rpmostree_commit (GFile         *rootfs,
                  OstreeRepo    *repo,
                  const char    *refname,
                  GVariant      *metadata,
                  const char    *gpg_keyid,
                  gboolean       enable_selinux,
                  GCancellable  *cancellable,
                  GError       **error)
    gboolean ret = FALSE;
    gs_unref_object OstreeMutableTree *mtree = NULL;
    OstreeRepoCommitModifier *commit_modifier = NULL;
    gs_free char *parent_revision = NULL;
    gs_free char *new_revision = NULL;
    gs_unref_object GFile *root_tree = NULL;
    gs_unref_object OstreeSePolicy *sepolicy = NULL;
    gs_fd_close int rootfs_fd = -1;

    if (!gs_file_open_dir_fd (rootfs, &rootfs_fd, cancellable, error))
        goto out;

    /* hardcode targeted policy for now */
    if (enable_selinux)
        if (!rpmostree_prepare_rootfs_get_sepolicy (rootfs_fd, ".", &sepolicy, cancellable, error))
            goto out;

    g_print ("Committing '%s' ...\n", gs_file_get_path_cached (rootfs));
    if (!ostree_repo_prepare_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error))
        goto out;

    mtree = ostree_mutable_tree_new ();
    commit_modifier = ostree_repo_commit_modifier_new (0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    ostree_repo_commit_modifier_set_xattr_callback (commit_modifier,
            read_xattrs_cb, NULL,
            GINT_TO_POINTER (rootfs_fd));
    if (sepolicy)
        const char *policy_name = ostree_sepolicy_get_name (sepolicy);
        g_print ("Labeling with SELinux policy '%s'\n", policy_name);
        ostree_repo_commit_modifier_set_sepolicy (commit_modifier, sepolicy);

    if (!ostree_repo_write_directory_to_mtree (repo, rootfs, mtree, commit_modifier, cancellable, error))
        goto out;
    if (!ostree_repo_write_mtree (repo, mtree, &root_tree, cancellable, error))
        goto out;

    if (!ostree_repo_resolve_rev (repo, refname, TRUE, &parent_revision, error))
        goto out;

    if (!ostree_repo_write_commit (repo, parent_revision, "", "", metadata,
                                   (OstreeRepoFile*)root_tree, &new_revision,
                                   cancellable, error))
        goto out;

    if (gpg_keyid)
        g_print ("Signing commit %s with key %s\n", new_revision, gpg_keyid);
        if (!ostree_repo_sign_commit (repo, new_revision, gpg_keyid, NULL,
                                      cancellable, error))
            goto out;

    ostree_repo_transaction_set_ref (repo, NULL, refname, new_revision);

    if (!ostree_repo_commit_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error))
        goto out;

    g_print ("%s => %s\n", refname, new_revision);

    if (!g_getenv ("RPM_OSTREE_PRESERVE_ROOTFS"))
        (void) gs_shutil_rm_rf (rootfs, NULL, NULL);
        g_print ("Preserved %s\n", gs_file_get_path_cached (rootfs));

    ret = TRUE;
    return ret;
ot_admin_instutil_builtin_selinux_ensure_labeled (int argc, char **argv, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error)
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  const char *policy_name;
  g_autoptr(GFile) subpath = NULL;
  const char *prefix = NULL;
  glnx_unref_object OstreeSePolicy *sepolicy = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GPtrArray) deployments = NULL;
  OstreeDeployment *first_deployment;
  GOptionContext *context = NULL;
  glnx_unref_object OstreeSysroot *sysroot = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GFile) deployment_path = NULL;

  context = g_option_context_new ("[SUBPATH PREFIX] - relabel all or part of a deployment");

  if (!ostree_admin_option_context_parse (context, options, &argc, &argv,
                                          &sysroot, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  if (!ostree_sysroot_load (sysroot, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  deployments = ostree_sysroot_get_deployments (sysroot);
  if (deployments->len == 0)
      g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
                   "Unable to find a deployment in sysroot");
      goto out;
  first_deployment = deployments->pdata[0];
  deployment_path = ostree_sysroot_get_deployment_directory (sysroot, first_deployment);

  if (argc >= 2)
      subpath = g_file_new_for_path (argv[1]);
      prefix = argv[2];
      subpath = g_object_ref (deployment_path);
      prefix = "";

  sepolicy = ostree_sepolicy_new (deployment_path, cancellable, error);
  if (!sepolicy)
    goto out;
  policy_name = ostree_sepolicy_get_name (sepolicy);
  if (policy_name)
      g_print ("Relabeling using policy '%s'\n", policy_name);
      if (!selinux_relabel_dir (sepolicy, subpath, prefix,
                                cancellable, error))
        goto out;
    g_print ("No SELinux policy found in deployment '%s'\n",
             gs_file_get_path_cached (deployment_path));

  ret = TRUE;
  if (context)
    g_option_context_free (context);
  return ret;