文件: nlua_hook.c 项目: isfos/naev
 * @brief Hooks the function to a specific pilot.
 * You can hook to different actions.  Curently hook system only supports:<br />
 *    - "death" : triggered when pilot dies.<br />
 *    - "board" : triggered when pilot is boarded.<br />
 *    - "disable" : triggered when pilot is disabled.<br />
 *    - "jump" : triggered when pilot jumps to hyperspace.<br />
 *    - "hail" : triggered when pilot is hailed.<br />
 *    - "attacked" : triggered when the pilot is attacked in manual control <br />
 *    - "idle" : triggered when the pilot becomes idle in manual control <br />
 *    @luaparam pilot Pilot identifier to hook.
 *    @luaparam type One of the supported hook types.
 *    @luaparam funcname Name of function to run when hook is triggered.
 *    @luareturn Hook identifier.
 * @luafunc pilot( pilot, type, funcname )
static int hook_pilot( lua_State *L )
   unsigned int h;
   LuaPilot *p;
   int type;
   const char *hook_type;

   /* Parameters. */
   p           = luaL_checkpilot(L,1);
   hook_type   = luaL_checkstring(L,2);

   /* Check to see if hook_type is valid */
   if (strcmp(hook_type,"death")==0)         type = PILOT_HOOK_DEATH;
   else if (strcmp(hook_type,"board")==0)    type = PILOT_HOOK_BOARD;
   else if (strcmp(hook_type,"disable")==0)  type = PILOT_HOOK_DISABLE;
   else if (strcmp(hook_type,"jump")==0)     type = PILOT_HOOK_JUMP;
   else if (strcmp(hook_type,"hail")==0)     type = PILOT_HOOK_HAIL;
   else if (strcmp(hook_type,"attacked")==0) type = PILOT_HOOK_ATTACKED;
   else if (strcmp(hook_type,"idle")==0)     type = PILOT_HOOK_IDLE;
   else { /* hook_type not valid */
      NLUA_DEBUG("Invalid pilot hook type: '%s'", hook_type);
      return 0;

   /* actually add the hook */
   h = hook_generic( L, hook_type, 3 );
   pilot_addHook( pilot_get(p->pilot), type, h );

   return 0;
文件: nlua_hook.c 项目: s0be/naev
 * @brief Hooks the function to a specific pilot.
 * You can hook to different actions.  Curently hook system only supports:<br />
 * <ul>
 *    <li> "death" : triggered when pilot dies (before marked as dead). <br />
 *    <li> "exploded" : triggered when pilot has died and the final explosion has begun. <br />
 *    <li> "board" : triggered when pilot is boarded.<br />
 *    <li> "disable" : triggered when pilot is disabled (with disable set).<br />
 *    <li> "jump" : triggered when pilot jumps to hyperspace (before he actually jumps out).<br />
 *    <li> "hail" : triggered when pilot is hailed.<br />
 *    <li> "land" : triggered when pilot is landing (right when starting land descent).<br />
 *    <li> "attacked" : triggered when the pilot is attacked. <br />
 *    <li> "idle" : triggered when the pilot becomes idle in manual control.<br />
 * </ul>
 * <br />
 * If you pass nil as pilot, it will set it as a global hook that will jump for all pilots.<br />
 * <br />
 * <br />
 * These hooks all pass the pilot triggering the hook as a parameter, so they should have the structure of:<br />
 * <br />
 * function my_hook( pilot, arg )<br />
 * end<br />
 * <br />
 * The combat hooks also pass the pilot acting on it, so for example the pilot
 *  that disabled, attacked or killed the selected pilot. They have the
 *  following format:<br />
 * <br />
 * function combat_hook( pilot, attacker, arg )<br />
 * end<br />
 * <br />
 * Please note that in the case of disable or death hook the attacker may be nil
 *  indicating that it was killed by other means like for example the shockwave
 *  of a dying ship or nebula volatility.
 *    @luaparam pilot Pilot identifier to hook (or nil for all).
 *    @luaparam type One of the supported hook types.
 *    @luaparam funcname Name of function to run when hook is triggered.
 *    @luaparam arg Argument to pass to hook.
 *    @luareturn Hook identifier.
 * @luafunc pilot( pilot, type, funcname, arg )
static int hook_pilot( lua_State *L )
   unsigned int h;
   LuaPilot *p;
   int type;
   const char *hook_type;
   char buf[ PATH_MAX ];

   /* Parameters. */
   if (lua_ispilot(L,1))
      p           = luaL_checkpilot(L,1);
   else if (lua_isnil(L,1))
      p           = NULL;
   else {
      NLUA_ERROR(L, "Invalid parameter #1 for hook.pilot, expecting pilot or nil.");
      return 0;
   hook_type   = luaL_checkstring(L,2);

   /* Check to see if hook_type is valid */
   if (strcmp(hook_type,"death")==0)         type = PILOT_HOOK_DEATH;
   else if (strcmp(hook_type,"exploded")==0)    type = PILOT_HOOK_EXPLODED;
   else if (strcmp(hook_type,"board")==0)    type = PILOT_HOOK_BOARD;
   else if (strcmp(hook_type,"disable")==0)  type = PILOT_HOOK_DISABLE;
   else if (strcmp(hook_type,"jump")==0)     type = PILOT_HOOK_JUMP;
   else if (strcmp(hook_type,"hail")==0)     type = PILOT_HOOK_HAIL;
   else if (strcmp(hook_type,"land")==0)     type = PILOT_HOOK_LAND;
   else if (strcmp(hook_type,"attacked")==0) type = PILOT_HOOK_ATTACKED;
   else if (strcmp(hook_type,"idle")==0)     type = PILOT_HOOK_IDLE;
   else { /* hook_type not valid */
      NLUA_ERROR(L, "Invalid pilot hook type: '%s'", hook_type);
      return 0;

   /* actually add the hook */
   snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "p_%s", hook_type );
   h = hook_generic( L, buf, 0., 3, 0 );
   if (p==NULL)
      pilots_addGlobalHook( type, h );
      pilot_addHook( pilot_get(p->pilot), type, h );

   lua_pushnumber( L, h );
   return 1;