bool utl::getAttribute (const TiXmlElement* xml, const char* att, std::vector<int>& val) { if (xml && xml->Attribute(att)) parseIntegers(val,xml->Attribute(att)); else return false; return true; }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { validateArgsLength(argc, argv); /* Convert coded message to an int array if it consists of valid integers */ int *codedMessage = parseIntegers(argc, argv); printArgs(argc, argv); /* Process wheel file and print wheel values */ char* flatWheel = parseWheelFile(argv[1]); printf("Decoding wheel values:\n %s\n\n", flatWheel); /* Construct a decoding wheel */ Node* root = constructWheel(flatWheel); /* Decode and print coded message */ char *decodedMessage = decodeMessage(root, codedMessage, argc-2); printf("Decoded message:\n %s\n\n", decodedMessage); return 0; }