 * Returns an image of the current object at the given level in greyscale
 * if available in the input. To guarantee a binary image use BinaryImage.
 * NOTE that in order to give the best possible image, the bounds are
 * expanded slightly over the binary connected component, by the supplied
 * padding, so the top-left position of the returned image is returned
 * in (left,top). These will most likely not match the coordinates
 * returned by BoundingBox.
 * Use pixDestroy to delete the image after use.
Pix* PageIterator::GetImage(PageIteratorLevel level, int padding,
                            int* left, int* top) const {
  int right, bottom;
  if (!BoundingBox(level, left, top, &right, &bottom))
    return NULL;
  Pix* pix = tesseract_->pix_grey();
  if (pix == NULL)
    return GetBinaryImage(level);

  // Expand the box.
  *left = MAX(*left - padding, 0);
  *top = MAX(*top - padding, 0);
  right = MIN(right + padding, rect_width_);
  bottom = MIN(bottom + padding, rect_height_);
  Box* box = boxCreate(*left, *top, right - *left, bottom - *top);
  Pix* grey_pix = pixClipRectangle(pix, box, NULL);
  if (level == RIL_BLOCK) {
    Pix* mask = it_->block()->block->render_mask();
    Pix* expanded_mask = pixCreate(right - *left, bottom - *top, 1);
    pixRasterop(expanded_mask, padding, padding,
                pixGetWidth(mask), pixGetHeight(mask),
                PIX_SRC, mask, 0, 0);
    pixDilateBrick(expanded_mask, expanded_mask, 2*padding + 1, 2*padding + 1);
    pixInvert(expanded_mask, expanded_mask);
    pixSetMasked(grey_pix, expanded_mask, 255);
  return grey_pix;
// Helper writes a grey image to a file for use by scrollviewer.
// Normally for speed we don't display the image in the layout debug windows.
// If textord_debug_images is true, we draw the image as a background to some
// of the debug windows. printable determines whether these
// images are optimized for printing instead of screen display.
static void WriteDebugBackgroundImage(bool printable, Pix* pix_binary) {
  Pix* grey_pix = pixCreate(pixGetWidth(pix_binary),
                            pixGetHeight(pix_binary), 8);
  // Printable images are light grey on white, but for screen display
  // they are black on dark grey so the other colors show up well.
  if (printable) {
    pixSetMasked(grey_pix, pix_binary, 192);
  } else {
    pixSetAllArbitrary(grey_pix, 64);
    pixSetMasked(grey_pix, pix_binary, 0);
  pixWrite(AlignedBlob::textord_debug_pix().string(), grey_pix, IFF_PNG);
 * \brief   pixColorSegmentClean()
 * \param[in]    pixs  8 bpp, colormapped
 * \param[in]    selsize for closing
 * \param[in]    countarray ptr to array containing the number of pixels
 *                          found in each color in the colormap
 * \return  0 if OK, 1 on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This operation is in-place.
 *      (2) This is phase 3 of color segmentation.  It is the first
 *          part of a two-step noise removal process.  Colors with a
 *          large population are closed first; this operation absorbs
 *          small sets of intercolated pixels of a different color.
 * </pre>
pixColorSegmentClean(PIX      *pixs,
                     l_int32   selsize,
                     l_int32  *countarray)
l_int32    i, ncolors, val;
l_uint32   val32;
NUMA      *na, *nasi;
PIX       *pixt1, *pixt2;
PIXCMAP   *cmap;


    if (!pixs)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
    if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 8)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not 8 bpp", procName, 1);
    if ((cmap = pixGetColormap(pixs)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("cmap not found", procName, 1);
    if (!countarray)
        return ERROR_INT("countarray not defined", procName, 1);
    if (selsize <= 1)
        return 0;  /* nothing to do */

        /* Sort colormap indices in decreasing order of pixel population */
    ncolors = pixcmapGetCount(cmap);
    na = numaCreate(ncolors);
    for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++)
        numaAddNumber(na, countarray[i]);
    nasi = numaGetSortIndex(na, L_SORT_DECREASING);
    if (!nasi)
        return ERROR_INT("nasi not made", procName, 1);

        /* For each color, in order of decreasing population,
         * do a closing and absorb the added pixels.  Note that
         * if the closing removes pixels at the border, they'll
         * still appear in the xor and will be properly (re)set. */
    for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) {
        numaGetIValue(nasi, i, &val);
        pixt1 = pixGenerateMaskByValue(pixs, val, 1);
        pixt2 = pixCloseSafeCompBrick(NULL, pixt1, selsize, selsize);
        pixXor(pixt2, pixt2, pixt1);  /* pixels to be added to type 'val' */
        pixcmapGetColor32(cmap, val, &val32);
        pixSetMasked(pixs, pixt2, val32);  /* add them */
    return 0;
 *  pixWriteSegmentedPageToPS()
 *      Input:  pixs (all depths; colormap ok)
 *              pixm (<optional> 1 bpp segmentation mask over image region)
 *              textscale (scale of text output relative to pixs)
 *              imagescale (scale of image output relative to pixs)
 *              threshold (threshold for binarization; typ. 190)
 *              pageno (page number in set; use 1 for new output file)
 *              fileout (output ps file)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This generates the PS string for a mixed text/image page,
 *          and adds it to an existing file if @pageno > 1.
 *          The PS output is determined by fitting the result to
 *          a letter-size (8.5 x 11 inch) page.
 *      (2) The two images (pixs and pixm) are at the same resolution
 *          (typically 300 ppi).  They are used to generate two compressed
 *          images, pixb and pixc, that are put directly into the output
 *          PS file.
 *      (3) pixb is the text component.  In the PostScript world, we think of
 *          it as a mask through which we paint black.  It is produced by
 *          scaling pixs by @textscale, and thresholding to 1 bpp.
 *      (4) pixc is the image component, which is that part of pixs under
 *          the mask pixm.  It is scaled from pixs by @imagescale.
 *      (5) Typical values are textscale = 2.0 and imagescale = 0.5.
 *      (6) If pixm == NULL, the page has only text.  If it is all black,
 *          the page is all image and has no text.
 *      (7) This can be used to write a multi-page PS file, by using
 *          sequential page numbers with the same output file.  It can
 *          also be used to write separate PS files for each page,
 *          by using different output files with @pageno = 0 or 1.
pixWriteSegmentedPageToPS(PIX         *pixs,
                          PIX         *pixm,
                          l_float32    textscale,
                          l_float32    imagescale,
                          l_int32      threshold,
                          l_int32      pageno,
                          const char  *fileout)
l_int32    alltext, notext, d, ret;
l_uint32   val;
l_float32  scaleratio;
PIX       *pixmi, *pixmis, *pixt, *pixg, *pixsc, *pixb, *pixc;


    if (!pixs)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!fileout)
        return ERROR_INT("fileout not defined", procName, 1);
    if (imagescale <= 0.0 || textscale <= 0.0)
        return ERROR_INT("relative scales must be > 0.0", procName, 1);

        /* Analyze the page.  Determine the ratio by which the
         * binary text mask is scaled relative to the image part.
         * If there is no image region (alltext == TRUE), the
         * text mask will be rendered directly to fit the page,
         * and scaleratio = 1.0.  */
    alltext = TRUE;
    notext = FALSE;
    scaleratio = 1.0;
    if (pixm) {
        pixZero(pixm, &alltext);  /* pixm empty: all text */
        if (alltext)
            pixm = NULL;  /* treat it as not existing here */
        else {
            pixmi = pixInvert(NULL, pixm);
            pixZero(pixmi, &notext);  /* pixm full; no text */
            scaleratio = textscale / imagescale;

    if (pixGetDepth(pixs) == 1) {  /* render tiff g4 */
        pixb = pixClone(pixs);
        pixc = NULL;
    else {
        pixt = pixConvertTo8Or32(pixs, 0, 0);  /* this can be a clone of pixs */

            /* Get the binary text mask.  Note that pixg cannot be a
             * clone of pixs, because it may be altered by pixSetMasked(). */
        pixb = NULL;
        if (notext == FALSE) {
            d = pixGetDepth(pixt);
            if (d == 8)
                pixg = pixCopy(NULL, pixt);
            else  /* d == 32 */
                pixg = pixConvertRGBToLuminance(pixt);
            if (pixm)  /* clear out the image parts */
                pixSetMasked(pixg, pixm, 255);
            if (textscale == 1.0)
                pixsc = pixClone(pixg);
            else if (textscale >= 0.7)
                pixsc = pixScaleGrayLI(pixg, textscale, textscale);
                pixsc = pixScaleAreaMap(pixg, textscale, textscale);
            pixb = pixThresholdToBinary(pixsc, threshold);

            /* Get the scaled image region */
        pixc = NULL;
        if (pixm) {
            if (imagescale == 1.0)
                pixsc = pixClone(pixt);  /* can possibly be a clone of pixs */
                pixsc = pixScale(pixt, imagescale, imagescale);

                /* If pixm is not full, clear the pixels in pixsc
                 * corresponding to bg in pixm, where there can be text
                 * that is written through the mask pixb.  Note that
                 * we could skip this and use pixsc directly in
                 * pixWriteMixedToPS(); however, clearing these
                 * non-image regions to a white background will reduce
                 * the size of pixc (relative to pixsc), and hence
                 * reduce the size of the PS file that is generated.
                 * Use a copy so that we don't accidentally alter pixs.  */
            if (notext == FALSE) {
                pixmis = pixScale(pixm, imagescale, imagescale);
                pixmi = pixInvert(NULL, pixmis);
                val = (d == 8) ? 0xff : 0xffffff00;
                pixc = pixCopy(NULL, pixsc);
                pixSetMasked(pixc, pixmi, val);  /* clear non-image part */
                pixc = pixClone(pixsc);

    ret = pixWriteMixedToPS(pixb, pixc, scaleratio, pageno, fileout);
    return ret;
static void
TestDistance(PIXA         *pixa,
             PIX          *pixs,
             l_int32       conn,
             l_int32       depth,
             l_int32       bc,
             l_int32      *pcount,
             L_REGPARAMS  *rp)
PIX  *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixt3, *pixt4, *pixt5;

        /* Test the distance function and display */
    pixInvert(pixs, pixs);
    pixt1 = pixDistanceFunction(pixs, conn, depth, bc);
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(pixt1, IFF_PNG, pcount, rp);
    pixSaveTiled(pixt1, pixa, 1, 1, 20, 0);
    pixInvert(pixs, pixs);
    pixt2 = pixMaxDynamicRange(pixt1, L_LOG_SCALE);
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(pixt2, IFF_JFIF_JPEG, pcount, rp);
    pixSaveTiled(pixt2, pixa, 1, 0, 20, 0);

	/* Test the distance function and display with contour rendering */
    pixInvert(pixs, pixs);
    pixt1 = pixDistanceFunction(pixs, conn, depth, bc);
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(pixt1, IFF_PNG, pcount, rp);
    pixSaveTiled(pixt1, pixa, 1, 1, 20, 0);
    pixInvert(pixs, pixs);
    pixt2 = pixRenderContours(pixt1, 2, 4, 1);  /* binary output */
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(pixt2, IFF_PNG, pcount, rp);
    pixSaveTiled(pixt2, pixa, 1, 0, 20, 0);
    pixt3 = pixRenderContours(pixt1, 2, 4, depth);
    pixt4 = pixMaxDynamicRange(pixt3, L_LINEAR_SCALE);
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(pixt4, IFF_JFIF_JPEG, pcount, rp);
    pixSaveTiled(pixt4, pixa, 1, 0, 20, 0);
    pixt5 = pixMaxDynamicRange(pixt3, L_LOG_SCALE);
    regTestWritePixAndCheck(pixt5, IFF_JFIF_JPEG, pcount, rp);
    pixSaveTiled(pixt5, pixa, 1, 0, 20, 0);

	/* Label all pixels in each c.c. with a color equal to the
         * max distance of any pixel within that c.c. from the bg.
         * Note that we've normalized so the dynamic range extends
         * to 255.  For the image here, each unit of distance is
         * represented by about 21 grayscale units.  The largest
         * distance is 12.  */
    if (depth == 8) {
        pixt1 = pixDistanceFunction(pixs, conn, depth, bc);
        pixt4 = pixMaxDynamicRange(pixt1, L_LOG_SCALE);
        regTestWritePixAndCheck(pixt4, IFF_JFIF_JPEG, pcount, rp);
        pixSaveTiled(pixt4, pixa, 1, 1, 20, 0);
        pixt2 = pixCreateTemplate(pixt1);
        pixSetMasked(pixt2, pixs, 255);
        regTestWritePixAndCheck(pixt2, IFF_JFIF_JPEG, pcount, rp);
        pixSaveTiled(pixt2, pixa, 1, 0, 20, 0);
        pixSeedfillGray(pixt1, pixt2, 4);
        pixt3 = pixMaxDynamicRange(pixt1, L_LINEAR_SCALE);
        regTestWritePixAndCheck(pixt3, IFF_JFIF_JPEG, pcount, rp);
        pixSaveTiled(pixt3, pixa, 1, 0, 20, 0);

 * \brief   pixColorSegmentRemoveColors()
 * \param[in]    pixd  8 bpp, colormapped
 * \param[in]    pixs  32 bpp rgb, with initial pixel values
 * \param[in]    finalcolors max number of colors to retain
 * \return  0 if OK, 1 on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This operation is in-place.
 *      (2) This is phase 4 of color segmentation, and the second part
 *          of the 2-step noise removal.  Only 'finalcolors' different
 *          colors are retained, with colors with smaller populations
 *          being replaced by the nearest color of the remaining colors.
 *          For highest accuracy, for pixels that are being replaced,
 *          we find the nearest colormap color  to the original rgb color.
 * </pre>
pixColorSegmentRemoveColors(PIX     *pixd,
                            PIX     *pixs,
                            l_int32  finalcolors)
l_int32    i, ncolors, index, tempindex;
l_int32   *tab;
l_uint32   tempcolor;
NUMA      *na, *nasi;
PIX       *pixm;
PIXCMAP   *cmap;


    if (!pixd)
        return ERROR_INT("pixd not defined", procName, 1);
    if (pixGetDepth(pixd) != 8)
        return ERROR_INT("pixd not 8 bpp", procName, 1);
    if ((cmap = pixGetColormap(pixd)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("cmap not found", procName, 1);
    if (!pixs)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
    ncolors = pixcmapGetCount(cmap);
    if (finalcolors >= ncolors)  /* few enough colors already; nothing to do */
        return 0;

        /* Generate a mask over all pixels that are not in the
         * 'finalcolors' most populated colors.  Save the colormap
         * index of any one of the retained colors in 'tempindex'.
         * The LUT has values 0 for the 'finalcolors' most populated colors,
         * which will be retained; and 1 for the rest, which are marked
         * by fg pixels in pixm and will be removed. */
    na = pixGetCmapHistogram(pixd, 1);
    if ((nasi = numaGetSortIndex(na, L_SORT_DECREASING)) == NULL) {
        return ERROR_INT("nasi not made", procName, 1);
    numaGetIValue(nasi, finalcolors - 1, &tempindex);  /* retain down to this */
    pixcmapGetColor32(cmap, tempindex, &tempcolor);  /* use this color */
    tab = (l_int32 *)LEPT_CALLOC(256, sizeof(l_int32));
    for (i = finalcolors; i < ncolors; i++) {
        numaGetIValue(nasi, i, &index);
        tab[index] = 1;

    pixm = pixMakeMaskFromLUT(pixd, tab);

        /* Reassign the masked pixels temporarily to the saved index
         * (tempindex).  This guarantees that no pixels are labeled by
         * a colormap index of any colors that will be removed.
         * The actual value doesn't matter, as long as it's one
         * of the retained colors, because these pixels will later
         * be reassigned based on the full set of colors retained
         * in the colormap. */
    pixSetMasked(pixd, pixm, tempcolor);

        /* Now remove unused colors from the colormap.  This reassigns
         * image pixels as required. */

        /* Finally, reassign the pixels under the mask (those that were
         * given a 'tempindex' value) to the nearest color in the colormap.
         * This is the function used in phase 2 on all image pixels; here
         * it is only used on the masked pixels given by pixm. */
    pixAssignToNearestColor(pixd, pixs, pixm, LEVEL_IN_OCTCUBE, NULL);

    return 0;
// Auto page segmentation. Divide the page image into blocks of uniform
// text linespacing and images.
// Width, height and resolution are derived from the input image.
// If the pix is non-NULL, then it is assumed to be the input, and it is
// copied to the image, otherwise the image is used directly.
// The output goes in the blocks list with corresponding TO_BLOCKs in the
// to_blocks list.
// If single_column is true, then no attempt is made to divide the image
// into columns, but multiple blocks are still made if the text is of
// non-uniform linespacing.
int Tesseract::AutoPageSeg(int width, int height, int resolution,
                           bool single_column, IMAGE* image,
                           BLOCK_LIST* blocks, TO_BLOCK_LIST* to_blocks) {
  int vertical_x = 0;
  int vertical_y = 1;
  TabVector_LIST v_lines;
  TabVector_LIST h_lines;
  ICOORD bleft(0, 0);
  Boxa* boxa = NULL;
  Pixa* pixa = NULL;
  // The blocks made by the ColumnFinder. Moved to blocks before return.
  BLOCK_LIST found_blocks;

  if (pix_binary_ != NULL) {
    if (textord_debug_images) {
      Pix* grey_pix = pixCreate(width, height, 8);
      // Printable images are light grey on white, but for screen display
      // they are black on dark grey so the other colors show up well.
      if (textord_debug_printable) {
        pixSetMasked(grey_pix, pix_binary_, 192);
      } else {
        pixSetAllArbitrary(grey_pix, 64);
        pixSetMasked(grey_pix, pix_binary_, 0);
      pixWrite(AlignedBlob::textord_debug_pix().string(), grey_pix, IFF_PNG);
    if (tessedit_dump_pageseg_images)
      pixWrite("tessinput.png", pix_binary_, IFF_PNG);
    // Leptonica is used to find the lines and image regions in the input.
    LineFinder::FindVerticalLines(resolution, pix_binary_,
                                  &vertical_x, &vertical_y, &v_lines);
    LineFinder::FindHorizontalLines(resolution, pix_binary_, &h_lines);
    if (tessedit_dump_pageseg_images)
      pixWrite("tessnolines.png", pix_binary_, IFF_PNG);
    ImageFinder::FindImages(pix_binary_, &boxa, &pixa);
    if (tessedit_dump_pageseg_images)
      pixWrite("tessnoimages.png", pix_binary_, IFF_PNG);
    // Copy the Pix to the IMAGE.
    if (single_column)
  TO_BLOCK_LIST land_blocks, port_blocks;
  TBOX page_box;
  // The rest of the algorithm uses the usual connected components.
  find_components(blocks, &land_blocks, &port_blocks, &page_box);

  TO_BLOCK_IT to_block_it(&port_blocks);
  for (to_block_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !to_block_it.cycled_list();
       to_block_it.forward()) {
    TO_BLOCK* to_block = to_block_it.data();
    TBOX blkbox = to_block->block->bounding_box();
    if (to_block->line_size >= 2) {
      // Note: if there are multiple blocks, then v_lines, boxa, and pixa
      // are empty on the next iteration, but in this case, we assume
      // that there aren't any interesting line separators or images, since
      // it means that we have a pre-defined unlv zone file.
      ColumnFinder finder(static_cast<int>(to_block->line_size),
                          blkbox.botleft(), blkbox.topright(),
                          &v_lines, &h_lines, vertical_x, vertical_y);
      if (finder.FindBlocks(height, resolution, single_column,
                            to_block, boxa, pixa, &found_blocks, to_blocks) < 0)
        return -1;
      finder.ComputeDeskewVectors(&deskew_, &reskew_);
      boxa = NULL;
      pixa = NULL;
  BLOCK_IT block_it(blocks);
  // Move the found blocks to the input/output blocks.

  if (textord_debug_images) {
    // The debug image is no longer needed so delete it.
  return 0;
 * \brief   pixThresholdByConnComp()
 * \param[in]    pixs depth > 1, colormap OK
 * \param[in]    pixm [optional] 1 bpp mask giving region to ignore by setting
 *                    pixels to white; use NULL if no mask
 * \param[in]    start, end, incr binarization threshold levels to test
 * \param[in]    thresh48 threshold on normalized difference between the
 *                        numbers of 4 and 8 connected components
 * \param[in]    threshdiff threshold on normalized difference between the
 *                          number of 4 cc at successive iterations
 * \param[out]   pglobthresh [optional] best global threshold; 0
 *                           if no threshold is found
 * \param[out]   ppixd [optional] image thresholded to binary, or
 *                     null if no threshold is found
 * \param[in]    debugflag 1 for plotted results
 * \return  0 if OK, 1 on error or if no threshold is found
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This finds a global threshold based on connected components.
 *          Although slow, it is reasonable to use it in a situation where
 *          (a) the background in the image is relatively uniform, and
 *          (b) the result will be fed to an OCR program that accepts 1 bpp
 *              images and works best with easily segmented characters.
 *          The reason for (b) is that this selects a threshold with a
 *          minimum number of both broken characters and merged characters.
 *      (2) If the pix has color, it is converted to gray using the
 *          max component.
 *      (3) Input 0 to use default values for any of these inputs:
 *          %start, %end, %incr, %thresh48, %threshdiff.
 *      (4) This approach can be understood as follows.  When the
 *          binarization threshold is varied, the numbers of c.c. identify
 *          four regimes:
 *          (a) For low thresholds, text is broken into small pieces, and
 *              the number of c.c. is large, with the 4 c.c. significantly
 *              exceeding the 8 c.c.
 *          (b) As the threshold rises toward the optimum value, the text
 *              characters coalesce and there is very little difference
 *              between the numbers of 4 and 8 c.c, which both go
 *              through a minimum.
 *          (c) Above this, the image background gets noisy because some
 *              pixels are(thresholded to foreground, and the numbers
 *              of c.c. quickly increase, with the 4 c.c. significantly
 *              larger than the 8 c.c.
 *          (d) At even higher thresholds, the image background noise
 *              coalesces as it becomes mostly foreground, and the
 *              number of c.c. drops quickly.
 *      (5) If there is no global threshold that distinguishes foreground
 *          text from background (e.g., weak text over a background that
 *          has significant variation and/or bleedthrough), this returns 1,
 *          which the caller should check.
 * </pre>
pixThresholdByConnComp(PIX       *pixs,
                       PIX       *pixm,
                       l_int32    start,
                       l_int32    end,
                       l_int32    incr,
                       l_float32  thresh48,
                       l_float32  threshdiff,
                       l_int32   *pglobthresh,
                       PIX      **ppixd,
                       l_int32    debugflag)
l_int32    i, thresh, n, n4, n8, mincounts, found, globthresh;
l_float32  count4, count8, firstcount4, prevcount4, diff48, diff4;
GPLOT     *gplot;
NUMA      *na4, *na8;
PIX       *pix1, *pix2, *pix3;


    if (pglobthresh) *pglobthresh = 0;
    if (ppixd) *ppixd = NULL;
    if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) == 1)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs undefined or 1 bpp", procName, 1);
    if (pixm && pixGetDepth(pixm) != 1)
        return ERROR_INT("pixm must be 1 bpp", procName, 1);

        /* Assign default values if requested */
    if (start <= 0) start = 80;
    if (end <= 0) end = 200;
    if (incr <= 0) incr = 10;
    if (thresh48 <= 0.0) thresh48 = 0.01;
    if (threshdiff <= 0.0) threshdiff = 0.01;
    if (start > end)
        return ERROR_INT("invalid start,end", procName, 1);

        /* Make 8 bpp, using the max component if color. */
    if (pixGetColormap(pixs))
        pix1 = pixRemoveColormap(pixs, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC);
        pix1 = pixClone(pixs);
    if (pixGetDepth(pix1) == 32)
        pix2 = pixConvertRGBToGrayMinMax(pix1, L_CHOOSE_MAX);
        pix2 = pixConvertTo8(pix1, 0);

        /* Mask out any non-text regions.  Do this in-place, because pix2
         * can never be the same pix as pixs. */
    if (pixm)
        pixSetMasked(pix2, pixm, 255);

        /* Make sure there are enough components to get a valid signal */
    pix3 = pixConvertTo1(pix2, start);
    pixCountConnComp(pix3, 4, &n4);
    mincounts = 500;
    if (n4 < mincounts) {
        L_INFO("Insufficient component count: %d\n", procName, n4);
        return 1;

        /* Compute the c.c. data */
    na4 = numaCreate(0);
    na8 = numaCreate(0);
    numaSetParameters(na4, start, incr);
    numaSetParameters(na8, start, incr);
    for (thresh = start, i = 0; thresh <= end; thresh += incr, i++) {
        pix3 = pixConvertTo1(pix2, thresh);
        pixCountConnComp(pix3, 4, &n4);
        pixCountConnComp(pix3, 8, &n8);
        numaAddNumber(na4, n4);
        numaAddNumber(na8, n8);
    if (debugflag) {
        gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/threshroot", GPLOT_PNG,
                            "number of cc vs. threshold",
                            "threshold", "number of cc");
        gplotAddPlot(gplot, NULL, na4, GPLOT_LINES, "plot 4cc");
        gplotAddPlot(gplot, NULL, na8, GPLOT_LINES, "plot 8cc");

    n = numaGetCount(na4);
    found = FALSE;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (i == 0) {
            numaGetFValue(na4, i, &firstcount4);
            prevcount4 = firstcount4;
        } else {
            numaGetFValue(na4, i, &count4);
            numaGetFValue(na8, i, &count8);
            diff48 = (count4 - count8) / firstcount4;
            diff4 = L_ABS(prevcount4 - count4) / firstcount4;
            if (debugflag) {
                fprintf(stderr, "diff48 = %7.3f, diff4 = %7.3f\n",
                        diff48, diff4);
            if (diff48 < thresh48 && diff4 < threshdiff) {
                found = TRUE;
            prevcount4 = count4;

    if (found) {
        globthresh = start + i * incr;
        if (pglobthresh) *pglobthresh = globthresh;
        if (ppixd) {
            *ppixd = pixConvertTo1(pix2, globthresh);
            pixCopyResolution(*ppixd, pixs);
        if (debugflag) fprintf(stderr, "global threshold = %d\n", globthresh);
        return 0;

    if (debugflag) fprintf(stderr, "no global threshold found\n");
    return 1;