void FreeRegionGrabber::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* e )
    Q_UNUSED( e );
    if ( grabbing ) // grabWindow() should just get the background

    QPainter painter( this );

    QPalette pal(QToolTip::palette());
    QFont font = QToolTip::font();

    QColor handleColor = pal.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight );
    handleColor.setAlpha( 160 );
    QColor overlayColor( 0, 0, 0, 160 );
    QColor textColor = pal.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text );
    QColor textBackgroundColor = pal.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base );
    painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, pixmap);

    QPolygon pol = selection;
    if ( !selection.boundingRect().isNull() )
        // Draw outline around selection.
        // Important: the 1px-wide outline is *also* part of the captured free-region because
        // I found no way to draw the outline *around* the selection because I found no way
        // to create a QPolygon which is smaller than the selection by 1px (QPolygon::translated
        // is NOT equivalent to QRect::adjusted)
        QPen pen(handleColor, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap, Qt::BevelJoin);
        painter.drawPolygon( pol );

        // Draw the grey area around the selection
        QRegion grey( rect() );
        grey = grey - pol;
        painter.setClipRegion( grey );
        painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
        painter.setBrush( overlayColor );
        painter.drawRect( rect() );
        painter.setClipRect( rect() );
        drawPolygon( &painter, pol, handleColor);

    if ( showHelp )
        painter.setPen( textColor );
        painter.setBrush( textBackgroundColor );
        QString helpText = i18n( "Select a region using the mouse. To take the snapshot, press the Enter key or double click. Press Esc to quit." );
        helpTextRect = painter.boundingRect( rect().adjusted( 2, 2, -2, -2 ), Qt::TextWordWrap, helpText );
        helpTextRect.adjust( -2, -2, 4, 2 );
        drawPolygon( &painter, helpTextRect, textColor, textBackgroundColor );
        painter.drawText( helpTextRect.adjusted( 3, 3, -3, -3 ), helpText );

    if ( selection.isEmpty() )

    // The grabbed region is everything which is covered by the drawn
    // rectangles (border included). This means that there is no 0px
    // selection, since a 0px wide rectangle will always be drawn as a line.
    QString txt = QString( "%1x%2" ).arg( selection.boundingRect().width() )
                  .arg( selection.boundingRect().height() );
    QRect textRect = painter.boundingRect( rect(), Qt::AlignLeft, txt );
    QRect boundingRect = textRect.adjusted( -4, 0, 0, 0);

    if ( textRect.width() < pol.boundingRect().width() - 2*handleSize &&
         textRect.height() < pol.boundingRect().height() - 2*handleSize &&
         ( pol.boundingRect().width() > 100 && pol.boundingRect().height() > 100 ) ) // center, unsuitable for small selections
        boundingRect.moveCenter( pol.boundingRect().center() );
        textRect.moveCenter( pol.boundingRect().center() );
    else if ( pol.boundingRect().y() - 3 > textRect.height() &&
              pol.boundingRect().x() + textRect.width() < rect().right() ) // on top, left aligned
        boundingRect.moveBottomLeft( QPoint( pol.boundingRect().x(), pol.boundingRect().y() - 3 ) );
        textRect.moveBottomLeft( QPoint( pol.boundingRect().x() + 2, pol.boundingRect().y() - 3 ) );
    else if ( pol.boundingRect().x() - 3 > textRect.width() ) // left, top aligned
        boundingRect.moveTopRight( QPoint( pol.boundingRect().x() - 3, pol.boundingRect().y() ) );
        textRect.moveTopRight( QPoint( pol.boundingRect().x() - 5, pol.boundingRect().y() ) );
    else if ( pol.boundingRect().bottom() + 3 + textRect.height() < rect().bottom() &&
              pol.boundingRect().right() > textRect.width() ) // at bottom, right aligned
        boundingRect.moveTopRight( QPoint( pol.boundingRect().right(), pol.boundingRect().bottom() + 3 ) );
        textRect.moveTopRight( QPoint( pol.boundingRect().right() - 2, pol.boundingRect().bottom() + 3 ) );
    else if ( pol.boundingRect().right() + textRect.width() + 3 < rect().width() ) // right, bottom aligned
        boundingRect.moveBottomLeft( QPoint( pol.boundingRect().right() + 3, pol.boundingRect().bottom() ) );
        textRect.moveBottomLeft( QPoint( pol.boundingRect().right() + 5, pol.boundingRect().bottom() ) );
    // if the above didn't catch it, you are running on a very tiny screen...
    drawPolygon( &painter, boundingRect, textColor, textBackgroundColor );

    painter.drawText( textRect, txt );

    if ( ( pol.boundingRect().height() > handleSize*2 && pol.boundingRect().width() > handleSize*2 )
         || !mouseDown )
        painter.setClipRegion( QRegion(pol));
        painter.drawPolygon( rect() );
void RegionGrab::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
  Q_UNUSED( event );
  if (m_grabbing)

  QPainter painter( this );

  QPalette pal(QToolTip::palette());
  QFont font = QToolTip::font();

  QColor handleColor = pal.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight);
  QColor overlayColor(0, 0, 0, 100);
  QColor textColor = pal.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text);
  QColor textBackgroundColor = pal.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base);
  painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_pixmap);

  const QRect& r = m_selection;

  if (r.isNull()) {
  else {
    drawRect(&painter, r, handleColor);

  // \bug Подсказка центрируется не правильно в многомониторной конфигурации.
  if (m_showHelp) {
    QString helpText = tr("Select a region using the mouse. To take the snapshot, press the Enter key or double click. Press Esc to quit.");
    QRect scrRect    = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(QApplication::desktop()->primaryScreen());

    m_helpTextRect = painter.boundingRect(scrRect.adjusted(20, 20, -20, -20), Qt::AlignHCenter, helpText);
    m_helpTextRect.adjust(-4, -4, 8, 4);
    drawRect(&painter, m_helpTextRect, textColor, textBackgroundColor);
    painter.drawText(m_helpTextRect.adjusted(3, 3, -3, -3), helpText);

  if (r.isNull())

  // The grabbed region is everything which is covered by the drawn
  // rectangles (border included). This means that there is no 0px
  // selection, since a 0px wide rectangle will always be drawn as a line.
  QString txt = QString("%1x%2").arg(r.width()).arg(r.height());
  QRect textRect = painter.boundingRect(rect(), Qt::AlignLeft, txt);
  QRect boundingRect = textRect.adjusted(-4, 0, 0, 0);

  // center, unsuitable for small selections
  if (textRect.width() < r.width() - 2 * m_handleSize && textRect.height() < r.height() - 2 * m_handleSize && (r.width() > 100 && r.height() > 100)) {
  // on top, left aligned
  else if (r.y() - 3 > textRect.height() && r.x() + textRect.width() < rect().right()) {
    boundingRect.moveBottomLeft(QPoint(r.x(), r.y() - 3));
    textRect.moveBottomLeft(QPoint(r.x() + 2, r.y() - 3));
  // left, top aligned
  else if (r.x() - 3 > textRect.width()) {
    boundingRect.moveTopRight(QPoint(r.x() - 3, r.y()));
    textRect.moveTopRight(QPoint(r.x() - 5, r.y()));
  // at bottom, right aligned
  else if (r.bottom() + 3 + textRect.height() < rect().bottom() && r.right() > textRect.width()) {
    boundingRect.moveTopRight(QPoint(r.right(), r.bottom() + 3));
    textRect.moveTopRight(QPoint(r.right() - 2, r.bottom() + 3));
  // right, bottom aligned
  else if (r.right() + textRect.width() + 3 < rect().width()) {
    boundingRect.moveBottomLeft(QPoint(r.right() + 3, r.bottom()));
    textRect.moveBottomLeft(QPoint(r.right() + 5, r.bottom()));

  // if the above didn't catch it, you are running on a very tiny screen...
  drawRect(&painter, boundingRect, textColor, textBackgroundColor);

  painter.drawText(textRect, txt);

  if ((r.height() > m_handleSize * 2 && r.width() > m_handleSize * 2) || !m_mouseDown) {
void RegionGrabber::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* e )
    Q_UNUSED( e );
    if ( grabbing ) // grabWindow() should just get the background

    QPainter painter( this );

    QPalette pal(QToolTip::palette());
    QFont font = QToolTip::font();

    QColor handleColor = pal.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight );
    handleColor.setAlpha( 160 );
    QColor overlayColor( 0, 0, 0, 160 );
    QColor textColor = pal.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text );
    QColor textBackgroundColor = pal.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base );
    painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, pixmap);

    QRect r = selection;
    if ( !selection.isNull() )
        QRegion grey( rect() );
        grey = grey.subtracted( r );
        painter.setClipRegion( grey );
        painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
        painter.setBrush( overlayColor );
        painter.drawRect( rect() );
        painter.setClipRect( rect() );
        drawRect( &painter, r, handleColor );

    if ( showHelp )
        painter.setPen( textColor );
        painter.setBrush( textBackgroundColor );
        QString helpText = "Select a region using the mouse. To take the snapshot, press the Enter key or double click. Press Esc to quit.";
        helpTextRect = painter.boundingRect( rect().adjusted( 2, 2, -2, -2 ), Qt::TextWordWrap, helpText );
        helpTextRect.adjust( -2, -2, 4, 2 );
        drawRect( &painter, helpTextRect, textColor, textBackgroundColor );
        painter.drawText( helpTextRect.adjusted( 3, 3, -3, -3 ), helpText );

    if ( selection.isNull() )

    // The grabbed region is everything which is covered by the drawn
    // rectangles (border included). This means that there is no 0px
    // selection, since a 0px wide rectangle will always be drawn as a line.
    QString txt = QString( "%1x%2" ).arg( selection.width() )
                  .arg( selection.height() );
    QRect textRect = painter.boundingRect( rect(), Qt::AlignLeft, txt );
    QRect boundingRect = textRect.adjusted( -4, 0, 0, 0);

    if ( textRect.width() < r.width() - 2*handleSize &&
            textRect.height() < r.height() - 2*handleSize &&
            ( r.width() > 100 && r.height() > 100 ) ) // center, unsuitable for small selections
        boundingRect.moveCenter( r.center() );
        textRect.moveCenter( r.center() );
    else if ( r.y() - 3 > textRect.height() &&
              r.x() + textRect.width() < rect().right() ) // on top, left aligned
        boundingRect.moveBottomLeft( QPoint( r.x(), r.y() - 3 ) );
        textRect.moveBottomLeft( QPoint( r.x() + 2, r.y() - 3 ) );
    else if ( r.x() - 3 > textRect.width() ) // left, top aligned
        boundingRect.moveTopRight( QPoint( r.x() - 3, r.y() ) );
        textRect.moveTopRight( QPoint( r.x() - 5, r.y() ) );
    else if ( r.bottom() + 3 + textRect.height() < rect().bottom() &&
              r.right() > textRect.width() ) // at bottom, right aligned
        boundingRect.moveTopRight( QPoint( r.right(), r.bottom() + 3 ) );
        textRect.moveTopRight( QPoint( r.right() - 2, r.bottom() + 3 ) );
    else if ( r.right() + textRect.width() + 3 < rect().width() ) // right, bottom aligned
        boundingRect.moveBottomLeft( QPoint( r.right() + 3, r.bottom() ) );
        textRect.moveBottomLeft( QPoint( r.right() + 5, r.bottom() ) );
    // if the above didn't catch it, you are running on a very tiny screen...
    drawRect( &painter, boundingRect, textColor, textBackgroundColor );

    painter.drawText( textRect, txt );

    if ( ( r.height() > handleSize*2 && r.width() > handleSize*2 )
            || !mouseDown )
        painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
        painter.setBrush( handleColor );
        painter.setClipRegion( handleMask( StrokeMask ) );
        painter.drawRect( rect() );
        handleColor.setAlpha( 60 );
        painter.setBrush( handleColor );
        painter.setClipRegion( handleMask( FillMask ) );
        painter.drawRect( rect() );
void AreaDialog::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e)

  if (mGrabbing) // grabWindow() should just get the background

  QPainter painter(this);

  QPalette pal = palette();
  QFont font   = QToolTip::font();

  QColor handleColor(85, 160, 188, 220);
  QColor overlayColor(0, 0, 0, mOverlayAlpha);
  QColor textColor = pal.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text);
  QColor textBackgroundColor = pal.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base);
  painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, mScreenshot->pixmap());

  QRect r = mSelection.normalized().adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1);

  QRegion grey(rect());
  grey = grey.subtracted(r);
  painter.drawRect(-1, -1, rect().width() + 1, rect().height() + 1);

  if (mShowHelp) {
    //Drawing the explanatory text.
    QRect helpRect = qApp->desktop()->screenGeometry(qApp->desktop()->primaryScreen());
    QString helpTxt = tr("Lightscreen area mode:\nUse your mouse to draw a rectangle to capture.\nPress any key or right click to exit.");

    helpRect.setHeight(qRound((float)(helpRect.height() / 10))); // We get a decently sized rect where the text should be drawn (centered)

    // We draw the white contrasting background for the text, using the same text and options to get the boundingRect that the text will have.
    painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255, 180), Qt::SolidPattern));
    QRectF bRect = painter.boundingRect(helpRect, Qt::AlignCenter, helpTxt);

    // These four calls provide padding for the rect
    bRect.setWidth(bRect.width() + 12);
    bRect.setHeight(bRect.height() + 10);
    bRect.setX(bRect.x() - 12);
    bRect.setY(bRect.y() - 10);

    painter.drawRoundedRect(bRect, 8, 8);

    // Draw the text:
    painter.drawText(helpRect, Qt::AlignCenter, helpTxt);

  if (!mSelection.isNull()) {
    // The grabbed region is everything which is covered by the drawn
    // rectangles (border included). This means that there is no 0px
    // selection, since a 0px wide rectangle will always be drawn as a line.
    QString txt = QString("%1x%2").arg(mSelection.width() == 0 ? 2 : mSelection.width())
        .arg(mSelection.height() == 0 ? 2 : mSelection.height());
    QRect textRect = painter.boundingRect(rect(), Qt::AlignLeft, txt);
    QRect boundingRect = textRect.adjusted(-4, 0, 0, 0);

    if (textRect.width() < r.width() - 2*mHandleSize &&
       textRect.height() < r.height() - 2*mHandleSize &&
       (r.width() > 100 && r.height() > 100)) // center, unsuitable for small selections
    else if (r.y() - 3 > textRect.height() &&
      r.x() + textRect.width() < rect().right()) // on top, left aligned
      boundingRect.moveBottomLeft(QPoint(r.x(), r.y() - 3));
      textRect.moveBottomLeft(QPoint(r.x() + 2, r.y() - 3));
    else if (r.x() - 3 > textRect.width()) // left, top aligned
      boundingRect.moveTopRight(QPoint(r.x() - 3, r.y()));
      textRect.moveTopRight(QPoint(r.x() - 5, r.y()));
    else if (r.bottom() + 3 + textRect.height() < rect().bottom() &&
      r.right() > textRect.width()) // at bottom, right aligned
      boundingRect.moveTopRight(QPoint(r.right(), r.bottom() + 3));
      textRect.moveTopRight(QPoint(r.right() - 2, r.bottom() + 3));
    else if (r.right() + textRect.width() + 3 < rect().width()) // right, bottom aligned
      boundingRect.moveBottomLeft(QPoint(r.right() + 3, r.bottom()));
      textRect.moveBottomLeft(QPoint(r.right() + 5, r.bottom()));
    // if the above didn't catch it, you are running on a very tiny screen...
    painter.drawText(textRect, txt);

    if ((r.height() > mHandleSize*2 && r.width() > mHandleSize*2)
      || !mMouseDown)

  if (!mScreenshot->options().magnify)

  // Drawing the magnified version
  QPoint magStart, magEnd, drawPosition;
  QRect newRect;

  QRect pixmapRect = mScreenshot->pixmap().rect();

  if (mMouseMagnifier) {
    drawPosition = mMousePos - QPoint(100, 100);

    magStart = mMousePos - QPoint(50, 50);
    magEnd = mMousePos + QPoint(50, 50);

    newRect = QRect(magStart, magEnd);
  else {
    // So pretty.. oh so pretty.
    if (mMouseOverHandle == &mTLHandle)
      magStart = mSelection.topLeft();
    else if (mMouseOverHandle == &mTRHandle)
      magStart = mSelection.topRight();
    else if (mMouseOverHandle == &mBLHandle)
      magStart = mSelection.bottomLeft();
    else if (mMouseOverHandle == &mBRHandle)
      magStart = mSelection.bottomRight();
    else if (mMouseOverHandle == &mLHandle)
      magStart = QPoint(mSelection.left(), mSelection.center().y());
    else if (mMouseOverHandle == &mTHandle)
      magStart = QPoint(mSelection.center().x(), mSelection.top());
    else if (mMouseOverHandle == &mRHandle)
      magStart = QPoint(mSelection.right(), mSelection.center().y());
    else if (mMouseOverHandle == &mBHandle)
      magStart =  QPoint(mSelection.center().x(), mSelection.bottom());
    else if (mMouseOverHandle == 0)
      magStart = mMousePos;

    magEnd = magStart;
    drawPosition = mSelection.bottomRight();

    magStart -= QPoint(50, 50);
    magEnd   += QPoint(50, 50);

    newRect = QRect(magStart, magEnd);

    if ((drawPosition.x()+newRect.width()*2) > pixmapRect.width())

    if ((drawPosition.y()+newRect.height()*2) > pixmapRect.height())

    if (drawPosition.y() == mSelection.bottomRight().y()-newRect.height()*2
     && drawPosition.x() == mSelection.bottomRight().x()-newRect.width()*2)

  if (!pixmapRect.contains(newRect, true) || drawPosition.x() <= 0 || drawPosition.y() <= 0)  {

  QPixmap magnified = mScreenshot->pixmap().copy(newRect).scaled(QSize(newRect.width()*2, newRect.height()*2));

  QPainter magPainter(&magnified);
  magPainter.setPen(QPen(QBrush(QColor(35, 35, 35)), 2)); // Same border pen

  if (!mMouseMagnifier) {
    magPainter.drawText(magnified.rect().center()-QPoint(4, -4), "+"); //Center minus the 4 pixels wide and across of the "+" -- TODO: Test alternative DPI settings.

  painter.drawPixmap(drawPosition, magnified);