 * Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
 * If the map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value.
 * (A map m is said to contain a mapping for a key k if and only if pblMapContainsKey(k) would return true.)
 * For hash maps this method has a time complexity of O(1).
 * For tree maps this method has a time complexity of O(Log N).
 * @return int rc >  0: The map did not already contain a mapping for the key.
 * @return int rc == 0: The map did already contain a mapping for the key.
 * @return int rc <  0: An error, see pbl_errno:
 * <BR>PBL_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY - Out of memory.
 * <BR>PBL_ERROR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS - Maximum capacity of the hash set exceeded.
int pblMapAdd( /*                                             */
PblMap * map, /**                   The map to add to         */
void * key, /**                     Key to add a mapping for  */
size_t keyLength, /**               Length of the key         */
void * value, /**                   Value of the new mapping  */
size_t valueLength /**              Length of the value       */
    int rc;
    PblMapEntry * mapEntry;
    PblMapEntry * newEntry =
            pblMapEntryNew( key, keyLength, value, valueLength );
    if( !newEntry )
        return -1;

    mapEntry = (PblMapEntry *)pblSetReplaceElement( map->entrySet, newEntry );
    if( mapEntry )
        PBL_FREE( mapEntry );
        return 0;

    rc = pblSetAdd( map->entrySet, newEntry );
    if( rc < 0 )
        return -1;

    return 1;
void greedy_parallel(int pid) {

	int nodes, node, i, tmp;
	int color, othernode;
	MPI_Status status;
	MPI_Request req;
	int * indexes, *colors, *madjacency;

	PblSet * psetcolors = (PblSet *) pblSetNewHashSet();

	MPI_Recv( &nodes, 1, MPI_INT, 0, TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );

	//printf("[rank %d] NODES: %d\n", pid, nodes);

	srand( time(NULL) / pid );

	indexes = (int*) malloc(nodes*sizeof(int));
	colors =  (int*) malloc(nodes*sizeof(int));
	madjacency  = (int*) malloc(nodes*nodes*sizeof(int));

	MPI_Recv(madjacency, nodes*nodes, MPI_INT, 0, TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

	for (i = 0; i < nodes; i++)
		indexes[i] = i;

	for (i = nodes-1; i >= 0; i--) {
		tmp = rand_between(0, i);
		node = indexes[tmp];

		indexes[tmp] = indexes[i];

		for (othernode = 0; othernode < nodes; othernode++) {
			if (othernode != node) {
				if (madjacency[POS(othernode, node, nodes)] == 1) {
					if (colors[othernode] != 0)
					/* the neighbor already has a color */
						pblSetAdd(psetcolors, (void *) colors[othernode]);

		colors[node] = find_my_color(psetcolors, nodes);

	//printf("[rank %d] colors = ", pid);
	//for (i = 0; i < nodes; i++)
	//	printf(" %d", colors[i]);

	MPI_Send(colors, nodes, MPI_INT, 0, TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
int color_node(int node, int pid, int nodes_per_block, int * madjacency, int* colors, PblSet * psetcolors, int nodes) {
	int othernode;
	for (othernode = 0; othernode < nodes; othernode++) {
		if (othernode != (pid-1)*nodes_per_block + node) {
			if (madjacency[POS(othernode, node, nodes)] == 1) {
				if (colors[othernode] != 0)
				/* the neighbor already has a color */
					pblSetAdd(psetcolors, (void *) colors[othernode]);

	return find_my_color(psetcolors, nodes);
void block_partition(int pid, int p, MPI_Comm * comm_workers) {
	int nodes, color;
	int my_nodes;
	int max_nodes_per_block, nodes_per_block;
	int * madjacency, *neighbours_colors, *my_colors, *conflicts;
	int n_conflicts = 0;

	int i, j, b, last_color = 0, neighbour_color = -1;

	MPI_Request req;
	MPI_Status status;
	char buffer[10000];
	PblSet * psetcolors = (PblSet *) pblSetNewHashSet();

	MPI_Recv( &nodes, 1, MPI_INT, 0, TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );
	//printf("[rank %d] nodes: %d\n", pid, nodes);

	nodes_per_block = get_nodes_per_process(nodes, p);
	max_nodes_per_block = nodes - (pid - 1) * nodes_per_block;
	if (pid < p)
		my_nodes = nodes_per_block;
		my_nodes = max_nodes_per_block;

	//printf("[rank %d] my_nodes: %d | max_nodes: %d | nodes = %d\n", pid, my_nodes, max_nodes_per_block, nodes);
	// alloc space for the neighbours information

	madjacency = (int*) malloc( nodes * my_nodes * sizeof(int) );

	neighbours_colors = (int*) malloc( nodes * sizeof(int) );

	my_colors = (int*) malloc( my_nodes * sizeof(int) );

	conflicts = (int*) malloc( nodes_per_block * sizeof(int) );

	for ( i = 0; i < nodes; i++ )
		neighbours_colors[i] = 0;
	MPI_Recv( madjacency, nodes*my_nodes, MPI_INT, 0, TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );

//	print_adjacency_matrix(pid, madjacency, my_nodes, nodes);

	last_color = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < nodes_per_block; i++ ) {

		pblSetClear( psetcolors );

		for ( j = 0; j < nodes; j++ ) {
			if (j == (pid-1)*nodes_per_block + i )

			if (madjacency[i*nodes + j] > 0 && neighbours_colors[j] > 0) {
//				printf("[rank %d] neighbour %d has color %d\n", pid, j, neighbours_colors[j]);
				pblSetAdd(psetcolors, (void *) 	neighbours_colors[j]);
		last_color = find_my_color(psetcolors, nodes);
//		printf("[rank %d] color of %d is now %d\n", pid, i, last_color);
		my_colors[i] = last_color;

		for ( b = 0; b < p; b++ ) {

			//printf("[rank %d] before - last_color = %d | neighbour_color = %d \n", pid, last_color, neighbour_color);

			if ( pid == b+1 )
				neighbour_color = last_color;

			MPI_Bcast( &neighbour_color, 1, MPI_INT, b, *comm_workers );
			neighbours_colors[b * nodes_per_block + i] = neighbour_color;

			//printf("[rank %d] received - neighbour %d has color %d\n", pid, b*nodes_per_block+i, neighbour_color);


	if (my_nodes > nodes_per_block){
		for (i = nodes_per_block; i < max_nodes_per_block; i++){
			pblSetClear( psetcolors );

			//printf("[rank %d] neighbours =", pid);
			 /*for ( j = 0; j < nodes; j++ )
				printf(" %d", neighbours_colors[j]);

			for ( j = 0; j < nodes; j++ ) {
				if (j == (pid-1)*nodes_per_block + i )

				if (madjacency[i*nodes + j] > 0 && neighbours_colors[j] > 0) {
					//printf("[rank %d] neighbour %d has color %d\n", pid, j, neighbours_colors[j]);
					pblSetAdd(psetcolors, (void *) 	neighbours_colors[j]);
			my_colors[i] = find_my_color(psetcolors, nodes);
			neighbours_colors[(pid-1)*nodes_per_block + i] = my_colors[i];

	// STEP 2
	for ( i = 0; i < nodes_per_block; i++ ) {
		for ( j = 0; j < nodes; j++ ) {
			if (j == (pid-1)*nodes_per_block + i ) {
			//printf("[rank %d] %d %d > adjacency %d > j mod nodes_per_block == i %d > neighbours_colors[j] = %d > my_colors[i] %d\n", 
			//	pid, (pid-1)*nodes_per_block + i, j, madjacency[i*nodes + j], (j % nodes_per_block == i), neighbours_colors[j], my_colors[i]);
			if (madjacency[i * nodes + j] > 0 && (j % nodes_per_block == i) &&  neighbours_colors[j] == my_colors[i]) 
				//printf("[rank %d] have conflict %d vs %d\n", pid, (pid-1)*nodes_per_block + i, j);
				if ( (pid-1) * nodes_per_block + i < j ) 
					//printf("[rank %d] conflict++\n", pid);
					conflicts[n_conflicts] = (pid-1)*nodes_per_block + i;

	/*printf("[rank %d] my_colors = ", pid);
	for (i = 0; i < my_nodes; i++)
		printf(" %d", my_colors[i]);

	MPI_Send( my_colors, my_nodes, MPI_INT, 0, TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MPI_Send( conflicts, n_conflicts, MPI_INT, 0, TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
void plassman_v_processors(int pid) {
	int nodes;
	int * madjacency;
	int weight, n_wait = 0, n_send = 0, i, neigbour_weight, tmp_color, color;
	int * send_to;
	int * receive_from;
	int * colors;

	MPI_Request req;
	MPI_Status status;

	MPI_Recv( &nodes, 1, MPI_INT, 0, TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );

	send_to = (int*) malloc( (nodes-1) * sizeof(int) );
	receive_from = (int*) malloc( (nodes-1) * sizeof(int) );
	colors = (int*) malloc( (nodes) * sizeof(int) );
	madjacency = (int*)malloc(nodes * sizeof(int));
	MPI_Recv( madjacency, nodes, MPI_INT, 0, TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );

	//defenir peso random
	srand( time( NULL ) * pid );
	weight = rand();

	// enviar peso para e receber peso dos vizinhos, definindo de quais vai esperar e de quais vai enviar
	for (i = 1; i <= nodes; i++) {

		if (i == pid || madjacency[i-1] == 0)
		MPI_Isend( &weight, 1, MPI_INT, i, TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &req );
		MPI_Recv( &neigbour_weight, 1, MPI_INT, i, TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );

		if ( weight < neigbour_weight ) {
			receive_from[n_wait] = i;
		else {
			send_to[n_send] = i;

		MPI_Wait(&req, &status);
	PblSet * psetcolors = (PblSet *) pblSetNewHashSet();

	// esperar pesos maiores
	for ( i = 0; i < n_wait; i++ ) {
		MPI_Recv( &tmp_color, 1, MPI_INT, receive_from[i], TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );
		pblSetAdd(psetcolors, (void *) tmp_color);
	// definir cor do no
	color = find_my_color(psetcolors, nodes);
	// enviar aos pesos menores
	for ( i = 0; i < n_send; i++) {
	    MPI_Send( &color, 1, MPI_INT, send_to[i], TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	//enviar cor final para o master
	//printf("[rank %d] Send color %d to master\n", pid, color);
	MPI_Send( &color, 1, MPI_INT, 0, TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
 * Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
 * If the map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value.
 * (A map m is said to contain a mapping for a key k if and only if pblMapContainsKey(k) would return true.)
 * Returns the previous value associated with key, NULL if there was no mapping for key
 * or (void*)-1 in case of an error.
 * Note: If a valid pointer to a value is returned, the value returned is
 * malloced on the heap. It is the caller's responsibility to free that memory
 * once it is no longer needed.
 * For hash maps this method has a time complexity of O(1).
 * For tree maps this method has a time complexity of O(Log N).
 * @return void * retptr != (void*)-1: The previously associated value.
 * @return void * retptr == NULL: There was no previously associated value.
 * @return void * retptr == (void*)-1: An error, see pbl_errno:
 * <BR>PBL_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY - Out of memory.
 * <BR>PBL_ERROR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS - Maximum capacity of the hash set exceeded.
void * pblMapPut( /*                                                   */
PblMap * map, /**                                    The map to add to */
void * key, /**                               Key to add a mapping for */
size_t keyLength, /**                                Length of the key */
void * value, /**                             Value of the new mapping */
size_t valueLength, /**                            Length of the value */
size_t * valueLengthPtr /**          Out: Length of the value returned */
    int rc;
    PblMapEntry * mapEntry;
    PblMapEntry * newEntry =
            pblMapEntryNew( key, keyLength, value, valueLength );
    if( !newEntry )
        return (void*)-1;

    mapEntry = (PblMapEntry *)pblSetReplaceElement( map->entrySet, newEntry );
    if( mapEntry )
        void * retptr;

        if( mapEntry->valueLength > 0 )
            retptr = pbl_memdup( "pblMapPut", mapEntry->buffer
                    + mapEntry->keyLength, mapEntry->valueLength );
            retptr = pbl_malloc0( "pblMapPut0", 1 );
        if( !retptr )
            if( valueLengthPtr )
                *valueLengthPtr = 0;
            pblSetReplaceElement( map->entrySet, mapEntry );
            PBL_FREE( newEntry );
            return (void*)-1;

        if( valueLengthPtr )
            *valueLengthPtr = mapEntry->valueLength;
        PBL_FREE( mapEntry );
        return retptr;

    if( valueLengthPtr )
        *valueLengthPtr = 0;

    rc = pblSetAdd( map->entrySet, newEntry );
    if( rc < 0 )
        return (void*)-1;

    return NULL;