文件: imageio.cpp 项目: bms20/oiio
const void *
pvt::parallel_convert_from_float (const float *src, void *dst,
                                  size_t nvals,
                                  int quant_black, int quant_white,
                                  int quant_min, int quant_max,
                                  TypeDesc format, int nthreads)
    return parallel_convert_from_float (src, dst, nvals, format, nthreads);
const void *
ImageOutput::to_native_rectangle (int xbegin, int xend, int ybegin, int yend,
                                  int zbegin, int zend,
                                  TypeDesc format, const void *data,
                                  stride_t xstride, stride_t ystride, stride_t zstride,
                                  std::vector<unsigned char> &scratch)
    // native_pixel_bytes is the size of a pixel in the FILE, including
    // the per-channel format, if specified when the file was opened.
    stride_t native_pixel_bytes = (stride_t) m_spec.pixel_bytes (true);
    // perchanfile is true if the file has different per-channel formats
    bool perchanfile = m_spec.channelformats.size() && supports("channelformats");
    // It's an error to pass per-channel data formats to a writer that
    // doesn't support it.
    if (m_spec.channelformats.size() && !perchanfile)
        return NULL;
    // native_data is true if the user is passing data in the native format
    bool native_data = (format == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN ||
                        (format == m_spec.format && !perchanfile));
    // If the user is passing native data and they've left xstride set
    // to Auto, then we know it's the native pixel size.
    if (native_data && xstride == AutoStride)
        xstride = native_pixel_bytes;
    // Fill in the rest of the strides that haven't been set.
    m_spec.auto_stride (xstride, ystride, zstride, format,
                        m_spec.nchannels, xend-xbegin, yend-ybegin);

    // Compute width and height from the rectangle extents
    int width = xend - xbegin;
    int height = yend - ybegin;
    int depth = zend - zbegin;

    // Do the strides indicate that the data area is contiguous?
    bool contiguous;
    if (native_data) {
        // If it's native data, it had better be contiguous by the
        // file's definition.
        contiguous = (xstride == (stride_t)(m_spec.pixel_bytes(native_data)));
    } else {
        // If it's not native data, we only care if the user's buffer
        // is contiguous.
        contiguous = (xstride == (stride_t)(format.size()*m_spec.nchannels));
    contiguous &= ((ystride == xstride*width || height == 1) &&
                   (zstride == ystride*height || depth == 1));

    if (native_data && contiguous) {
        // Data are already in the native format and contiguous
        // just return a ptr to the original data.
        return data;

    imagesize_t rectangle_pixels = width * height * depth;
    imagesize_t rectangle_values = rectangle_pixels * m_spec.nchannels;
    imagesize_t rectangle_bytes = rectangle_pixels * native_pixel_bytes;

    // Cases to handle:
    // 1. File has per-channel data, user passes native data -- this has
    //    already returned above, since the data didn't need munging.
    // 2. File has per-channel data, user passes some other data type
    // 3. File has uniform data, user passes some other data type
    // 4. File has uniform data, user passes the right data -- note that
    //    this case already returned if the user data was contiguous

    // Handle the per-channel format case (#2) where the user is passing
    // a non-native buffer.
    if (perchanfile) {
        if (native_data) {
            ASSERT (contiguous && "Per-channel native output requires contiguous strides");
        ASSERT (format != TypeDesc::UNKNOWN);
        ASSERT (m_spec.channelformats.size() == (size_t)m_spec.nchannels);
        scratch.resize (rectangle_bytes);
        size_t offset = 0;
        for (int c = 0;  c < m_spec.nchannels;  ++c) {
            TypeDesc chanformat = m_spec.channelformats[c];
            convert_image (1 /* channels */, width, height, depth,
                           (char *)data + c*format.size(), format,
                           xstride, ystride, zstride, 
                           &scratch[offset], chanformat,
                           native_pixel_bytes, AutoStride, AutoStride,
                           c == m_spec.alpha_channel ? 0 : -1,
                           c == m_spec.z_channel ? 0 : -1);
            offset += chanformat.size ();
        return &scratch[0];

    // The remaining code is where all channels in the file have the
    // same data type, which may or may not be what the user passed in
    // (cases #3 and #4 above).
    imagesize_t contiguoussize = contiguous ? 0 : rectangle_values * native_pixel_bytes;
    contiguoussize = (contiguoussize+3) & (~3); // Round up to 4-byte boundary
    DASSERT ((contiguoussize & 3) == 0);
    imagesize_t floatsize = rectangle_values * sizeof(float);
    scratch.resize (contiguoussize + floatsize + rectangle_bytes);

    // Force contiguity if not already present
    if (! contiguous) {
        data = contiguize (data, m_spec.nchannels, xstride, ystride, zstride,
                           (void *)&scratch[0], width, height, depth, format);

    // Rather than implement the entire cross-product of possible
    // conversions, use float as an intermediate format, which generally
    // will always preserve enough precision.
    const float *buf;
    if (format == TypeDesc::FLOAT) {
        // Already in float format -- leave it as-is.
        buf = (float *)data;
    } else {
        // Convert to from 'format' to float.
        buf = convert_to_float (data, (float *)&scratch[contiguoussize],
                                rectangle_values, format);
    // Convert from float to native format.
    return parallel_convert_from_float (buf, &scratch[contiguoussize+floatsize], 
                       rectangle_values, m_spec.quant_black, m_spec.quant_white,
                       m_spec.quant_min, m_spec.quant_max,