// Get a set of bounding boxes of possible vertical lines in the image.
// The input resolution overrides any resolution set in src_pix.
// The output line_pix contains just all the detected lines.
Boxa* LineFinder::GetVLineBoxes(int resolution, Pix* src_pix, Pix** line_pix) {
  // Remove any parts of 1 inch/kThinLineFraction wide or more, by opening
  // away the thin lines and subtracting what's left.
  // This is very generous and will leave in even quite wide lines.
  Pix* pixt1 = pixOpenBrick(NULL, src_pix, resolution / kThinLineFraction, 1);
  pixSubtract(pixt1, src_pix, pixt1);
  // Spread sideways to allow for some skew.
  Pix* pixt2 = pixDilateBrick(NULL, pixt1, 3, 1);
  // Now keep only tall stuff of height at least 1 inch/kMinLineLengthFraction.
  pixOpenBrick(pixt1, pixt2, 1, resolution / kMinLineLengthFraction);
  // Put a single pixel crack in every line at an arbitrary spacing,
  // so they break up and the bounding boxes can be used to get the
  // direction accurately enough without needing outlines.
  int wpl = pixGetWpl(pixt1);
  int height = pixGetHeight(pixt1);
  l_uint32* data = pixGetData(pixt1);
  for (int y = kCrackSpacing; y < height; y += kCrackSpacing) {
    memset(data + wpl * y, 0, wpl * sizeof(*data));
  if (textord_tabfind_show_vlines)
    pixWrite("vlines.png", pixt1, IFF_PNG);
  Boxa* boxa = pixConnComp(pixt1, NULL, 8);
  *line_pix = pixt1;
  return boxa;
  return NULL;
 * Returns an image of the current object at the given level in greyscale
 * if available in the input. To guarantee a binary image use BinaryImage.
 * NOTE that in order to give the best possible image, the bounds are
 * expanded slightly over the binary connected component, by the supplied
 * padding, so the top-left position of the returned image is returned
 * in (left,top). These will most likely not match the coordinates
 * returned by BoundingBox.
 * Use pixDestroy to delete the image after use.
Pix* PageIterator::GetImage(PageIteratorLevel level, int padding,
                            int* left, int* top) const {
  int right, bottom;
  if (!BoundingBox(level, left, top, &right, &bottom))
    return NULL;
  Pix* pix = tesseract_->pix_grey();
  if (pix == NULL)
    return GetBinaryImage(level);

  // Expand the box.
  *left = MAX(*left - padding, 0);
  *top = MAX(*top - padding, 0);
  right = MIN(right + padding, rect_width_);
  bottom = MIN(bottom + padding, rect_height_);
  Box* box = boxCreate(*left, *top, right - *left, bottom - *top);
  Pix* grey_pix = pixClipRectangle(pix, box, NULL);
  if (level == RIL_BLOCK) {
    Pix* mask = it_->block()->block->render_mask();
    Pix* expanded_mask = pixCreate(right - *left, bottom - *top, 1);
    pixRasterop(expanded_mask, padding, padding,
                pixGetWidth(mask), pixGetHeight(mask),
                PIX_SRC, mask, 0, 0);
    pixDilateBrick(expanded_mask, expanded_mask, 2*padding + 1, 2*padding + 1);
    pixInvert(expanded_mask, expanded_mask);
    pixSetMasked(grey_pix, expanded_mask, 255);
  return grey_pix;
// Finds horizontal line objects in the given pix.
// Uses the given resolution to determine size thresholds instead of any
// that may be present in the pix.
// The output vectors are owned by the list and Frozen (cannot refit) by
// having no boxes, as there is no need to refit or merge separator lines.
void LineFinder::FindHorizontalLines(int resolution,  Pix* pix,
                                     TabVector_LIST* vectors) {
  Pix* line_pix;
  Boxa* boxes = GetHLineBoxes(resolution, pix, &line_pix);
  C_BLOB_LIST line_cblobs;
  int width = pixGetWidth(pix);
  int height = pixGetHeight(pix);
  ConvertBoxaToBlobs(height, width, &boxes, &line_cblobs);
  // Make the BLOBNBOXes from the C_BLOBs.
  BLOBNBOX_LIST line_bblobs;
  C_BLOB_IT blob_it(&line_cblobs);
  BLOBNBOX_IT bbox_it(&line_bblobs);
  for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !blob_it.cycled_list(); blob_it.forward()) {
    C_BLOB* cblob = blob_it.data();
    BLOBNBOX* bblob = new BLOBNBOX(cblob);
  ICOORD bleft(0, 0);
  ICOORD tright(height, width);
  int vertical_x, vertical_y;
  FindLineVectors(bleft, tright, &line_bblobs, &vertical_x, &vertical_y,
  if (!vectors->empty()) {
    // Some lines were found, so erase the unused blobs from the line image
    // and then subtract the line image from the source.
    for (bbox_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !bbox_it.cycled_list(); bbox_it.forward()) {
      BLOBNBOX* blob = bbox_it.data();
      if (blob->left_tab_type() == TT_UNCONFIRMED) {
        const TBOX& box = blob->bounding_box();
        // Coords are in tess format so filp x and y and then covert
        // to leptonica by height -y.
        Box* pixbox = boxCreate(box.bottom(), height - box.right(),
                                box.height(), box.width());
        pixClearInRect(line_pix, pixbox);
    pixDilateBrick(line_pix, line_pix, 3, 1);
    pixSubtract(pix, pix, line_pix);
    if (textord_tabfind_show_vlines)
      pixWrite("hlinesclean.png", line_pix, IFF_PNG);
    ICOORD vertical;
    vertical.set_with_shrink(vertical_x, vertical_y);
    TabVector::MergeSimilarTabVectors(vertical, vectors, NULL);
    // Iterate the vectors to flip them.
    TabVector_IT h_it(vectors);
    for (h_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !h_it.cycled_list(); h_it.forward()) {
// Helper subtracts the line_pix image from the src_pix, and removes residue
// as well by removing components that touch the line, but are not in the
// non_line_pix mask. It is assumed that the non_line_pix mask has already
// been prepared to required accuracy.
static void SubtractLinesAndResidue(Pix* line_pix, Pix* non_line_pix,
                                    int resolution, Pix* src_pix) {
  // First remove the lines themselves.
  pixSubtract(src_pix, src_pix, line_pix);
  // Subtract the non-lines from the image to get the residue.
  Pix* residue_pix = pixSubtract(NULL, src_pix, non_line_pix);
  // Dilate the lines so they touch the residue.
  Pix* fat_line_pix = pixDilateBrick(NULL, line_pix, 3, 3);
  // Seed fill the fat lines to get all the residue.
  pixSeedfillBinary(fat_line_pix, fat_line_pix, residue_pix, 8);
  // Subtract the residue from the original image.
  pixSubtract(src_pix, src_pix, fat_line_pix);
// Finds vertical line objects in the given pix.
// Uses the given resolution to determine size thresholds instead of any
// that may be present in the pix.
// The output vertical_x and vertical_y contain a sum of the output vectors,
// thereby giving the mean vertical direction.
// The output vectors are owned by the list and Frozen (cannot refit) by
// having no boxes, as there is no need to refit or merge separator lines.
void LineFinder::FindVerticalLines(int resolution,  Pix* pix,
                                   int* vertical_x, int* vertical_y,
                                   TabVector_LIST* vectors) {
  Pix* line_pix;
  Boxa* boxes = GetVLineBoxes(resolution, pix, &line_pix);
  C_BLOB_LIST line_cblobs;
  int width = pixGetWidth(pix);
  int height = pixGetHeight(pix);
  ConvertBoxaToBlobs(width, height, &boxes, &line_cblobs);
  // Make the BLOBNBOXes from the C_BLOBs.
  BLOBNBOX_LIST line_bblobs;
  C_BLOB_IT blob_it(&line_cblobs);
  BLOBNBOX_IT bbox_it(&line_bblobs);
  for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !blob_it.cycled_list(); blob_it.forward()) {
    C_BLOB* cblob = blob_it.data();
    BLOBNBOX* bblob = new BLOBNBOX(cblob);
  ICOORD bleft(0, 0);
  ICOORD tright(width, height);
  FindLineVectors(bleft, tright, &line_bblobs, vertical_x, vertical_y, vectors);
  if (!vectors->empty()) {
    // Some lines were found, so erase the unused blobs from the line image
    // and then subtract the line image from the source.
    for (bbox_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !bbox_it.cycled_list(); bbox_it.forward()) {
      BLOBNBOX* blob = bbox_it.data();
      if (blob->left_tab_type() == TT_UNCONFIRMED) {
        const TBOX& box = blob->bounding_box();
        Box* pixbox = boxCreate(box.left(), height - box.top(),
                                box.width(), box.height());
        pixClearInRect(line_pix, pixbox);
    pixDilateBrick(line_pix, line_pix, 1, 3);
    pixSubtract(pix, pix, line_pix);
    if (textord_tabfind_show_vlines)
      pixWrite("vlinesclean.png", line_pix, IFF_PNG);
    ICOORD vertical;
    vertical.set_with_shrink(*vertical_x, *vertical_y);
    TabVector::MergeSimilarTabVectors(vertical, vectors, NULL);
// Get a set of bounding boxes of possible horizontal lines in the image.
// The input resolution overrides any resolution set in src_pix.
// The output line_pix contains just all the detected lines.
// The output boxes undergo the transformation (x,y)->(height-y,x) so the
// lines can be found with a vertical line finder afterwards.
// This transformation allows a simple x/y flip to reverse it in tesseract
// coordinates and it is faster to flip the lines than rotate the image.
Boxa* LineFinder::GetHLineBoxes(int resolution, Pix* src_pix, Pix** line_pix) {
  // Remove any parts of 1 inch/kThinLineFraction high or more, by opening
  // away the thin lines and subtracting what's left.
  // This is very generous and will leave in even quite wide lines.
  Pix* pixt1 = pixOpenBrick(NULL, src_pix, 1, resolution / kThinLineFraction);
  pixSubtract(pixt1, src_pix, pixt1);
  // Spread vertically to allow for some skew.
  Pix* pixt2 = pixDilateBrick(NULL, pixt1, 1, 3);
  // Now keep only wide stuff of width at least 1 inch/kMinLineLengthFraction.
  pixOpenBrick(pixt1, pixt2, resolution / kMinLineLengthFraction, 1);
  // Put a single pixel crack in every line at an arbitrary spacing,
  // so they break up and the bounding boxes can be used to get the
  // direction accurately enough without needing outlines.
  int wpl = pixGetWpl(pixt1);
  int width = pixGetWidth(pixt1);
  int height = pixGetHeight(pixt1);
  l_uint32* data = pixGetData(pixt1);
  for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y, data += wpl) {
    for (int x = kCrackSpacing; x < width; x += kCrackSpacing) {
      CLEAR_DATA_BIT(data, x);
  if (textord_tabfind_show_vlines)
    pixWrite("hlines.png", pixt1, IFF_PNG);
  Boxa* boxa = pixConnComp(pixt1, NULL, 8);
  *line_pix = pixt1;

  // Iterate the boxes to flip x and y.
  int nboxes = boxaGetCount(boxa);
  for (int i = 0; i < nboxes; ++i) {
    l_int32 x, y, box_width, box_height;
    boxaGetBoxGeometry(boxa, i, &x, &y, &box_width, &box_height);
    Box* box = boxCreate(height - (y + box_height),
                         width - (x + box_width), box_height, box_width);
    boxaReplaceBox(boxa, i, box);
  return boxa;
  return NULL;
// Finds image regions within the source pix (page image) and returns
// the image regions as a Boxa, Pixa pair, analgous to pixConnComp.
// The returned boxa, pixa may be NULL, meaning no images found.
// If not NULL, they must be destroyed by the caller.
void ImageFinder::FindImages(Pix* pix, Boxa** boxa, Pixa** pixa) {
  *boxa = NULL;
  *pixa = NULL;

  if (pixGetWidth(pix) < kMinImageFindSize ||
      pixGetHeight(pix) < kMinImageFindSize)
    return;  // Not worth looking at small images.
  // Reduce by factor 2.
  Pix *pixr = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pix, 1, 0, 0, 0);
  pixDisplayWrite(pixr, textord_tabfind_show_images);

  // Get the halftone mask directly from Leptonica.
  Pix *pixht2 = pixGenHalftoneMask(pixr, NULL, NULL,
  if (pixht2 == NULL)

  // Expand back up again.
  Pix *pixht = pixExpandReplicate(pixht2, 2);
  pixDisplayWrite(pixht, textord_tabfind_show_images);

  // Fill to capture pixels near the mask edges that were missed
  Pix *pixt = pixSeedfillBinary(NULL, pixht, pix, 8);
  pixOr(pixht, pixht, pixt);

  // Eliminate lines and bars that may be joined to images.
  Pix* pixfinemask = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixht, 1, 1, 3, 3);
  pixDilateBrick(pixfinemask, pixfinemask, 5, 5);
  pixDisplayWrite(pixfinemask, textord_tabfind_show_images);
  Pix* pixreduced = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixht, 1, 1, 1, 1);
  Pix* pixreduced2 = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixreduced, 3, 3, 3, 0);
  pixDilateBrick(pixreduced2, pixreduced2, 5, 5);
  Pix* pixcoarsemask = pixExpandReplicate(pixreduced2, 8);
  pixDisplayWrite(pixcoarsemask, textord_tabfind_show_images);
  // Combine the coarse and fine image masks.
  pixAnd(pixcoarsemask, pixcoarsemask, pixfinemask);
  // Dilate a bit to make sure we get everything.
  pixDilateBrick(pixcoarsemask, pixcoarsemask, 3, 3);
  Pix* pixmask = pixExpandReplicate(pixcoarsemask, 16);
  pixDisplayWrite(pixmask, textord_tabfind_show_images);
  // And the image mask with the line and bar remover.
  pixAnd(pixht, pixht, pixmask);
  pixDisplayWrite(pixht, textord_tabfind_show_images);
  // Find the individual image regions in the mask image.
  *boxa = pixConnComp(pixht, pixa, 8);
  // Rectangularize the individual images. If a sharp edge in vertical and/or
  // horizontal occupancy can be found, it indicates a probably rectangular
  // image with unwanted bits merged on, so clip to the approximate rectangle.
  int npixes = pixaGetCount(*pixa);
  for (int i = 0; i < npixes; ++i) {
    int x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end;
    Pix* img_pix = pixaGetPix(*pixa, i, L_CLONE);
    pixDisplayWrite(img_pix, textord_tabfind_show_images);
    if (pixNearlyRectangular(img_pix, kMinRectangularFraction,
                             &x_start, &y_start, &x_end, &y_end)) {
      // Add 1 to the size as a kludgy flag to indicate to the later stages
      // of processing that it is a clipped rectangular image .
      Pix* simple_pix = pixCreate(pixGetWidth(img_pix) + 1,
                                  pixGetHeight(img_pix), 1);
      pixRasterop(simple_pix, x_start, y_start, x_end - x_start,
                  y_end - y_start, PIX_SET, NULL, 0, 0);
      // pixaReplacePix takes ownership of the simple_pix.
      pixaReplacePix(*pixa, i, simple_pix, NULL);
      img_pix = pixaGetPix(*pixa, i, L_CLONE);
    // Subtract the pix from the correct location in the master image.
    l_int32 x, y, width, height;
    pixDisplayWrite(img_pix, textord_tabfind_show_images);
    boxaGetBoxGeometry(*boxa, i, &x, &y, &width, &height);
    pixRasterop(pix, x, y, width, height, PIX_NOT(PIX_SRC) & PIX_DST,
                img_pix, 0, 0);
main(int    argc,
     char **argv)
l_int32      i, ok, same;
char         sequence[512];
PIX         *pixs, *pixref;
PIX         *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixt3, *pixt4, *pixt5, *pixt6;
PIX         *pixt7, *pixt8, *pixt9, *pixt10, *pixt11;
PIX         *pixt12, *pixt13, *pixt14;
SEL         *sel;
static char  mainName[] = "binmorph1_reg";

    if (argc != 1)
	exit(ERROR_INT(" Syntax: binmorph1_reg", mainName, 1));

    if ((pixs = pixRead("feyn.tif")) == NULL)
	exit(ERROR_INT("pix not made", mainName, 1));

        /* This works properly if there is an added border */
#if 1
    pixt1 = pixAddBorder(pixs, 32, 0);
    pixTransferAllData(pixs, &pixt1, 0, 0);
#endif  /* TEST_SYMMETRIC */

        /* This is our test sel */
    sel = selCreateBrick(HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH / 2, SEL_HIT);

        /* Dilation */
    fprintf(stderr, "Testing dilation\n");
    ok = TRUE;
    pixref = pixDilate(NULL, pixs, sel);   /* new one */
    pixt1 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixDilate(pixt1, pixs, sel);           /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt1, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt1 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt2 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixDilate(pixt2, pixt2, sel);          /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt2, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt2 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "d%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt3 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, atomic */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt3, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt3 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "d%d.1 + d1.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt4 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt4, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt4 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt5 = pixDilateBrick(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt5, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt5 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt6 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt6, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt6, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt6 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt7 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt7, pixt7, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt7, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt7 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt8 = pixDilateBrickDwa(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt8, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt8 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt9 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixDilateBrickDwa(pixt9, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt9, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt9 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt10 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixDilateBrickDwa(pixt10, pixt10, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt10, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt10 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt11 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixDilateCompBrickDwa(pixt11, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt11, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt11 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "d%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt12 = pixMorphCompSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* comp sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt12, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt12!\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt13 = pixMorphSequenceDwa(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* dwa sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt13, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt13!\n"); ok = FALSE;

        /* Erosion */
    fprintf(stderr, "Testing erosion\n");
    pixref = pixErode(NULL, pixs, sel);   /* new one */
    pixt1 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixErode(pixt1, pixs, sel);           /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt1, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt1 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt2 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixErode(pixt2, pixt2, sel);          /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt2, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt2 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "e%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt3 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, atomic */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt3, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt3 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "e%d.1 + e1.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt4 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt4, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt4 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt5 = pixErodeBrick(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt5, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt5 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt6 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt6, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt6, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt6 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt7 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt7, pixt7, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt7, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt7 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt8 = pixErodeBrickDwa(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt8, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt8 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt9 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixErodeBrickDwa(pixt9, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt9, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt9 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt10 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixErodeBrickDwa(pixt10, pixt10, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt10, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt10 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt11 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixErodeCompBrickDwa(pixt11, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt11, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt11 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "e%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt12 = pixMorphCompSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* comp sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt12, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt12!\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt13 = pixMorphSequenceDwa(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* dwa sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt13, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt13!\n"); ok = FALSE;

        /* Opening */
    fprintf(stderr, "Testing opening\n");
    pixref = pixOpen(NULL, pixs, sel);   /* new one */
    pixt1 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixOpen(pixt1, pixs, sel);           /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt1, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt1 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt2 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixOpen(pixt2, pixt2, sel);          /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt2, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt2 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "o%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt3 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, atomic */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt3, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt3 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "e%d.%d + d%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt4 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt4, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt4 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "e%d.1 + e1.%d + d%d.1 + d1.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT,
            WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt5 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable^2 */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt5, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt5 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt6 = pixOpenBrick(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt6, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt6 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt7 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixOpenBrick(pixt7, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt7, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt7 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt8 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);  /* in-place */
    pixOpenBrick(pixt8, pixt8, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt8, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt8 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt9 = pixOpenBrickDwa(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt9, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt9 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt10 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixOpenBrickDwa(pixt10, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt10, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt10 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt11 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixOpenBrickDwa(pixt11, pixt11, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt11, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt11 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "o%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt12 = pixMorphCompSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* comp sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt12, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt12!\n"); ok = FALSE;

#if 0
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkref.png", pixref, IFF_PNG);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junk12.png", pixt12, IFF_PNG);
    pixt13 = pixXor(NULL, pixref, pixt12);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junk12a.png", pixt13, IFF_PNG);

    pixt13 = pixMorphSequenceDwa(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* dwa sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt13, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt13!\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt14 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixOpenCompBrickDwa(pixt14, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt14, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt14 !\n"); ok = FALSE;


        /* Closing */
    fprintf(stderr, "Testing closing\n");
    pixref = pixClose(NULL, pixs, sel);   /* new one */
    pixt1 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixClose(pixt1, pixs, sel);           /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt1, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt1 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt2 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixClose(pixt2, pixt2, sel);          /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt2, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt2 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "d%d.%d + e%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt3 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt3, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt3 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "d%d.1 + d1.%d + e%d.1 + e1.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT,
            WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt4 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable^2 */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt4, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt4 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt5 = pixCloseBrick(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt5, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt5 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt6 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixCloseBrick(pixt6, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt6, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt6 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt7 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);  /* in-place */
    pixCloseBrick(pixt7, pixt7, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt7, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt7 !\n"); ok = FALSE;

        /* Safe closing (using pix, not pixs) */
    fprintf(stderr, "Testing safe closing\n");
    pixref = pixCloseSafe(NULL, pixs, sel);   /* new one */
    pixt1 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixCloseSafe(pixt1, pixs, sel);           /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt1, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt1 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt2 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixCloseSafe(pixt2, pixt2, sel);          /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt2, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt2 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "c%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt3 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, atomic */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt3, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt3 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "b32 + d%d.%d + e%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt4 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt4, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt4 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "b32 + d%d.1 + d1.%d + e%d.1 + e1.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT,
            WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt5 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable^2 */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt5, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt5 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt6 = pixCloseSafeBrick(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt6, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt6 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt7 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt7, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt7, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt7 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt8 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);  /* in-place */
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt8, pixt8, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt8, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt8 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt9 = pixCloseBrickDwa(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt9, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt9 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt10 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixCloseBrickDwa(pixt10, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt10, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt10 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt11 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixCloseBrickDwa(pixt11, pixt11, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt11, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt11 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "c%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt12 = pixMorphCompSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* comp sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt12, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt12!\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt13 = pixMorphSequenceDwa(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* dwa sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt13, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt13!\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt14 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixCloseCompBrickDwa(pixt14, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt14, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt14 !\n"); ok = FALSE;

#if 0
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkref.png", pixref, IFF_PNG);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junk12.png", pixt12, IFF_PNG);
    pixt13 = pixXor(NULL, pixref, pixt12);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junk12a.png", pixt13, IFF_PNG);


    if (ok)
        fprintf(stderr, "All morph tests OK!\n");

main(int    argc,
     char **argv)
char        *filename;
l_int32      w, h, type, maxboxes;
l_float32    ovlap;
BOX         *box;
BOXA        *boxa, *boxat, *boxad;
PIX         *pix, *pixt, *pixs, *pixd;
static char  mainName[] = "partitiontest";

    if (argc != 3 && argc != 5)
        return ERROR_INT("syntax: partitiontest <fname> type [maxboxes ovlap]",
                         mainName, 1);

    filename = argv[1];
    type = atoi(argv[2]);
    if (type == L_SORT_BY_WIDTH)
        fprintf(stderr, "Sorting by width:\n");
    else if (type == L_SORT_BY_HEIGHT)
        fprintf(stderr, "Sorting by height:\n");
    else if (type == L_SORT_BY_MAX_DIMENSION)
        fprintf(stderr, "Sorting by maximum dimension:\n");
    else if (type == L_SORT_BY_MIN_DIMENSION)
        fprintf(stderr, "Sorting by minimum dimension:\n");
    else if (type == L_SORT_BY_PERIMETER)
        fprintf(stderr, "Sorting by perimeter:\n");
    else if (type == L_SORT_BY_AREA)
        fprintf(stderr, "Sorting by area:\n");
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Use one of the following for 'type':\n"
               "     5:   L_SORT_BY_WIDTH\n"
               "     6:   L_SORT_BY_HEIGHT\n"
               "     7:   L_SORT_BY_MIN_DIMENSION\n"
               "     8:   L_SORT_BY_MAX_DIMENSION\n"
               "     9:   L_SORT_BY_PERIMETER\n"
               "    10:   L_SORT_BY_AREA\n");
        return ERROR_INT("invalid type: see source", mainName, 1);
    if (argc == 5) {
        maxboxes = atoi(argv[3]);
	ovlap = atof(argv[4]);
    } else {
        maxboxes = 100;
	ovlap = 0.2;

    pix = pixRead(filename);
    pixs = pixConvertTo1(pix, 128);
    pixDilateBrick(pixs, pixs, 5, 5);
    boxa = pixConnComp(pixs, NULL, 4);
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
    box = boxCreate(0, 0, w, h);
    boxaPermuteRandom(boxa, boxa);
    boxat = boxaSelectBySize(boxa, 500, 500, L_SELECT_IF_BOTH,
                             L_SELECT_IF_LT, NULL);
    boxad = boxaGetWhiteblocks(boxat, box, type, maxboxes, ovlap,
                               200, 0.15, 20000);
    fprintf(stderr, "Time: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    boxaWriteStream(stderr, boxad);

    pixDisplayWrite(NULL, -1);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixs, REDUCTION);

        /* Display box outlines in a single color in a cmapped image */
    pixd = pixDrawBoxa(pixs, boxad, 7, 0xe0708000);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);

        /* Display box outlines in a single color in an RGB image */
    pixt = pixConvertTo8(pixs, FALSE);
    pixd = pixDrawBoxa(pixt, boxad, 7, 0x40a0c000);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);

        /* Display box outlines with random colors in a cmapped image */
    pixd = pixDrawBoxaRandom(pixs, boxad, 7);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);

        /* Display box outlines with random colors in an RGB image */
    pixt = pixConvertTo8(pixs, FALSE);
    pixd = pixDrawBoxaRandom(pixt, boxad, 7);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);

        /* Display boxes in the same color in a cmapped image */
    pixd = pixPaintBoxa(pixs, boxad, 0x60e0a000);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);

        /* Display boxes in the same color in an RGB image */
    pixt = pixConvertTo8(pixs, FALSE);
    pixd = pixPaintBoxa(pixt, boxad, 0xc030a000);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);

        /* Display boxes in random colors in a cmapped image */
    pixd = pixPaintBoxaRandom(pixs, boxad);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);

        /* Display boxes in random colors in an RGB image */
    pixt = pixConvertTo8(pixs, FALSE);
    pixd = pixPaintBoxaRandom(pixt, boxad);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);


    return 0;
DoComparisonDwa2(PIX     *pixs,
                 PIX     *pixt1,
                 PIX     *pixt2,
                 PIX     *pixt3,
                 PIX     *pixt4,
                 PIX     *pixt5,
                 PIX     *pixt6,
                 l_int32  size)  /* exactly decomposable */
    fprintf(stderr, "..%d..", size);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "dilate", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "erode", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "open", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "close", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

#if 0
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkpixt3.png", pixt3, IFF_PNG);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkpixt4.png", pixt4, IFF_PNG);
    pixXor(pixt3, pixt3, pixt4);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkxor.png", pixt3, IFF_PNG);

    return 0;
/* dwa composite with morph non-composite */
DoComparisonDwa5(PIX *pixs,
                 PIX *pixt1,
                 PIX *pixt2,
                 PIX *pixt3,
                 PIX *pixt4,
                 PIX *pixt5,
                 PIX *pixt6,
                 l_int32 isize) {
    l_int32 fact1, fact2, size;

    selectComposableSizes(isize, &fact1, &fact2);
    size = fact1 * fact2;

    fprintf(stderr, "..%d..", size);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateCompBrickDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateCompBrickDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateCompBrickDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "dilate", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

/*    pixDisplay(pixt1, 100, 100);  */
/*    pixDisplay(pixt2, 800, 100);  */

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeCompBrickDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeCompBrickDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeCompBrickDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "erode", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenCompBrickDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenCompBrickDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenCompBrickDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "open", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseCompBrickDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseCompBrickDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseCompBrickDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "close", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    return 0;
int main(int    argc,
         char **argv)
PIX          *pixs, *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4;

    if (regTestSetup(argc, argv, &rp))
        return 1;

    pixs = pixRead("test1.png");

        /* pixInvert */
    pix1 = pixInvert(NULL, pixs);
    pix2 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);  /* into pixd of same size */
    pixInvert(pix2, pixs);
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix1, IFF_PNG);  /* 0 */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix1, pix2);  /* 1 */

    pix3 = pixRead("marge.jpg");  /* into pixd of different size */
    pixInvert(pix3, pixs);
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix1, pix3);  /* 2 */

    pix1 = pixOpenBrick(NULL, pixs, 1, 9);
    pix2 = pixDilateBrick(NULL, pixs, 1, 9);

        /* pixOr */
    pix3 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixOr(pix3, pixs, pix1);  /* existing */
    pix4 = pixOr(NULL, pixs, pix1);  /* new */
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix3, IFF_PNG);  /* 3 */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 4 */
    pixCopy(pix4, pix1);
    pixOr(pix4, pix4, pixs);  /* in-place */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 5 */

    pix3 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixOr(pix3, pixs, pix2);  /* existing */
    pix4 = pixOr(NULL, pixs, pix2);  /* new */
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix3, IFF_PNG);  /* 6 */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 7 */
    pixCopy(pix4, pix2);
    pixOr(pix4, pix4, pixs);  /* in-place */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 8 */

        /* pixAnd */
    pix3 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixAnd(pix3, pixs, pix1);  /* existing */
    pix4 = pixAnd(NULL, pixs, pix1);  /* new */
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix3, IFF_PNG);  /* 9 */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 10 */
    pixCopy(pix4, pix1);
    pixAnd(pix4, pix4, pixs);  /* in-place */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 11 */

    pix3 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixAnd(pix3, pixs, pix2);  /* existing */
    pix4 = pixAnd(NULL, pixs, pix2);  /* new */
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix3, IFF_PNG);  /* 12 */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 13 */
    pixCopy(pix4, pix2);
    pixAnd(pix4, pix4, pixs);  /* in-place */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 14 */

        /* pixXor */
    pix3 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixXor(pix3, pixs, pix1);  /* existing */
    pix4 = pixXor(NULL, pixs, pix1);  /* new */
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix3, IFF_PNG);  /* 15 */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 16 */
    pixCopy(pix4, pix1);
    pixXor(pix4, pix4, pixs);  /* in-place */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 17 */

    pix3 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixXor(pix3, pixs, pix2);  /* existing */
    pix4 = pixXor(NULL, pixs, pix2);  /* new */
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix3, IFF_PNG);  /* 18 */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 19 */
    pixCopy(pix4, pix2);
    pixXor(pix4, pix4, pixs);  /* in-place */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 20 */

        /* pixSubtract */
    pix3 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixSubtract(pix3, pixs, pix1);  /* existing */
    pix4 = pixSubtract(NULL, pixs, pix1);  /* new */
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix3, IFF_PNG);  /* 21 */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 22 */
    pixCopy(pix4, pix1);
    pixSubtract(pix4, pixs, pix4);  /* in-place */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 23 */

    pix3 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixSubtract(pix3, pixs, pix2);  /* existing */
    pix4 = pixSubtract(NULL, pixs, pix2);  /* new */
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix3, IFF_PNG);  /* 24 */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 25 */
    pixCopy(pix4, pix2);
    pixSubtract(pix4, pixs, pix4);  /* in-place */
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 26 */

    pix4 = pixRead("marge.jpg");
    pixSubtract(pix4, pixs, pixs);  /* subtract from itself; should be empty */
    pix3 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pix4);  /* 27*/

    pixSubtract(pixs, pixs, pixs);  /* subtract from itself; should be empty */
    pix3 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    regTestComparePix(rp, pix3, pixs);  /* 28*/

    return regTestCleanup(rp);
 *  pixMorphSequence()
 *      Input:  pixs
 *              sequence (string specifying sequence)
 *              dispsep (horizontal separation in pixels between
 *                       successive displays; use zero to suppress display)
 *      Return: pixd, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This does rasterop morphology on binary images.
 *      (2) This runs a pipeline of operations; no branching is allowed.
 *      (3) This only uses brick Sels, which are created on the fly.
 *          In the future this will be generalized to extract Sels from
 *          a Sela by name.
 *      (4) A new image is always produced; the input image is not changed.
 *      (5) This contains an interpreter, allowing sequences to be
 *          generated and run.
 *      (6) The format of the sequence string is defined below.
 *      (7) In addition to morphological operations, rank order reduction
 *          and replicated expansion allow operations to take place
 *          downscaled by a power of 2.
 *      (8) Intermediate results can optionally be displayed.
 *      (9) Thanks to Dar-Shyang Lee, who had the idea for this and
 *          built the first implementation.
 *      (10) The sequence string is formatted as follows:
 *            - An arbitrary number of operations,  each separated
 *              by a '+' character.  White space is ignored.
 *            - Each operation begins with a case-independent character
 *              specifying the operation:
 *                 d or D  (dilation)
 *                 e or E  (erosion)
 *                 o or O  (opening)
 *                 c or C  (closing)
 *                 r or R  (rank binary reduction)
 *                 x or X  (replicative binary expansion)
 *                 b or B  (add a border of 0 pixels of this size)
 *            - The args to the morphological operations are bricks of hits,
 *              and are formatted as a.b, where a and b are horizontal and
 *              vertical dimensions, rsp.
 *            - The args to the reduction are a sequence of up to 4 integers,
 *              each from 1 to 4.
 *            - The arg to the expansion is a power of two, in the set
 *              {2, 4, 8, 16}.
 *      (11) An example valid sequence is:
 *               "b32 + o1.3 + C3.1 + r23 + e2.2 + D3.2 + X4"
 *           In this example, the following operation sequence is carried out:
 *             * b32: Add a 32 pixel border around the input image
 *             * o1.3: Opening with vert sel of length 3 (e.g., 1 x 3)
 *             * C3.1: Closing with horiz sel of length 3  (e.g., 3 x 1)
 *             * r23: Two successive 2x2 reductions with rank 2 in the first
 *                    and rank 3 in the second.  The result is a 4x reduced pix.
 *             * e2.2: Erosion with a 2x2 sel (origin will be at x,y: 0,0)
 *             * d3.2: Dilation with a 3x2 sel (origin will be at x,y: 1,0)
 *             * X4: 4x replicative expansion, back to original resolution
 *      (12) The safe closing is used.  However, if you implement a
 *           closing as separable dilations followed by separable erosions,
 *           it will not be safe.  For that situation, you need to add
 *           a sufficiently large border as the first operation in
 *           the sequence.  This will be removed automatically at the
 *           end.  There are two cautions: 
 *              - When computing what is sufficient, remember that if
 *                reductions are carried out, the border is also reduced.
 *              - The border is removed at the end, so if a border is
 *                added at the beginning, the result must be at the
 *                same resolution as the input!
pixMorphSequence(PIX         *pixs,
                 const char  *sequence,
                 l_int32      dispsep)
char    *rawop, *op;
l_int32  nops, i, j, nred, fact, w, h, x, y, border;
l_int32  level[4];
PIX     *pixt1, *pixt2;
SARRAY  *sa;


    if (!pixs)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (!sequence)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("sequence not defined", procName, NULL);

        /* Split sequence into individual operations */
    sa = sarrayCreate(0);
    sarraySplitString(sa, sequence, "+");
    nops = sarrayGetCount(sa);

    if (!morphSequenceVerify(sa)) {
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("sequence not valid", procName, NULL);

        /* Parse and operate */
    border = 0;
    pixt1 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixt2 = NULL;
    x = y = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nops; i++) {
        rawop = sarrayGetString(sa, i, 0);
        op = stringRemoveChars(rawop, " \n\t");
        switch (op[0])
        case 'd':
        case 'D':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixt2 = pixDilateBrick(NULL, pixt1, w, h);
            pixt1 = pixClone(pixt2);
            if (dispsep > 0) {
                pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
                x += dispsep;
        case 'e':
        case 'E':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixt2 = pixErodeBrick(NULL, pixt1, w, h);
            pixt1 = pixClone(pixt2);
            if (dispsep > 0) {
                pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
                x += dispsep;
        case 'o':
        case 'O':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixOpenBrick(pixt1, pixt1, w, h);
            if (dispsep > 0) {
                pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
                x += dispsep;
        case 'c':
        case 'C':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt1, pixt1, w, h);
            if (dispsep > 0) {
                pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
                x += dispsep;
        case 'r':
        case 'R':
            nred = strlen(op) - 1;
            for (j = 0; j < nred; j++)
                level[j] = op[j + 1] - '0';
            for (j = nred; j < 4; j++)
                level[j] = 0;
            pixt2 = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixt1, level[0], level[1],
                                               level[2], level[3]);
            pixt1 = pixClone(pixt2);
            if (dispsep > 0) {
                pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
                x += dispsep;
        case 'x':
        case 'X':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d", &fact);
            pixt2 = pixExpandReplicate(pixt1, fact);
            pixt1 = pixClone(pixt2);
            if (dispsep > 0) {
                pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
                x += dispsep;
        case 'b':
        case 'B':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d", &border);
            pixt2 = pixAddBorder(pixt1, border, 0);
            pixt1 = pixClone(pixt2);
            if (dispsep > 0) {
                pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
                x += dispsep;
            /* All invalid ops are caught in the first pass */
    if (border > 0) {
        pixt2 = pixRemoveBorder(pixt1, border);
        pixt1 = pixClone(pixt2);

    return pixt1;
 * Note: this method is generally inferior to pixHasColorRegions(); it
 *       is retained as a reference only
 * \brief   pixFindColorRegionsLight()
 * \param[in]    pixs        32 bpp rgb
 * \param[in]    pixm        [optional] 1 bpp mask image
 * \param[in]    factor      subsample factor; integer >= 1
 * \param[in]    darkthresh  threshold to eliminate dark pixels (e.g., text)
 *                           from consideration; typ. 70; -1 for default.
 * \param[in]    lightthresh threshold for minimum gray value at 95% rank
 *                           near white; typ. 220; -1 for default
 * \param[in]    mindiff     minimum difference from 95% rank value, used
 *                           to count darker pixels; typ. 50; -1 for default
 * \param[in]    colordiff   minimum difference in (max - min) component to
 *                           qualify as a color pixel; typ. 40; -1 for default
 * \param[out]   pcolorfract fraction of 'color' pixels found
 * \param[out]   pcolormask1 [optional] mask over background color, if any
 * \param[out]   pcolormask2 [optional] filtered mask over background color
 * \param[out]   pixadb      [optional] debug intermediate results
 * \return  0 if OK, 1 on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This function tries to determine if there is a significant
 *          color or darker region on a scanned page image where part
 *          of the image is very close to "white".  It will also allow
 *          extraction of small regions of lightly colored pixels.
 *          If the background is darker (and reddish), use instead
 *          pixHasColorRegions2().
 *      (2) If %pixm exists, only pixels under fg are considered. Typically,
 *          the inverse of %pixm would have fg pixels over a photograph.
 *      (3) There are four thresholds.
 *          * %darkthresh: ignore pixels darker than this (typ. fg text).
 *            We make a 1 bpp mask of these pixels, and then dilate it to
 *            remove all vestiges of fg from their vicinity.
 *          * %lightthresh: let val95 be the pixel value for which 95%
 *            of the non-masked pixels have a lower value (darker) of
 *            their min component.  Then if val95 is darker than
 *            %lightthresh, the image is not considered to have a
 *            light bg, and this returns 0.0 for %colorfract.
 *          * %mindiff: we are interested in the fraction of pixels that
 *            have two conditions.  The first is that their min component
 *            is at least %mindiff darker than val95.
 *          * %colordiff: the second condition is that the max-min diff
 *            of the pixel components exceeds %colordiff.
 *      (4) This returns in %pcolorfract the fraction of pixels that have
 *          both a min component that is at least %mindiff below that at the
 *          95% rank value (where 100% rank is the lightest value), and
 *          a max-min diff that is at least %colordiff.  Without the
 *          %colordiff constraint, gray pixels of intermediate value
 *          could get flagged by this function.
 *      (5) No masks are returned unless light color pixels are found.
 *          If colorfract > 0.0 and %pcolormask1 is defined, this returns
 *          a 1 bpp mask with fg pixels over the color background.
 *          This mask may have some holes in it.
 *      (6) If colorfract > 0.0 and %pcolormask2 is defined, this returns
 *          a filtered version of colormask1.  The two changes are
 *            (a) small holes have been filled
 *            (b) components near the border have been removed.
 *          The latter insures that dark pixels near the edge of the
 *          image are not included.
 *      (7) To generate a boxa of rectangular regions from the overlap
 *          of components in the filtered mask:
 *                boxa1 = pixConnCompBB(colormask2, 8);
 *                boxa2 = boxaCombineOverlaps(boxa1);
 *          This is done here in debug mode.
 * </pre>
static l_int32
pixFindColorRegionsLight(PIX        *pixs,
                         PIX        *pixm,
                         l_int32     factor,
                         l_int32     darkthresh,
                         l_int32     lightthresh,
                         l_int32     mindiff,
                         l_int32     colordiff,
                         l_float32  *pcolorfract,
                         PIX       **pcolormask1,
                         PIX       **pcolormask2,
                         PIXA       *pixadb)
l_int32    lightbg, w, h, count;
l_float32  ratio, val95, rank;
BOXA      *boxa1, *boxa2;
NUMA      *nah;
PIX       *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4, *pix5, *pixm1, *pixm2, *pixm3;


    if (pcolormask1) *pcolormask1 = NULL;
    if (pcolormask2) *pcolormask2 = NULL;
    if (!pcolorfract)
        return ERROR_INT("&colorfract not defined", procName, 1);
    *pcolorfract = 0.0;
    if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) != 32)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined or not 32 bpp", procName, 1);
    if (factor < 1) factor = 1;
    if (darkthresh < 0) darkthresh = 70;  /* defaults */
    if (lightthresh < 0) lightthresh = 220;
    if (mindiff < 0) mindiff = 50;
    if (colordiff < 0) colordiff = 40;

        /* Check if pixm covers most of the image.  If so, just return. */
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
    if (pixm) {
        pixCountPixels(pixm, &count, NULL);
        ratio = (l_float32)count / ((l_float32)(w) * h);
        if (ratio > 0.7) {
            if (pixadb) L_INFO("pixm has big fg: %f5.2\n", procName, ratio);
            return 0;

        /* Make a mask pixm1 over the dark pixels in the image:
         * convert to gray using the average of the components;
         * threshold using %darkthresh; do a small dilation;
         * combine with pixm. */
    pix1 = pixConvertRGBToGray(pixs, 0.33, 0.34, 0.33);
    if (pixadb) pixaAddPix(pixadb, pixs, L_COPY);
    if (pixadb) pixaAddPix(pixadb, pix1, L_COPY);
    pixm1 = pixThresholdToBinary(pix1, darkthresh);
    pixDilateBrick(pixm1, pixm1, 7, 7);
    if (pixadb) pixaAddPix(pixadb, pixm1, L_COPY);
    if (pixm) {
        pixOr(pixm1, pixm1, pixm);
        if (pixadb) pixaAddPix(pixadb, pixm1, L_COPY);

        /* Convert to gray using the minimum component value and
         * find the gray value at rank 0.95, that represents the light
         * pixels in the image.  If it is too dark, quit. */
    pix1 = pixConvertRGBToGrayMinMax(pixs, L_SELECT_MIN);
    pix2 = pixInvert(NULL, pixm1);  /* pixels that are not dark */
    pixGetRankValueMasked(pix1, pix2, 0, 0, factor, 0.95, &val95, &nah);
    if (pixadb) {
        L_INFO("val at 0.95 rank = %5.1f\n", procName, val95);
        gplotSimple1(nah, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/histo1", "gray histo");
        pix3 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/histo1.png");
        pix4 = pixExpandReplicate(pix3, 2);
        pixaAddPix(pixadb, pix4, L_INSERT);
    lightbg = (l_int32)val95 >= lightthresh;
    if (!lightbg) {
        return 0;

        /* Make mask pixm2 over pixels that are darker than val95 - mindiff. */
    pixm2 = pixThresholdToBinary(pix1, val95 - mindiff);
    if (pixadb) pixaAddPix(pixadb, pixm2, L_COPY);

        /* Make a mask pixm3 over pixels that have some color saturation,
         * with a (max - min) component difference >= %colordiff,
         * and combine using AND with pixm2. */
    pix2 = pixConvertRGBToGrayMinMax(pixs, L_CHOOSE_MAXDIFF);
    pixm3 = pixThresholdToBinary(pix2, colordiff);
    pixInvert(pixm3, pixm3);  /* need pixels above threshold */
    if (pixadb) pixaAddPix(pixadb, pixm3, L_COPY);
    pixAnd(pixm2, pixm2, pixm3);
    if (pixadb) pixaAddPix(pixadb, pixm2, L_COPY);

        /* Subtract the dark pixels represented by pixm1.
         * pixm2 now holds all the color pixels of interest  */
    pixSubtract(pixm2, pixm2, pixm1);
    if (pixadb) pixaAddPix(pixadb, pixm2, L_COPY);

        /* But we're not quite finished.  Remove pixels from any component
         * that is touching the image border.  False color pixels can
         * sometimes be found there if the image is much darker near
         * the border, due to oxidation or reduced illumination. */
    pixm3 = pixRemoveBorderConnComps(pixm2, 8);
    if (pixadb) pixaAddPix(pixadb, pixm3, L_COPY);

        /* Get the fraction of light color pixels */
    pixCountPixels(pixm3, &count, NULL);
    *pcolorfract = (l_float32)count / (w * h);
    if (pixadb) {
        if (count == 0)
            L_INFO("no light color pixels found\n", procName);
            L_INFO("fraction of light color pixels = %5.3f\n", procName,

        /* Debug: extract the color pixels from pixs */
    if (pixadb && count > 0) {
            /* Use pixm3 to extract the color pixels */
        pix3 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
        pixCombineMasked(pix3, pixs, pixm3);
        pixaAddPix(pixadb, pix3, L_INSERT);

            /* Use additional filtering to extract the color pixels */
        pix3 = pixCloseSafeBrick(NULL, pixm3, 15, 15);
        pixaAddPix(pixadb, pix3, L_INSERT);
        pix5 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
        pixCombineMasked(pix5, pixs, pix3);
        pixaAddPix(pixadb, pix5, L_INSERT);

            /* Get the combined bounding boxes of the mask components
             * in pix3, and extract those pixels from pixs. */
        boxa1 = pixConnCompBB(pix3, 8);
        boxa2 = boxaCombineOverlaps(boxa1, NULL);
        pix4 = pixCreateTemplate(pix3);
        pixMaskBoxa(pix4, pix4, boxa2, L_SET_PIXELS);
        pixaAddPix(pixadb, pix4, L_INSERT);
        pix5 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
        pixCombineMasked(pix5, pixs, pix4);
        pixaAddPix(pixadb, pix5, L_INSERT);
        pixaAddPix(pixadb, pixs, L_COPY);

        /* Optional colormask returns */
    if (pcolormask2 && count > 0)
        *pcolormask2 = pixCloseSafeBrick(NULL, pixm3, 15, 15);
    if (pcolormask1 && count > 0)
        *pcolormask1 = pixm3;
    return 0;
int main(int argc,
         char **argv) {
    char *filein, *fileout;
    l_int32 i;
    l_uint32 val;
    l_float32 size;
    PIX *pixs, *pixd, *pixm, *pixmi, *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixt3;
    static char mainName[] = "seedfilltest";

    if (argc != 3)
        return ERROR_INT(" Syntax:  seedfilltest filein fileout", mainName, 1);

    filein = argv[1];
    fileout = argv[2];
    pixd = NULL;

    if ((pixm = pixRead(filein)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("pixm not made", mainName, 1);
    pixmi = pixInvert(NULL, pixm);

    size = pixGetWidth(pixm) * pixGetHeight(pixm);
    pixs = pixCreateTemplate(pixm);
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        pixGetPixel(pixm, XS + 5 * i, YS + 5 * i, &val);
        if (val == 0) break;
    if (i == 100)
        return ERROR_INT("no seed pixel found", mainName, 1);
    pixSetPixel(pixs, XS + 5 * i, YS + 5 * i, 1);

#if 0
    /* hole filling; use "hole-filler.png" */
pixt1 = pixHDome(pixmi, 100, 4);
pixt2 = pixThresholdToBinary(pixt1, 10);
/*    pixInvert(pixt1, pixt1); */
pixDisplay(pixt1, 100, 500);
pixDisplay(pixt2, 600, 500);
pixt3 = pixHolesByFilling(pixt2, 4);
pixDilateBrick(pixt3, pixt3, 7, 7);
pixd = pixConvertTo8(pixt3, FALSE);
pixDisplay(pixd, 0, 100);
pixSeedfillGray(pixd, pixmi, CONNECTIVITY);
pixInvert(pixd, pixd);
pixDisplay(pixmi, 500, 100);
pixDisplay(pixd, 1000, 100);
pixWrite("/tmp/junkpixm.png", pixmi, IFF_PNG);
pixWrite("/tmp/junkpixd.png", pixd, IFF_PNG);

#if 0
    /* hole filling; use "hole-filler.png" */
pixt1 = pixThresholdToBinary(pixm, 110);
pixInvert(pixt1, pixt1);
pixDisplay(pixt1, 100, 500);
pixt2 = pixHolesByFilling(pixt1, 4);
pixd = pixConvertTo8(pixt2, FALSE);
pixDisplay(pixd, 0, 100);
pixSeedfillGray(pixd, pixmi, CONNECTIVITY);
pixInvert(pixd, pixd);
pixDisplay(pixmi, 500, 100);
pixDisplay(pixd, 1000, 100);
pixWrite("/tmp/junkpixm.png", pixmi, IFF_PNG);
pixWrite("/tmp/junkpixd.png", pixd, IFF_PNG);

#if 0
    /* hole filling; use "hole-filler.png" */
pixd = pixInvert(NULL, pixm);
pixAddConstantGray(pixd, -50);
pixDisplay(pixd, 0, 100);
/*    pixt1 = pixThresholdToBinary(pixd, 20);
pixDisplayWithTitle(pixt1, 600, 600, "pixt1", DFLAG); */
pixSeedfillGray(pixd, pixmi, CONNECTIVITY);
/*    pixInvert(pixd, pixd); */
pixDisplay(pixmi, 500, 100);
pixDisplay(pixd, 1000, 100);
pixWrite("/tmp/junkpixm.png", pixmi, IFF_PNG);
pixWrite("/tmp/junkpixd.png", pixd, IFF_PNG);

#if 0
    /* test in-place seedfill for speed */
pixd = pixClone(pixs);
pixSeedfillBinary(pixs, pixs, pixmi, CONNECTIVITY);
fprintf(stderr, "Filling rate: %7.4f Mpix/sec\n",
    (size/1000000.) / stopTimer());

pixWrite(fileout, pixd, IFF_PNG);
pixOr(pixd, pixd, pixm);
pixWrite("/tmp/junkout1.png", pixd, IFF_PNG);

#if 0
    /* test seedfill to dest for speed */
pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pixm);
for (i = 0; i < NTIMES; i++) {
    pixSeedfillBinary(pixd, pixs, pixmi, CONNECTIVITY);
fprintf(stderr, "Filling rate: %7.4f Mpix/sec\n",
    (size/1000000.) * NTIMES / stopTimer());

pixWrite(fileout, pixd, IFF_PNG);
pixOr(pixd, pixd, pixm);
pixWrite("/tmp/junkout1.png", pixd, IFF_PNG);

    /* use same connectivity to compare with the result of the
     * slow parallel operation */
#if 1
    pixd = pixSeedfillMorph(pixs, pixmi, 100, CONNECTIVITY);
    pixOr(pixd, pixd, pixm);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkout2.png", pixd, IFF_PNG);

    return 0;
 * \brief   pixItalicWords()
 * \param[in]    pixs       1 bpp
 * \param[in]    boxaw      [optional] word bounding boxes; can be NULL
 * \param[in]    pixw       [optional] word box mask; can be NULL
 * \param[out]   pboxa      boxa of italic words
 * \param[in]    debugflag  1 for debug output; 0 otherwise
 * \return  0 if OK, 1 on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) You can input the bounding boxes for the words in one of
 *          two forms: as bounding boxes (%boxaw) or as a word mask with
 *          the word bounding boxes filled (%pixw).  For example,
 *          to compute %pixw, you can use pixWordMaskByDilation().
 *      (2) Alternatively, you can set both of these inputs to NULL,
 *          in which case the word mask is generated here.  This is
 *          done by dilating and closing the input image to connect
 *          letters within a word, while leaving the words separated.
 *          The parameters are chosen under the assumption that the
 *          input is 10 to 12 pt text, scanned at about 300 ppi.
 *      (3) sel_ital1 and sel_ital2 detect the right edges that are
 *          nearly vertical, at approximately the angle of italic
 *          strokes.  We use the right edge to avoid getting seeds
 *          from lower-case 'y'.  The typical italic slant has a smaller
 *          angle with the vertical than the 'W', so in most cases we
 *          will not trigger on the slanted lines in the 'W'.
 *      (4) Note that sel_ital2 is shorter than sel_ital1.  It is
 *          more appropriate for a typical font scanned at 200 ppi.
 * </pre>
pixItalicWords(PIX     *pixs,
               BOXA    *boxaw,
               PIX     *pixw,
               BOXA   **pboxa,
               l_int32  debugflag)
char     opstring[32];
l_int32  size;
BOXA    *boxa;
PIX     *pixsd, *pixm, *pixd;
SEL     *sel_ital1, *sel_ital2, *sel_ital3;


    if (!pixs)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!pboxa)
        return ERROR_INT("&boxa not defined", procName, 1);
    if (boxaw && pixw)
        return ERROR_INT("both boxaw and pixw are defined", procName, 1);

    sel_ital1 = selCreateFromString(str_ital1, 13, 6, NULL);
    sel_ital2 = selCreateFromString(str_ital2, 10, 6, NULL);
    sel_ital3 = selCreateFromString(str_ital3, 4, 2, NULL);

        /* Make the italic seed: extract with HMT; remove noise.
         * The noise removal close/open is important to exclude
         * situations where a small slanted line accidentally
         * matches sel_ital1. */
    pixsd = pixHMT(NULL, pixs, sel_ital1);
    pixClose(pixsd, pixsd, sel_ital3);
    pixOpen(pixsd, pixsd, sel_ital3);

        /* Make the word mask.  Use input boxes or mask if given. */
    size = 0;  /* init */
    if (boxaw) {
        pixm = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
        pixMaskBoxa(pixm, pixm, boxaw, L_SET_PIXELS);
    } else if (pixw) {
        pixm = pixClone(pixw);
    } else {
        pixWordMaskByDilation(pixs, NULL, &size, NULL);
        L_INFO("dilation size = %d\n", procName, size);
        snprintf(opstring, sizeof(opstring), "d1.5 + c%d.1", size);
        pixm = pixMorphSequence(pixs, opstring, 0);

        /* Binary reconstruction to fill in those word mask
         * components for which there is at least one seed pixel. */
    pixd = pixSeedfillBinary(NULL, pixsd, pixm, 8);
    boxa = pixConnComp(pixd, NULL, 8);
    *pboxa = boxa;

    if (debugflag) {
            /* Save results at at 2x reduction */
        l_int32  res, upper;
        BOXA  *boxat;
        GPLOT *gplot;
        NUMA  *na;
        PIXA  *pad;
        PIX   *pix1, *pix2, *pix3;
        pad = pixaCreate(0);
        boxat = pixConnComp(pixm, NULL, 8);
        boxaWrite("/tmp/lept/ital/ital.ba", boxat);
        pixSaveTiledOutline(pixs, pad, 0.5, 1, 20, 2, 32);  /* orig */
        pixSaveTiledOutline(pixsd, pad, 0.5, 1, 20, 2, 0);  /* seed */
        pix1 = pixConvertTo32(pixm);
        pixRenderBoxaArb(pix1, boxat, 3, 255, 0, 0);
        pixSaveTiledOutline(pix1, pad, 0.5, 1, 20, 2, 0);  /* mask + outline */
        pixSaveTiledOutline(pixd, pad, 0.5, 1, 20, 2, 0);  /* ital mask */
        pix1 = pixConvertTo32(pixs);
        pixRenderBoxaArb(pix1, boxa, 3, 255, 0, 0);
        pixSaveTiledOutline(pix1, pad, 0.5, 1, 20, 2, 0);  /* orig + outline */
        pix1 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
        pix2 = pixSetBlackOrWhiteBoxa(pix1, boxa, L_SET_BLACK);
        pixCopy(pix1, pixs);
        pix3 = pixDilateBrick(NULL, pixs, 3, 3);
        pixCombineMasked(pix1, pix3, pix2);
        pixSaveTiledOutline(pix1, pad, 0.5, 1, 20, 2, 0);  /* ital bolded */
        pix2 = pixaDisplay(pad, 0, 0);
        pixWrite("/tmp/lept/ital/ital.png", pix2, IFF_PNG);

            /* Assuming the image represents 6 inches of actual page width,
             * the pixs resolution is approximately
             *    (width of pixs in pixels) / 6
             * and the images have been saved at half this resolution.   */
        res = pixGetWidth(pixs) / 12;
        L_INFO("resolution = %d\n", procName, res);
        pixaConvertToPdf(pad, res, 1.0, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 75, "Italic Finder",

            /* Plot histogram of horizontal white run sizes.  A small
             * initial vertical dilation removes most runs that are neither
             * inter-character nor inter-word.  The larger first peak is
             * from inter-character runs, and the smaller second peak is
             * from inter-word runs. */
        pix1 = pixDilateBrick(NULL, pixs, 1, 15);
        upper = L_MAX(30, 3 * size);
        na = pixRunHistogramMorph(pix1, L_RUN_OFF, L_HORIZ, upper);
        gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/ital/runhisto", GPLOT_PNG,
                "Histogram of horizontal runs of white pixels, vs length",
                "run length", "number of runs");
        gplotAddPlot(gplot, NULL, na, GPLOT_LINES, "plot1");

    return 0;
 * \brief   pixMorphSequence()
 * \param[in]    pixs
 * \param[in]    sequence string specifying sequence
 * \param[in]    dispsep controls debug display of each result in the sequence:
 *                       0: no output
 *                       > 0: gives horizontal separation in pixels between
 *                            successive displays
 *                       < 0: pdf output; abs(dispsep) is used for naming
 * \return  pixd, or NULL on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This does rasterop morphology on binary images.
 *      (2) This runs a pipeline of operations; no branching is allowed.
 *      (3) This only uses brick Sels, which are created on the fly.
 *          In the future this will be generalized to extract Sels from
 *          a Sela by name.
 *      (4) A new image is always produced; the input image is not changed.
 *      (5) This contains an interpreter, allowing sequences to be
 *          generated and run.
 *      (6) The format of the sequence string is defined below.
 *      (7) In addition to morphological operations, rank order reduction
 *          and replicated expansion allow operations to take place
 *          downscaled by a power of 2.
 *      (8) Intermediate results can optionally be displayed.
 *      (9) Thanks to Dar-Shyang Lee, who had the idea for this and
 *          built the first implementation.
 *      (10) The sequence string is formatted as follows:
 *            ~ An arbitrary number of operations,  each separated
 *              by a '+' character.  White space is ignored.
 *            ~ Each operation begins with a case-independent character
 *              specifying the operation:
 *                 d or D  (dilation)
 *                 e or E  (erosion)
 *                 o or O  (opening)
 *                 c or C  (closing)
 *                 r or R  (rank binary reduction)
 *                 x or X  (replicative binary expansion)
 *                 b or B  (add a border of 0 pixels of this size)
 *            ~ The args to the morphological operations are bricks of hits,
 *              and are formatted as a.b, where a and b are horizontal and
 *              vertical dimensions, rsp.
 *            ~ The args to the reduction are a sequence of up to 4 integers,
 *              each from 1 to 4.
 *            ~ The arg to the expansion is a power of two, in the set
 *              {2, 4, 8, 16}.
 *      (11) An example valid sequence is:
 *               "b32 + o1.3 + C3.1 + r23 + e2.2 + D3.2 + X4"
 *           In this example, the following operation sequence is carried out:
 *             * b32: Add a 32 pixel border around the input image
 *             * o1.3: Opening with vert sel of length 3 (e.g., 1 x 3)
 *             * C3.1: Closing with horiz sel of length 3  (e.g., 3 x 1)
 *             * r23: Two successive 2x2 reductions with rank 2 in the first
 *                    and rank 3 in the second.  The result is a 4x reduced pix.
 *             * e2.2: Erosion with a 2x2 sel (origin will be at x,y: 0,0)
 *             * d3.2: Dilation with a 3x2 sel (origin will be at x,y: 1,0)
 *             * X4: 4x replicative expansion, back to original resolution
 *      (12) The safe closing is used.  However, if you implement a
 *           closing as separable dilations followed by separable erosions,
 *           it will not be safe.  For that situation, you need to add
 *           a sufficiently large border as the first operation in
 *           the sequence.  This will be removed automatically at the
 *           end.  There are two cautions:
 *              ~ When computing what is sufficient, remember that if
 *                reductions are carried out, the border is also reduced.
 *              ~ The border is removed at the end, so if a border is
 *                added at the beginning, the result must be at the
 *                same resolution as the input!
 * </pre>
pixMorphSequence(PIX         *pixs,
                 const char  *sequence,
                 l_int32      dispsep)
char    *rawop, *op, *fname;
char     buf[256];
l_int32  nops, i, j, nred, fact, w, h, x, y, border, pdfout;
l_int32  level[4];
PIX     *pixt1, *pixt2;
PIXA    *pixa;
SARRAY  *sa;


    if (!pixs)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (!sequence)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("sequence not defined", procName, NULL);

        /* Split sequence into individual operations */
    sa = sarrayCreate(0);
    sarraySplitString(sa, sequence, "+");
    nops = sarrayGetCount(sa);
    pdfout = (dispsep < 0) ? 1 : 0;

    if (!morphSequenceVerify(sa)) {
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("sequence not valid", procName, NULL);

        /* Parse and operate */
    pixa = NULL;
    if (pdfout) {
        pixa = pixaCreate(0);
        pixaAddPix(pixa, pixs, L_CLONE);
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/tmp/seq_output_%d.pdf", L_ABS(dispsep));
        fname = genPathname(buf, NULL);
    border = 0;
    pixt1 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixt2 = NULL;
    x = y = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nops; i++) {
        rawop = sarrayGetString(sa, i, L_NOCOPY);
        op = stringRemoveChars(rawop, " \n\t");
        switch (op[0])
        case 'd':
        case 'D':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixt2 = pixDilateBrick(NULL, pixt1, w, h);
            pixSwapAndDestroy(&pixt1, &pixt2);
        case 'e':
        case 'E':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixt2 = pixErodeBrick(NULL, pixt1, w, h);
            pixSwapAndDestroy(&pixt1, &pixt2);
        case 'o':
        case 'O':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixOpenBrick(pixt1, pixt1, w, h);
        case 'c':
        case 'C':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt1, pixt1, w, h);
        case 'r':
        case 'R':
            nred = strlen(op) - 1;
            for (j = 0; j < nred; j++)
                level[j] = op[j + 1] - '0';
            for (j = nred; j < 4; j++)
                level[j] = 0;
            pixt2 = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixt1, level[0], level[1],
                                               level[2], level[3]);
            pixSwapAndDestroy(&pixt1, &pixt2);
        case 'x':
        case 'X':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d", &fact);
            pixt2 = pixExpandReplicate(pixt1, fact);
            pixSwapAndDestroy(&pixt1, &pixt2);
        case 'b':
        case 'B':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d", &border);
            pixt2 = pixAddBorder(pixt1, border, 0);
            pixSwapAndDestroy(&pixt1, &pixt2);
            /* All invalid ops are caught in the first pass */

            /* Debug output */
        if (dispsep > 0) {
            pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
            x += dispsep;
        if (pdfout)
            pixaAddPix(pixa, pixt1, L_COPY);
    if (border > 0) {
        pixt2 = pixRemoveBorder(pixt1, border);
        pixSwapAndDestroy(&pixt1, &pixt2);

    if (pdfout) {
        pixaConvertToPdf(pixa, 0, 1.0, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 0, fname, fname);

    return pixt1;
DoComparisonDwa2(L_REGPARAMS  *rp,
                 PIX          *pixs,
                 PIX          *pix1,
                 PIX          *pix2,
                 PIX          *pix3,
                 PIX          *pix4,
                 PIX          *pix5,
                 PIX          *pix6,
                 l_int32       size)  /* exactly decomposable */
    fprintf(stderr, "..%d..", size);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateCompBrickExtendDwa(pix1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateCompBrickExtendDwa(pix3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateCompBrickExtendDwa(pix5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateBrick(pix2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateBrick(pix4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateBrick(pix6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(rp, size, "dilate", pix1, pix2, pix3, pix4, pix5, pix6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeCompBrickExtendDwa(pix1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeCompBrickExtendDwa(pix3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeCompBrickExtendDwa(pix5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeBrick(pix2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeBrick(pix4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeBrick(pix6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(rp, size, "erode", pix1, pix2, pix3, pix4, pix5, pix6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenCompBrickExtendDwa(pix1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenCompBrickExtendDwa(pix3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenCompBrickExtendDwa(pix5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenBrick(pix2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenBrick(pix4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenBrick(pix6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(rp, size, "open", pix1, pix2, pix3, pix4, pix5, pix6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseCompBrickExtendDwa(pix1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseCompBrickExtendDwa(pix3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseCompBrickExtendDwa(pix5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pix2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pix4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pix6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(rp, size, "close", pix1, pix2, pix3, pix4, pix5, pix6);

    return 0;
 *  pixGetRegionsBinary()
 *      Input:  pixs (1 bpp, assumed to be 300 to 400 ppi)
 *              &pixhm (<optional return> halftone mask)
 *              &pixtm (<optional return> textline mask)
 *              &pixtb (<optional return> textblock mask)
 *              debug (flag: set to 1 for debug output)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) It is best to deskew the image before segmenting.
 *      (2) The debug flag enables a number of outputs.  These
 *          are included to show how to generate and save/display
 *          these results.
pixGetRegionsBinary(PIX     *pixs,
                    PIX    **ppixhm,
                    PIX    **ppixtm,
                    PIX    **ppixtb,
                    l_int32  debug)
char    *tempname;
l_int32  htfound, tlfound;
PIX     *pixr, *pixt1, *pixt2;
PIX     *pixtext;  /* text pixels only */
PIX     *pixhm2;   /* halftone mask; 2x reduction */
PIX     *pixhm;    /* halftone mask;  */
PIX     *pixtm2;   /* textline mask; 2x reduction */
PIX     *pixtm;    /* textline mask */
PIX     *pixvws;   /* vertical white space mask */
PIX     *pixtb2;   /* textblock mask; 2x reduction */
PIX     *pixtbf2;  /* textblock mask; 2x reduction; small comps filtered */
PIX     *pixtb;    /* textblock mask */


    if (ppixhm) *ppixhm = NULL;
    if (ppixtm) *ppixtm = NULL;
    if (ppixtb) *ppixtb = NULL;
    if (!pixs)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
    if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, 1);

        /* 2x reduce, to 150 -200 ppi */
    pixr = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixs, 1, 0, 0, 0);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixr, debug);

        /* Get the halftone mask */
    pixhm2 = pixGenHalftoneMask(pixr, &pixtext, &htfound, debug);

        /* Get the textline mask from the text pixels */
    pixtm2 = pixGenTextlineMask(pixtext, &pixvws, &tlfound, debug);

        /* Get the textblock mask from the textline mask */
    pixtb2 = pixGenTextblockMask(pixtm2, pixvws, debug);

        /* Remove small components from the mask, where a small
         * component is defined as one with both width and height < 60 */
    pixtbf2 = pixSelectBySize(pixtb2, 60, 60, 4, L_SELECT_IF_EITHER,
                              L_SELECT_IF_GTE, NULL);
    pixDisplayWriteFormat(pixtbf2, debug, IFF_PNG);

        /* Expand all masks to full resolution, and do filling or
         * small dilations for better coverage. */
    pixhm = pixExpandReplicate(pixhm2, 2);
    pixt1 = pixSeedfillBinary(NULL, pixhm, pixs, 8);
    pixOr(pixhm, pixhm, pixt1);
    pixDisplayWriteFormat(pixhm, debug, IFF_PNG);

    pixt1 = pixExpandReplicate(pixtm2, 2);
    pixtm = pixDilateBrick(NULL, pixt1, 3, 3);
    pixDisplayWriteFormat(pixtm, debug, IFF_PNG);

    pixt1 = pixExpandReplicate(pixtbf2, 2);
    pixtb = pixDilateBrick(NULL, pixt1, 3, 3);
    pixDisplayWriteFormat(pixtb, debug, IFF_PNG);


        /* Debug: identify objects that are neither text nor halftone image */
    if (debug) {
        pixt1 = pixSubtract(NULL, pixs, pixtm);  /* remove text pixels */
        pixt2 = pixSubtract(NULL, pixt1, pixhm);  /* remove halftone pixels */
        pixDisplayWriteFormat(pixt2, 1, IFF_PNG);

        /* Debug: display textline components with random colors */
    if (debug) {
        l_int32  w, h;
        BOXA    *boxa;
        PIXA    *pixa;
        boxa = pixConnComp(pixtm, &pixa, 8);
        pixGetDimensions(pixtm, &w, &h, NULL);
        pixt1 = pixaDisplayRandomCmap(pixa, w, h);
        pixcmapResetColor(pixGetColormap(pixt1), 0, 255, 255, 255);
        pixDisplay(pixt1, 100, 100);
        pixDisplayWriteFormat(pixt1, 1, IFF_PNG);

        /* Debug: identify the outlines of each textblock */
    if (debug) {
        PIXCMAP  *cmap;
        PTAA     *ptaa;
        ptaa = pixGetOuterBordersPtaa(pixtb);
        tempname = genTempFilename("/tmp", "tb_outlines.ptaa", 0, 0);
        ptaaWrite(tempname, ptaa, 1);
        pixt1 = pixRenderRandomCmapPtaa(pixtb, ptaa, 1, 16, 1);
        cmap = pixGetColormap(pixt1);
        pixcmapResetColor(cmap, 0, 130, 130, 130);
        pixDisplay(pixt1, 500, 100);
        pixDisplayWriteFormat(pixt1, 1, IFF_PNG);

        /* Debug: get b.b. for all mask components */
    if (debug) {
        BOXA  *bahm, *batm, *batb;
        bahm = pixConnComp(pixhm, NULL, 4);
        batm = pixConnComp(pixtm, NULL, 4);
        batb = pixConnComp(pixtb, NULL, 4);
        tempname = genTempFilename("/tmp", "htmask.boxa", 0, 0);
        boxaWrite(tempname, bahm);
        tempname = genTempFilename("/tmp", "textmask.boxa", 0, 0);
        boxaWrite(tempname, batm);
        tempname = genTempFilename("/tmp", "textblock.boxa", 0, 0);
        boxaWrite(tempname, batb);

    if (ppixhm)
        *ppixhm = pixhm;
    if (ppixtm)
        *ppixtm = pixtm;
    if (ppixtb)
        *ppixtb = pixtb;

    return 0;
/* morph composite with morph non-composite */
DoComparisonDwa1(PIX *pixs,
                 PIX *pixt1,
                 PIX *pixt2,
                 PIX *pixt3,
                 PIX *pixt4,
                 PIX *pixt5,
                 PIX *pixt6,
                 l_int32 isize) {
    l_int32 fact1, fact2, size;

    selectComposableSizes(isize, &fact1, &fact2);
    size = fact1 * fact2;

    fprintf(stderr, "..%d..", size);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateCompBrick(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateCompBrick(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateCompBrick(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "dilate", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeCompBrick(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeCompBrick(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeCompBrick(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "erode", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenCompBrick(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenCompBrick(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenCompBrick(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "open", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

#if 1
    pixWrite("/tmp/junko1.png", pixt1, IFF_PNG);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junko2.png", pixt2, IFF_PNG);
    pixXor(pixt1, pixt1, pixt2);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkoxor.png", pixt1, IFF_PNG);

#if 0
    pixDisplay(pixt1, 100, 100);
    pixDisplay(pixt2, 800, 100);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkpixt1.png", pixt1, IFF_PNG);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkpixt2.png", pixt2, IFF_PNG);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseSafeCompBrick(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseSafeCompBrick(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseSafeCompBrick(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "close", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

#if 1
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkc1.png", pixt1, IFF_PNG);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkc2.png", pixt2, IFF_PNG);
    pixXor(pixt1, pixt1, pixt2);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkcxor.png", pixt1, IFF_PNG);

    return 0;
main(int argc, char **argv) {
  if (argc < 3)
    return usage(argv[0]);

  char highlight = 0;
  char ignore_scrollbars = 1;
  /* Default output filename; can be overridden by command line. */
  const char *output_filename = "highlight.png";

  int argi = 1;

  for (; argi < argc; ++argi) {
    if (strcmp("--highlight", argv[argi]) == 0) {
      highlight = 1;
    } else if (strcmp("--no-ignore-scrollbars", argv[argi]) == 0) {
      ignore_scrollbars = 0;
    } else if (strcmp("--output", argv[argi]) == 0) {
      if (argi + 1 >= argc) {
        fprintf(stderr, "missing argument to --output\n");
        return 1;
      output_filename = argv[++argi];
    } else {

  if (argc - argi < 2)
    return usage(argv[0]);

  PIX *a = pixRead(argv[argi]);
  PIX *b = pixRead(argv[argi + 1]);

  if (!a) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", argv[argi]);
    return 1;

  if (!b) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", argv[argi + 1]);
    return 1;

  if (pixGetWidth(a) != pixGetWidth(b) ||
      pixGetHeight(a) != pixGetHeight(b)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Inputs are difference sizes\n");
    return 1;

  PIX *delta = pixAbsDifference(a, b);
  pixInvert(delta, delta);
  if (!highlight)

  PIX *deltagray = pixConvertRGBToGray(delta, 0, 0, 0);

  PIX *deltabinary = pixThresholdToBinary(deltagray, 254);
  PIX *deltabinaryclipped;
  const int clipwidth = pixGetWidth(deltabinary) - 15;
  const int clipheight = pixGetHeight(deltabinary) - 15;

  if (ignore_scrollbars && clipwidth > 0 && clipheight > 0) {
    BOX *clip = boxCreate(0, 0, clipwidth, clipheight);

    deltabinaryclipped = pixClipRectangle(deltabinary, clip, NULL);
  } else {
    deltabinaryclipped = deltabinary;
    deltabinary = NULL;

  PIX *hopened = pixOpenBrick(NULL, deltabinaryclipped, 3, 1);
  PIX *vopened = pixOpenBrick(NULL, deltabinaryclipped, 1, 3);

  PIX *opened = pixOr(NULL, hopened, vopened);

  l_int32 count;
  pixCountPixels(opened, &count, NULL);
  fprintf(stderr, "%d\n", count);

  if (count && highlight) {
    PIX *d1 = pixDilateBrick(NULL, opened, 7, 7);
    PIX *d2 = pixDilateBrick(NULL, opened, 3, 3);
    pixInvert(d2, d2);
    pixAnd(d1, d1, d2);
    pixPaintThroughMask(a, d1, 0, 0, 0xff << 24);
    pixWrite(output_filename, a, IFF_PNG);

  return count > 0;