文件: main.c 项目: Df458/Growgue
void init_game()
    WINDOW* map_win = newwin(24, 80, 0, 0);
    WINDOW* area_win = newwin(6, 10, 0, 80);
    WINDOW* stats_win = newwin(8, 10, 6, 80);
    WINDOW* examine_win = newwin(10, 10, 14, 80);
    WINDOW* hp_win = newwin(1, 90, 24, 0);
    WINDOW* log_win = newwin(10, 90, 25, 0);

    dead = false;

    world = calloc(LEVEL_COUNT, sizeof(map*));
    world[0] = load_map("data/maps/farm.map", 78, 22, false, true);
    for(int i = 1; i < 3; ++i)
        world[i] = load_map("data/maps/easy_cave.map", 80 + 10 * (i - 1), 24 + 4 * (i - 1), true, true);
    for(int i = 3; i < 5; ++i)
        world[i] = load_map("data/maps/mid_cave.map", 80 + 10 * (i - 1), 24 + 4 * (i - 1), true, true);
    for(int i = 5; i < 7; ++i)
        world[i] = load_map("data/maps/hard_cave.map", 80 + 15 * (i - 1), 24 + 6 * (i - 1), true, true);
    for(int i =7; i < 9; ++i)
        world[i] = load_map("data/maps/crazy_cave.map", 80 + 18 * (i - 1), 24 + 8 * (i - 1), true, true);
    world[LEVEL_COUNT - 1] = load_map("data/maps/final.map", 78, 22, true, false);
    init_player(map_win, stats_win, hp_win, area_win, examine_win, world[0]);
    int x, y;
    get_random_empty_tile(&x, &y, world[LEVEL_COUNT - 1]);
    spawn_item(x, y, "data/items/cat.item", world[LEVEL_COUNT - 1]);

    get_random_empty_tile(&x, &y, world[0]);
    player_set_position(x, y);
    draw_map(x, y, world[0]);
    add_message(COLOR_DEFAULT, "@ symbol, a brave young farmer, was out for a stroll on his farm when his cat Cuddles ran down into the gaping starcase to the deadly Caves of Consternation! @ symbol had been meaning to patch that up for a while, but hadn't gotten a chance yet. Don't judge.");
    if(ask_question(COLOR_SELECTION, "Will you help @ symbol retrieve his cat, Cuddles?"))
        add_message(COLOR_HP_GOOD, "Excellent! Get to it, then!");
    else {
        add_message(COLOR_HP_CRIT, "Well that was unexpected. Okay then, press q to quit to the main menu.");
        dead = true;
void wav(const char* filename)
	extern rt_uint32_t current_offset;
    int fd;
	rt_err_t result;
	char buff[60];
	s_BuffIndex = 0;
    fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0);
    if (fd >= 0)
		rt_size_t 	len;
	    result = rt_sem_init(&s_semForPlay, "semforplay", 1, RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO);
	    if (result != RT_EOK)
			rt_kprintf(" semaphore: semforplay init failed./r/n");
			rt_sem_detach(&s_semForPlay);/* 脱离信号量对象 */
		len = read(fd, (char*)buff, 0x2c);
		if (strncmp("WAVEfmt", (char *)buff + 8, 7) != 0 )
			rt_kprintf("format is not support !\n\r");
		memset(&winfo, 0, sizeof(winfo));	
		//从音频数据的起始抓取 信息,用于播放波特率设置等
		winfo.wFormatTag		= 0x01;			 //表示pcm编码
		winfo.nChannels		    = *(rt_uint16_t *)(buff+0x16);
		winfo.nSamplesPerSec	= *(rt_uint32_t *)(buff+0x18);
		winfo.nAvgBytesPerSec	= *(rt_uint32_t *)(buff+0x1c);
		winfo.nBlockAlign		= *(rt_uint16_t *)(buff+0x20);
		winfo.wBitsPerSample	= *(rt_uint16_t *)(buff+0x22);
		winfo.cbSize            = *(rt_uint32_t *)(buff+0x28);   

		rt_kprintf("\nSample Rate = %d, Channels = %d, BitsPerSample = %d, file size = %dM Bytes\n",
	    winfo.nSamplesPerSec, winfo.nChannels, winfo.wBitsPerSample, winfo.cbSize/1024/1024);
		if (winfo.wBitsPerSample!=16)//2byte
			rt_kprintf("8bit format is not support !\n\r");
		current_offset = 0;
		len = read(fd, (char *)(&BufData[s_BuffIndex][0]), (2048*2));
		IIS_Config(winfo.nSamplesPerSec, (u32)(&BufData[0][0]), (2048));	   
			if (player_is_playing() != RT_TRUE)
			result = rt_sem_take(&s_semForPlay, RT_WAITING_FOREVER);
			if (result != RT_EOK)
				rt_kprintf(" semaphore: semforplay init failed./r/n");
				rt_sem_detach(&s_semForPlay);/* 脱离信号量对象 */
			DMA_Transmit((u32)((&BufData[s_BuffIndex][0])), (2048));	
			if (++s_BuffIndex>=2) s_BuffIndex = 0;
			len = read(fd, (char *)(&BufData[s_BuffIndex][0]), (2048*2));
			if (len != (2048*2))
				rt_kprintf("file read fail or there is no more data!\n\r");
			if (player_get_mode() != PLAYER_PLAY_RADIO)
		} while (len != 0);
int main (int argc, char **argv) {

	// variables
	SDL_Surface *screen; // pantalla
	SDL_Event event; // para los eventos de SDL (teclado y/o mouse)
	Uint8 *keystates = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); // para detectar teclas mantenidas presionadas
	Uint8 salir = 0; // para determinar cuando se cierra la ventana
	int mouse_x=0, mouse_y=0; // coordenadas del mouse
	char info1[100]; // texto para mostrar informacion variada linea 1
	char info2[100]; // texto para mostrar informacion variada linea 2
	short int time; // variable para la hora
	short int ticks; // variable para mover elementos independiente de los FPS

	// cargar configuracion
	struct conf *conf = conf_load();
	if (!conf)
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	// verificar a donde nos queremos conectar
	// se indicó el servidor como 1er parametro
	if(argc>=2) {
		conf->SERVER = malloc(strlen(argv[1]));
		strcpy(conf->SERVER, argv[1]);
	// se indicó el puerto como 2do parametro
	if(argc>=3) {
		conf->PORT = atoi(argv[2]);

	// conectar al servidor
	int connection = client_init(conf);
	if (!connection)
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// buffer para transferencia entre servidor y cliente
	char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];

	// obtener id del jugador
	int playerID = atoi(query("get;id", connection));

	// recibir y actualizar configuraciones desde el servidor
	conf_update(conf, query("get;conf", connection));

	// inicializar sistema
	// cargar fuente
	TTF_Font *fuente = ttf_load(FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONT_STYLE);
	// cargar todos los posibles objetos de un mapa
	MapObject *mapobjects = mapobjects_load(screen);
	if (!mapobjects)
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// cargar mapa
	char **map = map_open(conf->MAP);
	if (!map)
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// cargar armas
	Weapon *weapons = weapons_load();
	if (!weapons)
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// crear personaje jugador
	Player *pj = player_create(playerID, conf->PLAYER_NAME, conf->PLAYER_CHARACTER, screen, weapons, conf);
	// asignar armas al personaje
	player_change_weapon(&pj, conf->WEAPON_PRIMARY, 1);
	player_change_weapon(&pj, conf->WEAPON_SECONDARY, 2);
	// ubicar personaje en el mapa
	player_set_position(&pj, map, -1, -1, mapobjects);

	// informar estado del usuario
	bzero(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
	sprintf(buffer, "info;%s;%s", conf->PLAYER_CHARACTER, conf->PLAYER_NAME);
	write(connection, buffer, strlen(buffer));

	// crear bots y ubicar en el mapa
	Player *bots = bots_create(screen, weapons, conf);
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<conf->BOTS; ++i) {
		Player *aux = &bots[i];
		player_set_position(&aux, map, -1, -1, mapobjects);

	// guardar ticks
	ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
	// ciclo infinito para refrescar la imagen de la pantalla
	while (!salir) {

		// solicitar informacion de todos los jugadores (menos el mio)
		char *enemies = query("get;players", connection);

		// enviar posicion del jugador al servidor
		sprintf(buffer, "position;%d;%d", (int)(pj->y), (int)(pj->x));
		write(connection, buffer, strlen(buffer));
		// time
		time = SDL_GetTicks()/1000;
		// dibujar mapa
		map_draw(screen, map, mapobjects, conf->BACKGROUND);
		// revisar si existen eventos de SDL
		while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
			// salir del programa
			if(event.type==SDL_QUIT) salir = 1;
			// si se presiona una tecla
			else if(event.type==SDL_KEYDOWN) {
				// cambiar a pantalla completa
				if(event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_f) SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen(screen);
				// salir del juego
				else if(event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_ESCAPE) salir = 1;
				// cambiar arma primaria
				else if(event.key.keysym.sym>=48&&event.key.keysym.sym<=57) player_change_weapon(&pj, event.key.keysym.sym-48, 1);
			// si se mueve el mouse
			else if(event.type==SDL_MOUSEMOTION) {
				// guardar coordenadas del mouse
				mouse_x = event.motion.x;
				mouse_y = event.motion.y;
			// si se presiona el mouse
			else if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN ) {
				// guardar coordenadas del mouse
				mouse_x = event.button.x;
				mouse_y = event.button.y;
				// resetear flag de armas disparadas
				pj->primary->fired = 0;
				pj->secondary->fired = 0;
				// si se presiono el boton izquierdo
				if(event.button.button==SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && pj->primary->ammo) {
					Mix_PlayChannel(-1, pj->primary->sound, 0);
					pj->primary->fired = pj->primary->ammo--;
				// si se presiono el boton derecho
				else if(event.button.button==SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT && pj->secondary->ammo) {
					Mix_PlayChannel(-1, pj->secondary->sound, 0);
					pj->secondary->fired = pj->secondary->ammo--;
				// si se mueve el scroll se cambia el arma principal
				else if (event.button.button==SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP) {
					player_change_weapon(&pj, WEAPON_PREV, 1);
				else if (event.button.button==SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) {
					player_change_weapon(&pj, WEAPON_NEXT, 1);
				// determinar si personaje fue herido
				if(mouse_x >= pj->x && mouse_x <= pj->x+SPRITE_SIZE && mouse_y >= pj->y && mouse_y <= pj->y+SPRITE_SIZE) {
					// hacer daño al personaje
					if(event.button.button==SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && pj->primary->fired) {
						pj->health -= pj->primary->damage;
						// reproducir sonido de dolor
						Mix_PlayChannel(-1, pj->sounds[PLAYER_SOUND_DAMAGED], 0);
					else if(event.button.button==SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT && pj->secondary->fired) {
						pj->health -= pj->secondary->damage;
						// reproducir sonido de dolor
						Mix_PlayChannel(-1, pj->sounds[PLAYER_SOUND_DAMAGED], 0);
					// si la salud quedo menor o igual a 0 el personaje muere
					if(pj->health<1) {
						// incrementar contador de muerte
						pj->health = conf->PLAYER_HEALTH;
						// descontar vida
						if(conf->PLAYER_LIFE!=0) {
							if(pj->life==0) {
								// GAME OVER
						// reposicionar personaje muerto
						player_set_position(&pj, map, -1, -1, mapobjects);
			// si se suelta el mouse
			else if(event.type==SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) {
				// guardar coordenadas del mouse
				mouse_x = event.button.x;
				mouse_y = event.button.y;
				// si se solto el boton izquierdo
				if(event.button.button==SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) {
				// si se solto el boton derecho
				else if(event.button.button==SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) {
		// mover jugador
		player_move(&pj, keystates, map, mapobjects, conf, SDL_GetTicks()-ticks);
		player_get_object(&pj, map, conf);
		// primera linea informacion
		sprintf(info1, "time: %02d:%02d, mouse: (%04d,%04d)", time/60, time%60, mouse_x, mouse_y);
		SDL_Surface *s_info1 = TTF_RenderText_Blended(fuente, info1, (SDL_Color) {255,255,255,255});
		SDL_Rect rect = (SDL_Rect) { 10, 0, 100, 20 };
		SDL_BlitSurface(s_info1, NULL, screen, &rect);
		// segunda linea informacion
		sprintf(info2, "[%s] +%03d, life: %02d, dead: %02d, weapon: [%d/%03d/%03d] [%d/%03d/%03d]", conf->PLAYER_NAME, pj->health, pj->life, pj->dead, pj->primary->id, pj->primary->damage, pj->primary->ammo, pj->secondary->id, pj->secondary->damage, pj->secondary->ammo);
		SDL_Surface *s_info2 = TTF_RenderText_Blended(fuente, info2, (SDL_Color) {255,255,255,255});
		rect.y += 12;
		SDL_BlitSurface(s_info2, NULL, screen, &rect);
		// dibujar enemigos
		enemies_draw(screen, enemies);
		// dibujar bots
		/*for(i=0; i<conf->BOTS; ++i) {
			Player *aux = &bots[i];
			SDL_BlitSurface(aux->images[PLAYER_IMAGE_SPRITE], &aux->src, screen, &aux->sprite);
		// dibujar jugador
		SDL_BlitSurface(pj->images[PLAYER_IMAGE_SPRITE], &pj->src, screen, &pj->sprite);
		// actualizar screen sdl
		// resetear ticks
		ticks = SDL_GetTicks();

	// cerrar conexion al servidor

	// liberar jugador

	// liberar armas
	// libear objetos del mapa

	// cerrar fuentes

	// cerrar SDL

	// retorno del sistema
