TEST(FloatRectTest, SquaredDistanceToTest)

    //  O--x
    //  |
    //  y
    //     FloatRect.x()   FloatRect.maxX()
    //            |          |
    //        1   |    2     |  3
    //      ======+==========+======   --FloatRect.y()
    //        4   |    5(in) |  6
    //      ======+==========+======   --FloatRect.maxY()
    //        7   |    8     |  9

    FloatRect r1(100, 100, 250, 150);

    // `1` case
    FloatPoint p1(80, 80);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p1), 800.f);

    FloatPoint p2(-10, -10);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p2), 24200.f);

    FloatPoint p3(80, -10);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p3), 12500.f);

    // `2` case
    FloatPoint p4(110, 80);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p4), 400.f);

    FloatPoint p5(150, 0);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p5), 10000.f);

    FloatPoint p6(180, -10);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p6), 12100.f);

    // `3` case
    FloatPoint p7(400, 80);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p7), 2900.f);

    FloatPoint p8(360, -10);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p8), 12200.f);

    // `4` case
    FloatPoint p9(80, 110);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p9), 400.f);

    FloatPoint p10(-10, 180);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p10), 12100.f);

    // `5`(& In) case
    FloatPoint p11(100, 100);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p11), 0.f);

    FloatPoint p12(150, 100);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p12), 0.f);

    FloatPoint p13(350, 100);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p13), 0.f);

    FloatPoint p14(350, 150);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p14), 0.f);

    FloatPoint p15(350, 250);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p15), 0.f);

    FloatPoint p16(150, 250);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p16), 0.f);

    FloatPoint p17(100, 250);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p17), 0.f);

    FloatPoint p18(100, 150);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p18), 0.f);

    FloatPoint p19(150, 150);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p19), 0.f);

    // `6` case
    FloatPoint p20(380, 150);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p20), 900.f);

    // `7` case
    FloatPoint p21(80, 280);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p21), 1300.f);

    FloatPoint p22(-10, 300);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p22), 14600.f);

    // `8` case
    FloatPoint p23(180, 300);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p23), 2500.f);

    // `9` case
    FloatPoint p24(450, 450);
    EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(GeometryTest::AssertAlmostEqual, r1.squaredDistanceTo(p24), 50000.f);
cv::Mat TestProjection::test(double userX, double userY, double userZ, 
        const char* filename) {

    //Coordinates of the projection in the real world
    /*cv::Point3f p11(-480, 735, -420);
    cv::Point3f p12(0, 935, 0);
    cv::Point3f p13(0, 220, 0);
    cv::Point3f p14(-480, 240, -420);
    Plane3d proj1(p11, p12, p13, p14);

    cv::Point3f p21(0, 935, 0);
    cv::Point3f p22(480, 735, -420);
    cv::Point3f p23(480, 240, -420);
    cv::Point3f p24(0, 220, 0);
    Plane3d proj2(p21, p22, p23, p24);*/

    cv::Point3f p11(-590, 725, -350);
    cv::Point3f p12(0, 955, 0);
    cv::Point3f p13(0, 200, 0);
    cv::Point3f p14(-590, 227, -350);
    Plane3d proj1(p11, p12, p13, p14);

    cv::Point3f p21(0, 955, 0);
    cv::Point3f p22(567, 755, -350);
    cv::Point3f p23(567, 227, -350);
    cv::Point3f p24(0, 200, 0);
    Plane3d proj2(p21, p22, p23, p24);

    std::vector<Plane3d> planes;

    Projection proj(planes);

    //    proj.print();

    //Create the user with the obtained projection coordinates
    User u(proj);

    //Update his position
    u.updatePosition(userX, userY, userZ);
    //    u.print();

    //Create the distorted-corrected plane pairs, using the projections
    //on the user's view plane
    //Plane 1
    Plane2d p1 = u.getProjectedPlanes().at(0).to2d();
    Plane2d p2(cv::Point2f(0, 0), cv::Point2f(480, 0), cv::Point2f(480, 540), cv::Point2f(0, 540));
//    Plane2d p2(cv::Point2f(0, 0), cv::Point2f(230, 0), cv::Point2f(230, 520), cv::Point2f(0, 520));
//    Plane2d p2(cv::Point2f(0, 0), cv::Point2f(270, 0), cv::Point2f(270, 405), cv::Point2f(0, 405));
    //Invert the plane y coordinates
    Plane2d inv1 = p1.yInverted();
    //Move it so that it's closer to the target plane
    cv::Vec2f dist = pjs::distance(inv1, p2);
    Plane2d pp1(cv::Point2f(inv1.getPoint(0).x - dist[0], inv1.getPoint(0).y - dist[1]),
            cv::Point2f(inv1.getPoint(1).x - dist[0], inv1.getPoint(1).y - dist[1]),
            cv::Point2f(inv1.getPoint(2).x - dist[0], inv1.getPoint(2).y - dist[1]),
            cv::Point2f(inv1.getPoint(3).x - dist[0], inv1.getPoint(3).y - dist[1]));

    //Plane 2
    Plane2d p3 = u.getProjectedPlanes().at(1).to2d();
    Plane2d p4(cv::Point2f(0, 0), cv::Point2f(480, 0), cv::Point2f(480, 540), cv::Point2f(0, 540));
//    Plane2d p4(cv::Point2f(0, 0), cv::Point2f(230, 0), cv::Point2f(230, 520), cv::Point2f(0, 520));
//    Plane2d p4(cv::Point2f(0, 0), cv::Point2f(270, 0), cv::Point2f(270, 405), cv::Point2f(0, 405));
    //Invert the plane y coordinates
    Plane2d inv2 = p3.yInverted();
    //Move it so that it's closer to the target plane
    dist = pjs::distance(inv2, p4);
    Plane2d pp3(cv::Point2f(inv2.getPoint(0).x - dist[0], inv2.getPoint(0).y - dist[1]),
            cv::Point2f(inv2.getPoint(1).x - dist[0], inv2.getPoint(1).y - dist[1]),
            cv::Point2f(inv2.getPoint(2).x - dist[0], inv2.getPoint(2).y - dist[1]),
            cv::Point2f(inv2.getPoint(3).x - dist[0], inv2.getPoint(3).y - dist[1]));

    //Load the target image
    cv::Mat img = cv::imread(filename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
    if (!img.data) {
        std::cout << " --(!) Error reading image" << std::endl;
        throw std::exception();

    //Helper object
    Utils utils;

    //Divide the image in two
    //    std::vector<cv::Mat> images = utils.divideImageInTwo(img);

    //Build the surfaces with their reference planes and their corresponding
    Surface s1(pp1, p2);
    Surface s2(pp3, p4);

    std::vector<Surface*> surfaces;

    int originX;
    int padding;
    int screenWidth = 1280;
    int screenHeight = 800;
    //TODO recursive position correction
    int width1 = s1.getWidth();
    int width2 = s2.getWidth();
    int diffW = width1 - width2;
    if (diffW < 0) {
        originX = screenWidth / 2 - width1;
        padding = 0;
    } else {
        originX = 0 + screenWidth / 2 - width1;
        padding = 0;

    //1st position correction
    cv::Point2f origin(originX, 0);
    cv::Point2f s1ur = s1.getUpperRightCorner();    

    cv::Point2f upperLeft = s2.getUpperLeftCorner();
    cv::Point2f upperRight = s2.getUpperRightCorner();
    double topY;
    if (upperLeft.y < upperRight.y) {
        topY = upperLeft.y;
    } else {
        topY = upperRight.y;
    cv::Size size = utils.getFinalSize(surfaces);
    int diffH = screenHeight - size.height;
    //2nd position correction if necessary (if second plane is still outside)
    if (!topY < 0) {
        topY = 0;
    cv::Point2f newOrigin(originX, -topY + diffH / 2);
    s1ur = s1.getUpperRightCorner();

    //    cv::Size size = utils.getFinalSize(surfaces);
    size.width += padding;

    size.width = std::max(screenWidth, size.width);
    size.height = screenHeight;

    cv::Size sizeS1(size.width / 2, size.height);


    std::vector<cv::Mat> images = utils.divideImageInTwo(img);


    //        s1.addTransparency();
    //        s2.addTransparency();

    cv::Mat finalImage = utils.getImageFromSurfaces(surfaces);


    return finalImage;
GeometryTools::IntersectionStatus inPlaneLineIntersect(
    double x1, double y1,
    double x2, double y2,
    double x3, double y3,
    double x4, double y4,
    double l1NormalizedTolerance, double l2NormalizedTolerance,
    double *x, double *y, double* fractionAlongLine1, double* fractionAlongLine2)
   double mua, mub;
   double denom, numera, numerb;

   denom  = (y4-y3) * (x2-x1) - (x4-x3) * (y2-y1);
   numera = (x4-x3) * (y1-y3) - (y4-y3) * (x1-x3);
   numerb = (x2-x1) * (y1-y3) - (y2-y1) * (x1-x3);

    double EPS = 1e-40;

   // Are the line coincident? 
   if (fabs(numera) < EPS && fabs(numerb) < EPS && fabs(denom) < EPS) 
#if 0
       *x = 0;
       *y = 0;
       *fractionAlongLine1 = 0;
       *fractionAlongLine2 = 0;
       return GeometryTools::LINES_OVERLAP;
       cvf::Vec3d p12(x2-x1, y2-y1, 0);
       cvf::Vec3d p13(x3-x1, y3-y1, 0);
       cvf::Vec3d p34(x4-x3, y4-y3, 0);

       double length12 = p12.length();
       double length34 = p34.length();

       // Check if the p1 p2 line is a point
       if (length12 < EPS )
           cvf::Vec3d p34(x4-x3, y4-y3, 0);
           *x = x1;
           *y = y1;
           *fractionAlongLine1 = 1;
           *fractionAlongLine2 = p13.length()/p34.length();
           return GeometryTools::LINES_OVERLAP;

       cvf::Vec3d p14(x4-x1, y4-y1, 0);
       cvf::Vec3d p32(x2-x3, y2-y3, 0);

       cvf::Vec3d e12 = p12.getNormalized(); 
       double normDist13 =  e12*p13 / length12;
       double normDist14 =  e12*p14 / length12;

       // Check if both points on the p3 p4 line is outside line p1 p2.
       if( (normDist13 < 0 - l1NormalizedTolerance && normDist14 < 0-l1NormalizedTolerance )|| (normDist13 > 1 +l1NormalizedTolerance  && normDist14 > 1+l1NormalizedTolerance ) ) 
           *x = 0;
           *y = 0;
           *fractionAlongLine1 = 0;
           *fractionAlongLine2 = 0;
          return GeometryTools::NO_INTERSECTION;

       double normDist32 =  e12*p32 / length34;
       //double normDist31 = -e12*p13 / length34;

       // Set up fractions along lines to the edge2 vertex actually touching edge 1.
       /// if two, select the one furthest from the start
       bool pt3IsInside = false;
       bool pt4IsInside = false;
       if ((0.0 - l1NormalizedTolerance) <= normDist13 && normDist13 <= (1.0 +l1NormalizedTolerance) ) pt3IsInside = true;
       if ((0.0 - l1NormalizedTolerance) <= normDist14 && normDist14 <= (1.0 +l1NormalizedTolerance) ) pt4IsInside = true;

       if (pt3IsInside && !pt4IsInside)
           *fractionAlongLine1 = normDist13;
           *fractionAlongLine2 = 0.0;
           *x = x3;
           *y = y3;
       else if (pt4IsInside && !pt3IsInside)
           *fractionAlongLine1 = normDist14;
           *fractionAlongLine2 = 1.0;
           *x = x4;
           *y = y4;
       else if (pt3IsInside && pt4IsInside)
           // Return edge 2 vertex furthest along edge 1
           if (normDist13 <= normDist14)
               *fractionAlongLine1 =  normDist14 ;
               *fractionAlongLine2 =  1.0;
               *x = x4;
               *y = y4;
               *fractionAlongLine1 = normDist13;
               *fractionAlongLine2 =  0.0;
               *x = x3;
               *y = y3;
       else // both outside on each side
           // Return End of edge 1
            *fractionAlongLine1 = 1.0;
            *fractionAlongLine2 = normDist32;
            *x = x2;
            *y = y2;
      return GeometryTools::LINES_OVERLAP;

   /* Are the line parallel */
   if (fabs(denom) < EPS) {
      *x = 0;
      *y = 0;
      *fractionAlongLine1 = 0;
      *fractionAlongLine2 = 0;

      return GeometryTools::NO_INTERSECTION;

   /* Is the intersection along the the segments */
   mua = numera / denom;
   mub = numerb / denom;

   *x = x1 + mua * (x2 - x1);
   *y = y1 + mua * (y2 - y1);
   *fractionAlongLine1 = mua;
   *fractionAlongLine2 = mub;

   if (mua < 0 - l1NormalizedTolerance || 1 + l1NormalizedTolerance < mua  || mub < 0 - l2NormalizedTolerance ||  1 + l2NormalizedTolerance < mub) 
      return GeometryTools::LINES_INTERSECT_OUTSIDE;
   else if (fabs(mua) < l1NormalizedTolerance || fabs(1-mua) < l1NormalizedTolerance || 
            fabs(mub) < l2NormalizedTolerance || fabs(1-mub) < l2NormalizedTolerance )
       if (fabs(mua)   < l1NormalizedTolerance) *fractionAlongLine1 = 0;
       if (fabs(1-mua) < l1NormalizedTolerance) *fractionAlongLine1 = 1;
       if (fabs(mub)   < l2NormalizedTolerance) *fractionAlongLine2 = 0;
       if (fabs(1-mub) < l2NormalizedTolerance) *fractionAlongLine2 = 1;
       return GeometryTools::LINES_TOUCH;
       return GeometryTools::LINES_CROSSES;
int main()
  Point p1(-253.357, -123.36);
  Point p2(-190.03, 216.606);
  Point p3(-343.349, 286.6);
  Point p4(141.604, 279.934);
  Point p5(276.591, -46.7012);
  Point p6(251.593, -263.347);
  Point p7(-3.38184, -343.339);
  Point p8(-380.012, -173.355);
  Point p9(-98.3726, 39.957);
  Point p10(133.271, 124.949);
  Point p11(289.923, 301.598);
  Point p12(421.577, 23.292);
  Point p13(79.9434, -93.3633);
  Point p14(-40.0449, 366.592);
  Point p15(311.587, 374.924);
  Point p16(431.576, 214.94);
  Point p17(426.576, -131.693);
  Point p18(-265.023, -285.011);
  Point p19(369.915, 89.9521);
  Point p20(368.249, -15.0376);
  Point p21(484.904, 18.2925);
  Point p22(-411.675, 283.267);
  Point p23(-250.024, 124.949);
  Point p24(-80.041, -78.3647);
  Point p25(-360.014, 31.6245);
  Point p26(-305.019, 356.593);
  // built Delaunay triangulation
  PS.insert(p1); PS.insert(p2); PS.insert(p3); PS.insert(p4);
  PS.insert(p5); PS.insert(p6); PS.insert(p7); PS.insert(p8);  
  PS.insert(p9); PS.insert(p10); PS.insert(p11); PS.insert(p12);
  PS.insert(p13); PS.insert(p14); PS.insert(p15); PS.insert(p16);  
  PS.insert(p17); PS.insert(p18); PS.insert(p19); PS.insert(p20);
  PS.insert(p21); PS.insert(p22); PS.insert(p23); PS.insert(p24);
  PS.insert(p25); PS.insert(p26);
  std::list<Vertex_handle> LV;
  bool correct = true;
  // circle emptiness check
  Circle cs1(Point(-23.3799, 108.284), 1124.78);
  check_empty checker(cs1);
  if (checker.get_result()) {
    std::cout << "circle not empty !\n";
    std::cout <<  "this is an error !\n"; correct=false;
  else std::cout << "circle was empty !\n";  
  Circle cs2(Point(-255.024, -100.029), 23551);
  check_empty checker2(cs2);
  if (checker2.get_result()) std::cout << "circle not empty !\n";
  else {
    std::cout << "circle was empty !\n";   
    std::cout <<  "this is an error !\n"; correct=false;
  // triangle check
  Triangle t1(Point(-21.7134, -123.36), Point(84.9429, 74.9536), Point(209.931, -161.69)); 
  Triangle t2(Point(-61.7095, 164.945), Point(-88.3735, 101.618), Point(49.9463, 101.618));
  check_empty_triangle tchecker1(t1);
  if (tchecker1.get_result()) std::cout << "triangle not empty !\n";
  else {
    std::cout << "triangle was empty !\n";   
    std::cout <<  "this is an error !\n"; correct=false;
  check_empty_triangle tchecker2(t2);
  if (tchecker2.get_result()) {
     std::cout << "triangle not empty !\n";
     std::cout <<  "this is an error !\n"; correct=false;
  else std::cout << "triangle was empty !\n";   
  // rectangle check
  Rectangle_2 r1(-290.021, -175.022, -125.037, -35.0356);       
  Rectangle_2 r2(-48.3774, 136.614, -23.3799, 251.603);   

  check_empty_rectangle rchecker1(r1);
  if (rchecker1.get_result()) std::cout << "rectangle not empty !\n";
  else {
    std::cout << "rectangle was empty !\n";
    std::cout <<  "this is an error !\n"; correct=false;
  check_empty_rectangle rchecker2(r2);
  if (rchecker2.get_result()) {
    std::cout << "rectangle not empty !\n";
    std::cout <<  "this is an error !\n"; correct=false;
  else std::cout << "rectangle was empty !\n";
  if (correct) return 0;
  return 1;
void CContainers::prepareMemBuffers()
	memout=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p("!data",memout);

	memout_words=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p2("!!!words",memout_words);

	memout_letters=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p3("!!letters",memout_letters);

	memout_num=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p4("!num",memout_num);

	memout_year=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p5("!year",memout_year);

	memout_date=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p6("!date",memout_date);

	memout_words2=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p7("!!!words2",memout_words2);

	memout_words3=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p8("!!!words3",memout_words3);

	memout_words4=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p9("!!!words4",memout_words4);

	memout_pages=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p10("!pages",memout_pages);

	memout_num2=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p11("!num2",memout_num2);

	memout_num3=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p12("!num3",memout_num3);

	memout_num4=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p13("!num4",memout_num4);

	memout_remain=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p14("!remain",memout_remain);

	memout_date2=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p15("!date2",memout_date2);

	memout_date3=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p16("!date3",memout_date3);

	memout_num2b=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p17("!num2b",memout_num2b);

	memout_num3b=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p18("!num3b",memout_num3b);

	memout_num4b=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p19("!num4b",memout_num4b);

	memout_numb=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p20("!numb",memout_numb);

	memout_num2c=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p21("!num2c",memout_num2c);

	memout_num3c=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p22("!num3c",memout_num3c);

	memout_num4c=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p23("!num4c",memout_num4c);

	memout_numc=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p24("!numc",memout_numc);

	memout_time=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p25("!time",memout_time);

	memout_remain2=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p26("!remain2",memout_remain2);

	memout_ip=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p27("!ip",memout_ip);

	memout_hm=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p28("!hm",memout_hm);

	memout_hms=new CMemoryBuffer();
	std::pair<std::string,CMemoryBuffer*> p29("!hms",memout_hms);
void BuildTreeDoubleYShape(Node *node[], Tree &tree)
    const KDL::Vector unitx(1,0,0);
    const KDL::Vector unity(0,1,0);
    const KDL::Vector unitz(0,0,1);
    const KDL::Vector unit1(sqrt(14.0)/8.0, 1.0/8.0, 7.0/8.0);
    const KDL::Vector zero = KDL::Vector::Zero();
    KDL::Vector p0(0.0f, -1.5f, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p1(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p2(0.0f, -0.5f, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p3(0.5f*Root2Inv, -0.5+0.5*Root2Inv, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p4(0.5f*Root2Inv+0.5f*HalfRoot3, -0.5+0.5*Root2Inv+0.5f*0.5, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p5(0.5f*Root2Inv+1.0f*HalfRoot3, -0.5+0.5*Root2Inv+1.0f*0.5, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p6(0.5f*Root2Inv+1.5f*HalfRoot3, -0.5+0.5*Root2Inv+1.5f*0.5, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p7(0.5f*Root2Inv+0.5f*HalfRoot3, -0.5+0.5*Root2Inv+0.5f*HalfRoot3, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p8(0.5f*Root2Inv+1.0f*HalfRoot3, -0.5+0.5*Root2Inv+1.0f*HalfRoot3, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p9(0.5f*Root2Inv+1.5f*HalfRoot3, -0.5+0.5*Root2Inv+1.5f*HalfRoot3, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p10(-0.5f*Root2Inv, -0.5+0.5*Root2Inv, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p11(-0.5f*Root2Inv-0.5f*HalfRoot3, -0.5+0.5*Root2Inv+0.5f*HalfRoot3, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p12(-0.5f*Root2Inv-1.0f*HalfRoot3, -0.5+0.5*Root2Inv+1.0f*HalfRoot3, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p13(-0.5f*Root2Inv-1.5f*HalfRoot3, -0.5+0.5*Root2Inv+1.5f*HalfRoot3, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p14(-0.5f*Root2Inv-0.5f*HalfRoot3, -0.5+0.5*Root2Inv+0.5f*0.5, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p15(-0.5f*Root2Inv-1.0f*HalfRoot3, -0.5+0.5*Root2Inv+1.0f*0.5, 0.0f);
    KDL::Vector p16(-0.5f*Root2Inv-1.5f*HalfRoot3, -0.5+0.5*Root2Inv+1.5f*0.5, 0.0f);
    node[0] = new Node(p0, unit1, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    node[1] = new Node(p1, unitx, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[0], node[1]);
    node[2] = new Node(p1, unitz, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[1], node[2]);
    node[3] = new Node(p2, unitz, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[2], node[3]);
    node[4] = new Node(p2, unitz, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertRightSibling(node[3], node[4]);
    node[5] = new Node(p3, unity, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[3], node[5]);
    node[6] = new Node(p3, unity, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertRightSibling(node[5], node[6]);
    node[7] = new Node(p3, unitx, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[5], node[7]);
    node[8] = new Node(p4, unitz, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[7], node[8]);
    node[9] = new Node(p5, unitx, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[8], node[9]);
    node[10] = new Node(p5, unity, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[9], node[10]);
    node[11] = new Node(p6, zero, 0.08, EFFECTOR);
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[10], node[11]);
    node[12] = new Node(p3, unitx, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[6], node[12]);
    node[13] = new Node(p7, unitz, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[12], node[13]);
    node[14] = new Node(p8, unitx, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[13], node[14]);
    node[15] = new Node(p8, unity, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[14], node[15]);
    node[16] = new Node(p9, zero, 0.08, EFFECTOR);
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[15], node[16]);
    node[17] = new Node(p10, unity, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[4], node[17]);
    node[18] = new Node(p10, unitx, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[17], node[18]);
    node[19] = new Node(p10, unity, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertRightSibling(node[17], node[19]);
    node[20] = new Node(p11, unitz, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[18], node[20]);
    node[21] = new Node(p12, unitx, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[20], node[21]);
    node[22] = new Node(p12, unity, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[21], node[22]);
    node[23] = new Node(p13, zero, 0.08, EFFECTOR);
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[22], node[23]);
    node[24] = new Node(p10, unitx, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[19], node[24]);
    node[25] = new Node(p14, unitz, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[24], node[25]);
    node[26] = new Node(p15, unitx, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[25], node[26]);
    node[27] = new Node(p15, unity, 0.08, JOINT, RADIAN(-180.), RADIAN(180.), RADIAN(30.));
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[26], node[27]);
    node[28] = new Node(p16, zero, 0.08, EFFECTOR);
    tree.InsertLeftChild(node[27], node[28]);