static void
  char *msg = "logsum specials unit test failed";

  if (p7_FLogsum(0.0,          -eslINFINITY) !=          0.0) esl_fatal(msg);
  if (p7_FLogsum(-eslINFINITY,          0.0) !=          0.0) esl_fatal(msg);
  if (p7_FLogsum(-eslINFINITY, -eslINFINITY) != -eslINFINITY) esl_fatal(msg);
/* Function:  p7_FLogsumError()
 * Synopsis:  Compute absolute error in probability from Logsum.
 * Purpose:   Compute the absolute error in probability space
 *            resulting from <p7_FLogsum()>'s table lookup 
 *            approximation: approximation result - exact result.
 *            This is of course computable analytically for
 *            any <a,b> given <p7_LOGSUM_TBL>; but the function
 *            is useful for some routines that want to determine
 *            if <p7_FLogsum()> has been compiled in its
 *            exact slow mode for debugging purposes. Testing
 *            <p7_FLogsumError(-0.4, -0.5) > 0.0001>
 *            for example, suffices to detect that the function
 *            is compiled in its fast approximation mode given
 *            the defaults. 
p7_FLogsumError(float a, float b)
  float approx = p7_FLogsum(a,b);
  float exact  = log(exp(a) + exp(b));
  return (exp(approx) - exp(exact));
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = p7_CreateDefaultApp(options, 0, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r       = esl_randomness_CreateFast(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s"));
  ESL_STOPWATCH  *w       = esl_stopwatch_Create();
  int             N       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N");
  int             i;
  float          *A, *B, *C;


  /* Create the problem: sample N values A,B on interval -1000,1000: about the range of H3 scores */
  A = malloc(sizeof(float) * N);
  B = malloc(sizeof(float) * N);
  C = malloc(sizeof(float) * N);
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
      A[i] = esl_random(r) * 2000. - 1000.;
      B[i] = esl_random(r) * 2000. - 1000.;
  /* Run */

  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-n"))
      for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
	C[i] = naive2(A[i], B[i]);
  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-r"))
      for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
	C[i] = naive1(A[i], B[i]);
      for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
	C[i] = p7_FLogsum(A[i], B[i]);       

  esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "# CPU time: ");

  return 0;
main(int argc, char **argv)
  float a = atof(argv[1]);
  float b = atof(argv[2]);
  float result;

  result = p7_FLogsum(a, b);
  printf("p7_FLogsum(%f,%f) = %f\n", a, b, result);

  result = log(exp(a) + exp(b));
  printf("log(e^%f + e^%f) = %f\n", a, b, result);

  printf("Absolute error in probability: %f\n", p7_FLogsumError(a,b));
  return eslOK;
static void
utest_FLogsumError(ESL_GETOPTS *go, ESL_RANDOMNESS *r)
  int     N          = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N");
  float   maxval     = esl_opt_GetReal(go, "-S");
  int     be_verbose = esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-v");
  float   maxerr = 0.0;
  float   avgerr = 0.0;
  int     i;
  float   a,b,result,exact,err;

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
      a = (esl_random(r) - 0.5) * maxval * 2.; /* uniform draws on -maxval..maxval */
      b = (esl_random(r) - 0.5) * maxval * 2.; 

      exact  = log(exp(a) + exp(b));
      result = p7_FLogsum(a,b);
      err    = fabs(exact-result) / maxval;

      avgerr += err;
      maxerr = ESL_MAX(maxerr, err);

      if (be_verbose)
	printf("%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n", a, b, exact, result, err);
  avgerr /= (float) N;

  if (be_verbose) {
    printf("average error = %f\n", avgerr);
    printf("max error     = %f\n", maxerr);

  if (maxerr > 0.0001) esl_fatal("maximum error of %f is too high: logsum unit test fails", maxerr);
  if (avgerr > 0.0001) esl_fatal("average error of %f is too high: logsum unit test fails", avgerr);
/* Function: p7_null3_score()
 * Purpose:  Calculate a correction (in log_2 odds) to be applied
 *           to a sequence, using a null model based on the
 *           composition of the target sequence.
 *           The null model is constructed /post hoc/ as the
 *           distribution of the target sequence; if the target
 *           sequence is 40% A, 5% C, 5% G, 40% T, then the null
 *           model is (0.4, 0.05, 0.05, 0.4). This function is
 *           based heavily on Infernal's ScoreCorrectionNull3(),
 *           with two important changes:
 *            - it leaves the log2 conversion from NATS to BITS
 *              for the calling function.
 *            - it doesn't include the omega score modifier
 *              (based on prior probability of using the null3
 *              model), again leaving this to the calling function.
 * Args:     abc   - alphabet for hit (only used to get alphabet size)
 *           dsq   - the sequence the hit resides in
 *           tr   - trace of the alignment, used to find the match states
 *                  (non-match chars are ignored in computing freq, not used if NULL)
 *           start - start position of hit in dsq
 *           stop  - end  position of hit in dsq
 *           bg    - background, used for the default null model's emission freq
 *           ret_sc - RETURN: the correction to the score (in NATS);
 *                   caller subtracts this from hit score to get
 *                   corrected score.
 * Return:   void, ret_sc: the log-odds score correction (in NATS).
p7_null3_score(const ESL_ALPHABET *abc, const ESL_DSQ *dsq, P7_TRACE *tr, int start, int stop, P7_BG *bg, float *ret_sc)
    float score = 0.;
    int status;
    int i;
    float *freq;
    int dir;
    int tr_pos;

    ESL_ALLOC(freq, sizeof(float) * abc->K);
    esl_vec_FSet(freq, abc->K, 0.0);

    /* contract check */
    if(abc == NULL) esl_exception(eslEINVAL, FALSE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "p7_null3_score() alphabet is NULL.%s\n", "");
    if(dsq == NULL) esl_exception(eslEINVAL, FALSE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "p7_null3_score() dsq alphabet is NULL.%s\n", "");
    if(abc->type != eslRNA && abc->type != eslDNA) esl_exception(eslEINVAL, FALSE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "p7_null3_score() expects alphabet of RNA or DNA.%s\n", "");

    dir = start < stop ? 1 : -1;

    if (tr != NULL) {
        /* skip the parts of the trace that precede the first match state */
        tr_pos = 2;
        i = start;
        while (tr->st[tr_pos] != p7T_M) {
            if (tr->st[tr_pos] == p7T_N)
                i += dir;

        /* tally frequencies from characters hitting match state*/
        while (tr->st[tr_pos] != p7T_E) {
            if (tr->st[tr_pos] == p7T_M) {
                if(esl_abc_XIsGap(abc, dsq[i])) esl_exception(eslEINVAL, FALSE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "in p7_null3_score(), res %d is a gap!%s\n", "");
                esl_abc_FCount(abc, freq, dsq[i], 1.);
            if (tr->st[tr_pos] != p7T_D )
                i += dir;
    } else {
        /* tally frequencies from the full envelope */
        for (i=ESL_MIN(start,stop); i <= ESL_MAX(start,stop); i++)
            if(esl_abc_XIsGap(abc, dsq[i])) esl_exception(eslEINVAL, FALSE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "in p7_null3_score(), res %d is a gap!%s\n", "");
            esl_abc_FCount(abc, freq, dsq[i], 1.);

    esl_vec_FNorm(freq, abc->K);

    /* now compute score modifier (nats) - note: even with tr!=NULL, this includes the unmatched characters*/
    for (i = 0; i < abc->K; i++)
        score += freq[i]==0 ? 0.0 : esl_logf( freq[i]/bg->f[i] ) * freq[i] * ( (stop-start)*dir +1) ;

    /* Return the correction to the bit score. */
    score = p7_FLogsum(0., score);
    *ret_sc = score;


    esl_exception(eslEINVAL, FALSE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "p7_null3_score() memory allocation error.%s\n", "");
    return; /* never reached */

/* Function:  p7_GNull2_ByExpectation()
 * Synopsis:  Calculate null2 model from posterior probabilities.
 * Incept:    SRE, Thu Feb 28 09:52:28 2008 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   Calculate the "null2" model for the envelope encompassed
 *            by a posterior probability calculation <pp> for model
 *            <gm>.  Return the null2 odds emission probabilities
 *            $\frac{f'{x}}{f{x}}$ in <null2>, which caller
 *            provides as space for at least <alphabet->Kp> residues.
 *            The expectation method is applied to envelopes in
 *            simple, well resolved regions (regions containing just a
 *            single envelope, where no stochastic traceback
 *            clustering was required).
 *            Make sure that the posterior probability matrix <pp> has
 *            been calculated by the caller for only the envelope; thus
 *            its rows are numbered <1..Ld>, for envelope <ienv..jenv>
 *            of length <Ld=jenv-ienv+1>.
 * Args:      gm    - profile, in any mode, target length model set to <L>
 *            pp    - posterior prob matrix, for <gm> against domain envelope <dsq+i-1> (offset)
 *            null2 - RETURN: null2 odds ratios per residue; <0..Kp-1>; caller allocated space
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success; <null2> contains the null2 scores. The 0
 *            row of <pp> has been used as temp space, and happens to contain
 *            the expected frequency that each M,I,N,C,J state is used in this
 *            <pp> matrix to generate residues.
 * Throws:    (no abnormal error conditions)
p7_GNull2_ByExpectation(const P7_PROFILE *gm, P7_GMX *pp, float *null2)
  int      M      = gm->M;
  int      Ld     = pp->L;
  float  **dp     = pp->dp;
  float   *xmx    = pp->xmx;
  float    xfactor;
  int      x;			/* over symbols 0..K-1                       */
  int      i;			/* over offset envelope dsq positions 1..Ld  */
  int      k;			/* over model M states 1..M, I states 1..M-1 */

  /* Calculate expected # of times that each emitting state was used
   * in generating the Ld residues in this domain.
   * The 0 row in <wrk> is used to hold these numbers.
  esl_vec_FCopy(pp->dp[1],            (M+1)*p7G_NSCELLS, pp->dp[0]); 
  esl_vec_FCopy(pp->xmx+p7G_NXCELLS,  p7G_NXCELLS,       pp->xmx);   
  for (i = 2; i <= Ld; i++)
      esl_vec_FAdd(pp->dp[0], pp->dp[i],             (M+1)*p7G_NSCELLS);
      esl_vec_FAdd(pp->xmx,   pp->xmx+i*p7G_NXCELLS, p7G_NXCELLS); 
  /* Convert those expected #'s to log frequencies; these we'll use as
   * the log posterior weights.
  esl_vec_FLog(pp->dp[0], (M+1)*p7G_NSCELLS);
  esl_vec_FLog(pp->xmx,   p7G_NXCELLS);  

  esl_vec_FIncrement(pp->dp[0], (M+1)*p7G_NSCELLS, -log((float)Ld));
  esl_vec_FIncrement(pp->xmx,   p7G_NXCELLS,       -log((float)Ld)); 

  /* Calculate null2's log odds emission probabilities, by taking
   * posterior weighted sum over all emission vectors used in paths
   * explaining the domain.
   * This is dog-slow; a point for future optimization.
  xfactor = XMX(0,p7G_N);
  xfactor = p7_FLogsum(xfactor, XMX(0,p7G_C));
  xfactor = p7_FLogsum(xfactor, XMX(0,p7G_J));
  esl_vec_FSet(null2, gm->abc->K, -eslINFINITY);
  for (x = 0; x < gm->abc->K; x++)
      for (k = 1; k < M; k++)
	  null2[x] = p7_FLogsum(null2[x], MMX(0,k) + p7P_MSC(gm, k, x));
	  null2[x] = p7_FLogsum(null2[x], IMX(0,k) + p7P_ISC(gm, k, x));
      null2[x] = p7_FLogsum(null2[x], MMX(0,M) + p7P_MSC(gm, k, x));
      null2[x] = p7_FLogsum(null2[x], xfactor);

  esl_vec_FExp (null2, gm->abc->K);
  /* now null2[x] = \frac{f_d(x)}{f_0(x)} for all x in alphabet,
   * 0..K-1, where f_d(x) are the ad hoc "null2" residue frequencies
   * for this envelope.

  /* make valid scores for all degeneracies, by averaging the odds ratios. */
  esl_abc_FAvgScVec(gm->abc, null2); /* does not set gap, nonres, missing  */
  null2[gm->abc->K]    = 1.0;        /* gap character    */
  null2[gm->abc->Kp-2] = 1.0;	     /* nonresidue "*"   */
  null2[gm->abc->Kp-1] = 1.0;	     /* missing data "~" */

  return eslOK;
/* Function:  p7_GForward()
 * Synopsis:  The Forward algorithm.
 * Incept:    SRE, Mon Apr 16 13:57:35 2007 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   The Forward dynamic programming algorithm. 
 *            Given a digital sequence <dsq> of length <L>, a profile
 *            <gm>, and DP matrix <gx> allocated for at least <gm->M>
 *            by <L> cells; calculate the probability of the sequence
 *            given the model using the Forward algorithm; return the
 *            Forward matrix in <gx>, and the Forward score in <ret_sc>.
 *            The Forward score is in lod score form.  To convert to a
 *            bitscore, the caller needs to subtract a null model lod
 *            score, then convert to bits.
 * Args:      dsq    - sequence in digitized form, 1..L
 *            L      - length of dsq
 *            gm     - profile. 
 *            gx     - DP matrix with room for an MxL alignment
 *            opt_sc - optRETURN: Forward lod score in nats
 * Return:    <eslOK> on success.
p7_GForward(const ESL_DSQ *dsq, int L, const P7_PROFILE *gm, P7_GMX *gx, float *opt_sc)
  float const *tsc  = gm->tsc;
  float      **dp   = gx->dp;
  float       *xmx  = gx->xmx; 			    
  int          M    = gm->M;
  int          i, k;  
  float        esc  = p7_profile_IsLocal(gm) ? 0 : -eslINFINITY;

  /* Initialization of the zero row, and the lookup table of the log
   * sum routine.
  XMX(0,p7G_N) = 0;                                           /* S->N, p=1            */
  XMX(0,p7G_B) = gm->xsc[p7P_N][p7P_MOVE];                    /* S->N->B, no N-tail   */
  XMX(0,p7G_E) = XMX(0,p7G_C) = XMX(0,p7G_J) = -eslINFINITY;  /* need seq to get here */
  for (k = 0; k <= M; k++)
    MMX(0,k) = IMX(0,k) = DMX(0,k) = -eslINFINITY;            /* need seq to get here */

  /* Recursion. Done as a pull.
   * Note some slightly wasteful boundary conditions:  
   *    tsc[0] = impossible for all eight transitions (no node 0)
   *    D_1 is wastefully calculated (doesn't exist)
  for (i = 1; i <= L; i++) 
      float const *rsc = gm->rsc[dsq[i]];
      float sc;

      MMX(i,0) = IMX(i,0) = DMX(i,0) = -eslINFINITY;
      XMX(i, p7G_E) = -eslINFINITY;

      for (k = 1; k < M; k++)
	  /* match state */
	  sc = p7_FLogsum(p7_FLogsum(MMX(i-1,k-1)   + TSC(p7P_MM,k-1), 
				     IMX(i-1,k-1)   + TSC(p7P_IM,k-1)),
			  p7_FLogsum(XMX(i-1,p7G_B) + TSC(p7P_BM,k-1),
				     DMX(i-1,k-1)   + TSC(p7P_DM,k-1)));
	  MMX(i,k) = sc + MSC(k);

	  /* insert state */
	  sc = p7_FLogsum(MMX(i-1,k) + TSC(p7P_MI,k),
			  IMX(i-1,k) + TSC(p7P_II,k));
	  IMX(i,k) = sc + ISC(k);

	  /* delete state */
	  DMX(i,k) = p7_FLogsum(MMX(i,k-1) + TSC(p7P_MD,k-1),
				DMX(i,k-1) + TSC(p7P_DD,k-1));

	  /* E state update */
	  XMX(i,p7G_E) = p7_FLogsum(p7_FLogsum(MMX(i,k) + esc,
					       DMX(i,k) + esc),
      /* unrolled match state M_M */
      sc = p7_FLogsum(p7_FLogsum(MMX(i-1,M-1)   + TSC(p7P_MM,M-1), 
				 IMX(i-1,M-1)   + TSC(p7P_IM,M-1)),
		      p7_FLogsum(XMX(i-1,p7G_B) + TSC(p7P_BM,M-1),
				 DMX(i-1,M-1)   + TSC(p7P_DM,M-1)));
      MMX(i,M) = sc + MSC(M);
      IMX(i,M) = -eslINFINITY;

      /* unrolled delete state D_M */
      DMX(i,M) = p7_FLogsum(MMX(i,M-1) + TSC(p7P_MD,M-1),
			    DMX(i,M-1) + TSC(p7P_DD,M-1));

      /* unrolled E state update */
      XMX(i,p7G_E) = p7_FLogsum(p7_FLogsum(MMX(i,M),

      /* J state */
      XMX(i,p7G_J) = p7_FLogsum(XMX(i-1,p7G_J) + gm->xsc[p7P_J][p7P_LOOP],
				XMX(i,  p7G_E) + gm->xsc[p7P_E][p7P_LOOP]);
      /* C state */
      XMX(i,p7G_C) = p7_FLogsum(XMX(i-1,p7G_C) + gm->xsc[p7P_C][p7P_LOOP],
				XMX(i,  p7G_E) + gm->xsc[p7P_E][p7P_MOVE]);
      /* N state */
      XMX(i,p7G_N) = XMX(i-1,p7G_N) + gm->xsc[p7P_N][p7P_LOOP];

      /* B state */
      XMX(i,p7G_B) = p7_FLogsum(XMX(i,  p7G_N) + gm->xsc[p7P_N][p7P_MOVE],
				XMX(i,  p7G_J) + gm->xsc[p7P_J][p7P_MOVE]);

  if (opt_sc != NULL) *opt_sc = XMX(L,p7G_C) + gm->xsc[p7P_C][p7P_MOVE];
  gx->M = M;
  gx->L = L;
  return eslOK;
/* Function:  p7_GBackward()
 * Synopsis:  The Backward algorithm.
 * Incept:    SRE, Fri Dec 28 14:31:58 2007 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   The Backward dynamic programming algorithm.
 *            Given a digital sequence <dsq> of length <L>, a profile
 *            <gm>, and DP matrix <gx> allocated for at least <gm->M>
 *            by <L> cells; calculate the probability of the sequence
 *            given the model using the Backward algorithm; return the
 *            Backward matrix in <gx>, and the Backward score in <ret_sc>.
 *            The Backward score is in lod score form. To convert to a
 *            bitscore, the caller needs to subtract a null model lod
 *            score, then convert to bits.
 * Args:      dsq    - sequence in digitized form, 1..L
 *            L      - length of dsq
 *            gm     - profile 
 *            gx     - DP matrix with room for an MxL alignment
 *            opt_sc - optRETURN: Backward lod score in nats
 * Return:    <eslOK> on success.
p7_GBackward(const ESL_DSQ *dsq, int L, const P7_PROFILE *gm, P7_GMX *gx, float *opt_sc)
  float const *tsc  = gm->tsc;
  float const *rsc  = NULL;
  float      **dp   = gx->dp;
  float       *xmx  = gx->xmx; 			    
  int          M    = gm->M;
  int          i, k;  
  float        esc  = p7_profile_IsLocal(gm) ? 0 : -eslINFINITY;

  /* Note: backward calculates the probability we can get *out* of
   * cell i,k; exclusive of emitting residue x_i.

  /* Initialize the L row.  */
  XMX(L,p7G_J) = XMX(L,p7G_B) = XMX(L,p7G_N) = -eslINFINITY;
  XMX(L,p7G_C) = gm->xsc[p7P_C][p7P_MOVE];                 /* C<-T          */
  XMX(L,p7G_E) = XMX(L,p7G_C) + gm->xsc[p7P_E][p7P_MOVE];  /* E<-C, no tail */
  MMX(L,M) = DMX(L,M) = XMX(L,p7G_E); /* {MD}_M <- E (prob 1.0) */
  IMX(L,M) = -eslINFINITY;	      /* no I_M state        */
  for (k = M-1; k >= 1; k--) {
    MMX(L,k) = p7_FLogsum( XMX(L,p7G_E) + esc,
			   DMX(L, k+1)  + TSC(p7P_MD,k));
    DMX(L,k) = p7_FLogsum( XMX(L,p7G_E) + esc,
			   DMX(L, k+1)  + TSC(p7P_DD,k));
    IMX(L,k) = -eslINFINITY;
  /* Main recursion */
  for (i = L-1; i >= 1; i--)
      rsc = gm->rsc[dsq[i+1]];

      XMX(i,p7G_B) = MMX(i+1,1) + TSC(p7P_BM,0) + MSC(1); /* t_BM index is 0 because it's stored off-by-one. */
      for (k = 2; k <= M; k++)
	XMX(i,p7G_B) = p7_FLogsum(XMX(i, p7G_B), MMX(i+1,k) + TSC(p7P_BM,k-1) + MSC(k));

      XMX(i,p7G_J) = p7_FLogsum( XMX(i+1,p7G_J) + gm->xsc[p7P_J][p7P_LOOP],
				 XMX(i,  p7G_B) + gm->xsc[p7P_J][p7P_MOVE]);
      XMX(i,p7G_C) = XMX(i+1,p7G_C) + gm->xsc[p7P_C][p7P_LOOP];
      XMX(i,p7G_E) = p7_FLogsum( XMX(i, p7G_J)  + gm->xsc[p7P_E][p7P_LOOP],
				 XMX(i, p7G_C)  + gm->xsc[p7P_E][p7P_MOVE]);
      XMX(i,p7G_N) = p7_FLogsum( XMX(i+1,p7G_N) + gm->xsc[p7P_N][p7P_LOOP],
				 XMX(i,  p7G_B) + gm->xsc[p7P_N][p7P_MOVE]);
      MMX(i,M) = DMX(i,M) = XMX(i,p7G_E);
      IMX(i,M) = -eslINFINITY;
      for (k = M-1; k >= 1; k--)
	  MMX(i,k) = p7_FLogsum( p7_FLogsum(MMX(i+1,k+1) + TSC(p7P_MM,k) + MSC(k+1),
					    IMX(i+1,k)   + TSC(p7P_MI,k) + ISC(k)),
				 p7_FLogsum(XMX(i,p7G_E) + esc,
					    DMX(i,  k+1) + TSC(p7P_MD,k)));
	  IMX(i,k) = p7_FLogsum( MMX(i+1,k+1) + TSC(p7P_IM,k) + MSC(k+1),
				 IMX(i+1,k)   + TSC(p7P_II,k) + ISC(k));
	  DMX(i,k) = p7_FLogsum( MMX(i+1,k+1) + TSC(p7P_DM,k) + MSC(k+1),
				 p7_FLogsum( DMX(i,  k+1)  + TSC(p7P_DD,k),
					     XMX(i, p7G_E) + esc));

  /* At i=0, only N,B states are reachable. */
  rsc = gm->rsc[dsq[1]];
  XMX(0,p7G_B) = MMX(1,1) + TSC(p7P_BM,0) + MSC(1); /* t_BM index is 0 because it's stored off-by-one. */
  for (k = 2; k <= M; k++)
    XMX(0,p7G_B) = p7_FLogsum(XMX(0, p7G_B), MMX(1,k) + TSC(p7P_BM,k-1) + MSC(k));
  XMX(i,p7G_J) = -eslINFINITY;
  XMX(i,p7G_C) = -eslINFINITY;
  XMX(i,p7G_E) = -eslINFINITY;
  XMX(i,p7G_N) = p7_FLogsum( XMX(1, p7G_N) + gm->xsc[p7P_N][p7P_LOOP],
			     XMX(0, p7G_B) + gm->xsc[p7P_N][p7P_MOVE]);
  for (k = M; k >= 1; k--)
    MMX(i,M) = IMX(i,M) = DMX(i,M) = -eslINFINITY;

  if (opt_sc != NULL) *opt_sc = XMX(0,p7G_N);
  gx->M = M;
  gx->L = L;
  return eslOK;