static void removeduplicateobjs(void) { int num, other; for (num = 1; num < xref->len; num++) { /* Only compare an object to objects preceding it */ for (other = 1; other < num; other++) { fz_obj *a, *b; if (num == other || !uselist[num] || !uselist[other]) continue; /* * Comparing stream objects data contents would take too long. * * pdf_is_stream calls pdf_cache_object and ensures * that the xref table has the objects loaded. */ fz_try(ctx) { if (pdf_is_stream(xref, num, 0) || pdf_is_stream(xref, other, 0)) continue; } fz_catch(ctx) { /* Assume different */ } a = xref->table[num].obj; b = xref->table[other].obj; a = fz_resolve_indirect(a); b = fz_resolve_indirect(b); if (fz_objcmp(a, b)) continue; /* Keep the lowest numbered object */ renumbermap[num] = MIN(num, other); renumbermap[other] = MIN(num, other); uselist[MAX(num, other)] = 0; /* One duplicate was found, do not look for another */ break; } } }
static fz_obj * pdf_get_ap_stream(pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *obj) { fz_obj *ap = fz_dict_gets(xref->ctx, obj, "AP"); if (!fz_is_dict(xref->ctx, ap)) return NULL; ap = fz_dict_gets(xref->ctx, ap, "N"); if (!pdf_is_stream(xref, fz_to_num(ap), fz_to_gen(ap))) ap = fz_dict_get(xref->ctx, ap, fz_dict_gets(xref->ctx, obj, "AS")); if (!pdf_is_stream(xref, fz_to_num(ap), fz_to_gen(ap))) return NULL; return ap; }
static void sweepref(fz_obj *obj) { int num = fz_to_num(obj); int gen = fz_to_gen(obj); if (num < 0 || num >= xref->len) return; if (uselist[num]) return; uselist[num] = 1; /* Bake in /Length in stream objects */ fz_try(ctx) { if (pdf_is_stream(xref, num, gen)) { fz_obj *len = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Length"); if (fz_is_indirect(len)) { uselist[fz_to_num(len)] = 0; len = fz_resolve_indirect(len); fz_dict_puts(obj, "Length", len); } } } fz_catch(ctx) { /* Leave broken */ } sweepobj(fz_resolve_indirect(obj)); }
void pdf_update_annot(pdf_document *doc, pdf_annot *annot) { /* SumatraPDF: prevent regressions */ #if 0 pdf_obj *obj, *ap, *as, *n; fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; if (doc->update_appearance) doc->update_appearance(doc, annot); obj = annot->obj; ap = pdf_dict_gets(obj, "AP"); as = pdf_dict_gets(obj, "AS"); if (pdf_is_dict(ap)) { pdf_hotspot *hp = &doc->hotspot; n = NULL; if (hp->num == pdf_to_num(obj) && hp->gen == pdf_to_gen(obj) && (hp->state & HOTSPOT_POINTER_DOWN)) { n = pdf_dict_gets(ap, "D"); /* down state */ } if (n == NULL) n = pdf_dict_gets(ap, "N"); /* normal state */ /* lookup current state in sub-dictionary */ if (!pdf_is_stream(doc, pdf_to_num(n), pdf_to_gen(n))) n = pdf_dict_get(n, as); pdf_drop_xobject(ctx, annot->ap); annot->ap = NULL; if (pdf_is_stream(doc, pdf_to_num(n), pdf_to_gen(n))) { fz_try(ctx) { annot->ap = pdf_load_xobject(doc, n); pdf_transform_annot(annot); annot->ap_iteration = annot->ap->iteration; } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow_if(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER); fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring broken annotation"); } } } #endif }
void pdf_update_annot(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_annot *annot) { pdf_obj *obj, *ap, *as, *n; if (doc->update_appearance) doc->update_appearance(ctx, doc, annot); obj = annot->obj; ap = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_AP); as = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_AS); if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, ap)) { pdf_hotspot *hp = &doc->hotspot; n = NULL; if (hp->num == pdf_to_num(ctx, obj) && hp->gen == pdf_to_gen(ctx, obj) && (hp->state & HOTSPOT_POINTER_DOWN)) { n = pdf_dict_get(ctx, ap, PDF_NAME_D); /* down state */ } if (n == NULL) n = pdf_dict_get(ctx, ap, PDF_NAME_N); /* normal state */ /* lookup current state in sub-dictionary */ if (!pdf_is_stream(ctx, doc, pdf_to_num(ctx, n), pdf_to_gen(ctx, n))) n = pdf_dict_get(ctx, n, as); pdf_drop_xobject(ctx, annot->ap); annot->ap = NULL; if (pdf_is_stream(ctx, doc, pdf_to_num(ctx, n), pdf_to_gen(ctx, n))) { fz_try(ctx) { annot->ap = pdf_load_xobject(ctx, doc, n); pdf_transform_annot(ctx, annot); annot->ap_iteration = annot->ap->iteration; } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow_if(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER); fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring broken annotation"); } } } }
fz_stream * pdf_open_contents_stream(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *obj) { int num; if (pdf_is_array(ctx, obj)) return pdf_open_object_array(ctx, doc, obj); num = pdf_to_num(ctx, obj); if (pdf_is_stream(ctx, obj)) return pdf_open_image_stream(ctx, doc, num, NULL); fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "pdf object stream missing (%d 0 R)", num); }
fz_stream * pdf_open_contents_stream(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *obj) { fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx; int num, gen; if (pdf_is_array(obj)) return pdf_open_object_array(xref, obj); num = pdf_to_num(obj); gen = pdf_to_gen(obj); if (pdf_is_stream(xref, num, gen)) return pdf_open_image_stream(xref, num, gen, num, gen, NULL); fz_warn(ctx, "pdf object stream missing (%d %d R)", num, gen); return NULL; }
static void writeobject(int num, int gen) { fz_error error; fz_obj *obj; fz_obj *type; error = pdf_load_object(&obj, xref, num, gen); if (error) die(error); /* skip ObjStm and XRef objects */ if (fz_is_dict(ctx, obj)) { type = fz_dict_gets(ctx, obj, "Type"); if (fz_is_name(ctx, type) && !strcmp(fz_to_name(ctx, type), "ObjStm")) { uselist[num] = 0; fz_drop_obj(ctx, obj); return; } if (fz_is_name(ctx, type) && !strcmp(fz_to_name(ctx, type), "XRef")) { uselist[num] = 0; fz_drop_obj(ctx, obj); return; } } if (!pdf_is_stream(xref, num, gen)) { fprintf(out, "%d %d obj\n", num, gen); fz_fprint_obj(ctx, out, obj, !doexpand); fprintf(out, "endobj\n\n"); } else { if (doexpand && !pdf_is_jpx_image(ctx, obj)) expandstream(obj, num, gen); else copystream(obj, num, gen); } fz_drop_obj(ctx, obj); }
static char *get_string_or_stream(pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *obj) { fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; int len = 0; char *buf = NULL; fz_buffer *strmbuf = NULL; char *text = NULL; fz_var(strmbuf); fz_var(text); fz_try(ctx) { if (pdf_is_string(obj)) { len = pdf_to_str_len(obj); buf = pdf_to_str_buf(obj); } else if (pdf_is_stream(doc, pdf_to_num(obj), pdf_to_gen(obj))) { strmbuf = pdf_load_stream(doc, pdf_to_num(obj), pdf_to_gen(obj)); len = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, strmbuf, (unsigned char **)&buf); } if (buf) { text = fz_malloc(ctx, len+1); memcpy(text, buf, len); text[len] = 0; } } fz_always(ctx) { fz_drop_buffer(ctx, strmbuf); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_free(ctx, text); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return text; }
static int add_to_srcpage_stream(pdf_document *xref,fz_context *ctx,int pageref,int pagegen, pdf_obj *srcdict) { fz_buffer *srcbuf; fz_buffer *dstbuf; int dstlen; // printf("@add_to_srcpage_stream()...pageref=%d\n",pageref); srcbuf=pdf_load_stream(xref,pdf_to_num(srcdict),pdf_to_gen(srcdict)); if (srcbuf==NULL) { dstbuf=pdf_load_stream(xref,pageref,pagegen); if (dstbuf==NULL) return(0); dstlen=fz_buffer_storage(ctx,dstbuf,NULL); fz_drop_buffer(ctx,dstbuf); return(dstlen); } if (!pdf_is_stream(xref,pageref,pagegen)) dstbuf=fz_new_buffer(ctx,16); else { dstbuf=pdf_load_stream(xref,pageref,pagegen); if (dstbuf==NULL) dstbuf=fz_new_buffer(ctx,16); } /* Concatenate srcbuf to dstbuf: (Will srcbuf->data be allowed?) */ dstlen=fz_buffer_storage(ctx,dstbuf,NULL); /* printf(" dstlen before = %d\n",dstlen); printf(" srclen = %d\n",fz_buffer_storage(ctx,srcbuf,NULL)); printf(" srcptr = %p\n",srcbuf->data); */ fz_write_buffer(ctx,dstbuf,srcbuf->data,fz_buffer_storage(ctx,srcbuf,NULL)); dstlen=fz_buffer_storage(ctx,dstbuf,NULL); // printf(" dstlen after = %d\n",dstlen); fz_drop_buffer(ctx,srcbuf); pdf_update_stream(xref,pageref,dstbuf); fz_drop_buffer(ctx,dstbuf); return(dstlen); }
pdf_font_desc * pdf_load_type3_font(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *rdb, pdf_obj *dict) { char buf[256]; char *estrings[256]; pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = NULL; pdf_obj *encoding; pdf_obj *widths; pdf_obj *charprocs; pdf_obj *obj; int first, last; int i, k, n; fz_rect bbox; fz_matrix matrix; fz_font *font; fz_var(fontdesc); /* Make a new type3 font entry in the document */ if (doc->num_type3_fonts == doc->max_type3_fonts) { int new_max = doc->max_type3_fonts * 2; if (new_max == 0) new_max = 4; doc->type3_fonts = fz_resize_array(ctx, doc->type3_fonts, new_max, sizeof(*doc->type3_fonts)); doc->max_type3_fonts = new_max; } fz_try(ctx) { obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_Name); if (pdf_is_name(ctx, obj)) fz_strlcpy(buf, pdf_to_name(ctx, obj), sizeof buf); else fz_strlcpy(buf, "Unnamed-T3", sizeof buf); fontdesc = pdf_new_font_desc(ctx); obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_FontMatrix); pdf_to_matrix(ctx, obj, &matrix); obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_FontBBox); fz_transform_rect(pdf_to_rect(ctx, obj, &bbox), &matrix); font = fz_new_type3_font(ctx, buf, &matrix); fontdesc->font = font; fontdesc->size += sizeof(fz_font) + 256 * (sizeof(fz_buffer*) + sizeof(float)); fz_set_font_bbox(ctx, font, bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1); /* Encoding */ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) estrings[i] = NULL; encoding = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_Encoding); if (!encoding) { fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "syntaxerror: Type3 font missing Encoding"); } if (pdf_is_name(ctx, encoding)) pdf_load_encoding(estrings, pdf_to_name(ctx, encoding)); if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, encoding)) { pdf_obj *base, *diff, *item; base = pdf_dict_get(ctx, encoding, PDF_NAME_BaseEncoding); if (pdf_is_name(ctx, base)) pdf_load_encoding(estrings, pdf_to_name(ctx, base)); diff = pdf_dict_get(ctx, encoding, PDF_NAME_Differences); if (pdf_is_array(ctx, diff)) { n = pdf_array_len(ctx, diff); k = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { item = pdf_array_get(ctx, diff, i); if (pdf_is_int(ctx, item)) k = pdf_to_int(ctx, item); if (pdf_is_name(ctx, item) && k >= 0 && k < nelem(estrings)) estrings[k++] = pdf_to_name(ctx, item); } } } fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 0, 1); fontdesc->size += pdf_cmap_size(ctx, fontdesc->encoding); pdf_load_to_unicode(ctx, doc, fontdesc, estrings, NULL, pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_ToUnicode)); /* Widths */ pdf_set_default_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, 0); first = pdf_to_int(ctx, pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_FirstChar)); last = pdf_to_int(ctx, pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_LastChar)); if (first < 0 || last > 255 || first > last) first = last = 0; widths = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_Widths); if (!widths) { fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "syntaxerror: Type3 font missing Widths"); } for (i = first; i <= last; i++) { float w = pdf_to_real(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, widths, i - first)); w = font->t3matrix.a * w * 1000; font->t3widths[i] = w * 0.001f; pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, i, i, w); } pdf_end_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc); /* Resources -- inherit page resources if the font doesn't have its own */ font->t3freeres = pdf_t3_free_resources; font->t3resources = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_Resources); if (!font->t3resources) font->t3resources = rdb; if (font->t3resources) pdf_keep_obj(ctx, font->t3resources); if (!font->t3resources) fz_warn(ctx, "no resource dictionary for type 3 font!"); font->t3doc = doc; font->t3run = pdf_run_glyph_func; /* CharProcs */ charprocs = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_CharProcs); if (!charprocs) { fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "syntaxerror: Type3 font missing CharProcs"); } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (estrings[i]) { obj = pdf_dict_gets(ctx, charprocs, estrings[i]); if (pdf_is_stream(ctx, obj)) { font->t3procs[i] = pdf_load_stream(ctx, obj); fz_trim_buffer(ctx, font->t3procs[i]); fontdesc->size += fz_buffer_storage(ctx, font->t3procs[i], NULL); fontdesc->size += 0; // TODO: display list size calculation } } } } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_font(ctx, fontdesc); fz_rethrow(ctx); } doc->type3_fonts[doc->num_type3_fonts++] = fz_keep_font(ctx, font); return fontdesc; }
void pdf_update_annot(pdf_document *xref, pdf_annot *annot) { pdf_obj *obj, *ap, *as, *n, *d, *c; fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx; int suitable; int mouse_states; pdf_hotspot *hp = &xref->hotspot; obj = annot->obj; if (hp->num == pdf_to_num(obj) && hp->gen == pdf_to_gen(obj) && (hp->state & HOTSPOT_POINTER_DOWN)) { mouse_states = MOUSE_DOWN_APPEARANCE; } else { mouse_states = MOUSE_UP_APPEARANCE; } suitable = (annot->mouse_states & mouse_states); if (pdf_update_appearance(xref, obj) || !suitable || annot->has_states) { ap = pdf_dict_gets(obj, "AP"); as = pdf_dict_gets(obj, "AS"); if (pdf_is_dict(ap)) { pdf_hotspot *hp = &xref->hotspot; n = pdf_dict_gets(ap, "N"); /* normal state */ d = pdf_dict_gets(ap, "D"); /* down state */ if (mouse_states == MOUSE_DOWN_APPEARANCE) c = d?d:n; else c = n?n:d; annot->has_states = 0; /* lookup current state in sub-dictionary */ if (!pdf_is_stream(xref, pdf_to_num(c), pdf_to_gen(c))) { annot->has_states = 1; c = pdf_dict_get(c, as); } /* This test is important to avoid losing the knowledge * that an appearance stream is for both mouse states */ if (!suitable) annot->mouse_states = mouse_states; pdf_drop_xobject(ctx, annot->ap); annot->ap = NULL; if (pdf_is_stream(xref, pdf_to_num(c), pdf_to_gen(c))) { fz_try(ctx) { annot->ap = pdf_load_xobject(xref, c); pdf_transform_annot(annot); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring broken annotation"); } } if (obj == xref->focus_obj) xref->focus = annot; } }
pdf_annot * pdf_load_annots(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *annots, fz_matrix page_ctm) { pdf_annot *annot, *head, *tail; pdf_obj *obj, *ap, *as, *n, *d, *c, *rect; int i, len; int mouse_states; int has_states = 0; fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx; head = tail = NULL; annot = NULL; len = pdf_array_len(annots); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { obj = pdf_array_get(annots, i); pdf_update_appearance(xref, obj); rect = pdf_dict_gets(obj, "Rect"); ap = pdf_dict_gets(obj, "AP"); as = pdf_dict_gets(obj, "AS"); if (pdf_is_dict(ap)) { pdf_hotspot *hp = &xref->hotspot; n = pdf_dict_gets(ap, "N"); /* normal state */ d = pdf_dict_gets(ap, "D"); /* down state */ if (n && d) { if (hp->num == pdf_to_num(obj) && hp->gen == pdf_to_gen(obj) && (hp->state & HOTSPOT_POINTER_DOWN)) { /* Use the down appearance, but as we also have * a normal appearance, it is suitable only for mouse * down */ c = d; mouse_states = MOUSE_DOWN_APPEARANCE; } else { /* Use the normal appearance, but as we also have * a down appearance, it is suitable only for mouse * up */ c = n; mouse_states = MOUSE_UP_APPEARANCE; } } else { /* Use whichever appearance we have for both states */ c = n?n:d; mouse_states = MOUSE_UP_APPEARANCE|MOUSE_DOWN_APPEARANCE; } /* lookup current state in sub-dictionary */ if (!pdf_is_stream(xref, pdf_to_num(c), pdf_to_gen(c))) { has_states = 1; c = pdf_dict_get(c, as); } annot = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, pdf_annot); annot->obj = pdf_keep_obj(obj); annot->rect = pdf_to_rect(ctx, rect); annot->pagerect = fz_transform_rect(page_ctm, annot->rect); annot->ap = NULL; annot->type = pdf_field_type(xref, obj); annot->mouse_states = mouse_states; annot->has_states = has_states; if (pdf_is_stream(xref, pdf_to_num(c), pdf_to_gen(c))) { fz_try(ctx) { annot->ap = pdf_load_xobject(xref, c); pdf_transform_annot(annot); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring broken annotation"); } } annot->next = NULL; if (obj == xref->focus_obj) xref->focus = annot; if (!head) head = tail = annot; else { tail->next = annot; tail = annot; } } } return head; }
/* Convert Unicode/PdfDocEncoding string into utf-8 */ char * pdf_to_utf8(pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *src) { fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; fz_buffer *strmbuf = NULL; unsigned char *srcptr; char *dstptr, *dst; int srclen; int dstlen = 0; int ucs; int i; fz_var(strmbuf); fz_try(ctx) { if (pdf_is_string(src)) { srcptr = (unsigned char *) pdf_to_str_buf(src); srclen = pdf_to_str_len(src); } else if (pdf_is_stream(doc, pdf_to_num(src), pdf_to_gen(src))) { strmbuf = pdf_load_stream(doc, pdf_to_num(src), pdf_to_gen(src)); srclen = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, strmbuf, (unsigned char **)&srcptr); } else { srclen = 0; } if (srclen >= 2 && srcptr[0] == 254 && srcptr[1] == 255) { for (i = 2; i + 1 < srclen; i += 2) { ucs = srcptr[i] << 8 | srcptr[i+1]; dstlen += fz_runelen(ucs); } dstptr = dst = fz_malloc(ctx, dstlen + 1); for (i = 2; i + 1 < srclen; i += 2) { ucs = srcptr[i] << 8 | srcptr[i+1]; dstptr += fz_runetochar(dstptr, ucs); } } else if (srclen >= 2 && srcptr[0] == 255 && srcptr[1] == 254) { for (i = 2; i + 1 < srclen; i += 2) { ucs = srcptr[i] | srcptr[i+1] << 8; dstlen += fz_runelen(ucs); } dstptr = dst = fz_malloc(ctx, dstlen + 1); for (i = 2; i + 1 < srclen; i += 2) { ucs = srcptr[i] | srcptr[i+1] << 8; dstptr += fz_runetochar(dstptr, ucs); } } else { for (i = 0; i < srclen; i++) dstlen += fz_runelen(pdf_doc_encoding[srcptr[i]]); dstptr = dst = fz_malloc(ctx, dstlen + 1); for (i = 0; i < srclen; i++) { ucs = pdf_replace_undefined(pdf_doc_encoding[srcptr[i]]); dstptr += fz_runetochar(dstptr, ucs); } } } fz_always(ctx) { fz_drop_buffer(ctx, strmbuf); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow(ctx); } *dstptr = '\0'; return dst; }
void pdf_load_to_unicode(pdf_document *doc, pdf_font_desc *font, char **strings, char *collection, pdf_obj *cmapstm) { pdf_cmap *cmap; int cid; int ucsbuf[8]; int ucslen; int i; fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; if (pdf_is_stream(doc, pdf_to_num(cmapstm), pdf_to_gen(cmapstm))) { cmap = pdf_load_embedded_cmap(doc, cmapstm); font->to_unicode = pdf_new_cmap(ctx); for (i = 0; i < (strings ? 256 : 65536); i++) { cid = pdf_lookup_cmap(font->encoding, i); if (cid >= 0) { ucslen = pdf_lookup_cmap_full(cmap, i, ucsbuf); if (ucslen == 1) pdf_map_range_to_range(ctx, font->to_unicode, cid, cid, ucsbuf[0]); if (ucslen > 1) pdf_map_one_to_many(ctx, font->to_unicode, cid, ucsbuf, ucslen); } } pdf_sort_cmap(ctx, font->to_unicode); pdf_drop_cmap(ctx, cmap); font->size += pdf_cmap_size(ctx, font->to_unicode); } else if (collection) { if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-CNS1")) font->to_unicode = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-CNS1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-GB1")) font->to_unicode = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-GB1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Japan1")) font->to_unicode = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Japan1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Korea1")) font->to_unicode = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Korea1-UCS2"); return; } if (strings) { /* TODO one-to-many mappings */ font->cid_to_ucs_len = 256; font->cid_to_ucs = fz_malloc_array(ctx, 256, sizeof(unsigned short)); font->size += 256 * sizeof(unsigned short); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (strings[i]) font->cid_to_ucs[i] = pdf_lookup_agl(strings[i]); else font->cid_to_ucs[i] = '?'; } } if (!font->to_unicode && !font->cid_to_ucs) { /* TODO: synthesize a ToUnicode if it's a freetype font with * cmap and/or post tables or if it has glyph names. */ } }
/* Convert Unicode/PdfDocEncoding string into utf-8 */ char * pdf_to_utf8(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *src) { fz_buffer *stmbuf = NULL; unsigned char *srcptr; char *dstptr, *dst; size_t srclen; size_t dstlen = 0; int ucs; size_t i; fz_var(stmbuf); fz_try(ctx) { if (pdf_is_string(ctx, src)) { srcptr = (unsigned char *) pdf_to_str_buf(ctx, src); srclen = pdf_to_str_len(ctx, src); } else if (pdf_is_stream(ctx, src)) { stmbuf = pdf_load_stream(ctx, doc, pdf_to_num(ctx, src), pdf_to_gen(ctx, src)); srclen = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, stmbuf, (unsigned char **)&srcptr); } else { srclen = 0; } /* UTF-16BE */ if (srclen >= 2 && srcptr[0] == 254 && srcptr[1] == 255) { i = 2; while (i + 2 <= srclen) { /* skip language escape codes */ if (i + 6 <= srclen && srcptr[i+0] == 0 && srcptr[i+1] == 27 && srcptr[i+4] == 0 && srcptr[i+5] == 27) { i += 6; } else if (i + 8 <= srclen && srcptr[i+0] == 0 && srcptr[i+1] == 27 && srcptr[i+6] == 0 && srcptr[i+7] == 27) { i += 8; } else { i += rune_from_utf16be(&ucs, srcptr + i, srcptr + srclen); dstlen += fz_runelen(ucs); } } dstptr = dst = fz_malloc(ctx, dstlen + 1); i = 2; while (i + 2 <= srclen) { /* skip language escape codes */ if (i + 6 <= srclen && srcptr[i+0] == 0 && srcptr[i+1] == 27 && srcptr[i+4] == 0 && srcptr[i+5] == 27) { i += 6; } else if (i + 8 <= srclen && srcptr[i+0] == 0 && srcptr[i+1] == 27 && srcptr[i+6] == 0 && srcptr[i+7] == 27) { i += 8; } else { i += rune_from_utf16be(&ucs, srcptr + i, srcptr + srclen); dstptr += fz_runetochar(dstptr, ucs); } } } /* PDFDocEncoding */ else { for (i = 0; i < srclen; i++) dstlen += fz_runelen(pdf_doc_encoding[srcptr[i]]); dstptr = dst = fz_malloc(ctx, dstlen + 1); for (i = 0; i < srclen; i++) { ucs = pdf_doc_encoding[srcptr[i]]; dstptr += fz_runetochar(dstptr, ucs); } } } fz_always(ctx) { fz_drop_buffer(ctx, stmbuf); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow(ctx); } *dstptr = '\0'; return dst; }
pdf_font_desc * pdf_load_type3_font(pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *rdb, pdf_obj *dict) { char buf[256]; char *estrings[256]; pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = NULL; pdf_obj *encoding; pdf_obj *widths; pdf_obj *charprocs; pdf_obj *obj; int first, last; int i, k, n; fz_rect bbox; fz_matrix matrix; fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; fz_var(fontdesc); /* Make a new type3 font entry in the document */ if (doc->num_type3_fonts == doc->max_type3_fonts) { int new_max = doc->max_type3_fonts * 2; if (new_max == 0) new_max = 4; doc->type3_fonts = fz_resize_array(doc->ctx, doc->type3_fonts, new_max, sizeof(*doc->type3_fonts)); doc->max_type3_fonts = new_max; } fz_try(ctx) { obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Name"); if (pdf_is_name(obj)) fz_strlcpy(buf, pdf_to_name(obj), sizeof buf); else sprintf(buf, "Unnamed-T3"); fontdesc = pdf_new_font_desc(ctx); obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FontMatrix"); pdf_to_matrix(ctx, obj, &matrix); obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FontBBox"); fz_transform_rect(pdf_to_rect(ctx, obj, &bbox), &matrix); fontdesc->font = fz_new_type3_font(ctx, buf, &matrix); fontdesc->size += sizeof(fz_font) + 256 * (sizeof(fz_buffer*) + sizeof(float)); fz_set_font_bbox(ctx, fontdesc->font, bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1); /* SumatraPDF: expose Type3 FontDescriptor flags */ fontdesc->flags = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_gets(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FontDescriptor"), "Flags")); /* Encoding */ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) estrings[i] = NULL; encoding = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Encoding"); if (!encoding) { fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "syntaxerror: Type3 font missing Encoding"); } if (pdf_is_name(encoding)) pdf_load_encoding(estrings, pdf_to_name(encoding)); if (pdf_is_dict(encoding)) { pdf_obj *base, *diff, *item; base = pdf_dict_gets(encoding, "BaseEncoding"); if (pdf_is_name(base)) pdf_load_encoding(estrings, pdf_to_name(base)); diff = pdf_dict_gets(encoding, "Differences"); if (pdf_is_array(diff)) { n = pdf_array_len(diff); k = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { item = pdf_array_get(diff, i); if (pdf_is_int(item)) k = pdf_to_int(item); if (pdf_is_name(item) && k >= 0 && k < nelem(estrings)) estrings[k++] = pdf_to_name(item); } } } fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 0, 1); fontdesc->size += pdf_cmap_size(ctx, fontdesc->encoding); pdf_load_to_unicode(doc, fontdesc, estrings, NULL, pdf_dict_gets(dict, "ToUnicode")); /* SumatraPDF: trying to match Adobe Reader's behavior */ if (!(fontdesc->flags & PDF_FD_SYMBOLIC) && fontdesc->cid_to_ucs_len >= 128) for (i = 32; i < 128; i++) if (fontdesc->cid_to_ucs[i] == '?' || fontdesc->cid_to_ucs[i] == '\0') fontdesc->cid_to_ucs[i] = i; /* Widths */ pdf_set_default_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, 0); first = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FirstChar")); last = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "LastChar")); /* cf. */ if (first >= 256 && last - first < 256) { fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring out-of-bound values for FirstChar/LastChar: %d/%d", first, last); last -= first; first = 0; } if (first < 0 || last > 255 || first > last) first = last = 0; widths = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Widths"); if (!widths) { fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "syntaxerror: Type3 font missing Widths"); } for (i = first; i <= last; i++) { float w = pdf_to_real(pdf_array_get(widths, i - first)); w = fontdesc->font->t3matrix.a * w * 1000; fontdesc->font->t3widths[i] = w * 0.001f; pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, i, i, w); } pdf_end_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc); /* Resources -- inherit page resources if the font doesn't have its own */ fontdesc->font->t3freeres = pdf_t3_free_resources; fontdesc->font->t3resources = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Resources"); if (!fontdesc->font->t3resources) fontdesc->font->t3resources = rdb; if (fontdesc->font->t3resources) pdf_keep_obj(fontdesc->font->t3resources); if (!fontdesc->font->t3resources) fz_warn(ctx, "no resource dictionary for type 3 font!"); fontdesc->font->t3doc = doc; fontdesc->font->t3run = pdf_run_glyph_func; /* CharProcs */ charprocs = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "CharProcs"); if (!charprocs) { fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "syntaxerror: Type3 font missing CharProcs"); } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (estrings[i]) { /* SumatraPDF: don't reject fonts with few broken glyphs */ fz_try(ctx) { obj = pdf_dict_gets(charprocs, estrings[i]); if (pdf_is_stream(doc, pdf_to_num(obj), pdf_to_gen(obj))) { fontdesc->font->t3procs[i] = pdf_load_stream(doc, pdf_to_num(obj), pdf_to_gen(obj)); fontdesc->size += fontdesc->font->t3procs[i]->cap; fontdesc->size += 0; // TODO: display list size calculation } } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_warn(ctx, "failed to get data for type 3 glyph '%s'", estrings[i]); } } } } fz_catch(ctx) { if (fontdesc) pdf_drop_font(ctx, fontdesc); fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "cannot load type3 font (%d %d R)", pdf_to_num(dict), pdf_to_gen(dict)); } doc->type3_fonts[doc->num_type3_fonts++] = fz_keep_font(ctx, fontdesc->font); return fontdesc; }
void pdf_load_annots(pdf_annot **annotp, pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *annots) { pdf_annot *annot, *head, *tail; fz_obj *obj, *ap, *as, *n, *rect; pdf_xobject *form; fz_error error; int i; fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx; head = tail = NULL; annot = NULL; for (i = 0; i < fz_array_len(ctx, annots); i++) { obj = fz_array_get(ctx, annots, i); /* cf. */ if ((annot = pdf_update_tx_widget_annot(xref, obj))) { if (!head) head = tail = annot; else { tail->next = annot; tail = annot; } continue; } rect = fz_dict_gets(ctx, obj, "Rect"); ap = fz_dict_gets(ctx, obj, "AP"); as = fz_dict_gets(ctx, obj, "AS"); if (fz_is_dict(ctx, ap)) { n = fz_dict_gets(ctx, ap, "N"); /* normal state */ /* lookup current state in sub-dictionary */ if (!pdf_is_stream(xref, fz_to_num(n), fz_to_gen(n))) n = fz_dict_get(ctx, n, as); if (pdf_is_stream(xref, fz_to_num(n), fz_to_gen(n))) { error = pdf_load_xobject(&form, xref, n); if (error) { fz_error_handle(ctx, error, "ignoring broken annotation"); continue; } annot = fz_malloc(ctx, sizeof(pdf_annot)); annot->obj = fz_keep_obj(obj); annot->rect = pdf_to_rect(ctx, rect); annot->ap = form; annot->next = NULL; pdf_transform_annot(annot); if (annot) { if (!head) head = tail = annot; else { tail->next = annot; tail = annot; } } } } /* SumatraPDF: synthesize appearance streams for a few more annotations */ else if ((annot = pdf_create_annot_with_appearance(xref, obj))) { if (!head) head = tail = annot; else { tail->next = annot; tail = annot; } } } *annotp = head; }
void pdf_load_annots(fz_context *ctx, pdf_page *page, pdf_obj *annots) { pdf_document *doc = page->doc; pdf_annot *annot, **itr; pdf_obj *obj, *ap, *as, *n; int i, len, keep_annot; fz_var(annot); fz_var(itr); fz_var(keep_annot); itr = &page->annots; len = pdf_array_len(ctx, annots); /* Create an initial linked list of pdf_annot structures with only the obj field filled in. We do this because update_appearance has the potential to change the annot array, so we don't want to be iterating through the array while that happens. */ fz_try(ctx) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { obj = pdf_array_get(ctx, annots, i); annot = pdf_new_annot(ctx, page); *itr = annot; annot->obj = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, obj); itr = &annot->next; } } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_annots(ctx, page->annots); page->annots = NULL; fz_rethrow(ctx); } /* Iterate through the newly created annot linked list, using a double pointer to facilitate deleting broken annotations. */ itr = &page->annots; while (*itr) { annot = *itr; fz_try(ctx) { pdf_hotspot *hp = &doc->hotspot; n = NULL; if (doc->update_appearance) doc->update_appearance(ctx, doc, annot); obj = annot->obj; ap = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_AP); as = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_AS); /* We only collect annotations with an appearance * stream into this list, so remove any that don't * (such as links) and continue. */ keep_annot = pdf_is_dict(ctx, ap); if (!keep_annot) break; if (hp->num == pdf_to_num(ctx, obj) && (hp->state & HOTSPOT_POINTER_DOWN)) { n = pdf_dict_get(ctx, ap, PDF_NAME_D); /* down state */ } if (n == NULL) n = pdf_dict_get(ctx, ap, PDF_NAME_N); /* normal state */ /* lookup current state in sub-dictionary */ if (!pdf_is_stream(ctx, n)) n = pdf_dict_get(ctx, n, as); annot->ap = NULL; if (pdf_is_stream(ctx, n)) { annot->ap = pdf_load_xobject(ctx, doc, n); annot->ap_iteration = annot->ap->iteration; } else fz_warn(ctx, "no appearance stream for annotation %d 0 R", pdf_to_num(ctx, annot->obj)); if (obj == doc->focus_obj) doc->focus = annot; /* Move to next item in the linked list */ itr = &annot->next; } fz_catch(ctx) { if (fz_caught(ctx) == FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER) { pdf_drop_annots(ctx, page->annots); page->annots = NULL; fz_rethrow(ctx); } keep_annot = 0; fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring broken annotation"); } if (!keep_annot) { /* Move to next item in the linked list, dropping this one */ *itr = annot->next; annot->next = NULL; /* Required because pdf_drop_annots follows the "next" chain */ pdf_drop_annots(ctx, annot); } } page->annot_tailp = itr; }
fz_error pdf_load_to_unicode(pdf_font_desc *font, pdf_xref *xref, char **strings, char *collection, fz_obj *cmapstm) { fz_error error = fz_okay; pdf_cmap *cmap; int cid; int ucsbuf[8]; int ucslen; int i; if (pdf_is_stream(xref, fz_to_num(cmapstm), fz_to_gen(cmapstm))) { error = pdf_load_embedded_cmap(&cmap, xref, cmapstm); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot load embedded cmap (%d %d R)", fz_to_num(cmapstm), fz_to_gen(cmapstm)); font->to_unicode = pdf_new_cmap(); for (i = 0; i < (strings ? 256 : 65536); i++) { cid = pdf_lookup_cmap(font->encoding, i); if (cid >= 0) { ucslen = pdf_lookup_cmap_full(cmap, i, ucsbuf); if (ucslen == 1) pdf_map_range_to_range(font->to_unicode, cid, cid, ucsbuf[0]); if (ucslen > 1) pdf_map_one_to_many(font->to_unicode, cid, ucsbuf, ucslen); } } pdf_sort_cmap(font->to_unicode); pdf_drop_cmap(cmap); } else if (collection) { error = fz_okay; if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-CNS1")) error = pdf_load_system_cmap(&font->to_unicode, "Adobe-CNS1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-GB1")) error = pdf_load_system_cmap(&font->to_unicode, "Adobe-GB1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Japan1")) error = pdf_load_system_cmap(&font->to_unicode, "Adobe-Japan1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Korea1")) error = pdf_load_system_cmap(&font->to_unicode, "Adobe-Korea1-UCS2"); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot load ToUnicode system cmap %s-UCS2", collection); } if (strings) { /* TODO one-to-many mappings */ font->cid_to_ucs_len = 256; font->cid_to_ucs = fz_calloc(256, sizeof(unsigned short)); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (strings[i]) font->cid_to_ucs[i] = pdf_lookup_agl(strings[i]); else font->cid_to_ucs[i] = '?'; } } if (!font->to_unicode && !font->cid_to_ucs) { /* TODO: synthesize a ToUnicode if it's a freetype font with * cmap and/or post tables or if it has glyph names. */ } return fz_okay; }
pdf_font_desc * pdf_load_type3_font(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *rdb, pdf_obj *dict) { char buf[256]; char *estrings[256]; pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = NULL; pdf_obj *encoding; pdf_obj *widths; pdf_obj *charprocs; pdf_obj *obj; int first, last; int i, k, n; fz_rect bbox; fz_matrix matrix; fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx; fz_var(fontdesc); fz_try(ctx) { obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Name"); if (pdf_is_name(obj)) fz_strlcpy(buf, pdf_to_name(obj), sizeof buf); else sprintf(buf, "Unnamed-T3"); fontdesc = pdf_new_font_desc(ctx); obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FontMatrix"); pdf_to_matrix(ctx, obj, &matrix); obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FontBBox"); fz_transform_rect(pdf_to_rect(ctx, obj, &bbox), &matrix); fontdesc->font = fz_new_type3_font(ctx, buf, &matrix); fontdesc->size += sizeof(fz_font) + 256 * (sizeof(fz_buffer*) + sizeof(float)); fz_set_font_bbox(ctx, fontdesc->font, bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1); /* Encoding */ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) estrings[i] = NULL; encoding = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Encoding"); if (!encoding) { fz_throw(ctx, "syntaxerror: Type3 font missing Encoding"); } if (pdf_is_name(encoding)) pdf_load_encoding(estrings, pdf_to_name(encoding)); if (pdf_is_dict(encoding)) { pdf_obj *base, *diff, *item; base = pdf_dict_gets(encoding, "BaseEncoding"); if (pdf_is_name(base)) pdf_load_encoding(estrings, pdf_to_name(base)); diff = pdf_dict_gets(encoding, "Differences"); if (pdf_is_array(diff)) { n = pdf_array_len(diff); k = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { item = pdf_array_get(diff, i); if (pdf_is_int(item)) k = pdf_to_int(item); if (pdf_is_name(item) && k >= 0 && k < nelem(estrings)) estrings[k++] = pdf_to_name(item); } } } fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 0, 1); fontdesc->size += pdf_cmap_size(ctx, fontdesc->encoding); pdf_load_to_unicode(xref, fontdesc, estrings, NULL, pdf_dict_gets(dict, "ToUnicode")); /* Widths */ pdf_set_default_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, 0); first = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FirstChar")); last = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "LastChar")); if (first < 0 || last > 255 || first > last) first = last = 0; widths = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Widths"); if (!widths) { fz_throw(ctx, "syntaxerror: Type3 font missing Widths"); } for (i = first; i <= last; i++) { float w = pdf_to_real(pdf_array_get(widths, i - first)); w = fontdesc->font->t3matrix.a * w * 1000; fontdesc->font->t3widths[i] = w * 0.001f; pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, i, i, w); } pdf_end_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc); /* Resources -- inherit page resources if the font doesn't have its own */ fontdesc->font->t3freeres = pdf_t3_free_resources; fontdesc->font->t3resources = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Resources"); if (!fontdesc->font->t3resources) fontdesc->font->t3resources = rdb; if (fontdesc->font->t3resources) pdf_keep_obj(fontdesc->font->t3resources); if (!fontdesc->font->t3resources) fz_warn(ctx, "no resource dictionary for type 3 font!"); fontdesc->font->t3doc = xref; fontdesc->font->t3run = pdf_run_glyph_func; /* CharProcs */ charprocs = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "CharProcs"); if (!charprocs) { fz_throw(ctx, "syntaxerror: Type3 font missing CharProcs"); } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (estrings[i]) { obj = pdf_dict_gets(charprocs, estrings[i]); if (pdf_is_stream(xref, pdf_to_num(obj), pdf_to_gen(obj))) { fontdesc->font->t3procs[i] = pdf_load_stream(xref, pdf_to_num(obj), pdf_to_gen(obj)); fontdesc->size += fontdesc->font->t3procs[i]->cap; fontdesc->size += 0; // TODO: display list size calculation } } } } fz_catch(ctx) { if (fontdesc) pdf_drop_font(ctx, fontdesc); fz_throw(ctx, "cannot load type3 font (%d %d R)", pdf_to_num(dict), pdf_to_gen(dict)); } return fontdesc; }
static void writeobject(int num, int gen) { fz_obj *obj; fz_obj *type; obj = pdf_load_object(xref, num, gen); /* skip ObjStm and XRef objects */ if (fz_is_dict(obj)) { type = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Type"); if (fz_is_name(type) && !strcmp(fz_to_name(type), "ObjStm")) { uselist[num] = 0; fz_drop_obj(obj); return; } if (fz_is_name(type) && !strcmp(fz_to_name(type), "XRef")) { uselist[num] = 0; fz_drop_obj(obj); return; } } if (!pdf_is_stream(xref, num, gen)) { fprintf(out, "%d %d obj\n", num, gen); fz_fprint_obj(out, obj, doexpand == 0); fprintf(out, "endobj\n\n"); } else { int dontexpand = 0; if (doexpand != 0 && doexpand != expand_all) { fz_obj *o; if ((o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Type"), !strcmp(fz_to_name(o), "XObject")) && (o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Subtype"), !strcmp(fz_to_name(o), "Image"))) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_images); if (o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Type"), !strcmp(fz_to_name(o), "Font")) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_fonts); if (o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Type"), !strcmp(fz_to_name(o), "FontDescriptor")) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_fonts); if ((o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Length1")) != NULL) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_fonts); if ((o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Length2")) != NULL) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_fonts); if ((o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Length3")) != NULL) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_fonts); if (o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Subtype"), !strcmp(fz_to_name(o), "Type1C")) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_fonts); if (o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Subtype"), !strcmp(fz_to_name(o), "CIDFontType0C")) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_fonts); } if (doexpand && !dontexpand && !pdf_is_jpx_image(ctx, obj)) expandstream(obj, num, gen); else copystream(obj, num, gen); } fz_drop_obj(obj); }
/* Graft object from dst to source */ pdf_obj * pdf_graft_object(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *dst, pdf_document *src, pdf_obj *obj_ref, pdf_graft_map *map) { pdf_obj *val, *key; pdf_obj *new_obj = NULL; pdf_obj *new_dict = NULL; pdf_obj *new_array = NULL; pdf_obj *ref = NULL; fz_buffer *buffer = NULL; pdf_graft_map *drop_map = NULL; int new_num, src_num, len, i; if (map == NULL) drop_map = map = pdf_new_graft_map(ctx, src); if (pdf_is_indirect(ctx, obj_ref)) { src_num = pdf_to_num(ctx, obj_ref); /* Check if we have done this one. If yes, then drop map (if allocated) * and return our indirect ref */ if (map->dst_from_src[src_num] != 0) { int dest_num = map->dst_from_src[src_num]; pdf_drop_graft_map(ctx, drop_map); return pdf_new_indirect(ctx, dst, dest_num, 0); } fz_var(buffer); fz_var(ref); fz_try(ctx) { /* Create new slot for our src object, set the mapping and call again * using the resolved indirect reference */ new_num = pdf_create_object(ctx, dst); map->dst_from_src[src_num] = new_num; new_obj = pdf_graft_object(ctx, dst, src, pdf_resolve_indirect(ctx, obj_ref), map); /* Return a ref to the new_obj making sure to attach any stream */ pdf_update_object(ctx, dst, new_num, new_obj); pdf_drop_obj(ctx, new_obj); ref = pdf_new_indirect(ctx, dst, new_num, 0); if (pdf_is_stream(ctx, obj_ref)) { buffer = pdf_load_raw_stream(ctx, src, src_num, 0); pdf_update_stream(ctx, dst, ref, buffer, 1); } } fz_always(ctx) { fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buffer); pdf_drop_graft_map(ctx, drop_map); } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(ctx, ref); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return ref; } else if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, obj_ref))