/* ioLoadExternalFunctionOfLengthFromModuleOfLength
	Entry point for functions looked up through the VM.
void *ioLoadExternalFunctionOfLengthFromModuleOfLength(sqInt functionNameIndex, sqInt functionNameLength,
						       sqInt moduleNameIndex,   sqInt moduleNameLength)
	char *functionNamePointer= pointerForIndex_xxx_dmu((usqInt)functionNameIndex);
	char *moduleNamePointer= pointerForIndex_xxx_dmu((usqInt)moduleNameIndex);
	char functionName[256];
	char moduleName[256];
	sqInt i;

	if(functionNameLength > 255 || moduleNameLength > 255)
		return 0; /* can't cope with those */
	for(i=0; i< functionNameLength; i++)
		functionName[i] = functionNamePointer[i];
	functionName[functionNameLength] = 0;
	for(i=0; i< moduleNameLength; i++)
		moduleName[i] = moduleNamePointer[i];
	moduleName[moduleNameLength] = 0;
	return ioLoadFunctionFrom(functionName, moduleName);
/* ioUnloadModuleOfLength:
	Entry point for the interpreter.
sqInt ioUnloadModuleOfLength(sqInt moduleNameIndex, sqInt moduleNameLength)
	char *moduleNamePointer= pointerForIndex_xxx_dmu((usqInt) moduleNameIndex);
	char moduleName[256];
	sqInt i;

	if(moduleNameLength > 255) return 0; /* can't cope with those */
	for(i=0; i< moduleNameLength; i++)
		moduleName[i] = moduleNamePointer[i];
	moduleName[moduleNameLength] = 0;
	return ioUnloadModule(moduleName);
sqInt vmPathGetLength(sqInt sqVMPathIndex, sqInt length)
  char *stVMPath= (char*)pointerForIndex_xxx_dmu(sqVMPathIndex);
  int count, i;

  count= strlen(vmPath);
  count= (length < count) ? length : count;

  /* copy the file name into the Squeak string */
  for (i= 0; i < count; i++)
    stVMPath[i]= vmPath[i];

  return count;
sqInt imageNameGetLength(sqInt sqImageNameIndex, sqInt length)
  char *sqImageName= (char*)pointerForIndex_xxx_dmu(sqImageNameIndex);
  int count, i;

  count= strlen(imageName);
  count= (length < count) ? length : count;

  /* copy the file name into the Squeak string */
  for (i= 0; i < count; i++)
    sqImageName[i]= imageName[i];

  return count;
/* ioLoadModuleOfLength
	This entry point is exclusively for the FFI.
	It does *NOT* call any of the initializers nor
	does it attempt to lookup stuff internally.
void *ioLoadModuleOfLength(sqInt moduleNameIndex, sqInt moduleNameLength)
	ModuleEntry *module;
	char *moduleNamePointer= pointerForIndex_xxx_dmu((usqInt)moduleNameIndex);
	char moduleName[256];
	sqInt i;

	if(moduleNameLength > 255) return 0; /* can't cope with those */
	for(i=0; i< moduleNameLength; i++)
		moduleName[i] = moduleNamePointer[i];
	moduleName[moduleNameLength] = 0;

	module = findOrLoadModule(moduleName, 1);
	if(module) return module->handle;
	return 0;
/* ioLoadSymbolOfLengthFromModule
	This entry point is exclusively for the FFI.
void *ioLoadSymbolOfLengthFromModule(sqInt functionNameIndex, sqInt functionNameLength, void *moduleHandle)
	char *functionNamePointer= pointerForIndex_xxx_dmu((usqInt)functionNameIndex);
	char functionName[256];
	sqInt i;

	if(functionNameLength > 255)
		return 0; /* can't cope with those */
	for(i=0; i< functionNameLength; i++)
		functionName[i] = functionNamePointer[i];
	functionName[functionNameLength] = 0;
		return ioFindExternalFunctionIn(functionName, moduleHandle);
		return 0;
sqInt imageNamePutLength(sqInt sqImageNameIndex, sqInt length)
  char *sqImageName= (char*)pointerForIndex_xxx_dmu(sqImageNameIndex);
  int count, i;

  count= (IMAGE_NAME_SIZE < length) ? IMAGE_NAME_SIZE : length;

  /* copy the file name into a null-terminated C string */
  for (i= 0; i < count; i++)
    imageName[i]= sqImageName[i];
  imageName[count]= 0;


  return count;
static sqInt sound_RecordSamplesIntoAtLength(sqInt buf, sqInt startSliceIndex, sqInt bufferSizeInBytes)
  if (input)
      if (Buffer_avail(input->buffer) >= (512 * DeviceFrameSize))
	  int    start= startSliceIndex * SqueakFrameSize / 2;
	  UInt32 count= min(input->cvtBufSize, bufferSizeInBytes - start);
	  if (kAudioHardwareNoError == AudioConverterFillBuffer(input->converter, bufferDataProc, input,
								&count, pointerForIndex_xxx_dmu(buf) + start))
	    return count / (SqueakFrameSize / 2) / input->channels;
      return 0;
  return 0;
// play (exactly) frameCount of samples (and no less, since the result is
// ignored).
static sqInt sound_PlaySamplesFromAtLength(sqInt frameCount, sqInt arrayIndex, sqInt startIndex)
  if (output)
      int byteCount= frameCount * SqueakFrameSize;
      if (Buffer_free(output->buffer) >= byteCount)
		       pointerForIndex_xxx_dmu(arrayIndex) + (startIndex * SqueakFrameSize),
	  return frameCount;
      return 0;
  return 8192;
// insert up to frameCount (and no less than frameCount/2 -- see SoundPlayer
// class>>startPlayingImmediately: for the [bogus] reasons why) frames into
// the front and back buffers, leaving some number of framesOfLeadTime
// intact before starging the insertion.  (this last parameter is
// meaningless for us and could be reduced to zero, but ignoring it causes
// strange things to happen.  time to rething the image code, methinks.)
// Note: this is only used when the "sound quick start" preference is
// enabled in the image.
static sqInt sound_InsertSamplesFromLeadTime(sqInt frameCount, sqInt srcBufPtr, sqInt framesOfLeadTime)
  Stream *s= output;

  DPRINTF("snd_InsertSamples %d From %p LeadTime %d\n", frameCount, srcBufPtr, framesOfLeadTime);

  if (s)
      // data already sent to the device is lost forever, although latency
      // is only a few hundred frames (and is certainly much lower than the
      // standard value of `framesOfLeadTime').  instead of putzing around
      // why not just mix the samples in right away, leaving one h/w
      // buffer's worth of lead time in case we're interrupted in the
      // middle?

      char *frontData=   0, *backData=   0;
      int   frontFrames= 0,  backFrames= 0;
      int   framesDone=  0;
      int   leadBytes;

#    if (OBEY_LEAD_TIME)
	AudioTimeStamp timeStamp;
	u_int64_t      then, now;

	timeStamp.mFlags= kAudioTimeStampHostTimeValid;
	checkError(AudioDeviceGetCurrentTime(s->id, &timeStamp),
		   "AudioDeviceGetCurrentTime", "");
	now= AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos(timeStamp.mHostTime) / 1000ull;
	then= s->timestamp;
	leadBytes= ( ((now - then) * (u_int64_t)s->sampleRate) / 1000000ull
		     + framesOfLeadTime ) * SqueakFrameSize;
#    else
	leadBytes= s->devBufSize;	// quantum shipped to the hardware
#    endif

	int   availBytes;
	int   byteCount= frameCount * SqueakFrameSize;
				 &frontData, &frontFrames,	// bytes!
				 &backData,  &backFrames);	// bytes!
	availBytes= frontFrames + backFrames;
	// don't consume more than frameCount - 1 frames
	leadBytes= max(leadBytes, availBytes - byteCount + SqueakFrameSize);

	assert((availBytes - leadBytes) <  (byteCount));

	if (leadBytes < frontFrames)	// skip leadBytes into first fragment
	    frontData   += leadBytes;
	    frontFrames -= leadBytes;
	else				// omit the first fragment
	    leadBytes -= frontFrames;	// lead in second fragment
	    frontFrames= 0;
	    backData   += leadBytes;	// skip leadBytes into second fragment
	    backFrames -= leadBytes;
	frontFrames /= SqueakFrameSize;
	backFrames  /= SqueakFrameSize;

      assert((frontFrames + backFrames) < frameCount);	// avoid bug in image

      if ((frontFrames + backFrames) >= (frameCount / 2))
	  mixFrames((short *)frontData, (short *)pointerForIndex_xxx_dmu(srcBufPtr), frontFrames);
	  srcBufPtr += frontFrames * SqueakFrameSize;
	  mixFrames((short *)backData,  (short *)pointerForIndex_xxx_dmu(srcBufPtr), backFrames);
	  framesDone= frontFrames + backFrames;
      return framesDone;

  return frameCount;
sqInt getAttributeIntoLength(sqInt id, sqInt byteArrayIndex, sqInt length)
  if (length > 0)
    strncpy((char*)pointerForIndex_xxx_dmu(byteArrayIndex), getAttribute(id), length);
  return 0;