void Physics::updateKinematics(float delta){
	Vector displacement=delta*velocity_+0.5f*delta*delta*acceleration_;

	Matrix omega(	0,		angVel_.z,	-angVel_.y, 0,
				-angVel_.z,		0,		angVel_.x, 0,
				angVel_.y,	-angVel_.x,		0,		0,
				0,0,0,0);                                         //set up the matrix for calculating rotation based on
	                                                        //the objects angular velocity

	Matrix Rcurr= bv_->rotation();								//Get the current rotation of the object

	Matrix Rdelta=delta*(omega*Rcurr);							//Calculate the change in rotation of the object

	Matrix Rnew=orthoNormalize(Rcurr+Rdelta);				//calculate the new rotation matrix

	Matrix Rnet=orthoNormalize(Rcurr.transpose()*Rnew);		//figure out what the net rotation is

	angVel_=angVel_+delta*angAccel_;							//update the angular velocity


// uses simple explicit euler integration
void RigidBody::integrate(float delta_time) {
	//printf("integrate %f\n", delta_time);
	float inv_mass = 1.0f/mass;

	position += delta_time * velocity;
	#if 0
	mat3 skew_mat = transpose(skewSymmetric(angular_velocity));
	orientation = orientation + delta_time * (skew_mat*orientation);
	orientation = orthoNormalize(orientation);

	// integrate quaternion orientation
	quat spin = 0.5f * quaternion(0.0f, angular_velocity.x, angular_velocity.y, angular_velocity.z) * q_orientation;
	q_orientation += delta_time * spin;
	q_orientation = normalize(q_orientation);

	velocity += /*0.5f */ (delta_time*inv_mass) * force;
	angular_momentum += /*0.5f */ delta_time * torque;

	// compute auxiliaries
	#if 1
	orientation = m3(q_orientation);
	inv_world_inertia_mat = orientation * inv_inertia_mat * transpose(orientation);
	angular_velocity = inv_world_inertia_mat * angular_momentum;
	inv_world_inertia_mat = inv_inertia_mat;

	angular_velocity = inv_world_inertia_mat * angular_momentum;

	force = v3(0.0f);
	torque = v3(0.0f);
void Cutscene::onUpdateActivity(float dt)
    assert( _clump );
    // update animation
    _clump->getAnimationController()->advance( dt );
    // if there is end of animation sequence
    if( _clump->getAnimationController()->isEndOfAnimation( 0 ) )
        // look for another sequence
        if( _animSequenceI != NULL &&
            _animSequenceI != _animSequenceL.end() )
            if( _animSequenceI == _animSequenceL.end() )
                _animSequenceI = _animSequenceL.begin();
            _clump->getAnimationController()->setTrackAnimation( 0, &(*_animSequenceI) );
            _clump->getAnimationController()->setTrackSpeed( 0, _desc.speed );
            _clump->getAnimationController()->resetTrackTime( 0 );

    // search for camera tracker
    engine::IFrame* frame = Gameplay::iEngine->findFrame( _clump->getFrame(), "Camera" ); assert( frame );
    Matrix4f cameraLTM = frame->getLTM();
    orthoNormalize( cameraLTM );

    // setup camera pose
    _camera->setMatrix( cameraLTM );

    // wait for any key
    bool anykey = false;
    input::KeyboardState* keyboardState = Gameplay::iGameplay->getKeyboardState();
    for( unsigned int i=0; i<255; i++ )
        if( keyboardState->keyState[i] & 0x80 )
            anykey = true;

    if( anykey )
        new MissionBrowser( _scene, _camera->getPose(), 60 * CAMERA_FOV_MULTIPLIER );
void updateMatrix(int * accel, int * gyro, int* matrix){
	int i;
	int normaccel[3];
	int wAccel[3];
	int orient[3];
	int output[9];

	normalize(accel, normaccel);

	cross(&matrix[6], normaccel, wAccel);
	for(i = 0; i < 3; i ++){
		orient[i] = ((gyro[i] * GYROSCALE) + (wAccel[i] * ACCELSCALE))/(DIVFACTOR);

	for(i = 0; i < 3; i ++){
		cross(&matrix[3 * i], orient, &output[i * 3]);
		vectorAdd(&matrix[3 * i], &output[i * 3], &matrix[3 * i]);

// construct a unit quaternion from a rotation matrix
Quaternion::Quaternion(const Matrix4x4 &m) {
	float ortho[4][4];
	memcpy(ortho, m.m, sizeof(float) * 16);

	const float trace = ortho[0][0] + ortho[1][1] + ortho[2][2] + 1.f;

	if (trace > 1e-6f) {
		const float s = sqrtf(trace) * 2.f;
		v.x = (ortho[1][2] - ortho[2][1]) / s;
		v.y = (ortho[2][0] - ortho[0][2]) / s;
		v.z = (ortho[0][1] - ortho[1][0]) / s;
		w = 0.25f * s;
	} else {
		if ( ortho[0][0] > ortho[1][1] && ortho[0][0] > ortho[2][2] )  {
			// Column 0: 
			const float s  = sqrtf(1.f + ortho[0][0] - ortho[1][1] - ortho[2][2]) * 2.f;
			v.x = 0.25f * s;
			v.y = (ortho[0][1] + ortho[1][0] ) / s;
			v.z = (ortho[2][0] + ortho[0][2] ) / s;
			w = (ortho[1][2] - ortho[2][1] ) / s;
		} else if ( ortho[1][1] > ortho[2][2] ) {
			// Column 1: 
			const float s  = sqrtf(1.f + ortho[1][1] - ortho[0][0] - ortho[2][2]) * 2.f;
			v.x = (ortho[0][1] + ortho[1][0] ) / s;
			v.y = 0.25f * s;
			v.z = (ortho[1][2] + ortho[2][1] ) / s;
			w = (ortho[2][0] - ortho[0][2] ) / s;
		} else {
			// Column 2:
			const float s  = sqrtf(1.f + ortho[2][2] - ortho[0][0] - ortho[1][1]) * 2.f;
			v.x = (ortho[2][0] + ortho[0][2] ) / s;
			v.y = (ortho[1][2] + ortho[2][1] ) / s;
			v.z = 0.25f * s;
			w = (ortho[0][1] - ortho[1][0] ) / s;
void Jumper::AirplaneJump::update(float dt)
    updateAnimation( dt );

    bool useWingsuit = database::Suit::getRecord( _jumper->getVirtues()->equipment.suit.id )->wingsuit;
    float phaseTime = useWingsuit ? trackInvSpeed * ( FRAMETIME(2113) - FRAMETIME(2104) ) : trackInvSpeed * ( FRAMETIME(1673) - FRAMETIME(1669) );

    if( _actionTime > _blendTime + phaseTime )
        if( _phActor->isSleeping() )
            // place jumper to airplane exit
            Matrix4f clumpLTM = _clump->getFrame()->getLTM();
            Vector3f clumpScale = calcScale( clumpLTM );
            Matrix4f exitLTM = _jumper->getAirplaneExit()->getLTM();
            orthoNormalize( exitLTM );
            exitLTM[0][0] *= clumpScale[0], exitLTM[0][1] *= clumpScale[0], exitLTM[0][2] *= clumpScale[0];
            exitLTM[1][0] *= clumpScale[1], exitLTM[1][1] *= clumpScale[1], exitLTM[1][2] *= clumpScale[1];
            exitLTM[2][0] *= clumpScale[2], exitLTM[2][1] *= clumpScale[2], exitLTM[2][2] *= clumpScale[2];
            _clump->getFrame()->setMatrix( exitLTM );

            Matrix4f sampleLTM = Jumper::getCollisionFF( _clump )->getFrame()->getLTM();
            _phActor->setGlobalPose( wrap( sampleLTM ) );
            NxVec3 velH = wrap( _clump->getFrame()->getAt() );
            velH *= 3.0f;
            NxVec3 velV = wrap( _clump->getFrame()->getUp() );
            velV *= 0.25f;
            NxVec3 velA = wrap( _jumper->getAirplane()->getVel() );
            _phActor->setLinearVelocity( velH + velV + velA );
            _jumper->initOverburdenCalculator( velH + velV + velA );

			// modified exits (only fixed wing, not heli)
			bool helicopter = strcmp(_jumper->getAirplane()->getDesc()->templateClump->getName(), "Helicopter01") == 0;
			if (!helicopter) {
				if (_jumper->getSpinalCord()->left) {
				} else if (_jumper->getSpinalCord()->right) {

				if (_jumper->getSpinalCord()->up) {		// headdown exit
				} else if (_jumper->getSpinalCord()->down) {	// sitfly exit
			if (_jumper->getSpinalCord()->left) {
			} else if (_jumper->getSpinalCord()->right) {
            _clump->getFrame()->setMatrix( _matrixConversion->convert( wrap( _phActor->getGlobalPose() ) ) );
        // place jumper to airplane exit
        Matrix4f clumpLTM = _clump->getFrame()->getLTM();
        Vector3f clumpScale = calcScale( clumpLTM );

        Matrix4f exitLTM = _jumper->getAirplaneExit()->getLTM();
		Vector3f pos = _jumper->getAirplaneExit()->getPos();
		getCore()->logMessage("exit pos: %2.2f %2.2f %2.2f",  pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
        orthoNormalize( exitLTM );
        exitLTM[0][0] *= clumpScale[0], exitLTM[0][1] *= clumpScale[0], exitLTM[0][2] *= clumpScale[0];
        exitLTM[1][0] *= clumpScale[1], exitLTM[1][1] *= clumpScale[1], exitLTM[1][2] *= clumpScale[1];
        exitLTM[2][0] *= clumpScale[2], exitLTM[2][1] *= clumpScale[2], exitLTM[2][2] *= clumpScale[2];

        _clump->getFrame()->setMatrix( exitLTM );

	if( _clump->getAnimationController()->isEndOfAnimation( 0 )) // || (_jumper->getSpinalCord()->modifier && _jumper->isPlayer() &&   _actionTime > _blendTime + phaseTime ))
        _endOfAction = true;