TimeConverter::ExactTimestamp TimeConverter::fromString(const std::string &str) const
  struct tm bt;
  // parse input string
  sscanf(str.c_str(), "%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02u",
                      &bt.tm_year, &bt.tm_mon, &bt.tm_mday,
                      &bt.tm_hour, &bt.tm_min, &bt.tm_sec);
  // fix some ranges and variables
  bt.tm_year -=1900;
  bt.tm_mon  -=1;
  bt.tm_isdst =-1;      // auto-detect day-light-saving
  // convert to time_t
  const time_t tsLocal=mktime(&bt);
  // test if mktime() explicitly (?!) returned an error
  if( tsLocal==static_cast<time_t>(-1) )
    throw ExceptionInvalidTime(SYSTEM_SAVE_LOCATION, str, "mktime() returned error");
  // fix to skip local timezone
  const time_t    tsRead=tsLocal+bt.tm_gmtoff;
  // check timezone offset
  const char     *tzPart =str.c_str()+(4+1 + 2+1 + 2 + 1 +2+1 + 2+1 +2);
  ParsedFraction  fracTmp=parseFraction(str, tzPart);
  assert(fracTmp.first< 1);
  const int       tzOffset=parseTimezoneOffset(str, fracTmp.second);
  // compute actual time
  const time_t    utcTime =tsRead+tzOffset;
  // return final result
  return ExactTimestamp( Persistency::Timestamp(utcTime), fracTmp.first );
static double parse_time(const char * time) {
	unsigned vTotal = 0, vCur = 0;
	for(;;) {
		char c = *time++;
		if (c == 0) return (double) (vTotal + vCur);
		else if (pfc::char_is_numeric( c ) ) {
			vCur = vCur * 10 + (unsigned)(c-'0');
		} else if (c == ':') {
			if (vCur >= 60) {PFC_ASSERT(!"Invalid input"); return 0; }
			vTotal += vCur; vCur = 0; vTotal *= 60;
		} else if (c == '.') {
			return (double) (vTotal + vCur) + parseFraction(time);
		} else {
			PFC_ASSERT(!"Invalid input"); return 0;