static void
pdf_debug_key(FILE *out, void *key_)
	pdf_obj *key = (pdf_obj *)key_;

	if (pdf_is_indirect(key))
		fprintf(out, "(%d %d R) ", pdf_to_num(key), pdf_to_gen(key));
		pdf_fprint_obj(out, key, 0);
static void
	pdf_obj *obj;

	printf("\nPDF-%d.%d\n", doc->version / 10, doc->version % 10);

	obj = pdf_dict_gets(pdf_trailer(doc), "Info");
	if (obj)
		printf("Info object (%d %d R):\n", pdf_to_num(obj), pdf_to_gen(obj));
		pdf_fprint_obj(stdout, pdf_resolve_indirect(obj), 0);

	obj = pdf_dict_gets(pdf_trailer(doc), "Encrypt");
	if (obj)
		printf("\nEncryption object (%d %d R):\n", pdf_to_num(obj), pdf_to_gen(obj));
		pdf_fprint_obj(stdout, pdf_resolve_indirect(obj), 0);

	printf("\nPages: %d\n\n", pagecount);
// just copy one of the resource sub-entries (e.g. /Font)
static int copy_and_rename_resource(fz_context *dest_ctx, pdf_obj *dest, 
	fz_context *src_ctx, pdf_obj *src, char *prefix, struct put_info *info)
	char new_name[64]; /* this buffer is big enough up to hold all digits for two 16-bit numbers */

    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < pdf_dict_len(src_ctx, src); i++) {
        pdf_obj *src_key = pdf_dict_get_key(src_ctx, src, i);
		pdf_obj *src_val = pdf_dict_get_val(src_ctx, src, i);

		if(!pdf_is_name(src_ctx, src_key)) {
		/* if this is an inline resource, just copy this object into the new
		    resource dict */	
		if(!pdf_is_indirect(src_ctx, src_val)) {
			if(snprintf(new_name, sizeof(new_name) / sizeof(new_name[0]), 
					"%sinline_%d", prefix, info->next_inline_id++) >= sizeof(new_name) / sizeof(new_name[0]))
				return(1); // not enough space
			pdf_obj *new_res = copy_unassigned_object_continue(dest_ctx, 
				info->dest_doc, src_ctx, info->src_doc, src_val, &info->new_ids);
			//pdf_obj *new_res = pdf_new_dict(dest_ctx, info->dest_doc, 10);
			printf("dump it...\n");
			pdf_fprint_obj(dest_ctx, stdout, new_res, 0);
			/* now reference this new object in the resource object of this sheet */
			pdf_obj *dest_key = pdf_new_name(dest_ctx, info->dest_doc, new_name);

			pdf_dict_put(dest_ctx, dest, dest_key, new_res);
			pdf_drop_obj(dest_ctx, dest_key);
			pdf_drop_obj(dest_ctx, new_res);
		} else {
			/* The new name of resource objects is always the num/gen of the 
			   referenced object in the src-file. Thus we can check by that name
			   if the object was already referenced by another page of this sheet. */
			if(snprintf(new_name, sizeof(new_name) / sizeof(new_name[0]), 
					"%s%d_%d", prefix, pdf_to_num(dest_ctx, src_val), pdf_to_gen(dest_ctx, src_val)) >= 
					sizeof(new_name) / sizeof(new_name[0]))
				return(1); // not enough space
			if(pdf_dict_gets(dest_ctx, dest, new_name) == NULL) {
			   /* if this resource is not inlined and not already in the resource-dict 
				  of the current sheet... */
				/* ...copy the referenced resource to the new document!
				   If this object has copied already (for another sheet in dest_doc),
				   copy_object_continue() will do nothing */
				pdf_obj *new_res = copy_object_continue(dest_ctx, info->dest_doc, 
					src_ctx, info->src_doc, src_val, &info->new_ids);

				/* now reference this new object in the resource object of this sheet */
				pdf_obj *dest_key = pdf_new_name(dest_ctx, info->dest_doc, new_name);

				pdf_dict_put(dest_ctx, dest, dest_key, new_res);
				pdf_drop_obj(dest_ctx, dest_key);
				pdf_drop_obj(dest_ctx, new_res);	

		/* even if it was used on another sheet or on this sheet, add it to the 
		   rename-dict for this sheet! Because it could have different names
		   on different source-pages */
		pdf_obj *rename_key = pdf_new_name(dest_ctx, info->dest_doc, pdf_to_name(dest_ctx, src_key));
		pdf_obj *rename_val = pdf_new_name(dest_ctx, info->dest_doc, new_name);
		pdf_dict_put(dest_ctx, info->rename_dict, rename_key, rename_val);
		pdf_drop_obj(dest_ctx, rename_key);
		pdf_drop_obj(dest_ctx, rename_val);
