int16_t main(void) { //initialize all system clocks init_clock(); //initialize serial communications init_uart(); //initialize pin driving library (to be able to use the &D[x] defs) init_pin(); //initialize the UI library init_ui(); //initialize the timer module init_timer(); //initialize the OC module (used by the servo driving code) init_oc(); imu_init() //Set servo control pins as output pin_digitalOut(PAN_PIN); pin_digitalOut(TILT_PIN); pin_digitalOut(SONIC_OUT_PIN); pin_digitalIn(SONIC_IN_PIN); //Set LED off led_off(LED); //Configure blinking rate for LED when connected timer_setPeriod(LED_TIM, 0.2); timer_start(LED_TIM); //Configure timer for reciever timeout timer_setPeriod(DIST_TIM, 0.05); //configure PWM on sonic output pin oc_pwm(PWM_OC, SONIC_OUT_PIN, NULL, SONIC_FREQ, 0x0000); //According to HobbyKing documentation: range .8 through 2.2 msec //Set servo control pins as OC outputs on their respective timers oc_servo(SERVO1_OC, PAN_PIN, SERVO1_TIM, SERVO_PERIOD, SERVO_MIN, SERVO_MAX, pan_set_val); oc_servo(SERVO2_OC, TILT_PIN, SERVO2_TIM, SERVO_PERIOD, SERVO_MIN, SERVO_MAX, tilt_set_val); InitUSB(); // initialize the USB registers and serial interface engine while (USB_USWSTAT!=CONFIG_STATE) { // while the peripheral is not configured... ServiceUSB(); // ...service USB requests led_on(LED); //There's no point in driving the servos when there's no one connected yet. } while (1) { ServiceUSB(); // service any pending USB requests //blink the LED if (timer_flag(LED_TIM)) { timer_lower(LED_TIM); led_toggle(LED); } //Update the servo control values. x_gout = gyro_read(OUT_X_L); } }
void spi_close(_SPI *self) { *(self->SPIxSTAT) = 0; *(self->SPIxCON1) = 0; *(self->SPIxCON2) = 0; if (self->MISO) { __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON&0xBF); *(self->MISOrpinr) |= 0x3F<<(self->MISOrpshift); __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON|0x40); self->MISO->owner = NULL; pin_digitalIn(self->MISO); self->MISO = NULL; } if (self->MOSI) { __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON&0xBF); *(self->MOSI->rpor) &= ~(0x3F<<(self->MOSI->rpshift)); __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON|0x40); self->MOSI->owner = NULL; pin_digitalOut(self->MOSI); pin_set(self->MOSI); self->MOSI = NULL; } if (self->SCK) { __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON&0xBF); *(self->SCK->rpor) &= ~(0x3F<<(self->SCK->rpshift)); __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON|0x40); self->SCK->owner = NULL; pin_digitalOut(self->SCK); pin_clear(self->SCK); self->SCK = NULL; } }
void init_segment(void){ segmentClock = &D[0]; segmentLatch = &D[1]; segmentData = &D[2]; pin_digitalOut(segmentClock); pin_digitalOut(segmentLatch); pin_digitalOut(segmentData); pin_clear(segmentClock); pin_clear(segmentLatch); pin_clear(segmentData); }
void init_audio(_PIN *request_pin) { = START; pin_digitalOut(request_pin); audio.request_pin = request_pin; pin_clear(audio.request_pin); }
void setup(void) { // Initialize PIC24 modules. init_clock(); init_ui(); init_timer(); init_pin(); init_oc(); init_spi(); init_uart(); // Configure single SPI comms. system pin_digitalOut(SPI_CS); pin_set(SPI_CS); spi_open(spi_inst, SPI_MISO, SPI_MOSI, SPI_SCK, spi_freq, spi_mode); // Configure & start timers used. timer_setPeriod(&timer1, 1); timer_setPeriod(&timer2, 1); // Timer for LED operation/status blink timer_setPeriod(&timer3, LOOP_TIME); // Timer for main control loop timer_start(&timer1); timer_start(&timer2); timer_start(&timer3); // Configure dual PWM signals for bidirectional motor control oc_pwm(&oc1, PWM_I1, NULL, pwm_freq, pwm_duty); oc_pwm(&oc2, PWM_I2, NULL, pwm_freq, pwm_duty); InitUSB(); // initialize the USB registers and // serial interface engine while (USB_USWSTAT != CONFIG_STATE) { // while periph. is not configured, ServiceUSB(); // service USB requests } }
int16_t main(void) { init_clock(); init_ui(); init_pin(); init_spi(); ENC_MISO = &D[1]; ENC_MOSI = &D[0]; ENC_SCK = &D[2]; ENC_NCS = &D[3]; pin_digitalOut(ENC_NCS); pin_set(ENC_NCS); spi_open(&spi1, ENC_MISO, ENC_MOSI, ENC_SCK, 2e8); InitUSB(); // initialize the USB registers and serial interface engine while (USB_USWSTAT!=CONFIG_STATE) { // while the peripheral is not configured... ServiceUSB(); // ...service USB requests } while (1) { ServiceUSB(); // service any pending USB requests } }
void setup(void) { // Initialize PIC24 modules. init_clock(); init_ui(); init_timer(); init_pin(); init_oc(); init_spi(); init_uart(); // Configure single SPI comms. system pin_digitalOut(SPI_CS); pin_set(SPI_CS); spi_open(spi_inst, SPI_MISO, SPI_MOSI, SPI_SCK, spi_freq, spi_mode); // Configure & start timers used. timer_setPeriod(&timer1, 1); timer_setPeriod(&timer2, 1); // Timer for LED operation/status blink timer_setPeriod(&timer3, LOOP_TIME); // Timer for main control loop timer_start(&timer1); timer_start(&timer2); timer_start(&timer3); // Configure motor current conversion coefficient CURRENT_CONV_COEF = MAX_ADC_OUTPUT * MOTOR_VOLTAGE_RESISTOR; cur_control.Kp = KP; cur_control.Kd = KD; cur_control.Ki = KI; cur_control.dt = LOOP_TIME; cur_control.integ_min = -100; cur_control.integ_max = 100; cur_control.integ_state = 0; read_motor_current(&motor); cur_control.prev_position = convert_motor_torque(motor.current); // Configure dual PWM signals for bidirectional motor control oc_pwm(&oc1, PWM_I1, NULL, pwm_freq, pwm_duty); oc_pwm(&oc2, PWM_I2, NULL, pwm_freq, pwm_duty); pin_analogIn(MOTOR_VOLTAGE); pin_digitalOut(DEBUGD0); pin_digitalOut(DEBUGD1); InitUSB(); // initialize the USB registers and // serial interface engine while (USB_USWSTAT != CONFIG_STATE) { // while periph. is not configured, ServiceUSB(); // service USB requests } }
int16_t main(void) { init_clock(); init_timer(); init_ui(); init_pin(); init_spi(); init_oc(); init_md(); // Current measurement pin pin_analogIn(&A[0]); // SPI pin setup ENC_MISO = &D[1]; ENC_MOSI = &D[0]; ENC_SCK = &D[2]; ENC_NCS = &D[3]; pin_digitalOut(ENC_NCS); pin_set(ENC_NCS); // Open SPI in mode 1 spi_open(&spi1, ENC_MISO, ENC_MOSI, ENC_SCK, 2e6, 1); // Motor setup md_velocity(&md1, 0, 0); // Get initial angle offset uint8_t unset = 1; while (unset) { ANG_OFFSET = enc_readReg((WORD) REG_ANG_ADDR); unset = parity(ANG_OFFSET.w); } ANG_OFFSET.w &= ENC_MASK; // USB setup InitUSB(); while (USB_USWSTAT!=CONFIG_STATE) { ServiceUSB(); } // Timers timer_setFreq(&timer2, READ_FREQ); timer_setFreq(&timer3, CTRL_FREQ); timer_start(&timer2); timer_start(&timer3); // Main loop while (1) { ServiceUSB(); if (timer_flag(&timer2)) { timer_lower(&timer2); get_readings(); } if (timer_flag(&timer3)) { timer_lower(&timer3); set_velocity(); } } }
void init_motor_swing(void){ dirpin = &D[8]; //set direction control pin as pin 8 pwmpin = &D[9]; //set PWM pin as pin 9 potentiometer = &A[5]; //read potentiometer pin as pin 5 //initialize the two pins as digital outputs and then clear them pin_digitalOut(dirpin); pin_digitalOut(pwmpin); //initialize analog input for potentiometer pin_analogIn(potentiometer); pin_clear(dirpin); pin_clear(pwmpin); oc_pwm(&oc1, pwmpin, &timer5, 1e3, 0); }
void init_launcher(_PIN *load_sensor, _PIN *launch_sensor, _PIN *launch_motor, _PIN *elevator_motor) { pin_digitalIn(load_sensor); pin_digitalIn(launch_sensor); pin_digitalOut(launch_motor); pin_digitalOut(elevator_motor); launcher.load_sensor = load_sensor; launcher.launch_sensor = launch_sensor; launcher.launch_motor = launch_motor; launcher.elevator_motor = elevator_motor; launcher.over = 1; launcher.launch = 0; launcher.loaded = 0; launcher.state = over_launcher; launcher.last_state = (STATE_HANDLER_T)NULL; }
//OTHER INITIAL CONDITIONS void initChip(){ init_clock(); init_uart(); init_timer(); init_ui(); init_pin(); init_oc(); pin_analogIn(CUR); pin_analogIn(EMF); pin_analogIn(FB); pin_digitalIn(SF); pin_digitalIn(ENC); pin_digitalOut(D1); pin_digitalOut(D2); pin_digitalOut(IN1); pin_digitalOut(IN2); pin_digitalOut(ENA); pin_digitalOut(SLEW); pin_digitalOut(INV); oc_pwm(&oc1, D2, PWM_TIMER, 250, 0); }
int16_t main(void) { init_clock(); init_ui(); init_pin(); init_spi(); init_timer(); init_oc(); init_md(); led_off(&led2); led_off(&led3); ENC_MISO = &D[1]; ENC_MOSI = &D[0]; ENC_SCK = &D[2]; ENC_NCS = &D[3]; read_angle.w=0x3FFF; Pscale.w=1; Iscale.w=0; direction.w=1; speed.w=0; angle_now.i=180; angle_prev.i=180; angle.w=10; uint8_t loop = 0; pin_digitalOut(ENC_NCS); pin_set(ENC_NCS); spi_open(&spi1, ENC_MISO, ENC_MOSI, ENC_SCK, 2e8,1); timer_setPeriod(&timer1, 0.05); timer_start(&timer1); InitUSB(); // initialize the USB registers and serial interface engine while (USB_USWSTAT!=CONFIG_STATE) { // while the peripheral is not configured... ServiceUSB(); // ...service USB requests } while(1){ ServiceUSB(); if (timer_flag(&timer1)) { timer_lower(&timer1); angle_prev=angle_now; angle_prev_con=angle; // service any pending USB requests angle_now = enc_readReg(read_angle); angle_now = mask_angle(angle_now); angle=convert_Angle(angle_prev,angle_now,&loop); spring_simple(angle); } } }
void init_as5048(_AS5048 *self, _Pin *CS) { self->ErrorFlag =0; self->RawAngle=0; self->CS=CS_pin; pin_digitalOut(self->CS); pin_clear(self->CS); }
int16_t main(void) { init_clock(); init_uart(); init_pin(); pin_digitalOut(&D[0]); while (1) { pin_toggle(&D[0]); } }
void init_motor(void){ //outputs pin_digitalOut(IN1); //D2-bar pin_write(IN1,1); pin_digitalOut(IN2); //D2-bar pin_write(IN2,0); pin_digitalOut(D1); //D1 pin_write(D1,0); //no tri-stating! pin_digitalOut(ENA); //ENA pin_write(ENA,1); //Enable the system pin_digitalOut(&D[7]); //SLEW pin_write(&D[7],0); //low slew rate pin_digitalOut(INV); //INV pin_write(INV,0); //don't invert the inputs! //inputs pin_analogIn(CURRENT_PIN); //direction sensor pin_analogIn(VEMF_PIN); //Vemf sensor pin_analogIn(FB_PIN); //0.24% of active high side current pin_digitalIn(REV_PIN); //tach input }
void imu_init(void) { pin_init(&IMU_MOSI, (unsigned int *)&PORTB, (unsigned int *)&TRISB, (unsigned int *)NULL, 8, -1, 0, 8, (unsigned int *)&RPOR4); pin_init(&IMU_SCK, (unsigned int *)&PORTB, (unsigned int*)&TRISB, (unsigned int *)NULL, 9, -1, 8, 9, (unsigned int*)&RPOR4); pin_init(&IMU_MISO, (unsigned int *)&PORTB, (unsigned int *)&TRISB, (unsigned int *)NULL, 14, -1, 0, 14, (unsigned int *)&RPOR7); pin_init(&ACCEL_CS, (unsigned int*)&PORTB, (unsigned int *)&TRISB, (unsigned int *)NULL, 13, -1, 0, -1, (unsigned int *)NULL); pin_init(&GYRO_CS, (unsigned int *)&PORTB, (unsigned int *)&TRISB, (unsigned int *)NULL, 11, -1, 0, -1, (unsigned int *)NULL); pin_digitalOut(&ACCEL_CS); pin_digitalOut(&GYRO_CS); pin_set(&GYRO_CS); pin_set(&ACCEL_CS); spi_open(&spi1, &IMU_MISO, &IMU_MOSI, &IMU_SCK, 2e6); accel_write(I2CADD, 0x80); //Disable I2C }
int16_t main(void) { init_clock(); init_timer(); init_pin(); init_oc(); init_ui(); InitUSB(); // initialize the USB registers and serial interface engine while (USB_USWSTAT!=CONFIG_STATE) { // while the peripheral is not configured... ServiceUSB(); // ...service USB requests } // Configure Interrupts on the pic IEC1bits.CNIE = 1; CNEN1bits.CN2IE = 1; IFS1bits.CNIF = 0; IEC0bits.OC1IE = 1; IFS0bits.OC1IF = 0; timer_enableInterrupt(&timer1); timer_lower(&timer1); timer_enableInterrupt(&timer2); timer_lower(&timer2); timer_enableInterrupt(&timer4); timer_lower(&timer4); timer_enableInterrupt(&timer5); timer_lower(&timer5); // Configure Pins inPin0 = &A[0]; pin_analogIn(inPin0); inPin1 = &A[1]; pin_analogIn(inPin1); inPin2 = &A[2]; pin_analogIn(inPin2); inPin3 = &A[3]; pin_analogIn(inPin3); inPin4 = &A[4]; pin_analogIn(inPin4); irPin = &A[5]; pin_analogIn(irPin); outPin = &D[6]; pin_digitalOut(outPin); oc_pwm(&oc1, outPin, NULL, 10, (uint16_t)(0)); // write to D2 with a 10Hz PWM signal pin_write(outPin, 10000); //duty doesn't matter, really. redPin = &D[7]; pin_digitalOut(redPin); oc_pwm(&oc2, redPin, NULL, 100, (uint16_t)(0)); greenPin = &D[10]; pin_digitalOut(greenPin); oc_pwm(&oc3, greenPin, NULL, 100, (uint16_t)(0)); bluePin = &D[8]; pin_digitalOut(bluePin); oc_pwm(&oc4, bluePin, NULL, 100, (uint16_t)(0)); pingPin = &D[4]; pin_digitalOut(pingPin); oc_pwm(&oc5, pingPin, &timer3, 40000, 0); receivePin = &D[12]; pin_digitalIn(receivePin); // Motor controller pins dirPin = &D[0]; pin_digitalOut(dirPin); nSleepPin = &D[3]; pin_digitalOut(nSleepPin); pin_write(nSleepPin, 1); stepPin = &D[2]; pin_digitalOut(stepPin); testPin = &D[13]; pin_digitalOut(testPin); timer_setFreq(&timer1, 100); while (1) { ServiceUSB(); // service any pending USB requests irVoltage = pin_read(irPin); if (irVoltage < 40000){ dist = 32768; } if (irVoltage >= 40000){ dist = 32900; } if (dist != stepCount) { changeFlag += 1; } else { changeFlag = 0; } if (changeFlag >= 3){ changeFlag = 0; motorControl(dist); } if (touching0 == 10){ greenTarget = 40000; redTarget = 60000; blueTarget = 0; if (currentPetal == 0){ greenTarget = 0; redTarget = 0; blueTarget = 0; } currentPetal == 0; } if (touching1 == 11){ greenTarget = 20000; redTarget = 20000; blueTarget = 20000; if (currentPetal == 1){ greenTarget = 0; redTarget = 0; blueTarget = 0; } currentPetal == 1; } if (touching2 == 12){ greenTarget = 0; redTarget = 60000; blueTarget = 40000; if (currentPetal == 2){ greenTarget = 0; redTarget = 0; blueTarget = 0; } currentPetal == 2; } if (touching3 == 13){ greenTarget = 0; redTarget = 60000; blueTarget = 0; if (currentPetal == 3){ greenTarget = 0; redTarget = 0; blueTarget = 0; } currentPetal == 3; } if (touching4 == 14){ greenTarget = 60000; redTarget = 0; blueTarget = 0; if (currentPetal == 4){ greenTarget = 0; redTarget = 0; blueTarget = 0; } currentPetal == 4; } if (greenDuty < greenTarget) { greenChange = 1; } else if (greenDuty > greenTarget) { greenChange = -1; } else { greenChange = 0; onTarget += 1; } if (redDuty < redTarget) { redChange = 1; } else if (redDuty > redTarget) { redChange = -1; } else { redChange = 0; onTarget += 1; } if (blueDuty < blueTarget) { blueChange = 1; } else if (blueDuty > blueTarget) { blueChange = -1; } else { blueChange = 0; onTarget += 1; } greenDuty += greenChange; redDuty += redChange; blueDuty += blueChange; pin_write(greenPin, greenDuty); pin_write(redPin, redDuty); pin_write(bluePin, blueDuty); /* // fade on when touched if (touching0 == 10){ if (greenOn == 0){ greenChange = 1; } if (greenOn == 1){ greenChange = -1; } redChange = -1; blueChange = -1; } if (touching1 == 11){ if (redOn == 1){ redChange = -1; } if (redOn == 0){ redChange = 1; } blueChange = -1; greenChange = -1; } if (touching2 == 12){ if (blueOn == 1){ blueChange = -1; } if (blueOn == 0){ blueChange = 1; } greenChange = -1; redChange = -1; } greenDuty = greenDuty + greenChange; if (greenDuty == MAX_INT){ greenDuty = MAX_INT -1; greenOn = 1; greenChange = 0; } if (greenDuty == 0){ greenDuty = 1; greenOn = 0; greenChange = 0; } redDuty = redDuty + redChange; if (redDuty == MAX_INT){ redDuty = MAX_INT - 1; redOn = 1; redChange = 0; } if (redDuty == 0){ redDuty = 1; redOn = 0; redChange = 0; } blueDuty = blueDuty + blueChange; if (blueDuty == MAX_INT){ blueDuty = MAX_INT - 1; blueOn = 1; blueChange = 0; } if (blueDuty == 0){ blueDuty = 1; blueOn = 0; blueChange = 0; } pin_write(greenPin, greenDuty); pin_write(redPin, redDuty); pin_write(bluePin, blueDuty); */ /* if (iteration > 10000) { ping(); iteration = 0; } iteration += 1; */ } }
void spi_open(_SPI *self, _PIN *MISO, _PIN *MOSI, _PIN *SCK, float freq) { uint16_t primary, secondary; if ((MISO->rpnum==-1) || (MOSI->rpnum==-1) || (SCK->rpnum==-1)) return; // At least one of the specified pins is not an RP pin if ((MISO->owner==NULL) && (MOSI->owner==NULL) && (SCK->owner==NULL)) { // All of the specified pins are available and RP pins, so configure // as specified pin_digitalIn(MISO); pin_digitalOut(MOSI); pin_set(MOSI); pin_digitalOut(SCK); pin_clear(SCK); self->MISO = MISO; MISO->owner = (void *)self; MISO->write = NULL; MISO->read = NULL; self->MOSI = MOSI; MOSI->owner = (void *)self; MOSI->write = NULL; MOSI->read = NULL; self->SCK = SCK; SCK->owner = (void *)self; SCK->write = NULL; SCK->read = NULL; __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON&0xBF); *(self->MISOrpinr) &= ~(0x3F<<(self->MISOrpshift)); *(self->MISOrpinr) |= (MISO->rpnum)<<(self->MISOrpshift); *(MOSI->rpor) &= ~(0x3F<<(MOSI->rpshift)); *(MOSI->rpor) |= (self->MOSIrpnum)<<(MOSI->rpshift); *(SCK->rpor) &= ~(0x3F<<(SCK->rpshift)); *(SCK->rpor) |= (self->SCKrpnum)<<(SCK->rpshift); __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON|0x40); } else if ((self->MISO!=MISO) || (self->MOSI!=MOSI) || (self->SCK!=SCK)) { return; // At least one of the specified pins does not match the // previous assignment } // Clip freq to be in allowable range of values if (freq>(FCY/2.)) freq = FCY/2.; if (freq<(FCY/(64.*8.))) freq = FCY/(64.*8.); // Select primary prescale bits if (freq<=(FCY/(2.*64.))) { freq *= 64.; primary = 0; // Set primary prescale bits for 64:1 } else if (freq<=(FCY/(2.*16.))) { freq *= 16.; primary = 1; // Set primary prescale bits for 16:1 } else if (freq<=(FCY/(2.*4.))) { freq *= 4.; primary = 2; // Set primary prescale bits for 4:1 } else { primary = 3; // Set primary prescale bits for 1:1 } // Compute secondary prescale value to get closest SPI clock freq to that // specified secondary = (uint16_t)(0.5+FCY/freq); secondary = (8-secondary)<<2; // Map secondary prescale bits for SPIxCON1 // Configure the SPI module // set SPI module to 8-bit master mode // set SMP = 0, CKE = 1, and CKP = 0 // set SPRE and PPRE bits to get the closest SPI clock freq to that // specified *(self->SPIxCON1) = 0x0120|primary|secondary; *(self->SPIxCON2) = 0; // Enable the SPI module and clear status flags *(self->SPIxSTAT) = 0x8000; }