/** Calculate the normalization term for each output bin
*  @param wavStart [in] the index number of the first bin in the input
* wavelengths that is actually being used
*  @param specInd [in] the spectrum to calculate
*  @param pixelAdj [in] if not NULL this is workspace contains single bins with
* the adjustments, e.g. detector efficencies, for the given spectrum index
*  @param wavePixelAdj [in] if not NULL this is workspace that contains the
* adjustments for the pixels and wavelenght dependend values.
*  @param binNorms [in] pointer to a contigious array of doubles that are the
* wavelength correction from waveAdj workspace, can be NULL
*  @param binNormEs [in] pointer to a contigious array of doubles which
* corrospond to the corrections and are their errors, can be NULL
*  @param norm [out] normalization for each bin, including soild angle, pixel
* correction, the proportion that is not masked and the normalization workspace
*  @param normETo2 [out] this pointer must point to the end of the norm array,
* it will be filled with the total of the error on the normalization
void Q1D2::calculateNormalization(const size_t wavStart, const size_t specInd,
                                  API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr pixelAdj,
                                  API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr wavePixelAdj,
                                  double const *const binNorms,
                                  double const *const binNormEs,
                                  const MantidVec::iterator norm,
                                  const MantidVec::iterator normETo2) const {
  double detectorAdj, detAdjErr;
  pixelWeight(pixelAdj, specInd, detectorAdj, detAdjErr);
  // use that the normalization array ends at the start of the error array
  for (MantidVec::iterator n = norm, e = normETo2; n != normETo2; ++n, ++e) {
    *n = detectorAdj;
    *e = detAdjErr *detAdjErr;

  if (binNorms && binNormEs) {
    if (wavePixelAdj)
      // pass the iterator for the wave pixel Adj dependent
      addWaveAdj(binNorms + wavStart, binNormEs + wavStart, norm, normETo2,
                 wavePixelAdj->readY(specInd).begin() + wavStart,
                 wavePixelAdj->readE(specInd).begin() + wavStart);
      addWaveAdj(binNorms + wavStart, binNormEs + wavStart, norm, normETo2);
  normToMask(wavStart, specInd, norm, normETo2);
void applyFilter(IMAGE *image){
	// incremention variables
	int i,j;
	BYTE filterOne[3][3] = { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0} };

	// copy to the mirrorArray
	BYTE mirrorArray[(512+2)][(512+2)];
	for(i = 1; i < 512+1; i++){
		for(j = 1; j < 512+1; j++ ){
			mirrorArray[i][j] = image->Pixels[i+512*j];

	for(i = 1; i <= 512; i++){
		mirrorArray[i][0] = mirrorArray[i+1][0];
		mirrorArray[0][i] = mirrorArray[0][i+1];
		mirrorArray[513][i] = mirrorArray[513][i-1];
		mirrorArray[i][513] = mirrorArray[i-1][513];
	mirrorArray[0][0] = mirrorArray[0+1][0+1];
	mirrorArray[0][513] = mirrorArray[1][513-1];
	mirrorArray[513][0] = mirrorArray[513-1][0];
	mirrorArray[513][513] = mirrorArray[513-1][513-1];

	for(i = 0; i < 512*512; i++){
		image->Pixels[i] = pixelWeight(i, mirrorArray, filterOne);
		/*todo check */

		/*if((i % 100) == 0){
			printf("%d :: %d\n", i, image->Pixels[i]);
