pic_value pic_dynamic_wind(pic_state *pic, struct pic_proc *in, struct pic_proc *thunk, struct pic_proc *out) { pic_checkpoint *here; pic_value val; if (in != NULL) { pic_apply0(pic, in); /* enter */ } here = pic->cp; pic->cp = pic_malloc(pic, sizeof(pic_checkpoint)); pic->cp->prev = here; pic->cp->depth = here->depth + 1; pic->cp->in = in; pic->cp->out = out; val = pic_apply0(pic, thunk); pic->cp = here; if (out != NULL) { pic_apply0(pic, out); /* exit */ } return val; }
void * pic_calloc(pic_state *pic, size_t count, size_t size) { void *ptr = pic_malloc(pic, count * size); memset(ptr, 0, count * size); return ptr; }
void * pic_alloca(pic_state *pic, size_t n) { static const pic_data_type t = { "pic_alloca", pic_free }; return pic_data(pic, pic_data_value(pic, pic_malloc(pic, n), &t)); }
static pic_value pic_vec_vector_to_string(pic_state *pic) { pic_vec *vec; char *buf; int n, start, end, i; pic_str *str; n = pic_get_args(pic, "v|ii", &vec, &start, &end); switch (n) { case 1: start = 0; case 2: end = vec->len; } if (end < start) { pic_errorf(pic, "vector->string: end index must not be less than start index"); } buf = pic_malloc(pic, end - start); for (i = start; i < end; ++i) { pic_assert_type(pic, vec->data[i], char); buf[i - start] = pic_char(vec->data[i]); } str = pic_make_str(pic, buf, end - start); pic_free(pic, buf); return pic_obj_value(str); }
static pic_value pic_str_list_to_string(pic_state *pic) { pic_str *str; pic_value list, e, it; int i; char *buf; pic_get_args(pic, "o", &list); if (pic_length(pic, list) == 0) { return pic_obj_value(pic_make_str(pic, NULL, 0)); } buf = pic_malloc(pic, pic_length(pic, list)); pic_try { i = 0; pic_for_each (e, list, it) { pic_assert_type(pic, e, char); buf[i++] = pic_char(e); } str = pic_make_str(pic, buf, i); }
pic_value pic_blob_value(pic_state *pic, const unsigned char *buf, int len) { struct blob *bv; bv = (struct blob *)pic_obj_alloc(pic, PIC_TYPE_BLOB); bv->data = pic_malloc(pic, len); bv->len = len; if (buf) { memcpy(bv->data, buf, len); } return obj_value(pic, bv); }
static void NOINLINE save_cont(pic_state *pic, struct fullcont *cont) { void pic_vm_tear_off(pic_state *); char *pos; pic_vm_tear_off(pic); /* tear off */ cont->prev_jmp = pic->cc; cont->cp = pic->cp; cont->stk_len = native_stack_length(&pos); cont->stk_pos = pos; assert(cont->stk_len > 0); cont->stk_ptr = pic_malloc(pic, cont->stk_len); memcpy(cont->stk_ptr, cont->stk_pos, cont->stk_len); cont->sp_offset = pic->sp - pic->stbase; cont->st_len = pic->stend - pic->stbase; cont->st_ptr = pic_malloc(pic, sizeof(pic_value) * cont->st_len); memcpy(cont->st_ptr, pic->stbase, sizeof(pic_value) * cont->st_len); cont->ci_offset = pic->ci - pic->cibase; cont->ci_len = pic->ciend - pic->cibase; cont->ci_ptr = pic_malloc(pic, sizeof(struct callinfo) * cont->ci_len); memcpy(cont->ci_ptr, pic->cibase, sizeof(struct callinfo) * cont->ci_len); cont->ip = pic->ip; cont->arena_idx = pic->arena_idx; cont->arena_size = pic->arena_size; cont->arena = pic_malloc(pic, sizeof(struct object *) * pic->arena_size); memcpy(cont->arena, pic->arena, sizeof(struct object *) * pic->arena_size); cont->retc = 0; cont->retv = NULL; }
struct pic_vector * pic_make_vec(pic_state *pic, int len) { struct pic_vector *vec; int i; vec = (struct pic_vector *)pic_obj_alloc(pic, sizeof(struct pic_vector), PIC_TT_VECTOR); vec->len = len; vec->data = (pic_value *)pic_malloc(pic, sizeof(pic_value) * len); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { vec->data[i] = pic_undef_value(); } return vec; }
static struct pic_chunk * pic_make_chunk(pic_state *pic, const char *str, size_t len) { struct pic_chunk *c; c = pic_malloc(pic, sizeof(struct pic_chunk) + len); c->refcnt = 1; c->str = c->buf; c->len = len; c->buf[len] = 0; memcpy(c->buf, str, len); return c; }
static struct pic_rope * pic_make_rope(pic_state *pic, struct pic_chunk *c) { struct pic_rope *x; x = pic_malloc(pic, sizeof(struct pic_rope)); x->refcnt = 1; x->left = NULL; x->right = NULL; x->weight = c->len; x->offset = 0; x->chunk = c; /* delegate ownership */ return x; }
static pic_value pic_str_string_map(pic_state *pic) { struct pic_proc *proc; pic_value *argv, vals, val; int argc, i, len, j; pic_str *str; char *buf; pic_get_args(pic, "l*", &proc, &argc, &argv); if (argc == 0) { pic_errorf(pic, "string-map: one or more strings expected, but got zero"); } else { pic_assert_type(pic, argv[0], str); len = pic_str_len(pic_str_ptr(argv[0])); } for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { pic_assert_type(pic, argv[i], str); len = len < pic_str_len(pic_str_ptr(argv[i])) ? len : pic_str_len(pic_str_ptr(argv[i])); } buf = pic_malloc(pic, len); pic_try { for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { vals = pic_nil_value(); for (j = 0; j < argc; ++j) { pic_push(pic, pic_char_value(pic_str_ref(pic, pic_str_ptr(argv[j]), i)), vals); } val = pic_apply_list(pic, proc, vals); pic_assert_type(pic, val, char); buf[i] = pic_char(val); } str = pic_make_str(pic, buf, len); } pic_catch { pic_free(pic, buf); pic_raise(pic, pic->err); } pic_free(pic, buf); return pic_obj_value(str); }
struct heap * pic_heap_open(pic_state *pic) { struct heap *heap; heap = pic_malloc(pic, sizeof(struct heap)); heap->base.s.ptr = &heap->base; heap->base.s.size = 0; /* not 1, since it must never be used for allocation */ heap->freep = &heap->base; heap->pages = NULL; heap->weaks = NULL; return heap; }
static struct pic_rope * rope_sub(pic_state *pic, struct pic_rope *x, size_t i, size_t j) { assert(i <= j); assert(j <= x->weight); if (i == 0 && x->weight == j) { pic_rope_incref(pic, x); return x; } if (x->chunk) { struct pic_rope *y; y = pic_malloc(pic, sizeof(struct pic_rope)); y->refcnt = 1; y->left = NULL; y->right = NULL; y->weight = j - i; y->offset = x->offset + i; y->chunk = x->chunk; CHUNK_INCREF(x->chunk); return y; } if (j <= x->left->weight) { return rope_sub(pic, x->left, i, j); } else if (x->left->weight <= i) { return rope_sub(pic, x->right, i - x->left->weight, j - x->left->weight); } else { struct pic_rope *r, *l; l = rope_sub(pic, x->left, i, x->left->weight); r = rope_sub(pic, x->right, 0, j - x->left->weight); x = rope_cat(pic, l, r); pic_rope_decref(pic, l); pic_rope_decref(pic, r); return x; } }
static struct pic_rope * rope_cat(pic_state *pic, struct pic_rope *x, struct pic_rope *y) { struct pic_rope *z; z = pic_malloc(pic, sizeof(struct pic_rope)); z->refcnt = 1; z->left = x; z->right = y; z->weight = x->weight + y->weight; z->offset = 0; z->chunk = NULL; pic_rope_incref(pic, x); pic_rope_incref(pic, y); return z; }
static pic_value pic_callcc(pic_state *pic, pic_value proc) { struct fullcont *cont = pic_malloc(pic, sizeof(struct fullcont)); if (setjmp(cont->jmp) != 0) { return pic_valuesk(pic, cont->retc, cont->retv); } else { pic_value c[1]; save_cont(pic, cont); /* save the continuation object in proc */ c[0] = pic_lambda(pic, cont_call, 1, pic_data_value(pic, cont, &cont_type)); return pic_applyk(pic, proc, 1, c); } }
static pic_value pic_str_make_string(pic_state *pic) { int len; char c = ' '; char *buf; pic_value ret; pic_get_args(pic, "i|c", &len, &c); buf = pic_malloc(pic, len); memset(buf, c, len); ret = pic_obj_value(pic_make_str(pic, buf, len)); pic_free(pic, buf); return ret; }
struct object * pic_obj_alloc_unsafe(pic_state *pic, int type) { struct object *obj; size_t size = type2size(type); if (pic->gc_count > PIC_GC_PERIOD) { pic_gc(pic); pic->gc_count -= PIC_GC_PERIOD; } obj = pic_malloc(pic, size); obj->tt = type; obj->next = pic->gc_head.next; pic->gc_head.next = obj; pic->gc_count += size; return obj; }
static const char * rope_cstr(pic_state *pic, struct pic_rope *x) { struct pic_chunk *c; if (x->chunk && x->offset == 0 && x->weight == x->chunk->len) { return x->chunk->str; /* reuse cached chunk */ } c = pic_malloc(pic, sizeof(struct pic_chunk) + x->weight); c->refcnt = 1; c->len = x->weight; c->str = c->buf; c->str[c->len] = '\0'; flatten(pic, x, c, 0); CHUNK_DECREF(c); return c->str; }
pic_sym * pic_intern(pic_state *pic, pic_str *str) { xh_entry *e; pic_sym *sym; char *cstr; e = xh_get_str(&pic->syms, pic_str_cstr(str)); if (e) { sym = xh_val(e, pic_sym *); pic_gc_protect(pic, pic_obj_value(sym)); return sym; } cstr = pic_malloc(pic, pic_strlen(str) + 1); strcpy(cstr, pic_str_cstr(str)); sym = pic_make_symbol(pic, str); xh_put_str(&pic->syms, cstr, &sym); return sym; }
pic_sym pic_intern(pic_state *pic, const char *str, size_t len) { char *cstr; xh_entry *e; pic_sym id; cstr = (char *)pic_malloc(pic, len + 1); cstr[len] = '\0'; memcpy(cstr, str, len); e = xh_get(&pic->syms, cstr); if (e) { return xh_val(e, pic_sym); } id = pic->sym_cnt++; xh_put(&pic->syms, cstr, &id); xh_put(&pic->sym_names, id, &cstr); return id; }
static void heap_morecore(pic_state *pic) { union header *bp, *np; struct heap_page *page; assert(PAGE_UNITS >= 2); page = pic_malloc(pic, PIC_HEAP_PAGE_SIZE); page->next = pic->heap->pages; bp = page->u.basep; bp->s.size = 0; /* bp is never used for allocation */ free_chunk(pic, bp); np = page->u.basep + 1; np->s.size = PAGE_UNITS - 1; free_chunk(pic, np); pic->heap->pages = page; }
pic_value pic_callcc(pic_state *pic, struct pic_proc *proc) { struct pic_cont *cont = pic_malloc(pic, sizeof(struct pic_cont)); pic_save_point(pic, cont); if (PIC_SETJMP(pic, cont->jmp.buf)) { pic->jmp = pic->jmp->prev; return pic_values_by_list(pic, cont->results); } else { pic_value val; val = pic_apply1(pic, proc, pic_obj_value(pic_make_cont(pic, cont))); pic->jmp = pic->jmp->prev; return val; } }
static pic_value pic_str_string(pic_state *pic) { int argc, i; pic_value *argv; pic_str *str; char *buf; pic_get_args(pic, "*", &argc, &argv); buf = pic_malloc(pic, argc); for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { pic_assert_type(pic, argv[i], char); buf[i] = pic_char(argv[i]); } str = pic_make_str(pic, buf, argc); pic_free(pic, buf); return pic_obj_value(str); }