void adsout_write( fields *f, FILE *fp, param *p, unsigned long refnum ) { int type; fields_clearused( f ); type = get_type( f ); output_people( fp, f, "AUTHOR", "AUTHOR:ASIS", "AUTHOR:CORP", "%A", LEVEL_MAIN ); output_people( fp, f, "EDITOR", "EDITOR:ASIS", "EDITOR:CORP", "%E", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "TITLE", "%T", LEVEL_ANY ); if ( type==TYPE_ARTICLE || type==TYPE_MAGARTICLE ) output_title( fp, f, "TITLE", "SUBTITLE", "%J", LEVEL_HOST ); output_date( fp, f, "%D", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "VOLUME", "%V", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "ISSUE", "%N", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "NUMBER", "%N", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "LANGUAGE", "%M", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easyall( fp, f, "NOTES", "%X", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "ABSTRACT", "%B", LEVEL_ANY ); output_keys( fp, f, "KEYWORD", "%K", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easyall( fp, f, "URL", "%U", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easyall( fp, f, "FILEATTACH", "%U", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easyall( fp, f, "FIGATTACH", "%U", LEVEL_ANY ); output_pages( fp, f ); output_easyall( fp, f, "DOI", "%Y", LEVEL_ANY ); fprintf( fp, "%%W PHY\n%%G AUTHOR\n" ); output_Rtag( fp, f, "%R", type ); fprintf( fp, "\n" ); fflush( fp ); }
void output_write_verdict(output_t *out, int verdict, int criticity) { long long now = output_date(); if ( out == NULL ) return; /* Update current test case */ if ( out->cur_case != NULL ) { out->cur_case->end = now; out->cur_case->info.verdict = verdict; out->cur_case->info.elapsed = now - out->cur_case->begin; if ( criticity < 0 ) criticity = out->cur_case->default_criticity; out->cur_case->info.criticity = criticity; } /* Update total elapsed time */ output_stat_elapsed(&(out->stat), (now - out->tree.begin)); /* Update verdict statistics */ output_compute_stat(out); /* Write Test Output file */ output_xml_verdict(OUTPUT_XML(out->file), verdict, criticity); }
static void output_citeparts( fields *info, FILE *outptr, int level, int max, int type ) { convert origin[] = { { "ADDRESS", "b:City", LEVEL_ANY }, { "PUBLISHER", "b:Publisher", LEVEL_ANY }, { "EDITION", "b:Edition", LEVEL_ANY } }; int norigin = sizeof( origin ) / sizeof ( convert ); convert parts[] = { { "VOLUME", "b:Volume", LEVEL_ANY }, { "SECTION", "b:Section", LEVEL_ANY }, { "ISSUE", "b:Issue", LEVEL_ANY }, { "NUMBER", "b:Issue", LEVEL_ANY }, { "PUBLICLAWNUMBER", "b:Volume", LEVEL_ANY }, { "SESSION", "b:Issue", LEVEL_ANY }, }; int nparts=sizeof(parts)/sizeof(convert); output_bibkey( info, outptr ); output_type( info, outptr, type ); output_list( info, outptr, origin, norigin ); output_date( info, outptr, level ); output_includedin( info, outptr, type ); output_list( info, outptr, parts, nparts ); output_pages( info, outptr, level ); output_names( info, outptr, level, type ); output_title( info, outptr, 0 ); output_comments( info, outptr, level ); }
int output_write_open(output_t *out) { if ( out == NULL ) return -1; /* Clear Test Output file management */ output_write_clear(out); /* Init global timer */ out->tree.begin = output_date(); /* Open Test Output file */ return output_xml_open(OUTPUT_XML(out->file), &(out->tree)); }
static void risout_write( fields *f, FILE *fp, param *p, unsigned long refnum ) { int type; type = get_type( f, p ); output_type( fp, type, p ); output_allpeople( fp, f, type ); output_date( fp, f ); output_alltitles( fp, f, type ); output_pages( fp, f ); output_easy( fp, f, "VOLUME", "VL", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "ISSUE", "IS", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "NUMBER", "IS", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "EDITION", "ET", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "NUMVOLUMES", "NV", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "AUTHORADDRESS", "AD", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "PUBLISHER", "PB", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "DEGREEGRANTOR", "PB", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "DEGREEGRANTOR:ASIS", "PB", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "DEGREEGRANTOR:CORP", "PB", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "ADDRESS", "CY", LEVEL_ANY ); output_keywords( fp, f ); output_easy( fp, f, "ABSTRACT", "AB", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "CALLNUMBER", "CN", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "ISSN", "SN", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "ISBN", "SN", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easyall( fp, f, "URL", "UR", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easyall( fp, f, "DOI", "DO", LEVEL_ANY ); output_file( fp, f, "FILEATTACH", "L1", LEVEL_ANY ); output_file( fp, f, "FIGATTACH", "L4", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "CAPTION", "CA", LEVEL_ANY ); output_pmid( fp, f ); output_pmc( fp, f ); output_arxiv( fp, f ); output_jstor( fp, f ); output_easy( fp, f, "LANGUAGE", "LA", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "NOTES", "N1", LEVEL_ANY ); output_easy( fp, f, "REFNUM", "ID", LEVEL_ANY ); output_thesishint( fp, type ); fprintf( fp, "ER - \n" ); fflush( fp ); }
static void output_citeparts( fields *info, FILE *outptr, int level, int max, int type ) { convert origin[] = { { "ADDRESS", "b:City", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "PUBLISHER", "b:Publisher", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "EDITION", "b:Edition", "", LEVEL_ANY } }; int norigin = sizeof( origin ) / sizeof ( convert ); convert parts[] = { { "VOLUME", "b:Volume", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "SECTION", "b:Section", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "ISSUE", "b:Issue", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "NUMBER", "b:Issue", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "PUBLICLAWNUMBER", "b:Volume", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "SESSION", "b:Issue", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "URL", "b:Url", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "JSTOR", "b:Url", "http://www.jstor.org/stable/", LEVEL_ANY }, { "ARXIV", "b:Url", "http://arxiv.org/abs/", LEVEL_ANY }, { "PMID", "b:Url", "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/", LEVEL_ANY }, { "PMC", "b:Url", "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/", LEVEL_ANY }, { "DOI", "b:Url", "http://dx.doi.org/", LEVEL_ANY }, }; int nparts=sizeof(parts)/sizeof(convert); output_bibkey( info, outptr ); output_type( info, outptr, type ); output_list( info, outptr, origin, norigin ); output_date( info, outptr, level ); output_includedin( info, outptr, type ); output_list( info, outptr, parts, nparts ); output_pages( info, outptr, level ); output_names( info, outptr, level, type ); output_maintitle( info, outptr, 0 ); output_comments( info, outptr, level ); }
void output_write_case(output_t *out, tree_object_t *object) { char *name = object->parent_item->name; char *comment = object->parent_item->comment; tree_object_t *parent_seq; output_sequence_t *oseq; output_case_t *ocase; validate_t *v; int checked; if ( out == NULL ) return; if ( object->type != TYPE_CASE ) return; /* Check node is healthy */ if ( object->parent_seq == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "*PANIC* Orphan Test Case detected\n"); return; } /* Create parent sequence if not already done */ parent_seq = object->parent_seq; oseq = output_sequence_find(out->sequences, parent_seq->parent_item->name); if ( oseq == NULL ) { oseq = output_sequence_alloc(parent_seq->parent_item->name, parent_seq->parent_item->comment, tree_object_has_seq(parent_seq) ? 0:1); out->sequences = g_list_append(out->sequences, oseq); } /* Build string with test case number and name */ if ( name == NULL ) name = ""; if ( comment == NULL ) comment = ""; /* Perform validation check */ v = validate_object_data(object); checked = validate_check(v, object); /* Retrieve / Alloc Test Case entry */ ocase = output_case_find(oseq->cases, name); if ( ocase == NULL ) { ocase = output_case_alloc(name, comment); out->cases = g_list_append(out->cases, ocase); oseq->cases = g_list_append(oseq->cases, ocase); ocase->seq = oseq; } /* Init Test Case info */ ocase->default_criticity = object->d.Case->criticity; ocase->info.verdict = VERDICT_UNEXECUTED; ocase->info.criticity = CRITICITY_NONE; ocase->info.validated = checked && (v->level == validate_max); /* Set Test Case as current */ out->cur_case = ocase; /* Clear test case timer */ ocase->begin = output_date(); /* Write Test Case to Test Output file */ ocase->offset = output_xml_case(OUTPUT_XML(out->file), object); if ( checked ) output_xml_validated(OUTPUT_XML(out->file), v); }
void bibtexout_write( fields *info, FILE *fp, param *p, unsigned long refnum ) { int type; fields_clearused( info ); type = bibtexout_type( info, "", refnum, p ); output_type( fp, type, p->format_opts ); if ( !( p->format_opts & BIBOUT_DROPKEY ) ) output_citekey( fp, info, refnum, p->format_opts ); output_people( fp, info, refnum, "AUTHOR", "AUTHOR:CORP", "AUTHOR:ASIS", "author", 0, p->format_opts ); output_people( fp, info, refnum, "EDITOR", "EDITOR:CORP", "EDITOR:ASIS", "editor", -1, p->format_opts ); output_people( fp, info, refnum, "TRANSLATOR", "TRANSLATOR:CORP", "TRANSLATOR:ASIS", "translator", -1, p->format_opts ); /* item=main level title */ if ( type==TYPE_INBOOK ) output_title( fp, info, refnum, "chapter", 0, p->format_opts ); else output_title( fp, info, refnum, "title", 0, p->format_opts ); /* item=host level title */ if ( type==TYPE_ARTICLE ) output_title( fp, info, refnum, "journal", 1, p->format_opts ); else if ( type==TYPE_INBOOK ) { output_title( fp, info, refnum, "title", 1, p->format_opts ); output_title( fp, info, refnum, "series", 2, p->format_opts ); } else if ( type==TYPE_INPROCEEDINGS || type==TYPE_INCOLLECTION ) { output_title( fp, info, refnum, "booktitle", 1, p->format_opts ); output_title( fp, info, refnum, "series", 2, p->format_opts ); } else if ( type==TYPE_PHDTHESIS || type==TYPE_MASTERSTHESIS ) { output_title( fp, info, refnum, "series", 1, p->format_opts ); } else if ( type==TYPE_BOOK || type==TYPE_COLLECTION || type==TYPE_PROCEEDINGS ) output_title( fp, info, refnum, "series", 1, p->format_opts ); output_date( fp, info, refnum, p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "EDITION", "edition", p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "PUBLISHER", "publisher", p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "ADDRESS", "address", p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "VOLUME", "volume", p->format_opts ); output_issue_number( fp, info, p->format_opts ); /* output_simple( fp, info, "ISSUE", "issue", p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "NUMBER", "number", p->format_opts );s*/ output_pages( fp, info, refnum, p->format_opts ); output_simpleall( fp, info, "KEYWORD", "keywords", p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "CONTENTS", "contents", p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "ABSTRACT", "abstract", p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "LOCATION", "location", p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "DEGREEGRANTOR", "school", p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "DEGREEGRANTOR:ASIS", "school", p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "DEGREEGRANTOR:CORP", "school", p->format_opts ); output_simpleall( fp, info, "NOTES", "note", p->format_opts ); output_simpleall( fp, info, "ANNOTE", "annote", p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "ISBN", "isbn", p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "ISSN", "issn", p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "DOI", "doi", p->format_opts ); output_simpleall( fp, info, "URL", "url", p->format_opts ); output_fileattach( fp, info, p->format_opts ); output_arxiv( fp, info, p->format_opts ); output_pmid( fp, info, p->format_opts ); output_jstor( fp, info, p->format_opts ); output_simple( fp, info, "LANGUAGE", "language", p->format_opts ); if ( p->format_opts & BIBOUT_FINALCOMMA ) fprintf( fp, "," ); fprintf( fp, "\n}\n\n" ); fflush( fp ); }
void isiout_write( fields *f, FILE *fp, param *p, unsigned long refnum ) { int type = get_type( f ); if ( p->format_opts & BIBL_FORMAT_VERBOSE ) output_verbose( f, refnum ); output_type( fp, type ); output_people( fp, f, "AUTHOR", "AU", 0 ); output_easyall( fp, f, "AUTHOR:CORP", "AU", 0 ); output_easyall( fp, f, "AUTHOR:ASIS", "AU", 0 ); /* output_people( fp, f, "AUTHOR", "A2", 1 ); output_people( fp, f, "AUTHOR:CORP", "A2", 1 ); output_people( fp, f, "AUTHOR:ASIS", "A2", 1 ); output_people( fp, f, "AUTHOR", "A3", 2 ); output_people( fp, f, "AUTHOR:CORP", "A3", 2 ); output_people( fp, f, "AUTHOR:ASIS", "A3", 2 ); output_people( fp, f, "EDITOR", "ED", -1 ); output_people( fp, f, "EDITOR:CORP", "ED", -1 ); output_people( fp, f, "EDITOR:ASIS", "ED", -1 );*/ /* output_date( fp, f, refnum );*/ output_title( fp, f, "TI", 0 ); if ( type==TYPE_ARTICLE ) { output_title( fp, f, "SO", 1 ); output_abbrtitle( fp, f, "JI", 1 ); output_title( fp, f, "SE", 2 ); } else if ( type==TYPE_INBOOK ) { output_title( fp, f, "BT", 1 ); output_title( fp, f, "SE", 2 ); } else { /* type==BOOK */ output_title( fp, f, "SE", 1 ); } output_date( fp, f ); /* output_easy( fp, f, "PARTMONTH", "PD", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "PARTYEAR", "PY", -1 );*/ output_easy( fp, f, "PAGESTART", "BP", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "PAGEEND", "EP", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "ARTICLENUMBER", "AR", -1 ); /* output article number as pages */ output_easy( fp, f, "TOTALPAGES","PG", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "VOLUME", "VL", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "ISSUE", "IS", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "NUMBER", "IS", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "DOI", "DI", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "ISIREFNUM", "UT", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "LANGUAGE", "LA", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "ISIDELIVERNUM", "GA", -1 ); output_keywords( fp, f ); output_easy( fp, f, "ABSTRACT", "AB", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "TIMESCITED", "TC", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "NUMBERREFS", "NR", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "CITEDREFS", "CR", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "ADDRESS", "PI", -1 ); /* output_easy( fp, f, "PUBLISHER", "PB", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "DEGREEGRANTOR", "PB", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "ADDRESS", "CY", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "ABSTRACT", "AB", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "ISSN", "SN", -1 ); output_easy( fp, f, "ISBN", "SN", -1 ); output_easyall( fp, f, "URL", "UR", -1 ); output_easyall( fp, f, "FILEATTACH", "UR", -1 ); output_pubmed( fp, f, refnum ); output_easyall( fp, f, "NOTES", "N1", -1 ); output_easyall( fp, f, "REFNUM", "ID", -1 );*/ fprintf( fp, "ER\n\n" ); fflush( fp ); }