void DetailedTimersDemo::timeDemo( hkDemo* demo, int iterations, const char* fileName )

	//	Time the demo
	hkMonitorStreamFrameInfo frameInfo;
#	ifdef HK_PS2
		frameInfo.m_indexOfTimer0 = 1;
		frameInfo.m_indexOfTimer1 = 0;
			// Assume that each instruction cache miss cost around 35 cycles.
			// So we can see how much of our overall time is spent waiting for the
			// memory system
		frameInfo.m_timerFactor0 = 35.0f / 300.f;
		frameInfo.m_timerFactor1 = 1.0f / 300.f;
		frameInfo.m_heading = "usec: IcachePenalty (assuming 35 cycle penalty)";
#	else
		frameInfo.m_indexOfTimer0 = 0;
		frameInfo.m_indexOfTimer1 = -1;
		frameInfo.m_heading = "usecs";
		frameInfo.m_timerFactor0 = 1e6f / hkReal(hkStopwatch::getTicksPerSecond());
#	endif

	int demoIdx = hkDemoDatabase::getInstance().findDemo( TEST_DEMO_FULLPATH );
	HK_ASSERT2(0x654e432e, demoIdx != -1, "Demo does not exist" );

	const bool isPhysicsDemo = (HK_DEMO_TYPE_PHYSICS == hkDemoDatabase::getInstance().getDemos()[ demoIdx ].m_demoTypeFlags);

	//	Setup some memory to store all the timer information 
	//  for all frames
	int numThreads = 1;

	if( isPhysicsDemo )
		hkCpuJobThreadPool* mtUtil = (hkCpuJobThreadPool*)static_cast<hkDefaultPhysicsDemo*>(demo)->m_jobThreadPool;
		if (mtUtil)
			numThreads += mtUtil->getNumThreads();

	hkMonitorStreamAnalyzer streamAnalyzer( 10000000, numThreads );

	for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++ )

		//	Setup the timerinfo and memory on a per frame bases
		hkMonitorStream& stream = hkMonitorStream::getInstance();
		stream.resize( 2 * 1024 * 1024  );	// 2 meg for timer info per frame

		//	Start timers
#		ifdef HK_PS2
			scePcStart( SCE_PC_CTE | SCE_PC_U0 | SCE_PC_U1 | SCE_PC0_ICACHE_MISS | SCE_PC1_CPU_CYCLE, 0 ,0 );
#		endif

		//	Step the demo

		//	Stop timers. This is necessary as a timer overflow on PlayStation(R)2 causes an exception
#		ifdef HK_PS2
		scePcStop() ;
#		endif

		//	Analyze the per frame info and copy the data over to the multi frame buffer

		if( numThreads > 1 )
			hkCpuJobThreadPool* mtUtil = (hkCpuJobThreadPool*)static_cast<hkDefaultPhysicsDemo*>(demo)->m_jobThreadPool;

			// Loop through each thread. Capture the frame details from the local
			// stream analyzer in each thread.
			for (int t = 0; t < mtUtil->getNumThreads(); ++t)
				hkCpuJobThreadPool::WorkerThreadData& data = mtUtil->m_workerThreads[t];

				if (data.m_monitorStreamBegin != data.m_monitorStreamEnd )
					frameInfo.m_threadId = t + 1;
					streamAnalyzer.captureFrameDetails( data.m_monitorStreamBegin,data.m_monitorStreamEnd, frameInfo );
		frameInfo.m_threadId = 0;
		streamAnalyzer.captureFrameDetails(stream.getStart(), stream.getEnd(), frameInfo );

	// Write the results to a file
		// Disable double conversion check - we know this will fail
		hkOstream ostr (fileName);
		ostr << TEST_DEMO_NAME "   Timers: \n";

		streamAnalyzer.writeStatistics( ostr );

hkDemo::Result BasicMovementDemo::stepDemo()
	// for PlayStation(R)2 metrowerks
	pushDoubleConversionCheck( false );

	// Display current settings
		char buf[255];
		for (int i=0; i< NUM_ANIMS; i++)
			hkString::sprintf(buf, "anim%d: %0.3f", i, m_control[i]->getWeight());
			const int h = m_env->m_window->getHeight();
			m_env->m_textDisplay->outputText( buf, 20, h-70+16*i, curveCols[i], 1);


	// Handle the keys
		bool jumping = (m_control[1]->getWeight() > 0.001f);

		if (!jumping)
			hkVector4 upVec(0,0,1);
			hkReal up, turn;
			up = m_env->m_gamePad->getStickPosY( 1 ); // 1 is the only one on PSP

			const hkBool upPressed = (up > 0.0f);
			const hkBool easeIn = (m_control[0]->getEaseStatus() == hkaDefaultAnimationControl::EASING_IN ) || ( m_control[0]->getEaseStatus() == hkaDefaultAnimationControl::EASED_IN );
			if ( easeIn  && ( !upPressed ))
				// Ease in stand
				m_control[0]->easeOut( 0.9f );
			else if (( !easeIn )  && upPressed )
				// Ease in walk cycle
				m_control[0]->easeIn( 0.9f );

			turn = m_env->m_gamePad->getStickPosX(1);

			turn *= -5.0f * HK_REAL_PI / 180.0f * m_control[0]->getWeight();

			hkQuaternion q;
			q.setAxisAngle(upVec, turn);
			hkReal remaining = m_control[1]->getAnimationBinding()->m_animation->m_duration - m_control[1]->getLocalTime();

			// If we've played through then fade out
			const hkBool easeIn = (m_control[1]->getEaseStatus() == hkaDefaultAnimationControl::EASING_IN ) || ( m_control[1]->getEaseStatus() == hkaDefaultAnimationControl::EASED_IN );
			if ( easeIn && (remaining < 0.2f))
				m_control[1]->easeOut( remaining );
				m_control[0]->setLocalTime( m_control[0]->getAnimationBinding()->m_animation->m_duration - remaining );
				m_control[0]->easeIn( remaining );


		if (m_env->m_gamePad->wasButtonPressed( HKG_PAD_BUTTON_2) && !jumping)
			// Reset jump animation and play

			m_control[1]->easeIn( 0.1f );
			m_control[0]->easeOut( 0.1f );

		if (m_env->m_gamePad->wasButtonPressed( HKG_PAD_BUTTON_1))


	// Grab accumulated motion
		hkQsTransform deltaMotion;
		m_skeletonInstance->getDeltaReferenceFrame( m_timestep, deltaMotion);

		hkQsTransform temp;
		temp.setMul(m_currentMotion, deltaMotion);
		m_currentMotion = temp;

	const int boneCount = m_skeleton->m_numBones;

	// Advance the active animations
	m_skeletonInstance->stepDeltaTime( 1.0f / 60.0f );

	// Sample the active animations and combine into a single pose
	hkaPose pose (m_skeleton);
	m_skeletonInstance->sampleAndCombineAnimations( pose.accessUnsyncedPoseLocalSpace().begin(), pose.getFloatSlotValues().begin()  );
	AnimationUtils::drawPose( pose, hkQsTransform::getIdentity() );

	// Construct the composite world transform
	hkLocalArray<hkTransform> compositeWorldInverse( boneCount );
	compositeWorldInverse.setSize( boneCount );

	// Convert accumlated info to graphics matrix
	hkTransform graphicsTransform;

	// Skin the meshes
		const hkArray<hkQsTransform>& poseInWorld = pose.getSyncedPoseModelSpace();

		for (int i=0; i < m_numSkinBindings; i++)
			// assumes either a straight map (null map) or a single one (1 palette)
			hkInt16* usedBones = m_skinBindings[i]->m_mappings? m_skinBindings[i]->m_mappings[0].m_mapping : HK_NULL;
			int numUsedBones = usedBones? m_skinBindings[i]->m_mappings[0].m_numMapping : boneCount;

			// Multiply through by the bind pose inverse world inverse matrices
			for (int p=0; p < numUsedBones; p++)
				int boneIndex = usedBones? usedBones[p] : p;
				compositeWorldInverse[p].setMul( poseInWorld[ boneIndex ], m_skinBindings[i]->m_boneFromSkinMeshTransforms[ boneIndex ] );

			AnimationUtils::skinMesh( *m_skinBindings[i]->m_mesh, graphicsTransform, compositeWorldInverse.begin(), *m_env->m_sceneConverter );

	return hkDemo::DEMO_OK;