void pdfapp_onmouse(pdfapp_t *app, int x, int y, int btn, int modifiers, int state) { pdf_link *link; fz_matrix ctm; fz_point p; p.x = x - app->panx + app->image->x; p.y = y - app->pany + app->image->y; ctm = pdfapp_viewctm(app); ctm = fz_invertmatrix(ctm); p = fz_transformpoint(ctm, p); for (link = app->page->links; link; link = link->next) { if (p.x >= link->rect.x0 && p.x <= link->rect.x1) if (p.y >= link->rect.y0 && p.y <= link->rect.y1) break; } if (link) { wincursor(app, HAND); if (btn == 1 && state == 1) { if (fz_isstring(link->dest)) pdfapp_gotouri(app, link->dest); if (fz_isindirect(link->dest)) pdfapp_gotopage(app, link->dest); return; } } else { wincursor(app, ARROW); } if (state == 1) { if (btn == 1 && !app->iscopying) { app->ispanning = 1; app->selx = x; app->sely = y; } if (btn == 3 && !app->ispanning) { app->iscopying = 1; app->selx = x; app->sely = y; app->selr.x0 = x; app->selr.x1 = x; app->selr.y0 = y; app->selr.y1 = y; } if (btn == 4 || btn == 5) /* scroll wheel */ { int dir = btn == 4 ? 1 : -1; app->ispanning = app->iscopying = 0; if (modifiers & (1<<2)) { /* zoom in/out if ctrl is pressed */ app->zoom += 0.1 * dir; if (app->zoom > 3.0) app->zoom = 3.0; if (app->zoom < 0.1) app->zoom = 0.1; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 1); } else { /* scroll up/down, or left/right if shift is pressed */ int isx = (modifiers & (1<<0)); int xstep = isx ? 20 * dir : 0; int ystep = !isx ? 20 * dir : 0; pdfapp_panview(app, app->panx + xstep, app->pany + ystep); } } } else if (state == -1) { if (app->iscopying) { app->iscopying = 0; app->selr.x0 = MIN(app->selx, x); app->selr.x1 = MAX(app->selx, x); app->selr.y0 = MIN(app->sely, y); app->selr.y1 = MAX(app->sely, y); winrepaint(app); if (app->selr.x0 < app->selr.x1 && app->selr.y0 < app->selr.y1) windocopy(app); } if (app->ispanning) app->ispanning = 0; } else if (app->ispanning) { int newx = app->panx + x - app->selx; int newy = app->pany + y - app->sely; pdfapp_panview(app, newx, newy); app->selx = x; app->sely = y; } else if (app->iscopying) { app->selr.x0 = MIN(app->selx, x); app->selr.x1 = MAX(app->selx, x); app->selr.y0 = MIN(app->sely, y); app->selr.y1 = MAX(app->sely, y); winrepaint(app); } }
void pdfapp_onmouse(pdfapp_t *app, int x, int y, int btn, int modifiers, int state) { pdf_link *link; fz_matrix ctm; fz_point p; p.x = x - app->panx + app->image->x; p.y = y - app->pany + app->image->y; ctm = pdfapp_viewctm(app); ctm = fz_invert_matrix(ctm); p = fz_transform_point(ctm, p); for (link = app->page_links; link; link = link->next) { if (p.x >= link->rect.x0 && p.x <= link->rect.x1) if (p.y >= link->rect.y0 && p.y <= link->rect.y1) break; } if (link) { wincursor(app, HAND); if (btn == 1 && state == 1) { if (link->kind == PDF_LINK_URI) pdfapp_gotouri(app, link->dest); else if (link->kind == PDF_LINK_GOTO) pdfapp_gotopage(app, fz_array_get(link->dest, 0)); /* [ pageobj ... ] */ return; } } else { wincursor(app, ARROW); } if (state == 1) { if (btn == 1 && !app->iscopying) { app->ispanning = 1; app->selx = x; app->sely = y; app->beyondy = 0; } if (btn == 3 && !app->ispanning) { app->iscopying = 1; app->selx = x; app->sely = y; app->selr.x0 = x; app->selr.x1 = x; app->selr.y0 = y; app->selr.y1 = y; } if (btn == 4 || btn == 5) /* scroll wheel */ { int dir = btn == 4 ? 1 : -1; app->ispanning = app->iscopying = 0; if (modifiers & (1<<2)) { /* zoom in/out if ctrl is pressed */ if (dir > 0) app->resolution *= ZOOMSTEP; else app->resolution /= ZOOMSTEP; if (app->resolution > MAXRES) app->resolution = MAXRES; if (app->resolution < MINRES) app->resolution = MINRES; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 1, 1); } else { /* scroll up/down, or left/right if shift is pressed */ int isx = (modifiers & (1<<0)); int xstep = isx ? 20 * dir : 0; int ystep = !isx ? 20 * dir : 0; pdfapp_panview(app, app->panx + xstep, app->pany + ystep); } } } else if (state == -1) { if (app->iscopying) { app->iscopying = 0; app->selr.x0 = MIN(app->selx, x) - app->panx + app->image->x; app->selr.x1 = MAX(app->selx, x) - app->panx + app->image->x; app->selr.y0 = MIN(app->sely, y) - app->pany + app->image->y; app->selr.y1 = MAX(app->sely, y) - app->pany + app->image->y; winrepaint(app); if (app->selr.x0 < app->selr.x1 && app->selr.y0 < app->selr.y1) windocopy(app); } if (app->ispanning) app->ispanning = 0; } else if (app->ispanning) { int newx = app->panx + x - app->selx; int newy = app->pany + y - app->sely; /* Scrolling beyond limits implies flipping pages */ /* Are we requested to scroll beyond limits? */ if (newy + app->image->h < app->winh || newy > 0) { /* Yes. We can assume that deltay != 0 */ int deltay = y - app->sely; /* Check whether the panning has occured in the * direction that we are already crossing the * limit it. If not, we can conclude that we * have switched ends of the page and will thus * start over counting. */ if( app->beyondy == 0 || (app->beyondy ^ deltay) >= 0 ) { /* Updating how far we are beyond and * flipping pages if beyond threshhold */ app->beyondy += deltay; if (app->beyondy > BEYOND_THRESHHOLD) { if( app->pageno > 1 ) { app->pageno--; pdfapp_showpage(app, 1, 1, 1); newy = -app->image->h; } app->beyondy = 0; } else if (app->beyondy < -BEYOND_THRESHHOLD) { if( app->pageno < app->pagecount ) { app->pageno++; pdfapp_showpage(app, 1, 1, 1); newy = 0; } app->beyondy = 0; } } else app->beyondy = 0; } /* Although at this point we've already determined that * or that no scrolling will be performed in * y-direction, the x-direction has not yet been taken * care off. Therefore */ pdfapp_panview(app, newx, newy); app->selx = x; app->sely = y; } else if (app->iscopying) { app->selr.x0 = MIN(app->selx, x) - app->panx + app->image->x; app->selr.x1 = MAX(app->selx, x) - app->panx + app->image->x; app->selr.y0 = MIN(app->sely, y) - app->pany + app->image->y; app->selr.y1 = MAX(app->sely, y) - app->pany + app->image->y; winrepaint(app); } }
void pdfapp_onmouse(pdfapp_t *app, int x, int y, int btn, int modifiers, int state) { pdf_link *link; fz_matrix ctm; fz_point p; p.x = x - app->panx + app->image->x; p.y = y - app->pany + app->image->y; ctm = pdfapp_viewctm(app); ctm = fz_invertmatrix(ctm); p = fz_transformpoint(ctm, p); for (link = app->page->links; link; link = link->next) { if (p.x >= link->rect.x0 && p.x <= link->rect.x1) if (p.y >= link->rect.y0 && p.y <= link->rect.y1) break; } if (link) { wincursor(app, HAND); if (btn == 1 && state == 1) { if (link->kind == PDF_LURI) pdfapp_gotouri(app, link->dest); else if (link->kind == PDF_LGOTO) pdfapp_gotopage(app, link->dest); return; } } else { wincursor(app, ARROW); } if (state == 1) { if (btn == 1 && !app->iscopying) { app->ispanning = 1; app->selx = x; app->sely = y; } if (btn == 3 && !app->ispanning) { kno_clearselect(app); //code change by kakai app->iscopying = 1; app->selx = x; app->sely = y; app->selr.x0 = x; app->selr.x1 = x; app->selr.y0 = y; app->selr.y1 = y; } if (btn == 4 || btn == 5) /* scroll wheel */ { int dir = btn == 4 ? 1 : -1; app->ispanning = app->iscopying = 0; if (modifiers & (1<<2)) { /* zoom in/out if ctrl is pressed */ app->zoom += 0.1 * dir; if (app->zoom > 3.0) app->zoom = 3.0; if (app->zoom < 0.1) app->zoom = 0.1; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 1); } else { /* scroll up/down, or left/right if shift is pressed */ int isx = (modifiers & (1<<0)); int xstep = isx ? 20 * dir : 0; int ystep = !isx ? 20 * dir : 0; pdfapp_panview(app, app->panx + xstep, app->pany + ystep); } } } else if (state == -1) { //Code change by Kakai //Hit testing kno_hitdata *hitdata = kno_gethitdata(app, x, y); printf("hit test char is: %c\n", hitdata->ucs); //Code change by Kakai if (app->iscopying) { app->iscopying = 0; app->selr.x0 = MIN(app->selx, x); app->selr.x1 = MAX(app->selx, x); app->selr.y0 = MIN(app->sely, y); app->selr.y1 = MAX(app->sely, y); winrepaint(app); if (app->selr.x0 < app->selr.x1 && app->selr.y0 < app->selr.y1) windocopy(app); } if (app->ispanning) app->ispanning = 0; } else if (app->ispanning) { int newx = app->panx + x - app->selx; int newy = app->pany + y - app->sely; pdfapp_panview(app, newx, newy); app->selx = x; app->sely = y; } else if (app->iscopying) { app->selr.x0 = MIN(app->selx, x); app->selr.x1 = MAX(app->selx, x); app->selr.y0 = MIN(app->sely, y); app->selr.y1 = MAX(app->sely, y); //code change by kakai //IsHighlightable and selection testing int closestx, closesty; closestx = closesty = 0; if (kno_ishighlightable(app, x, y, &closestx, &closesty) == 1) kno_onselect(app); //code change by kakai else { printf("x is %d\n", closestx); printf("y is %d\n", closesty); } //code change by kakai winrepaint(app); } }