/* CTextureCanvas::onMouseEvent
 * Called when and mouse event is generated (movement/clicking/etc)
void CTextureCanvas::onMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& e)
	bool refresh = false;

	if (e.Moving() || e.Dragging())
		dragging = false;

		// Pan if middle button is down
		if (e.MiddleIsDown())
			offset = offset + point2_t(e.GetPosition().x - mouse_prev.x, e.GetPosition().y - mouse_prev.y);
			refresh = true;
			dragging = true;
		else if (e.LeftIsDown())
			dragging = true;

		// Check if patch hilight changes
		point2_t pos = screenToTexPosition(e.GetX(), e.GetY());
		int patch = patchAt(pos.x, pos.y);
		if (hilight_patch != patch)
			hilight_patch = patch;
			refresh = true;

	else if (e.LeftUp())
		// If we were dragging, generate end drag event
		if (dragging)
			dragging = false;
			refresh = true;
			wxCommandEvent evt(EVT_DRAG_END, GetId());

	if (e.Leaving())
		// Set no hilighted patch
		hilight_patch = -1;
		refresh = true;

	// Refresh is needed
	if (refresh)

	// Update 'previous' mouse coordinates
	mouse_prev.set(e.GetPosition().x, e.GetPosition().y);
/* GfxCanvas::onMouseMovement
 * Called when the mouse pointer is moved within the canvas
void GfxCanvas::onMouseMovement(wxMouseEvent& e)
	bool refresh = false;

	// Check if the mouse is over the image
	int x = e.GetPosition().x;
	int y = e.GetPosition().y - 2;
	bool on_image = onImage(x, y);
	cursor_pos = imageCoords(x, y);
	if (on_image && editing_mode)
		if (cursor_pos != prev_pos)
		prev_pos = cursor_pos;
	if (on_image != image_hilight)
		image_hilight = on_image;
		refresh = true;

		// Update cursor if drag allowed
		if (on_image)
			if (editing_mode)
			else if (allow_drag)
		else if (allow_drag && !e.LeftIsDown())
	// Drag
	if (e.LeftIsDown())
		if (editing_mode)
			brushCanvas(x, y);
			drag_pos.set(e.GetPosition().x, e.GetPosition().y);
			refresh = true;
	else if (e.MiddleIsDown())
		offset = offset + point2_t(e.GetPosition().x - mouse_prev.x, e.GetPosition().y - mouse_prev.y);
		refresh = true;
	// Right mouse down
	if (e.RightIsDown() && on_image)
		pickColour(x, y);

	if (refresh)

	mouse_prev.set(e.GetPosition().x, e.GetPosition().y);
/* ModifyOffsetsDialog::getOffset
 * Returns the offsets that have been entered
point2_t ModifyOffsetsDialog::getOffset()
	long x = 0;
	long y = 0;

	return point2_t(x, y);
/* CTextureCanvas::screenToTexPosition
 * Convert from [x,y] from the top left of the canvas to coordinates
 * relative to the top left of the texture
point2_t CTextureCanvas::screenToTexPosition(int x, int y)
	// Check a texture is open
	if (!texture)
		return point2_t(0, 0);

	// Get texture scale
	double scalex = 1;
	double scaley = 1;
	if (tex_scale)
		scalex = texture->getScaleX();
		if (scalex == 0) scalex = 1;
		scaley = texture->getScaleY();
		if (scaley == 0) scaley = 1;

	// Get top-left of texture in screen coordinates (ie relative to the top-left of the canvas)
	int left = GetSize().x * 0.5 + offset.x;
	int top = GetSize().y * 0.5 + offset.y;

	// Adjust for view type
	double yscale = (tx_arc ? scale * 1.2 : scale);
	if (view_type == 0)
		// None (centered)
		left -= ((double)texture->getWidth() / scalex) * 0.5 * scale;
		top -= ((double)texture->getHeight() / scaley) * 0.5 * yscale;
	if (view_type >= 1)
		// Sprite
		left -= ((double)texture->getOffsetX() / scalex) * scale;
		top -= ((double)texture->getOffsetY() / scaley) * yscale;
	if (view_type == 2)
		// HUD
		left -= 160 * scale;
		top -= 100 * yscale;

	return point2_t(double(x - left) / scale * scalex, double(y - top) / yscale * scaley);
/* GfxCanvas::imageCoords
 * Returns the image coordinates at [x,y] in screen coordinates, or
 * [-1, -1] if not on the image
point2_t GfxCanvas::imageCoords(int x, int y)
	// Determine top-left coordinates of image in screen coords
	double left = GetSize().x * 0.5 + offset.x;
	double top = GetSize().y * 0.5 + offset.y;
	double yscale = scale * (gfx_arc ? 1.2 : 1);

	if (view_type == GFXVIEW_DEFAULT || view_type == GFXVIEW_TILED)
		left = offset.x;
		top = offset.y;
	else if (view_type == GFXVIEW_CENTERED)
		left -= (double)image->getWidth() * 0.5 * scale;
		top -= (double)image->getHeight() * 0.5 * yscale;
	else if (view_type == GFXVIEW_SPRITE)
		left -= image->offset().x * scale;
		top -= image->offset().y * yscale;
	else if (view_type == GFXVIEW_HUD)
		left -= 160 * scale;
		top -= 100 * scale * (gfx_arc ? 1.2 : 1);
		left -= image->offset().x * scale;
		top -= image->offset().y * yscale;

	// Determine bottom-right coordinates of image in screen coords
	double right = left + image->getWidth() * scale;
	double bottom = top + image->getHeight() * yscale;

	// Check if the pointer is within the image
	if (x >= left && x <= right && y >= top && y <= bottom)
		// Determine where in the image it is
		double w = right - left;
		double h = bottom - top;
		double xpos = double(x - left) / w;
		double ypos = double(y - top) / h;

		return point2_t(xpos * image->getWidth(), ypos * image->getHeight());
/* CTextureCanvas::screenToTexPosition
 * Convert from [x,y] from the top left of the texture to
 * coordinates relative to the top left of the canvas
point2_t CTextureCanvas::texToScreenPosition(int x, int y)
	// Get texture scale
	double tscalex = 1;
	double tscaley = 1;
	if (tex_scale)
		tscalex = texture->getScaleX();
		if (tscalex == 0) tscalex = 1;
		tscaley = texture->getScaleY();
		if (tscaley == 0) tscaley = 1;
	tscalex = 1.0 / tscalex;
	tscaley = 1.0 / tscaley;

	// Get top/left
	double yscale = (tx_arc ? scale * 1.2 : scale);
	double halfx = (texture->getWidth() * 0.5 * scale * tscalex);
	double halfy = (texture->getHeight() * 0.5 * yscale * tscaley);
	double left = offset.x + (GetSize().x * 0.5) - halfx;
	double top = -offset.y + (GetSize().y * 0.5) - halfy;

	// Adjust for view types
	if (view_type >= 1)
		// Sprite
		left -= (texture->getOffsetX() * scale * tscalex) - halfx;
		top += (texture->getOffsetY() * yscale * tscaley) - halfy;
	if (view_type == 2)
		// HUD
		left -= (160 * scale);
		top += (100 * yscale);

	return point2_t(left, top);
point2_t ModifyOffsetsDialog::calculateOffsets(int xoff, int yoff, int width, int height)
	int type = getAlignType();
	point2_t offset = getOffset();
	int x = xoff;
	int y = yoff;

	if (type >= 0)
		// Monster
		if (type == 0)
			x = width * 0.5;
			y = height - 4;

		// Monster (GL-friendly)
		else if (type == 1)
			x = width * 0.5;
			y = height;

		// Projectile
		else if (type == 2)
			x = width * 0.5;
			y = height * 0.5;

		// Weapon (Fullscreen)
		else if (type == 3)
			x = -160 + (width * 0.5);
			y = -200 + height;

		// Weapon (Doom status bar)
		else if (type == 4)
			x = -160 + (width * 0.5);
			y = -200 + 32 + height;

		// Weapon (Heretic status bar)
		else if (type == 5)
			x = -160 + (width * 0.5);
			y = -200 + 42 + height;

		// Weapon (Hexen status bar)
		else if (type == 6)
			x = -160 + (width * 0.5);
			y = -200 + 38 + height;
		// Relative offset
		if (relativeOffset())
			if (xOffChange()) x = xoff + offset.x;
			if (yOffChange()) y = yoff + offset.y;
		// Set offset
			if (xOffChange()) x = offset.x;
			if (yOffChange()) y = offset.y;

	return point2_t(x, y);