static bool ContainsDirectory(nsIAbDirectory *parent, nsIAbDirectory *directory) { // If parent is a maillist, 'addressLists' contains AbCards. bool bIsMailList = false; nsresult rv = parent->GetIsMailList(&bIsMailList); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); if (bIsMailList) return false; nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> pAddressLists; parent->GetAddressLists(getter_AddRefs(pAddressLists)); if (pAddressLists) { uint32_t total; rv = pAddressLists->GetLength(&total); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < total; ++i) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAbDirectory> pList(do_QueryElementAt(pAddressLists, i, &rv)); if (directory == pList) return true; } } return false; }
HRESULT CLibraryWnd::GetGenericView(IGenericView** ppView) { if ( m_wndFrame.m_hWnd == NULL ) return S_FALSE; CLibraryListPtr pList( m_wndFrame.GetViewSelection() ); *ppView = (IGenericView*)pList->GetInterface( IID_IGenericView, TRUE ); return S_OK; }
static PRBool ContainsDirectory(nsIAbDirectory *parent, nsIAbDirectory *directory) { // If parent is a maillist, 'addressLists' contains AbCards. PRBool bIsMailList = PR_FALSE; nsresult rv = parent->GetIsMailList(&bIsMailList); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (bIsMailList) return PR_FALSE; nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> pAddressLists; parent->GetAddressLists(getter_AddRefs(pAddressLists)); if (pAddressLists) { PRUint32 total; rv = pAddressLists->GetLength(&total); for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < total; ++i) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAbDirectory> pList(do_QueryElementAt(pAddressLists, i, &rv)); if (directory == pList) return PR_TRUE; } } return PR_FALSE; }
uint32_t CDeviceDriver::readGlobal(CVMUSB& ctlr) { unique_ptr<CVMUSBReadoutList> pList(ctlr.createReadoutList()); addReadGlobal(*pList); return executeList<uint32_t>(ctlr,*pList); }
void desktopSelection::slotMetaViewPkgs() { QStringList packageList; QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(treeWidgetDesktopPackages); while (*it) { for (int z=0; z < listDeskPkgs.count(); ++z) { if ( (*it)->isSelected() && (*it)->text(0) == ) { QFile pList(; if ( ! pList.exists() ) return; if ( ! | QIODevice::Text)) return; while ( !pList.atEnd() ) packageList << pList.readLine().simplified(); pList.close(); packageList.sort(); dIB = new dialogInfoBox(); dIB->programInit(tr("Package Listing for:") + " " + (*it)->text(0)); dIB->setInfoText(packageList.join("\n")); dIB->show(); } } ++it; } }
void CLibraryFileView::OnLibraryDelete() { CSingleLock pTransfersLock( &Transfers.m_pSection, TRUE ); // Can clear uploads and downloads CSingleLock pLibraryLock( &Library.m_pSection, TRUE ); CLibraryListPtr pList( new CLibraryList() ); POSITION posSel = StartSelectedFileLoop(); while ( CLibraryFile* pFile = GetNextSelectedFile( posSel, FALSE, ! m_bGhostFolder ) ) { pList->AddTail( pFile ); } while ( ! pList->IsEmpty() ) { CLibraryFile* pFile = Library.LookupFile( pList->GetHead(), FALSE, ! m_bGhostFolder ); if ( pFile == NULL ) { pList->RemoveHead(); // Remove item from list to avoid endless loop continue; } if ( m_bGhostFolder ) { for ( INT_PTR nProcess = pList->GetCount() ; nProcess > 0 && pList->GetCount() > 0 ; nProcess-- ) { if ( ( pFile = Library.LookupFile( pList->RemoveHead() ) ) != NULL ) pFile->Delete( TRUE ); } } else { CDeleteFileDlg dlg( this ); dlg.m_sName = pFile->m_sName; dlg.m_sComments = pFile->m_sComments; dlg.m_nRateValue = pFile->m_nRating; dlg.m_bAll = pList->GetCount() > 1; pLibraryLock.Unlock(); pTransfersLock.Unlock(); if ( dlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) break; pTransfersLock.Lock(); pLibraryLock.Lock(); for ( INT_PTR nProcess = dlg.m_bAll ? pList->GetCount() : 1 ; nProcess > 0 && pList->GetCount() > 0 ; nProcess-- ) { if ( ( pFile = Library.LookupFile( pList->RemoveHead(), FALSE, TRUE ) ) != NULL ) { dlg.Apply( pFile ); pFile->Delete(); } } } Library.Update( true ); } }
XMLConfiguration::config_list_ptr_type XMLConfiguration::getConfigurationElements() { XMLConfiguration::config_list_ptr_type pList(new XMLConfiguration::config_list_ptr_type()); config_collection_type::iterator iter; for(iter = m_config.begin(); iter != m_config.end(); ++iter) { pList->push_back(dynamic_cast<I_ConfigurationElement::const_ptr_type>(iter->second)); } return pList; }
void CLibraryMetaPanel::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { point.y += GetScrollPos( SB_VERT ); if ( m_nSelected > 0 && m_rcFolder.PtInRect( point ) ) { CQuickLock oLock( Library.m_pSection ); if ( CLibraryFolder* pFolder = LibraryFolders.GetFolder( m_sFolder ) ) { if ( Settings.Library.ShowVirtual ) { CLibraryFrame* pFrame = (CLibraryFrame*)GetOwner(); ASSERT_KINDOF(CLibraryFrame, pFrame ); pFrame->Display( pFolder ); } else if ( LibraryFolders.CheckFolder( pFolder, TRUE ) ) { ShellExecute( AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd(), NULL, m_sFolder, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); } } } else if ( m_nSelected > 0 && m_rcRating.PtInRect( point ) ) { CLibraryListPtr pList( GetViewSelection() ); if ( pList && pList->GetCount() > 0 ) { CFilePropertiesSheet dlg; dlg.Add( pList ); dlg.DoModal( 2 ); } } else if ( CMetaItem* pItem = m_pMetadata->HitTest( point, TRUE ) ) { CQuickLock oLock( Library.m_pSection ); if ( CAlbumFolder* pFolder = pItem->GetLinkTarget() ) { CLibraryFrame* pFrame = (CLibraryFrame*)GetOwner(); ASSERT_KINDOF(CLibraryFrame, pFrame ); pFrame->Display( pFolder ); } } CPanelCtrl::OnLButtonUp( nFlags, point ); }
void CFileSharingPage::OnOK() { UpdateData(); CLibraryListPtr pList( GetList() ); if ( pList ) { CQuickLock oLock( Library.m_pSection ); for ( POSITION pos = pList->GetHeadPosition(); pos; ) { if ( CLibraryFile* pFile = pList->GetNextFile( pos ) ) { pFile->SetShared( ( m_bShare != FALSE ), ( m_bOverride != FALSE ) ); pFile->m_sShareTags = m_sTags; } } } CFilePropertiesPage::OnOK(); }
static PT_Tree pTreeWithSymbol(PT_Tree tree, int *i, PT_Symbol sym, SDF_Symbol ssym) { if (PT_isSymbolSort(sym)) { return pTree(tree, i); } else if (PT_isSymbolLit(sym)) { return tree; } else if (PT_isSymbolIterStar(sym) || PT_isSymbolIterPlus(sym)) { return pList(tree, i, ssym); } else if (PT_isSymbolIterStarSep(sym) || PT_isSymbolIterPlusSep(sym)) { return pSepList(tree, i, ssym); } /* the rest is handled by doing nothing */ if (PT_hasTreeArgs(tree)) { return PT_setTreeArgs(tree, pArgs(PT_getTreeArgs(tree), i)); } else { return tree; } }
cv::Mat Deformation::DeformByMovingLeastSquares(const cv::Mat& inputImg, const std::vector<int>& originIndex, const std::vector<int>& targetIndex) { int imgW = inputImg.cols; int imgH = inputImg.rows; cv::Size imgSize(imgW, imgH); cv::Mat resImg(imgSize, CV_8UC3); int markNum = originIndex.size() / 2; std::vector<double> wList(markNum); std::vector<MagicMath::Vector2> pHatList(markNum); std::vector<MagicMath::Vector2> qHatList(markNum); MagicMath::Vector2 pStar, qStar; std::vector<MagicMath::Vector2> pList(markNum); for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++) { = MagicMath::Vector2( * 2), * 2 + 1)); } std::vector<MagicMath::Vector2> qList(markNum); for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++) { = MagicMath::Vector2( * 2), * 2 + 1)); } std::vector<std::vector<double> > aMatList(markNum); std::vector<bool> visitFlag(imgW * imgH, 0); for (int hid = 0; hid < imgH; hid++) { for (int wid = 0; wid < imgW; wid++) { MagicMath::Vector2 pos(wid, hid); //calculate w bool isMarkVertex = false; int markedIndex = -1; double wSum = 0; for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++) { //double dTemp = (pos -; //variable double dTemp = (pos -; //dTemp = pow(dTemp, 1.25); if (dTemp < 1.0e-15) { isMarkVertex = true; markedIndex = mid; break; } dTemp = pow(dTemp, 1.25); = 1.0 / dTemp; wSum +=; } // if (isMarkVertex) { const unsigned char* pPixel = inputImg.ptr(hid, wid); int targetH = * markedIndex + 1); int targetW = * markedIndex); unsigned char* pResPixel = resImg.ptr(targetH, targetW); pResPixel[0] = pPixel[0]; pResPixel[1] = pPixel[1]; pResPixel[2] = pPixel[2]; * imgW + targetW) = 1; } else { //Calculate pStar qStar pStar = MagicMath::Vector2(0.0, 0.0); qStar = MagicMath::Vector2(0.0, 0.0); for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++) { pStar += ( *; qStar += ( *; } pStar /= wSum; qStar /= wSum; //Calculate pHat qHat for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++) { = - pStar; = - qStar; } //Calculate A MagicMath::Vector2 col0 = pos - pStar; MagicMath::Vector2 col1(col0[1], -col0[0]); for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++) { std::vector<double> aMat(4); MagicMath::Vector2 row1([1],[0]); = * col0 *; = * col1 *; = row1 * col0 *; = row1 * col1 *; = aMat; } //Calculate fr(v) MagicMath::Vector2 fVec(0, 0); for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++) { fVec[0] += ([0] * +[1] *; fVec[1] += ([0] * +[1] *; } //Calculate target position fVec.Normalise(); MagicMath::Vector2 targetPos = fVec * ((pos - pStar).Length()) + qStar; int targetW = targetPos[0]; int targetH = targetPos[1]; if (targetH >= 0 && targetH < imgH && targetW >= 0 && targetW < imgW) { const unsigned char* pPixel = inputImg.ptr(hid, wid); unsigned char* pResPixel = resImg.ptr(targetH, targetW); pResPixel[0] = pPixel[0]; pResPixel[1] = pPixel[1]; pResPixel[2] = pPixel[2]; * imgW + targetW) = 1; } } } } std::vector<int> unVisitVecH; std::vector<int> unVisitVecW; for (int hid = 0; hid < imgH; hid++) { int baseIndex = hid * imgW; for (int wid = 0; wid < imgW; wid++) { if (! + wid)) { unVisitVecH.push_back(hid); unVisitVecW.push_back(wid); } } } int minAcceptSize = 4; int fillTime = 1; while (unVisitVecH.size() > 0) { DebugLog << "unVisit number: " << unVisitVecH.size() << std::endl; std::vector<int> unVisitVecHCopy = unVisitVecH; std::vector<int> unVisitVecWCopy = unVisitVecW; unVisitVecH.clear(); unVisitVecW.clear(); int unVisitSize = unVisitVecHCopy.size(); for (int uid = 0; uid < unVisitSize; uid++) { MagicMath::Vector3 avgColor(0, 0, 0); int hid =; int wid =; int avgSize = 0; if ((hid - 1) >= 0 && - 1) * imgW + wid)) { unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid - 1, wid); avgColor[0] += pPixel[0]; avgColor[1] += pPixel[1]; avgColor[2] += pPixel[2]; avgSize++; } if ((hid + 1) < imgH && + 1) * imgW + wid)) { unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid + 1, wid); avgColor[0] += pPixel[0]; avgColor[1] += pPixel[1]; avgColor[2] += pPixel[2]; avgSize++; } if ((wid - 1) >= 0 && * imgW + wid - 1)) { unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wid - 1); avgColor[0] += pPixel[0]; avgColor[1] += pPixel[1]; avgColor[2] += pPixel[2]; avgSize++; } if ((wid + 1) < imgW && * imgW + wid + 1)) { unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wid + 1); avgColor[0] += pPixel[0]; avgColor[1] += pPixel[1]; avgColor[2] += pPixel[2]; avgSize++; } if (avgSize >= minAcceptSize) { * imgW + wid) = 1; avgColor /= avgSize; unsigned char* pFillPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wid); pFillPixel[0] = avgColor[0]; pFillPixel[1] = avgColor[1]; pFillPixel[2] = avgColor[2]; } else { unVisitVecH.push_back(hid); unVisitVecW.push_back(wid); } } if (fillTime == 4) { minAcceptSize--; } else if (fillTime == 6) { minAcceptSize--; } else if (fillTime == 8) { minAcceptSize--; } fillTime++; } //fill hole /*for (int hid = 0; hid < imgH; hid++) { int baseIndex = hid * imgW; for (int wid = 0; wid < imgW; wid++) { if (! + wid)) { double wSum = 0; MagicMath::Vector3 avgColor(0, 0, 0); for (int wRight = wid + 1; wRight < imgW; wRight++) { if ( + wRight)) { double wTemp = 1.0 / (wRight - wid); wSum += wTemp; unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wRight); avgColor[0] += wTemp * pPixel[0]; avgColor[1] += wTemp * pPixel[1]; avgColor[2] += wTemp * pPixel[2]; break; } } for (int wLeft = wid - 1; wLeft >= 0; wLeft--) { if ( + wLeft)) { double wTemp = 1.0 / (wid - wLeft); wSum += wTemp; unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wLeft); avgColor[0] += wTemp * pPixel[0]; avgColor[1] += wTemp * pPixel[1]; avgColor[2] += wTemp * pPixel[2]; break; } } for (int hUp = hid - 1; hUp >= 0; hUp--) { if ( * imgW + wid)) { double wTemp = 1.0 / (hid - hUp); unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hUp, wid); wSum += wTemp; avgColor[0] += wTemp * pPixel[0]; avgColor[1] += wTemp * pPixel[1]; avgColor[2] += wTemp * pPixel[2]; break; } } for (int hDown = hid + 1; hDown < imgH; hDown++) { if ( * imgW + wid)) { double wTemp = 1.0 / (hDown - hid); unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hDown, wid); wSum += wTemp; avgColor[0] += wTemp * pPixel[0]; avgColor[1] += wTemp * pPixel[1]; avgColor[2] += wTemp * pPixel[2]; break; } } if (wSum > 1.0e-15) { avgColor /= wSum; } unsigned char* pFillPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wid); pFillPixel[0] = avgColor[0]; pFillPixel[1] = avgColor[1]; pFillPixel[2] = avgColor[2]; } } }*/ return resImg; }
BOOL CFileSharingPage::OnInitDialog() { CFilePropertiesPage::OnInitDialog(); m_wndTags.AddString( L"" ); { CQuickLock oLock( UploadQueues.m_pSection ); CList< CString > pAdded; for ( POSITION pos = UploadQueues.GetIterator(); pos; ) { CUploadQueue* pQueue = UploadQueues.GetNext( pos ); if ( ! pQueue->m_sShareTag.IsEmpty() ) { if ( pAdded.Find( pQueue->m_sShareTag ) == NULL ) { pAdded.AddTail( pQueue->m_sShareTag ); m_wndTags.AddString( pQueue->m_sShareTag ); } } } if ( pAdded.IsEmpty() ) { m_wndTags.AddString( L"Release" ); m_wndTags.AddString( L"Popular" ); } } { CQuickLock oLock( Library.m_pSection ); if ( CLibraryFile* pSingleFile = GetFile() ) { m_bOverride = pSingleFile->IsSharedOverride(); m_bShare = pSingleFile->IsShared(); m_sTags = pSingleFile->m_sShareTags; } else { CLibraryListPtr pList( GetList() ); if ( pList ) { for ( POSITION pos = pList->GetHeadPosition(); pos; ) { if ( CLibraryFile* pFile = pList->GetNextFile( pos ) ) { m_bOverride = pFile->IsSharedOverride(); m_bShare = pFile->IsShared(); m_sTags = pFile->m_sShareTags; } } } } } UpdateData( FALSE ); m_wndShare.EnableWindow( m_bOverride ); return TRUE; }