void handle_SIGINT(int unused)
  // On CTRL+C - abort! //

  // Disconnect from Pixy //

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  int      i = 0;
  int      index;
  int      blocks_copied;
  int      pixy_init_status;
  char     buf[128];

  // Catch CTRL+C (SIGINT) signals //
  signal(SIGINT, handle_SIGINT);

  printf("Hello Pixy:\n libpixyusb Version: %s\n", __LIBPIXY_VERSION__);

  // Connect to Pixy //
  pixy_init_status = pixy_init();

  // Was there an error initializing pixy? //
  if(!pixy_init_status == 0)
    // Error initializing Pixy //
    printf("pixy_init(): ");

    return pixy_init_status;

  // Request Pixy firmware version //
    uint16_t major;
    uint16_t minor;
    uint16_t build;
    int      return_value;

    return_value = pixy_get_firmware_version(&major, &minor, &build);

    if (return_value) {
      // Error //
      printf("Failed to retrieve Pixy firmware version. ");

      return return_value;
    } else {
      // Success //
      printf(" Pixy Firmware Version: %d.%d.%d\n", major, minor, build);

#if 0
  // Pixy Command Examples //
    int32_t response;
    int     return_value;

    // Execute remote procedure call "cam_setAWB" with one output (host->pixy) parameter (Value = 1)
    //   Parameters:                 Notes:
    //   pixy_command("cam_setAWB",  String identifier for remote procedure
    //                        0x01,  Length (in bytes) of first output parameter
    //                           1,  Value of first output parameter
    //                           0,  Parameter list seperator token (See value of: END_OUT_ARGS)
    //                   &response,  Pointer to memory address for return value from remote procedure call
    //                           0); Parameter list seperator token (See value of: END_IN_ARGS)

    // Enable auto white balance //
    pixy_command("cam_setAWB", UINT8(0x01), END_OUT_ARGS,  &response, END_IN_ARGS);

    // Execute remote procedure call "cam_getAWB" with no output (host->pixy) parameters
    //   Parameters:                 Notes:
    //   pixy_command("cam_setAWB",  String identifier for remote procedure
    //                           0,  Parameter list seperator token (See value of: END_OUT_ARGS)
    //                   &response,  Pointer to memory address for return value from remote procedure call
    //                           0); Parameter list seperator token (See value of: END_IN_ARGS)

    // Get auto white balance //
    return_value = pixy_command("cam_getAWB", END_OUT_ARGS, &response, END_IN_ARGS);

    // Set auto white balance back to disabled //
    pixy_command("cam_setAWB", UINT8(0x00), END_OUT_ARGS,  &response, END_IN_ARGS);

  printf("Detecting blocks...\n");
    // Wait for new blocks to be available //
    while(!pixy_blocks_are_new() && run_flag); 

    // Get blocks from Pixy //
    blocks_copied = pixy_get_blocks(BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE, &blocks[0]);

    if(blocks_copied < 0) {
      // Error: pixy_get_blocks //
      printf("pixy_get_blocks(): ");

    // Display received blocks //
    printf("frame %d:\n", i);
    for(index = 0; index != blocks_copied; ++index) {    
       printf("  %s\n", buf);