/** * Creates the playlist if necessary, and return a pointer to it. * @note The playlist is not reference-counted. So the pointer is only valid * until intf_DestroyAll() destroys interfaces. */ static playlist_t *intf_GetPlaylist(libvlc_int_t *libvlc) { playlist_t *playlist; vlc_mutex_lock(&lock); playlist = libvlc_priv(libvlc)->playlist; if (playlist == NULL) { playlist = playlist_Create(VLC_OBJECT(libvlc)); libvlc_priv(libvlc)->playlist = playlist; } vlc_mutex_unlock(&lock); return playlist; }
playlist_t *pl_Get (vlc_object_t *obj) { static vlc_mutex_t lock = VLC_STATIC_MUTEX; libvlc_int_t *p_libvlc = obj->p_libvlc; playlist_t *pl; vlc_mutex_lock (&lock); pl = libvlc_priv (p_libvlc)->p_playlist; if (unlikely(pl == NULL)) { pl = playlist_Create (VLC_OBJECT(p_libvlc)); if (unlikely(pl == NULL)) abort(); libvlc_priv (p_libvlc)->p_playlist = pl; } vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock); return pl; }
/** * Initialize a libvlc instance * This function initializes a previously allocated libvlc instance: * - CPU detection * - gettext initialization * - message queue, module bank and playlist initialization * - configuration and commandline parsing */ int libvlc_InternalInit( libvlc_int_t *p_libvlc, int i_argc, const char *ppsz_argv[] ) { libvlc_priv_t *priv = libvlc_priv (p_libvlc); char * psz_modules = NULL; char * psz_parser = NULL; char * psz_control = NULL; playlist_t *p_playlist = NULL; char *psz_val; /* System specific initialization code */ system_Init(); /* Initialize the module bank and load the configuration of the * main module. We need to do this at this stage to be able to display * a short help if required by the user. (short help == main module * options) */ module_InitBank (); /* Get command line options that affect module loading. */ if( config_LoadCmdLine( p_libvlc, i_argc, ppsz_argv, NULL ) ) { module_EndBank (false); return VLC_EGENERIC; } priv->i_verbose = var_InheritInteger( p_libvlc, "verbose" ); /* Find verbosity from VLC_VERBOSE environment variable */ { char *env = getenv( "VLC_VERBOSE" ); if( env != NULL ) priv->i_verbose = atoi( env ); } /* Announce who we are (TODO: only first instance?) */ msg_Dbg( p_libvlc, "VLC media player - %s", VERSION_MESSAGE ); msg_Dbg( p_libvlc, "%s", COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE ); msg_Dbg( p_libvlc, "revision %s", psz_vlc_changeset ); msg_Dbg( p_libvlc, "configured with %s", CONFIGURE_LINE ); /* Load the builtins and plugins into the module_bank. * We have to do it before config_Load*() because this also gets the * list of configuration options exported by each module and loads their * default values. */ size_t module_count = module_LoadPlugins (p_libvlc); /* * Override default configuration with config file settings */ if( !var_InheritBool( p_libvlc, "ignore-config" ) ) { if( var_InheritBool( p_libvlc, "reset-config" ) ) config_SaveConfigFile( p_libvlc ); /* Save default config */ else config_LoadConfigFile( p_libvlc ); } /* * Override configuration with command line settings */ int vlc_optind; if( config_LoadCmdLine( p_libvlc, i_argc, ppsz_argv, &vlc_optind ) ) { #ifdef WIN32 MessageBox (NULL, TEXT("The command line options could not be parsed.\n" "Make sure they are valid."), TEXT("VLC media player"), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); #endif module_EndBank (true); return VLC_EGENERIC; } priv->i_verbose = var_InheritInteger( p_libvlc, "verbose" ); /* * Support for gettext */ #if defined( ENABLE_NLS ) \ && ( defined( HAVE_GETTEXT ) || defined( HAVE_INCLUDED_GETTEXT ) ) vlc_bindtextdomain (PACKAGE_NAME); #endif /*xgettext: Translate "C" to the language code: "fr", "en_GB", "nl", "ru"... */ msg_Dbg( p_libvlc, "translation test: code is \"%s\"", _("C") ); if (config_PrintHelp (VLC_OBJECT(p_libvlc))) { module_EndBank (true); return VLC_EEXITSUCCESS; } if( module_count <= 1 ) { msg_Err( p_libvlc, "No plugins found! Check your VLC installation."); module_EndBank (true); return VLC_ENOITEM; } #ifdef HAVE_DAEMON /* Check for daemon mode */ if( var_InheritBool( p_libvlc, "daemon" ) ) { char *psz_pidfile = NULL; if( daemon( 1, 0) != 0 ) { msg_Err( p_libvlc, "Unable to fork vlc to daemon mode" ); module_EndBank (true); return VLC_EEXIT; } b_daemon = true; /* lets check if we need to write the pidfile */ psz_pidfile = var_CreateGetNonEmptyString( p_libvlc, "pidfile" ); if( psz_pidfile != NULL ) { FILE *pidfile; pid_t i_pid = getpid (); msg_Dbg( p_libvlc, "PID is %d, writing it to %s", i_pid, psz_pidfile ); pidfile = vlc_fopen( psz_pidfile,"w" ); if( pidfile != NULL ) { utf8_fprintf( pidfile, "%d", (int)i_pid ); fclose( pidfile ); } else { msg_Err( p_libvlc, "cannot open pid file for writing: %s (%m)", psz_pidfile ); } } free( psz_pidfile ); } #endif /* FIXME: could be replaced by using Unix sockets */ #ifdef HAVE_DBUS #define MPRIS_APPEND "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2/TrackList/Append" #define MPRIS_BUS_NAME "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.vlc" #define MPRIS_OBJECT_PATH "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2" #define MPRIS_TRACKLIST_INTERFACE "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.TrackList" dbus_threads_init_default(); if( var_InheritBool( p_libvlc, "one-instance" ) || ( var_InheritBool( p_libvlc, "one-instance-when-started-from-file" ) && var_InheritBool( p_libvlc, "started-from-file" ) ) ) { /* Initialise D-Bus interface, check for other instances */ DBusConnection *p_conn = NULL; DBusError dbus_error; dbus_error_init( &dbus_error ); /* connect to the session bus */ p_conn = dbus_bus_get( DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &dbus_error ); if( !p_conn ) { msg_Err( p_libvlc, "Failed to connect to D-Bus session daemon: %s", dbus_error.message ); dbus_error_free( &dbus_error ); } else { /* check if VLC is available on the bus * if not: D-Bus control is not enabled on the other * instance and we can't pass MRLs to it */ if( !dbus_bus_name_has_owner( p_conn, MPRIS_BUS_NAME, &dbus_error ) ) { if( dbus_error_is_set( &dbus_error ) ) { msg_Err( p_libvlc, "D-Bus error: %s", dbus_error.message ); dbus_error_free( &dbus_error ); } else msg_Dbg( p_libvlc, "No Media Player is running. " "Continuing normally." ); } else { int i_input; DBusMessage* p_dbus_msg = NULL; DBusMessageIter dbus_args; DBusPendingCall* p_dbus_pending = NULL; dbus_bool_t b_play; msg_Warn( p_libvlc, "Another Media Player is running. Exiting"); for( i_input = vlc_optind; i_input < i_argc;i_input++ ) { /* Skip input options, we can't pass them through D-Bus */ if( ppsz_argv[i_input][0] == ':' ) { msg_Warn( p_libvlc, "Ignoring option %s", ppsz_argv[i_input] ); continue; } /* We need to resolve relative paths in this instance */ char *psz_mrl; if( strstr( psz_mrl, "://" ) ) psz_mrl = strdup( ppsz_argv[i_input] ); else psz_mrl = vlc_path2uri( ppsz_argv[i_input], NULL ); const char *psz_after_track = MPRIS_APPEND; if( psz_mrl == NULL ) continue; msg_Dbg( p_libvlc, "Adds %s to the running Media Player", psz_mrl ); p_dbus_msg = dbus_message_new_method_call( MPRIS_BUS_NAME, MPRIS_OBJECT_PATH, MPRIS_TRACKLIST_INTERFACE, "AddTrack" ); if ( NULL == p_dbus_msg ) { msg_Err( p_libvlc, "D-Bus problem" ); free( psz_mrl ); system_End( ); exit( 1 ); } /* append MRLs */ dbus_message_iter_init_append( p_dbus_msg, &dbus_args ); if ( !dbus_message_iter_append_basic( &dbus_args, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &psz_mrl ) ) { dbus_message_unref( p_dbus_msg ); free( psz_mrl ); system_End( ); exit( 1 ); } free( psz_mrl ); if( !dbus_message_iter_append_basic( &dbus_args, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &psz_after_track ) ) { dbus_message_unref( p_dbus_msg ); system_End( ); exit( 1 ); } b_play = TRUE; if( var_InheritBool( p_libvlc, "playlist-enqueue" ) ) b_play = FALSE; if ( !dbus_message_iter_append_basic( &dbus_args, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &b_play ) ) { dbus_message_unref( p_dbus_msg ); system_End( ); exit( 1 ); } /* send message and get a handle for a reply */ if ( !dbus_connection_send_with_reply ( p_conn, p_dbus_msg, &p_dbus_pending, -1 ) ) { msg_Err( p_libvlc, "D-Bus problem" ); dbus_message_unref( p_dbus_msg ); system_End( ); exit( 1 ); } if ( NULL == p_dbus_pending ) { msg_Err( p_libvlc, "D-Bus problem" ); dbus_message_unref( p_dbus_msg ); system_End( ); exit( 1 ); } dbus_connection_flush( p_conn ); dbus_message_unref( p_dbus_msg ); /* block until we receive a reply */ dbus_pending_call_block( p_dbus_pending ); dbus_pending_call_unref( p_dbus_pending ); } /* processes all command line MRLs */ /* bye bye */ system_End( ); exit( 0 ); } } /* we unreference the connection when we've finished with it */ if( p_conn ) dbus_connection_unref( p_conn ); } #undef MPRIS_APPEND #undef MPRIS_BUS_NAME #undef MPRIS_OBJECT_PATH #undef MPRIS_TRACKLIST_INTERFACE #endif // HAVE_DBUS /* * Message queue options */ /* Last chance to set the verbosity. Once we start interfaces and other * threads, verbosity becomes read-only. */ var_Create( p_libvlc, "verbose", VLC_VAR_INTEGER | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT ); if( var_InheritBool( p_libvlc, "quiet" ) ) { var_SetInteger( p_libvlc, "verbose", -1 ); priv->i_verbose = -1; } vlc_threads_setup( p_libvlc ); if( priv->b_color ) priv->b_color = var_InheritBool( p_libvlc, "color" ); vlc_CPU_dump( VLC_OBJECT(p_libvlc) ); vlc_object_set_name( p_libvlc, "main" ); priv->b_stats = var_InheritBool( p_libvlc, "stats" ); /* * Initialize hotkey handling */ priv->actions = vlc_InitActions( p_libvlc ); /* Create a variable for showing the fullscreen interface */ var_Create( p_libvlc, "intf-toggle-fscontrol", VLC_VAR_BOOL ); var_SetBool( p_libvlc, "intf-toggle-fscontrol", true ); /* Create a variable for the Boss Key */ var_Create( p_libvlc, "intf-boss", VLC_VAR_VOID ); /* Create a variable for showing the main interface */ var_Create( p_libvlc, "intf-show", VLC_VAR_BOOL ); /* Create a variable for showing the right click menu */ var_Create( p_libvlc, "intf-popupmenu", VLC_VAR_BOOL ); /* variables for signalling creation of new files */ var_Create( p_libvlc, "snapshot-file", VLC_VAR_STRING ); var_Create( p_libvlc, "record-file", VLC_VAR_STRING ); /* some default internal settings */ var_Create( p_libvlc, "window", VLC_VAR_STRING ); var_Create( p_libvlc, "user-agent", VLC_VAR_STRING ); var_SetString( p_libvlc, "user-agent", "(LibVLC "VERSION")" ); /* Initialize playlist and get commandline files */ p_playlist = playlist_Create( VLC_OBJECT(p_libvlc) ); if( !p_playlist ) { msg_Err( p_libvlc, "playlist initialization failed" ); module_EndBank (true); return VLC_EGENERIC; } /* System specific configuration */ system_Configure( p_libvlc, i_argc - vlc_optind, ppsz_argv + vlc_optind ); #if defined(MEDIA_LIBRARY) /* Get the ML */ if( var_GetBool( p_libvlc, "load-media-library-on-startup" ) ) { priv->p_ml = ml_Create( VLC_OBJECT( p_libvlc ), NULL ); if( !priv->p_ml ) { msg_Err( p_libvlc, "ML initialization failed" ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } } else { priv->p_ml = NULL; } #endif /* Add service discovery modules */ psz_modules = var_InheritString( p_libvlc, "services-discovery" ); if( psz_modules ) { char *p = psz_modules, *m; while( ( m = strsep( &p, " :," ) ) != NULL ) playlist_ServicesDiscoveryAdd( p_playlist, m ); free( psz_modules ); } #ifdef ENABLE_VLM /* Initialize VLM if vlm-conf is specified */ psz_parser = var_CreateGetNonEmptyString( p_libvlc, "vlm-conf" ); if( psz_parser ) { priv->p_vlm = vlm_New( p_libvlc ); if( !priv->p_vlm ) msg_Err( p_libvlc, "VLM initialization failed" ); } free( psz_parser ); #endif /* * Load background interfaces */ psz_modules = var_CreateGetNonEmptyString( p_libvlc, "extraintf" ); psz_control = var_CreateGetNonEmptyString( p_libvlc, "control" ); if( psz_modules && psz_control ) { char* psz_tmp; if( asprintf( &psz_tmp, "%s:%s", psz_modules, psz_control ) != -1 ) { free( psz_modules ); psz_modules = psz_tmp; } } else if( psz_control ) { free( psz_modules ); psz_modules = strdup( psz_control ); } psz_parser = psz_modules; while ( psz_parser && *psz_parser ) { char *psz_module, *psz_temp; psz_module = psz_parser; psz_parser = strchr( psz_module, ':' ); if ( psz_parser ) { *psz_parser = '\0'; psz_parser++; } if( asprintf( &psz_temp, "%s,none", psz_module ) != -1) { intf_Create( p_libvlc, psz_temp ); free( psz_temp ); } } free( psz_modules ); free( psz_control ); /* * Always load the hotkeys interface if it exists */ intf_Create( p_libvlc, "hotkeys,none" ); if( var_InheritBool( p_libvlc, "file-logging" ) #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H && !var_InheritBool( p_libvlc, "syslog" ) #endif ) { intf_Create( p_libvlc, "logger,none" ); } #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H if( var_InheritBool( p_libvlc, "syslog" ) ) { char *logmode = var_CreateGetNonEmptyString( p_libvlc, "logmode" ); var_SetString( p_libvlc, "logmode", "syslog" ); intf_Create( p_libvlc, "logger,none" ); if( logmode ) { var_SetString( p_libvlc, "logmode", logmode ); free( logmode ); } var_Destroy( p_libvlc, "logmode" ); } #endif if( var_InheritBool( p_libvlc, "network-synchronisation") ) { intf_Create( p_libvlc, "netsync,none" ); } #ifdef __APPLE__ var_Create( p_libvlc, "drawable-view-top", VLC_VAR_INTEGER ); var_Create( p_libvlc, "drawable-view-left", VLC_VAR_INTEGER ); var_Create( p_libvlc, "drawable-view-bottom", VLC_VAR_INTEGER ); var_Create( p_libvlc, "drawable-view-right", VLC_VAR_INTEGER ); var_Create( p_libvlc, "drawable-clip-top", VLC_VAR_INTEGER ); var_Create( p_libvlc, "drawable-clip-left", VLC_VAR_INTEGER ); var_Create( p_libvlc, "drawable-clip-bottom", VLC_VAR_INTEGER ); var_Create( p_libvlc, "drawable-clip-right", VLC_VAR_INTEGER ); var_Create( p_libvlc, "drawable-nsobject", VLC_VAR_ADDRESS ); #endif #if defined (WIN32) || defined (__OS2__) var_Create( p_libvlc, "drawable-hwnd", VLC_VAR_INTEGER ); #endif /* * Get input filenames given as commandline arguments. * We assume that the remaining parameters are filenames * and their input options. */ GetFilenames( p_libvlc, i_argc - vlc_optind, ppsz_argv + vlc_optind ); /* * Get --open argument */ psz_val = var_InheritString( p_libvlc, "open" ); if ( psz_val != NULL ) { playlist_AddExt( p_playlist, psz_val, NULL, PLAYLIST_INSERT, 0, -1, 0, NULL, 0, true, pl_Unlocked ); free( psz_val ); } return VLC_SUCCESS; }
/** * Create the main playlist thread * Additionally to the playlist, this thread controls : * - Statistics * - VLM * \param p_parent * \return an object with a started thread */ void __playlist_ThreadCreate( vlc_object_t *p_parent ) { playlist_t *p_playlist = playlist_Create( p_parent ); if( !p_playlist ) return; // Preparse static const char ppname[] = "preparser"; p_playlist->p_preparse = vlc_custom_create( p_playlist, sizeof( playlist_preparse_t ), VLC_OBJECT_GENERIC, ppname ); if( !p_playlist->p_preparse ) { msg_Err( p_playlist, "unable to create preparser" ); vlc_object_release( p_playlist ); return; } p_playlist->p_preparse->i_waiting = 0; p_playlist->p_preparse->pp_waiting = NULL; vlc_object_set_destructor( p_playlist->p_preparse, PreparseDestructor ); vlc_object_attach( p_playlist->p_preparse, p_playlist ); if( vlc_thread_create( p_playlist->p_preparse, "preparser", RunPreparse, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW, true ) ) { msg_Err( p_playlist, "cannot spawn preparse thread" ); vlc_object_release( p_playlist->p_preparse ); return; } // Secondary Preparse static const char fname[] = "fetcher"; p_playlist->p_fetcher = vlc_custom_create( p_playlist, sizeof( playlist_fetcher_t ), VLC_OBJECT_GENERIC, fname ); if( !p_playlist->p_fetcher ) { msg_Err( p_playlist, "unable to create secondary preparser" ); vlc_object_release( p_playlist ); return; } p_playlist->p_fetcher->i_waiting = 0; p_playlist->p_fetcher->pp_waiting = NULL; p_playlist->p_fetcher->i_art_policy = var_CreateGetInteger( p_playlist, "album-art" ); vlc_object_set_destructor( p_playlist->p_fetcher, FetcherDestructor ); vlc_object_attach( p_playlist->p_fetcher, p_playlist ); if( vlc_thread_create( p_playlist->p_fetcher, "fetcher", RunFetcher, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW, true ) ) { msg_Err( p_playlist, "cannot spawn secondary preparse thread" ); vlc_object_release( p_playlist->p_fetcher ); return; } // Start the thread if( vlc_thread_create( p_playlist, "playlist", RunControlThread, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW, true ) ) { msg_Err( p_playlist, "cannot spawn playlist thread" ); vlc_object_release( p_playlist ); return; } /* The object has been initialized, now attach it */ vlc_object_attach( p_playlist, p_parent ); return; }