            throw MalformedNoteName("Dot count without dotted tag in \"" +
                                    origName + "\"");

    if (name.length() > 5 && name.right(5) == " note") {
        name = name.left(name.length() - 5);

    Note::Type type;

    static const char *names[][4] = {
        { "64th", "sixty-fourth", "hemidemisemi", "hemidemisemiquaver" },
        { "32nd", "thirty-second", "demisemi", "demisemiquaver"	},
        { "16th", "sixteenth", "semi", "semiquaver"	},
        { "8th", "eighth", 0, "quaver"	},
        { "quarter", 0, 0, "crotchet", },
        { "half", 0, 0, "minim"	},
        { "whole", 0, 0, "semibreve"	},
        { "double whole", 0, 0, "breve"	}

    for (type = Note::Shortest; type <= Note::Longest; ++type) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            if (!names[type][i]) continue;
            if (name == names[type][i]) return Note(type, dots);

    throw MalformedNoteName("Can't parse note name \"" + origName + "\"");
CArchiveDir::CArchiveDir(const std::string& archivename) :
		archiveName(archivename + '/')
	std::vector<std::string> found = filesystem.FindFiles(archiveName, "*", FileSystem::RECURSE);

	// because spring expects the contents of archives to be case independent,
	// we convert filenames to lowercase in every function, and keep a std::map
	// lcNameToOrigName to convert back from lowercase to original case.
	for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = found.begin(); it != found.end(); ++it) {
		// strip our own name off.. & convert to forward slashes
		std::string origName(*it, archiveName.length());
		// convert to lowercase and store
		lcNameIndex[StringToLower(origName)] = searchFiles.size()-1;
void Operator<Node>::paramsToUpper(Teuchos::ParameterList &plist, int &changed, bool rmUnderscore)
  changed = 0;

  // get a list of all parameter names in the list

  std::vector<std::string> paramNames ;
  Teuchos::ParameterList::ConstIterator pIter;

  pIter = plist.begin();

  while (1){
    // Compiler considered this while statement an error
    // for ( pIter = plist.begin() ; pIter != plist.end() ; pIter++ ){
    // }
    if (pIter == plist.end()) break;
    const std::string & nm = plist.name(pIter);

  // Change parameter names and values to upper case

  for (unsigned int i=0; i < paramNames.size(); i++){

    std::string origName(paramNames[i]);
    int paramNameChanged = 0;
    stringToUpper(paramNames[i], paramNameChanged, rmUnderscore);

    if (plist.isSublist(origName)){
      Teuchos::ParameterList &sublist = plist.sublist(origName);

      int sublistChanged=0;
      paramsToUpper(sublist, sublistChanged, false);

      if (paramNameChanged){

        // this didn't work, so I need to remove the old sublist
        // and create a new one

        Teuchos::ParameterList newlist(sublist);
        plist.set(paramNames[i], newlist);
    else if (plist.isParameter(origName)){

      std::string paramVal(plist.get<std::string>(origName));

      int paramValChanged=0;
      stringToUpper(paramVal, paramValChanged);

      if (paramNameChanged || paramValChanged){
        if (paramNameChanged){
        plist.set(paramNames[i], paramVal);
  } // next parameter or sublist