std::vector<Figure> extractFigures(PIX *original, PageRegions &pageRegions,
                                   DocumentStatistics &docStats, bool verbose,
                                   bool showSteps,
                                   std::vector<Figure> &errors) {
  BOXA *bodytext = pageRegions.bodytext;
  BOXA *graphics = pageRegions.graphics;
  BOXA *captions = pageRegions.getCaptionsBoxa();
  std::vector<Caption> unassigned_captions = pageRegions.captions;
  int total_captions = captions->n;

  PIXA *steps = showSteps ? pixaCreate(4) : NULL;

  // Add bodyText boxes to fill up the margin
  BOX *margin;
  BOX *foreground;
  pixClipToForeground(original, NULL, &foreground);
  BOX *extent;
  boxaGetExtent(graphics, NULL, NULL, &extent);
  margin = boxBoundingRegion(extent, foreground);
  boxaGetExtent(bodytext, NULL, NULL, &extent);
  margin = boxBoundingRegion(margin, extent);
  boxaGetExtent(pageRegions.other, NULL, NULL, &extent);
  margin = boxBoundingRegion(margin, extent);
  int x = margin->x - 2, y = margin->y - 2, h = margin->h + 4,
      w = margin->w + 4;
  x = std::max(x, 0);
  y = std::max(y, 0);
  h = std::min((int)original->h, h);
  w = std::min((int)original->w, w);
  boxaAddBox(bodytext, boxCreate(0, 0, original->w, y), L_CLONE);
  boxaAddBox(bodytext, boxCreate(0, y + h, original->w, original->h - y - h),
  boxaAddBox(bodytext, boxCreate(0, 0, x, original->h), L_CLONE);
  boxaAddBox(bodytext, boxCreate(x + w, 0, original->w - x - w, original->h),

  // Add captions to body text
  boxaJoin(bodytext, captions, 0, captions->n);

  if (showSteps)
    pixaAddPix(steps, original, L_CLONE);

  // Generate proposed regions for each caption box
  double center = original->w / 2.0;
  BOXAA *allProposals = boxaaCreate(captions->n);
  BOXA *claimedImages = boxaCreate(captions->n);
  for (int i = 0; i < captions->n; i++) {
    BOX *captBox = boxaGetBox(captions, i, L_CLONE);
    BOXA *proposals = boxaCreate(4);
    for (int j = 0; j < bodytext->n; j++) {
      BOX *txtBox = boxaGetBox(bodytext, j, L_CLONE);
      BOX *proposal = NULL;
      int tolerance = 2;
      int horizontal = 0;
      int vertical = 0;

      boxAlignment(captBox, txtBox, tolerance, &horizontal, &vertical);
      if (vertical * horizontal != 0 or (vertical == 0 and horizontal == 0)) {

      if (vertical == 0) {
        if (horizontal == 1) {
          proposal = boxRelocateOneSide(NULL, captBox,
                                        txtBox->x + txtBox->w + 2, L_FROM_LEFT);
        } else if (horizontal == -1) {
          proposal =
              boxRelocateOneSide(NULL, captBox, txtBox->x - 2, L_FROM_RIGHT);
        boxExpandUD(proposal, bodytext);
        if (horizontal == -1) {
          proposal->w -= captBox->w + 1;
          proposal->x = captBox->x + captBox->w + 1;
        } else if (horizontal == 1) {
          proposal->w -= captBox->w + 1;
      } else {
        if (vertical == 1) {
          proposal = boxRelocateOneSide(NULL, captBox,
                                        txtBox->y + txtBox->h + 3, L_FROM_TOP);
        } else if (vertical == -1) {
          proposal =
              boxRelocateOneSide(NULL, captBox, txtBox->y - 3, L_FROM_BOT);
        boxExpandLR(proposal, bodytext);
        if (vertical == -1) {
          proposal->h -= captBox->h + 1;
          proposal->y = captBox->y + captBox->h + 1;
        } else if (vertical == 1) {
          proposal->h -= captBox->h + 1;

      // For two columns document, captions that do not
      // cross the center should not have regions pass the center
      if (docStats.documentIsTwoColumn()) {
        if (captBox->x + captBox->w <= center and
            proposal->x + proposal->w > center) {
          boxRelocateOneSide(proposal, proposal, center - 1, L_FROM_RIGHT);
        } else if (captBox->x >= center and proposal->x < center) {
          boxRelocateOneSide(proposal, proposal, center + 1, L_FROM_LEFT);

      BOX *clippedProposal;
      pixClipBoxToForeground(original, proposal, NULL, &clippedProposal);
      if (clippedProposal != NULL and
          scoreBox(clippedProposal, pageRegions.captions.at(i).type, bodytext,
                   graphics, claimedImages, original) > 0) {
        boxaAddBox(proposals, clippedProposal, L_CLONE);

    if (proposals->n > 0) {
      boxaaAddBoxa(allProposals, proposals, L_CLONE);
    } else {
      // Give up on this caption
      int on_caption = i - (total_captions - unassigned_captions.size());
      errors.push_back(Figure(unassigned_captions.at(on_caption), NULL));
      unassigned_captions.erase(unassigned_captions.begin() + on_caption);
  std::vector<Figure> figures = std::vector<Figure>();
  if (unassigned_captions.size() == 0) {
    return figures;

  // Now go through every possible assignment of captions
  // to proposals pick the highest scorign one
  int numConfigurations = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < allProposals->n; ++i) {
    numConfigurations *= allProposals->boxa[i]->n;

  if (verbose)
    printf("Found %d possible configurations\n", numConfigurations);

  BOXA *bestProposals = NULL;
  std::vector<bool> bestKeep;
  int bestFound = -1;
  double bestScore = -1;
  for (int onConfig = 0; onConfig < numConfigurations; ++onConfig) {

    // Gather the proposed regions based on the configuration number
    int configNum = onConfig;
    BOXA *proposals = boxaCreate(allProposals->n);
    std::vector<bool> keep;
    for (int i = 0; i < allProposals->n; ++i) {
      int numProposals = allProposals->boxa[i]->n;
      int selected = configNum % numProposals;
      configNum = configNum / numProposals;
      boxaAddBox(proposals, allProposals->boxa[i]->box[selected], L_COPY);

    // Attempt to split any overlapping regions
    for (int i = 0; i < proposals->n; ++i) {
      for (int j = i; j < proposals->n; ++j) {
        BOX *p1 = proposals->box[i];
        BOX *p2 = proposals->box[j];
        int eq;
        boxEqual(p1, p2, &eq);
        if (not eq)
        int vertical, horizontal;
                     unassigned_captions.at(j).boundingBox, 2, &horizontal,
        if (vertical == 0 or horizontal != 0)

        double split = splitBoxVertical(original, p1);
        if (split > 0) {
          BOX *topClipped;
          BOX *botClipped;
          BOX *top = boxRelocateOneSide(NULL, p1, split - 1, L_FROM_BOT);
          pixClipBoxToForeground(original, top, NULL, &topClipped);
          BOX *bot = boxRelocateOneSide(NULL, p1, split + 1, L_FROM_TOP);
          pixClipBoxToForeground(original, bot, NULL, &botClipped);
          if (vertical == -1) {
            proposals->box[i] = topClipped;
            proposals->box[j] = botClipped;
          } else {
            proposals->box[i] = botClipped;
            proposals->box[j] = topClipped;
          if (verbose)
            printf("Split a region vertically\n");

    if (showSteps) {
      pixaAddPix(steps, pixDrawBoxa(original, proposals, 4, 0xff000000),

    // Score the proposals
    int numFound = 0;
    double totalScore = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < proposals->n; ++i) {
      double score =
          scoreBox(proposals->box[i], pageRegions.captions.at(i).type, bodytext,
                   graphics, proposals, original);
      totalScore += score;
      if (score > 0) {
        numFound += 1;
      } else {

    // Switch in for the current best needed
    if (numFound > bestFound or
        (numFound == bestFound and totalScore > bestScore)) {
      bestFound = numFound;
      bestScore = totalScore;
      bestProposals = proposals;
      bestKeep = keep;

  if (showSteps) {
    BOX *clip;
    PIXA *show = pixaCreate(4);
    pixClipBoxToForeground(original, NULL, NULL, &clip);
    int pad = 10;
    clip->x -= 10;
    clip->y -= 10;
    clip->w += pad * 2;
    clip->h += pad * 2;
    for (int i = 0; i < steps->n; ++i) {
      pixaAddPix(show, pixClipRectangle(steps->pix[i], clip, NULL), L_CLONE);
    pixDisplay(pixaDisplayTiled(pixaConvertTo32(show), 4000, 1, 30), 0, 0);

  for (int i = 0; i < bestProposals->n; ++i) {
    if (bestKeep.at(i)) {
      BOX *imageBox = bestProposals->box[i];
      int pad = 2;
      imageBox->x -= pad;
      imageBox->y -= pad;
      imageBox->w += pad * 2;
      imageBox->h += pad * 2;
      figures.push_back(Figure(unassigned_captions.at(i), imageBox));
    } else {
      errors.push_back(Figure(unassigned_captions.at(i), NULL));
  return figures;
main(int    argc,
     char **argv)
char        *filein, *fileout;
l_int32      w, h, d, w2, h2, i, ncols;
l_float32    angle, conf;
BOX         *box;
BOXA        *boxa, *boxas, *boxad, *boxa2;
NUMA        *numa;
PIX         *pixs, *pixt, *pixb, *pixb2, *pixd;
PIX         *pixtlm, *pixvws;
PIX         *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixt3, *pixt4, *pixt5, *pixt6;
PIXA        *pixam, *pixac, *pixad, *pixat;
PIXAA       *pixaa, *pixaa2;
PTA         *pta;
SEL         *selsplit;
static char  mainName[] = "textlinemask";

    if (argc != 3)
        exit(ERROR_INT(" Syntax:  textlinemask filein fileout", mainName, 1));

    filein = argv[1];
    fileout = argv[2];

    pixDisplayWrite(NULL, -1);  /* init debug output */

    if ((pixs = pixRead(filein)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not made", mainName, 1);
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);

        /* Binarize input */
    if (d == 8)
        pixt = pixThresholdToBinary(pixs, 128);
    else if (d == 1)
        pixt = pixClone(pixs);
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "depth is %d\n", d);

        /* Deskew */
    pixb = pixFindSkewAndDeskew(pixt, 1, &angle, &conf);
    fprintf(stderr, "Skew angle: %7.2f degrees; %6.2f conf\n", angle, conf);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixb, DEBUG_OUTPUT);

#if 1
        /* Use full image morphology to find columns, at 2x reduction.
         * This only works for very simple layouts where each column
         * of text extends the full height of the input image. 
         * pixam has a pix component over each column.  */
    pixb2 = pixReduceRankBinary2(pixb, 2, NULL);
    pixt1 = pixMorphCompSequence(pixb2, "c5.500", 0);
    boxa = pixConnComp(pixt1, &pixam, 8);
    ncols = boxaGetCount(boxa);
    fprintf(stderr, "Num columns: %d\n", ncols);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixt1, DEBUG_OUTPUT);

        /* Use selective region-based morphology to get the textline mask. */
    pixad = pixaMorphSequenceByRegion(pixb2, pixam, "c100.3", 0, 0);
    pixGetDimensions(pixb2, &w2, &h2, NULL);
    if (DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
        pixt2 = pixaDisplay(pixad, w2, h2);
        pixDisplayWrite(pixt2, DEBUG_OUTPUT);

        /* Some of the lines may be touching, so use a HMT to split the
         * lines in each column, and use a pixaa to save the results. */
    selsplit = selCreateFromString(seltext, 17, 7, "selsplit");
    pixaa = pixaaCreate(ncols);
    for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
        pixt3 = pixaGetPix(pixad, i, L_CLONE);
        box = pixaGetBox(pixad, i, L_COPY);
        pixt4 = pixHMT(NULL, pixt3, selsplit);
        pixXor(pixt4, pixt4, pixt3);
        boxa2 = pixConnComp(pixt4, &pixac, 8);
        pixaaAddPixa(pixaa, pixac, L_INSERT);
        pixaaAddBox(pixaa, box, L_INSERT);
        if (DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
            pixt5 = pixaDisplayRandomCmap(pixac, 0, 0);
            pixDisplayWrite(pixt5, DEBUG_OUTPUT);
            fprintf(stderr, "Num textlines in col %d: %d\n", i,

        /* Visual output */
    if (DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
        pixat = pixaReadFiles("/tmp", "junk_write_display");
        pixt5 = selDisplayInPix(selsplit, 31, 2);
        pixaAddPix(pixat, pixt5, L_INSERT);
        pixt6 = pixaDisplayTiledAndScaled(pixat, 32, 400, 3, 0, 35, 3);
        pixWrite(fileout, pixt6, IFF_PNG);

        /* Test pixaa I/O */
    pixaaWrite("/tmp/junkpixaa", pixaa);
    pixaa2 = pixaaRead("/tmp/junkpixaa");
    pixaaWrite("/tmp/junkpixaa2", pixaa2);

        /* Test pixaa display */
    pixd = pixaaDisplay(pixaa, w2, h2);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkdisplay", pixd, IFF_PNG);

        /* Cleanup */

#if 0
        /*  Use the baseline finder; not really what is needed */
    numa = pixFindBaselines(pixb, &pta, 1);

#if 0
        /* Use the textline mask function; parameters are not quite right */
    pixb2 = pixReduceRankBinary2(pixb, 2, NULL);
    pixtlm = pixGenTextlineMask(pixb2, &pixvws, NULL, 1);
    pixDisplay(pixtlm, 0, 100);
    pixDisplay(pixvws, 500, 100);

#if 0
        /* Use the Breuel whitespace partition method; slow and we would
         * still need to work to extract the fg regions. */
    pixb2 = pixReduceRankBinary2(pixb, 2, NULL);
    boxas = pixConnComp(pixb2, NULL, 8);
    boxad = boxaGetWhiteblocks(boxas, NULL, L_SORT_BY_HEIGHT,
                              3, 0.1, 200, 0.2, 0);
    pixd = pixDrawBoxa(pixb2, boxad, 7, 0xe0708000);
    pixDisplay(pixd, 100, 500);

#if 0
        /* Use morphology to find columns and then selective
         * region-based morphology to get the textline mask.
         * This is for display; we really want to get a pixa of the
         * specific textline masks.   */
    pixb2 = pixReduceRankBinary2(pixb, 2, NULL);
    pixt1 = pixMorphCompSequence(pixb2, "c5.500", 0);  /* column mask */
    pixt2 = pixMorphSequenceByRegion(pixb2, pixt1, "c100.3", 8, 0, 0, &boxa);
    fprintf(stderr, "time = %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    pixDisplay(pixt1, 100, 500);
    pixDisplay(pixt2, 800, 500);


main(int    argc,
     char **argv)
char        *filename;
l_int32      w, h, type, maxboxes;
l_float32    ovlap;
BOX         *box;
BOXA        *boxa, *boxat, *boxad;
PIX         *pix, *pixt, *pixs, *pixd;
static char  mainName[] = "partitiontest";

    if (argc != 3 && argc != 5)
        return ERROR_INT("syntax: partitiontest <fname> type [maxboxes ovlap]",
                         mainName, 1);

    filename = argv[1];
    type = atoi(argv[2]);
    if (type == L_SORT_BY_WIDTH)
        fprintf(stderr, "Sorting by width:\n");
    else if (type == L_SORT_BY_HEIGHT)
        fprintf(stderr, "Sorting by height:\n");
    else if (type == L_SORT_BY_MAX_DIMENSION)
        fprintf(stderr, "Sorting by maximum dimension:\n");
    else if (type == L_SORT_BY_MIN_DIMENSION)
        fprintf(stderr, "Sorting by minimum dimension:\n");
    else if (type == L_SORT_BY_PERIMETER)
        fprintf(stderr, "Sorting by perimeter:\n");
    else if (type == L_SORT_BY_AREA)
        fprintf(stderr, "Sorting by area:\n");
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Use one of the following for 'type':\n"
               "     5:   L_SORT_BY_WIDTH\n"
               "     6:   L_SORT_BY_HEIGHT\n"
               "     7:   L_SORT_BY_MIN_DIMENSION\n"
               "     8:   L_SORT_BY_MAX_DIMENSION\n"
               "     9:   L_SORT_BY_PERIMETER\n"
               "    10:   L_SORT_BY_AREA\n");
        return ERROR_INT("invalid type: see source", mainName, 1);
    if (argc == 5) {
        maxboxes = atoi(argv[3]);
	ovlap = atof(argv[4]);
    } else {
        maxboxes = 100;
	ovlap = 0.2;

    pix = pixRead(filename);
    pixs = pixConvertTo1(pix, 128);
    pixDilateBrick(pixs, pixs, 5, 5);
    boxa = pixConnComp(pixs, NULL, 4);
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
    box = boxCreate(0, 0, w, h);
    boxaPermuteRandom(boxa, boxa);
    boxat = boxaSelectBySize(boxa, 500, 500, L_SELECT_IF_BOTH,
                             L_SELECT_IF_LT, NULL);
    boxad = boxaGetWhiteblocks(boxat, box, type, maxboxes, ovlap,
                               200, 0.15, 20000);
    fprintf(stderr, "Time: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    boxaWriteStream(stderr, boxad);

    pixDisplayWrite(NULL, -1);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixs, REDUCTION);

        /* Display box outlines in a single color in a cmapped image */
    pixd = pixDrawBoxa(pixs, boxad, 7, 0xe0708000);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);

        /* Display box outlines in a single color in an RGB image */
    pixt = pixConvertTo8(pixs, FALSE);
    pixd = pixDrawBoxa(pixt, boxad, 7, 0x40a0c000);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);

        /* Display box outlines with random colors in a cmapped image */
    pixd = pixDrawBoxaRandom(pixs, boxad, 7);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);

        /* Display box outlines with random colors in an RGB image */
    pixt = pixConvertTo8(pixs, FALSE);
    pixd = pixDrawBoxaRandom(pixt, boxad, 7);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);

        /* Display boxes in the same color in a cmapped image */
    pixd = pixPaintBoxa(pixs, boxad, 0x60e0a000);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);

        /* Display boxes in the same color in an RGB image */
    pixt = pixConvertTo8(pixs, FALSE);
    pixd = pixPaintBoxa(pixt, boxad, 0xc030a000);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);

        /* Display boxes in random colors in a cmapped image */
    pixd = pixPaintBoxaRandom(pixs, boxad);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);

        /* Display boxes in random colors in an RGB image */
    pixt = pixConvertTo8(pixs, FALSE);
    pixd = pixPaintBoxaRandom(pixt, boxad);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, REDUCTION);


    return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    PIX *pixs, *pixb, *pixt;
    int minb;

    if (argc < 2) {
USAGE:	fprintf(stderr, "Usage:  %s </path/to/text-image>\n"
		"\t\t[binarize-threshold] [minw:minh:maxw:maxh]\n",
		strrchr(argv[0], '/') + 1);
	return EINVAL;

    if (2 < argc) {	errno = 0;
	minb = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10);

	if (errno < 0) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "strtol: %s\n", strerror(errno));
	    goto USAGE;
    } else minb = 180;

    if (!(pixs = pixRead(argv[1]))) ;

    if (1 && (pixt = pixBackgroundNormMorph(pixs, NULL, 4, 5, 248))) {
	pixDestroy(&pixs);	pixs = pixt;
    } else
    if (0 && (pixt = pixBackgroundNorm(pixs, NULL, NULL,
	    10, 15, 60, 40, 248, 2, 1))) {
	pixDestroy(&pixs);	pixs = pixt;

    if (1 && (pixt = pixFindSkewAndDeskew(pixs, 1, NULL, NULL))) {
	pixDestroy(&pixs);	pixs = pixt;
    }	if (0 && pixDisplay(pixs, 0, 0)) ;

    if (1) {	PTA *ptas, *ptad;
	if (!(pixb = pixConvertTo1(pixs, minb))) ;

	// pixt = pixDeskewLocal(pixs, 10, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
	if (!pixGetLocalSkewTransform(pixb,
		10, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, &ptas, &ptad)) {
	    if ((pixt = pixProjectiveSampledPta(pixs,
		ptad, ptas, L_BRING_IN_WHITE))) {
		pixDestroy(&pixs);	pixs = pixt;
	    }	ptaDestroy(&ptas);	ptaDestroy(&ptad);
	}	pixDestroy(&pixb);

    if (0 && (pixt = pixGammaTRC(NULL, pixs, 1.0, 30, 180))) {
	pixDestroy(&pixs);	pixs = pixt;

    if (!(pixb = pixConvertTo1(pixs, minb))) ;

    if (0) { pixDestroy(&pixs); pixs = pixCopy(pixs, pixb); }	// XXX:

    if (1) {
	BOX* box;
	int i, n, j, m;
	PIX *pixi, *pixl;
	BOXA *boxi, *boxl;
	int x, y, w, h, wid;
	int X = INT_MAX, Y = INT_MAX, W = 0, H;

	// XXX: do smaller(or no) pixOpenBrick
	if (pixGetRegionsBinary(pixb, &pixi, &pixl, NULL, 0)) ;

	boxl = pixConnComp(pixl, NULL, 4);
	n = boxaGetCount(boxl);

	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {   BOXA* boxa;
	    box = boxaGetBox(boxl, i, L_CLONE);
	    boxGetGeometry(box, &x, &y, &w, &h);

	    if (w < 30 || h < 30 || w < h || h < (w / 40)) {
		boxDestroy(&box);	continue;
		boxaRemoveBox(boxl, i);

	    if (x < X) X = x;	if (y < Y) Y = y; if (W < w) W = w;

	    pixt = pixClipRectangle(pixb, box, NULL);

	    // XXX: for English
	    if (0) pixt = pixDilateBrick(pixt, pixt, h >> 1, h >> 1); else

	    pixt = pixDilateBrick(pixt, pixt, 16 < h ? h >> 4 : 1, h << 1);
	    if (0 && pixDisplay(pixt, 0, 0)) ;

	    boxa = pixConnComp(pixt, NULL, 8);

	    wid = (h * 3) >> 2;
	    //boxaShift(boxa, x, y);
	    m = boxaGetCount(boxa);

	    for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
		int x0, y0, w0;

		box = boxaGetBox(boxa, j, L_CLONE);
		boxGetGeometry(box, &x0, &y0, &w0, NULL);

		// merge adjacent 2 or 3 small boxes
		if (1 && w0 < wid && (j + 1) < m) {
		    BOX* boxn;	int xn, wn;

		    boxn = boxaGetBox(boxa, j + 1, L_CLONE);
		    boxGetGeometry(boxn, &xn, NULL, &wn, NULL);

		    if ((w0 = xn + wn - x0) < h) {
			boxaSparseClearBox(boxa, ++j);

			if (w0 < wid && (j + 1) < m) {
			    boxn = boxaGetBox(boxa, j + 1, L_CLONE);
			    boxGetGeometry(boxn, &xn, NULL, &wn, NULL);

			    if ((wn = xn + wn - x0) < h) {
				boxaSparseClearBox(boxa, ++j);
				w0 = wn;

			boxSetGeometry(box, -1, -1, w0, -1);
		    }	boxDestroy(&boxn);

		boxSetGeometry(box, x + x0, y + y0, -1, -1);
	    }	boxaSparseCompact(boxa);

	    if (1 && (pixt = pixDrawBoxa(pixs, boxa, 1, 0xff000000))) {
		pixDestroy(&pixs);	pixs = pixt;
	    }	boxaDestroy(&boxa);
	}   H = y + h;