int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  std::string inputfile = "tests/test_multipolygon.osm";

  options_t options;
  auto projection = std::make_shared<reprojection>(PROJ_SPHERE_MERC);
  options.projection = projection;

  auto out_test = std::make_shared<test_output_t>(options);
  osmdata_t osmdata(std::make_shared<test_middle_t>(), out_test);

  boost::optional<std::string> bbox;
  parse_osmium_t parser(false, bbox, projection.get(), false, &osmdata);

  parser.stream_file(inputfile, "");

  assert_equal(out_test->sum_ids,       73514L);
  assert_equal(out_test->num_nodes,       353L);
  assert_equal(out_test->num_ways,        140L);
  assert_equal(out_test->num_relations,    40L);
  assert_equal(out_test->num_nds,         495L);
  assert_equal(out_test->num_members,     146L);

  return 0;
int main() {

    std::string inputfile = "tests/008-ch.osc.gz";

    options_t options;

    std::shared_ptr<reprojection> projection(reprojection::create_projection(PROJ_SPHERE_MERC));
    options.projection = projection;

    auto out_test = std::make_shared<test_output_t>(options);
    osmdata_t osmdata(std::make_shared<dummy_slim_middle_t>(), out_test, options.projection);

    boost::optional<std::string> bbox;
    parse_osmium_t parser(bbox, true, &osmdata);

    parser.stream_file(inputfile, "");

    assert_equal(out_test->node.added, 0);
    assert_equal(out_test->node.modified, 1176);
    assert_equal(out_test->node.deleted, 16773);
    assert_equal(out_test->way.added, 0);
    assert_equal(out_test->way.modified, 161);
    assert_equal(out_test->way.deleted, 4);
    assert_equal(out_test->rel.added, 0);
    assert_equal(out_test->rel.modified, 11);
    assert_equal(out_test->rel.deleted, 1);

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char *srcdir = getenv("srcdir");

  if (srcdir == NULL) {
    std::cerr << "$srcdir not set!\n";
    return 1;

  std::string inputfile = std::string(srcdir) + std::string("/tests/test_multipolygon.osm");

  options_t options;
  boost::shared_ptr<reprojection> projection(new reprojection(PROJ_SPHERE_MERC));
  options.projection = projection;

  boost::shared_ptr<test_output_t> out_test(new test_output_t(options));
  osmdata_t osmdata(boost::make_shared<test_middle_t>(), out_test);

  parse_xml2_t parser(0, false, projection, 0, 0, 0, 0);

  int ret = parser.streamFile(inputfile.c_str(), 0, &osmdata);
  if (ret != 0) {
    return ret;

  assert_equal(out_test->sum_ids,       73514L);
  assert_equal(out_test->num_nodes,       353L);
  assert_equal(out_test->num_ways,        140L);
  assert_equal(out_test->num_relations,    40L);
  assert_equal(out_test->num_nds,         495L);
  assert_equal(out_test->num_members,     146L);

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    std::unique_ptr<pg::tempdb> db;

    try {
        db.reset(new pg::tempdb);
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "Unable to setup database: " << e.what() << "\n";
        return 77; // <-- code to skip this test.

    try {
        options_t options;
        options.database_options = db->database_options;
        options.num_procs = 1;
        options.slim = true;

        options.projection.reset(new reprojection(PROJ_LATLONG));

        options.output_backend = "multi";
        options.style = "tests/test_output_multi_line_trivial.style.json";

        //setup the front (input)
        parse_delegate_t parser(options.extra_attributes, options.bbox, options.projection, options.append);

        //setup the middle
        std::shared_ptr<middle_t> middle = middle_t::create_middle(options.slim);

        //setup the backend (output)
        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<output_t> > outputs = output_t::create_outputs(middle.get(), options);

        //let osmdata orchestrate between the middle and the outs
        osmdata_t osmdata(middle, outputs);


        parser.stream_file("xml", "tests/test_output_multi_line_storage.osm", &osmdata);


        db->check_count(1, "select count(*) from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname = 'test_line'");
        db->check_count(3, "select count(*) from test_line");

        //check that we have the number of vertexes in each linestring
        db->check_count(3, "SELECT ST_NumPoints(way) FROM test_line WHERE osm_id = 1");
        db->check_count(2, "SELECT ST_NumPoints(way) FROM test_line WHERE osm_id = 2");
        db->check_count(2, "SELECT ST_NumPoints(way) FROM test_line WHERE osm_id = 3");

        db->check_count(3, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_line WHERE foo = 'bar'");
        return 0;

    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;

    } catch (...) {
        std::cerr << "UNKNOWN ERROR" << std::endl;

    return 1;
void run_osm2pgsql(options_t &options) {
  //setup the middle
  std::shared_ptr<middle_t> middle = middle_t::create_middle(options.slim);

  //setup the backend (output)
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<output_t> > outputs = output_t::create_outputs(middle.get(), options);

  //let osmdata orchestrate between the middle and the outs
  osmdata_t osmdata(middle, outputs);

  testing::parse("tests/test_output_multi_poly_trivial.osm", "xml",
                 options, &osmdata);
void run_osm2pgsql(options_t &options) {
  //setup the front (input)
  parse_delegate_t parser(options.extra_attributes, options.bbox, options.projection, options.append);

  //setup the middle
  std::shared_ptr<middle_t> middle = middle_t::create_middle(options.slim);

  //setup the backend (output)
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<output_t> > outputs = output_t::create_outputs(middle.get(), options);

  //let osmdata orchestrate between the middle and the outs
  osmdata_t osmdata(middle, outputs);


  parser.stream_file("libxml2", "tests/test_output_multi_poly_trivial.osm", &osmdata);

    void run_osm2pgsql(options_t &options, char const *test_file,
                       char const *file_format)
        //setup the middle
        std::shared_ptr<middle_t> middle;

        if (options.slim) {
            middle = std::shared_ptr<middle_t>(new middle_pgsql_t(&options));
        } else {
            middle = std::shared_ptr<middle_t>(new middle_ram_t(&options));


        //setup the backend (output)
        auto outputs = output_t::create_outputs(
            middle->get_query_instance(middle), options);

        //let osmdata orchestrate between the middle and the outs
        osmdata_t osmdata(middle, outputs);

        parse(test_file, file_format, options, &osmdata);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    boost::scoped_ptr<pg::tempdb> db;

    try {
        db.reset(new pg::tempdb);
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "Unable to setup database: " << e.what() << "\n";
        return 77; // <-- code to skip this test.

    try {
        boost::shared_ptr<middle_pgsql_t> mid_pgsql(new middle_pgsql_t());
        options_t options;
        options.conninfo = db->conninfo().c_str();
        options.num_procs = 1;
        options.prefix = "osm2pgsql_test";
        options.tblsslim_index = "tablespacetest";
        options.tblsslim_data = "tablespacetest";
        options.slim = 1;

        boost::shared_ptr<geometry_processor> processor = geometry_processor::create("polygon", &options);

        export_list columns;
        { taginfo info; info.name = "building"; info.type = "text"; columns.add(OSMTYPE_WAY, info); }

        boost::shared_ptr<output_multi_t> out_test(new output_multi_t("foobar_buildings", processor, columns, mid_pgsql.get(), options));

        osmdata_t osmdata(mid_pgsql, out_test);

        boost::scoped_ptr<parse_delegate_t> parser(new parse_delegate_t(options.extra_attributes, options.bbox, options.projection));


        if (parser->streamFile("pbf", "tests/liechtenstein-2013-08-03.osm.pbf", options.sanitize, &osmdata) != 0) {
            throw std::runtime_error("Unable to read input file `tests/liechtenstein-2013-08-03.osm.pbf'.");



        // start a new connection to run tests on
        pg::conn_ptr test_conn = pg::conn::connect(db->conninfo());

        check_count(test_conn, 1, "select count(*) from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname = 'osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings'");
        check_count(test_conn, 0, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building is null");
        check_count(test_conn, 3723, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings");

        //check that we have the right spread
        check_count(test_conn, 1, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='barn'");
        check_count(test_conn, 1, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='chapel'");
        check_count(test_conn, 5, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='church'");
        check_count(test_conn, 3, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='commercial'");
        check_count(test_conn, 6, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='farm'");
        check_count(test_conn, 1, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='garage'");
        check_count(test_conn, 2, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='glasshouse'");
        check_count(test_conn, 1, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='greenhouse'");
        check_count(test_conn, 153, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='house'");
        check_count(test_conn, 4, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='hut'");
        check_count(test_conn, 8, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='industrial'");
        check_count(test_conn, 200, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='residential'");
        check_count(test_conn, 6, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='roof'");
        check_count(test_conn, 4, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='school'");
        check_count(test_conn, 2, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='station'");
        check_count(test_conn, 3, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='warehouse'");
        check_count(test_conn, 3323, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_buildings where building='yes'");
        return 0;

    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;

    } catch (...) {
        std::cerr << "UNKNOWN ERROR" << std::endl;

    return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    std::unique_ptr<pg::tempdb> db;

    try {
        db.reset(new pg::tempdb);
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "Unable to setup database: " << e.what() << "\n";
        return 77; // <-- code to skip this test.

    try {
        std::shared_ptr<middle_pgsql_t> mid_pgsql(new middle_pgsql_t());
        options_t options;
        options.database_options = db->database_options;
        options.num_procs = 1;
        options.prefix = "osm2pgsql_test";
        options.hstore_mode = HSTORE_NORM;
        options.slim = 1;

        auto out_test = std::make_shared<output_pgsql_t>(mid_pgsql.get(), options);

        osmdata_t osmdata(mid_pgsql, out_test);

        std::unique_ptr<parse_delegate_t> parser(new parse_delegate_t(options.extra_attributes, options.bbox, options.projection, false));


        parser->stream_file("libxml2", "tests/hstore-match-only.osm", &osmdata);



        // tables should not contain any tag columns
        db->check_count(4, "select count(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name='osm2pgsql_test_point'");
        db->check_count(5, "select count(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name='osm2pgsql_test_polygon'");
        db->check_count(5, "select count(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name='osm2pgsql_test_line'");
        db->check_count(5, "select count(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name='osm2pgsql_test_roads'");
        // the testfile contains 19 tagged ways and 7 tagged nodes
        // out of them 18 ways and 6 nodes are interesting as specified by hstore-match-only.style
        // as there is also one relation we should end up getting a database which contains:
        // 6 objects in osm2pgsql_test_point
        // 7 objects in osm2pgsql_test_polygon
        // 12 objects in osm2pgsql_test_line
        // 3 objects in osm2pgsql_test_roads
        db->check_count(6, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_point");
        db->check_count(7, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_polygon");
        db->check_count(12, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_line");
        db->check_count(3, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_roads");
        return 0;

    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;

    } catch (...) {
        std::cerr << "UNKNOWN ERROR" << std::endl;

    return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    fprintf(stderr, "osm2pgsql version %s (%zu bit id space)\n\n", VERSION, 8 * sizeof(osmid_t));
        //parse the args into the different options members
        options_t options = options_t(argc, argv);
            return 0;

        //setup the middle
        std::shared_ptr<middle_t> middle = middle_t::create_middle(options.slim);

        //setup the backend (output)
        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<output_t> > outputs = output_t::create_outputs(middle.get(), options);

        //let osmdata orchestrate between the middle and the outs
        osmdata_t osmdata(middle, outputs, options.projection);

        fprintf(stderr, "Using projection SRS %d (%s)\n",

        //start it up
        time_t overall_start = time(nullptr);

        /* Processing
         * In this phase the input file(s) are read and parsed, populating some of the
         * tables. Not all ways can be handled before relations are processed, so they're
         * set as pending, to be handled in the next stage.
        parse_stats_t stats;
        //read in the input files one by one
        for (auto const filename : options.input_files) {
            //read the actual input
            fprintf(stderr, "\nReading in file: %s\n", filename.c_str());
            time_t start = time(nullptr);

            parse_osmium_t parser(options.bbox, options.append, &osmdata);
            parser.stream_file(filename, options.input_reader);


            fprintf(stderr, "  parse time: %ds\n", (int)(time(nullptr) - start));

        //show stats

        //Process pending ways, relations, cluster, and create indexes

        fprintf(stderr, "\nOsm2pgsql took %ds overall\n", (int)(time(nullptr) - overall_start));

        return 0;
    }//something went wrong along the way
    catch(const std::runtime_error& e)
        fprintf(stderr, "Osm2pgsql failed due to ERROR: %s\n", e.what());
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    boost::scoped_ptr<pg::tempdb> db;

    try {
        db.reset(new pg::tempdb);
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "Unable to setup database: " << e.what() << "\n";
        return 77; // <-- code to skip this test.

    try {
        boost::shared_ptr<middle_pgsql_t> mid_pgsql(new middle_pgsql_t());
        options_t options;
        options.conninfo = db->conninfo().c_str();
        options.num_procs = 1;
        options.prefix = "osm2pgsql_test";
        options.tblsslim_index = "tablespacetest";
        options.tblsslim_data = "tablespacetest";
        options.slim = 1;

        boost::shared_ptr<geometry_processor> processor =
            geometry_processor::create("point", &options);

        export_list columns;
        { taginfo info; info.name = "amenity"; info.type = "text"; columns.add(OSMTYPE_NODE, info); }

        boost::shared_ptr<output_multi_t> out_test(new output_multi_t("foobar_amenities", processor, columns, mid_pgsql.get(), options));

        osmdata_t osmdata(mid_pgsql, out_test);

        boost::scoped_ptr<parse_delegate_t> parser(new parse_delegate_t(options.extra_attributes, options.bbox, options.projection));


        if (parser->streamFile("pbf", "tests/liechtenstein-2013-08-03.osm.pbf", options.sanitize, &osmdata) != 0) {
            throw std::runtime_error("Unable to read input file `tests/liechtenstein-2013-08-03.osm.pbf'.");



        // start a new connection to run tests on
        pg::conn_ptr test_conn = pg::conn::connect(db->conninfo());

        check_count(test_conn, 1,
                    "select count(*) from pg_catalog.pg_class "
                    "where relname = 'osm2pgsql_test_foobar_amenities'");

        check_count(test_conn, 244,
                    "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_amenities");

        check_count(test_conn, 36,
                    "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_amenities where amenity='parking'");

        check_count(test_conn, 34,
                    "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_amenities where amenity='bench'");

        check_count(test_conn, 1,
                    "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_amenities where amenity='vending_machine'");

        return 0;

    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;

    } catch (...) {
        std::cerr << "UNKNOWN ERROR" << std::endl;

    return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    boost::scoped_ptr<pg::tempdb> db;

    try {
        db.reset(new pg::tempdb);
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "Unable to setup database: " << e.what() << "\n";
        return 77; // <-- code to skip this test.

    try {
        boost::shared_ptr<middle_pgsql_t> mid_pgsql(new middle_pgsql_t());
        options_t options;
        options.conninfo = db->conninfo().c_str();
        options.num_procs = 1;
        options.prefix = "osm2pgsql_test";
        options.tblsslim_index = "tablespacetest";
        options.tblsslim_data = "tablespacetest";
        options.slim = 1;

        boost::shared_ptr<geometry_processor> processor =
            geometry_processor::create("line", &options);

        export_list columns;
        { taginfo info; info.name = "highway"; info.type = "text"; columns.add(OSMTYPE_WAY, info); }

        boost::shared_ptr<output_multi_t> out_test(new output_multi_t("foobar_highways", processor, columns, mid_pgsql.get(), options));

        osmdata_t osmdata(mid_pgsql, out_test);

        boost::scoped_ptr<parse_delegate_t> parser(new parse_delegate_t(options.extra_attributes, options.bbox, options.projection));


        if (parser->streamFile("pbf", "tests/liechtenstein-2013-08-03.osm.pbf", options.sanitize, &osmdata) != 0) {
            throw std::runtime_error("Unable to read input file `tests/liechtenstein-2013-08-03.osm.pbf'.");



        // start a new connection to run tests on
        pg::conn_ptr test_conn = pg::conn::connect(db->conninfo());

        check_count(test_conn, 1, "select count(*) from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname = 'osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways'");
        check_count(test_conn, 2753, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways");

        //check that we have the right spread
        check_count(test_conn, 13, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='bridleway'");
        check_count(test_conn, 3, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='construction'");
        check_count(test_conn, 96, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='cycleway'");
        check_count(test_conn, 249, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='footway'");
        check_count(test_conn, 18, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='living_street'");
        check_count(test_conn, 171, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='path'");
        check_count(test_conn, 6, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='pedestrian'");
        check_count(test_conn, 81, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='primary'");
        check_count(test_conn, 842, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='residential'");
        check_count(test_conn, 3, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='road'");
        check_count(test_conn, 90, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='secondary'");
        check_count(test_conn, 1, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='secondary_link'");
        check_count(test_conn, 352, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='service'");
        check_count(test_conn, 34, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='steps'");
        check_count(test_conn, 33, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='tertiary'");
        check_count(test_conn, 597, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='track'");
        check_count(test_conn, 164, "select count(*) from osm2pgsql_test_foobar_highways where highway='unclassified'");
        return 0;

    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;

    } catch (...) {
        std::cerr << "UNKNOWN ERROR" << std::endl;

    return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    std::unique_ptr<pg::tempdb> db;

    try {
        db.reset(new pg::tempdb);
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "Unable to setup database: " << e.what() << "\n";
        return 77; // <-- code to skip this test.

    try {
        std::shared_ptr<middle_pgsql_t> mid_pgsql(new middle_pgsql_t());
        options_t options;
        options.database_options = db->database_options;
        options.num_procs = 1;
        options.prefix = "osm2pgsql_test";
        options.slim = true;

        export_list columns;
        { taginfo info; info.name = "amenity"; info.type = "text"; columns.add(OSMTYPE_NODE, info); }

        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<output_t> > outputs;

        // let's make lots of tables!
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
            std::string name = (boost::format("foobar_%d") % i).str();

            std::shared_ptr<geometry_processor> processor =
                geometry_processor::create("point", &options);

            auto out_test = std::make_shared<output_multi_t>(name, processor, columns, mid_pgsql.get(), options);


        osmdata_t osmdata(mid_pgsql, outputs);

        std::unique_ptr<parse_delegate_t> parser(new parse_delegate_t(options.extra_attributes, options.bbox, options.projection, options.append));


        parser->stream_file("pbf", "tests/liechtenstein-2013-08-03.osm.pbf", &osmdata);



        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
            std::string name = (boost::format("foobar_%d") % i).str();

                        (boost::format("select count(*) from pg_catalog.pg_class "
                                       "where relname = 'foobar_%d'")
                         % i).str());

                        (boost::format("select count(*) from foobar_%d")
                         % i).str());

                        (boost::format("select count(*) from foobar_%d "
                                       "where amenity='parking'")
                         % i).str());

                        (boost::format("select count(*) from foobar_%d "
                                       "where amenity='bench'")
                         % i).str());

                        (boost::format("select count(*) from foobar_%d "
                                       "where amenity='vending_machine'")
                         % i).str());

        return 0;

    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;

    } catch (...) {
        std::cerr << "UNKNOWN ERROR" << std::endl;

    return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    std::unique_ptr<pg::tempdb> db;

    try {
        db.reset(new pg::tempdb);
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "Unable to setup database: " << e.what() << "\n";
        return 77; // <-- code to skip this test.

    try {
        std::shared_ptr<middle_pgsql_t> mid_pgsql(new middle_pgsql_t());
        options_t options;
        options.database_options = db->database_options;
        options.num_procs = 1;
        options.slim = true;

        std::shared_ptr<geometry_processor> processor =
            geometry_processor::create("line", &options);

        export_list columns;
        { taginfo info; info.name = "highway"; info.type = "text"; columns.add(osmium::item_type::way, info); }

        // This actually uses the multi-backend with C transforms, not Lua transforms. This is unusual and doesn't reflect real practice
        auto out_test = std::make_shared<output_multi_t>("foobar_highways", processor, columns, mid_pgsql.get(), options);

        osmdata_t osmdata(mid_pgsql, out_test, options.projection);

        testing::parse("tests/liechtenstein-2013-08-03.osm.pbf", "pbf",
                       options, &osmdata);

        // start a new connection to run tests on
        db->check_count(1, "select count(*) from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname = 'foobar_highways'");
        db->check_count(2752, "select count(*) from foobar_highways");

        //check that we have the right spread
        db->check_count(13, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='bridleway'");
        db->check_count(3, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='construction'");
        db->check_count(96, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='cycleway'");
        db->check_count(249, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='footway'");
        db->check_count(18, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='living_street'");
        db->check_count(171, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='path'");
        db->check_count(5, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='pedestrian'");
        db->check_count(81, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='primary'");
        db->check_count(842, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='residential'");
        db->check_count(3, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='road'");
        db->check_count(90, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='secondary'");
        db->check_count(1, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='secondary_link'");
        db->check_count(352, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='service'");
        db->check_count(34, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='steps'");
        db->check_count(33, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='tertiary'");
        db->check_count(597, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='track'");
        db->check_count(164, "select count(*) from foobar_highways where highway='unclassified'");
        return 0;

    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;

    } catch (...) {
        std::cerr << "UNKNOWN ERROR" << std::endl;

    return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    std::unique_ptr<pg::tempdb> db;

    try {
        db.reset(new pg::tempdb);
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "Unable to setup database: " << e.what() << "\n";
        return 77; // <-- code to skip this test.

    try {
        options_t options;
        options.database_options = db->database_options;
        options.num_procs = 1;
        options.slim = true;


        options.output_backend = "multi";
        options.style = "tests/test_output_multi_tags.json";

        //setup the middle
        std::shared_ptr<middle_t> middle = middle_t::create_middle(options.slim);

        //setup the backend (output)
        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<output_t> > outputs = output_t::create_outputs(middle.get(), options);

        //let osmdata orchestrate between the middle and the outs
        osmdata_t osmdata(middle, outputs);

        testing::parse("tests/test_output_multi_tags.osm", "xml",
                       options, &osmdata);

        // Check we got the right tables
        db->check_count(1, "select count(*) from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname = 'test_points_1'");
        db->check_count(1, "select count(*) from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname = 'test_points_2'");
        db->check_count(1, "select count(*) from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname = 'test_line_1'");
        db->check_count(1, "select count(*) from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname = 'test_polygon_1'");
        db->check_count(1, "select count(*) from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname = 'test_polygon_2'");

        // Check we didn't get any extra in the tables
        db->check_count(2, "select count(*) from test_points_1");
        db->check_count(2, "select count(*) from test_points_2");
        db->check_count(1, "select count(*) from test_line_1");
        db->check_count(1, "select count(*) from test_line_2");
        db->check_count(1, "select count(*) from test_polygon_1");
        db->check_count(1, "select count(*) from test_polygon_2");

        // Check that the first table for each type got the right transform
        db->check_count(1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_points_1 WHERE foo IS NULL and bar = 'n1' AND baz IS NULL");
        db->check_count(1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_points_1 WHERE foo IS NULL and bar = 'n2' AND baz IS NULL");
        db->check_count(1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_line_1 WHERE foo IS NULL and bar = 'w1' AND baz IS NULL");
        db->check_count(1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_polygon_1 WHERE foo IS NULL and bar = 'w2' AND baz IS NULL");

        // Check that the second table also got the right transform
        db->check_count(1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_points_2 WHERE foo IS NULL and bar IS NULL AND baz = 'n1'");
        db->check_count(1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_points_2 WHERE foo IS NULL and bar IS NULL AND baz = 'n2'");
        db->check_count(1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_line_2 WHERE foo IS NULL and bar IS NULL AND baz = 'w1'");
        db->check_count(1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_polygon_2 WHERE foo IS NULL and bar IS NULL AND baz = 'w2'");

        return 0;

    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;

    } catch (...) {
        std::cerr << "UNKNOWN ERROR" << std::endl;

    return 1;