int showUser(const char *name) { char user_name[NAME_LEN]{}; char zone_name[NAME_LEN]{}; int status = parseUserName(name, user_name, zone_name); if (status < 0) { printf("Failed parsing input:[%s]\n", name); return status; } if (std::string(zone_name).empty()) { snprintf(zone_name, sizeof(zone_name), "%s", myEnv.rodsZone); } const userinfo_t info{user_name, zone_name}; if (!print_general_info(info)) { printf("User %s#%s does not exist.\n", info.user_name, info.zone_name); return 0; } print_auth_info(info); print_group_info(info); return 0; }
int rsAuthResponse (rsComm_t *rsComm, authResponseInp_t *authResponseInp) { int status; char *bufp; authCheckInp_t authCheckInp; authCheckOut_t *authCheckOut = NULL; rodsServerHost_t *rodsServerHost; char digest[RESPONSE_LEN+2]; char md5Buf[CHALLENGE_LEN+MAX_PASSWORD_LEN+2]; char serverId[MAX_PASSWORD_LEN+2]; MD5_CTX context; bufp = _rsAuthRequestGetChallenge(); /* need to do NoLogin because it could get into inf loop for cross * zone auth */ status = getAndConnRcatHostNoLogin (rsComm, SLAVE_RCAT, rsComm->proxyUser.rodsZone, &rodsServerHost); if (status < 0) { return(status); } memset (&authCheckInp, 0, sizeof (authCheckInp)); authCheckInp.challenge = bufp; authCheckInp.response = authResponseInp->response; authCheckInp.username = authResponseInp->username; if (rodsServerHost->localFlag == LOCAL_HOST) { status = rsAuthCheck (rsComm, &authCheckInp, &authCheckOut); } else { status = rcAuthCheck (rodsServerHost->conn, &authCheckInp, &authCheckOut); /* not likely we need this connection again */ rcDisconnect(rodsServerHost->conn); rodsServerHost->conn = NULL; } if (status < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "rsAuthResponse: rxAuthCheck failed, status = %d", status); return (status); } if (rodsServerHost->localFlag != LOCAL_HOST) { if (authCheckOut->serverResponse == NULL) { rodsLog(LOG_NOTICE, "Warning, cannot authenticate remote server, no serverResponse field"); if (requireServerAuth) { rodsLog(LOG_NOTICE, "Authentication disallowed, no serverResponse field"); return(REMOTE_SERVER_AUTH_NOT_PROVIDED); } } else { char *cp; int OK, len, i; if (*authCheckOut->serverResponse == '\0') { rodsLog(LOG_NOTICE, "Warning, cannot authenticate remote server, serverResponse field is empty"); if (requireServerAuth) { rodsLog(LOG_NOTICE, "Authentication disallowed, empty serverResponse"); return(REMOTE_SERVER_AUTH_EMPTY); } } else { char username2[NAME_LEN+2]; char userZone[NAME_LEN+2]; memset(md5Buf, 0, sizeof(md5Buf)); strncpy(md5Buf, authCheckInp.challenge, CHALLENGE_LEN); parseUserName(authResponseInp->username, username2, userZone); getZoneServerId(userZone, serverId); len = strlen(serverId); if (len <= 0) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "rsAuthResponse: Warning, cannot authenticate the remote server, no RemoteZoneSID defined in server.config", status); if (requireServerAuth) { rodsLog(LOG_NOTICE, "Authentication disallowed, no RemoteZoneSID defined"); return(REMOTE_SERVER_SID_NOT_DEFINED); } } else { strncpy(md5Buf+CHALLENGE_LEN, serverId, len); MD5Init (&context); MD5Update (&context, (unsigned char*)md5Buf, CHALLENGE_LEN+MAX_PASSWORD_LEN); MD5Final ((unsigned char*)digest, &context); for (i=0;i<RESPONSE_LEN;i++) { if (digest[i]=='\0') digest[i]++; /* make sure 'string' doesn't end early*/ } cp = authCheckOut->serverResponse; OK=1; for (i=0;i<RESPONSE_LEN;i++) { if (*cp++ != digest[i]) OK=0; } rodsLog(LOG_DEBUG, "serverResponse is OK/Not: %d", OK); if (OK==0) { rodsLog(LOG_NOTICE, "Server response incorrect, authentication disallowed"); return(REMOTE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE); } } } } } /* Set the clientUser zone if it is null. */ if (strlen(rsComm->clientUser.rodsZone)==0) { zoneInfo_t *tmpZoneInfo; status = getLocalZoneInfo (&tmpZoneInfo); if (status < 0) { free (authCheckOut); return status; } strncpy(rsComm->clientUser.rodsZone, tmpZoneInfo->zoneName, NAME_LEN); } /* have to modify privLevel if the icat is a foreign icat because * a local user in a foreign zone is not a local user in this zone * and vice vera for a remote user */ if (rodsServerHost->rcatEnabled == REMOTE_ICAT) { /* proxy is easy because rodsServerHost is based on proxy user */ if (authCheckOut->privLevel == LOCAL_PRIV_USER_AUTH) authCheckOut->privLevel = REMOTE_PRIV_USER_AUTH; else if (authCheckOut->privLevel == LOCAL_PRIV_USER_AUTH) authCheckOut->privLevel = REMOTE_PRIV_USER_AUTH; /* adjust client user */ if (strcmp (rsComm->proxyUser.userName, rsComm->clientUser.userName) == 0) { authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel = authCheckOut->privLevel; } else { zoneInfo_t *tmpZoneInfo; status = getLocalZoneInfo (&tmpZoneInfo); if (status < 0) { free (authCheckOut); return status; } if (strcmp (tmpZoneInfo->zoneName, rsComm->clientUser.rodsZone) == 0) { /* client is from local zone */ if (authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel == REMOTE_PRIV_USER_AUTH) { authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel = LOCAL_PRIV_USER_AUTH; } else if (authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel == REMOTE_USER_AUTH) { authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel = LOCAL_USER_AUTH; } } else { /* client is from remote zone */ if (authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel == LOCAL_PRIV_USER_AUTH) { authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel = REMOTE_USER_AUTH; } else if (authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel == LOCAL_USER_AUTH) { authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel = REMOTE_USER_AUTH; } } } } else if (strcmp (rsComm->proxyUser.userName, rsComm->clientUser.userName) == 0) { authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel = authCheckOut->privLevel; } status = chkProxyUserPriv (rsComm, authCheckOut->privLevel); if (status < 0) { free (authCheckOut); return status; } rodsLog(LOG_NOTICE, "rsAuthResponse set proxy authFlag to %d, client authFlag to %d, user:%s proxy:%s client:%s", authCheckOut->privLevel, authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel, authCheckInp.username, rsComm->proxyUser.userName, rsComm->clientUser.userName); if (strcmp (rsComm->proxyUser.userName, rsComm->clientUser.userName) != 0) { rsComm->proxyUser.authInfo.authFlag = authCheckOut->privLevel; rsComm->clientUser.authInfo.authFlag = authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel; } else { /* proxyUser and clientUser are the same */ rsComm->proxyUser.authInfo.authFlag = rsComm->clientUser.authInfo.authFlag = authCheckOut->privLevel; } /*** Added by RAJA Nov 16 2010 **/ if (authCheckOut->serverResponse != NULL) free(authCheckOut->serverResponse); /*** Added by RAJA Nov 16 2010 **/ free (authCheckOut); return (status); }
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // handle an agent-side auth request call irods::error osauth_auth_agent_response( irods::auth_plugin_context& _ctx, authResponseInp_t* _resp ) { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // validate incoming parameters if ( !_ctx.valid().ok() ) { return ERROR( SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM, "invalid plugin context" ); } else if ( !_resp ) { return ERROR( SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM, "null authResponseInp_t ptr" ); } int status; char *bufp; authCheckInp_t authCheckInp; rodsServerHost_t *rodsServerHost; char digest[RESPONSE_LEN + 2]; char md5Buf[CHALLENGE_LEN + MAX_PASSWORD_LEN + 2]; char serverId[MAX_PASSWORD_LEN + 2]; MD5_CTX context; bufp = _rsAuthRequestGetChallenge(); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // need to do NoLogin because it could get into inf loop for cross // zone auth status = getAndConnRcatHostNoLogin( _ctx.comm(), MASTER_RCAT, _ctx.comm()->proxyUser.rodsZone, &rodsServerHost ); if ( status < 0 ) { return ERROR( status, "getAndConnRcatHostNoLogin failed" ); } memset( &authCheckInp, 0, sizeof( authCheckInp ) ); authCheckInp.challenge = bufp; authCheckInp.username = _resp->username; std::string resp_str = irods::AUTH_SCHEME_KEY + irods::kvp_association() + irods::AUTH_OSAUTH_SCHEME + irods::kvp_delimiter() + irods::AUTH_RESPONSE_KEY + irods::kvp_association() + _resp->response; authCheckInp.response = const_cast<char*>( resp_str.c_str() ); authCheckOut_t *authCheckOut = NULL; if ( rodsServerHost->localFlag == LOCAL_HOST ) { status = rsAuthCheck( _ctx.comm(), &authCheckInp, &authCheckOut ); } else { status = rcAuthCheck( rodsServerHost->conn, &authCheckInp, &authCheckOut ); /* not likely we need this connection again */ rcDisconnect( rodsServerHost->conn ); rodsServerHost->conn = NULL; } if ( status < 0 || authCheckOut == NULL ) { // JMC cppcheck if ( authCheckOut != NULL ) { free( authCheckOut->serverResponse ); } free( authCheckOut ); return ERROR( status, "rxAuthCheck failed" ); } if ( rodsServerHost->localFlag != LOCAL_HOST ) { if ( authCheckOut->serverResponse == NULL ) { rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "Warning, cannot authenticate remote server, no serverResponse field" ); if ( requireServerAuth ) { free( authCheckOut ); return ERROR( REMOTE_SERVER_AUTH_NOT_PROVIDED, "Authentication disallowed, no serverResponse field" ); } } else { char *cp; int OK, len, i; if ( *authCheckOut->serverResponse == '\0' ) { rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "Warning, cannot authenticate remote server, serverResponse field is empty" ); if ( requireServerAuth ) { free( authCheckOut->serverResponse ); free( authCheckOut ); return ERROR( REMOTE_SERVER_AUTH_EMPTY, "Authentication disallowed, empty serverResponse" ); } } else { char username2[NAME_LEN + 2]; char userZone[NAME_LEN + 2]; memset( md5Buf, 0, sizeof( md5Buf ) ); strncpy( md5Buf, authCheckInp.challenge, CHALLENGE_LEN ); parseUserName( _resp->username, username2, userZone ); getZoneServerId( userZone, serverId ); len = strlen( serverId ); if ( len <= 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "rsAuthResponse: Warning, cannot authenticate the remote server, no RemoteZoneSID defined in server_config.json", status ); if ( requireServerAuth ) { free( authCheckOut->serverResponse ); free( authCheckOut ); return ERROR( REMOTE_SERVER_SID_NOT_DEFINED, "Authentication disallowed, no RemoteZoneSID defined" ); } } else { strncpy( md5Buf + CHALLENGE_LEN, serverId, len ); MD5_Init( &context ); MD5_Update( &context, ( unsigned char* )md5Buf, CHALLENGE_LEN + MAX_PASSWORD_LEN ); MD5_Final( ( unsigned char* )digest, &context ); for ( i = 0; i < RESPONSE_LEN; i++ ) { if ( digest[i] == '\0' ) { digest[i]++; } /* make sure 'string' doesn't end early*/ } cp = authCheckOut->serverResponse; OK = 1; for ( i = 0; i < RESPONSE_LEN; i++ ) { if ( *cp++ != digest[i] ) { OK = 0; } } rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "serverResponse is OK/Not: %d", OK ); if ( OK == 0 ) { free( authCheckOut->serverResponse ); free( authCheckOut ); return ERROR( REMOTE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE, "Server response incorrect, authentication disallowed" ); } } } } } /* Set the clientUser zone if it is null. */ if ( strlen( _ctx.comm()->clientUser.rodsZone ) == 0 ) { zoneInfo_t *tmpZoneInfo; status = getLocalZoneInfo( &tmpZoneInfo ); if ( status < 0 ) { free( authCheckOut->serverResponse ); free( authCheckOut ); return ERROR( status, "getLocalZoneInfo failed" ); } strncpy( _ctx.comm()->clientUser.rodsZone, tmpZoneInfo->zoneName, NAME_LEN ); } /* have to modify privLevel if the icat is a foreign icat because * a local user in a foreign zone is not a local user in this zone * and vice versa for a remote user */ if ( rodsServerHost->rcatEnabled == REMOTE_ICAT ) { /* proxy is easy because rodsServerHost is based on proxy user */ if ( authCheckOut->privLevel == LOCAL_PRIV_USER_AUTH ) { authCheckOut->privLevel = REMOTE_PRIV_USER_AUTH; } else if ( authCheckOut->privLevel == LOCAL_USER_AUTH ) { authCheckOut->privLevel = REMOTE_USER_AUTH; } /* adjust client user */ if ( strcmp( _ctx.comm()->proxyUser.userName, _ctx.comm()->clientUser.userName ) == 0 ) { authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel = authCheckOut->privLevel; } else { zoneInfo_t *tmpZoneInfo; status = getLocalZoneInfo( &tmpZoneInfo ); if ( status < 0 ) { free( authCheckOut->serverResponse ); free( authCheckOut ); return ERROR( status, "getLocalZoneInfo failed" ); } if ( strcmp( tmpZoneInfo->zoneName, _ctx.comm()->clientUser.rodsZone ) == 0 ) { /* client is from local zone */ if ( authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel == REMOTE_PRIV_USER_AUTH ) { authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel = LOCAL_PRIV_USER_AUTH; } else if ( authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel == REMOTE_USER_AUTH ) { authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel = LOCAL_USER_AUTH; } } else { /* client is from remote zone */ if ( authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel == LOCAL_PRIV_USER_AUTH ) { authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel = REMOTE_USER_AUTH; } else if ( authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel == LOCAL_USER_AUTH ) { authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel = REMOTE_USER_AUTH; } } } } else if ( strcmp( _ctx.comm()->proxyUser.userName, _ctx.comm()->clientUser.userName ) == 0 ) { authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel = authCheckOut->privLevel; } status = check_proxy_user_privileges( _ctx.comm(), authCheckOut->privLevel ); if ( status < 0 ) { free( authCheckOut->serverResponse ); free( authCheckOut ); return ERROR( status, "check_proxy_user_privileges failed" ); } rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "rsAuthResponse set proxy authFlag to %d, client authFlag to %d, user:%s proxy:%s client:%s", authCheckOut->privLevel, authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel, authCheckInp.username, _ctx.comm()->proxyUser.userName, _ctx.comm()->clientUser.userName ); if ( strcmp( _ctx.comm()->proxyUser.userName, _ctx.comm()->clientUser.userName ) != 0 ) { _ctx.comm()->proxyUser.authInfo.authFlag = authCheckOut->privLevel; _ctx.comm()->clientUser.authInfo.authFlag = authCheckOut->clientPrivLevel; } else { /* proxyUser and clientUser are the same */ _ctx.comm()->proxyUser.authInfo.authFlag = _ctx.comm()->clientUser.authInfo.authFlag = authCheckOut->privLevel; } free( authCheckOut->serverResponse ); free( authCheckOut ); return SUCCESS(); } // osauth_auth_agent_response
/* Via a general query, show the AVUs for a user */ int showUser(char *name, char *attrName, int wild) { genQueryInp_t genQueryInp; genQueryOut_t *genQueryOut; int i1a[10]; int i1b[10]; int i2a[10]; char *condVal[10]; char v1[BIG_STR]; char v2[BIG_STR]; char v3[BIG_STR]; int status; char *columnNames[]={"attribute", "value", "units"}; char userName[NAME_LEN]; char userZone[NAME_LEN]; status = parseUserName(name, userName, userZone); if (status) { printf("Invalid username format\n"); return(0); } if (userZone[0]=='\0') { strncpy(userZone, myEnv.rodsZone, NAME_LEN); } memset (&genQueryInp, 0, sizeof (genQueryInp_t)); printf("AVUs defined for user %s#%s:\n",userName, userZone); printCount=0; i1a[0]=COL_META_USER_ATTR_NAME; i1b[0]=0; /* currently unused */ i1a[1]=COL_META_USER_ATTR_VALUE; i1b[1]=0; i1a[2]=COL_META_USER_ATTR_UNITS; i1b[2]=0; genQueryInp.selectInp.inx = i1a; genQueryInp.selectInp.value = i1b; genQueryInp.selectInp.len = 3; i2a[0]=COL_USER_NAME; sprintf(v1,"='%s'",userName); condVal[0]=v1; i2a[1]=COL_USER_ZONE; sprintf(v2,"='%s'",userZone); condVal[1]=v2; genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.inx = i2a; genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.value = condVal; genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.len=2; if (attrName != NULL && *attrName!='\0') { i2a[2]=COL_META_USER_ATTR_NAME; if (wild) { sprintf(v3,"like '%s'",attrName); } else { sprintf(v3,"= '%s'",attrName); } condVal[2]=v3; genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.len++; } genQueryInp.maxRows=10; genQueryInp.continueInx=0; genQueryInp.condInput.len=0; if (zoneArgument[0]!='\0') { addKeyVal (&genQueryInp.condInput, ZONE_KW, zoneArgument); } status = rcGenQuery(Conn, &genQueryInp, &genQueryOut); if (status == CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND) { i1a[0]=COL_USER_COMMENT; genQueryInp.selectInp.len = 1; status = rcGenQuery(Conn, &genQueryInp, &genQueryOut); if (status==0) { printf("None\n"); return(0); } if (status == CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND) { printf("User %s does not exist.\n", name); return(0); } } printGenQueryResults(Conn, status, genQueryOut, columnNames); while (status==0 && genQueryOut->continueInx > 0) { genQueryInp.continueInx=genQueryOut->continueInx; status = rcGenQuery(Conn, &genQueryInp, &genQueryOut); if (genQueryOut->rowCnt>0) printf("----\n"); printGenQueryResults(Conn, status, genQueryOut, columnNames); } return (0); }
/* Via a general query, show user group membership */ int showUserGroupMembership( char *userNameIn, char *usersZone ) { genQueryInp_t genQueryInp; genQueryOut_t *genQueryOut; int i1a[20]; int i1b[20] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; int i2a[20]; char *condVal[10]; char v1[BIG_STR]; char v2[BIG_STR]; int i, j, status; int printCount; char userName[NAME_LEN]; char zoneName[NAME_LEN]; int showUserZone = 1; status = parseUserName( userNameIn, userName, zoneName ); if ( status ) { return status; } if ( zoneName[0] == '\0' ) { snprintf( zoneName, sizeof( zoneName ), "%s", usersZone ); showUserZone = 0; } memset( &genQueryInp, 0, sizeof( genQueryInp_t ) ); i1a[0] = COL_USER_GROUP_NAME; genQueryInp.selectInp.inx = i1a; genQueryInp.selectInp.value = i1b; genQueryInp.selectInp.len = 1; i2a[0] = COL_USER_NAME; snprintf( v1, sizeof v1, "='%s'", userName ); condVal[0] = v1; i2a[1] = COL_USER_ZONE; snprintf( v2, sizeof v2, "='%s'", zoneName ); condVal[1] = v2; genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.inx = i2a; genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.value = condVal; genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.len = 2; genQueryInp.condInput.len = 0; genQueryInp.maxRows = MAX_SQL_ROWS; genQueryInp.continueInx = 0; status = rcGenQuery( Conn, &genQueryInp, &genQueryOut ); if ( status == CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND ) { printf( "Not a member of any group\n" ); return 0; } if ( status != 0 ) { printError( Conn, status, "rcGenQuery" ); return status; } printCount = 0; if ( showUserZone ) { printf( "User %s#%s is a member of groups: ", userName, zoneName ); } else { printf( "User %s is a member of groups: ", userName ); } for ( i = 0; i < genQueryOut->rowCnt; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < genQueryOut->attriCnt; j++ ) { char *tResult; tResult = genQueryOut->sqlResult[j].value; tResult += i * genQueryOut->sqlResult[j].len; if ( printCount > 0 ) { printf( ", %s", tResult ); } else { printf( "%s", tResult ); } printCount++; } } printf( "\n" ); return 0; }
/* Show user quota information */ int showQuotas( char *userName, int userOrGroup, int rescOrGlobal ) { genQueryInp_t genQueryInp; genQueryOut_t *genQueryOut; int inputInx[20]; int inputVal[20] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; int inputCond[20]; char *condVal[10]; char v1[BIG_STR]; char v1b[BIG_STR]; char v2[BIG_STR]; char v3[BIG_STR]; int i, j, status; int localiTime = 0; int printCount; static int printedTime = 0; char *colName[10]; memset( &genQueryInp, 0, sizeof( genQueryInp_t ) ); printCount = 0; i = 0; if ( rescOrGlobal == 0 ) { colName[i] = "Resource: "; inputInx[i++] = COL_QUOTA_RESC_NAME; } else { colName[i] = "Resource: "; inputInx[i++] = COL_QUOTA_RESC_ID; } if ( userOrGroup == 0 ) { colName[i] = "User: "******"Group: "; } inputInx[i++] = COL_QUOTA_USER_NAME; colName[i] = "Zone: "; inputInx[i++] = COL_QUOTA_USER_ZONE; colName[i] = "Quota: "; inputInx[i++] = COL_QUOTA_LIMIT; colName[i] = "Over: "; inputInx[i++] = COL_QUOTA_OVER; colName[i] = "Time"; inputInx[i++] = COL_QUOTA_MODIFY_TIME; genQueryInp.selectInp.inx = inputInx; genQueryInp.selectInp.value = inputVal; genQueryInp.selectInp.len = i; char userName2[NAME_LEN]; char userZone[NAME_LEN]; genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.len = 0; if ( userName[0] != '\0' ) { status = parseUserName( userName, userName2, userZone ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "parseUserName error in showQuotas with status %d", status ); return status; } if ( userZone[0] == '\0' ) { inputCond[0] = COL_QUOTA_USER_NAME; sprintf( v1, "='%s'", userName ); condVal[0] = v1; genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.len++; } else { inputCond[0] = COL_QUOTA_USER_NAME; sprintf( v1, "='%s'", userName2 ); condVal[0] = v1; genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.len++; inputCond[1] = COL_QUOTA_USER_ZONE; sprintf( v1b, "='%s'", userZone ); condVal[1] = v1b; genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.len++; } } inputCond[genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.len] = COL_QUOTA_USER_TYPE; if ( userOrGroup == 0 ) { sprintf( v2, "!='%s'", "rodsgroup" ); } else { sprintf( v2, "='%s'", "rodsgroup" ); } condVal[genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.len] = v2; genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.len++; if ( rescOrGlobal == 1 ) { inputCond[genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.len] = COL_QUOTA_RESC_ID; sprintf( v3, "='%s'", "0" ); condVal[genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.len] = v3; genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.len++; } genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.inx = inputCond; genQueryInp.sqlCondInp.value = condVal; genQueryInp.condInput.len = 0; genQueryInp.maxRows = MAX_SQL_ROWS; genQueryInp.continueInx = 0; status = rcGenQuery( Conn, &genQueryInp, &genQueryOut ); if ( status == CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND ) { printf( "None\n\n" ); return 0; } if ( status != 0 ) { printError( Conn, status, "rcGenQuery" ); return status; } if ( genQueryOut->rowCnt > 0 && printedTime == 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i < 1; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < genQueryOut->attriCnt; j++ ) { char *tResult; long itime; tResult = genQueryOut->sqlResult[j].value; tResult += i * genQueryOut->sqlResult[j].len; if ( j == 5 ) { itime = atoll( tResult ); if ( itime > localiTime ) { localiTime = itime; getLocalTimeFromRodsTime( tResult, quotaTime ); } } } } } printCount = 0; for ( i = 0; i < genQueryOut->rowCnt; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < genQueryOut->attriCnt; j++ ) { char *tResult; long itime; tResult = genQueryOut->sqlResult[j].value; tResult += i * genQueryOut->sqlResult[j].len; if ( j == 5 ) { itime = atoll( tResult ); if ( itime > localiTime ) { localiTime = itime; getLocalTimeFromRodsTime( tResult, quotaTime ); } } else { printf( " %s", colName[j] ); if ( rescOrGlobal == 1 && j == 0 ) { tResult = "All"; } if ( j == 4 || j == 3 ) { printNice( tResult, 0, "bytes" ); if ( strncmp( colName[j], "Over:", 5 ) == 0 ) { rodsLong_t ival; ival = atoll( tResult ); if ( ival > 0 ) { printf( " OVER QUOTA" ); } else { if ( ival > QUOTA_APPROACH_WARNING_SIZE ) { printf( " (Nearing quota)" ); } else { printf( " (under quota)" ); } } } printf( "\n" ); } else { printf( "%s\n", tResult ); } printCount++; } } printf( "\n" ); } return 0; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN ); int status; rodsEnv myEnv; rErrMsg_t errMsg; rcComm_t *conn; rodsArguments_t myRodsArgs; char *optStr; rodsPathInp_t rodsPathInp; int i, nArgs; modAccessControlInp_t modAccessControl; char userName[NAME_LEN]; char zoneName[NAME_LEN]; int doingInherit; char rescAccessLevel[LONG_NAME_LEN]; char adminModeAccessLevel[LONG_NAME_LEN]; optStr = "RrhvVM"; status = parseCmdLineOpt( argc, argv, optStr, 0, &myRodsArgs ); if ( status ) { printf( "Use -h for help\n" ); exit( 1 ); } if ( == True ) { usage(); exit( 0 ); } if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "main: parseCmdLineOpt error. " ); printf( "Use -h for help\n" ); exit( 2 ); } nArgs = argc - myRodsArgs.optind; if ( nArgs < 2 ) { usage(); exit( 3 ); } status = getRodsEnv( &myEnv ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "main: getRodsEnv error. " ); exit( 3 ); } optind = myRodsArgs.optind + 2; doingInherit = 0; if ( strcmp( argv[myRodsArgs.optind], ACCESS_INHERIT ) == 0 || strcmp( argv[myRodsArgs.optind], ACCESS_NO_INHERIT ) == 0 ) { doingInherit = 1; optind = myRodsArgs.optind + 1; } status = parseCmdLinePath( argc, argv, optind, &myEnv, UNKNOWN_OBJ_T, NO_INPUT_T, 0, &rodsPathInp ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "main: parseCmdLinePath error. " ); usage(); exit( 4 ); } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // initialize pluggable api table irods::api_entry_table& api_tbl = irods::get_client_api_table(); irods::pack_entry_table& pk_tbl = irods::get_pack_table(); init_api_table( api_tbl, pk_tbl ); conn = rcConnect( myEnv.rodsHost, myEnv.rodsPort, myEnv.rodsUserName, myEnv.rodsZone, 0, &errMsg ); if ( conn == NULL ) { exit( 5 ); } status = clientLogin( conn ); if ( status != 0 ) { rcDisconnect( conn ); exit( 6 ); } modAccessControl.recursiveFlag = myRodsArgs.recursive; modAccessControl.accessLevel = argv[myRodsArgs.optind]; if ( doingInherit ) { modAccessControl.userName = ""; = ""; } else { status = parseUserName( argv[myRodsArgs.optind + 1], userName, zoneName ); if ( status != 0 ) { printf( "Invalid iRODS user name format: %s\n", argv[myRodsArgs.optind + 1] ); exit( 7 ); } } modAccessControl.userName = userName; = zoneName; for ( i = 0; i < rodsPathInp.numSrc && status == 0; i++ ) { if ( rodsPathInp.numSrc > 1 && myRodsArgs.verbose != 0 ) { printf( "path %s\n", rodsPathInp.srcPath[i].outPath ); } modAccessControl.path = rodsPathInp.srcPath[i].outPath; if ( myRodsArgs.resource ) { strncpy( rescAccessLevel, MOD_RESC_PREFIX, LONG_NAME_LEN ); strncat( rescAccessLevel, argv[myRodsArgs.optind], LONG_NAME_LEN - strlen( rescAccessLevel ) ); modAccessControl.accessLevel = rescAccessLevel; /* indicate resource*/ modAccessControl.path = argv[optind]; /* just use the plain name */ } if ( myRodsArgs.admin && i == 0 ) { /* admin mode, add indicator */ strncpy( adminModeAccessLevel, MOD_ADMIN_MODE_PREFIX, LONG_NAME_LEN ); strncat( adminModeAccessLevel, modAccessControl.accessLevel, LONG_NAME_LEN - strlen( adminModeAccessLevel ) ); modAccessControl.accessLevel = adminModeAccessLevel; } status = rcModAccessControl( conn, &modAccessControl ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "rcModAccessControl failure %s", errMsg.msg ); if ( conn->rError ) { rError_t *Err; rErrMsg_t *ErrMsg; int i, len; Err = conn->rError; len = Err->len; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { ErrMsg = Err->errMsg[i]; rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "Level %d: %s", i, ErrMsg->msg ); } } } } printErrorStack( conn->rError ); rcDisconnect( conn ); if ( status < 0 ) { exit( 8 ); } else { exit( 0 ); } }
/** * \fn msiDataObjAutoMove(msParam_t *inpParam1, msParam_t *inpParam2, msParam_t *inpParam3, * msParam_t *inpParam4, msParam_t *inpParam5, ruleExecInfo_t *rei) * * \brief This microservice is used to automatically move the newly created file into a destination collection. * * \module core * * \since 2.2 * * \author Bing Zhu * \date 2009-07 * * \note This microservice changes the ownership for the dataset(s) being moved. * * \usage See clients/icommands/test/rules3.0/ * * \param[in] inpParam1 - a STR_MS_T containing the object name with path. It usually comes from query as "$objPat * like /zone/../%" in the deployed microservice * \param[in] inpParam2 - a STR_MS_T containing the leading collection name to be truncated * \param[in] inpParam3 - a STR_MS_T containing the destination collection * \param[in] inpParam4 - a STR_MS_T containing the new owner * \param[in] inpParam5 - a STR_MS_T containing a flag for whether the checksum should be computed \li true - default - will compute the checksum \li false - will not compute the checksum * \param[in,out] rei - The RuleExecInfo structure that is automatically * handled by the rule engine. The user does not include rei as a * parameter in the rule invocation. * * \DolVarDependence none * \DolVarModified none * \iCatAttrDependence none * \iCatAttrModified none * \sideeffect none * * \return integer * \retval 0 upon success * \pre none * \post none * \sa none **/ int msiDataObjAutoMove( msParam_t *inpParam1, msParam_t *inpParam2, msParam_t *inpParam3, msParam_t *inpParam4, msParam_t *inpParam5, ruleExecInfo_t *rei ) { char *obj_path, *truct_path, *dest_coll, *new_owner; char *new_truct_path; char *new_obj_path; int t; int new_truct_path_len; rsComm_t *rsconn; char mdest_coll[MAX_NAME_LEN]; char query_str[2048]; genQueryInp_t genQueryInp; genQueryOut_t *genQueryOut = NULL; char new_obj_parent[MAX_NAME_LEN]; char obj_name[MAX_NAME_LEN]; collInp_t collCreateInp; dataObjCopyInp_t dataObjRenameInp; modAccessControlInp_t myModAccessCntlInp; dataObjInp_t myDataObjInp; char own_perm[20], null_perm[20]; char user_name[NAME_LEN], zone_name[NAME_LEN]; char *sTmpstr; int compute_checksum = 0; char *chksum_str = NULL; char tmpstr[1024]; strcpy( own_perm, "own" ); strcpy( null_perm, "null" ); if ( rei == NULL || rei->rsComm == NULL ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: input rei or rei->rsComm is NULL" ); return ( SYS_INTERNAL_NULL_INPUT_ERR ); } rsconn = rei->rsComm; if ( inpParam1 == NULL ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: input objpath (inpParam1) is NULL." ); return SYS_INTERNAL_NULL_INPUT_ERR; } obj_path = ( char * )inpParam1->inOutStruct; if ( ( obj_path == NULL ) || ( strlen( obj_path ) == 0 ) ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: input objpath (inpParam1->inOutStruct) is NULL." ); return SYS_INTERNAL_NULL_INPUT_ERR; } if ( inpParam2 == NULL ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: input truct_path (inpParam2) is NULL." ); return SYS_INTERNAL_NULL_INPUT_ERR; } truct_path = ( char * )inpParam2->inOutStruct; if ( ( truct_path == NULL ) || ( strlen( truct_path ) == 0 ) ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: input truct_path (inpParam2->inOutStruct) is NULL." ); return SYS_INTERNAL_NULL_INPUT_ERR; } if ( inpParam3 == NULL ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: input dest_coll (inpParam3) is NULL." ); return SYS_INTERNAL_NULL_INPUT_ERR; } dest_coll = ( char * )inpParam3->inOutStruct; if ( ( dest_coll == NULL ) || ( strlen( dest_coll ) == 0 ) ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: input dest_coll (inpParam3->inOutStruct) is NULL." ); return SYS_INTERNAL_NULL_INPUT_ERR; } if ( inpParam4 == NULL ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: input new_owner (inpParam4) is NULL." ); return SYS_INTERNAL_NULL_INPUT_ERR; } new_owner = ( char * )inpParam4->inOutStruct; if ( new_owner != NULL ) { if ( strlen( new_owner ) == 0 ) { new_owner = NULL; } else if ( strcmp( new_owner, "null" ) == 0 ) { new_owner = NULL; } } if ( new_owner != NULL ) { user_name[0] = '\0'; zone_name[0] = '\0'; t = parseUserName( new_owner, user_name, zone_name ); if ( t < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: parseUserName() failed. errStatus=%d.", t ); return t; } if ( strlen( zone_name ) == 0 ) { strcpy( zone_name, rei->uoip->rodsZone ); } } if ( inpParam5 == NULL ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: input compute_checksum (inpParam5) is NULL." ); return SYS_INTERNAL_NULL_INPUT_ERR; } sTmpstr = ( char * )inpParam5->inOutStruct; compute_checksum = 1; /* default to true */ if ( ( sTmpstr != NULL ) && ( strlen( sTmpstr ) >= 0 ) ) { if ( strcmp( sTmpstr, "false" ) == 0 ) { compute_checksum = 0; } } if ( compute_checksum == 1 ) { chksum_str = NULL; memset( &myDataObjInp, 0, sizeof( dataObjInp_t ) ); strncpy( myDataObjInp.objPath, obj_path, MAX_NAME_LEN ); addKeyVal( &myDataObjInp.condInput, VERIFY_CHKSUM_KW, "" ); sprintf( tmpstr, "%d", 0 ); addKeyVal( &myDataObjInp.condInput, REPL_NUM_KW, tmpstr ); t = rsDataObjChksum( rsconn, &myDataObjInp, &chksum_str ); if ( t < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: rsDataObjChksum() for '%s' failed. errStatus=%d.", obj_path, t ); return t; } } if ( new_owner != NULL ) { /* add ownership */ memset( &myModAccessCntlInp, 0, sizeof( modAccessControlInp_t ) ); myModAccessCntlInp.recursiveFlag = False; myModAccessCntlInp.accessLevel = own_perm; myModAccessCntlInp.userName = user_name; = zone_name; myModAccessCntlInp.path = obj_path; t = rsModAccessControl( rsconn, &myModAccessCntlInp ); if ( t < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: rsModAccessControl() add new owner for '%s' failed. errStatus=%d.", obj_path, t ); return t; } } t = strlen( truct_path ); new_truct_path = ( char * )calloc( t + 2, sizeof( char ) ); if ( truct_path[t - 1] != '/' ) { strcpy( new_truct_path, truct_path ); new_truct_path_len = t; } else { strcpy( new_truct_path, truct_path ); new_truct_path[t] = '/'; new_truct_path[t + 1] = '\0'; new_truct_path_len = t + 1; } if ( strncmp( new_truct_path, obj_path, t ) != 0 ) { /* when the object is not match, we don't move */ rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: The object path, %s, is not in the specified collection, %s.", obj_path, new_truct_path ); return SYS_INTERNAL_NULL_INPUT_ERR; } t = strlen( dest_coll ); new_obj_path = ( char * )calloc( t + strlen( obj_path ), sizeof( char ) ); strcpy( mdest_coll, dest_coll ); if ( dest_coll[t - 1] == '/' ) { mdest_coll[t - 1] = '\0'; } sprintf( new_obj_path, "%s/%s", mdest_coll, &( obj_path[new_truct_path_len + 1] ) ); sprintf( query_str, "SELECT COLL_NAME WHERE COLL_NAME like '%s%%'", mdest_coll ); /* check if the dest_coll exists */ memset( &genQueryInp, 0, sizeof( genQueryInp_t ) ); t = fillGenQueryInpFromStrCond( query_str, &genQueryInp ); if ( t < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: fillGenQueryInpFromStrCond() failed. errStatus=%d", t ); free( new_obj_path ); // JMC cppcheck - leak free( new_truct_path ); // JMC cppcheck - leak return t; } genQueryInp.maxRows = MAX_SQL_ROWS; genQueryInp.continueInx = 0; t = rsGenQuery( rsconn, &genQueryInp, &genQueryOut ); if ( t < 0 ) { if ( t == CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: The destination collection '%s' does not exist.", dest_coll ); } else { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: rsGenQuery() failed. errStatus=%d", t ); } free( new_obj_path ); // JMC cppcheck - leak free( new_truct_path ); // JMC cppcheck - leak return t; } /* separate new_obj_path with path and name */ t = splitPathByKey( new_obj_path, new_obj_parent, obj_name, '/' ); if ( t < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: splitPathByKey() failed for splitting '%s'. errStatus=%d.", new_obj_path, t ); free( new_obj_path ); // JMC cppcheck - leak free( new_truct_path ); // JMC cppcheck - leak return t; } /* fprintf(stderr,"msiDataObjAutoMove: newpar=%s, obj_name=%s, from=%s\n", new_obj_parent, obj_name, obj_path); */ /* create the dires in new_obj_path 'imkidr -p'*/ if ( strlen( new_obj_parent ) > strlen( mdest_coll ) ) { memset( &collCreateInp, 0, sizeof( collCreateInp ) ); rstrcpy( collCreateInp.collName, new_obj_parent, MAX_NAME_LEN ); addKeyVal( &collCreateInp.condInput, RECURSIVE_OPR__KW, "" ); /* always have '-p' option. */ t = rsCollCreate( rsconn, &collCreateInp ); if ( t < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: rsCollCreate() failed for %s. errStatus=%d.", new_obj_parent, t ); free( new_obj_path ); // JMC cppcheck - leak free( new_truct_path ); // JMC cppcheck - leak return t; } } fprintf( stderr, "new_obj_path=%s, obj_path=%s\n", new_obj_path, obj_path ); /* renamed the obj_path to new_obj_path */ memset( &dataObjRenameInp, 0, sizeof( dataObjCopyInp_t ) ); rstrcpy( dataObjRenameInp.destDataObjInp.objPath, new_obj_path, MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( dataObjRenameInp.srcDataObjInp.objPath, obj_path, MAX_NAME_LEN ); t = rsDataObjRename( rsconn, &dataObjRenameInp ); if ( t < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: rsDataObjRename() failed. errStatus=%d.", t ); free( new_obj_path ); // JMC cppcheck - leak free( new_truct_path ); // JMC cppcheck - leak return t; } memset( &myModAccessCntlInp, 0, sizeof( modAccessControlInp_t ) ); myModAccessCntlInp.recursiveFlag = False; myModAccessCntlInp.accessLevel = null_perm; myModAccessCntlInp.userName = rei->uoic->userName; = zone_name; myModAccessCntlInp.path = new_obj_path; t = rsModAccessControl( rsconn, &myModAccessCntlInp ); if ( t < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "msiDataObjAutoMove: rsModAccessControl() remove user for '%s' failed. errStatus=%d.", obj_path, t ); } free( new_truct_path ); // JMC cppcheck - leak return 0; }