/** * Install filter for hijacked connection * */ static int hijack_install_filter ( struct hijack *hijack, char *filter ) { struct bpf_program program; /* Compile filter */ if ( pcap_compile ( hijack->pcap, &program, filter, 1, 0 ) < 0 ) { logmsg ( LOG_ERR, "could not compile filter \"%s\": %s\n", filter, pcap_geterr ( hijack->pcap ) ); goto err_nofree; } /* Install filter */ if ( pcap_setfilter ( hijack->pcap, &program ) < 0 ) { logmsg ( LOG_ERR, "could not install filter \"%s\": %s\n", filter, pcap_geterr ( hijack->pcap ) ); goto err; } logmsg ( LOG_INFO, "using filter \"%s\"\n", filter ); pcap_freecode ( &program ); return 0; err: pcap_freecode ( &program ); err_nofree: return -1; }
PyObject * captureObject_filter(captureObject *self, PyObject *args) { char *filter = NULL; int optimize = 0; unsigned int netmask = 0xffffffff; struct bpf_program prog; if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|i:filter", &filter, &optimize)) return NULL; if (pcap_compile(self->pcap, &prog, filter, optimize, netmask)) { PyErr_SetString(ErrorObject, pcap_geterr(self->pcap)); return NULL; } if (pcap_setfilter(self->pcap, &prog)) { pcap_freecode(&prog); PyErr_SetString(ErrorObject, pcap_geterr(self->pcap)); return NULL; } pcap_freecode(&prog); return Py_BuildValue(""); }
int tc_pcap_socket_in_init(pcap_t **pd, char *device, int snap_len, int buf_size, char *pcap_filter) { int fd; char ebuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; struct bpf_program fp; bpf_u_int32 net, netmask; if (device == NULL) { return TC_INVALID_SOCK; } tc_log_info(LOG_NOTICE, 0, "pcap open,device:%s", device); *ebuf = '\0'; if (tc_pcap_open(pd, device, snap_len, buf_size) == TC_ERR) { return TC_INVALID_SOCK; } if (pcap_lookupnet(device, &net, &netmask, ebuf) < 0) { net = 0; netmask = 0; tc_log_info(LOG_WARN, 0, "lookupnet:%s", ebuf); return TC_INVALID_SOCK; } if (pcap_compile(*pd, &fp, pcap_filter, 0, netmask) == -1) { tc_log_info(LOG_ERR, 0, "couldn't parse filter %s: %s", pcap_filter, pcap_geterr(*pd)); return TC_INVALID_SOCK; } if (pcap_setfilter(*pd, &fp) == -1) { tc_log_info(LOG_ERR, 0, "couldn't install filter %s: %s", pcap_filter, pcap_geterr(*pd)); pcap_freecode(&fp); return TC_INVALID_SOCK; } pcap_freecode(&fp); if (pcap_get_selectable_fd(*pd) == -1) { tc_log_info(LOG_ERR, 0, "pcap_get_selectable_fd fails"); return TC_INVALID_SOCK; } if (pcap_setnonblock(*pd, 1, ebuf) == -1) { tc_log_info(LOG_ERR, 0, "pcap_setnonblock failed: %s", ebuf); return TC_INVALID_SOCK; } fd = pcap_get_selectable_fd(*pd); return fd; }
/* * privileged part of priv_pcap_setfilter, compile the filter * expression, and return it to the parent. Note that we fake an hpcap * and use it to capture the error messages, and pass the error back * to client. */ int setfilter(int bpfd, int sock, char *filter) { struct bpf_program fcode; int oflag, snap, link; u_int32_t netmask; pcap_t hpcap; must_read(sock, &oflag, sizeof(oflag)); must_read(sock, &netmask, sizeof(netmask)); must_read(sock, &snap, sizeof(snap)); must_read(sock, &link, sizeof(link)); if (snap < 0) { snprintf(hpcap.errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "invalid snaplen"); goto err; } /* fake hpcap, it only needs errbuf, snaplen, and linktype to * compile a filter expression */ /* XXX messing with pcap internals */ hpcap.snapshot = snap; hpcap.linktype = link; if (pcap_compile(&hpcap, &fcode, filter, oflag, netmask)) goto err; /* if bpf descriptor is open, set the filter XXX check oflag? */ if (bpfd >= 0 && ioctl(bpfd, BIOCSETF, &fcode)) { snprintf(hpcap.errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "ioctl: BIOCSETF: %s", strerror(errno)); pcap_freecode(&fcode); goto err; } if (fcode.bf_len > 0) { /* write the filter */ must_write(sock, &fcode.bf_len, sizeof(fcode.bf_len)); must_write(sock, fcode.bf_insns, fcode.bf_len * sizeof(struct bpf_insn)); } else { snprintf(hpcap.errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Invalid filter size"); pcap_freecode(&fcode); goto err; } pcap_freecode(&fcode); return (0); err: fcode.bf_len = 0; must_write(sock, &fcode.bf_len, sizeof(fcode.bf_len)); /* write back the error string */ write_string(sock, hpcap.errbuf); return (1); }
void startSniffer(char *filter) { struct in_addr in; if (dev == NULL) if ((dev = pcap_lookupdev(errbuf)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "startSniffer: couldn't find a device to sniff: %s\n", errbuf); exit(1); } printf("\n\n%s starting: listening on device: %s\n", VERSION, dev); if ((pd = pcap_open_live(dev, SNAPLEN, promisc, readtimeout, errbuf)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "startSniffer: pcap_open_live failed: %s\n", errbuf); exit(1); } pcap_lookupnet(dev, &netp, &maskp, errbuf); in.s_addr = netp; printf("%s (%s/", dev, inet_ntoa(in)); in.s_addr = maskp; printf("%s) opened successfully in %spromiscuous mode\n", inet_ntoa(in), (promisc ? "" : "non-")); if (filter != NULL) { pcap_compile(pd, &fprog, filter, 0, netp); if ((pcap_setfilter(pd, &fprog)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "startSniffer: pcap_setfilter: cannot set filter\n"); exit(1); } pcap_freecode(&fprog); } }
/* Called at the start on main thread or each time a new file is open on single thread */ void moloch_rules_recompile() { int t, r; if (deadPcap) pcap_close(deadPcap); deadPcap = pcap_open_dead(pcapFileHeader.linktype, pcapFileHeader.snaplen); MolochRule_t *rule; for (t = 0; t < MOLOCH_RULE_TYPE_NUM; t++) { for (r = 0; (rule = current.rules[t][r]); r++) { if (!rule->bpf) continue; pcap_freecode(&rule->bpfp); if (pcapFileHeader.linktype != 239) { if (pcap_compile(deadPcap, &rule->bpfp, rule->bpf, 1, PCAP_NETMASK_UNKNOWN) == -1) { LOGEXIT("ERROR - Couldn't compile filter %s: '%s' with %s", rule->filename, rule->bpf, pcap_geterr(deadPcap)); } } else { rule->bpfp.bf_len = 0; } } } }
int set_raw_filter(unsigned int loc_idx, char *filter) { struct bpf_program raw_filter; //uint16_t snaplen = 65535; int linktype; //struct pcap_t *aa; int fd = -1; LERR("APPLY FILTER [%d]\n", loc_idx); if(loc_idx >= MAX_SOCKETS || sniffer_proto[loc_idx] == NULL) return 0; fd = pcap_get_selectable_fd(sniffer_proto[loc_idx]); linktype = profile_socket[loc_idx].link_type ? profile_socket[loc_idx].link_type : DLT_EN10MB; if (pcap_compile_nopcap(profile_socket[loc_idx].snap_len ? profile_socket[loc_idx].snap_len : 0xffff, linktype, &raw_filter, filter, 1, 0) == -1) { LERR("Failed to compile filter '%s'", filter); return -1; } #if ( defined (OS_LINUX) || defined (OS_SOLARIS) ) if(setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ATTACH_FILTER, &raw_filter, sizeof(raw_filter)) < 0 ) { LERR(" setsockopt filter: [%s] [%d]", strerror(errno), errno); return -1; } #endif //free(BPF_code); pcap_freecode( (struct bpf_program *) &raw_filter); return 1; }
static int l2_packet_init_libpcap(struct l2_packet_data *l2, unsigned short protocol) { bpf_u_int32 pcap_maskp, pcap_netp; char pcap_filter[200], pcap_err[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; struct bpf_program pcap_fp; pcap_lookupnet(l2->ifname, &pcap_netp, &pcap_maskp, pcap_err); l2->pcap = pcap_open_live(l2->ifname, 2500, 0, 1, pcap_err); if (l2->pcap == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "pcap_open_live: %s\n", pcap_err); fprintf(stderr, "ifname='%s'\n", l2->ifname); return -1; } os_snprintf(pcap_filter, sizeof(pcap_filter), "not ether src " MACSTR " and " "( ether dst " MACSTR " or ether dst " MACSTR " ) and " "ether proto 0x%x", MAC2STR(l2->own_addr), /* do not receive own packets */ MAC2STR(l2->own_addr), MAC2STR(pae_group_addr), protocol); if (pcap_compile(l2->pcap, &pcap_fp, pcap_filter, 1, pcap_netp) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "pcap_compile: %s\n", pcap_geterr(l2->pcap)); return -1; } if (pcap_setfilter(l2->pcap, &pcap_fp) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "pcap_setfilter: %s\n", pcap_geterr(l2->pcap)); return -1; } pcap_freecode(&pcap_fp); return 0; }
/*- -- cap = cap:set_filter(filter, nooptimize) - filter is the filter string, see tcpdump or pcap-filter man page. - nooptimize can be true if you don't want the filter optimized during compile (the default is to optimize). */ static int lpcap_set_filter(lua_State* L) { pcap_t* cap = checkpcap(L); const char* filter = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); int optimize = !lua_toboolean(L, 3); bpf_u_int32 netmask = PCAP_NETMASK_UNKNOWN; /* TODO get device from registry, and call pcap_lookup_net()*/ int ret = 0; struct bpf_program program = { 0 }; ret = pcap_compile(cap, &program, filter, optimize, netmask); if(ret < 0) { return pusherr(L, cap); } ret = pcap_setfilter(cap, &program); pcap_freecode(&program); if(ret < 0) { return pusherr(L, cap); } lua_settop(L, 1); return 1; }
void init_pcap(void){ pcap_t * handle; //Handle de capture struct bpf_program fp; char * device; //Périphérique pour sniffer struct devInfo myDevInfo; char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; int num_packets = 10; getDevice(&myDevInfo); #ifdef DEBUG displayInformationDevice(&myDevInfo); // affiche ip/mask/peripherique #endif DEBUGMSG(1)("Ouverture interface"); handle = pcap_open_live(myDevInfo.dev, BUFSIZ, 1, 1000, errbuf); if (handle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open device %s: %s\n", "eth0", errbuf); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } DEBUGMSG(1)("compilation du filtre"); if (pcap_compile(handle, &fp, FILTRE, 0, myDevInfo.net) == -1){ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't parse filter %s: %s\n", FILTRE, pcap_geterr(handle)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } DEBUGMSG(1)("Activation du filtre"); if (pcap_setfilter(handle, &fp) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't install filter %s: %s\n", FILTRE, pcap_geterr(handle)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } DEBUGMSG(1)("Sniffing ... listen packets"); pcap_loop(handle, num_packets, got_packet, NULL); DEBUGMSG(1)("cleaning and stopping... bye"); pcap_freecode(&fp); pcap_close(handle); }
void reader_pfring_start() { int dlt_to_linktype(int dlt); pcapFileHeader.linktype = 1; pcapFileHeader.snaplen = MOLOCH_SNAPLEN; pcap_t *pcap = pcap_open_dead(pcapFileHeader.linktype, pcapFileHeader.snaplen); if (config.dontSaveBPFs) { int i; if (bpf_programs) { for (i = 0; i < config.dontSaveBPFsNum; i++) { pcap_freecode(&bpf_programs[i]); } } else { bpf_programs = malloc(config.dontSaveBPFsNum*sizeof(struct bpf_program)); } for (i = 0; i < config.dontSaveBPFsNum; i++) { if (pcap_compile(pcap, &bpf_programs[i], config.dontSaveBPFs[i], 0, PCAP_NETMASK_UNKNOWN) == -1) { LOG("ERROR - Couldn't compile filter: '%s' with %s", config.dontSaveBPFs[i], pcap_geterr(pcap)); exit(1); } } moloch_reader_should_filter = reader_pfring_should_filter; } pcap_close(pcap); int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_INTERFACES && config.interface[i]; i++) { char name[100]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "moloch-pfring%d", i); g_thread_new(name, &reader_pfring_thread, rings[i]); } }
bool us_rawnet_join_multicast( us_rawnet_context_t *self, const uint8_t multicast_mac[6] ) { bool r = false; struct bpf_program fcode; pcap_t *p = (pcap_t *)self->m_pcap; char filter[1024]; /* TODO: add multicast address to pcap filter here if multicast_mac is not null*/ (void)multicast_mac; sprintf( filter, "ether proto 0x%04x", self->m_ethertype ); if ( pcap_compile( p, &fcode, filter, 1, 0xffffffff ) < 0 ) { pcap_close( p ); us_log_error( "Unable to pcap_compile: '%s'", filter ); } else { if ( pcap_setfilter( p, &fcode ) < 0 ) { pcap_close( p ); us_log_error( "Unable to pcap_setfilter" ); } else { r = true; } pcap_freecode( &fcode ); } return r; }
void apply_bpf_filters() { struct bpf_program bpf_filter; char *str = "(src host or src host " "and (dst host or dst host " "and (dst port 22 or dst port 23)"; printf("Constructing filter : %s\n",str); if(pcap_compile(p,&bpf_filter,str,1,0xFFFFFF00)) { pcap_perror(p,"pcap_compile"); exit(1); } if(pcap_setfilter(p,&bpf_filter)) { pcap_perror(p,"pcap_setfilter"); exit(1); } pcap_freecode(&bpf_filter); }
void reader_snf_start() { pcapFileHeader.linktype = DLT_EN10MB; pcapFileHeader.snaplen = MOLOCH_SNAPLEN; pcap_t *dpcap = pcap_open_dead(pcapFileHeader.linktype, pcapFileHeader.snaplen); int t; for (t = 0; t < MOLOCH_FILTER_MAX; t++) { if (config.bpfsNum[t]) { int i; if (bpf_programs[t]) { for (i = 0; i < config.bpfsNum[t]; i++) { pcap_freecode(&bpf_programs[t][i]); } } else { bpf_programs[t] = malloc(config.bpfsNum[t]*sizeof(struct bpf_program)); } for (i = 0; i < config.bpfsNum[t]; i++) { if (pcap_compile(dpcap, &bpf_programs[t][i], config.bpfs[t][i], 1, PCAP_NETMASK_UNKNOWN) == -1) { LOG("ERROR - Couldn't compile filter: '%s' with %s", config.bpfs[t][i], pcap_geterr(dpcap)); exit(1); } } moloch_reader_should_filter = reader_snf_should_filter; } } int i, r; for (i = 0; i < MAX_INTERFACES && config.interface[i]; i++) { for (r = 0; r < snfNumRings; r++) { char name[100]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "moloch-snf%d-%d", i, r); g_thread_new(name, &reader_snf_thread, rings[i][r]); } snf_start(handles[i]); } }
/* Find and prepare ethernet device for capturing */ pcap_t *prepare_capture(char *interface, int promisc, char *capfilter) { char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; pcap_t *pcap_hnd; char *dev = NULL; bpf_u_int32 net, mask; struct bpf_program filter; /* Starting live capture, so find and open network device */ if (!interface) { dev = pcap_lookupdev(errbuf); if (dev == NULL) LOG_DIE("Cannot find a valid capture device: %s", errbuf); } else { dev = interface; } if (pcap_lookupnet(dev, &net, &mask, errbuf) == -1) net = 0; pcap_hnd = pcap_open_live(dev, BUFSIZ, promisc, 0, errbuf); if (pcap_hnd == NULL) LOG_DIE("Cannot open live capture on '%s': %s", dev, errbuf); set_link_header_offset(pcap_datalink(pcap_hnd)); /* Compile capture filter and apply to handle */ if (pcap_compile(pcap_hnd, &filter, capfilter, 0, net) == -1) LOG_DIE("Cannot compile capture filter '%s': %s", capfilter, pcap_geterr(pcap_hnd)); if (pcap_setfilter(pcap_hnd, &filter) == -1) LOG_DIE("Cannot apply capture filter: %s", pcap_geterr(pcap_hnd)); pcap_freecode(&filter); return pcap_hnd; }
bool Pcap::setBPF(const std::string &filter, std::string *error) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(d->mutex); if (d->active) return false; char err[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE] = {'\0'}; pcap_t *pcap = pcap_open_live(d->interface.c_str(), d->snaplen, d->promisc, 500, err); if (!pcap) { if (error) error->assign(err); return false; } pcap_freecode(&d->bpf); d->bpf.bf_len = 0; d->bpf.bf_insns = nullptr; if (pcap_compile(pcap, &d->bpf, filter.c_str(), true, PCAP_NETMASK_UNKNOWN) < 0) { if (error) error->assign(pcap_geterr(pcap)); pcap_close(pcap); return false; } pcap_close(pcap); return true; }
static int openPcap() { char buf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE], *fmt; struct bpf_program fcode; if ((hPcap = pcap_open_live(nic, 2048, 1, 1000, buf)) == NULL) { // printf("!! 打开网卡%s失败: %s\n", nic, buf); return -1; } fmt = formatHex(localMAC, 6); #ifndef NO_ARP sprintf(buf, "((ether proto 0x888e and (ether dst %s or ether dst 01:80:c2:00:00:03)) " "or ether proto 0x0806) and not ether src %s", fmt, fmt); #else sprintf(buf, "ether proto 0x888e and (ether dst %s or ether dst 01:80:c2:00:00:03) " "and not ether src %s", fmt, fmt); #endif if (pcap_compile(hPcap, &fcode, buf, 0, 0xffffffff) == -1 || pcap_setfilter(hPcap, &fcode) == -1) { // printf("!! 设置pcap过滤器失败: %s\n", pcap_geterr(hPcap)); return -1; } pcap_freecode(&fcode); return 0; }
static int l2_packet_init_libpcap(struct l2_packet_data *l2, unsigned short protocol) { bpf_u_int32 pcap_maskp, pcap_netp; char pcap_filter[200], pcap_err[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; struct bpf_program pcap_fp; pcap_lookupnet(l2->ifname, &pcap_netp, &pcap_maskp, pcap_err); l2->pcap = pcap_open_live(l2->ifname, 2500, 0, 10, pcap_err); if (l2->pcap == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "pcap_open_live: %s\n", pcap_err); fprintf(stderr, "ifname='%s'\n", l2->ifname); return -1; } if (pcap_datalink(l2->pcap) != DLT_EN10MB && pcap_set_datalink(l2->pcap, DLT_EN10MB) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "pcap_set_datalink(DLT_EN10MB): %s\n", pcap_geterr(l2->pcap)); return -1; } os_snprintf(pcap_filter, sizeof(pcap_filter), "not ether src " MACSTR " and " "( ether dst " MACSTR " or ether dst " MACSTR " ) and " "ether proto 0x%x", MAC2STR(l2->own_addr), /* do not receive own packets */ MAC2STR(l2->own_addr), MAC2STR(pae_group_addr), protocol); if (pcap_compile(l2->pcap, &pcap_fp, pcap_filter, 1, pcap_netp) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "pcap_compile: %s\n", pcap_geterr(l2->pcap)); return -1; } if (pcap_setfilter(l2->pcap, &pcap_fp) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "pcap_setfilter: %s\n", pcap_geterr(l2->pcap)); return -1; } pcap_freecode(&pcap_fp); #ifndef __sun__ /* * When libpcap uses BPF we must enable "immediate mode" to * receive frames right away; otherwise the system may * buffer them for us. */ { unsigned int on = 1; if (ioctl(pcap_fileno(l2->pcap), BIOCIMMEDIATE, &on) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot enable immediate mode on " "interface %s: %s\n", __func__, l2->ifname, strerror(errno)); /* XXX should we fail? */ } } #endif /* __sun__ */ eloop_register_read_sock(pcap_get_selectable_fd(l2->pcap), l2_packet_receive, l2, l2->pcap); return 0; }
struct iface_config *del_iface(struct iface_config *ifc) { struct iface_config *next; int i; next = ifc->next; #if HAVE_LIBEVENT2 event_free(ifc->event); #endif pcap_freecode(&ifc->pcap_filter); pcap_close(ifc->pcap_handle); log_msg(LOG_DEBUG, "Closed interface %s", ifc->name); if (ifc->cache) { for (i = 0; i < cfg.hashsize; i++) if (*(ifc->cache + i)) cache_prune(*(ifc->cache+i), ifc->cache+i); free(ifc->cache); } free(ifc); return next; }
void bsf_destroy(bsf_t *bsf_desc) { pcap_freecode(bsf_desc->bpf_prog); free(bsf_desc->bpf_prog); free(bsf_desc); return; }
NetworkInterface::~NetworkInterface() { if(m_pFilter) pcap_freecode(m_pFilter); if(m_pHandler) pcap_close(m_pHandler); }
/* * Make a copy of a BPF program and put it in the "fcode" member of * a "pcap_t". * * If we fail to allocate memory for the copy, fill in the "errbuf" * member of the "pcap_t" with an error message, and return -1; * otherwise, return 0. */ int install_bpf_program(pcap_t *p, struct bpf_program *fp) { size_t prog_size; /* * Validate the program. */ if (!bpf_validate(fp->bf_insns, fp->bf_len)) { snprintf(p->errbuf, sizeof(p->errbuf), "BPF program is not valid"); return (-1); } /* * Free up any already installed program. */ pcap_freecode(&p->fcode); prog_size = sizeof(*fp->bf_insns) * fp->bf_len; p->fcode.bf_len = fp->bf_len; p->fcode.bf_insns = (struct bpf_insn *)malloc(prog_size); if (p->fcode.bf_insns == NULL) { snprintf(p->errbuf, sizeof(p->errbuf), "malloc: %s", pcap_strerror(errno)); return (-1); } memcpy(p->fcode.bf_insns, fp->bf_insns, prog_size); return (0); }
static void apply_bpf_filters() { struct bpf_program bpf_filters[PORTS_NR]; char str[50]; int i; for( i = 0 ; i < PORTS_NR ; i++) { sprintf(str,"port %u",monitored_ports[i]); printf("Constructing filter : %s\n",str); if(pcap_compile(p[i],&bpf_filters[i],str,1,0xFFFFFF00)) { pcap_perror(p[i],"pcap_compile"); exit(1); } } for( i = 0 ; i < PORTS_NR ; i++) { if(pcap_setfilter(p[i],&bpf_filters[i])) { pcap_perror(p[i],"pcap_setfilter"); exit(1); } } for( i = 0 ; i < PORTS_NR ; i++) { pcap_freecode(&bpf_filters[i]); } }
int pcap_setfilter(pcap_t *p, struct bpf_program *fp) { size_t buflen; /* * It looks that BPF code generated by gen_protochain() is not * compatible with some of kernel BPF code (for example BSD/OS 3.1). * Take a safer side for now. */ if (no_optimize || (p->sf.rfile != NULL)){ if (p->fcode.bf_insns != NULL) pcap_freecode(&p->fcode); buflen = sizeof(*fp->bf_insns) * fp->bf_len; p->fcode.bf_len = fp->bf_len; p->fcode.bf_insns = malloc(buflen); if (p->fcode.bf_insns == NULL) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "malloc: %s", pcap_strerror(errno)); return (-1); } memcpy(p->fcode.bf_insns, fp->bf_insns, buflen); } else if (ioctl(p->fd, BIOCSETF, (caddr_t)fp) < 0) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "BIOCSETF: %s", pcap_strerror(errno)); return (-1); } return (0); }
void bpf_try_compile(const char *rulefile, struct sock_fprog *bpf, uint32_t link_type) { int i, ret; const struct bpf_insn *ins; struct sock_filter *out; struct bpf_program _bpf; ret = pcap_compile_nopcap(65535, link_type, &_bpf, rulefile, 1, 0xffffffff); if (ret < 0) panic("Cannot compile filter %s\n", rulefile); bpf->len = _bpf.bf_len; bpf->filter = xrealloc(bpf->filter, 1, bpf->len * sizeof(*out)); for (i = 0, ins = _bpf.bf_insns, out = bpf->filter; i < bpf->len; ++i, ++ins, ++out) { out->code = ins->code; out->jt = ins->jt; out->jf = ins->jf; out->k = ins->k; if (out->code == 0x06 && out->k > 0) out->k = 0xFFFFFFFF; } pcap_freecode(&_bpf); if (__bpf_validate(bpf) == 0) panic("This is not a valid BPF program!\n"); }
void parse_bpf(ipfw_insn **cmd, int *ac, char **av[]) { struct bpf_program program; ipfw_insn_bpf *bpf; int avlen; NEXT_ARG1; (*cmd)->opcode = O_LAYER4_BPF; (*cmd)->module = MODULE_LAYER4_ID; avlen = strlen(**av); if (avlen > 256) errx(EX_DATAERR, "bpf \"%s\" too long (max 256)", **av); bpf = (ipfw_insn_bpf *)(*cmd); strcpy(bpf->bf_str, **av); if (pcap_compile_nopcap(65535, DLT_RAW, &program, **av, 1, PCAP_NETMASK_UNKNOWN)) errx(EX_DATAERR, "bpf \"%s\" compilation error", **av); bpf->bf_len = program.bf_len; memcpy(&bpf->bf_insn, program.bf_insns, sizeof(struct bpf_insn) * program.bf_len); (*cmd)->len |= (sizeof(ipfw_insn_bpf) + sizeof(struct bpf_insn) * (bpf->bf_len - 1)) / sizeof(uint32_t); pcap_freecode(&program); NEXT_ARG1; }
bool BaseSniffer::set_filter(const std::string &filter) { bpf_program prog; if(pcap_compile(handle, &prog, filter.c_str(), 0, mask) == -1) return false; bool result = pcap_setfilter(handle, &prog) != -1; pcap_freecode(&prog); return result; }
void stop_capture(int sig) { printf("send SIGINT signal to terminate packet capture\n"); //free resources pcap_freecode(&fp); pcap_close(handle); exit(0); }
void cleanup(void) { pcap_freecode(&fp); pcap_close(handle); if(buff_frag) free(buff_frag); free_tags(); }
static void ulink_recv_close(ulink_recv_t *t) { pcap_freecode(&t->bpf); pcap_close(t->pcap_handle); LOG_("ulink_recv_close: %p", t); free(t); return; }