void MenuItem::mountItem(){
  //Mount the device
  //Create the full path to the mountpoint
  QString deviceName = devLabel->text();
  QString mntpoint = MOUNTDIR + deviceName.replace(" ","-"); //take into account spaces in the name

  //Create the fileystem specific command for mounting
  QString tmpFileSystem;
  QString cmd;
    //prompt for filesystem
    bool selected = false;
    tmpFileSystem = QInputDialog::getItem(0, deviceName+"("+devType+")", tr("Mount as:"), DEVCHECK->AvailableFS(), 0, false, &selected);
    if( !selected || tmpFileSystem.isEmpty() ){ return; } //cancelled
    //Now get the mount command
    cmd = DEVCHECK->getMountCommand(tmpFileSystem, device, mntpoint);
    cmd = DEVCHECK->getMountCommand(filesystem, device, mntpoint);

  //Make sure the mntpoint is available
  QDir mpd(mntpoint);
  if(mpd.exists() && !rootRequired){
    //Remove the existing directory (will work only if it is empty)
  //Prepare the mount command to run
  //QString cmd = fstype + " " +fsopts + " " + device + " " + mntpoint;
  qDebug() << "Mounting device" << device << "on" << mntpoint << "("<<filesystem<<")";
  if(DEBUG_MODE){ qDebug() << " - command:" << cmd; }
  //Generate the run script
  QString runscript = createRunScript( mntpoint, cmd);
  //Now run the script 
  bool ok = !runscript.isEmpty();
  bool tryroot = false;
  QStringList outL("ERROR:SCRIPT");
  //Run the mounting commands
  if(ok && !rootRequired){
    outL = systemCMD(runscript);
    //qDebug() << "Mount return code 1:" << outL;
    //if it could not mount device with permissions issues - try as root
    if( !outL.filter("Permission denied").isEmpty() || !outL.filter("not permitted").isEmpty() ){ 
      qDebug() << " - Permissions issue, try as root";
      tryroot = true; 
  if( (ok && rootRequired) || tryroot ){
    outL = systemCMD("pc-su "+runscript);
    //qDebug() << "Mount return code 2:" << outL;
  //Now parse the return code
  QString result, title;
  mountedHere = true; //need to set this before running isMounted to update icons right
  ok = isMounted();
  mountedHere = ok; //now make sure it is the proper value
  if( ok ){
	title = tr("Success");
	result = QString( tr("%1 mounted at %2") ).arg(deviceName).arg(mntpoint);
	if(tryroot){ rootRequired = true; } //flag this as requiring root for later
  }else if( !outL.filter("ERROR:MOUNTPOINT").isEmpty() ){
	title = tr("Failure");
	result = QString( tr("Could not create mountpoint: %1") ).arg(mntpoint);
  }else if( !outL.filter("ERROR:MOUNTING").isEmpty() ){
	title = tr("Failure");
	result = QString( tr("Could not mount device %1 on %2 (%3)") ).arg(deviceName, mntpoint, filesystem);
	QString tmp = outL.join("");
	  tmp.remove("password:"******"General Error output:" << outL;
	  title = tr("General Error");
	  result = tr("Could not create/run the device mounting script");
  qDebug() << "pc-mounttray: "<<title << result;
  if(DEBUG_MODE){ qDebug() << " - output:" << outL; }
  //Output the proper signals depending upon success
    emit itemMounted(mntpoint);
    mountpoint = mntpoint;
    if( !tmpFileSystem.isEmpty() ){ filesystem = tmpFileSystem; } //this one worked - use it in the future
  if( !checkAutomount->isChecked()  && !(title.isEmpty() && result.isEmpty()) ){
    emit newMessage(title, result); //suppress the output message if it was automounted
  //Now remove the runscript
  //if(ok)  //only for testing purposes
void AtaDevice::outL(u16 reg, u32 value) {
	outL(_port+reg, value);