void NaughtyProcessMonitor::slotTimeout()
    uint cpu = cpuLoad();


    if(cpu > d->triggerLevel_ * (d->interval_ / 1000))
        uint load;
        QValueList< ulong > l(pidList());

        for(QValueList< ulong >::ConstIterator it(l.begin()); it != l.end(); ++it)
            if(getLoad(*it, load))
                _process(*it, load);

    d->timer_->start(d->interval_, true);
operator()( OriginalTypeRef orig )
  origObj_ = &orig;

  //Error, must be local indices
  assert( orig.Filled() );

  //test maps, new map must be subset of old
  const Epetra_Map & oRowMap = orig.RowMap();
  const Epetra_Map & oColMap = orig.ColMap();

  int oNumRows = oRowMap.NumMyElements();
  (void) oNumRows; // Silence "unused variable" compiler warning.
  int oNumCols = oColMap.NumMyElements();
  int nNumRows = newRowMap_.NumMyElements();
  int nNumDomain = newDomainMap_.NumMyElements();

  bool matched = true;

  // Make sure all rows in newRowMap are already on this processor
  for( int i = 0; i < nNumRows; ++i )
    matched = matched && ( oRowMap.MyGID(newRowMap_.GID(i)) );
  if( !matched ) std::cerr << "EDT_CrsMatrix_SubCopy: Bad new_row_Map.  GIDs of new row map must be GIDs of the original row map on the same processor.\n";

  // Make sure all GIDs in the new domain map are GIDs in the old domain map
  if( !newRangeMap_.SameAs(newDomainMap_) ) {
    Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector pidList(nNumDomain);
    oColMap.RemoteIDList(newDomainMap_.NumMyElements(), newDomainMap_.MyGlobalElements(), pidList.Values(), 0);
    for( int i = 0; i < nNumDomain; ++i )
      matched = matched && ( pidList[i]>=0 );

  if( !matched ) std::cout << "EDT_CrsMatrix_SubCopy: Bad newDomainMap.  One or more GIDs in new domain map are not part of original domain map.\n";
  assert( matched );

  // Next build new column map
  Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector pidList(oNumCols);
  Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector lidList(oNumCols);
  Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector sizeList(oNumCols);
  newDomainMap_.RemoteIDList(oColMap.NumMyElements(), oColMap.MyGlobalElements(), pidList.Values(), 0);
  int numNewCols = 0;
  Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector newColMapGidList(oNumCols);
  int * origColGidList = oColMap.MyGlobalElements();
  for( int i = 0; i < oNumCols; ++i )
    if (pidList[i] >=0)
      newColMapGidList[numNewCols++]= origColGidList[i];
  newColMap_ = Epetra_Map(-1, numNewCols, newColMapGidList.Values(), 0, oColMap.Comm());

  importer_ = new Epetra_Import(newRowMap_, oRowMap);

  Epetra_CrsMatrix * newMatrix = new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, newRowMap_, newColMap_, 0);

  newObj_ = newMatrix;

  newObj_->Import(*origObj_, *importer_, Add);


  return *newObj_;