result_t compress_directory(struct pak_file* pak, struct paki_args* args, const char* subdir) { result_t r; char directory[DH_PATH_MAX]; char filepath[DH_PATH_MAX]; char fullfilepath[DH_PATH_MAX]; strcpy(directory, args->path); if (subdir[0] != 0) { path_join(directory, directory, subdir, NULL); } WIN32_FIND_DATA fdata; char filter[DH_PATH_MAX]; path_join(filter, directory, "*", NULL); HANDLE find_hdl = FindFirstFile(filter, &fdata); if (find_hdl == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf(TERM_BOLDRED "Creating pak failed: directory '%s' does not exist.\n" TERM_RESET, directory); return RET_FAIL; } /* read directory recuresively, and compress files into pak */ BOOL fr = TRUE; while (fr) { if (!str_isequal(fdata.cFileName, ".") && !str_isequal(fdata.cFileName, "..")) { filepath[0] = 0; if (subdir[0] != 0) { strcpy(filepath, subdir); } if (!BIT_CHECK(fdata.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { /* put the file into the archive */ path_join(filepath, filepath, fdata.cFileName, NULL); path_join(fullfilepath, directory, fdata.cFileName, NULL); r = archive_put(pak, args, fullfilepath, filepath); if (IS_OK(r) && BIT_CHECK(args->usage, PAKI_USAGE_VERBOSE)) { puts(filepath); } else if (IS_FAIL(r)) { err_sendtolog(FALSE); args->err_cnt ++; } args->file_cnt ++; } else { /* it's a directory, recurse */ path_join(filepath, filepath, fdata.cFileName, NULL); compress_directory(pak, args, filepath); } } fr = FindNextFile(find_hdl, &fdata); } FindClose(find_hdl); return RET_OK; }
string path_cache_get(const string& sub) { #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) if(cached_xdg_cache_path == "") { cached_xdg_cache_path = path_xdg_cache_get(); } string result = path_join(cached_xdg_cache_path, "cycles"); return path_join(result, sub); #else /* TODO(sergey): What that should be on Windows? */ return path_user_get(path_join("cache", sub)); #endif }
result_t compress_directory(struct pak_file* pak, struct paki_args* args, const char* subdir) { result_t r; char directory[DH_PATH_MAX]; char filepath[DH_PATH_MAX]; char fullfilepath[DH_PATH_MAX]; strcpy(directory, args->path); if (subdir[0] != 0) { path_join(directory, path_norm(directory, directory), subdir, NULL); } DIR* dir = opendir(directory); if (dir == NULL) { printf(TERM_BOLDRED "Creating pak failed: directory '%s' does not exist.\n" TERM_RESET, directory); return RET_FAIL; } /* read directory recuresively, and compress files into pak */ struct dirent* ent = readdir(dir); while (ent != NULL) { if (!str_isequal(ent->d_name, ".") && !str_isequal(ent->d_name, "..")) { filepath[0] = 0; if (subdir[0] != 0) strcpy(filepath, subdir); if (ent->d_type != DT_DIR) { // put the file into the archive path_join(filepath, filepath, ent->d_name, NULL); path_join(fullfilepath, directory, ent->d_name, NULL); r = archive_put(pak, args, fullfilepath, filepath); if (IS_OK(r) && BIT_CHECK(args->usage, PAKI_USAGE_VERBOSE)) { puts(filepath); } else if (IS_FAIL(r)) { err_sendtolog(FALSE); args->err_cnt ++; } args->file_cnt ++; } else { // it's a directory, recurse path_join(filepath, filepath, ent->d_name, NULL); compress_directory(pak, args, filepath); } } ent = readdir(dir); } closedir(dir); return RET_OK; }
const char *cuewCompilerPath(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 const char *defaultpaths[] = {"C:/CUDA/bin", NULL}; const char *executable = "nvcc.exe"; #else const char *defaultpaths[] = { "/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-5.0/bin", "/usr/local/cuda-5.0/bin", "/usr/local/cuda/bin", "/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-6.0/bin", "/usr/local/cuda-6.0/bin", "/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-5.5/bin", "/usr/local/cuda-5.5/bin", NULL}; const char *executable = "nvcc"; #endif int i; const char *binpath = getenv("CUDA_BIN_PATH"); static char nvcc[65536]; if (binpath) { path_join(binpath, executable, sizeof(nvcc), nvcc); if (path_exists(nvcc)) return nvcc; } for (i = 0; defaultpaths[i]; ++i) { path_join(defaultpaths[i], executable, sizeof(nvcc), nvcc); if (path_exists(nvcc)) return nvcc; } #ifndef _WIN32 { FILE *handle = popen("which nvcc", "r"); if (handle) { char buffer[4096] = {0}; int len = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer) - 1, handle); buffer[len] = '\0'; pclose(handle); if (buffer[0]) return "nvcc"; } } #endif return NULL; }
/* still needs freeing! */ static char* construct_path(vaht_resource* res, char* out, const char* ext) { const char* origname = vaht_resource_name(res); char* name = NULL; if (strlen(origname) > 0) name = make_path_safe(origname); uint32_t name_len = 0; if (name) { name_len = strlen(name); } /* 11 = 4 + 1 + ... + 1 + 4 + 1 * that is * '0000.[stuff].type\0' */ char* filename = malloc(sizeof(char) * (name_len + 11)); const char* type = vaht_resource_type(res); if (ext == NULL) ext = type; if (name) { sprintf(filename, "%04i.%s.%s", vaht_resource_id(res), name, ext); } else { sprintf(filename, "%04i.%s", vaht_resource_id(res), ext); } /* we don't need this anymore */ if (name) { free(name); name = NULL; } char* directory; char* path; directory = path_join(out, type); path = path_join(directory, filename); free(directory); directory = NULL; free(filename); filename = NULL; return path; }
/*! * \brief An strcmp() for paths * * This function will normalize \a path1 and \a path2 before they are passed to * std::string::compare(). This way, extra slashes, '.', '..', etc. are handled * before the string comparison is performed. * * \note This function does not traverse the filesystem at all. It works purely * on the given path strings. * * \return An integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if \a path1 is * found, respectively, to be less than, equal to, or greater than * \a path2 lexicographically. */ int path_compare(const std::string &path1, const std::string &path2) { if (path1.empty() || path2.empty()) { return false; } std::vector<std::string> path1_pieces(path_split(path1)); std::vector<std::string> path2_pieces(path_split(path2)); normalize_path(path1_pieces); normalize_path(path2_pieces); return path_join(path1_pieces).compare(path_join(path2_pieces)); }
/*Runs BLAST on the coarse database and stores the results in a temporary XML file.*/ void blast_coarse(struct opt_args *args, uint64_t dbsize){ char *blastn, *input_path = path_join(args->args[0], CABLAST_COARSE_FASTA), *blastn_command = "blastn -db -outfmt 5 -query -dbsize -task blastn -evalue " "> CaBLAST_temp_blast_results.xml"; int command_length = strlen(blastn_command) + strlen(input_path) + strlen(args->args[1]) + 31; blastn = malloc(command_length*sizeof(*blastn)); assert(blastn); sprintf(blastn, "blastn -db %s -outfmt 5 -query %s -dbsize %lu -task blastn" " -evalue %s > CaBLAST_temp_blast_results.xml", input_path, args->args[1], dbsize, search_flags.coarse_evalue); if (!search_flags.hide_progress) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", blastn); system(blastn); free(input_path); free(blastn); }
int main(void) { char cwd[1024], *path, *ctx = tal_strdup(NULL, "ctx"); plan_tests(6); if (!getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd))) abort(); unlink("run-is_dir-dir-link"); unlink("run-is_dir-file-link"); unlink("run-is_dir-dir/file"); rmdir("run-is_dir-dir"); if (mkdir("run-is_dir-dir", 0700) != 0) abort(); if (symlink("run-is_dir-dir", "run-is_dir-dir-link") != 0) abort(); if (symlink("run-is_dir-dir/file", "run-is_dir-file-link") != 0) abort(); close(open("run-is_dir-dir/file", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0600)); ok1(path_is_dir("run-is_dir-dir-link")); ok1(!path_is_dir("run-is_dir-file-link")); ok1(!path_is_dir("run-is_dir-dir/file")); ok1(path_is_dir("run-is_dir-dir")); path = path_join(ctx, cwd, "run-is_dir-dir/file"); ok1(!path_is_dir(path)); ok1(path_is_dir(cwd)); tal_free(ctx); return exit_status(); }
int lf_path_join(lua_State *L) { char buffer[1024*2]; int n = lua_gettop(L); int err; const char *base; const char *extend; size_t base_len, extend_len; if(n != 2) luaL_error(L, "path_join: incorrect number of arguments"); luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TSTRING); luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TSTRING); base = lua_tolstring(L, 1, &base_len); extend = lua_tolstring(L, 2, &extend_len); err = path_join(base, base_len, extend, extend_len, buffer, 2*1024); if(err != 0) { luaL_error(L, "path_join: error %d, couldn't join\n\t'%s'\n and\n\t'%s'", err, lua_tostring(L, 1), lua_tostring(L, 2)); } lua_pushstring(L, buffer); return 1; }
int file_rmrf (const char *path) { if (file_isdir (path)) { dirlist_t list; if (file_listdir (path, &list) != 0) return -1; int i; for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (strcmp (".", list.paths[i]) == 0 || strcmp ("..", list.paths[i]) == 0) continue; char *next = path_join (path, list.paths[i]); int ret = file_rmrf (next); free (next); if (ret != 0) { file_free_dirlist (&list); return ret; } } file_free_dirlist (&list); if (rmdir (path) != 0) return -1; } else if (file_isfile (path) || file_islink (path)) { return unlink (path); } return 0; }
static const char *stat_cache_path() { const char *waitless_dir = getenv(WAITLESS_DIR); if (!waitless_dir) die("WAITLESS_DIR not set"); return path_join(waitless_dir,; }
int rimraf(const char *path) { DIR *dir = opendir(path); if (NULL == dir) return -1; struct dirent *dp = NULL; while (NULL != (dp = readdir(dir))) { if (0 == strcmp(".", dp->d_name) || 0 == strcmp("..", dp->d_name)) continue; char *f = path_join(path, dp->d_name); if (NULL == f) return -1; struct stat s; if (0 != stat(f, &s)) return -1; if (s.st_mode & S_IFDIR) { // rimraf dirs if (-1 == rimraf(f)) return -1; } else { // unlink files if (-1 == unlink(f)) return -1; } free(f); } free(dp); closedir(dir); return rmdir(path); }
String path_which(const String &p_name) { #ifdef WINDOWS_ENABLED Vector<String> exts = OS::get_singleton()->get_environment("PATHEXT").split(ENV_PATH_SEP, false); #endif Vector<String> env_path = OS::get_singleton()->get_environment("PATH").split(ENV_PATH_SEP, false); if (env_path.empty()) return String(); for (int i = 0; i < env_path.size(); i++) { String p = path_join(env_path[i], p_name); #ifdef WINDOWS_ENABLED for (int j = 0; j < exts.size(); j++) { String p2 = p + exts[j]; if (FileAccess::exists(p2)) return p2; } #else if (FileAccess::exists(p)) return p; #endif } return String(); }
int find_device(const char *id, const char *prefix, sd_device **ret) { _cleanup_free_ char *buf = NULL; assert(id); assert(ret); if (prefix && !path_startswith(id, prefix)) { buf = path_join(NULL, prefix, id); if (!buf) return -ENOMEM; id = buf; } if (path_startswith(id, "/sys/")) return sd_device_new_from_syspath(ret, id); if (path_startswith(id, "/dev/")) { struct stat st; if (stat(id, &st) < 0) return -errno; return device_new_from_stat_rdev(ret, &st); } return -EINVAL; }
static int exec_list(sd_device_enumerator *e, const char *action, Set *settle_set) { sd_device *d; int r; FOREACH_DEVICE_AND_SUBSYSTEM(e, d) { _cleanup_free_ char *filename = NULL; const char *syspath; if (sd_device_get_syspath(d, &syspath) < 0) continue; if (arg_verbose) printf("%s\n", syspath); if (arg_dry_run) continue; filename = path_join(syspath, "uevent"); if (!filename) return log_oom(); r = write_string_file(filename, action, WRITE_STRING_FILE_DISABLE_BUFFER); if (r < 0) { log_debug_errno(r, "Failed to write '%s' to '%s', ignoring: %m", action, filename); continue; } if (settle_set) { r = set_put_strdup(settle_set, syspath); if (r < 0) return log_oom(); } }
string path_source_replace_includes(const string& source_, const string& path) { /* our own little c preprocessor that replaces #includes with the file contents, to work around issue of opencl drivers not supporting include paths with spaces in them */ string source = source_; const string include = "#include \""; size_t n, pos = 0; while((n = source.find(include, pos)) != string::npos) { size_t n_start = n + include.size(); size_t n_end = source.find("\"", n_start); string filename = source.substr(n_start, n_end - n_start); string text, filepath = path_join(path, filename); if(path_read_text(filepath, text)) { text = path_source_replace_includes(text, path_dirname(filepath)); source.replace(n, n_end + 1 - n, "\n" + text + "\n"); } else pos = n_end; } return source; }
module_t *module_load(const char *Path, const char *File) { log_writef("Loading %s, path = %s.\n", File, Path); if (Path) return module_load_internal(Path, File, 0); //pthread_t Thread = pthread_self(); //printf("<thread @ %x> Entering module_load:%d(%s, %s)\n", Thread, __LINE__, Path, File); const char *Alias = path_join("library:", File); pthread_mutex_lock(LibRivaMutex); module_t *Module = stringtable_get(Modules, Alias); pthread_mutex_unlock(LibRivaMutex); if (Module) { module_reload(Module); //printf("Found module %s = 0x%x\n", Alias, Module); //printf("<thread @ %x> Leaving module_load:%d(%s, %s)\n", Thread, __LINE__, Path, File); return Module; }; for (path_node *Path = ModuleLibrary; Path; Path = Path->Next) { Module = module_load_internal(Path->Dir, File, Alias); if (Module) { //printf("<thread @ %x> Leaving module_load:%d(%s, %s)\n", Thread, __LINE__, Path, File); return Module; }; }; //printf("<thread @ %x> Leaving module_load:%d(%s, %s)\n", Thread, __LINE__, Path, File); return 0; };
// TODO: calling getcwd() every time might be slow. This could be sped up by // caching the current directory and intercepting chdir calls. void remember_hash_path(struct hash *hash, const char *path) { char cwd[PATH_MAX]; if (!real_getcwd(cwd, PATH_MAX)) die("remember_hash_path: getcwd failed: %s", strerror(errno)); remember_hash_string(hash, path_join(cwd, path)); }
string path_user_get(const string& sub) { if(cached_user_path == "") cached_user_path = path_dirname(Sysutil::this_program_path()); return path_join(cached_user_path, sub); }
static int extract_archive(struct vt_options* opt, vaht_archive* archive, char* out) { uint16_t resource_types_count = vaht_archive_get_resource_types(archive); unsigned int t; for (t = 0; t < resource_types_count; t++) { const char* type = vaht_archive_get_resource_type(archive, t); /* check if we pass the type filter */ if (opt->filter_type != NULL && strcmp(opt->filter_type, type) != 0) { /* we have failed the type filter! */ continue; } /* if we're converting, but there's no extension for this type, * skip it */ if (opt->convert && get_ext(opt, type) == NULL) continue; char* newdir = path_join(out, type); if (create_directory(opt, newdir)) { free(newdir); return 1; } free(newdir); vaht_resource** resources = vaht_resources_open(archive, type); unsigned int r; for (r = 0; resources[r] != NULL; r++) { /* check if we pass the id filter */ if (opt->filter_id != -1 && opt->filter_id != vaht_resource_id(resources[r])) { /* we failed the resource id filter! */ continue; } char* ext = get_ext(opt, type); char* path = construct_path(resources[r], out, ext); if (write_resource(opt, resources[r], path)) { vaht_resources_close(resources); free(path); return 1; } free(path); } vaht_resources_close(resources); } return 0; }
int load_modules() { plat_dir_t* dir = plat_opendir(mod_search_path); plat_dir_entry_t* d = NULL; char path[MODPATHLEN]; if(!dir) { logmsg(LOG_CRIT, "Failed to open directory %s", mod_search_path); logerror(); return -1; } while((d = plat_readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if( plat_dirent_hidden(d) || plat_dirent_type(d) != DET_REG) continue; path_join(path, MODPATHLEN, mod_search_path, d->d_name, NULL); mod_load(path); } plat_closedir(dir); return 0; }
/* manage "stack of names" with possibly specified device priorities */ static int link_update(sd_device *dev, const char *slink, bool add) { _cleanup_free_ char *target = NULL, *filename = NULL, *dirname = NULL; char name_enc[PATH_MAX]; const char *id_filename; int r; assert(dev); assert(slink); r = device_get_id_filename(dev, &id_filename); if (r < 0) return log_device_debug_errno(dev, r, "Failed to get id_filename: %m"); util_path_encode(slink + STRLEN("/dev"), name_enc, sizeof(name_enc)); dirname = path_join("/run/udev/links/", name_enc); if (!dirname) return log_oom(); filename = path_join(dirname, id_filename); if (!filename) return log_oom(); if (!add && unlink(filename) == 0) (void) rmdir(dirname); r = link_find_prioritized(dev, add, dirname, &target); if (r < 0) { log_device_debug(dev, "No reference left, removing '%s'", slink); if (unlink(slink) == 0) (void) rmdir_parents(slink, "/"); } else (void) node_symlink(dev, target, slink); if (add) do { _cleanup_close_ int fd = -1; r = mkdir_parents(filename, 0755); if (!IN_SET(r, 0, -ENOENT)) break; fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_CLOEXEC|O_TRUNC|O_NOFOLLOW, 0444); if (fd < 0) r = -errno; } while (r == -ENOENT); return r; }
string path_source_replace_includes(const string& source, const string& path, const string& source_filename) { /* Our own little c preprocessor that replaces #includes with the file * contents, to work around issue of opencl drivers not supporting * include paths with spaces in them. */ string result = ""; vector<string> lines; string_split(lines, source, "\n", false); for(size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { string line = lines[i]; if(line[0] == '#') { string token = string_strip(line.substr(1, line.size() - 1)); if(string_startswith(token, "include")) { token = string_strip(token.substr(7, token.size() - 7)); if(token[0] == '"') { size_t n_start = 1; size_t n_end = token.find("\"", n_start); string filename = token.substr(n_start, n_end - n_start); string text, filepath = path_join(path, filename); if(path_read_text(filepath, text)) { /* Replace include directories with both current path * and path extracted from the include file. * Not totally robust, but works fine for Cycles kernel * and avoids having list of include directories.x */ text = path_source_replace_includes( text, path_dirname(filepath), filename); text = path_source_replace_includes(text, path, filename); /* Use line directives for better error messages. */ line = line_directive(filepath, 1) + token.replace(0, n_end + 1, "\n" + text + "\n") + line_directive(path_join(path, source_filename), i); } } } } result += line + "\n"; } return result; }
static int dopackage(lua_State* L) { const char* oldScript; char oldcwd[8192]; char filename[8192]; int result; /* Clear the current global so included script can create a new one */ lua_pushnil(L); lua_setglobal(L, "package"); /* Remember the current state of things so I can restore after script runs */ oldScript = currentScript; strcpy(oldcwd, io_getcwd()); /* Try to locate the script file */ strcpy(filename, lua_tostring(L, 1)); if (!io_fileexists(filename)) { strcpy(filename, path_join("", lua_tostring(L, 1), "lua")); } if (!io_fileexists(filename)) { strcpy(filename, path_join(lua_tostring(L, 1), "premake.lua", "")); } if (!io_fileexists(filename)) { lua_pushstring(L, "Unable to open package '"); lua_pushvalue(L, 1); lua_pushstring(L, "'"); lua_concat(L, 3); lua_error(L); } currentScript = filename; io_chdir(path_getdir(filename)); result = lua_dofile(L, path_getname(filename)); /* Restore the previous state */ currentScript = oldScript; io_chdir(oldcwd); return 0; }
void TS::init( const string& modulename ) { data_search_subdir.push_back(modulename); #ifndef WINRT char* datapath_dir = getenv("OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH"); #else char* datapath_dir = OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH; #endif if( datapath_dir ) { data_path = path_join(path_join(datapath_dir, modulename), ""); } cv::redirectError((cv::ErrorCallback)tsErrorCallback, this); if( ::testing::GTEST_FLAG(catch_exceptions) ) { #if defined _WIN32 #ifdef _MSC_VER _set_se_translator( SEHTranslator ); #endif #else for( int i = 0; tsSigId[i] >= 0; i++ ) signal( tsSigId[i], signalHandler ); #endif } else { #if defined _WIN32 #ifdef _MSC_VER _set_se_translator( 0 ); #endif #else for( int i = 0; tsSigId[i] >= 0; i++ ) signal( tsSigId[i], SIG_DFL ); #endif } if( params.use_optimized == 0 ) cv::setUseOptimized(false); rng = RNG(params.rng_seed); }
string path_get(const string& sub) { char *special = path_specials(sub); if(special != NULL) return special; if(cached_path == "") cached_path = path_dirname(Sysutil::this_program_path()); return path_join(cached_path, sub); }
static int delete_file(const char *logdir, uint64_t index) { char tmpbuf[50]; snprintf(tmpbuf, 50, "%lld/%lld", (index / RAFT_MAX_FILES_PER_DIR), index); char *filename = path_join(logdir, tmpbuf); if(0 == unlink(filename)) { free(filename); return 1; } free(filename); return 0; }
void awlenv_add_core_lib(awlenv* e) { char* awl_base = get_base_path(); char* corelib = path_join(awl_base, "lib/core"); awlval* args = awlval_sexpr(); args = awlval_add(args, awlval_str(corelib)); awlval_del(builtin_import(e, args)); free(awl_base); free(corelib); }
void copy_includes(char *aspis_home, char * categories_file) { char* copy=strcat_malloc("cp ",aspis_home); char *p=path_join(copy,"phplib/AspisObject.php "); p=strcat_malloc(p,outpath); if (system(p)==-1) die("copy_includes failed"); p=path_join(copy,"phplib/AspisTaints.php "); p=strcat_malloc(p,outpath); if (system(p)==-1) die("copy_includes failed"); p=path_join(copy,"phplib/AspisLibrary.php "); p=strcat_malloc(p,outpath); if (system(p)==-1) die("copy_includes failed"); p=path_join(copy,"phplib/php_functions.txt "); p=strcat_malloc(p,outpath); if (system(p)==-1) die("copy_includes failed"); p = path_join(outpath, "AspisMain.php"); p = strcat_malloc("mv AspisMainEdited.php ", p); if (system(p) == -1) die("copy_includes failed"); copy=strcat_malloc("cp ",categories_file); p=strcat_malloc(copy," "); p=strcat_malloc(p,outpath); p=path_join(p,"AspisActive.categories"); if (system(p)==-1) die("Copying of the categories file failed"); }
static int writeWorkspace() { int i; if (!io_openfile(path_join(prj_get_path(), prj_get_name(), "dsw"))) return 0; io_print("Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00\n"); io_print("# WARNING: DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE THIS WORKSPACE FILE!\n"); io_print("\n"); io_print("###############################################################################\n"); io_print("\n"); for (i = 0; i < prj_get_numpackages(); ++i) { prj_select_package(i); io_print("Project: \"%s\"=%s - Package Owner=<4>\n", prj_get_pkgname(), prj_get_pkgfilename("dsp")); io_print("\n"); io_print("Package=<5>\n"); io_print("{{{\n"); io_print("}}}\n"); io_print("\n"); io_print("Package=<4>\n"); io_print("{{{\n"); /* Write package dependencies */ prj_select_config(0); print_list(prj_get_links(), "", "", "", listPackageDeps); io_print("}}}\n"); io_print("\n"); io_print("###############################################################################\n"); io_print("\n"); } io_print("Global:\n"); io_print("\n"); io_print("Package=<5>\n"); io_print("{{{\n"); io_print("}}}\n"); io_print("\n"); io_print("Package=<3>\n"); io_print("{{{\n"); io_print("}}}\n"); io_print("\n"); io_print("###############################################################################\n"); io_print("\n"); io_closefile(); return 1; }