MutableMatrix* ResF4toM2Interface::to_M2_MutableMatrix(
                                                       const Ring* K,
                                                       SchreyerFrame& C,
                                                       int lev,
                                                       int degree)
  // Now we loop through the elements of degree 'degree' at level 'lev'
  auto& thislevel = C.level(lev);
  int n = 0;
  for (auto p=thislevel.begin(); p != thislevel.end(); ++p)
      if (p->mDegree == degree) n++;

  auto& prevlevel = C.level(lev-1);
  int* newcomps = new int[prevlevel.size()];
  int nextcomp = 0;
  for (int i=0; i<prevlevel.size(); i++)
    if (prevlevel[i].mDegree == degree)
      newcomps[i] = nextcomp++;
      newcomps[i] = -1;

  // create the mutable matrix
  MutableMatrix* result = MutableMatrix::zero_matrix(K,
  // Now loop through the elements at thislevel,
  // and for each, loop through the terms of mSyzygy.
  // if the component x satisfies newcomps[x] >= 0, then place
  // this coeff into the mutable matrix.
  int col = 0;
  for (auto p=thislevel.begin(); p != thislevel.end(); ++p)
      if (p->mDegree != degree) continue;
      auto& f = p->mSyzygy;
      auto end = poly_iter(C.ring(), f, 1);
      auto i = poly_iter(C.ring(), f);
      for ( ; i != end; ++i)
          long comp = C.monoid().get_component(i.monomial());
          if (newcomps[comp] >= 0)
              ring_elem a;
              a = K->from_long(C.ring().resGausser().coeff_to_int(i.coefficient()));
              result->set_entry(newcomps[comp], col, a);

  delete [] newcomps;
  return result;
inline void display_poly(std::ostream& o, const ResPolyRing& R, const poly& f)
  auto end = poly_iter(R, f, 1);  // end
  int i = 0;
  for (auto it = poly_iter(R, f); it != end; ++it, ++i)
      R.resGausser().out(o, f.coeffs, i);
      res_const_packed_monomial mon = it.monomial();
文件: res-f4.cpp 项目: BertiniM2/M2
void F4Res::loadRow(Row& r)
  //  std::cout << "loadRow: " << std::endl;

  r.mCoeffs = resGausser().allocateCoefficientVector();

  //  monoid().showAlpha(r.mLeadTerm);
  //  std::cout << std::endl;
  int skew_sign;  // will be set to 1, unless ring().isSkewCommutative() is
                  // true, then it can be -1,0,1.
  // however, if it is 0, then "val" below will also be -1.
  long comp = monoid().get_component(r.mLeadTerm);
  auto& thiselement = mFrame.level(mThisLevel - 1)[comp];
  // std::cout << "  comp=" << comp << " mDegree=" << thiselement.mDegree << "
  // mThisDegree=" << mThisDegree << std::endl;
  if (thiselement.mDegree == mThisDegree)
      // We only need to add in the current monomial
      // fprintf(stdout, "USING degree 0 monomial\n");
      ComponentIndex val =
          processMonomialProduct(r.mLeadTerm, thiselement.mMonom, skew_sign);
      if (val < 0) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected monomial to live\n");
      if (skew_sign > 0)
          // Only happens if we are in a skew commuting ring.
  auto& p = thiselement.mSyzygy;
  auto end = poly_iter(mRing, p, 1);
  auto i = poly_iter(mRing, p);
  for (; i != end; ++i)
      ComponentIndex val =
          processMonomialProduct(r.mLeadTerm, i.monomial(), skew_sign);
      // std::cout << "  monom: " << val << " skewsign=" << skew_sign << "
      // mColumns.size=" << mColumns.size() << std::endl;
      if (val < 0) continue;
      if (skew_sign > 0)
            r.mCoeffs, p.coeffs, i.coefficient_index());
          // Only happens if we are in a skew commuting ring.
              r.mCoeffs, p.coeffs, i.coefficient_index());
inline void display_poly(FILE* fil, const ResPolyRing& R, const poly& f)
  auto end = poly_iter(R, f, 1); // end
  for (auto it = poly_iter(R, f); it != end; ++it)
      FieldElement c = R.resGausser().coeff_to_int(it.coefficient());
      packed_monomial mon = it.monomial();
      if (c != 1) fprintf(fil, "%d", c);
int SchreyerFrame::rank(int slanted_degree, int lev)
  // As above, get the size of the matrix, and 'newcols'
  // Now we loop through the elements of degree 'slanted_degree + lev' at level 'lev'
  if (not (lev > 0 and lev <= maxLevel())
      and not (slanted_degree >= mLoSlantedDegree and slanted_degree < mHiSlantedDegree))
      std::cerr << "ERROR: called rank(" << slanted_degree << "," << lev << ")" << std::endl;
      return 0;
  assert(lev > 0 and lev <= maxLevel());
  assert(slanted_degree >= mLoSlantedDegree and slanted_degree < mHiSlantedDegree);
  int degree = slanted_degree + lev;
  auto& thislevel = level(lev);
  int ncols = 0;
  for (auto p=thislevel.begin(); p != thislevel.end(); ++p)
      if (p->mDegree == degree) ncols++;

  auto& prevlevel = level(lev-1);
  int* newcomps = new int[prevlevel.size()];
  int nrows = 0;
  for (int i=0; i<prevlevel.size(); i++)
    if (prevlevel[i].mDegree == degree)
      newcomps[i] = nrows++;
      newcomps[i] = -1;

  // Create the ARing
  // Create a DMat
  //  M2::ARingZZpFlint R(gausser().get_ring()->characteristic());
  //  DMat<M2::ARingZZpFlint> M(R, nrows, ncols);

#if 0
  // TODO: Change this
  M2::ARingZZpFFPACK R(gausser().get_ring()->characteristic());
  DMat<M2::ARingZZpFFPACK> M(R, nrows, ncols);
  // Fill in DMat
  // loop through the elements at thislevel,
  // and for each, loop through the terms of mSyzygy.
  // if the component x satisfies newcomps[x] >= 0, then place
  // this coeff into the mutable matrix.
  int col = 0;
  long nnonzeros = 0;
  for (auto p=thislevel.begin(); p != thislevel.end(); ++p)
      if (p->mDegree != degree) continue;
      auto& f = p->mSyzygy;
      auto end = poly_iter(ring(), f, 1);
      auto i = poly_iter(ring(), f);
      for ( ; i != end; ++i)
          long comp = monoid().get_component(i.monomial());
          if (newcomps[comp] >= 0)
              #if 0
              // TODO: change this line:
              M.entry(newcomps[comp], col) = gausser().coeff_to_int(i.coefficient());
  double frac_nonzero = (nrows*ncols);
  frac_nonzero = nnonzeros / frac_nonzero;

  //  buffer o;
  //  displayMat(o, M);
  //  std::cout << o.str() << std::endl;
  // call rank
  //  auto a = DMatLinAlg<M2::ARingZZpFlint>(M);
#if 0
  // TODO: change this line
  auto a = DMatLinAlg<M2::ARingZZpFFPACK>(M);
  long numrows = M.numRows();
  long numcols = M.numColumns();
  long numrows = 0;
  long numcols = 0;
  clock_t begin_time0 = clock();
  int rk = 0; // TODO: static_cast<int>(a.rank());
  clock_t end_time0 = clock();
  double nsecs0 = (double)(end_time0 - begin_time0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  if (M2_gbTrace >= 2)
      std::cout << "rank (" << slanted_degree << "," << lev << ") = " << rk
                << " time " << nsecs0 << " size= " << numrows
                << " x " << numcols << " nonzero " << nnonzeros << std::endl;
  return rk;
double ResF4toM2Interface::setDegreeZeroMap(SchreyerFrame& C,
                                       DMat<RingType>& result,
                                       int slanted_degree,
                                       int lev)
// 'result' should be previously initialized, but will be resized.
// return value: -1 means (slanted_degree, lev) is out of range, and the zero matrix was returned.
//   otherwise: the fraction of non-zero elements is returned.
  // As above, get the size of the matrix, and 'newcols'
  // Now we loop through the elements of degree 'slanted_degree + lev' at level 'lev'
  const RingType& R = result.ring();
  if (not (lev > 0 and lev <= C.maxLevel()))
      return -1;
  assert(lev > 0 and lev <= C.maxLevel());
  int degree = slanted_degree + lev;
  auto& thislevel = C.level(lev);
  int ncols = 0;
  for (auto p=thislevel.begin(); p != thislevel.end(); ++p)
      if (p->mDegree == degree) ncols++;

  auto& prevlevel = C.level(lev-1);
  int* newcomps = new int[prevlevel.size()];
  int nrows = 0;
  for (int i=0; i<prevlevel.size(); i++)
    if (prevlevel[i].mDegree == degree)
      newcomps[i] = nrows++;
      newcomps[i] = -1;

  result.resize(nrows, ncols);

  int col = 0;
  long nnonzeros = 0;  
  for (auto p=thislevel.begin(); p != thislevel.end(); ++p)
      if (p->mDegree != degree) continue;
      auto& f = p->mSyzygy;
      auto end = poly_iter(C.ring(), f, 1);
      auto i = poly_iter(C.ring(), f);
      for ( ; i != end; ++i)
          long comp = C.monoid().get_component(i.monomial());
          if (newcomps[comp] >= 0)
              R.set_from_long(result.entry(newcomps[comp], col), C.gausser().coeff_to_int(i.coefficient()));
  double frac_nonzero = (nrows*ncols);
  frac_nonzero = static_cast<double>(nnonzeros) / frac_nonzero;

  delete[] newcomps;

  return frac_nonzero;