int DefaultPolicy(std::default_random_engine& engine, UCTNode* node, Patterns* patterns) {
  auto state = node->getState();
  auto startingTurn = state->turn;

  GameResult r;
  if (patterns != nullptr && patterns->initialized)
    r = state->playGame(patterns, engine);
    r = state->playRandomGame(engine);

  if ((startingTurn == Black ? White : Black) == static_cast<int>(r))
    return 1;
  else if (r != Draw)
    return -1;
  else if (r == Draw)
    return 0;
Move generateMove(Player p, Move lastMove) {
    MoveList legalMoves = game.getLegalMoves(p);
    MoveList localMoves = game.getLocalMoves(lastMove);

    // Pass if every move is either into your own eye, a suicide, or places
    // a chain into atari
    bool playPass = true;
    for (unsigned int n = 0; n < legalMoves.size(); n++) {
        Board copy = Board(game);
        Move m = legalMoves.get(n);

        if (!copy.isMoveValid(otherPlayer(p), m) && copy.isEye(p, m))

        if (!copy.isMoveValid(p, m))

        copy.doMove(p, m);
        if (copy.isInAtari(m))

        playPass = false;

    if (playPass)
        return MOVE_PASS;

    MCTree searchTree;
    float komiAdjustment = 0.0;
    Move captureLastStone = game.getPotentialCapture(lastMove);
    Move potentialEscape = game.getPotentialEscape(p, lastMove);

    // Add all first-level moves
    for (unsigned int n = 0; n < legalMoves.size(); n++) {
        Board copy = Board(game);
        Player genPlayer = p;

        Move next = legalMoves.get(n);
        // Check legality of moves (suicide)
        if (!copy.isMoveValid(genPlayer, next))

        copy.doMove(genPlayer, next);
        // Never place own chain in atari
        if (copy.isInAtari(next))

        // Check for ko rule violation
        bool koViolation = false;
        if (next != MOVE_PASS) {
            uint64_t newKey = copy.getZobristKey();
            for (int i = keyStackSize-1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (newKey == keyStack[i]) {
                    koViolation = true;
        if (koViolation)

        // First level moves are added to the root
        MCNode *leaf = searchTree.root;
        MCNode *addition = new MCNode();
        addition->parent = leaf;
        addition->m = next;

        // Play out a random game. The final board state will be stored in copy.
        playRandomGame(otherPlayer(genPlayer), copy);

        // Score the game
        float myScore = 0.0, oppScore = 0.0;
        scoreGame(genPlayer, copy, myScore, oppScore);
        if (myScore > oppScore)
        addition->scoreDiff = ((int) myScore) - ((int) oppScore);
        komiAdjustment += myScore - oppScore;

        // Add the new node to the tree
        leaf->children[leaf->size] = addition;

        // Backpropagate the results

        // Do priors, if any
        // Own eye and opening priors inspired by Pachi,
        // written by Petr Baudis and Jean-loup Gailly
        int basePrior = boardSize * boardSize / 8;
        // Discourage playing into own eyes
        if (game.isEye(genPlayer, next)) {
            addition->denominator += basePrior;
            // If this eye is not ko-related we almost certainly should not play
            // in it
            if (!game.isMoveValid(otherPlayer(genPlayer), next)) {
                addition->denominator += 10 * basePrior;
                addition->scoreDiff -= 10 * 360;

        // Discourage playing onto edges and encourage playing onto the 4th line
        // in 13x13 and 19x19 openings
        unsigned int openingMoves = boardSize * boardSize - boardSize;
        if ((boardSize == 13 || boardSize == 19) && legalMoves.size() > openingMoves) {
            int x = getX(next);
            int y = getY(next);
            if (x == 1 || x == 19 || y == 1 || y == 19) {
                addition->denominator += 2 * basePrior;
            else {
                int taperedPrior = basePrior * (legalMoves.size() - openingMoves) / boardSize;
                if (x == 4 || x == boardSize-3) {
                    addition->numerator += 2 * taperedPrior;
                    addition->denominator += 2 * taperedPrior;
                if (y == 4 || y == boardSize-3) {
                    addition->numerator += 2 * taperedPrior;
                    addition->denominator += 2 * taperedPrior;
                if (x == 3 || x == boardSize-2 || y == 3 || y == boardSize-2) {
                    addition->numerator += taperedPrior;
                    addition->denominator += taperedPrior;
        // And the same for 9x9
        else if (boardSize == 9 && legalMoves.size() > openingMoves) {
            int x = getX(next);
            int y = getY(next);
            if (x == 1 || x == boardSize || y == 1 || y == boardSize) {
                addition->denominator += 2 * basePrior;
            else {
                int taperedPrior = basePrior * (legalMoves.size() - openingMoves) / boardSize;
                if (x == 3 || x == boardSize-2) {
                    addition->numerator += 2 * taperedPrior;
                    addition->denominator += 2 * taperedPrior;
                if (y == 3 || y == boardSize-2) {
                    addition->numerator += 2 * taperedPrior;
                    addition->denominator += 2 * taperedPrior;

        // Add a bonus for capturing a chain that the opponent placed
        // into atari on the previous move
        if (next == captureLastStone) {
            addition->numerator += 5 * basePrior;
            addition->denominator += 5 * basePrior;

        // Add a bonus for escaping when the opponent's last move
        // placed our chain into atari
        if (next == potentialEscape) {
            addition->numerator += 5 * basePrior;
            addition->denominator += 5 * basePrior;

        // Add a bonus to local moves
        if (legalMoves.size() < openingMoves) {
            int li = localMoves.find(next);
            if (li != -1) {
            else {
                addition->numerator += basePrior;
                addition->denominator += 2 * basePrior;

    // If we have no moves that are ko-legal, pass.
    if (searchTree.root->size == 0)
        return MOVE_PASS;

    // Calculate an estimate of a komi adjustment
    komiAdjustment /= legalMoves.size();

    // Expand the MC tree iteratively
    for (int n = 0; n < playouts; n++) {
        Board copy = Board(game);
        Player genPlayer = p;

        // Find a node in the tree to add a child to
        int depth = -1;
        MCNode *leaf = searchTree.findLeaf(genPlayer, copy, depth);

        MCNode *addition = new MCNode();
        addition->parent = leaf;
        MoveList candidates = copy.getLegalMoves(genPlayer);

        // Set up a permutation matrix
        int *permutation = new int[candidates.size()];
        // Fisher-Yates shuffle
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) {
            std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(0, i);
            int j = distribution(rng);
            permutation[i] = permutation[j];
            permutation[j] = i;

        // Find a random move that has not been explored yet
        Move next = 0;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) {
            next = candidates.get(permutation[i]);

            bool used = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < leaf->size; j++) {
                if (next == leaf->children[j]->m) {
                    used = true;

            if (!used && copy.isMoveValid(genPlayer, next))

        delete[] permutation;

        addition->m = next;
        copy.doMove(genPlayer, next);

        // Play out a random game. The final board state will be stored in copy.
        playRandomGame(otherPlayer(genPlayer), copy);

        // Score the game... somehow...
        float myScore = 0.0, oppScore = 0.0;
        scoreGame(genPlayer, copy, myScore, oppScore);
        myScore += (genPlayer == p) ? -komiAdjustment : komiAdjustment;

        if (myScore > oppScore) {
            // If the node is not a child of root
            if (depth)
                raveTable.inc(next, depth);
        else {
            if (depth)
                raveTable.dec(next, depth);
        addition->scoreDiff = ((int) myScore) - ((int) oppScore);

        // Add the new node to the tree
        leaf->children[leaf->size] = addition;

        // Backpropagate the results

    // Find the highest scoring move
    Move bestMove = searchTree.root->children[0]->m;
    double bestScore = 0.0;
    int64_t diff = -(1 << 30);
    int maxRAVE = raveTable.max();
    for (int i = 0; i < searchTree.root->size; i++) {
        double candidateScore = (double) searchTree.root->children[i]->numerator
                              / (double) searchTree.root->children[i]->denominator;
                            // +   (double) raveTable.score(searchTree.root->children[i]->m)
                            //   / ((double) maxRAVE)
                            //   / (16 + std::sqrt(searchTree.root->children[i]->denominator))
                            // +   (double) searchTree.root->children[i]->scoreDiff
                            //   / (double) (360 * 32);

        // if (candidateScore > bestScore) {
        //     bestScore = candidateScore;
        //     bestMove = searchTree.root->children[i]->m;
        // }

        if (debugOutput) {
            std::cerr << "(" << getX(searchTree.root->children[i]->m) << ", "
                      << getY(searchTree.root->children[i]->m) << "): "
                      << searchTree.root->children[i]->numerator << " / "
                      << searchTree.root->children[i]->denominator << std::endl;

        if (candidateScore > bestScore
         || (candidateScore == bestScore && searchTree.root->children[i]->scoreDiff > diff)) {
            bestScore = candidateScore;
            bestMove = searchTree.root->children[i]->m;
            diff = searchTree.root->children[i]->scoreDiff;


    return bestMove;